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Differential Equation
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Differential Equation
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Differential Equation
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2x7 +3y?- ae a © solve 2a! yw + 8 ay, whee ae ROR OF Let u(x) and v(x) satisty the differential equations pau =fe) and 2 +pe=3@) respectively where p(x), f(x) and g(x) are continuous functions. If u(x,) > 0(%;) for some x1 and f(x) > (2) for all x>X%y prove that any point (x, y), where x>%v does not satisfy the equations y= u(x) and y = 0(x)- dy dyy ® y = 2x ——+/—]. dx \dx) : By ode WR 4 Gey OH © A curve passing through (1, 2) has its slope at any point (x, y) equal to a - Find the area of the région bounded by the curve and the line dx-y-4=0, © dx -yd ae ® =e ¥ 7 = ANS Ee come) xdy ~y = ® Anormalis drawn ata point P(x, yofacurve. Itmeetsthe x-axis at Q. IFPQis of constant length é k, then show that the differential equation describing such curves is, ye =t/e- 7 equation of such a curve passing through (0, k). uw ae ‘A.curve is such thatthe length ofthe polar radius of any point on the curve isequal tothe length ofthe tangent drawn a this point Form the differential equation and solv itto find the equation ofthe curve Qeer ee Mey ee y? «Find the2 SS Ses doyle) & - aS \ye ee) 5 ete ae vgn @ Find the curve y= f(x) where £(x)2 0, £(0) = 0, bounding a curvilinear trapezoid with the base & (0.x) whose area is proportional to (n +1) power of f(x). Itis known that £(1)= 1. ene S Find the equation ofa curve such thatthe projection of ts ordinate upon the normal i equal ots abscissa, from a point source situated at origin when reflected from the minror of search ‘The light raysemanating parallel to the x-axis, Show thatthe surface is parabolic, by frst forming the ® ight are reflected as beam. differential equation and then solving it. @ Find the isogonal trajectories for the family of rectangular hyperbolas ways, anangleof 45°, KE RECS aye ayy =e © (x3 — 3xy?) dx = (y>— 3x’y) dy Wes ONT ren Show that every homogeneous differential equation of the form 2D converted into variable separable by the substitution y dy REP Bee xcosy + sind | y —| ysin2 — xcos> | x——- =0 x 2 °9 y~ [yee x] dx a? which makes with it where fand g are homogeneous function of the same degree can be x=rcosO andy =rsin8. & Fite ve for which any tangent intersect the y-axisatthe point equidistant rom the point of tangency and the origin. nay =tnK dy . cosx (3 cosy 7Tsinx—3) _ @ ax | siny Gsinx — 7 cosy +7) Coy AAR APH BY RAP EC vint P int 4s the x-axis at Gand the perpendicular from P on £PG and NG is proportional to the abscissa of the differential equation and solve it to show Ifthe normal drawn to a curve at any poi the x-axis meets at, such that the sum of the lengths of the point P, the constant of proportionality being k. Form pee K S 7 that the equation of the ourve is, y?=ex* — > 5 or ay ee & where c isany arbitrary 2k+1 constant, «the curve such that the distance between the origin and the tangent at an arbitrary point is B® Sow equal tothe distance between the origin and the normal atthe same point, [Fay woot" Sc® Find the curve such that the area of the trapezium formed by the co-ordinate axes ordinate of an arbitrary point & the tangent at this point equals haf the square of ts abscissa. A= ORE ox@-pZ —(z—2)y=x @x—-)) QA) = RE KEK C)@ (lty +xy) dx + (x +x?) dy=0 = eae Find the curve possessing the property that the intercept, the tlngent at any point ofa curve cuts off on (Dthe y-axisis equal to the square of the abscissa of the point of tangency. ye coe oxce +1) =y (1—x?)