Advanced Tech Elevates Process Modeling in Batch Processing Industries

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Life Sciences and Operations Practices

Advanced tech elevates

process modeling in batch-
processing industries
In high-volume batch-processing industries, reliable models of
manufacturing processes can help companies cut production costs while
improving quality and performance.
This article is a collaborative effort by Álvaro Carpintero, Evgeniya Makarova, Miguel Ángel Morán, Matthias
Spiegl, and Vanya Telpis, representing views from McKinsey’s Life Sciences and Operations Practices.

© Just_Super/Getty Images

June 2022
Pharmaceutical, consumer health, and consumer In addition, the quality and R&D functions can
packaged goods companies have worked for upgrade product and process parameters during
decades to achieve an expert-level understanding the next R&D cycle.
of their end-to-end manufacturing processes
using various modeling techniques. Traditionally, This article describes advanced process modeling,
process modeling has relied almost exclusively introduces three use cases for it, and offers
on human experience and expertise. Now, with the guidelines to boost the likelihood of success
help of newer technologies such as machine with its use.
learning, predictive modeling, and faster data
processing, process manufacturers can
build more advanced models that go further to Upgrading business process modeling
optimize processes even before producing Process modeling is a manufacturing discipline
a batch, forestalling problems likely to occur for understanding the effects of process inputs (raw
during batch production. materials) and CPPs on final products. The more
adept manufacturers are at process modeling, the
Companies can leverage these models to improve better able they are to monitor and control the
performance and quality—even beyond what CPPs that determine a product’s critical quality
regulators may require—and save time and resources. attributes (CQAs). CQAs are the physical, chemical,
Leading companies that use this tech-enabled biological, or microbiological properties or
approach to process modeling have seen a reduction characteristics that should be within an appropriate
in deviations (for example, products outside limit, range, or distribution to ensure the desired
specifications) of more than 30 percent and have product quality.1 In the case of shampoo, for example,
cut the overall cost of quality by 10 to 15 percent. pH balance is a CQA. In pharma, nearly all CQAs—
including, to name just two, concentrations of active
In addition to these tangible benefits, advanced principles and excipients—are highly regulated.
process modeling deepens manufacturers’
understanding of their production processes. With Process modeling informs the controls strategy that
these insights, plant operators can adjust critical defines what, when, and where to test to ensure
process parameters (CPPs) such as temperature or that the process performs as it should and maintains
pH and improve decision making during production. the quality of the product. Controls may include,

The more adept manufacturers are at

process modeling, the better able
they are to monitor and control the CPPs
that determine a product’s critical
quality attributes.

Guidance for industry: Q8(R2) pharmaceutical development, revision 2, US Food and Drug Administration, November 2009.

2 Advanced tech elevates process modeling in batch-processing industries

for example, testing the chemical composition of were based on scientific-first principles (for example,
a product, and the technical parameters at every chemical and physical equations) and/or
machine in the process. experimentation and then refined through statistical
analysis of historical performance.
An effective process to control strategy is particularly
important when the product being made does New types of models can go further to provide a
not have a well-characterized chemical structure deeper understanding of the statistical relationships
or its quality attributes are difficult to measure between raw materials and CPPs, on the one
due to limitations in testing or detectability. This is hand, and product CQAs on the other. They can
generally the case with, for example, biologics, help to identify the truly important drivers of
which are manufactured in a plant, animal cells, or the process while isolating any noise or disturbances.
other living system. Because finished biologics They also reduce the need for experimentation
cannot usually be tested to confirm all their when setting up processes and decrease the number
components and characteristics, the companies of testing points.
that produce them strive to maintain uniformity
in their manufacturing processes to ensure product
consistency, quality, and purity. Unlocking significant value using
new models
Companies rely heavily on statistical models— Newer, more advanced process models can be
mathematical expressions of the relationships used in three ways: on a one-off basis, for set-point
between process parameters and obtained results— modifications, and for online or continuous
for process modeling. Traditionally, these models use (Exhibit 1).

Exhibit 1

Product mastery
Product mastery models
models drive
drive impact
impact through
through specific
specific use
Capabilities required for use of advanced process models, level
~70% of impact ~30% of impact
One-off changes Set-point optimization Continuous use
Model identifies significant process Model analyzes variability of Online model continuously
improvements and tests potential inputs from batch to batch for receives process inputs,
hardware and process adjustments recipe adjustment predicts outputs, and may
prescribe corrective actions

Use becomes less prevalent as Ongoing use involves heavy Typically, already optimized
process matures data science and problem- levers are optimized more
solving, eg, on other products frequently

technology/ None Can typically be done in Requires automated data flow
operational current setup and model run supported by
technology information- or operational-
technology workstream

