Asian Sympo

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r uacuIture


c nomics
eearch in Asia

The International Development Research Centre is a public corporation
created by the Parliament of Canada in 1970 to support research designed to
adapt science and technology to the needs of developing countries. The
Centre's activity is concentrated in five sectors: agriculture, food and
nutrition sciences; health sciences; information sciences; social sciences; and
communications. IDRC is financed solely by the Parliament of Canada; its
policies, however, are set by an international Board of Governors. The
Centre's headquarters are in Ottawa, Canada. Regional offices are located in
Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

©International Development Research Centre 1982

Postal Address: Box 8500, Ottawa, Canada KIG 3H9
Head Office: 60 Queen Street, Ottawa

IDRC, Ottawa CA
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila PH
Aquaculture Economics Research in Asia : proceedings of a workshop
held in Singapore, 2-5 June 1981. Ottawa, Ont., IDRC. 1982. 128 p. : ill.
/Fishery economics!, /fishery research!, /social research!, /economic
analysis!, /aquaculture/, !Asia! - !fish culture!, !fish production!,
/oyster culture!, !appropriate technology!, !experimental farming!, !cost
analysis, /welfare economics!, !glossary!, !fishery statistics!, !conference
report!, ! recommendation!, bibliography.
UDC: 639.3.003 (5) ISBN: 0-88936-330-7

Microfiche edition available

IDR C-i 93e

Economics Research
in Asia
Proceedings of a workshop held in
Singapore, 2-5 June 1981

Cosponsored by
International Development Research Centre
International Center for Living Aquatic
Resources Management
Cette publication contient une version revue des communications présentées a latelier sur Ia
recherche intèressant 'economic de l'aquiculture en Asic, tenu a Singapour du 2 au 5 juin 1981 Les
Divisions des sciences de l'agriculture, de i'alimentation et de Ia nutrition et des sciences sociales du
Centre de recherches pour Ic dCveloppement international (CRDI) et Ic International Center for
Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) ont conjointement réuni des biologistes et des
économistes des peches de neuf pays d'Asie du Sud etdu Sud-Est. L'ateliervisait a montreri'utilitéet
a favoriser I'utilisation de l'analyse économique dans Ia recherche en aquiculture et aider a
augmenter les compétences de recherche en economic de I'aquiculture en Asic. L'atelier a traité
surtout des analyses microéconomiques des systemes de production aquiculturaux déjà implantCs et
au stade experimental. Ii a comporte aussi une revue et une discussion sommaires de quelqucs-unes
des grandes considerations socio-économiques reiiCes a Ia contribution de l'aquiculture a Ia sociCtC en
gCnCral et au rOle du système de marchC dans l'affectation des ressources a l'aquicuiture et aux autres
sccteurs de l'Cconomie.

Esta publicación es una version editada de los trabajos presentados en Singapur, del 2 al 5 de
junio de 1981. durante ci taller sobre investigación en Ia economIa de Ia acuocuitura en Asia. Las
divisiones de Ciencias Sociales y de Ciencias Agricolas, Alimentos y Nutrición del Centro
Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo, en colaboraciOn con ci International Center
for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), invitaron a biOlogos y economistas
especialistas en piscicultura de los paIses del Sur y Sudeste AsiOticos. La meta del taller era
demostrar ci uso del análisis económico para Ia investigaclón en acuocultura y estimular su uso.
asi como mejorar Ia capacidad de investigación en economIa de Ia acuocultura en Asia. Se presto
atención especial a los anáhsis microeconOmicos de sistemas de producciOn de acuocultura
experimentales y existentes, aunque también se presentaron una reseOa y discusión limitadas.
relativas a algunas consideraciones socioeconómicas más amplias de Ia contribución de Ia
acuocultura a Ia sociedad como un todo y al papel del sistema de mercado en Ia distribuciOn de
recursos a Ia acuocultura y a otros sectores.
Foreword 5
Introduction 7
Participants I I

