Mokamadali - Interjections - Lesson Plan (Ma'am Amme)

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At the end of the 60-minute lesson, 90% of the students are expected to attain 75% proficiency in:
1. Identify what are Interjections;
2. realize the importance of interjections in our daily conversation; and
3. use interjections in sentences.


A. Topic: Interjection
B. References: Grade 9-English (Learners Materials)
C. Materials: Power point presentation, DLP, printed materials and pictures.


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary activities
1. Greetings
Everyone, pls rise. Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, sir! Good afternoon, classmates!

How are you today? We’re fine, sir.

That’s good to hear.

2. Prayer
May I request Nieza to lead us the prayer. Let us pray. In the name of the father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, the most merciful and
heavenly father we gave you thanks for all the
things you have given to us. Amen.

Now, before you sit, please arrange your (Students arrange their chairs)
chairs properly and pick up some pieces of
papers under your chair.

Ok, I am expecting a full of energy and an Yes sir!

active participation from you, can I expect

3. Attendance None sir.

Now, let’s have your attendance. Who’s
absent for today?

Okay. It is great to know that everyone is

Classroom Rules:
4. Setting Classrooms Standards 1. Listen when someone is speaking.
Class what are the things we need to when 2. Avoid talking or gossiping to your
our class is going on, everybody read. seatmates.
3. Listen attentively.
4. Raise your hand if you have questions or if
you want to speak.

Thank you for that, can I expect that from

you class? Yes sir.
5. Review of the past lesson
Now, let’s have a short review. What was
topic last meeting? Anyone? We talked about figures of speech sir.

Yes, very good. We talked about figures of

speech and its types, right? Yes sir.

So, now who can give me at least 2 types of

figures of speech? It is Simile and Hyperbole sir.

Now class who can remember what is

simile? Sir, can I answer?

Yes, Student F?
Simile is a type of figurative language that
describes something by comparing it to something
Very good! Thank you, Student F. else with the words like or as.

Now, who can give me a meaning of

hyperbole? Yes, student G? Hyperbole is a purposeful exaggeration not meant
to be taken literally.
That’s right! Very good class.

Alright, so I think all is clear about Figures of


Before we proceed to our lesson today, let’s
have an activity first. Do you want an

Activity: SAY MY MOOD!

Direction: The teacher will show pictures

that show different moods, the teacher will Yes, sir.
ask the student to give a sentence that is
related to the emotion of the picture

Example: Wow! The USM auditorium is


Wow! We’re going on a vacation.

Wow, good example.
Yey! I passed the midterm exam.
Another one.

Very good. Next picture.

Arghhhh! I’m breaking up with you.

Hey! You stepped on my shoe.

2. Me, sir.
Very good example. Another one.

Good, next picture. Who wants to answer?

Eww! That smells awful.

Yuck, he vomited.
Nice, how about another answer.

Great, next picture.

Oh my god! It’s dark in here.

Oh no! I’m scared.

Me, sir. Me!
Great, another one
Good job.

Last one, who can give me an example?

Ouch, Kyosu and Jaja broke up.

Ow, my neck hurts.

Sir, can I answer?

Amazing, another example.

Amazing class, you did very well. So, based Sir, I think our topic for today is all about
on our activity and out of these examples, interjection.
what do you think our lesson for today?

Yes, student A.

Very good! So, our topic this afternoon is all

At the end of the lesson, 80% students will be able
about interjection. to
A. Identify what are Interjections and its
But before we start the discussion, please B. Match the interjection to its
read our objectives. appropriate emotion
C. Use interjection in a sentence
Again, based on the activity and these Me sir.
examples, who can give an idea what
interjection is all about?
Interjection is a word or phrase that expresses
Yes? feelings and emotions.

Very good, student B.

An interjection is a word or phrase that is

grammatically independent from the words
around it, and mainly expresses feeling
rather than meaning There are no particular
rules in using interjections but it often
appears at the beginning of the sentence.

Any other ideas? Me, sir.

That’s right. Meaning, interjections can It also stands alone and it is not grammatically
stand alone and it doesn’t need to be related to rest of the sentence.
connected to a sentence.

The three types of interjections are emotive,

volitive, and cognitive.
There are 3 types of interjections, emotive,
volitive, and cognitive interjections. What
are the three types of interjections again?
Me, sir.

From the word emotive, what do you think

does it mean?

From the word emotive, I think it expresses
emotions or reactions.

That’s correct, student E. An emotive

interjection is used to express an emotion
or to indicate a reaction to something. For
example, “oh no! my cat died” who can give Me, sir. “Yey! It’s Christmas”
me another example?

That’s correct. Next, we have volitive No, sir.

interjections. Do you know what volitive
interjection is?

Me, sir.
Ok, volitive interjection is used to give a
command or make a request. For example, Hey, can you please pass me the paper?
“shush, please keep quiet” who can give me
an example?
Sir I think cognitive interjection is all about
Yes, student G?

That’s right. Lastly, we have cognitive

interjection, what do you think is cognitive

Ahaa, close enough. A cognitive interjection

is used to express a thought or indicate a
thought process. For example, “hmmm!
Let’s see about that.” Can anyone give me
an example of a cognitive interjection?

Correct! Aha! I got it

Let’s recap. What is emotive interjection

again? It is about expressing emotions and reactions, sir.

How about volitive interjection? It is about command and request, sir.

Lastly, what about cognitive interjection? It expresses a thought process sir.

Wow! You are all correct. It seems like you

have a clear understanding what is
interjection and what are its types.

Wow, I can really see that you are

interested because all of your answers are
correct, and because of that, let’s have
another activity.


Direction: The students will choose their

partner by using draw lots. Whoever among
them is going to pick the same number is
going to be partners.

They have to come up with a short

dialogue, and they have to incorporate
interjection into their conversation.

Content: The 5 points
students are able
to perform a play
with the use of
Creativity: the 5 points
students are able
to perform a
creative play.
Accuracy: the 5 points
students are able
to accurately use
interjections in
their play
Presentation: the 5 points
students are able
to perform their
play without any
Total 20 oints

Wow, outstanding performance class, I really
observed that you have a clear
understanding about our lesson, now my
question is

What are the benefits in using interjection in Me sir.

our daily conversations. Anyone?

Yes? Sir, one of the benefits in using interjections is it

avoids misunderstandings in conversations because
the emotion is clear

Me sir
Yes, student H. very good, how about
another idea? I think that the benefit in using interjection is
having a clear understanding on what the people
Yes? are saying.

Very good student I

Now, I can see that you really understood our *clap

topic for today, let’s give everyone a clap. Ok
because of that let’s have a short quiz.


Now before we say our goodbyes, this is

going to be your assignment

In a ½ sheet of paper, list down 5 examples of an emotive interjection, 5 examples of volitive
interjection and 5 examples of cognitive interjections.

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