Selected Adjustment of reactor filling level; Recurrent but infrequent Real-time optimal parameter
examples changing valve settings reruns of the models based on suggestion
offline data, eg, simple tank
Addition of buffer capacity farm planning Full closed-loop approach

One-off changes in the distributed Challenging deeply held

control system or control loop operating paradigms

Advanced tech elevates process modeling in batch-processing industries 3

One-off use Prior to starting a commercial batch, the
One-off uses of advanced process models are well manufacturer can run the model with a set of inputs,
suited to situations in which a significant process including, for example, raw-material quality
improvement is required and the model can identify characteristics, technical parameters of the process,
it. The model can also simulate potential process and room temperature (Exhibit 2). The model will
adjustments and identify those that will deliver the then suggest adjustments to CPPs that effectively
desired result—an important benefit if costly account for variability.
equipment or infrastructure modifications will be
needed. For example, a large continuous Consider a pharma manufacturer that makes tablets
manufacturing site wants to try increasing the set and sources the validated active pharmaceutical
temperature in its reactor to reduce impurities. ingredient (API) from two different vendors.
Rather than running a series of potentially time- Although both are within specifications, differences
consuming and costly experiments on the line, between them—for example, in tablet breakage—
the change can be first executed within the model affect the final product. For each batch, the process
to predict the outcome. engineer would run the model using as inputs the
specific quality attributes of the API being used; the
Set-point modification model would then recommend the parameter
Use of models for set-point modification tackles the settings for an optimal batch (in the example, a
constant variability of inputs from batch to batch. batch with no tablet breakage).
Among the many sources of variability are uneven
quality of raw materials, changing environmental Set-point modeling also can be used for root-cause
conditions, and differences in proficiency among analysis of problems, where it can shorten
machine operators. Effectively responding to this investigation times and identify effective corrective
variability is critical to maintaining consistent results or preventive actions. During an investigation,
and limiting deviations. the model could quickly simulate possible scenarios,

Exhibit 2

Machine learningmodels
Machine learning models identify
identify the
the biggest
biggest variability driversininquality
variability drivers qualitytest
results, and
and simulate
simulate effects
An automated, real-time data pipeline feeds a quality-control (QC) model

QC dashboard, illustrative

Blending Compression Coating Packing QC lab

Drivers of variation

Compression machine speed Coating room air pressure Assay QC test result

Batch A B C Batch A B C Batch A B C

4 Advanced tech elevates process modeling in batch-processing industries

reducing the need to run physical experiments to determine and varies from batch to batch. An online
test various hypotheses. Additionally, the model model could continuously monitor the process
could be used to unearth relationships that lie at the and predict the best moment to end it, alerting the
root of repeated problems and could provide operator and improving the yield.
solutions that would otherwise be difficult to identify.
Having a better grasp of the process could also
Online modeling ultimately lead to fewer quality tests—in-process
An online model continuously receives process and in the lab. With the ability to accurately
inputs and predicts outputs; thus, it can foresee a predict a quality attribute, there is a case for only
problem and raise the alarm for operators before needing to control the parameters that impact
the problem occurs. The more advanced of these it and not the quality attribute itself.
models not only can predict problems but also
can prescribe corrective actions. Online models A clear application of this logic is used in “soft
have been demonstrated to increase the frequency sensors,” which do not directly measure a quality
with which the manufacturer can get a batch the attribute but instead use a model to calculate it
first time and reduce the number of deviations. For based on other measurable parameters (Exhibit 3).
example, in a biomanufacturing facility, the optimal This is particularly helpful in situations where
end point of a reaction—the point at which an directly measuring isn’t feasible or the process must
indicator shows that the proper amount of reactant be frequently interrupted for taking samples.
has been added to a solution—is difficult to

Exhibit 3

Soft sensors
up to
to 15 percent.
15 percent.
Adjustment of process conditions based on product predictions

Machine learning model

Active pharmaceutical indicator optimizer
Machine learning model predicts critical parame-
ters not measured throughout the process, using Interface for the end user to understand optimal
upstream data and early indicators parameters for ongoing batch production

Predicted Actual Batch 1 2 3 4

Reactor 1 2 3 4
Current fermentation time, hour 131 128 111 109
Predicted stop, hour 140 136 148 144