+x?. Inx & Raye AE Qed aH) HOw 2 = —1 e(1 t+ y?) dx = (tan y —x)dy_... Me NA Find the curve such that the area of the rectangle constructed on the abscissa of any point and the initial © ordinate of the tangent at this point is equal to a. (nitial ordinate means y intercept of the tangent). Y= RAC, oc a e@* the function fn f(x) is defined where f(x) exists for x 22.8 k is fixed positive real number, prove that if A(x. 1(a)) $ —K f(a) then fx) S Axe TE where Ais independent of x. @ Find the differentiable function which satisfies the equation f(x)=— where x € (— 2/2, 1/2) Kemewr a If y, & y, be solutions of the differential equation s +Py=Q, where P & Q are functions of x fecotan tat france =x)dt a alone, and y,=y, 2, then prove that ae z=l+ae °%!, ‘a’ being an arbitrary constant d © F+Y my=F ay? ory dx x x @ 2 . xy = ye? : sin x oth ay Lc% Ge) x d exy-x aa yicosx yb= TAL x@ y (2 xy + e*) dx-e* dy=0 Yor 6) Findthe curve for which the area ofthe wiangle formed by the x~axis, the tangent line and radius vector of the point of tangency is equal to a”. w= ae ey GB hisnkcomtains 100 litres of fresh water. A solution containing 1 gm/litre of soluble lawn fertilizer runs into the tank at the rate of 1 1ivmin, and the mixture is pumped out of the tankat the rate of 3 litres/min. Find the time when the amount of fertilizer in the tank is maximum. 4 + XVV5 SY << O(x +y’t 2) dx + 2y dy =0 s = hte BR CEA d tal a. = =(1+x) e*secy dx 14+x ge EROS) 2 dx 2y K+) SAE A Be Ge) Se SS oe Ke ASS FAN @(1 —xy + xy?) dx =x? dy a fork Aes dy aa —e* = eX V(e%- e’) Sack Mek en a . ei . ©& yy’ sinx =cosx (sinx-y?) T 3+ S Awe es ms OZ ~y In2= 282%, (cosx — 1) In2., y being bounded when x —> +.Ss 0 ia at ae yt lye given y=1, where x=0 0 £0) dt passing through the points Given two curves y = f(x) passing through the points (0, 1) & y= (0, 1/2). The tangents drawn to both curves at the points with equal abscissas intersect on the x ~ axis. @ Find the curve (x). dre eX Consider the differential equation ey = dx POOY= OG) este) NLA) NOW) 5 Ke Gre + (If ewo particular solutions of given equation u(x) and v(x) are known, find the general solution ofthe ‘same equation in tems of u(x) and v(x). ® ffecand f are constants such that the near combinations u(x) + B-v(x) isa solution ofthe given ‘equation, find the relation between a and B. MAGN Birw0e isthe third particular sotution different from u(x) and v(x) then find the ratio 5 dy fears ex ae = y? +y? y?— x2 Wye CY EE) Find the curve which passes through the point (2,0) such thatthe segment ofthe tangent between the © point of tangeney & the y-axis has a constant length equal to2. ye yee atten ET) ~*~ @ xdy+y dx + *Y-VH =O yar he x +y yaa ah , given that y=2 whenx=1 (e-¥) 2yl-x? one De RNS ae Se SRL through the orgin ifthe middle point of the segment ofits normal te parabola 2y?