Love Andamon

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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City

College of Education
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7
I. Objectives

A. Competency: Express one’s beliefs or convictions based on a material viewed

B. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. differentiate belief from conviction;
2. familiarize expressions in stating beliefs/convictions;

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Express One’s Beliefs/Convictions Based on a Material Viewed

b. References: English 7 Quarter 3-Module 4
c. Materials: Visual aids, manila paper, tape

III. Procedure

Teacher's Activity Students' Activity

A. Preparation

a. Prayer (For first period only)

Kindly lead the prayer Ms. ______.

(The students are praying)
b. Greetings

Good morning class!

All: Good morning ma’am.
To fully prepare your mind throughout the
lesson, I want you to pick up the pieces of papers
under your chairs, and arrange it properly.

c. Checking of attendance.

Let us check your attendance first.

Ms. Secretary, may I know who are absent for
“I'm glad to tell you ma'am that only Mr.
_______ is the absentee today.”
Thank you for that Ms. secretary.

How are you this morning? Are you all fine?

Good to hear that. We are fine ma'am.

Did you take your breakfast?

Yes ma'am.
Very good! It is necessary for you take your
breakfast so that you have energy and you can
participate in class actively.

d. Classroom Rules

Before we begin, let us have our agreements.

Ms._____, what will you do if the teacher is

talking here in front?
Student: Listen attentively and don't talk with
my seatmate.
Very good!
Ms. ______what will you do if you want to
Student: Raise my right hand if I want to
answer and we should not answer in chorus.
Another rules:
 No cellphones.
 Sit properly.
 Treat others with respect at all times.

Very well, I am really expecting that those rules

you have mentioned will be observed and perpetuated
as we go on with our class discussion. Is that clear?
All: Yes ma'am.
e. Motivation

Before we begin, let us have an activity. This

activity is called “Find the Mystery Words.” But first
I will group you into 3. (First row is the group one,
second row is the group two, and the third row is the

(All groups will be given cutting papers.)

All of you will have to arrange the puzzle. After

arranging it you will notice a numbers above the word
that you've arrange. That numbers is a guide on where
you're going to write the letters here (refers to the
manila paper that place on the board) in order for you
to complete the mystery words.

During the activity, if your group making

unnecessary noises, 5 points will be deducted from
your group. And to the groups who behave well, they
will be given an additional 5 points.
Are we clear?
All: yes ma’am.
Ok you may now start.
(Students are presenting their work)

Mystery words: BELIEFS AND


Okay students you may now take your seats and

thank you so much for your participation. (Students are now done presenting their

So class, based on our first activity, what do you

think is our lesson for today? Student: I think our lesson for today is all
about literary devices.

Very good!
What is our mystery word again? All: Literary Devices

Ok, Thank you.

Today we will tackle about "Express One’s
Beliefs/Convictions Based on a Material Viewed"

B. Presentation

Before we proceed, let's reveal today's learning

objectives. Everybody please read in chorus.

(Students read the objectives)

At the end of the lesson, the students will
be able to:

a. differentiate belief from conviction;

b. familiarize expressions in stating
Thank you class. I expect your utmost attention beliefs/convictions;
and participation in order for us to achieve our lesson
"Is that clear?"

C. Discussion “Yes ma’am.”

Today, we will be discussing about "Beliefs and


Class, every time you hear the word belief, what

comes first in your mind?

Very good! Thank you for that.

For me ma'am, a belief is something that
A Belief is something that an individual consider as you believe or accept as true.
the truth.
It is shaped by individuals background experiences
and based on one's cultural or personal faith,
morality, or values.

Do you have any beliefs at home?

What are those?

Yes ma'am.

As a christian, we also believe in God the creator of

heaven and the earth. We do believe also in heaven ( Students answers may vary)
and hell in which those people who commit to do bad
will be put into hell and those good people are in

As Filipino we also believe in monster, aswang and

engkanto, right?
Do you believe in monters?

Do you see monsters like engkanto, aswang? Yes ma'am

Why do we believe that it is true? Yes ma'am.