Session I: Microeconomic A nalysis of Existing Production Systems

Microeconomics of Existing Aquaculture Production Systems:
Basic Concepts and Definitions Ian R. Smith 15
The Economics of Aquaculture: The Case of Catfish in Thailand
Sarun Wattanutchariya and Theodore Panayotou 26
Input-Output Relationships of Philippine Milkfish Aquaculture
Kee-Chai Chong and Maura S. Lizarondo 35
Economics of Taiwan Milkfish System Chaur Shyan Lee 45
General Discussion 57
Session II: Microeconomic Analysis of Experimental Production Systems
Microeconomic Analysis of Experimental Aquaculture Projects:
Basic Concepts and Definitions Yung C. Shang 61
An Analysis of the Economics of Farming Green Mussels in Singapore Using
Rafts L. Cheong and W.S. Loy 65
Economic Analysis of Integrated Pig-Fish Farming Operations in the
Philippines Ruben C. Sevilleja 75
Economics of Cage Culture of Tilapia in Sri Lanka D.C. Calapitage 82
An Economic Analysis of Composite Fish Culture in India S.D. Tripathi
and M. Ranadhir 90
General Discussion 97
Session III: Socioeconomics of A quaculture
Socioeconomics and Aquaculture: Informal Presentations 101
Social Welfare Economics and Aquaculture: Issues for Policy and Research
Theodore Panayotou 103
General Discussion 117
Conclusions and Recommendations 118
Appendix 1: Working Definitions of Economic and Statistic Terms 119
Appendix 2: Selected Bibliography 122
Interest in the development of aquaculture as a manageable food
production system and as a source of livelihood for Asian peoples has intensified
considerably during the past decade. This escalation of development efforts
stems mainly from: the need to produce additional protein from fish to meet the
demand created by rapidly increasing populations, the leveling off in world
catch from conventional fish stocks (capture fisheries), the expected reduction in
catch by some of the developing countries that are major fish consumers because
of the extension of national economic zones in marine waters, and the
continuing need in many countries to find opportunities for productive
livelihood for growing numbers of peoples with very limited access to natural
resources. Current aquaculture practices in the tropics are at an elementary level
and husbandry techniques are only now evolving. The life cycles of only a small
number of species are fully understood and studies of genetics and the
development of more desirable hybrids are in their infancy. In this sense,
aquaculture lags behind husbandry sciences in poultry and livestock, the other
major sources of animal protein. Also, much like capture fisheries until the
I 950s, aquaculture research and development has been the preserve of biologists
and other technologists. While the body of literature on the biological and
technological aspects of aquaculture in the tropics is steadily increasing, little
information on economic aspects is available. Moreover, available economic
studies are often based on very limited samples or observations and tend to be
descriptive rather than rigorously analytic.
However, the potential scope for aquaculture economics research is wide.
As aquaculture develops, economists will be called upon to analyze current
production and marketing practices, particularly in the private sector, and to
evaluate improved husbandry techniques as they are developed. Economic
research can help appraise the current practices and potential of aquaculture by:
analyzing the production and marketing aspects of both experimental and
existing culture systems, assessing the role and contribution of aquaculture as
compared with other sectors in national economies and international trade, and
evaluating development projects and the institutional and cultural environment
in which aquaculture development is expected to take place.
Both the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM)
have initiated and supported aquaculture economics research. IDRC has been
encouraging economic analyses of the various research projects it has been
funding to develop production systems that can produce relatively high, stable
yields, while requiring low or modest levels of capital input. ICLARM's current
economics activities centre upon analysis of existing milkfish production
systems in the Philippines and Taiwan, catfish production in Thailand, and on
country case studies of aquaculture trends and development prospects. Both
organizations believe that there is a pressing need to bring about a more
coordinated approach to aquaculture economics research so that the results of

such research can support the ultimate objective of increasing production from
an economically viable aquaculture sector. It is particularly important that
greater contact be encouraged between biologists, economists, and other social
scientists involved in aquaculture research to foster interdisciplinary and
multidisciplinary research on existing and new aquaculture systems for
production and on marketing, to better understand the socioeconomic
environment in which aquaculture systems exist, and to assess the economic and
social effects of new aquaculture technology.
It was for this reason that the Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences and
Social Sciences divisions of IDRC and ICLARM collaborated to invite fisheries
biologists and economists from nine South and Southeast Asian countries to
Singapore on 2-5 June 1981. Participants discussed how economics could
contribute to the assessment and development of aquaculture production and
marketing systems and to the better understanding of the social and economic
functions aquaculture plays in a particular society. The workshop focused on
this geographic region because it is the area with the highest level of aquaculture
production in the tropics. To foster close collaboration and an active exchange
of views, participation was limited to a small group. Furthermore, the workshop
purposely brought together participants with quite different disciplinary
backgrounds and research experience to initiate an active dialogue.
The overall objective of the workshop was to demonstrate and encourage
the use of economic analysis for aquaculture research and to help increase the
research capacity for aquaculture economics in Asia. Attention was focused
largely on microeconomic analyses of existing and experimental aquacultural
production systems, although a limited review and discussion of some of the
broader socioeconomic considerations related to aquaculture's contribution
to society as a whole and to the role of the market system in the allocation of
resources to aquaculture and other sectors were included.
IDRC and ICLARM are happy to have cosponsored this workshop and
wish to express their gratitude to the resource persons and to the workshop
participants for their valuable contributions and comments. This was the first
jointly sponsored meeting in this field between two different divisions of IDRC
(Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences Division and Social Sciences
Division) and ICLARM. It is hoped that increased collaboration will be possible
in the future and that the results of this workshop will encourage continued and
expanded collaboration between biologists and economists in future aqua-
culture research.

Joseph H. Hulse,1 Richard A. Neal,2

and David W. Steedman3

Director, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences Division, IDRC.

2Director General, ICLARM.
3Director, Social Sciences Division, IDRC.

Aquaculture, defined as the culture and husbandry of aquatic organisms,
has a long, even if relatively little-known, history. Over centuries, the practice of
aquaculture in natural and man-made ponds has become widespread,
particularly throughout much of Asia, where fish and shellfish form an
important part of the average family's diet. Aquaculture has developed within
agricultural communities through a process of trial and error and the resulting
production technology has a limited scientific base. There is also a shortage of
recorded data on inputs, outputs, and management techniques. However,
although the techniques have remained virtually unchanged, it is widely believed
that improved methods could significantly increase production. Estimates vary
as to the potential contribution of aquaculture to world fish supplies. However,
a doubling or tripling of the present production of 6 x 106 t/year by the end of the
century seems realistic with the wider application of known aquaculture
methods. Even greater production may be technically feasible if significant
advances in both basic and applied research are achieved and applied.
Aquaculture can have several advantages over capture fisheries. For
example, aquaculture is a technique of stock raising, not hunting or gathering
and, therefore, is often a more efficient use of time and effort. Certain
environmental conditions can be largely controlled and, as in animal husbandry,
genetic improvement can be used to increase yield. Aquaculture can also be
undertaken on land poorly suited for agriculture. Fish are efficient converters of
feeds and of low-quality plant materials and wastes. In many cases, fish can be
reared with no additional feed beyond what is naturally available in their
environment or as the result of fertilizer enrichment. It is also possible that the
market demand for fish from aquaculture production can be expanded more
easily than for wild fish. Through controlled production, fish farmers can
guarantee a certain quantity and quality of production, market their produce
when natural supplies are seasonally low or not available, and in some cases
exploit the potential for selective production to meet consumer preference for
taste and other market requirements: such control is not possible in most capture
Within the past decade, a sizable amount of effort and resources has been
committed by the national governments of developing countries and by
international agencies to expand aquaculture production through research and
the application of technology. In some countries, growth in aquaculture
production has been notable; in others far less has been achieved than originally
anticipated. The economic scale of aquaculture enterprises and organization of
production also vary considerably from country to country. In some countries,
large-scale commercial enterprises employing wage labour forces prevail; in
other countries there are more small enterprises with greater participation in
management and ownership of those who work in aquaculture enterprises. The
reasons for constrained production are many, a major one in many countries
being the novelty of aquaculture as a major food production sector of the