=. be Sa 5 ® Find equation of the curve passing from any point of the curve to the x-axis lies on the @ Find ecominsus ftion which sasisthereation, Jrsee-ndt= a forall real number x. Stes e%— cw J £0) ¢t+ sinx +e0K-x—1, a@ ty tay D +x@tty-ad)=0 dx Ghee ae Woven @U-x dy + (yvi-*? -x-yl-«) dx=0. oe a me +e (8) 3x? y? + cos (xy) — xy sin (xy) + 2 {2x3y — x? sin (xy)} = 0. Why + WHY) = Lay 7 ‘8Y 4. y =0 which passes through (2) © Find the integral curve ofthe differential equation, x(1—x/ny).5° tk pan aN) = Find all the curves possessing the following property ; the segment of the tangent between the point of tangency & the axis isbisected at the point of intersection with the y-axis, Yao 2, = Sy (y dx + 2x dy) — x°(2y dx +x dy)=0 ae eee ce Aperpendicular drawn from any point P of the curve on the x—axis meets the x—axis at A. Length of © the perpendicular from A on the tangent line at P is equal to's’. Ifthis curve cuts the y-axis orthogonally, find the equation to all possible cures, expressing the answer explicitly. Y= SLO. EAS EAN ® Find the orthogonal trajectories for the given family of curves when'a'is the parameter: PEN D vse (ii) cosy=ae-*® tytaak Reger a ok fesye Cer HORTLE ad (Q) Acurvepassing 0) such that the ratio of the square of the intercept cut by any tangent off the y-axis tothe subnormal is equal tothe ratio of the product ofthe co-ordinates ofthe point of tangency tothe product are of the slope of the tangent and the atthe same point, Determi ee @® A&B are two separate reservoirs of water. Capacity of reservoir A is double the capacity of reservoir B. Both the reservoirs are filled completely with water, their inlets are closed and then the water is released simultaneously from both the reservoirs. The rate of flow of water out ofeach reservoir at any instant of time is proportional to the quantity of water in the reservoir at that time. One hour after the water is released , the quantity of water in reservoir Ais 1.5 times the quantity of water in reservoir B. ‘After how many hours do both the reservoirs have the same quantity of water? “Y= Asay ft) — ss @® Solve the differential equation 3008?x 2 (tan 2x) y=cos*x, |x| < 2, when y(x/6)=3 V3 8. Ye Sytem ae ust (REE'96,6] _ ) Solve the diff. equation ; y cos (xdy - yds) +x sin (xdy + yds) = 0, when y(1)= = *y Awe = (REE'97,6] =~ © Solve the differential equation (1 + tany) (dx — dy) + 2x dy=0 ue Geyer Dy) 2 ANAL (& Solve the differential equation, (x?+ 4y? + 4xy) dy =(2x + 4y + 1) dx. “ oN Lorman rtngyen yap a AE Setar‘Accountry has a food deficit of 10% Its population grows continuously at a rate of 3%. Its annual food production every year is 4% more than tat ofthe last year. Assuming that the average food requirement ©) per person remains constant, prove thatthe country will become self-suficient in food after ‘n' years, ‘where 'n' isthe smallest integer bigger than or equal to, Eno - (9 A E 2 én (104) — 0.03 ee ‘A hemispherical tank of radius 2 metres is intially ful of water and has an outlet of 12 can? cross sectional ‘area atthe bottom. The outlets opened at some instant. The flow through the outlet is according to the oy. 5 Sues © law VQ) = 0.6,,3gh(@) . where V(t) and b(t) are respectively the velocity ofthe low through the outlet uss Bee of water level above the outlet at time t, and gis the acceleration due to gravity. Find the 3 and the height time it takes to empty the tank. (JEE ‘2001 (Mains) 10 ] Find the equation ofthe carve which passes through the orign and the tangent to which at every point ae [REE "2001 (Mains) 3] (&, y) has slope equal to “=> —- Bye Readout), Wad Let f(x), x > 0, be a nonnegative contiquous function, and let F(x) = free x2 0.1 fr somec> 0 ©®) x)
