Iso 45001 Corrective Action Program

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Event Type of Description Immediate action Root Cause analysis Resources Responsibl Date Effectiveness Annotation
No. Event e
rmity ,
Near Miss,
1 Nonconform Unmaintained To prepare a policy to No Monthly check-up HSE Plan Store 20/05/2 Masons and other To prepare a
ity mechanical equipment purchase new hand tools. on Mechanical /Safety Policy manager 4 construction policy to purchase
and tools causing Equipment workers who use new hand tools.
injury To create an inventory for hand tools
all tools and equipment. To (shovels, spades, To create an
provide the tool and drill, and trowel) inventory for all
equipment which are daily could be safe tools and
ergonomically more from the harmed equipment.
comfortable which and injured due to
generated less noise less incorrect usage or
than 50 db and vibration equipment failure
2 Near-Miss Work at height. Provide edge protection Scaffolding is not been HSE Plan Site in- 20/05/2 Workers who are Deploy an
(category) Hazard - top rail and mid rail on erected by certified /Safety Policy charge /Store 4 working on experienced
Workers are working scaffold. scaffolder. manager scaffold, can be supervisor to
on a fixed scaffold protected from monitor work at
height more than 15 Installed safety net across No daily check-up for falling down while height.
meter where top rail the working scaffold scaffold before use working at the
and mid rail are not platform. edge of scaffold,
provided/available because top rail &
Deploy a competent person mid rail are
to inspect scaffold at least missing, which can
once in a week and verify result in, Likely
that the scaffold is safe for injuries include
use. fractures, strains or
serious injury e.g.
3 Nonconform Vibration (category) Replace all faulty vibrating No periodical check-up HSE Plan Site in- 20/05/2 The workers and Organise a health
ity Hazard: - During hand tools and purchase on Hand tool /Safety Policy charge 4 mason can be surveillance
Replace all faulty new one protected from programme for all
vibrating grinding Increase the frequency of hazard caused by affected workers.
activity especially maintenance of tools. using grinder and
using faulty hand tools. faulty hand tools Purchase low
Establish proper for longer period voltage electrical
monitoring system to of time lead to equipment and
ensure, that vibrating hand hand arm-vibration use where
tools not been used for (HMV) condition possible.
long period such as loss of
sensation in
Provide anti vibration hand fingers, loss of grip
gloves to all workers to strength, lower
operate vibrating hand back pain
4 Nonconform Electricity (category) All faulty electrical No periodical check-up HSE Plan Site in- 20/05/2 The Worker can be Purchase low
ity Hazard: - Operating equipment must be on electrical /Safety Policy charge/Purch 4 protected from voltage electrical
portable electrical replaced. tools/Electrical Hand ase Manager Electric shock or equipment and
equipment, especially tool electrocution use where
using faulty equipment Electrical equipment to be which can lead possible.
such as portable inspected by competent bodily injury and
electrical tools with person at least once in 6 fatality
damaged electrical months.
cable damage plugs
and electrical switch ELCB to be installed to
board. prevent from electric shock
when any current leak
through any damage part of
Provide Electrical PPEs
5 Nonconform Noise (Category) Purchase grinding machine No prior safety HSE Plan Site in- 20/05/2 The workers and All grinders are
ity Hazard - Excessive which produce low noise training /Safety Policy charge/HSE 4 staff, visitors can trained and
noise i.e. more than 85 i.e. bellow 85 db. manager be protected from induction training
dB being produced Provide Acoustic Grinding the harm due to As provided to
from grinding machine machine soundproof the noise produced visitors.
and workers are not chambers. from grinding
using hearing machine is above Ear plug and ear
protection. Display warning sign at 85db and workers muff provided to
work site related to are not using all workmen and
excessive noise. hearing protection visitors before
i.e. ear plug or ear entering in
muff, this may lead fabrication yard.
to NIHL (Noise
induce Hearing).

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