Education in Practice

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In schools nowadays, there's a growing awareness of the importance of taking care of

students' mental health. This is because how students feel emotionally can affect not only

how well they do in school but also their overall growth and future opportunities. This report

focuses on the challenges and priorities when it comes to supporting mental health in both

primary and secondary schools, using a specific example.

Mental health covers a wide range of feelings and abilities, like how well someone can

handle stress, how they see themselves, and how they deal with problems. Sadly, many kids

and teens struggle with mental health issues, from feeling anxious or sad to more serious

problems like psychosis. Studies show that about one in five young people deal with these


In schools, mental health problems can show up in different ways, like making it hard for

students to focus in class or get involved in activities because of anxiety, or acting differently

or withdrawing because of depression. Sometimes, these issues can lead to other problems

like trouble behaving, using drugs, or even hurting themselves.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made these problems worse for many students. With schools

closing and learning moving online, students lost access to the support they might have had

before. Plus, all the changes and worries about the virus added to everyone's stress.

Schools are really important in helping students with their mental health, but it's not easy. It

takes a comprehensive approach, like preventing problems before they start, stepping in early

when there are signs of trouble, and making sure support is there for as long as it's needed.

This report will look closely at what schools need to focus on and what challenges they face
in doing this, using a specific example and what experts say about learning and problem-

solving. The goal is to help make mental health support better in schools for kids and teens.

Problem Based Approach

Addressing mental health challenges in schools needs a thorough and proactive approach.

Bristol schools are using problem-based learning (PBL) as a key strategy. This method

focuses on teamwork, creativity, and evidence-based interventions to boost student well-

being and success. Looking at how Bristol schools implement PBL for mental health support

shows the detailed steps they take and their positive impact on creating strong, thriving

school communities.

Step 1: Understanding the Problem:

Our journey toward improving mental health support in Bristol schools started with a careful

examination of the challenges we face. We looked closely at all the different parts of mental

health through talking and working together. This helped us understand things better (Rolfe et

al., 2001). Taking this important step helped us make smarter decisions and work together

more effectively, giving us a clear goal and direction to follow (Schön, 1996).

Step 2: Collaborative Problem-Solving:

With a clear understanding of the challenges, teams of experts from different areas worked

together to find solutions. They held group sessions where teachers, counsellors, and others

shared their ideas (Schön, 1983). These meetings were where we came up with new and

creative ways to help students with their mental health in Bristol schools.

Step 3: Active Engagement with Real-World Problems:

At the heart of the PBL method was giving students the power to get involved in real-life

mental health issues. The students took on research tasks, started programmes to help each

other, and led efforts to raise awareness about mental health at school (Kolb, 1984). This

hands-on involvement didn't just make students feel more responsible, but also built a culture

of strength and support. The students became drivers of good changes (Dewey, 1910),and

they in turn knew how to assist one another.

Step 4: Partnering with External Organizations:

Seeing the importance of working together beyond the school, we formed partnerships with

outside groups and external organisations. These partnerships made our mental health support

efforts stronger and more effective (Rolfe et al., 2001). By teaming up with mental health

agencies, community groups, and nonprofits, we built strong connections, we made it easier

for people to get specialised help, and spread awareness and support throughout the


Step 5: Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions:

Using proven methods supported by evidence, we carefully created and put into action

specific plans to tackle mental health issues we identified (Schön, 1996). We made sure to

include social-emotional learning programs in the curriculum, teaching students important

skills for dealing with their feelings and being strong when things are tough (Daudelin, 1996).

Staff also got special training on how to understand and help students who have been through

tough experiences, making our school a caring and understanding place where students can


Step 6: Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation:

A big part of making sure everything worked well was setting up strong ways to keep

checking and improving things (Rolfe et al., 2001). We made detailed plans to collect lots of

information about how students were doing, how well they were doing in school, and how

much they used support services (Schön, 1983). We kept talking to everyone involved to

keep learning and making our mental health support better and better.

Reflections on Problem-Based Learning and Self-Reflection:

Descriptive Level of Reflection:

In reflecting on the problem-based learning (PBL) approach utilized in this report, Rolfe et

al.'s reflective model provides a structured framework for self-reflection.


As I looked into how the PBL method helps with mental health in Bristol schools, I saw that

the problems students and teachers face are really complicated. My job was to dig deep and

share what I found to help find ways to deal with these challenges. I wanted to really

understand all the different parts of mental health in schools.

By looking at real examples and reading what experts have to say, I hoped to give practical

ideas for making mental health support better. It was important to see how people reacted to

these ideas and what happened when we tried using the PBL method. My goal was to work

together to make sure students feel good and the school is a supportive and strong place to


So What?

Looking back on what we've analysed and learned shows how helpful the PBL method can be

in dealing with tough issues like mental health support in schools. It tells us that working

together to solve problems and facing real-life challenges head-on is really important. It also
shows us how using methods that are backed by evidence and always learning and growing

professionally can make students feel better. These lessons help us see the bigger picture of

mental health support in schools and how we can make it better.

Action-Oriented (Reflexive) Reflection:

Now What?

Looking ahead, we can make improvements in using the PBL method to tackle mental health

issues in schools. This means using methods that have been proven to work and teaming up

with others outside of school. We can also make changes to make it easier for students to get

the help they need.

The new things we've learned can help guide future research and actions in this area. We

need to plan carefully to make sure the things we do to help students with their mental health

can keep going and can be used in other places too.

By looking back and thinking about all of this, I now understand more about the challenges

and opportunities in helping students with their mental health at school. I'm ready to keep

working on ways to make sure students feel good and do well in school.

Review & Analysis of the Case Study and Related Literature

In Bristol, the collaboration between mental health services and schools plays a crucial role in

understanding and tackling mental health issues among students. In this section, we'll dive

into the case study provided, carefully examining key insights and challenges related to

mental health support in schools. We'll also look at other important sources like 'Counselling
in schools: a blueprint for the future' (2016) to get a wider view and useful strategies for

boosting student well-being.

Case Study Examination:

The case study outlines how mental health services and Bristol schools are teaming up to

strengthen support for students' mental well-being. It emphasises how working together is

crucial in dealing with complex mental health issues and stresses the need for counselling

services that are easy to access and right for students' ages. Some big challenges mentioned

include how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected students' mental health, not having

enough resources, and making sure everyone in the school and outside experts work well


One important thing we've learned from the case study is how important it is to step in early

and give support before things get worse in schools. When teachers and mental health

professionals work together, schools become places where students can feel good mentally.

Also, the case study shows how outside groups can help make mental health services in

schools better by working with them.

Additionally, the case study talks about how many students have mental health issues and

how hard it can be for teachers to help them. Things like feeling embarrassed, not having

enough resources, and not knowing enough about mental health can make it tough to give

students the help they need. It also shows how important it is for schools to have good

systems in place to help students with all their mental health needs.