0. [TBE 2001 (Mains) 5 out of 100] Cavers solution of dtiereattal equation of on = F200) + S00 +S CDY Is = (c being arbitary constant.) ace aes ©) y= -flx) +00" Y =f) +ce* fx) @ y=cfQ+e* ee =e as ii asympooge panuwcs waren, Oa ORY ; : @y _ 94( 4 \under the conditions y() =1 eh Men tee cena 2) S Q and y'(0) = 318+ pad 43x41 (@ yextsseet @ yosuntxetel (@ yaxt+axtt we cece ac Lava fwhore isan arbitrary constant) + Let f(x) be. diffe ferentiabl i & ino 570 ' le function on the interval a Such that fey xl ray? ]= dv > 0 en soni: LS @ 1,3 2 eee Oe ete wae The po creer x wt 7° Population p(t) at time ‘t” of a certain manen gnariee eatie@en Cay 97 ax? Vtety = fend 2% a Ys fa) = 1 : @”y fl y& ayoxt fa) 1 then the posible value of 2 f(3) equals: a m4 er @28 Suppose f and g are differentiable functions such that xg(f(x)) f'(g(x))8'(x) = fg) ECD F GI eR and fs postive, is postive Vx eR. Aso [ fgte))de = 3(-e-™) - 8 Ryg(f(O)) = Land A(x) = SLED) vx eR,g(f(0)) = 1and A(x) Faun 7** sz, + The graph of y = AC) is symmetic with respect to in (@ x=-1 @) x=0 fora @ x=2 ty, + Thevalue of f(= (00) + 8(/(0) equal 0: @1 ore © 3 @4 « The largest possible value of h(x) V x € Ris : nel @ ure @e : : Given a function ‘g' which has a derivative g’(x) for every real x and which satisfy 8) = 2and g(x +y) =e%g(x) +e%g(y) for all xand y. © The function g(x) is : @ x(2+x2") (>) xe" +0 wor be @ x+in(x+0) | Therange of function g(x) is: : @R al -2,.) @ (9%) é n in [-1, 0) and f(0) = 1 such that In(f(x))-In2 x-1 «,, Let f(a) be a differentiable functio 2, 2 Lim @£+D-G+ DFO _ 1 Find the value of Lim tox f)-fx+) xl The person the Seta ematon "+764. 9°@)=0 whee (0am Boyne 4g Q-1 Cyne tO - 9041 Water is drained from a vertical cyfndrical tank by opening a valve atthe base ofthe tank. Itis known that the rate at which the water level drops is proportional tothe square root of water depth y, where the constant of proportionality k > 0 depends on the acceleration due to gravity and the geometry of the hole. Iftis measured in mimutes and k = 3 then the time to drain the tank ifthe water is 4 meter deep to start with is (A) 30 min (@B) 45 min AC) 60 main ©) 80 min The differential equation of all parabolas each of which has a latus rectum '4a' & whose axes are parallel tox-atis is: Oe @®) of order 2 & degree 3 of order 2 and degree 1 () of order 2 and degree 2: 2 ‘Number of straight lines which satisfy the differential equation 2 +x (2) ~y=0is: ai Di ©3 m4 ‘The sohtion of the diferent! equation, x? cos! ~y sink = 1, where y—>—1 as x90 is YT y= snd ~ cosy ori © yecost +n My Ar ‘The real value of m for which the substitution, y= u™ will transform the differential equation, arty & + y= 4x6 ito a homogencons equations: (A) m=0 8) m=1 A) m=32 (D) 10 value of m ‘The solution of the differential equation, 2aty 2 tan yn? de d= fF SS sexy =e? B)sinix’y=x — Cheosy+x=0 DO) sinie’y)= e* ‘The differential equation whose general soltion is given by, Y= (cy cos(x +e3))~(cye**) + (cs sin x) , where cy C3. Cy, Cy cy are arbitrary constants, is ay _@y ay dy (A) ae t+y=0 + + Be =0 AMa-grty AOD af ye ay ay _d@y =O a =0 Opty os-Ste it fey(tyde= a2 + y @) then y as a fonction of xis wa? 2 _B y= 2-Qtade 2 ®)y=1-Q+ae ? ©Oy=2- (+e a {D) none The substiution y = * transforms the differential equation (xy? 1)dy*+ 2xy"dx = Ointo a homogeneous ‘fesgetial equation for eel @)o ©a=l (D) no value of 1. ‘A curve passing through (2, 3) and satisfying the differential equation {tx = xly (x), (x0) is 2 2 Weta @yede oxi BoarsONS Solution of the differential equation dy 10 (+e S+ &* (ay?