Evaluating The Changes in Molar Incisor Hypomineralization Prevalence

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Received: 19 July 2019 Revised: 21 August 2019 Accepted: 29 August 2019

DOI: 10.1002/cre2.252


Evaluating the changes in molar incisor hypomineralization

prevalence: A comparison of two cross-sectional studies in two
elementary schools in Mexico City between 2008 and 2017

Maria Esther Irigoyen-Camacho1 | Teresa Villanueva-Gutierrez1 |

Antonio Castano-Seiquer2 | Nelly Molina-Frechero1 | Marco Zepeda-Zepeda1 |
Leonor Sánchez-Pérez1

Health Care Department, Metropolitan
Autonomous University-Xochimilco, Mexico Abstract
City, Mexico Background: Little information is available on the trends over time of the prevalence
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Seville,
of molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH). This condition may be preventing dental
Seville, Spain
caries decline.
Aim: (a) To compare the prevalence of MIH, in Mexico City schoolchildren, evaluated
María Esther Irigoyen-Camacho,
Departamento de Atención a la Salud, in 2008 with a group evaluated in 2017, (b) to identify the association of MIH with
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-
dental caries, and (c) to assess the mother's perception of her child's oral health
Xochimilco, Calzada del Hueso # 1100, Col.
Villa Quietud, Delegación Coyoacán, Ciudad status.
de México, México.
Design: Two cross-sectional studies performed in 2008 and in 2017 were compared.
Email: [email protected]
The oral examiner and the selected schools were the same in both surveys.
Results: A total of 549 schoolchildren were evaluated. The prevalence of MIH in the
first survey was 20.3%, and 31.9 % in the second survey, (p = .002). Children with
MIH were more likely to have dental caries. The odds ratio was 2.24 (p = .036) and
4.18 (p .001) in the first and second surveys, respectively. Mothers of children with
MIH perceived worse oral health status of their children than the mothers whose
children did not have MIH (odds ratio = 4.47, p .001).
Conclusion: The findings portray a clear increase in prevalence of MIH and highlight
the need for increased awareness about this condition among dentists and the
general population.

community pediatric dentistry, dental caries, maternal perception, molar incisor

1 | I N T RO D UC T I O N variation in its prevalence (Naysmith & Wm, 2017). MIH has a sys-
temic origin and occurs during the maturation stage of tooth forma-
Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a developmental defect that tion (Weerheijm & Jälevik, 2001). It is characterized by an inadequate
has been identified in many countries around the world, with a wide mineralization of the enamel, affecting one or more of the first

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
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©2019 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

82 wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/cre2 Clin Exp Dent Res. 2020;6:82–89.

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permanent molars, and the permanent incisors can be affected as well pneumonia in particular have been associated with MIH (Silva,
(Weerheijm & Jälevik, 2001). Teeth with MIH present demarcated Scurrah, Craig, Manton, & Kilpatrick, 2016). This condition has
opacities that can be chalky white, creamy, yellow, or brown. The a genetic component, and several genes expressed during enamel
identification of demarcated opacities is important for differential formation have been related to MIH (Vieira & Kup, 2016). (Jeremias
diagnosis of other developmental enamel defects, such as dental fluo- et al., 2013).
rosis. MIH is a qualitative enamel defect, and its thickness is similar to The objectives of the present study were (a) to compare the prev-
that of normal enamel (Farah, Drummond, Swain, & Williams, 2010). alence of MIH in a group of schoolchildren evaluated in 2008 with a
When the tooth erupts, the enamel is fully formed; this feature differ- group evaluated in 2017 of the same area of Mexico City, (b) to iden-
entiates this condition from enamel hypoplasia. However, enamel tify the association of MIH with dental caries in schoolchildren, and
breakdown may occur after tooth eruption, mainly due to the pres- (c) to assess the mother's perception of her child's oral health status.
ence of porous enamel exposed to masticatory forces. Therefore, the
appearance of the teeth affected by MIH may deteriorate over time.
The structural defects affecting MIH teeth favor the development
of dental caries (Americano, Jacobsen, & Soviero, 2017). Moreover,
Two cross-sectional studies were conducted, the first survey in 2008
children with MIH may experience hypersensitivity, and as a result,
and the second in 2017. Two public elementary schools were selected
tooth brushing may be painful. The children with this condition fre-
for the study; they were located in a low-income area in southeast
quently have poor oral hygiene. A literature review of the association
Mexico City. In Mexico, there is a National Salt Fluoridation Program,
of dental caries and MIH concluded that children with MIH were more
and the children had access to fluoridated salt (Fluor 250 mg/kg). In
likely to have dental caries in permanent teeth than were children
2008, a first survey was performed on six- to eight-year-old children
without MIH (Americano et al., 2017). A study in Finland of the
who were born between 2000 and 2002. In the same schools, the
association between dental caries and MIH, considering locality,
second survey took place in 2017. This survey encompassed children
socioeconomic conditions, age, and MIH as predictors of dental caries,
born between 2009 and 2011. The same dentist conducted oral exam-
concluded that this enamel defect was the strongest indicator of den-
tal caries in the first permanent molars (Wuollet, Laisi, Alaluusua, & inations in both surveys.