national economy. The scale of production and organization of production of
aquaculture enterprises constrain and determine the opportunities for remuner-
ative participation in the industries, and also affect both the costs of production
and the price of fish protein to the various consumer groups. As a new industry is
established or an old one is being transformed by the application of new
technology, many technical, economic, institutional, and cultural problems as
well as opportunities arise.
Generally, as aquaculture has expanded, so has the volume of technical
literature. To date, biological and technical problems have received most of the
attention because biologists have by and large been the principal researchers.
Biologists have focused and are continuing to focus on ways to overcome
constraints to production and to modify and/or intensify traditional systems. In
addition to traditional pond production, alternative systems and techniques
such as polyculture (a mix of complementary species), integrated animal/ crop/
fish systems, cage and pen culture, greater utilization of naturally productive
bodies of water and appropriate herbivorous species of fish, and raft and rack
culture of shellfish are all being tried. At the same time, some major biological
issues such as induced breeding of fish in captivity, prevention of disease,
nutritional requirements of indigenous and exotic species, and selective genetic
improvement are being studied.
However, in spite of this ever-increasing biological research activity,
inadequate attention has been devoted to other, equally important, problem
areas and to the interplay among them. The viability of aquaculture technology
involves more than the study of its biology and technology. For example,
economics must be used to determine efficiency of resource allocation. Reliable
information on the economics of existing aquaculture systems and the economic
viability of the new technology is often lacking. In addition to the economics of
production, evaluation of markets including demand, marketing infrastructure,
and marketing channels is important. The size and expected growth of the
market, factors affecting demand (i.e., population and incomes), competition
with either other local or imported supplies, and marketing costs are all key
factors in the successful establishment and development of aquaculture
An understanding of the relationship between existing social and cultural
practices and resource allocation in a society is an important element in the
development and introduction of aquaculture technology. Although there have
been studies of the sociocultural aspects of aquaculture, there is little
information available with respect to the socioeconomic and cultural impacts of
new aquacultural technology. For it to be successfully applied, both its demand
and combination of resources and its resulting products must be compatible
with individual and community cultural practices. More information is needed
on how changing resource allocation to and within aquaculture production
relates to national development policies.
These proceedings are an effort to encourage such multidisciplinary analysis
of aquaculture systems to generate a better understanding of the ways in which
economic analysis can contribute to the development and application of new
technology so that the potential benefits both to those engaged in production
and to consumers of fish can be realized and maximized. Three major subject areas
were reviewed during the workshop: microeconomic analysis of existing
aquaculture production, microeconomic analysis of experimental aquaculture
technology, and social welfare economic considerations for aquaculture
development. Because of the varied backgrounds of the participants at the

workshop and the expected readers of this volume, each of the three subject
areas is introduced by a paper on economic principles and concepts relevant to
aquaculture. Case study presentations of research methodology and economic
analysis undertaken in various countries in Asia follow the first two of these
introductory papers. Although some of the statements and questions contained
in this volume may seem elementary to some readers, they are included to
demonstrate the need for greater interaction and cooperation between the
various disciplines involved in aquaculture research. The final part of the
proceedings is a summation of the overall conclusions and recommendations
arising from the meeting. Two appendices have also been included: working
definitions of economic and statistic terms, and a selected bibliography.
It is hoped that readers, regardless of disciplinary background and research
experience, will find the proceedings both interesting and informative. In the
future, greater collaboration among researchers conducting biological, social,
and economic research may lead to more successfully developed and applied
aquacultural technology.

Chua Thia Eng, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
c/o SEAFDEC, Aquaculture Department, P.O. Box 256, Tigbauan, Iloilo City,
Leslie Cheong, Aquaculture Unit, Primary Production Department, 300
Nicoll Drive, Changi Point, Singapore 1749
Kee-Chai Chong, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources
Management (ICLARM), MCC P.O. Box 1501, Makati, Metro Manila,
F. Brian Davy, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences Division,
International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Asia Regional Office,
Tanglin P.O. Box 101, Singapore 9124
Sunimal Fernando, Micro Level Socio-Economic Studies Division, Marga
Institute, Sri Lanka Centre for Development Studies, P.O. Box 601, 61 Isipathana
Mawatha, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka
Chandra Galapitage, Department of Economics, University of Sri
Jayawardarapura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Michael Graham, Communications Division, International Development
Research Centre (IDRC), Asia Regional Office, Tanglin P.O. Box 101,
Singapore 9124
Harjadi Hadikoesworo, Department Sosek, Institut Pertanian Bogor,
Bogor Agricultural Institute, Jalan Raya Pajajaran, Bogor, Indonesia
K.A.J. Hay, Department of Economics, Carleton University, Ottawa,
Canada K1S 5B6
Ishak Hj Omar, Department of Natural Resource Economics, Universiti
Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
M. Sekandar Khan, Department of Economics, Chittagong University,
Chittagong, Bangladesh
M.S. Khaled, Department of Economics, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Y2
David King, Social Sciences Division, International Development Research
Centre (IDRC), P.O. Box 8500, Ottawa, Canada KIG 3H9
Aida R. Librero, Socio-Economics Research Division, Philippine Council
for Agriculture and Resources Research (PCARR), Los Baños, Laguna,
Maura S. Liiarondo, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, 582 Quezon
Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines
Loy Wei Sun, Primary Production Department, Ministry of National
Development, 7th Floor, National Development Building, Maxwell Road,
Singapore 0106
Chaur Shyan Lee, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, National
Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan 400

