PD Administrative Clerk Kampala

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U. S.

Department of State


This document is used for regulatory purposes relating to the appointment and payment of public funds. False or misleading statements may constitute violations of such
regulations. Prepare according to instructions from the Supervisor's Field Guide for Supervisors of Locally Employed Staff, Chapter 2 (3 FAH-2 H-440).

1. Post 2. Agency 3. OPS Job Code

Kampala, Uganda Department of State TBD
3b. Post Job Number 3c. Subject to Identical Position? If Yes, provide total position number and list all
additional job number(s) in 3d.
TBD ☐ Yes ☒ No
3d. Total Number of Positions Identical Additional Post Job Numbers

None None
4. Post Position Title or Working Title (if different from official title)

Refugee Administrative Clerk

5. Reason for Submission

☒ New position
☐ Implementation of SJD/FJD
☐ Recertification of position description
☐ Significant changes to existing position/reclassification
☐ Reorganization or reprogram of existing vacant position to position with different official title or occupational series - provide OPS position
number and OPS Job Code for existing vacant position

6. Organizational Design

6a. Office/Section Refugee Affairs 6b. First Subdivision Refugee Affairs

6c. Second Subdivision 6d. Third Subdivision

7. Certifications/Signatures

I acknowledge receipt of this description Date

of my position duties and ☐ By checking this box, I, certify that I am the individual
7a. Employee
responsibilities. submitting this document.

I certify that this is an accurate Date

description of the duties and ☐ By checking this box, I, certify that I am the individual
7b. Supervisor
responsibilities of this position. submitting this document.

I certify that this is an accurate Date

7c. Section Chief/ ☐ By checking this box, I, certify that I am the individual submitting
description of this position and there is a
Agency Head this document.
valid management need for this position.
7d. HR Officer/ I certify that this is an accurate ☐ By checking this box, I, certify that I am the individual
Mgmt. Officer description of this position. submitting this document.

8. Classification Action and Certification - I certify that this position has been classified within established standards.

8a. Classification Center Official Title Job Series Grade Approver Name Date Approved

AFRCC Administrative Clerk 0105 FSN-6 4/16/2024

8b. GTM/OE Official Title Job Series Grade GTM/OE Name Date Approved

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8c. Recertification Reason RCC/Approver Name Initials/Date

9. Post PD Review Initials/Date Initials/Date Initials/Date Initials/Date Initials/Date

9a. Employee

9b. Supervisor

9c. HR/Mgmt. Officer

10. Job Overview

Provides administrative support to a team of four other members of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and
Migration (PRM). Tracks office supplies, submits motor pool and visitor access requests, coordinates office
maintenance requests, and coordinates meeting reservations for office meetings. Manages domestic and
international travel logistics for four staff traveling to up to 27 countries. Provides logistical support for quarterly
six-week TDYs of officers from the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services
(USCIS), in groups of up to 20 individuals. Submits purchase orders, including ensuring purchases do not exceed
budgets, and manages representational funds and petty cash.
10a. Direct Supervisor of Position:

Receives direct supervision from the Deputy Refugee Coordinator.

10b. Position Directly Supervises:


10c. Indicate if the position has the delegated authority to certify payments:


10d. Provide security access determination level, if required:


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11. Major Duties and Responsibilities (Include % of time spent for each duty, percentage totals must equal 100%):

I. General Administrative Functions (80% of time)

Administrative support for Refugee section, including: drafting of country clearances and requests, control officer
duties with refugee-related visitors, assistance in planning the section personnel’s in-country and regional travel
(including arranging travel and submitting post-trip vouchers), develop and maintain a filing and project tracking
system to facilitate the monitoring of USG-funded cooperative agreements for refugee assistance in the Great
Lakes region, develop and maintain section-wide SharePoint file system. Manages all administrative onboarding
for new employees. (30%)