Offline samples, hour Model prediction, hour

96 136 140 144 148

Tier, kg 1,143 Tier, kg 2.120 2.175 2.248 2.394

Impurity 2, % 0.66 Impurity 2, % 0.85 1.18 1.38 1.92
Impurity 2

–100 0
July Oct Jan Apr July 100 120 140

Advanced tech elevates process modeling in batch-processing industries 5

Prerequisites for advanced Preparing data for use in modeling can be extremely
process modeling time-consuming, particularly if data sources are
By paying careful attention to several dimensions offline. Data will have to be stored in an accessible
of advanced process modeling, manufacturers can location for use either in development or continuous
bolster their chances of success. Essential input. Additionally, data to train the model will
dimensions to consider include an understanding of need to be structured and cleaned in advance. This
the process, the availability of relevant data, and effort can take weeks to several months, depending
a paradigm shift in ways of working. on the status of the data, and is usually completed
by a data engineer.
Process understanding
Although models are intended to explain a process, The types and update frequency of data will define
they are by no means substitutes for process the needs for the IT/OT infrastructure that supports
understanding. Knowledge acquired during R&D the model. The ability to extract data automatically
and through process runs serve as the starting from disparate sources will significantly reduce model
point for model development. development time but can substantially increase
infrastructure costs; therefore, companies will need
Likewise, experts with deep process under­ to evaluate the trade-offs carefully. If a model is
standing are essential to confirm the results offered to be used regularly, it must follow the product life
by the model. During the model’s development, cycle, including updates, so source data must
process engineers can check to ensure all expected be regularly updated as well.
relationships among parameters and attributes
have been identified. They also can validate other, Paradigm shift in ways of working
previously unknown relationships. Later, Building digital capabilities will be essential to
during the continuous use of the model, create and maintain advanced processing models.
knowledgeable operators can accept or reject Not only will the manufacturing need to have
prescriptive recommendations. modeling capabilities, but end users will have to be
trained on how models work, when to use them,
It is essential for organizations to build this process what limitations they have, and how to use them on a
understanding from development through day-to-day basis. Additionally, IT departments will
implementation. They can do so by involving site need to evolve into a true partner with a more active
process and quality engineers early in the role in process improvement.
development of the model and then looping in
development engineers, who are in touch with Leaders will play a vital role by providing the
operations once the model is running. necessary opportunities for capability development,
enabling changes in ways of working, and
Availability of data participating directly, including by strategically
Model development and testing require high-quality deciding where process models are needed
data, particularly for machine learning models. and to what end. Rigorously tracking the impact of
In addition to data about process parameters, the modeling efforts will help them set priorities and
model may incorporate data from numerous target investments.
other enterprise systems, including manufacturing
execution, supervisory control and data acquisition, The company, especially the quality organization,
enterprise resource planning, laboratory information will need to shift its mindset with respect to process
management (LIMS), and information technology/ control. At a minimum, the objective of the control
operational technology (IT/OT). strategy is to ensure predicted quality. Getting to this

6 Advanced tech elevates process modeling in batch-processing industries

Web <2022>
Exhibit 4
Exhibit <4> of <4>

The US FDA classifies process models based on impact, and applies different
The US FDA for
requirements classifies process models based on impact, and applies
each type.
different requirements for each type.
FDA requirements, by model type
Description Low-impact models Medium-impact models High-impact models

Typically used to Useful in assuring quality of Provide significant indicators

support product and product but are not sole indicators of quality of product (eg, a
process development of product quality (eg, most chemometric model for
(eg, formulation design-space models; many product assay; a surrogate
optimization) in-process controls) model for dissolution)

Requirements Discussion of how Model assumptions Data or prior knowledge

models were used to (with established first-prin-
make decisions during Tabular or graphical summary ciples-driven models)—eg,
process development of model inputs and outputs, model assumptions, inputs
relevant model equations (eg, for and outputs, appropriate-
mechanistic models) ness of sample size, data
Statistical analysis, where
appropriate General discussion of
approaches for model
Comparison of model prediction verification during
with measured data life cycle

Discussion of how other elements

in control strategy help to mitigate
uncertainty in model, if appropriate

point will necessitate changes to different quality understanding to the next level. But it also requires
strategies such as the validation strategy and the that companies build in-house expertise, finding the
in-process control strategies. It is therefore right balance between off-the-shelf commercial
crucial that the quality organization play a major role software and tailored solutions. Understanding the
in developing process models, so it can adapt technology is crucial for building trust in the model’s
accordingly and properly explain the new models recommendations, which in turn will increase the
and related tools to regulators (Exhibit 4). users’ understanding of the manufacturing process.
Only then can manufacturers unlock the full potential
of advanced process modeling.

Using tech-enabled modeling in daily operations

can help reduce deviations, ensure consistent
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Álvaro Carpintero is a partner in McKinsey’s Madrid office, where Miguel Ángel Morán is a senior expert; Evgeniya Makarova
is a partner in the Chicago office; Matthias Spiegl is a partner in the Hamburg office; and Vanya Telpis is a director of
knowledge in the New Jersey office.

The authors wish to thank Helena Lubiano for her contributions to this article.

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Advanced tech elevates process modeling in batch-processing industries 7

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