Literature Review:
Looking at resources like 'Counselling in schools: a blueprint for the future' (2016) and other

important writings helps us understand better ways to help students with their mental health

in schools. This blueprint talks about how important it is to use methods that have been

proven to work and gives practical advice to school leaders on how to set up good mental

health support systems. It also says that schools are really important in stepping in early,

making sure students don't feel ashamed about their mental health, and making counselling

services easy for students to use.

These writings also show how the COVID-19 pandemic has made things even harder for

students' mental health and how schools are doing more to help. Research shows that more

students are feeling anxious, sad, and alone because of the pandemic. Schools are now at the

front lines of helping students with their mental health, and teachers play a big part in

noticing when students need help and giving it to them.

Additionally, these writings talk about how important it is for schools to work with outside

mental health services to give students the best support possible. By teaming up with experts

and using resources from the community, schools can do even more to help students with all

kinds of mental health needs.

Implications and Recommendations:

Bringing together the insights from the case study and relevant literature highlights the urgent

need for a thorough and unified approach to mental health support in schools. This means

taking proactive steps, working together with partners, and making sure counseling services

are easy for students to use, no matter their needs. Moving ahead, Bristol schools should

focus on putting into practice methods that have been proven to work, like trauma-informed
care, programs that help with social and emotional skills, and initiatives where students

support each other. These methods have shown they can make students feel better mentally

and help them be stronger.

Additionally, Bristol schools should make sure teachers and staff keep learning so they can

support students' mental health better. Training programs on things like understanding mental

health, how to help in a crisis, and ways to create a supportive school can help teachers take

care of students' many needs.

It's also really important for schools to make talking about mental health normal and to make

sure students know they won't be judged if they need help. By encouraging open

conversations and spreading awareness, schools can make it easier for students to ask for help

and find support without feeling embarrassed or ashamed.

Furthermore, working closely with outside groups like mental health agencies, community

organisations, and parents is key to building a strong support system for students. By teaming

up with experts and using resources from the community, schools can make sure students get

the help they need, both in and out of school.

Implications for Practice Setting

The collaboration between mental health services and schools in Bristol has important

implications for how we help students with their mental health. This part goes into more

detail about what we've learned from looking at the case study and other research, focusing

on what Bristol schools can do to make sure students feel good mentally.
Significance of Mental Health Support

It's really important to have good mental health support in schools because it helps students

do better in school and in life. Studies show that when students get the help they need for

their mental health, they're more likely to do well in school, act positively with others, and

learn important skills for life. That's why it's necessary for schools to make mental health a

top priority, so students can have a good environment to learn and grow in.

Educational Activities and Strategies

To help professionals better support student mental health, we can introduce targeted training

and strategies. Programs that focus on mental health awareness, understanding trauma, and

handling crises are crucial for giving educators the skills and knowledge they need (Savin-

Baden, 2003). By offering ongoing training, we make sure educators stay up-to-date on the

best ways to help students with their mental health.

Introducing social-emotional learning (SEL) programs into the curriculum is another way to

help. These programs teach students how to cope with challenges and build resilience

(Schwartz et al., 2001). They cover important skills like knowing yourself, understanding

others, making good decisions, and building relationships. By including SEL in everyday

lessons, educators can create a positive school atmosphere that supports student well-being.

We can also create safe and welcoming learning environments by taking proactive steps like

starting peer support programs and running campaigns against bullying (Robinson et al.,
2015). Schools should make sure they're doing things that celebrate diversity, fairness, and

inclusion, so all students feel respected and supported. By making everyone feel like they

belong and are accepted, schools can reduce the chances of students having mental health

issues and promote a culture of caring and understanding.

Incorporating the Learner's Voice

It's really important to include students in decisions about mental health support in schools.

When educators actively listen to students and involve them in the process, they get

important insights into what students are going through and what they need (Podpadec,

2015). This approach not only gives students a voice but also makes them feel responsible for

their own well-being.

Encouraging students to take the lead in things like peer support groups and mental health

awareness campaigns is another great idea (Savin-Baden, 2003). When students share their

stories and experiences, it helps break down the stigma around mental health issues. Schools

can then become places where everyone feels supported and valued, and where talking

openly about mental health is normal.

Impact on Other Stakeholders

Getting families involved in supporting student mental health is really important for making

sure everyone works together (Robinson et al., 2015). Providing parents and caregivers with
resources, workshops, and support groups helps them learn how to support their children's

mental health at home.

Also, getting the community involved through events and workshops about mental health can

help schools build stronger connections outside of school. When community members are

part of the conversation about mental health, it reduces stigma and lets people know about the

help available. This way, everyone feels responsible for helping students feel good mentally,

not just the school.

Additionally, the partnership between mental health services and schools in Bristol is a

chance to combine resources and know-how to tackle big challenges (Robinson et al., 2015).

By working together and sharing what works best, schools and mental health services can

make their support efforts better and more effective. This teamwork also lets them come up

with new ideas that fit the needs of Bristol schools and their students.

Promoting Mental Health Literacy:

The teamwork between mental health services and schools gives us a chance to teach

students, educators, and the community more about mental health. By adding mental health

lessons to the curriculum and holding workshops for parents and caregivers, schools can help

people learn more about mental health issues. This knowledge helps everyone know when

someone is feeling bad mentally, how to ask for help, and how to help others who are going

through tough times.

Preventing Mental Health Crisis:

Schools can make a big difference in stopping mental health crises before they happen. By

checking in with students regularly and doing things like mental health screenings, educators

can spot when someone might be struggling and give them help right away. Also, teaching

students how to manage stress and build resilience helps them deal with tough situations

better, so they're less likely to have a mental health crisis.

Enhancing Academic Performance: Dealing with mental health problems doesn't just make

students feel better, it also helps them do better in school. Studies show that when students

are mentally healthy, they can concentrate better, go to school more often, and do better in

their classes (Robinson et al., 2015). By making mental health support a top priority, schools

can make it easier for students to learn, helping them do their best in school.

Fostering Social and Emotional Development: The teamwork between mental health

services and schools helps bring social and emotional learning (SEL) programs into schools.

These programs teach students important skills like understanding themselves, managing

their feelings, getting along with others, making good choices, and building healthy

relationships (Schwartz et al., 2001). By using SEL ideas in everyday activities and lessons,

schools help students grow emotionally and socially, making them stronger, more caring, and

better at getting along with others.

Building Resilience and Coping Skills: Mental health challenges are a natural part of life,

and building resilience is essential for effectively coping with adversity. Through targeted

interventions and support services, schools can help students develop resilience and coping

skills to navigate life's challenges. This includes teaching problem-solving techniques, stress
management strategies, and positive coping mechanisms. By equipping students with these

skills, schools empower them to overcome obstacles and thrive in the face of adversity.