-x)=0, is wre o-n+e=c Oe Gr-NteP=C @)e" @-1 +e" =C Me" y-N+er=C 3 Aiton y =/9)stshing the erential equation Fin x— ycosx+ 7" = 0s sch tat, y>0as x->@ then the statement which is correct is _gortin, 9) =1 2 cyfoes is greater than unity (4 mea 1 o- “en . he dear of the dtfertntial equation Sm ON a. Aeehe DR of all atvioht Hess wAtan — If." + y" = cx" is the solution of (x* Umnonal mm = A ‘ x 8 x) dx is less than 5 (D) ffx) is an odd fanction x 7 ; WC y= Tape] MERE € 18am arbitrary constant isthe general soation of the deren! eqn Ze oF ue e tatatying IVa + IT w Adio yee (0) 2 ide + AP Ry ABD, Hy 5 TO ae ine Y cicalar cone with radius R and height H contains dal ica 7 8 liquid which evaporates at a rate to Its surface area in contact with alr (proportionall that r(t) la the radius of liquid cone at time t. constant = i> ©) Seppene ‘The time after which the cone is empty is » Hk yk ‘The radius of water cone at 1 = 1 is U-H) b) Rl - HA] 10, “2™ the value of Y°r(i) is equal to k Uk at wy salaeilt aba +] ) alae iH) oe a = spy Hare stating mh —4y ay Opes tough (1044!) hen te valve of az =) ~ ©) HBk oun RIL + HA) ik se @ Ri + em)11 tet fhe) -9(20=) be a differential function such that 1) = 2. 6] £0 dt = 3xf02)=? for al xl, then the value of (2) is (6) } (The solution of ds yAee-e'yZa0l8 2x wel) + bg(y) then (0) = 0 , 7 e, Acree y= og 2d pe READ) =3) | men 63) = ’ es : oe a Te fnston sod satisfies the diferent equation ‘- ce =0 ay £+27@c09=0 b) Las @eor0=0 °) tte Let /:(1,=)-+12 ONG dffereninble function such that (1)=2. If fra s9e)-? for at x21, then the value of 2) is —(G 6 L£-27@=0£. Solution of the differential equation (x+y) e So 4 Otome 0) cotertca , such tha (x) < 2x) and 4(3) 1.Then he va of ffx) ies in the intra hh (201,24) © (3 (Dy =)2B ‘A curve passes through the point (1.2). Let the slope of the curve at each point (x, y) be Zosee(2), x>0. Then the equation of the curve is x x in( 2) = 1 x Bol 2) soared 0 cms(2) -tnge2 (© (22) otna2 ©) co(22) hase Oy The value ot fa {S0-e) fe is_@ 9 GB Meteor Fw enn tea in Bo Pa FB nt iin 4 £(0)=0. Then j S(x)ar is x Ora xB or-2 Let (x) be a solution of the differential equation (I + e")y' + ye! = 1. IF y(0) = 2, then which of the ®D feoptng semen is (ae) tue? <)=0 @)x-2)=0 [y(2) has a critical point inthe interval (1,0) (D),y&x)has no critical point in the interval (~1, 0) Consider the family of all circles whose centers lie on the straight line y = x. If this family of circles is © regresented by the diferetial equation Py” + Qy + 1 = 0, where P, Q are functions of x, y and 2 yiverey = # y= £4 then which ofthe following statements i (re) te? ae (A) Prytx DyPay-x OP O=1-ety ty HOF (D)P-Qex+y-¥-OF ‘Consider the hyperbola H : x” - y= } and a circle S with center N(x, 0). Suppose that H and S touch each ‘other at a point P(x;, y:) with x, > I and y, > 0. The common tangent to H and S at P intersects the x-axis at point M. If(, m) is the centroid of the triangle APMN, then the correct expression(s) is(are) 1 x SL torny>t Ot =e teen? oF 4 3( fe -1) a 1 1 Cy ats form? =! fory.>0 Reise eae Pag 314 PARAGRAPH 1 Let F: ROR be a thrice differentiable function. Suppose that F(1) = 0, F(3) = ~4 and F(x) <0 for all x € (1/2, 3). Let f(x) = xP) for allx € R. ‘The gorrect statement(s) is(are) iT g