C.W. MacCormac, Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Sciences Division,
International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Asia Regional Office,
Tanglin P.O. Box 101, Singapore 9124
Theodore Panayotou, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kasetsart
University, Bangkok 9, Thailand
Elwood Pye, Social Sciences Division, International Development Research
Centre (IDRC), Asia Regional Office, Tanglin P.O. Box 101, Singapore 9124
M. Ranadhir, Freshwater Aquaculture Research and Training Centre,
DHAULI, P.O. Kausalyagang, via Bhubaneswar-2, Orissa, India
Ruben C. Sevilleja, Central Luzon State University, College of Inland
Fisheries, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines 2320
Sarun Wattanutchariya, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kasetsart
University, Bangkok 9, Thailand
Somying Rientrairut, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture
and Cooperatives, Rajadamnern Avenue, Bangkok 2, Thailand
Yung C. Shang, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics,
College of Tropical Agriculture, Bilger Hall, 2545 The Mall, University of
Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA
Ian R. Smith, International Center for Living Aquatic Resources
Management (ICLARM), MCC P.O. Box 1501, Makati, Metro Manila,
S.D. Tripathi, Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore
743101, West Bengal, India
D.E.M. Weerakoon, Ministry of Fisheries, P.O. Box No 1707, Galle Face,
Colombo 3, Sri Lanka
Dedi H. Yusuf, Directorate-General of Fisheries, Djalan Salemba Raya
No. 16, Jakarta, Indonesia
Zulkifli Jangkaru, Inland Fisheries Research Institute, I Jalan Sempur,
P.O. Box 51, Bogor, Indonesia

Session I
Microeconomic A nalysis of
Existing Production Systems
Microeconomics of Existing A quaculture Production
Systems: Basic Concepts and Definitions
Ian R. Smith'
The main objective of this paper is to provide an introduction to the methodology used in the
case studies that follow. The paper focuses on the role of relative prices in farmers' production
behaviour and presents a model for explaining output variations among farmers. In the context of
this production mode, the concepts of output elasticity, economies of scale, and technical and
economic efficiency are explained using illustrative examples. The type of data used and the
estimation techniques are briefly described and the distinction between average and frontier
production functions is emphasized.

A typical aquaculture resource system (Fig. I) The Underlying

has subsystems of procurement, transformation, Biological! Economic Relationship
and delivery (Ruddle and Grandstaff 1978). The
procurement subsystem includes the factor mar-
in Production
kets for stocking materials (seed or fry) and other
inputs, such as land, water, labour, feed, fer- Output from an aquaculture production
tilizer, and managerial expertise. Many aqua- system is a function of the inputs applied in the
culture systems are dependent upon wild fish production process. The level of output depends
stocks to provide fry for stocking in rearing upon environmental factors (soil pH, water
enclosures, although hatcheries are becoming salinity, etc.), stocking rates, supplementary
increasingly important for certain species. The inputs (feed, fertilizer, pesticide), labour (hired
transformation subsystem includes the produc- and family), managerial expertise, and the
tion process by which seed stock is reared to underlying technology used. The deep water
marketable size. Finally, the delivery subsystem pond system for rearing milkfish in Taiwan using
includes the various marketing intermediaries the "plankton" method, for example, is a
and consumers, both domestic and foreign. different technology from the shallower ponds of
the Philippines that use the filamentous algae
The concepts and terminology to be discussed method. The relationship between inputs and
are drawn primarily from neoclassical produc- output is commonly referred to as the production
tion economics theory. In the case studies, function, and much of production economics
attention will be directed to addressing such dwells on methods of determining this physical
questions as: Which inputs are significant in input-output relationship, adding an economic
explaining variation in output from various component, and interpreting producer behaviour
aquaculture producers? Are there economies of based on the results.
scale in aquaculture production? (If all inputs are
doubled, will output also double, or more than Output, then, is a function of variable and
double, or less than double?) Are producers fixed inputs. By examining progressively
making optimal use of inputs? Are they tech- complex representations of this relationship, it is
nically and economically efficient? What con- possible to establish the link between (and
straints inhibit increased productivity and differences between) biological and economic
profitability of existing aquaculture resource considerations of aquaculture producers.
systems? Let us begin with the simple unconstrained
case (no capital constraint) of one output and a
Associate Scientist, International Center for Living single variable input. This case can be illustrated
Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), MCC in a two dimensional diagram (Fig. 2) where
P.O. Box 1501, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines. output (e.g., fish) is dependent upon the quantity


Wild stocks


Seed (fry) IM Local

In ponds, pens,
cages, etc. <D E
Other inputs N'
E N.


Fig. I. A simplified aquaculture resource system.

..Increasing Diminishing_._. that if it did not exist, we could produce from a

returns returns single small fishpond sufficient fish to feed the
world. This single variable input case can also be
TPP expressed mathematically as:
Y = f(X1) with X2 . . . X, constant
where Y = output: X1 = variable input: and
X2 . . X are fixed inputs.

When two variable inputs (e.g., stocking rate

and feed) are applied to the fishpond, we can
represent the production response surface with a
three-dimensional diagram (Fig. 3). This
Y= f(X1) with X2 ... X constant particular diagram shows diminishing returns
over its full range. Three production isoquants,
CC, DD, and EE, reflect the output attainable
QUANTITY OF FEED (INPUT X1) with various combinations of the two variable
Fig. 2. Input/output with single variable input in short inputs. For example, 1000 kg of output can be
run (TPP = to/al physical product). attained with either high quantities of feed and
low stocking rates or with lower quantities of
of input X1 (e.g., feed) used. All other inputs have feed and higher stocking rates. In other words,
been held constant. As additional quantities of there is a certain degree of substitutability among
feed are applied, total physical product (TPP) as inputs whereby output is not affected. This single
shown on the production response curve first output, two variable input case can be expressed
increases at an increasing rate (increasing mathematically as:
returns), then increases at a decreasing rate Y = f(X1, X2) with X3 . . . X constant
(diminishing returns), and finally, with excessive
feeding, actually declines. This phenomenon of where Y = output; X1, X2 = variable inputs; and
diminishing returns is best illustrated by the fact X3 . . . X are fixed inputs.