Creating a Culture of Well-being: Ultimately, the partnership between mental health

services and schools contributes to the creation of a culture of well-being within the

educational setting. By prioritizing mental health initiatives, promoting open dialogue, and

fostering a supportive environment, schools communicate to students that their well-being is

valued and prioritised. This culture of well-being permeates all aspects of school life, from

classroom interactions to extracurricular activities, creating a nurturing and supportive

environment where students can flourish academically, socially, and emotionally.

Expanding Access to Support Services: The collaboration between mental health services

and schools expands access to support services for students in need. By integrating mental

health professionals into the school setting, students have easier access to counselling,

therapy, and other specialised interventions. Additionally, partnerships with external

organisations and community agencies broaden the range of support services available to

students, ensuring that they receive comprehensive and holistic care tailored to their

individual needs.


In conclusion, this report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and

priorities related to mental health support in Bristol schools, as well as recommendations for


Summary of Findings: After looking at the case study and other important writings, we

found some important things. The case study showed us how important it is for mental health

services and schools to work together to help students with their mental health. It also showed
us how much the COVID-19 pandemic has affected students' mental health and how

important it is for schools to have counseling services that are easy for students to use and

right for their age. The research we looked at also gave us good ideas for helping students

with their mental health, like using methods that have been proven to work, stepping in early,

and working together with others.

Recommendations: Based on what we found in this report, here are some recommendations

to make mental health support in Bristol schools better. First, schools should focus on using

methods that have been proven to work, like trauma-informed care and social-emotional

learning programs, to help students with all their different needs. Second, it's really important

for teachers and staff to keep learning so they can support students' mental health better. This

means training them on things like understanding mental health, how to help in a crisis, and

ways to make the school a supportive place.

Also, schools should work closely with mental health agencies and community groups

outside of school to make sure students can get the help they need. By teaming up with

experts and using resources from the community, schools can do even more to help students

with all kinds of mental health needs.

Reflections on Problem-Based Learning: The problem-based learning (PBL) method used

in this report worked well in encouraging teamwork and getting people involved in real-life

problems. By following PBL principles like asking questions and focusing on students' needs,

this report was able to look at all the different challenges and important things related to

mental health support in Bristol schools. But it's also important to remember that PBL can be

tough to do because it takes a lot of time and resources.

Future Directions: Looking ahead, it's important for future research and projects to keep

looking into how well problem-based learning works for tough issues in education, especially

for mental health support. Also, we need to find ways to make the problem-based learning

method even better for different kinds of students and schools.

This report showed how working together, using methods that are proven to work, and

always learning can make mental health support in Bristol schools better. By making sure

students feel good and using problem-based learning ideas, schools can make a place where

everyone can do well mentally.


Aubrey, K., & Riley, A. (2022). Understanding and Using Educational Theories (3rd ed.).
Core Reading.

Daudelin, M. W. (1996). Learning from experience through reflection. Organizational

Dynamics, 24(3), 36-48.

Dewey, J. (1910). How We Think. Chicago: D.C. Heath & Co.

Kieling, C., Baker-Henningham, H., Belfer, M., Conti, G., Ertem, I., Omigbodun, O., ... &
Rahman, A. (2011). Child and adolescent mental health worldwide: evidence for action. The
Lancet, 378(9801), 1515-1525.

Loades, M. E., Chatburn, E., Higson-Sweeney, N., Reynolds, S., Shafran, R., Brigden, A., ...
& Crawley, E. (2020). Rapid systematic review: The impact of social isolation and loneliness
on the mental health of children and adolescents in the context of COVID-19. Journal of the
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(11), 1218-1239.

Patalay, P., & Gage, S. H. (2019). Changes in millennial adolescent mental health and health-
related behaviours over 10 years: a population cohort comparison study. International
Journal of Epidemiology, 48(5), 1650–1664.

Podpadec, T. (2015). Your Primary School-Based Experience: A Guide to Outstanding

Placements. UWE Bristol.
Reiss, F. (2013). Socioeconomic inequalities and mental health problems in children and
adolescents: A systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 90, 24–31.

Robinson, T., & Childs, P. (2015). Your Primary School-Based Experience: A Guide to
Outstanding Placements. Publisher.

Savin-Baden, M. (2003). Facilitating Problem-Based Learning: Illuminating Perspectives.

Open University Press.

Schwartz, P., Mennin, D. S., Webb, J. R., & Lin, X. (2001). Problem-Based Learning: Case
Studies, Experience, and Practice. Stylus Publishing, LLC.

UK Department for Education. (2016). Counselling in Schools: A Blueprint for the Future


Education in Practice (case study 1)

PBL Case study- Children & Young People’s Health
Brief case study background
In February 2016 the Department for Education published ‘Counselling in schools: a
blueprint for the future’, to help school leaders set up and improve counselling services in
primary and secondary schools. Although schools are not required to follow the guidance in
this document, it provides practical, research informed, advice on how school-based
counselling services can achieve the best outcomes for children and young people.
Importantly, this includes an expectation that over time schools will ensure that they are
enabling children and young people to access age-appropriate counselling services.
Since the publication of this policy document the country has experienced the COVID-19
pandemic, which has both exacerbated mental health difficulties at the same time as making
conversations about mental health a much more accepted part of everyday conversations. In
this context schools and school staff are working to meet their growing obligations to support
the mental health of their pupils and, in partnership with outside organisations, to enable them
to access age appropriate counselling services.
Key case study document: DfE (2016) Counselling in schools: a blueprint for the future.
Departmental advice for school leaders and counsellors. London: Department for Education
Case Study ‘Problem’
This case study explores partnership working between specialist mental health services and
primary and secondary schools in Bristol. You are a formal educator in a primary or
secondary school setting in Bristol. Your PBL task is to consider the type of support that
would be a priority for schools, and the challenges you might face in providing this support.
Give particular consideration to some of the following questions:

● What can you learn from ‘Counselling in schools: a blueprint for the future’ (2016)
about what your priorities might be?
● What do you think your day-to-day work and priorities might look like?
● What aspects of the current ways of working within schools might need to change or
be improved?
● What outside organisations could you work with?
● How might existing counselling services need to develop to become more accessible
to schools?
● Are there any other considerations worth highlighting?