Waltimo-Sirén, 2018). The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
There have been efforts to recognize the occurrence and impact Autonomous Metropolitan University-Xochimilco (IRB: CE/12/05/
of this condition in different countries. In Latin America, several stud- 06/1407). The parents were informed of the dental status of their
ies indicated the presence of this condition (Jälevik, 2010; Velandia, children and the availability of dental clinics where their children could
 be treated. All the children's parents signed the consent form, and
Alvarez, Mejía, Rodríguez, & De, 2018). The results of a questionnaire
offered in 2003 to European pediatric dentists showed that MIH was each participating child consented to have an oral examination.

present in 29 of the 30 European countries included. In this study, the The study followed the Declaration of Helsinki norms and those of

birth cohort was considered a factor explaining the differences in the local sanitary authorities. A questionnaire was filled out by the

prevalence of MIH (Weerheijm & Mejàre, 2003). Moreover, a study of mothers and included sociodemographic items and the following ques-

the perception of academic dental clinicians in a university in the tion: “Do you consider the oral health condition of your child: good, fair,

Middle East found that approximately one-third of the dentists per- or poor?”

ceived an increased occurrence of this developmental disturbance in

permanent teeth (Ghanim, Morgan, Mariño, Manton & Bailey 2011). 2.1 | Index
However, little evidence is available related to the trends over time of
MIH prevalence and severity in different population groups. Recogniz- MIH was evaluated using the European Academy of Paediatric Den-

ing trends of this condition could provide information that contributes tistry Index (Weerheijm, Duggal, Mejàre, et al., 2003). Defects smaller

to the identification of its etiology, an important element in planning than 2 mm were excluded. A child was classified as having MIH when
dental services and continuing dental education. any of the first permanent molars showed signs of MIH. Based on the
The timing of detection and treatment of MIH is critical to prevent European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry index, mild MIH was pre-
children's pain and tooth extraction as much as possible. In the United sent when demarcated enamel opacities were observed without post-
Kingdom, in dental hospitals, MIH was the second most important eruptive loss of enamel, and severe MIH when, in addition to
cause of extraction of first permanent molars in children, after dental demarcated opacities, posteruptive enamel breakdown was observed.
caries (Albadri, Zaitoun, & McDonnell, 2007). Parents' awareness of One examiner collected the information. For standardization pur-
problems in their children's mouths could encourage them to seek poses, the examiner used written information and photographs and a
dental treatment and thus a better prognosis of the children's oral 2-day standardization exercise with children. The group of children
health and less negative impact on their quality of life. Prevention of examined for calibration purposes were not part of the results of the
MIH is difficult due to the multiple possible causes related to this con- present study. Dental caries was assessed using the World Health
dition, such as illness occurring during the first 3 years of childhood Organization criteria (Organization WH, 1997). The Kappa values for
life, affecting the mineralization of the teeth; fever, asthma, and MIH and dental caries were 0.92 and 0.91, respectively. Prior to dental
20574347, 2020, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cre2.252 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [06/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