OUTPUT Y So far we have been referring to a purely
Y= f(X1, X2) with X3 ... X constant biological or technical relationship. The
production function per se is devoid of economic
1500kg meaning, but it is the basic building block for the
economic analysis to follow. Incorporation of the
1000kg economic element can best be illustrated by an
example (see Table 1).
Let us assume that we are dealing with a small
Ej-- production system with a 0.1 ha pond where fish
D - (in kg) is the only output and where the single
variable input is feed (in bags of 20 kg each). All
9oA other inputs (land, labour, stocking rate, etc.) are
assumed to be fixed, bags of feed are available in
unlimited quantity, and the producer has no
capital constraint. Feed is assumed to have a
Fig. 3. Output as a junction of two variable inputs constant cost (P) of $8.00/bag, and the farmgate
(adapted from Hirshleifrr /976). price (Ps) for fish is $2.00/kg. We assume that the
output price does not change in response to
When three or more variable inputs are applied increases in output from our small producer. The
to the fishpond, it is no longer possible to depict small producer is a price taker in a competitive
the relationship between output and inputs using market. The question the fish farmer is trying to
a diagram. Mathematically, however, we can answer is: "How many bags of feed should I apply
express the relationship as: to maximize my profits from fish production?"
Maximum profits ($40) are earned when five
Y = f(X, X2, X3 . . . X,,) bags of feed are used. At lower levels of input use,
. X are variable the value of the marginal physical product (VMP
where Y = output; and X1 . .
or marginal revenue) obtained from each added
input is greater than the marginal costs (P) of the
To this point we have been referring to output added input. The marginal revenue from the
in terms of total physical product (TPP). The sixth bag equals its marginal cost so the profit is
average physical product (APP) and the unchanged. Beyond six bags of feed, the marginal
marginal physical product (MPP) curves, which
are necessary to determine the rational range of
input use and production for the aquaculture
producer, can be derived from the production
function. The relationships among these three
curves are shown in Fig. 4. Point A is the point of
diminishing returns (the inflection point) and
thus the point at which MPP is at its maximum.
Average physical product (APP) at this level of
input application is, however, still increasing so it
makes sense for the producer to increase the use 0
of the variable input, at least to reach point B TOTAL VARIABLE INPUT
where APP is at its maximum. Point B thus
defines the boundary between production area I
and II, or the beginning of the area of rational
economic production. With continued increase
in use of the variable input, point C will
eventually be reached where MPP reaches zero,
and TPP begins to decline. Beyond this point is
area III, an irrational area of production, because
the same output can be achieved at lower levels of
input use and cost. Area II is thus known as the UNITS OF VARIABLE INPUT
area of rational economic production. To be able Fig. 4. The production junction and some of its
to determine the exact input level the producer derica jives 'from Snodgrass and Wallace /970), where
should use, we need to introduce costs, returns, TPP = total physical product, APP = average phvsi-
and profits to our theoretical model. cal product, and MPP = marginal physical product.

Table I. Hypothetical data showing profit maximizing principle when inputs are unlimited.

Total Average Marginal Value of

Bags physical physical physical the marginal Marginal Total Total Profit
of product product product physical product cost (Pa) revenue (TR) cost (TC) (TR - TC)
feed (TPP) (APP) (MPP) (VMP = MPPP5) ($) ($) ($) ($)

0 0 0 0 0 0
6 12 8
6 6 12 8 4
7 14 8
2 13 6.5 26 16 10
(II) 22 8
3 24 8 48 24 24
10 20 8
4 34 (8.5) 68 32 36
6 12 8
5 40 8 80 40 (40)
4 8 8
6 44 7_3 88 48 40
2 8
7 (45) 6.4 90 56 34
-I -2 8
8 44 5.5 88 64 24
-2 -4 8
9 42 4.6 84 72 12

Note: Maximum values for TPP, APP, MPP, and profit are enclosed within parentheses. Adapted from a similar example in
Snodgrass and Wallace (1970).

cost exceeds the marginal revenue. In other A

words, the producershould keep adding inputsas
100 50
long as the additional revenue obtained exceeds X = TC
the additional cost.
80 40
The same decision regarding optimal input use
can be obtained graphically. Figure 5 illustrates
60 30
this same example, and makes clear the relation-
ship between the underlying production function
40 20
and the economically determined level of
optimum output and input use. Note that profits 20 10
are maximized in the upper figure (a) when the
difference between total revenue (TR) and total 0-
costs (TC) is at its maximum. As shown in the
lower figure (b) this is achieved when the value of
the marginal product (VMP) is equal to the input
price (P), or the marginal cost of the added
Mathematically, this means that profits will be
maximized when VMP = P and because
VMP = MPPP, one can determine the profit
maximizing level of input use by equating the
marginal physical product to the input/output
price ratio: MPP = PX/PY.
There are several interrelated conclusions from
this unconstrained case: Fig. 5. Hypothetical revenue and cost curves (TPP =
(I) Maximizing production does not maxi- total physical product, A PP average physical prod-
mize profits. In our example, maximum uct, MPP = marginal physical product, VAP r value
production is achieved with seven bags of feed, of the average product, VMP = value of the marginal
but profits are lower at $34 than the $40 obtained product, TC total costs, and TR total revenue).