Counselling in schools: a blueprint for the future Departmental advice for school leaders and
counsellors February 2016 (case study document)study document)
Below are the group notes and contribution if its going to be of help in any way :
Step 1: Clarifying the text and explaining unclear terms and concepts

● Read the case study document

● Identify any concepts and/or words that are unclear
● Discuss concepts/words as a group to develop a shared understanding
Key terms and concepts:

● DfE (2016) counselling in schools: a blueprint for the future:Advice template

● Released before COVID, potentially outdated? Needs more up-to-date research
and information.
● Covid-19
● Mental health - psychological and emotional well-being
● Counselling - Professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or
psychological problems
● Partnership - An arrangement between two or more people to oversee business
operations and share its profits and liabilities.
● Exacerbated - To make a problem worse
● Educator - A person who plans and directs education.

As a group we discussed each key term ensuring we understand them.

Do group members understand these key terms and concepts? Yes/No

Step 2: Defining the key problem

The students work together to define the problem or identify the key task.

● Discuss: The underlying ‘problem’ highlighted in the case.

● Write: An agreed statement of the problem.


● COVID-19 exacerbated mental health and that schools need to address the issues
raised and provide age appropriate counselling
● Funding
● Not required by law to follow the document ‘Counselling in schools’ it could be
interpreted differently by different educators. Could lead to wrong information
being given to young people. Could explain the delay.
● The document has highlighted that there is a delay in receiving help to young
people which could have a big impact on their mental health.
● Partner with outside organisations
● Keeps mentioning ‘age appropriate’ counselling suggesting that this is not
something that is being given thus far
● Mental health as a taboo topic, people do not want to talk about it very much
● Primary/Secondary may not understand what we mean by mental health or how to
get help for you.

Step 3: Analysing the problem and suggesting possible solutions

This is the brainstorming stage where ideas are presented as to what may be causing the
problem. At this stage no idea should be thrown out and students should discuss their
understanding of the problem from their particular standpoint and offer possible solutions.


● COVID’s impact on mental health - Had some positive impact as it identified these
issues but at the same time this could have been more prevalent because it was
exacerbated. Could have affected the transition for the students going from primary
to Secondary students.

Solutions: Lowering expectations, reassurance, accessibility in terms of where they can

find help, education on mental health, meeting on COVID and not pretending like it didn’t
happen, providing counselling not just for education but home life.

● Funding - Lack of resources

Solutions: Focus funding on mental health e.g. fundraising, counsellors (employing

professionals) , training and support for mental health for teachers, students, this could
include timetabled lessons. Collaborating with outside organisations and parents such as
charities. Mandatory budget that needs to be used for counselling/mental health.

● Mental health as a taboo subject -

Solutions: Mental health professional/counsellor providing mandatory timetabled lessons

about mental health and how young children can get help. Making a standard guideline for
mental health in schools which is mandatory so that it is treated like a real subject. Check
in with students around exam periods. Feedback from students about what they feel they
need to help them.

● Counselling - Providing support to students. Problems include lack of time,

resources, money, expertise and training. We would need to research the type of
counselling that schools can realistically provide. Would it be fully qualified
professionals, trained counsellors, peers sharing experiences (some children may
not want to speak to adults they don’t know.

Solutions: Inside and outside of school counselling should be free and easy to come by.
Active communication with parents and ensuring they are supported and know how they
can help their child with their mental health. Frequent reviews in schools by independent
organisations about their mental health provisions. Consistency in the transition between
primary/secondary and understanding the impact this has on young people and making
sure they have the right support.

● Accessibility - Ways to make it easier for young people to get help for their mental
health and any problems they might have.

Solutions: Charities etc, coming into schools to speak to students.

● Online support

Solutions: Making sure all students and teachers actually get into school in the first place.
Mental health can affect a young person's ability to even turn up to school so making sure
they have access to resources that they can find themselves online. Links to life after
COVID. Making sure that schools website has lots of links to the different services
available to them e.g. counselling, crisis support, mental health.

Lecture input
Step 4: Refine research focus

The group discusses the ideas put forward in Step 3 in relation to the lecture input.

● Prioritise ideas.
● Discuss and refine possible solutions.

Accessibility to mental health

Step 5: Identify learning objectives

A group consensus is reached with regard to the knowledge needed to address the problem.
Learning needs are identified and prioritised by establishing what the group does not know or
understand and by establishing how these needs can be met. It is at this stage that a group
learning contract can be useful (Matheson, 2003).


● Case study doc: Jasmine - pp.6-16, Bethan pp.17-27 and Gemma - pp.28-37.
● Research into Counselling in Secondary schools - Lucy B
● Researching mental health charities - Eloise
● Research into current mental health policy/strategies in schools - Jo
● Create the powerpoint - Lucy B (send invite the everyone)
● Pick a specific secondary school in bristol - compare mainstream and private
education - Niamh

Other tasks:
● Defining terms such as mental health, counselling, educators etc - noor
● COVID research -Liz

Step 6: Independent study

Students work individually to gain information about their learning objectives. Information
should be obtained from a variety of sources including books, journal articles and personal
contacts. Learning should be shared below, with references included.

Covid Research
According to the European Lung Foundation article (08/23) defines coronavirus as a group
of viruses causing illness from simple common cold to acute respiratory infections . The
virus is known as SARS-CO-2 .
It was declared a world pandemic on 11th March 2020 by the WHO, symptoms range from
mild to severe flu symptoms accompanied by fever , cough, muscle aches ,loss of smell,
taste and appetite , breathlessness etc
Covid and mental health : According to an online article by the name of vaccines work ,
victims of covid -19 infection were susceptible to other diseases like dementia for up to two
years after infection ,precisely the adult population which made up 4.5% of the population
as compared to 3.3% in those with other related respiratory illnesses and infections .
From the Covid-19 Impact inquiry report (July 2021) the risk of psychosis and seizures
increased in children due to covid -19 .
According to the journal of child psychology and psychiatry article , adolescents were
more prone to mental related illnesses like depression, anxiety, slow/ reduced movements ,
lack of attention and defiant symptoms from precovid -19 symptoms and those with ADHD
were more likely to experience these symptoms as compared to those without ADHD .
The BBC news online article clarifies that the proportion of individuals showing symptoms
of mental health doubled in adults as well as children since the start of the pandemic .
In young people , mental health increased during the pandemic due to increase in anxiety
levels from isolation , sudden switch to remote learning and the absence of extra curricular
activities and events .
In children, 16% of 5-16 year olds have "probable" mental health disorders compared
with 10.9% in 2017, according to NHS England.
-Mental Health of Children and Young People in England, 2020: Wave 1 follow up to the
2017 survey [Accessed 19th February 2024]
Covid-19 symptoms related to mental health include :cognitive and attention
deficits ,anxiety,depression and psychosis.
Causes of mental health during the pandemic believed to be :anxiety and fear of the
pandemic ,feelings of loneliness, increase in poverty levels due to financial impacts ,strain
on relationships , increased use of drugs and alcohol
DfE 2016 Counselling in schools: Blueprint for the future - p.g. 6-16 Jasmine:

Page 6:
Government was “committed” to improving children and young people's mental health and
Apparently with mental health issues being common, only 10% of 5-16-year-olds had
mental health difficulties. (whether or not that has changed from 2016 – it needs to be
found out).
“Issues” included eating disorders, anxiety, low mood, and depression: these were
classed as things which would significantly impact on their future and happiness – even
though mental health difficulties aren’t prominent.
In 2014 the government established the children and young people’s mental health and
wellbeing taskforce. (10 years ago!!) This looked at ways in which children, young
people and their families could have access to help and support when needed and
improve the ways in which mental health services are organised and provided.
Also in 2014, the DfE said that they would develop a counselling strategy and new
PSHE association guidance on teaching mental health issues (was that done?).
The task force recognises the crucial role in which schools play, whilst working
alongside mental health services and health and community services. This allows support
in “good” mental health and in preventing and identifying mental health issues in
children and young people.
Most schools value the importance of ensuring that pupils' mental health, wellbeing,
resilience and developing character are being supported.
They are always keen on EARLY INTERVENTION and the use of school-based
counsellors which are used to support mental health issues.
Having a positive mental and emotional wellbeing is crucial to children and young
people’s holistic development.
Page 7:
The key proposals show that:
2015-2016 and then again in 2019-2020 there should have been a 1.4 billion pound
funding which was supposed to “transform” children and young people’s mental health
In 2020 (Covid-19), the government proposed aspirations in which they were hoping to
achieve that year. These included:
Improving public awareness and understanding about mental health, which was
supposed to be combated by an anti-stigma campaign called ‘time to change’.
In the whole country every child or young person should have open access to effective
mental health support.
Increased usage of evidence- based treatment with focused outcomes. This would be by
building on the success of the Children and Young People’s Improving Access to
Psychological Therapies programme (CYP IAPT).
Every area has a service where children and young people could pop in and be provided
with advice and support to help them.
Improving communication, access, and referrals to support through every area and
having named contacts in specialist mental health services and schools.
Professionals who work with children and young people are trained in child development
and mental health, so they can understand what needs to be provided in order for them to
have access to the best help they can.
Every area should publish a Local Transformation Plan (LTP) which should support how
local provisions will change to better children and young people with mental health
issues and improve prevention services.
Page 8:
School-based counselling is one of the best forms of psychological therapy for children
and young people.
62% of schools offer counselling services to their students (70% secondary schools) &
(52% primary schools). What are the percentages now?
1-1 counselling for 2 days a week would cost 14.5k per year.
As where a whole school system of pastoral, safeguarding and support systems estimate
around £40k a year.
Page 9:
Counselling within secondary schools has been proven to decrease psychological stress in
the short term.
In primary-based counselling the one-on-one basis consists of art or play-based methods.
The Place2Be model is a flexible opportunity for schools based on mental health services
which are delivered by a team of clinical staff and skilled volunteers.
This includes having weekly one-to-one counselling sessions in schools for children with
most urgent needs, where trained counsellors tailor each session in school to the individual
pupils' needs.
For younger children a more therapeutic route would be encouraged as it encourages the
children to be expressive in non-communicative ways.
Family members of the Children who have received Place2Be counselling said that 74% of
them have improved after counselling.
Page 10:
Teachers and school staff say that they don’t have the time or expertise to support children
and young people when they show signs of distress.
Areas which have been highlighted for development of counselling services which schools
should be cautious of are:
Greater use of outcome monitoring
Ensuring equity of access to young people who are currently under-represented for example
those from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds.
Ensuring services are equipped to meet the needs of vulnerable children and young people,
including looking after children and young people with SEND.
Increasing children and young people’s involvement with development services
Better integration with other mental health and wellbeing support, within schools and
beyond it, this allows improved assessment and referral. Integration with local specialist
child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) is crucial to this.
Page 11:
The benefits to the individual and to society in preventing problems from arising, and
intervening early where they do, are significant. For schools, this can result in improved
attainment, attendance, and reductions in behavioural problems.
The document states that: over time, all schools should make counselling services available
to their pupils. In line with the Government’s wider approach to schools, allowing schools
autonomy to make their own decisions about how to use their funding in the best interests
of their pupils, we are not requiring this.
Page 12:
Schools have a vital role to play in relation to supporting the wellbeing of their students.
The DfE supposedly has a range of programmes through voluntary and community sectors,
this includes resources, information and training for schools, young people and families;
specialist support for vulnerable groups; helplines, online services and apps.
Page 13:
The blueprint states that PSHE provides an obvious approach to teach students about mental
The PSHE association which is a non-statutory requirement covers mental health and has
continuously provided guidance for schools about mental health.
Apparently, there are lesson plans covering mental health in key stages 1-4. Regarding that,
the older the student is the topics become more detailed e.g. self-harm, depression, suicide,
anxiety and eating disorders etc.
It is also important to promote staff health and wellbeing, headteachers have an obligation
to check up on and support staff wellbeing.
Reducing the stigma around mental health
Whether mental health is learnt through the curriculum, pastoral support or encouraging
openness about it, needs to be non-judgemental.
Page 14:
Internal support for schools can be provided for example, by providing and promoting
external services such as ChildLine or NSPCC.
Pastoral systems within schools have responsibility for the wider welfare of their pupils and
counselling services should be considered within this context.
Schools should consider how their pastoral and SEND support systems link with
counselling support as well as with external specialist services; how pupils are monitored,
both to identify those with issues or in high-risk groups, the effectiveness of interventions
deployed; and what training and support is available for staff in these roles, including form
Highlight the need of different services for example, bullying, academic pressure or
difficult issues which are handled by teachers e.g. gender identity. This way schools can see
and edit or implement new policies to improve the way things are being dealt with in
regards to mental health.
Page 15:
The DfE provided the NSPCC with 11.2 million from 2011-2015 to help fund them.
Make appropriate references to other key guidances in the area.
The DfE’s mental health and behaviour in schools advice provides schools with advice and
support on how to effectively support children and young people’s mental health.
Page 16: has a case study which isn't related to the task at hand.
Private Education vs Mainstream education comparison (Mainstream: Fairfield High
School and Private: Clifton High School) - Niamh
‘We change our world’ in Academy Improvement Priorities 2022-23 states that Fairfield
High School (FHS) encourages collaboration and communication between all members:
staff, students, parents/guardians, agencies, and wider networks, to “[make our world] a
better place to live by championing inclusivity and diversity for all protected
characteristics.” This suggests that FHS has a large support system and are aware of
potential differences in members and allowing the school to provide a safe space for
everyone involved. As this is one of their policies, it can be suggested that FHS takes