examination, the children brushed their teeth under the supervision of health, with random intercept, considering that the children were
a dentist. A plain mirror and a World Health Organization type of clustered in schools and assuming that the covariance structure was
probe were used to eliminate detritus from tooth surfaces, when nec- independent. The goodness of fit of the logistic regression models
essary, to obtain an adequate observation of each tooth surface. Bar- was evaluated using the Hosmer and Lemeshow test. Significance was
rier techniques were followed during oral evaluation. The children set at p < .05. The STATA V 15 statistical package was used for data
were in supine position, and artificial white light was used during the analysis.
examination. The teeth were not dried before examination. The
included children had at least one erupted or partially erupted first
permanent molar, showing at least half of the clinical crown (Calderara
et al., 2005). The exclusion criteria included children with fixed ortho-
A total of 549 children participated in the study, 6–8 years of age,
dontic appliances that did not allow the evaluation of the tooth sur-
mean age 7.1 (±0.63), and the percentage of girls was 52.2%. These
faces or children who were absent during the days of oral evaluation.
children were selected in two surveys. The first survey was performed
Sample size calculation was performed for a difference in propor-
in 2008 and included 232 (42.2%) children, and the second survey
tions of MIH between surveys of 5%, Proportion1 = 0.15 and Propor-
was carried out in 2017 and included 317 (57.8%) children. The mean
tion2 = 0.20, alpha 0.05, and power of 80%. The total sample size was
age in the first group was 7.0 (± 0.63) and in the second 7.1 (±0.62;
454, that is, 227 children in each survey. In the first survey, informed
p = .220). Between the first and the second survey, no significant
consent letters were sent to 265 parents; 259 (97.7%) retuned the
differences were found by sex, 49.6% and 53.9% girls, respectively
letter, accepting their child's participation in the study. In the second
(p = .311).
survey, the school authorities asked to examine full classes; conse-
quently, 361 children were invited to participate in the study. Consent
letters were sent to the parents, and 342 (94.7%) accepted their chil-
3.1 | Molar incisor hypomineralization
dren' participation. In the first survey, 12 children did not have at least The proportion of children presenting MIH in the first survey was
one erupted first permanent molar, and four children were not pre- 20.3% and in the second survey 31.9% (p = .002). In the first survey,
sent during the days of the oral examination. Therefore, the number 16.0% of the children were in the mild category and 4.3% in the
of children included in the first survey was 232. In the second survey, severe category, and 79.7% of the children did not have MIH. In the
19 did not have any permanent teeth with at least half of the clinical second survey, 22.1% were in the mild category, 9.8% in the severe
crown erupted, and six children were absent on the days when the category, and 68.1% of the children did not have MIH (p = .005),
oral examination was performed. Therefore, the number of children (Figure 1). In the children presenting MIH in the first survey, the mean
included in the second survey was 317. The sample size by adding number of affected teeth was 2.3 (±1.0), in the second survey, 3.0
both surveys was 549 children. (±1.1). Table 1 presents the odds ratio of having MIH, comparing the
first and the second surveys. The children in the second survey were
more likely to have MIH than the children in the first survey (odds
2.2 | Statistical analysis
ratio [OR] = 1.85, p = .003), adjusted by age (p = .755) and sex
The data was summarized in means and standard deviations, and cate- (p = .181).
gorical variables were presented as counts and percentages. The sta- Considering both surveys, maternal perception of the children's
tistical analysis was performed using a logistic regression model and oral health showed that 27.0% of the mothers perceived their child's
mixed-effects logistic regression models for the three output variables oral condition to be good, 58.3% fair, and 14.7% poor. Table 2 pre-
studied, MIH, dental caries, and maternal perception of a child's dental sents the distribution of maternal perception by MIH status in each

F I G U R E 1 Please center the

image in the pagePrevalence and
percentage of children in the mild
and severe molar incisor
hypomineralization categories in
2008 and in 2017
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TABLE 1 Crude and adjusted odds ratios of the mixed-effects logistic regression model of MIH and year of survey, age, and sex

Crude OR (95% CI) P Adjusted ORa (95% CI) P

(Second 2017) 1.84 (1.24 2.74) .003 1.85 (1.24 2.77) .003
Age 0.96 (0.71 1.30) .792 0.95 (0.69 1.30) .755
Sex (female) 0.80 (0.55 1.16) .241 0.77 (0.53 1.13) .181

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

OR adjusted for age and sex. Reference category: sex = male, survey = first survey (2008). Random intercept School (variable) 0.01, 95% CI (0.001 5.94)

TABLE 2 Distribution of sociodemographic characteristics by the presence of MIH in the first survey and the second survey

First survey (year 2008) MIH n = 47 No MIH n = 185 P

Age mean (SD) 7.9 (0.54) 8.0 (0.66) .088
female n (%) 19 (16.5) 96 (51.9) .160
male n (%) 28 (23.9) 89 (48.1)
Maternal perception of child's oral health
good n (%) 5 (10.6) 60 (32.4) .010
fair n (%) 36 (76.6) 103 (55.7)
poor n (%) 6 (12.8) 22 (11.9)