from using only five bags of feed. Maximum underlying biological relationships in the
profits are, therefore, obtained at lower levels of production process. Decisions must be made
output and input use than those that maximize regarding: (I) which explanatory variables to
production. include: and (2) the appropriate function form.
The profit maximizing decision rule is The underlying production process in aqua-
based on marginal principles. A producer who culture systems is not in fact a direct input to
bases his production decisions upon average or output relationship. In milkfish ponds, for
total production and revenue principles will earn example, output is only indirectly related to
less profit than a producer who uses the marginal certain inputs, such as fertilizer, because output is
analysis described above. a function of algae growth, which is in turn a
The level offixed costs does not influence function of the fertilizer applied to the pond. In
the decision of the producer regarding optimal this case, the correct production function would
use of the variable input. Note that the producer's relate functions to functions rather than things to
decision is based upon a comparison of the things (Garrod and Aslam 1977). Other inputs,
marginal revenue and marginal cost of the however, such as seed stock and supplementary
variable input. Producers will continue to feed, are directly related to output. Because it is
produce as long as they cover their variable costs. difficult to accurately and easily measure algae
The preceding example refers to an uncon- growth in milkfish ponds during a survey, the
strained case; that is where the producer has most common procedure is to assume a direct
unlimited capital. In real life, of course, capital relationship between fertilizer and output. In this
and other constraints usually do exist, and in the paper, we will deal only with production functions
long run, producers have the option of using their that directly relate various inputs (the explana-
limited resources for several alternative tory variables) to output (the dependent
production processes. The marginal principle for variable). One of our purposes is to explain, as
maximizing profits, however, still applies. Fish much as possible, the variation in output
farmers will maximize their profits if they use observed from farm to farm.
their limited resources (e.g., capital) in such a way In biological experiments it is customary to
that the marginal returns from the various hold all variables constant, except the one for
activities are equal. In this way, the opportunity which the biologist is interested in determining the
cost of their capital (i.e., the cost of the effect on output. In the social laboratory in which
alternative foregone) does not exceed its value in economists operate, however, such controlled
the use chosen. experimentation is not possible. With no
variables controlled, the production function
must be estimated from a host of explanatory
Production Functions: variables.
For aquaculture production functions, we may
Estimation and Interpretation wish to consider including some or all of the
following inputs or explanatory variables:
The approach to production economics stocking rates; fertilizer; feed; pesticide; labour;
described in the preceding section is known as the land (or rearing area); environmental factors (soil
neoclassical approach. First, the physical pH, water salinity); management (expertise of
relationship between inputs and outputs is operator); and dummy variables (e.g., for
estimated, and then marginal analysis is location). However, this is not an exhaustive list.
employed to evaluate producer behaviour. It is We can then develop hypotheses regarding the
assumed that the production function is significance of each of these variables (and all of
continuous; that is, the marginal physical them taken together) in explaining variation in
product can be derived from the production output. It is common practice to standardize the
function through differential calculus. There are explanatory variables to account for differences
four distinct steps in the neoclassical approach: in farm size. For example, the explanatory
specification, data collection, estimation, and variables could all be expressed in terms of input
interpretation. quantity per hectare (for ponds) or per cubic
metre (for cages). Each variable must be
homogeneous; that is, fertilizers of various
Specification qualities should not be combined in a single
Specification of the model chosen to describe variable. There is no fixed formula, however, to
the production process depends in great measure guide the researcher in the choice of explanatory
upon the researcher's assumptions about the variables for inclusion in the model being

specified. Biologists should be consulted for their elasticity of substitution (CES) functions, are
opinions so that in a priori fashion, the those that have been traditionally favoured by
explanatory variables can be selected. production economists.
Dummy variables may also be included to The C-D function, which is linear in its
account for differences (in location or climate for logarithmic form, has several advantages that
example) that cannot readily be quantified. A have made it attractive. (1) The elasticities of
dummy variable takes the value of 1 or 0 production, which measure the responsiveness of
depending upon whether the farm in question output to increased units of input, are identical to
falls in the particular category or not. The the production coefficients (/3). Consequently, a
presence of significant differences in output by percentage change in output that is brought
climate type or location can then be tested for in a about by a given percentage change in input use
manner similar to that used for testing for the can be easily determined. (2) The sum of the
significance of the other quantifiable explanatory production coefficients (/3) can be interpreted
variables. as a measure of economies of scale.2 If /> 1,
The management variable poses serious for example, positive economies of scale exist.
difficulties because it is hard to quantify the This implies that a doubling of the use of all
expertise of the aquaculture producer. One inputs will result in more than a doubling of
possible solution is to use a proxy variable, such output. (3) Unlike the linear and quadratic forms,
as education level, as a measure of management which preordain the shape of the production
expertise. Another solution is to treat the residual surface, the unconstrained C-D form can
(the unexplained variation) after estimation of describe a production surface that demonstrates
the production function as a measure of increasing, unitary, or decreasing returns to
management. However, this is not entirely scale, depending upon the data. (4) Input and
satisfactory because the residual or error term output data can readily be used, without
also includes the effects of all other variables not aggregation (as in the CES function) to estimate
included in the model. the parameters of the model. (5) Unlike the
Once the researcher has chosen the relevant quadratic form, which uses up two degrees of
explanatory variables to include in the model, the freedom for each added variable, a C-D function
next step is to specify the functional form to be that includes no interaction terms uses only one
used, that is, the form of the relationship degree of freedom per explanatory variable.
between inputs and output. Four alternative The C-D production function is actually a
functional forms are shown in Table 2. Of these special case of the CES function in that in the C-D
four, the first two deserve only brief mention. The function, the elasticity of substitution3 among
first, the linear form, is most commonly used in inputs is constrained to unity. In the CES
linear programing models and these are not function, the elasticity of substitution can be any
discussed in this paper. The second form, the constant value. Because this permits the
quadratic, shown as the special case where all but empirical data to determine the degree of
one explanatory variable are held constant, substitutability among inputs, some researchers
describes a parabola and is probably familiar to (Miller et al., undated) have claimed that the CES
most biologists. The third and fourth functional production function is theoretically superior to
forms, the Cobb-Douglas (C-D) and the constant the C-D formulation. In contrast, "in the C-D
Table 2. Traditional forms of the production function.a form, the relative input shares remain unchanged,
even with a change in relative input prices and
input ratios, because the elasticity of substitution
Linear between inputs is forced to unity" (Garrod and
Y=A+I31X1+$2X2...+$X, Aslam 1977, p. 21). Although the CES produc-
Quad ratic (single input case) tion function thus has some inherent theoretical
Y=A+ 1X1 - advantages over the C-D, it is difficult to apply if
Log-linear (Cobb-Douglas or C-D)
Y = AXPX2$ . . .