It is because of our local culture and folklore. No ma'am.

Do you have any questions? (Student’s answer may vary)

Okay let's proceed to convinction. Kindly read.

No ma'am

To be convinced you need to obtain all related Conviction is a firm belief on something that
information like an individual is convinced of.

 statistical data - based on analysis of statistics;

 observational data - based on what the person
has observed or perceived
they observed
 causal data - based on what fact has caused a
particular factual result; and
 experiential data - based on what experience
shows can be inferred from the facts.

A conviction remains the same even with new

experiences and even after long periods of time
because it is built in concrete information.

Now, how was conviction different from belief?


Yes, very good. Around of applause.

Okay let's move on to the "Basic Signal Phrases in

Expressing Beliefs or Convictions" (Student’s answer may vary)
Kindly read.

I feel… In my view…
I think… I really feel that…
I believe that… Personally, I think…
This are the basic signal phrases in expressing our In my opinion… Personally
beliefs and convictions. From my point of speaking…
view… My point of view is
Do you have any questions? Clarification? that…
Okay, very good!

D. Comparison and Abstract

I hope you have learned a lot from today's


Who can differentiate beliefs and convictions?

Yes, Ms.______
Very well said. Around of applause!

Who can enumerate the basic signal phrases in A belief is something we considered correct
expressing beliefs or convictions? or true even if it is not based on facts or
evidences while conviction is statistical,
( One students raise his hand)
observational and experiencial.
Yes Mr/Ms.______.

This are:

I feel…
I think…
I believe that…
In my opinion…
Excellent! From my point of view…
In my view…
I really feel that…
E. Generalization Personally, I think…
Why do you think knowing beliefs and Personally speaking…
convictions important? My point of view is that…

Very good!

Ok, thank you so much class for your

participation. And I'm glad to hear that all of you
listened attentively in our discussion.
(Students answer may vary)
F. Application

Do you have any question class? Clarification?

Ok, since you understand our lesson this

morning, let us have an activity. But first I will group
you into 4. Please count off.

Go to your group and listen to my instruction.

Instruction: Write atleast 3 common beliefs you No ma'am

have heard in your community or in your family and
write your reactions about it using the following
expressions presented.

I’m only giving you a 10 – 15 minutes to prepare.

In your group choose only 1 representative to report it
in front.

I just want to remind you class, that if your

group is making unnecessary noises, 5 points will be
deducted from your score, and the groups that
behaves well, will receive additional 5 points.

Are we clear class?

Ok, your time starts now.

We are finally done with the activity. Good job

class. You're absolutely fantastic! Let's have a round
of applause.

Yes ma'am

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Answer each question by choosing the letter of the best answer.
1. What is expressed in the following sentence? I personally believe that things happen for a
reason, so I try to be positive even in difficult times.

a. belief
b. conclusion

c. fact
d. reality
2. What kind of statement is exemplified below? I think we must really follow basic health protocols
like wearing of face masks and face shields and maintaining social distancing because they help
prevent Covid 19 from spreading and infecting more people.
a. belief
b. conclusion
c. conviction
d. reality
3. Which phrase does not signal a statement of belief or conviction?
a. In my opinion
b. I think…
c. Meanwhile…
d. I believe…
4. It is a firm belief on something that an individual is convinced of.
a. belief

b. conviction

c. reality

d. opinion

5. It is something that an individual consider as the truth. It is shaped by individuals

background experiences and based on one's cultural or personal faith, morality, or values.

a. conviction

b. reality

c. belief

d. conclusion


1. A
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
V. Assignment
Research the other types of literary devices.

4 3 2
CooperationAll members of the group 2-3 members did not Only the leader works for
cooperate. cooperate. the group.
Time If the group members finish If the group members finish The group members finish
Management their task on time. their task, late of 1 minute their task with 2-minutes
late and beyond.
Presentation Able to present the task Able to present the task If they are not able to
clearly and completely. clearly but not completely. present.

Prepared by:


Pre-Service Teacher, JRMSU-Dipolog
Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher, Sicayab, NHS

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