Coordinates logistics and resource requests for PRM program/activity implementation. Serves as a primary PRM
liaison with Management (General Services, Facilities Management, Information Technology, Financial
Management, and Human Resources) and Regional Security staffs to coordinate their support for PRM
programs/activities. Works closely with the Management Section to coordinate the Section’s use of resources,
including program, equipment, and technology requirements. Manages office supplies. Makes purchase requests
for all office needs. (20%)

Coordinates logistics and preparation for PRM program meetings and briefings, grants committees, and other
events. Prepares the Section’s time and attendance and representation vouchers. Manages shared office
calendars. Tracks and coordinates Front Office taskings assigned to PRM. (15%)

Manages PRM representational activities in coordination with other PRM staff. Coordinates guest lists, invitations,
and RSVPs for all events. Serves as a Refugee Section “power user” for the contact management database (CRM),
including its use in events management and email marketing. Ensures updates and accuracy of contact
information and trains the Section colleagues in its use. (15%)

II. Support Regional USCIS Circuit Rides (20%)

Supports all aspects of State/PRM’s U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP), which covers refugee resettlement
to the United States from Great Lakes, Central, and West Africa regions. Provides logistical support for quarterly
six-week TDYs of officers from the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services
(USCIS), both in Uganda and in other Great Lakes countries, with delegations of up to 20 individuals.

Note: This position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by
the incumbent. The incumbent will be required to perform other duties as assigned by the agency.

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Minimum Qualification Requirements
12. Knowledge

12a. Pre-hire (Operational):

Good knowledge of Ugandan geography, culture, infrastructure, and government institutions is required.
Knowledge of customer service practices is required.
12b. Post-hire (Organizational):

General knowledge of United States Government (USG) and Department of State (DOS) structures is required.
Also required: knowledge of the structures, roles, and responsibilities of PRM, including both assistance and
admissions; knowledge of the PRM institutional partners and NGO implementing partners; knowledge of the
actors in the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and how they interact; knowledge of the U.S. interagency and
how PRM works with other Embassy agencies and offices, in particular USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian
Affairs. Must acquire good knowledge of Embassy administrative functions, to include interacting with motor
pool, travel, purchase requests, maintenance & facilities, IRM, and human resources.
13. Pre-hire Skills and Abilities

Analytic Skills: Must be able to accurately assess resource challenges and identify solutions, including those
that address sensitive resource challenges.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Must have excellent customer relations, interpersonal, and cross-
cultural communication skills. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills.
Management Skills: Strong management skills are required, including the ability to organize logistical support
for multiple overlapping visits/missions.
Technical Skills: Good keyboarding and data entry skills are required; excellent familiarity with electronic
discovery tools, in particular the internet, and standard information retrieval practices and procedures are
required. Thorough, detailed knowledge of and the ability to use various computer software programs,
specifically Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and databases is required.
14. Post-hire Skills and Abilities

Analytic Skills: Must be able to perceive significant changes in PRM operations and adjust operations in
Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Must be able to brief U.S. officers and visitors on Embassy
procedures. Must be able to work effectively with officers and partners in neighboring Great Lakes countries.
Management Skills: Strong management skills are required, including the ability to develop and oversee
logistics with partner institutions and manage complex PRM events and visits/missions.
Technical Skills: Knowledge of software, databases, and reporting tools is required, especially Microsoft
platforms, including SharePoint, Outlook, and Teams.
15. Education

Completion of two (2) years of college/university studies is required.

16. Licensing/Certifications/Training

On-line trainings by Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) on bureau programs and operations, and
electronic delivery systems.

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Approximately 2 weeks of online Foreign Service Institute (FSI) courses required for full performance (Ariba
training, and E2 & travel voucher training.

17. Work Experience

17a. Non-Supervisory:

Three years of experience in administrative services, procurement, customer service, or events management is
17b. Supervisory:


18. Language Proficiency - List English and other host country language(s) proficiency requirements by level (1-5) for speaking, reading, and writing

English: Level 4 - Fluent; speaking/reading/writing, may include the ability to translate

Host-Country Language: Luganda Level 2 - Limited knowledge; speaking, reading & writing
Host-Country Language:
Host-Country Language:
Host-Country Language:

19. Special Work Environment & Conditions

Availability: Must be available for occasional travel throughout Uganda (1-2 times per year).