students’ perspectives and experiences into consideration when focusing on the school’s
improvements. Also, in Fairfield High School’s ‘Excalibur School Improvements
Priorities’, they have selected ‘Safeguarding: Pupil Mental Health/Wellbeing’ to be listed as
a focal area for the upcoming year. From an ‘Agile Strategic Leadership’ diagram, it is clear
to see that FHS really believes in personal development and enriching opportunities for
students, as they have stated as ‘influenced by local, regional, national and international
contexts, including.. Gender and racial inequality and Social justice.
Also, an entire subpage is dedicated to ‘Wellbeing’: FHS state they ‘..aim to promote
positive mental health and wellbeing..’, and on this page they have offered many links to
different organisations, charities, and resources for anyone who is struggling. There are 16
different links on this website, but to name a few they have included: websites such as ‘On
Your Mind’ - sources of support for good mental health and emotional wellbeing, phone
services such as ChildLine and FRANK - hotlines for contacting counsellors about mental
health concerns or drug use, apps such as ‘Calm Harm’ and ‘Headspace’ - free spaces to get
meditation and ‘counsellor-like’ advice and management of self harm urges, and charities
such as ‘PAPYRUS’ and ‘The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust’ where individuals can seek
advice or help regarding depression and suicide. However, despite these links there are no
mentions of any type of in-school counselling or physical support.
At Clifton High School (CHS), immediately on their website you are greeted with their core
values which include: curiosity, empathy, love, and direction. Having ‘empathy’ and ‘love’
as key values is quite rare in comparison to other schools, so it immediately gives the sense
of care and concern towards their students. However , unlike Fairfield, Clifton High have a
very limited page when it comes to their ‘Values and Ethos’, where they are mainly just
repeating what is shown on their front page. The ‘empathy’ value section does hint towards
having a good support system as it states having an ‘embedded pastoral system’ to ‘[equip
the students] with the ability and desire to change the world in a positive way’. Similarly,
following this and in the ‘love’ value section, it is stated that it is their belief that ‘love for
others directly equates to the inclination of prioritising personal wellbeing’. This again
suggests that wellbeing could be a very valued and important aspect to Clifton High’s ethos.
Another subpage is listed where all staff for the 2023-24 Spring Term and their
qualifications are listed, and it is stated that CHS have a ‘Pupil Welfare Counsellor’ with
the qualifications to support this. On top of having a counsellor, there is also a whole team
dedicated to the Safeguarding of the students, with s Pastoral member also recognised.
Next, I looked into their ‘Wellbeing’ subpage to find any additional information on the
support their students are entitled to, and found an excellent amount of information
regarding counselling in school and ways to find it outside of the school doors. For
example, it immediately greets you with the name of their counsellor and recognises her as
being able to offer ‘professional support and expertise’ and an ‘experienced Counsellor of
children, young people and adults’. It is stated what the counsellor has training and
experience in, including art therapy and psychotherapy, alongside the issues brought to
counselling: bereavement, relationship problems, mental and physical ill health:
anxiety/panic attacks/stress/depression, social media and internet issues, assault, sexuality
and gender, self-esteem, and interestingly enough, the impact of Covid-19. Below this,
there are many different links in how to get in contact with the counsellor and make an
appointment, followed by seven alternative ways to find counselling outside of CHS, such
as through ‘The Counselling Directory’ where over 10,000 qualified counsellors are listed,
and ‘Relate’: a Bristol based child and family counselling scheme. Additionally, to end the
page, there is a link to a page where there are ‘Tips to make your days brighter’, where it
includes: a wellbeing list of personal checkpoints, some creative and physical ideas, how to
appease each hormone, apps for mental health and wellbeing, how to deal with managing
thoughts and feelings, alongside support for Coronavirus and mental health and plenty of
other links and websites regarding community resources and support systems online.
‘The study found that there was no private school advantage for boys’ mental health at any
age. Girls in private schools had slightly better mental health than their state school
counterparts at age 16, but no difference was seen at 14 or 25. The researchers also found
no difference in life satisfaction between the private and state school pupils.’
‘ “I think it is possible that the increased pastoral support was just starting to make a
difference for this cohort,” says co-author, Dr Morag Henderson (UCL Centre for
Longitudinal Studies). “But it is also likely that although school resource is greater in
private schools, the academic stress students face might be too and so we see each force
cancelling the other out.”’
‘The study looked at data from 2,682 individuals who took part in a large cohort study --
2,413 attended state schools and 269 attended private schools. The researchers analysed
data on family background and prior educational achievements as well as information
gathered from questionnaires (conducted with participants between the ages of 12 and 21)
on factors including wellbeing, peer victimisation, sexual behaviour, substance use and anti-
social behaviour. The findings of the study suggest that, when it comes to overall well being
across adolescence, private and state school students do not differ.’
However, ‘In the UK, seven per cent of secondary school children are privately educated.’
Professor von Stumm added: “In the wider population we often assume that a private
education will have a very positive impact on a child’s development. Our study suggests we
have unrealistic expectations of the virtues of a private education, when in reality many of
its benefits result from the legacy of a privileged family background.
Mental health charities in bristol:
· Second Step ( – in partnership with the NHS to run
mental health services as well as mental health support for those who are homeless, leaving
hospital or settling into their own homes. The charity has a strong belief in the benefits of
partnering with other services to ensure every person is receiving the best care possible and
can go on to lead fulfilling lives. There is also access available to everyone to their social
media, blogs and YouTube videos which further explain services they can provide, stories
from people who have used their services and coping techniques. Workshops available in
Bristol and North Somerset only to people aged 18+. Multiple community services such as
drop-in services for mental and physical health for homeless people, recovery navigators by
GP referral and crisis hotlines. Unclear on specific services they could offer primary school
aged children.
· Mind Bristol ( – Mindline helpline open Wednesday-
Sunday 7pm-11pm. Offer support for “Mild-Moderate mental health struggles”.
· Young Minds Organisation ( – Ensuring no child
or young person feels left alone with their mental health struggle and to prevent reaching
crisis point. Shout Textline for free 24 hour mental health support. Multiple blogs and
information pages on their website to help better understand your feelings and what steps
and/or contacts to help overcome this.
· Health Watch Bristol ( – can help children
and parents find the correct help if they are struggling to access services or unsure how to.
Contact them to share your views and experiences with health and social care services in
Bristol to help providers improve.
Page 17
Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how
we think, feel, and act, and also determines how we handle stress, relate to others, and make
choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence
through adulthood.
Good mental health means being able to function well in everyday life, cope with stress
effectively, maintain healthy relationships, work productively, and make meaningful
contributions to society. It's not just the absence of mental illness, but also the presence of
positive characteristics like resilience, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence.
Mental health can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, life
experiences, and environmental factors. Just like physical health, mental health can
fluctuate over time, and it's essential to take care of it through self-care practices, seeking
support when needed, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Research Counselling in secondary schools