or 2Assuming that the /3 is not constrained to unity as

logY=logA+fli logX1+/32logX2...+/3logX, in the original Cobb-Douglas case where
Constant elasticity of substitution (CES) Y = AX1 X2('-$)
Y = y[X+(l-ô)X2] (p>- 1) 3The elasticity of substitution shows the proportional
change in the capital-labour ratio induced by a given
Y = output: X = inputs: f3 = factor (input) productiv- proportional change in the input (factor) price ratio
ties: and A, y. ó, p are constants. Error terms are omitted. (Ferguson 1972).

more than two inputs are to be used. The usual production function that is estimated using the
technique is to aggregate all explanatory vari- OLS method (Garrod and Aslam 1977). As
ables into the two inputs of capital (K) and shown in Fig. 7, the "frontier" production
labour (L). function is derived by connecting the points of
The balance of the discussion in this paper is maximum output for each level of input. It thus
based upon the Cobb-Douglas production func- represents the most technically efficient input-
tion. output combinations. The estimated production
function, on the other hand, is an industry
Data Collection "average" function because it is derived by OLS
The explanation of output variation through a methods that take into account all observed
production function requires that data be col- input-output combinations, not only the most
lected from a sufficiently large number of farms technically efficient. Consequently, the average
to allow reliable estimation of parameters. A production function, though describing the aver-
minimum sample size of 30 is often established, age aquaculture firm in the system, does not
so that adequate degrees of freedom are main- represent the maximum possible output obtain-
tained.4 Data on inputs, output, prices, and costs able from a set of inputs. To determine the
can be obtained from: (1) many aquaculture maximum productive capacity of aquaculture
farms for a single production cycle; (2) one farm systems, a frontier production function should
over numerous production cycles; or (3) many be used.
farms over time. These data types are, respec-
tively: cross-sectional data; time-series data; and
time-series of cross-sections (Garrod and Aslam
1977). The last of these data types is the most
desirable, but due to costs of obtaining a time-
series of cross-sections, it is rarely available.
Most common at the current stage ofaquaculture
economics research is cross-sectional data gathered
from a (sometimes) randomly chosen sample of
producers. Because so few producers have records Ye
to share with the researchers, the two most
common methods of data collection are recall
questionnaires and record-keeping forms. The
former method is particularly susceptible to x3 x4
measurement errors in quantifying the input used
and output attained. Other measurement errors
Fig. 6. Fitting a line using ordinary least squares
can also occur if the interviewer or the fish (OLS) method (adapted from Alder and Roessler
farmer fails to correctly delineate one input from 1972).
another, say differences in quality of various
supplementary feeds. The decision of what data
type (time-series or cross-section) and collection
methods to use is most often determined by the
limited budgets available to researchers.

Production functions are usually estimated
using standard multiple regression techniques, in
particular the ordinary least squares (OLS)
method. The OLS method fits a line to the data
by minimizing (Y- Y,)2, the sum of the
squares of the distances from the observed data
points to the fitted line (Fig. 6).
An important distinction must be made between
a "frontier" production function and the "average" INPUTX

4Each additional explanatory variable included in Fig. 7. Comparison between "frontier" and "average'
the model reduces the degree of freedom by at least I. production functions, single variable input case.