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20. Post PD Review Notes (FOR HR USE ONLY)

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U.S. Department of State
1. Post – Please type the post name.

2. Agency – Please type the agency name.

3. This section deals with the numbers found in OPS, on the individual employee's document and internal
management of identical additional positions. It is an important internal control for position management.

3a. OPS Job Code: This number is generated by the OPS System and is linked with the MClass system. This block
will be completed by the Post HR Office for existing positions or by checking on MClass for new positions once
positions are classified.

3b. Post Job Number: This column should contain the OPS assigned position number or post position number
recorded in MClass.

3c. Please indicate if the classification will be assigned to multiple (identical additional "IA") positions.

3d. Total number of identical positions - Please state the total position numbers that are assigned to the position's
MClass record. Identical post job numbers should be listed in this section. If space is insufficient to list all identical
post job numbers, please provide details in the organizational chart.

4. Post Position Title - This is used when the official position title in MClass differs from the more common title found
in the host country. If there is no position working title, please leave this blank. The position working title will also
appear in OPS.

5. Reason for Submission - please select the appropriate reason for submission. Please provide additional
information when prompted.

6. Organizational Design - listing the office, section, and unit where the position is located.

7. Certifications/Signatures - Since this document is used for regulatory purposes relating to the payment of public
funds, each stakeholder is required to acknowledge or certify, and sign.

8. Classification Action and Certification - This is completed by the RCC annotating the Official Title, Job Series and
Grade of the position. The date is the date that the position was either approved or recertified in the MClass
system. When there is a formal appeal of the classification performed by the RCC, the final decision from GTM/OE
and/or USAID will be annotated here with name/initials.

8c. PD Recertification - Post to provide reason (e.g., PD is more than 5 years but still valid, or some changes reflected
in the PD are not significant for reclassification). RCC provides the recertification official and date upon
updating/uploading the revised PD in the MClass.

9. Position Description Review - This section documents the local reviews/updates performed at the Post level that
are not sent to the RCCs. Refer to the most updated policy aid or contact respective RCC for additional
clarification on minor changes at Post. Any change to a PD must be reviewed by the employee, supervisor and
Management Official (see 7 for explanation for Management Official).

10. Job Overview - This is a brief statement explaining the overall purpose of the position. This statement will appear
in the vacancy announcement when the position is advertised. It should be concise, no more than 2 paragraphs,
and be in plain language that can easily be understood by internal and external applicants.

10a. Direct Supervisor of Position: This a brief statement explaining who the direct supervisor of the position is; the
level of oversight that will be used and how the work will be reviewed.

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U.S. Department of State
10b. Position directly supervises - When applicable, provide a brief statement regarding whom the position will
supervise. Please explain how that will be done. For example, will provide daily guidance, approve/disapprove
leave, take part in hiring decisions; provide recommendations to disciplinary actions, counsel employees and be
the rater for performance reviews.

10c. Authority to certify payments. If the position will have the authority to certify payments, please select yes. If not,
select no.

10d. No choice is needed here for LE Staff position as a local security certification is the default security access
requirement for LE Staff position. If there is a reason requiring a higher security access determination, please
consult with the Post Regional Security Officer and the Office Personnel Management's Position Designation
Automated Tool (PDT), and subsequently indicate the appropriate level required by selecting one of the drop-
down options.

11. Major Duties and Responsibilities. Do not enter the phrase "see attached" and do not attach any documents.
Similar to the PDF or Word version of this form, the space will expand. When using the My Data form, begin typing
here. When printing, check the box "print addendum" on the print screen so that all the data entered will print as
an addendum.

Describe the regular and recurring work that will be required of the incumbent. Include duties that are performed
10% or more of the total work time (i.e., 4 or more hours per week). Start with the most important requirement or
the largest percentage of time. Please group similar duties together. For each duty or group of tasks, describe the
work to be performed, including methodologies and technologies.