Place2Be is a children and young people's mental health charity with almost 30 years'
experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools.

They provide mental health support in schools through one-to-one and group counselling
using tried and tested methods backed by research. In addition, they also offer expert
training and professional qualifications.

Each school has a dedicated Place2Be mental health professional who is integral to the
school team.
They work closely with pupils, families and staff to improve emotional wellbeing and
provide mental health support for the whole school.
They collect data to measure our impact on mental health in schools, which helps them to
review and improve our in-school support.

Last year, 36,565 children and young people accessed a support service from Place2Be.
Our one-to-one counselling supported 6901 pupils.
Of those receiving one-to-one counselling, many faced challenges which made it harder for
them to focus at school:

● 43% received free school meals

● 6% are subject to a Child Protection Plan (CPO)
● 8% were reported to be on a Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service
(CAMHS) waiting list
● 43% were eligible for pupil premium.

The British Association for Counselling and Psychology (BACP):

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy is the professional association
for members of the counselling professions in the UK.
In England, Government plans to support children and young people's mental health
remains inadequate.
Unlike in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, school and college counselling rarely
features in these plans, though some integrated care systems (formerly clinical
commissioning groups) do directly fund short term counselling provision, often within the
voluntary sector but also delivered in schools.

The Government has committed funding within the NHS Long Term Plan providing
additional access to support for children and young people via NHS England’s funded
mental health services. This includes expanding mental health support teams (MHSTs),
with the aim of reaching 50% of schools and colleges by 2024-2025, with low level
evidence-based interventions provided by educational mental health practitioners. MHST’s
do not include funding for a step-up to counselling. BACP is supportive of the
recommendations made in Barnardo’s It’s hard to talk review of MHSTs where they state
that the model should be expanded under the banner MHST+ which is inclusive of
counselling interventions for children and young people when current MHST interventions
don’t go far enough.

Our message remains consistent, England needs to catch up with other UK nations
regarding Government funded counselling interventions offered to children and young
people – and there is no more crucial time than to influence this agenda in the run up to a
general election.

What’s more, 82% of parents with children aged four to 17 believe counselling or
psychotherapy should be freely available to all school children, throughout all schools.
BACP and You Gov survey 2022.
The spark
The Spark is one of biggest providers of school-based counselling services in the country,
supporting thousands of children and young people each year with counselling. The quality
of the service has been demonstrated through robust assessment, evaluation, and impact

Working directly with schools and local authorities, our in-school counselling services help
to support the emotional, behavioural, mental, and social health and wellbeing of pupils.
School-based counselling services are provided by age-group category in both primary and
secondary settings.

Every child and young person have the right to expect the appropriate support from adults
to ensure they can reach their potential. Helping children and young people to develop a
positive outlook on life is essential. This can be achieved by building social and emotional
competencies such as resilience, self-esteem, and interpersonal skills. These encourage
healthy behaviours and aid achievement in and out of school.

The Spark incorporate the GIRFEC framework to help to get it right for every child.
Supporting families and schools by making sure children and young people can receive the
right help, at the right time, from the right people to help them to grow up feeling loved,
safe, and respected so that they can realise their full potential.

School based counselling can help young people deal with a range of personal problems.
Common issues addressed by The Spark’s counsellors in schools include:

● Anger / aggression
● Anxiety
● Body image
● Bullying
● Depression
● Eating disorders
● Emotional issues
● Exam stress
● Family breakdown
● Illness
● Loss/bereavement
● Low self-confidence
● Low self-esteem
● Puberty
● Relationships and sex
● Self-harm
● Sexual identity
● Substance abuse
● Young carer responsibility

Depending on the pupils age and stage, The Spark’s school counsellor may utilise a
combination of therapeutic play, art therapy or talking therapy. The counsellor will establish
a therapeutic relationship with the child or young person through acceptance, trust and
empathy providing them with an opportunity to express and process feelings at their own
level and pace.

This positive relationship can then be internalised by the child and help instil:

● a sense of competence
● improved ability to form healthy relationships and
● re-align negative patterns of behaviour or thinking

McLaughlin, C,. (1999) Counselling in schools: Looking back and looking forward.
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 27(1) [Accessed 10 Feb 2024]
Chinwuba M,, Ogunode, O (2023) Counselling Skills for Effective Counselling in
Schools Journal of Innovation in Education and Social Research 1 (3) [Accessed 10
Feb 2024]

Guidance and Counselling in Schools: Theory and Practice Namita Ranganathan,

Toolika Wadhwa Taylor & Francis, 2024

This book addresses guidance and counselling needs of children and adolescents in school
settings. Acknowledging that most issues which children and adolescents face do not reach
clinical settings and are often addressed by primary caregivers, the book focuses on specific
strategies that primary caregivers can use. With an overview of mental health concerns that
arise during these developmental stages, the book focuses specifically on the roles that
parents and teachers can play. Home and school together play vital roles in the lives of
children and adolescents.

The book thus recognises the need for them to work together and uses examples from the
field to build contexts in which school children and adolescents grow. This is attempted in
the backdrop of theories of psychology and mental health therapies. The volume tries to
bridge the gap between theory and practical applications of mental health in everyday life.

This book would be useful to the students, researchers, and teachers working in the fields of
education, psychology, development studies, social work, and sociology. It would also be
an invaluable companion to policy-makers, professionals from government and non-
government organisations working around education and social development.

Dr. Darakhshan Parveen, & Shameem Akhtar. (2022). The Role of Guidance and
Counselling in Schools: A Literature Review. International Journal of Indian
Psychȯlogy, 11(2
Research for mental health policies/strategies in schools:
There are many schools that have integrated mental health education into their curriculum.
Teaching about mental well-being, coping methods, and reducing negative perceptions are
some of the things this includes. Psychological health education is often incorporated into
programs like PSHE.
Teachers and staff are trained to spot signs of mental health issues and provide appropriate
assistance to students at schools. Workshops, seminars, or online training programs may be
Student support from qualified professionals can be found in some schools' counselling
services. Group therapy, one-on-one counselling, and drop-in sessions are all possible.
Peer support programs train students to offer assistance and direction to their peers who
may be struggling with mental health issues. Peer guidance, listening programs, or support
groups are some of the options.
Schools may take various steps to boost students' mental well-being. Yoga classes, sports
activities and art therapy can be included.
Schools often collaborate with external organisations to enhance their mental health support
services. These alliances could provide more assistance, knowledge, or financial support for
mental wellness initiatives.
Awareness campaigns and events may be organised by schools during mental health
awareness weeks or months. These activities are intended to raise awareness about mental
health issues, reduce stigma, and promote help-seeking behaviours among students.
Parents and caregivers should be involved in mental health initiatives. The school might
hold workshops or inform parents about mental health concerns and offer tips on how to
help their kids' minds.
DfE (2016) Counselling in schools: a blueprint for the
Notes on pages 17-27 (Bethan).
What is counselling and how does it help young people?
- The document describes counselling as an intervention that can help young
people overcome issues in their lives, which could be causing them distress,
confusion, or difficulty.
- Boundaries are identified and contracts are made between the young person,
the councillor and sometimes the parents or careers, to help keep all participants
safe and informed.
- Good mental and emotional health is an integral part of children and young
people’s holistic development. When this development is inhibited, counselling can
be an effective and important resource.