Second survey (year 2017) MIH n = 101 No MIH n = 216

Age mean (SD) 8.1 (0.65) 8.1 (0.60) .433
female n (%) 52 (51.5) 119 (55.1) .548
male n (%) 49 (48.5) 97 (44.9)
Maternal perception of child's oral health
good n (%) 10 (9.9) 73 (33.8) .001
fair n (%) 70 (69.3) 111 (51.4)
poor n (%) 21 (20.8) 32 (14.8)

Abbreviations: MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization; SD, standard deviation.

survey. Maternal perception was similar in both surveys. Approxi- 0.53). The difference in the components between years of survey was
mately 10% of the mothers of children with MIH perceived that the not statistically significant (p > .05).
oral health of the child was good, and around a third of the mothers The permanent dentition, the mean DMFT, was 0.46 (±1.4) and
had this perception in children without MIH. Both the first (p = .010) 0.39 (±0.98) in the first and second surveys (p = .530), respectively.
and second surveys (p < .0010) showed an association between MIH Considering only the first permanent molars, the DMFT = 0.44 (±1.4)
and maternal perception of a child's oral health status. in the second survey and DMFT = 0.38 (±0.92). As observed in the
primary dentition, the most important component of the DMFT index
was decayed teeth followed by filled teeth; in addition, there were no
3.2 | Dental caries
missing permanent teeth in either of the two surveys. In the first
In the first survey, in primary teeth, the mean decayed, missing, or survey, 60%; D = 0.26 (±1.08) corresponded to decayed teeth; in the
filled teeth (dmft) was 4.84 (±5.11), and in the second survey, the dmft second, 86.8%, D = 0.33 (±0.77), (p = .016), corresponded to decayed
was 4.30 (±3.49), (p = .1417). In the first survey, the most important teeth. Filled teeth corresponded to 40%, F = 0.18 (±0.85), and 13.2%,
component was decayed teeth, d = 3.48 (± 4.56) conforming to 72.0% F = 0.05 (±0.44), in the first and second surveys, respectively
of the index, followed by filled teeth 24.8%; f = 1.20 (± 1.99), and the (p = .004).
least important component was missing teeth 3.2%, m = 0.16 (± 0.48). Table 3 presents the caries index by MIH status in the first and
A similar composition was observed in the second survey: 73.5%, second surveys. In the first survey, among the children with MIH,
d = 3.16 (± 3.02), followed by filled teeth 23.0%; f = 0.99 (± 1.74), and 29.8% had dental caries in their permanent teeth; among the children
the lowest component derived from missing teeth 3.5%; m = 0.15 (± without MIH, this percentage was 17.8% (p = .069). In the second
20574347, 2020, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cre2.252 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [06/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

T A B L E 3 Number and percentage of children with dental caries in primary and permanent teeth by the presence of molar incisor
hypomineralization in the 2008 and the 2017 surveys

DMFT = 0 DMFT ≥ 1 DMFT = 0 DMFT ≥ 1

First survey (2008) n (%) n (%) P n (%) n (%) P
MIH yes n = 47 13 (20.7) 34 (20.1) .931 33 (17.8) 14 70.2 .069
MIH no n = 185 50 (79.3) 135 (79.9) 152 (82.2) 33 (29.8)
Second survey (2017)
MIH yes n = 101 12 (23.5) 89 (33.5) .163 64 (25.6) 37 (44.8) .001
MIH no n = 216 39 (76.5) 177 (66.5) 186 (74.4) 30 (55.2)

Abbreviations: DMFT, decayed, missing, or filled teeth; MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization.

