Buzatu Teodor Valentin Art 1 Eng
Buzatu Teodor Valentin Art 1 Eng
Buzatu Teodor Valentin Art 1 Eng
· E. Mesko F. Valentini
J. Adiel Skupien M. ·
· Boscato (&) ·
T. Pereira-Cenci N. Outline of the Case
Graduate Program in Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas,
Rua Gonçalves Chaves, 457, 2nd Floor, Pelotas, RS 96015-560,
Brazil A 55-year-old male with poor general health status pre-
e-mail: [email protected] sented to the Meridional Study Center in Uningá, Brazil,
J Indian Prosthodont Soc
J Indian Prosthodont Soc
J Indian Prosthodont Soc
J Indian Prosthodont Soc
J Indian Prosthodont Soc
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