- The aims of counselling: assist the young person to achieve a greater

understanding of themselves and their relationship to their world; create a greater
awareness and utilisation of their personal resources, build their resilience, support
their ability to address problems and pursue goals.
- What is school based counselling? The British Association for Counselling
and Psychotherapy (BACP) define school-based counselling as: ‘a professional
activity delivered by qualified practitioners in schools. Counsellors offer troubled
and/or distressed children and young people an opportunity to talk about their
difficulties, within a relationship of agreed confidentiality.’
- Benefits of school based counselling? It can help reduce the psychological
distress that young people may experience due to life difficulties, such as being
bullied or experiencing bereavement. It can also support young people who are
having difficulties within relationships, with family or with friends; young people
who are having difficulty managing their emotions, such as anger; and as part of a
graduated response to decide whether to put SEN support in place where
difficulties are caused by events such as bullying or bereavement.
- Effects of counselling? Improves their capacity to study, improved
concentration, increased motivation, increased attendance, improved behaviour.
- Main causes for a need of counselling? Family issues, anger, behaviour,
bereavement, bulling, self-worth, and relationships.
- Routes to counselling? voluntary sector services, private services, GP,
specialist children’s mental health services (CAMHS) and counselling in schools.
- Schools can also use counselling to complement and support other services.
- Some children may not want to see a counsellor in their school so they may
provide resources to other sources in the local community or online.

Schools that do not have counselling services in place will need to consider several factors
to consider, including the:
- prevalence of mental health problems and its impact pupils’ academic
progress and behaviour
- experience of existing staff within the school and strength of pastoral systems
- Availability of support through external agencies, within the statutory and
voluntary sectors, including Local Authority and mental health services.
- Views of pupils, parents or carers and school staff.
Funding: Schools have the freedom to decide how to spend their budgets. They will need to
take into consideration the costs of the different models of delivery, alongside
considerations about quality and accessibility of provision. They can use Pupil Premium
funding for this purpose. Some schools have the flexibility to use the notional SEN budget
to provide services, this might be particularly effective where they identify several pupils
with emotional, social, and mental health needs.
How to provide school-based counselling? Contracting individual counsellors directly,
engaging with a Local Authority team of counsellors, contracting with a third party, for
example, within the voluntary sector, or paying for the time of specialist children’s mental
health services (CAMHS) counsellors. Experienced external providers should give
assurance to schools that the counsellor is properly trained, supported, professionally
supervised, insured, and working within agreed policy frameworks and standards, and
accountable to a professional body with a clearly articulated complaints procedure. They
could also have good links to other services and more contacts.
Schools will need to consider the delivery of these services:
- Length, timing, and duration of sessions
- Secondary school counselling sessions tend to vary from 40 to 60 minutes
- Some children and young people may only need to attend for a few sessions
whilst others may need support for much longer.
- Some school counselling services may offer a “drop-in” facility for pupils
where a child or young person can see the counsellor for a short period of time
without an appointment.
Identifying pupils in need of support:
- Schools need to consider how referrals will be made to counselling services
and ensure that staff and other services know how referrals are made, including
through SEN support processes.
- Self-referral by pupils as well as by teachers and support staff.
- Schools may also want to consider whether and how to enable referrals by
parents or carers and peers.
- There may be some children and young people whose mental health issues
need clinical treatment by an appropriate specialist mental health professional.
- There may be some individuals who do not want to undertake counselling and
schools need to be prepared with alternative approaches.
- Some ethnic minorities are under- represented in school-based counselling.
Schools will also need to help making appointment services. Consider making a waiting
list. They need to ensure that as many young people attend their appointments, this could be
through using appointment slips or text reminders. They also should follow up if there is no
Something else to consider looking at: School based Counselling Operating Toolkit
Features of a good counselling service:
- All staff, parents or carers, pupils and school partners are aware that a school-
based counselling service is being offered.
- Information about the school counselling service should be available and
understood by all staff.
- Information and publicity materials have been developed and made available
for all the different audiences: staff, parents or carers, pupils.
- Counselling is seen as part of a whole school approach to emotional health
and wellbeing and school effectiveness.
- The service is independent as well as integrated into the school.
- The counselling room is accessible, private, secure, safe, and welcoming.
- The counsellor is suitably qualified and is recognised on an Accredited
Voluntary Register and is working within an ethical framework, such as BACP or
- Appropriate clinical and managerial supervision arrangements are in place.
- Continuing professional development opportunities are available and taken
- A member of school staff has been appointed to act as liaison.
- Appropriate induction arrangements have been made.
- The counsellor is familiar and works with relevant legislation and procedures,
including child protection and safeguarding procedures.
- The counsellor has a knowledge of mental disorders and the evidence base for
effective treatments.
- Pupils have been involved in the development (and evaluation) of the service.
- There is clear referral, including self-referral procedures in place.
- The equal opportunities policy includes sex, disability, race, and sexual
- The complaints procedure is accessible to all.
- There are protocols in place for working with, and referring onto, other

Information found from:

Some charities:
- The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families has delivered mental
health care for over 60 years.


- CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU Citizens Advice provides a free, confidential
debt advice service. Their staff get specialist training on helping clients with mental
health problems. If you disclose mental health problems early, it will help advisors to
help you. Contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
- Heads together charity


- Place2be provides counselling for children in around 280 schools across the UK.
- The Mix supports young people under 25 years old with mental health problems.
It offers email and telephone counselling, including a helpline.
- Young Minds champions and promotes the wellbeing and mental health of
young people.
- Samaritans: 116 123
- Mental Health Matters: 0800 107 0160
- Childline: 0800 1111

Secondary schools in Bristol

- Bristol Metropolitan Academy Snowdon Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2HD
Rated good by OFSTED. It’s also an Academy.
They have a policy for people with health needs that cannot attend school

Emily: Document attached as a link

Step 7: Integrating and testing new information

The individual research is brought back to the group. Each week:

● 1 group will present their learning and conclusions relating to the case.
● Other students will provide peer feedback on the presentation
● A facilitated discussion will follow the presentation

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