survey, among the children with MIH, 36.6% had dental caries in their higher dental caries (dmft + DMFT) indices (OR = 1.20, p .001); simi-
permanent teeth; among the children without MIH, this percentage larly, poor maternal perception of children's oral health status was also
was 13.9% (p < .001). No significant association was found between associated with MIH (OR = 4.47, p .001), adjusted by age, sex, and
the presence of MIH and dental caries in the primary teeth. Consider- year of the survey.
ing the mean of the dental caries index, in the first survey, the mean
dmft was 5.02 (±4.96) and 4.79 (±5.16) in the groups with MIH and
without MIH (p = .787), respectively. In the second survey, the mean
dmft was 4.75 (±3.53) and 4.08 (±3.46) in the groups with MIH and
The comparison of the two cross-sectional surveys analyzed in this
without MIH (p = .114), respectively. In permanent dentition, in the
study showed a higher MIH prevalence in 2017 than in 2008. In addi-
first survey, the mean DMFT was 0.63 (±1.72) in the group with MIH, tion, the percentage of MIH cases classified as severe was also higher
and DMFT was 0.39 (±1.25) in the group without MIH (p = .263). In in the second survey than in the first survey. Since the early 2000s,
the second survey, a significant difference was detected between the attention has been drawn to the possibility of an increased incidence
mean dental caries and MIH status. The DMFT was 0.61 (±0.99) in of this condition in Europe and in other regions (Jälevik, 2010; Ghanim
the group with MIH, and in the group without MIH, the DMFT was et al., 2011; Weerheijm & Mejàre, 2003). The reason for the incre-
0.26 (±0.86), (p = .002). Table 4 presents the OR of the mixed-effects ment in MIH found in the Mexican children is unclear. It may be
logistic regression model for dental caries and MIH, controlled by age related to the increase in concentration of pollutants in our modern
and sex. In both surveys, MIH was associated with the presence of environments.(Crombie, Manton, & Kilpatrick, 2009) Ameloblasts are
dental caries in the first permanent molars; the ORs were 2.24 very sensitive to environmental factors during the maturation phase
(p = .036) and 4.18 (p .001) in the first and second surveys, respec- (Suga, 1989). In an archeological case series study, MIH was found to
tively. In the second survey, the clustering effect of the school was be practically nonexistent, and it was suggested that MIH may be
significant (p = .040). linked to contemporary living conditions (Kühnisch et al., 2016).
The results of the mixed-effects model for maternal perception of There are questions about MIH etiology; for example, it may be
a child's oral health and dental condition are presented in Table 5. from systemic changes produced by childhood illness, the drugs
Maternal perception of a child's poor oral health was associated with administered for the treatment for this illness, or both (Silva et al.,
2016). Some studies associated MIH with the use of antibiotics at an
T A B L E 4 Odds ratios of the mixed-effects logistic regression early age (Hysi et al., 2016; Laisi et al., 2009). In Mexico in 2010, a
model of dental caries in first permanent molars by year of survey
prohibition of over-the-counter sales of antibiotics was legislated;
First survey (2008) Odds ratio 95% (CI) P since then, a prescription has been required, (Dreser, Vázquez-Vélez,
MIH 2.24 (1.06 4.78) .036 Treviño, & Wirtz, 2012) and the sales of antibiotics dropped after this
Age 1.87 (1.13 3.10) .015 regulatory change (Santa-Ana-Tellez, Mantel-Teeuwisse, Dreser,
Sex (female) 0.96 (0.50 1.86) .911 Leufkens, & Wirtz, 2013). Most of the children examined in the sec-
Second survey (2017) ond survey lived their first years of life after this legislation was

MIH 4.18 (2.21 7.91) .001 enforced, unlike the children in the first survey. However, no decrease
in MIH was found. Nevertheless, the private sector, to facilitate the
Age 1.04 (1.13 3.10) .327
prescription of these drugs, installed physicians' offices right next to
Sex (female) 1.88 (0.99 3.59) .054
the pharmacies, and patients could go to these offices and obtain a
Note. First survey, random intercept: school (variable) 0.0001.
prescription. It is possible that mothers of the children in the present
Likelihood-ratio test versus logistic model: χ 2 p 0.99. Second survey,
random intercept: school (constant) 2.89, 95% CI (0.51 16.45). study took them to these medical offices when the child was sick and
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; MIH, molar incisor antibiotics were prescribed. These offices have low consultation fees
hypomineralization. (less than $2), and some are free of charge. In addition, antibiotics
20574347, 2020, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cre2.252 by CAPES, Wiley Online Library on [06/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

T A B L E 5 Crude and adjusted odds ratios of the mixed-effects logistic regression models of maternal perception of a child's oral health and
sociodemographic, dental caries, and molar incisor hypomineralization

Crude OR (95% CI) P Adjusted ORa (95% CI) P

Age 0.88 (0.65 1.19) .261 0.89 (0.64 1.25) .516
Sex (female) 1.16 (0.79 1.69) .443 1.24 (0.82 1.86) .309
Survey 1.09 (0.74 1.60) .661 1.08 (0.70 1.65) .740
Second (2017)
Dental Caries (DMFT + DMFT) 1.20 (1.13 1.27) .001 1.20 (1.13 1.28) .001
MIH (yes) 4.38 (2.47 7.78) .001 4.47 (2.45 8.14) .001