0, passes through the poinJ44, 3). Then the solution curve intersects y = x +2 exactly at one point (B) intersects y=x +2 exactly at two points \ (©) intersects y= (+2) does NOT intersect y= (x +3) Ify = (x) satisfies the differential equation “1 wa(\orve)dy=(\a+\oevz) ak, x>0 and (0) = V7, then (256) = 3 (B]9 [c] 16 [D] 80 Iff,R Risa differentiable function such that /“(x) > 2f(x) for all x € R, and f(0) = 1, then 16 is increasing in (0, 00) [B]/ (2) is decreasing in (0, 20) (f(x) > e* in (0, 2) (D)/'@)
Rand g: R > R be two non-constant differentiable functions. If £'(x) = (e™) g'(x) for all x € R, and f{1) = g(2) = 1, then which of the following statement(s) is (are) TRUE ? (A) AQ) < | = loge 2 {(2) > 1 - log, 2 g(1)> 1 - log. 2 (D) g(1)<1-log, 2 Let f [0, 20) > R be a continuous function such that £(x)=1-2x-+fertf(t)dt ° for all x €[0, <0). Then, which of the following statement(s) is (are) TRUE ? (A) The curve y = f(x) passes through the point (1, 2) (BY The curve y= f(x) passes through the point (2, -1) Gf Te wea tere {&y) € [0 xR: fl) sys View} is (D) The area of the region {(x, y) € [0, 1] xR: f(x) Sys Vi-x’ } is a Let f: (0, x) — R be a twice differentiable function such that tim LEzDsint~S(O)sinx _ 552 x for allx € (0,2) oe tx If s(2)- ~ 7 then which of the following statements) is (are) TRUE ? @ /(2) rr oe xe forall x € (0, x) There exists a € (0, n) such that /"(a)=0 w (g)+s (§)- . B,C,D Let: R > R be a differentiable function with f(0)~ 0. Ify=/ (x) satisfies the differential equation 2 (2+5y)(5y-2), then the value of im (3) is @*) Let f: R-> R be a differentiable function with (0) = 1 and satisfying the ‘equation flx +y) = Ax}E') +F'@)L() for all x, y € R. Then, the value of log.(/(4)) s_(@ 216 Let F denote a curve y = y(x) which is inthe first quadrant and let the point (1, 0) lie on it. Let the tangent oT at a point P intersect the y-axis at Yr. If PYp has length I for each point P on T, then which of the following option is/are correct? ow + View =0 Wvnlt wie), iF D. xy- view =0 c. | AB Let b be a nonzero real number. Suppose LR —> Ris a differentiable function such that f(0) = I. Ifthe derivative f of f satisfies the equation 1) = fx) f{-x) = | forall xe RB (D) fix)-f{-x)=0 for all xe R AC Let f: R > R and g: R — Rbe functions satisfying Ax + y) = f(x) + fly) + foofly) and fx) = xB) for allx,y € R. If limg(x)=1, then which ofthe following statements iv/are TRUE? IE \ifferentiable at every x € R If g(0) = 1, then g is differentiable at every x e R (C)_Th€ derivative (1) is equal to 1 “The derivative £(0) is equal to 1 A,B,D For any real numbers cand B, let Yo, (X), * € Y ay= =1 ay =xe™, y(1)=1. wae. 44, B€R}.. Then which ofthe following functions bolong(s) the set S? eos ( wi. igi e*+| (0 = + 2. e 1 ‘in = £(x-2)e( Ify(x) is the solution of the differential equation xdy-(y? y)dx = 0 for x> 0, ¥(1) = 2, and the slope of G the curve y= y(x) is never zero, then the value of 10y( V2) is : R, be the solution ofthe differential equationFor x € R, let the function (x) be the solution of the differential equation 4129 = 009{ = © Boys (Zs).2=0 ‘Then, which ofthe following statements is/are TRUE? (A) (x) isan increasing function (B)_ yC4) is a decreasing function ‘There exists a real number B such that the line y = f intersects the curve y = y(x) at infinitely many ints (D) (x) is a periodic function 1 Let f :{l,e0) -+ R bea differentiable function such that f(I) = 5 and O;3 ff foar= xs@-Z, xe[I,c0). Let € denote the base of the natural