.Trashed-1719137373-RSC PACN Water Report Tcm18-176914
.Trashed-1719137373-RSC PACN Water Report Tcm18-176914
.Trashed-1719137373-RSC PACN Water Report Tcm18-176914
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Syngenta is one of the world’s leading companies with more than 25,000 employees in over 90 countries
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The PACN seeks to create a self-sustaining science base in Africa, and it is encouraging the application of best
practices to solving local challenges and enabling contributions to global scientific knowledge. It aims to:
• etechnologies
ncourage the development of ‘Centres of Excellence’ through the installation of modern analytical
and coordinated training.
Background 4
Key messages 6
8. References 21
Figure 2. UNEP GEMS/ Water global Network worldwide distribution of over 2,800 monitoring stations
• ascertain where water quality and quantity is a personnel who are scientifically qualified and technically
trained in relevant advanced analytical techniques.
problem; These include, for example, modern capillary gas
• identify when remedial action is required; chromatography (GC) methods incorporating detection
• allow for short and long term planning and actions to either by electron capture (EC) or mass spectrometry
(MS). Thus, it is essential to create and support centres of
take place.
excellence in analytical chemistry, with a critical mass of
experts, in African universities.
The status of instrumentation in African Higher
Education institutions is a grave problem which urgently
requires addressing. Governments need to provide
funds to enable universities to access and maintain the
required equipment, and also to facilitate continued
• Diffuse and point source discharges/drainage from Problems associated with drinking untreated water
mining activities; include:
Case Study 1 – EPA Compact Water Plants utilised a whole product solution. Operation of the plant requires
in Africa for small and remote communities only a low energy input (e.g. 4 hp - EPA 20, delivering
20 m3/hr ), when compared with other conventional
EPA (Estación Potabilizadora de Agua) Compact Water
solutions or more sophisticated technologies. In addition,
Plants use a conventional treatment system (coagulation,
operation of the plant is straightforward and can be
flocculation, sedimentation, rapid filtration and
carried out by one person. Local personnel can easily
disinfection process) with no need of pumps; instead they
be trained to operate the plant and take charge of its
use hydraulic flocculation, a settling tank and rapid sand
filters. Erection of the plant, training and the necessary
intake and distribution works are standardized, achieving In the case of four communities served by EPA Compact
Water Plants, it was noted that they developed a feeling
of “ownership”. They agreed to charge a fixed sum of
money per litre of treated water, assuring the funding for
proper operation of the plant. Anticipating the needs
of remote communities without access to an electricity
supply or other fuel source, a new model of the Compact
Water Plant has recently been introduced. This new
model includes a solar panel which covers all the energy
requirements (1 hp), while delivering half the flow rate
of the original model (10 m3/hr). Erection of this model
is also easier, reducing the overall cost of the plant, and
allowing communities to recover their costs more quickly.
EPA General Technical Specifications P. Mastrangelo, CSI Ingenieros, Montevideo, Uruguay.
(Dimensions: 4 m length, 2 m width, 3.5 m height) [email protected]
Case Study 2: Water purification using natural method of water purification, seeds of M. oleifera
plant coagulants (Moringa oleifera seeds and and root of M. decumbens were washed, oven-dried
Maerua decumbens root) and then ground and stored in sterile, air-tight glass
jars. Turbidity and microbiological analysis were then
Sources of water in the water-scarce areas of the Kitui
carried out on test water, before and after treatment
and Mwingi districts of Kenya include seasonal rivers,
with the plant coagulants.
shallow dug wells on dry river beds, sand dams and
wells, and open pans. These water sources have been The root of M. decumbens reduced the turbidity of
reported to be turbid and contaminated with micro- slightly turbid water by 95% and highly turbid water
organisms, especially during the rainy season. by 50% but was found to impart colour to the water.
The seeds of M. oleifera reduced the turbidity of slightly
turbid water by 98%, and of highly turbid water by
77% and impacted no colour and odour on the water.
In addition, the root of M. decumbens and seeds of M.
oleifera reduced the pathogenic microbial count by
99% and 100%, respectively.
In conclusion, both M. oleifera seed and M. decumbens
taproot extracts have been shown to clarify and
disinfect water; however, the former is superior. As
Shallow dug well on a river bed
such, communities living in arid areas should be
The indigenous people of the Kitui district improve the encouraged to grow the plant M. oleifera both for food
quality of water available to them by using powdered and to use the seeds for water purification.
Moringa oleifera seed and ground Maerua decumbens
A. Gachanja, Department of Chemistry, Jomo Kenyatta
root to clarify the turbid water. In order to test this
University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya
• African water hyacinth: recent comparisons of the have promising potential for removal metals from
wastewater.31 32 33
maximum sorption capacity of several untreated
biomaterial based residues showed that African water • Lignocellulose/clay nano-composites: the University of
hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is a suitable candidate for Fort Hare in South Africa is taking a leading role in the
use as biosorbent in the removal of heavy metal ions development of PMMA-grafted lignocellulose/clay
from aqueous solutions in water distribution systems in nano-composites for the removal of heavy metals and
Kenya and Ethiopia.28 chlorinated organics from water.34
• Activated carbon from agricultural waste: water treatment • Raw bauxite: the removal of fluoride contamination from
using activated carbon made from locally grown ground water using raw bauxite is being examined by a
agricultural waste (maize, cobs, bagasse, coconut group from Botswana, with promising early results.35
Case Study 3 – Development of a household water A series of batch adsorption tests were carried out to
de-fluoridation process for developing countries evaluate the effects of operational parameters such as
contact time, adsorbent dose, thermal treatment of
High levels of fluoride in groundwater has been
adsorbent, initial fluoride concentration, pH and other
reported parts of in Ethiopia, Malawi, Kenya and
ions which commonly exist in groundwater. Results
Tanzania and can lead to health problems including
showed that fluoride removal efficiency exceeding
dental fluorosis, osteosclerosis, thyroid problems,
90% was achieved within 1 hour contact time at an
growth retardation and even kidney failure. Most of
optimum adsorbent dose of 1.6 g/L, treating water
the methods currently available for the removal of
containing an initial fluoride concentration of 20 mg/L.
fluoride from drinking water are either too expensive,
are technically unfeasible for household use or change A HDU packed with 0.9 kg of adsorbent with 28.3 cm
the water quality. In this study, the removal of fluoride bed depth resulted in a specific safe water yield of
from water using aluminium hydroxide has been 823.79 L under the optimum operating conditions
investigated and a household defluoridation unit used in this study. Regeneration of the exhausted
(HDU) has been designed and tested. media using 1% NaOH and 0.1 M HCl showed that
Top lid
the adsorbent could be reused. The estimated
running cost of the unit was 28 USD/m3 of treated
Removable perforated
distribution plate water, which can be minimized further. Hence, it is
Activated Alumina
concluded that this proposed method is simple and
Micro filter has superior performance for the treatment of fluoride-
Rubber washer
1.5mm diameter orifice contaminated water with potential application in both
for water drip
Treated water
household and community water treatment systems.
collecting chamber
Z. Feleke, E. Mulugeta, A. Alemu and B. S.
Chandravanshi, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of
Science, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
The surface area and pore volume of the prepared
adsorbent were 110 m2/g and 0.29 cm3/g, respectively.
• a long term economic framework for water and 3. Water institutions are generally lacking instruments of
change: policy, enforced law. Innovative solutions are
required to support change.
• a review of existing institutions to ensure changes are At both the national and international level, the lack of
enforced and delivered, and the establishment of new
institutions is the greatest obstacle to development.
ones where necessary;
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