For all agencies except USAID: The following statement should be included on every PD, at the end of Section
11, to address the issue of" other duties as assigned". No percentage of time is allocated to this statement.

Note: "This position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by
incumbent. Incumbent will be required to perform other duties as assigned by the agency."

Minimum Qualification Requirements: These requirements must reflect the minimum knowledge, skills and abilities
(KSAs) required to successfully fulfill the duties at the full performance level. These will not necessarily be the KSAs of
the current or previous incumbent. All requirements must state "is required" or "must." The words "desired" or "preferred"
are not to be used.

Some of the categories are split into pre-hire and post-hire levels. Pre-hire levels are those KSAs that the applicant is
expected to already have before coming to work for the US government. Post-hire levels take into account the
knowledge, skills and abilities that can only be obtained after being hired. Both pre-hire and post-hire levels are used
during classification; however, only pre-hire levels are used during recruitment.

12. Knowledge is the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject, which includes the necessary information,
subjects, and topics that should be known to successfully fulfill the duties.

12a. Pre-hire (Operational): This covers knowledge of the external environment or standard practices in the host
country. This may be political, legal, occupational safety practices, accounting standards, building practices,
and/or the business environment.

12b. Post hire (Organizational): This covers knowledge of US government workings and structure. Consider
requirements to understand internal procedures, agency and USG regulations, policy, purpose of organization and
its staff.

13. Pre-hire Skills and Abilities: List skills & abilities that a candidate needs to have to be hired into the position, e.g.,
interview for HR Recruiter, presentation & public speaking for trainer, counseling for supervisor, drafting building
plans for architect, interpersonal for CLO, etc.

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U.S. Department of State
14. Post-hire Skills and Abilities: List any additional skills and abilities that can be built during employment, e.g., data
analysis, communication with diverse audiences, federal fund management, etc.

15. Education: List the minimum education level required for effective performance. For post-secondary education
(I.e., university degree, master’s degree and PhD), you must list a field of study that is directly related to the duties
and responsibilities of the position. No more than five specific fields of study should be listed.

16. Licensing/Certifications/Training: This is the mandatory licensing, certifications or training that is required to reach
effective performance within a reasonable period of time. Some licensing or certification are required at the point
of hire, such as valid driver license, technical or specialist certification (technical, medical), others would be
obtained during employment such as Overseas Personnel System training, Smith System Safe Driver training,
Contracting Officer's Representative training, Grants Officer Representative training, basic consular training. Do
not include training that is required of all employees, such as new employee orientation, cybersecurity, etc.

17. Work Experience: What experience does the incumbent need to successfully perform the duties and
responsibilities of the position? State the minimum amount of time in months or years required. Do not cite a range
of years (3-5 years of experience) or use progressive experience. Instead, list the minimum number of months or
years (e.g., minimum of 6 months experience, or minimum of 4 years of experience.).

17a. Nonsupervisory: Please list the minimum experience needed to effectively perform the non-supervisory duties and
responsibilities of the position.

17b. Supervisory: List the amount and type of previous supervisory experience required to successfully perform the
supervisory duties of the position. Please note that if a position supervises less than three employees, best
practice is not to require supervisory experience in order not to exclude first time supervisors.

18. Language Proficiency: Indicate the degree of proficiency in a language or languages required for performance of
the duties of the position. State the minimum level for reading, speaking, and writing. The proficiency should be
consistent with the communication requirements needed to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position."
See OE policy "Pre-Employment English Language and Other Testing".

19. Special Work Environment or Conditions: Use this space if the position is subject to a special work environment or
conditions, such as if the position is required to travel significantly (25% or more), or if position is expected to be
on-call/standby. All special work environment or conditions must be consistent with local law.

20. Post PD Review Notes. FOR HR USE ONLY. Please use the space to annotate changes made to the PD during
Post PD Review.

Full Performance Level: Below is a guideline for the typical period of time a new employee would need to reach full
performance level. This should not be confused with a training grade or the probationary period.

Grades 1-3 – Three months

Grades 4-6 – Six months
Grades 7-9 – Nine months
Grades 10-12 – One year

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