logarithm. Then the value of f(e) is 44 log, 4+e oe e-4 oe py 28S rE es wz Or, o> ©) For xR, let y(x) be a solution of the differential equation (2 - 9% 2x y =—2x(x? 5)? such that y(2)=7. Then the maximum value of the function y(x) is ‘Show that (4x + 3y + 1) dx + (3x + 2y + 1) dy = 0 represents @ hyperbola having the lines x + y = 0 and x+y +1 = 0 as asymptotes Solve : y =mx + m- m? whore, m= RI AA + Let g be a differentiable function sntetring fesse ngtnat este fea *20. The value of 12 . ra ttarpe tena o 6 7 ; @z Thy 2 thane 218 “\ J S (Lat. Ibe tha purchase value of an equipment and Vt) be the value after it has been ene The value Vit) depreciates at « rate given by differential equation ~G 77 AAT 0), where A > 0 is a constant and T is the total life in years of the equipment. Then the ecrap value V(7) of the equipment is : q aT AT-9 2 ) 1- () @ mt c ater ; y+ £2). = of) tet y@) + ay) Tepe MTEL) denotes STO and gts) is « given non-constant differentiable function an R. Ifg (1) =y (1) = 1 and g (e) = fe-D nal ‘ 2 1 Bae) ® Om Mame de re ak emi etn: Ry mae enn 0° | [sj +foe at] mth rae 2: ot on Let f(2) (lz) > © be a differentiable function satisfying pernfrro- ae 100, where 40) =100, thenlin feng 4 17 (a) 0 (b) is (a) 0 © 2 @ 10 —19 > = . ~~ Se Let [be a function defined oa the tatérval [0, Se] ouch that fy, » Ota e UO yg =| ean eee ® 20, The maximum value ff) 18: ¥ S w § : @1 @! a > +1. The aumber of solution of) «1 interval , 2a) ie : (a) 2 ) 3 @s Let fhe a differentiable function satisfying Troe [eons fea -talaren ‘ pat Too (@) 2 ts 4 @s : ” = THe vale of J fl) cea n the ntarval : zs (a) @. 1) ar. 3 © 2 ® @( 2) (or, The value of im ome), _ [eectoaey : +l Fa is equal to (sbi toescd descr pip ones es , (b) 4950 (©) 5049 (@) 5060 ae Which of the following pair(s) is/are orthogonal? ° (ay Test + 92m cand yl" = ke SOY yg tort ands + 2ay hes ‘= cx? and x? + yak hey! we and sy =k where c and k arbitrary constant.20 4 1 ad ‘ty = 2) be « curve C, passing through (2,2) and (8, 2) and sataying a : differential equation (2) --(2) | Curve C, is the director ctrele of the circle x® + y? = 2. If the shortest distance between th curves C, and C, 18(/p-@ where p,q € N, then find the value of (p?- q). &y) : Lety =/(2) defined in (0, 2) satiaties the differential equation y* 7” +1=0 where © f(2)20'V x6 D,and (1) =0,/(1)= 1 then find the maximum value of ftz). [Note : D, denotes the domain of the function and y" denotes the 2 derivative of ywrtsl (xy + x2y2+ nyt Ly dx + (wy —xtye—ay+ Indy 0. wy ae x = UK dy = ety) ee AP Gy meat dx (x+2)(y-2)' coe Show that ify, and y, be solutions ec eae d 6f the equation 7 + Py = Q.where P and Q are functions of x alone, and y, = y,z, then z=l+ae J-@/4 | here aisan arbitrary constant. Solve . et 8 dO + tanO(I-rtanO)dr=0. HS = AES d « Solve 7 = 1 = x(yex)—xXy-xp, Crary Ce ED Solve (y + xyxy (x + y)) dx + (y Jay (x+y)-x)dy=0. = awe Tec*~ Solve pxy = y? In. y— p? a 1 y? Solve | — - jolve E ne =| dx x? ‘le yy 1 eee: ‘Solve p+ 2pycotx= 9°. Solve y= ypt+ 2px. Sn&\ OR ee oy wy nd tol Solve th set = eee! Yo Dry tiny, % GA EE Solve the equation y = xy’ + & | Wedow where a is a constant. Solve y= px + p— p?. Gy sau = Ba Reduce xyp? — (x2 + y2+ 1) p+xy=0 / to Clairaut’s form and find its anaes coho 2 dy ° => + 2 =(. Solve a2 a’y Ras SO oY esennnek Ga! solve x? Sak a Ye pO Find the particular solution of the
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