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; DMFT, decayed, missing, or filled permanent teeth; MIH, molar incisor hypomineralization. OR, odds ratio.
OR adjusted for age, sex, maternal education and maternal oral health perception. Reference category: sex = male, survey = first survey (2008). Base
outcome good and fair maternal perception of her child oral health. Random intercept: school (constant) 0.41, 95% CI (0.03 5.13).

could be present in small quantities in food. For example, in the main greater in molars than in incisors. It is known that the thicker the
brands of powdered milk sold in Mexico City, the presence of residues enamel, the longer the period was that the tooth was exposed to
of antibiotics was found (Kneebone & W C, 2010). Longitudinal insults; this may explain the higher prevalence of MIH in molars than
studies are required to ascertain the causes of MIH that could explain in anterior teeth.
its possible increment. In this study, an association was found between dental caries in
The index used in this study was the European Academy of Paedi- permanent teeth and the presence of MIH, in both surveys. A system-
atric Dentistry MIH Index, which has good sensitivity and specificity atic literature review recognized a significant association between
(Ghanim, Mariño, & Manton, 2019). The same indices were used in dental caries in permanent teeth and the presence of MIH. Children
the first and second surveys; the same schools were selected, and one with MIH were more likely to have dental caries than children without
examiner performed the oral evaluations in both surveys. To reduce MIH. The ORs found in the present study were in the range of those
information bias, the assessment of dental caries and MIH were identified in this review (Americano et al., 2017). The enamel of MIH
carried out separately and were recorded in different charts. How- teeth has a lower mineral content and has more protein than sound
ever, considering that the same examiner preformed both assess- enamel, and biofilm-retentive areas were observed in the parts of the
ments, information bias cannot be ruled out. It is also possible that the tooth with broken enamel. These factors contribute to the higher risk
presence of restorations could mask the occurrence of MIH; of dental caries observed in MIH teeth (Americano et al., 2017).
however, in the present study, few children had restorations in their In the present study, greater severity of MIH was observed in the
permanent teeth. second survey. Higher MIH severity is associated with higher preva-
The study group encompassed low-income families; this limits the lence of dental caries (Gurrusquieta et al., 2017). Severely affected
extrapolation of the findings to higher-income groups. However, a MIH teeth are difficult to treat as the child may experience hypersen-
large number of Mexico City residents have low income. The associa- sitivity, and it may be difficult to obtain analgesia (da Cunha Coelho
tion between MIH and socioeconomic conditions is unclear. A study et al., 2019). In addition, the restoration of the tooth may be
in northern England, in fluoridated and nonfluoridated communities, technically challenging due to the likelihood of enamel breakdown.
found that children from high-income families were more likely to The high porosity of the enamel, in turn, affects the longevity of the
have MIH than children in quintiles with greater deprivation; no asso- restorations. Moreover, severely affected teeth frequently require
ciation was observed from the exposure to fluoridated water (Balmer, retreatment and may need to be extracted (Oliver et al., 2014).
Toumba, Godson, & Duggal, 2012). In contrast, a study in Brazil found No evidence of a decrease in dental caries was observed between
that children from schools in rural areas were more likely to have MIH the surveys, which were performed with a 9-year interval between
than were their counterparts in urban areas (da Costa-Silva et al., them. It is possible that the increased presence of MIH limited the
2010). More studies are required to investigate the association of decline in dental caries, which was the aim of the National Salt
socioeconomic conditions and occurrence of MIH. Fluoridation Program. In both surveys, the main component of the
There is little information on the prevalence of MIH in North index was decayed teeth. With respect to permanent dentition, fewer
America; in Mexico, a prevalence of 15.6% was found. In this previous teeth were filled in the second survey than in the first survey. The
study, the year in which it was carried out was not identified. The area studied was hit by the 2017 Mexico City earthquake. The schools
prevalence was lower than the one observed in the present study included were in low-income areas, and many families suffered severe
(Gurrusquieta et al., 2017). Several factors are likely to be associated destruction of their homes; several streets were closed for months.
with the etiology of MIH that could contribute to differences in the We speculate that this could have affected the pursuit of dental treat-
prevalence of this condition in different groups in the same country. ment for the children.
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