One specific estimation problem deserves of the production coefficients (/3) has the
particular mention. The problem of multicol- expected positive or negative sign. Finally, t-tests
linearity occurs when explanatory variables are are used to test the significance of the individual
highly correlated and produces biased estimates production coefficients.
of the production parameters. Although some Let us examine a hypothetical example of a
researchers (Rao and Miller 1971) claim that C-D production function to interpret the results.
multicollinearity is more of a theoretical rather A three input case is shown in Table 3. The
than an empirical problem, the applied researcher variables are defined as follows, with mean
needs a decision-rule to decide if the degree of values and prices as shown:
multicollinearity is serious enough to warrant
discarding the specified model and starting again.
One approach is to examine the simple correla- Variable Mean value Price ($)
tions among the independent variables and
eliminate from the model any that are highly X1 = stocking rate
linearly interrelated. A second approach is to plot (thousands! ha) 5 30.00
X2 feed (bags/ha) 6 25.00
the residuals (the difference between the observed
X3 = labour
Y and the estimated Y,) against the independent (man-days! ha) 9 2.00
variables to look for any systematic distribution Y = fish output (kg/ha) 367 2.00
of the deviations around the regression line.
However, despite some success with these ap-
proaches, no hard-and-fast rule seems to have The mean value for output (367 kg/ha) is
been devised to deal with the potential multi- calculated by substituting the mean input values
collinearity problem. Fortunately, with larger into the production function and solving for Y.
sample sizes, the multicollinearity problem is In Table 3, the R2 value is 0.8; therefore, 80% of
reduced (but not eliminated). the variation in output is explained by the three
Before leaving the topic of estimation, mention independent variables. All coefficients (f3) have
should be made of step-wise regression. This is a the expected positive sign. The coefficients
technique for entering the independent variables of two of them (Xi and X2) are significantly
into the model in order of their contribution to different from zero at the 1% level according to
the "explained" variation in the dependent the t-test.5 The coefficient of the last input
variable. In this fashion, the most important (X3) is not significantly different from zero. The
explanatory variables are included first, and the output or production elasticities are 0.3, 0.2, and
researcher can then drop out of the model those 0.5, respectively. A 10% increase in input X1, for
explanatory variables that are less important. instance, will produce a 3% increase in output,
This approach is generally not recommended and so on. Because the sum of the coefficients
unless the researcher is working with a small equal 1.0, unitary economies of scale exist; a
sample. Each dropped variable will increase the doubling of all three inputs will double output.
degrees of freedom, an important consideration An important question yet to be answered is:
when sample size is small (e.g., < 30). "Are producers, on average, economically ef-
ficient?" In other words: "Is their use of inputs
Interpretation of Results optimal in terms of maximizing their profits?" To
answer this question it is necessary to calculate
Before interpreting the results obtained from the marginal physical product of each of the
the estimated production function, it is necessary variable inputs and compare it with the input-
to examine the function for its ability to output price ratio:
"explain" output variation. Two interrelated > Px
measures of "goodness of fit" are known as the MPPx.
correlation coefficient (R), and the coefficient of
< Py
determination (R2). The maximum possible If MPP is greater than the price ratio, use of
value for R2 is 1.0, which implies that 100% of the the input should be increased. If MPP is less than
output variation is explained by the estimated the price ratio, use of that input should be
function. In applied research using cross-sectional reduced. Equality implies producers, on average,
data, one would not expect to find such a high are economically efficient. To calculate the MPP
value for R2. The F-test is usually used to test of each input from the production function,
the overall significance of the independent partial differentiation is used with all variables,
variables chosen for inclusion in the model. The 5H0: /3 0 and H0: $2 = 0 are rejected. H: $ = 0 is
sign test can also be applied to determine if each not rejected.

Table 3. Hypothetical Cobb-Douglas production native approaches to analyzing marketing or
function. delivery subsystems. Four major approaches are
known as: (I) functional approach; (2) institu-
Y = 50X103X202X305 R2 = 0.80; F = 35.00h tional approach; (3) organizational approach;
log Y = log 50 and (4) price-efficiency approach.6 The func-
+ 0.3 log X1 + 0.2 log X2 + 0.5 log X3 tional approach examines the important mar-
se. (0.10) (0.05) (0.30) keting functions of exchange (buying and selling),
= 13/se. physical handling (storage, transportation, and
4.00h 1.67
processing), and facilitation (standardization,
Output elasticities
0.3 0.2 0.5
financing, risk bearing, market intelligence).
Economies of scale = /3, = 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.5 = 1.0
The institutional approach studies the various
agencies and intermediaries that perform the
= stocking rate: X2 = feed: X3 = labour: and Y = marketing process. Both of these approaches are
Out put. essentially descriptive. The organizational ap-
Significant at 1% level.
proach attempts to link the structure of the
market (concentration ratios, barriers to entry,
except the one being differentiated, entered into product differentiation) to the conduct of inter-
the production function at their geometric mean. mediaries (price determination and competition)
In the example of Table 3, the MPP of input and the performance of the subsystem (profit
X1. for example, would be calculated as follows: margins, technical efficiency, progressiveness).
This approach has most often been used in
Y = 50 x°3 x202 x305 comparisons among various industrial marketing
aY/aX1 = 50(0.3)X 0.7 0.2 X3 ..
2 systems. Finally, the price-efficiency approach
= 50(0.3) (5)_07 (6)02 (9)0.5 examines the role of prices and their allocative
= 50(0.3) (0.32) (1.43) (3.0) functions in terms of space, time, and form.
= 20.59 = MPP of input X1
It is useful to mention the major principles and
definitions. In Fig. 8 a very simple marketing
The price ratio Px P = 30.00 = 15 or delivery subsystem is shown. The output from
2.00 aquaculture producers moves through marketing
Because MPP > / P (e.g., 20.59 > 15), channels, representing product flows, first to
the use of input X1 on the "average" farm should
wholesalers, then to retailers, and finally to
be increased. This can also be concluded from the
fact that the value of the marginal product The prevailing price at the farmgate (P1) is
(VMP = MPPPY = $41.18) is greater than related to the consumer price (Pr) by the mar-
the marginal cost (P1 = $30.00) of the addi- keting costs of intermediaries. Under conditions
tional unit of input. Marginal physical products of perfect competition, the difference between
for the other two inputs would be calculated in a the consumer and farmgate prices, known as the
similar manner, and their use either increased or marketing margin, should over time on average
decreased depending upon the relationship equal the sum of all the marketing costs involved.
between the MPP and the respective price ratio. Marketing costs include not only direct costs but
The preceding discussion has focused on the also implicit costs, such as opportunity costs of
Cobb-Douglas production function and its inter- the marketing inputs and a reasonable return to
marketing intermediaries for their risk and
pretation. There are numerous other functional management expertise. Arbitrage among various
forms that can be used to analyze production,
trading regions should keep the marketing costs
costs, and profits. As in agricultural economics, roughly equal to the price differential as long as
these somewhat more sophisticated approaches conditions approximating perfect competition
will undoubtedly find favour with aquaculture (freedom of entry and exit, perfect information
economists in the years to come. about supply and demand) exist. Analysis of
marketing subsystems frequently focuses upon
assessing departures from the norms of perfect
Marketing Subsystems competition.

Brief mention should be made also of some 6For discussion of the first and second see Kohls and
basic aquaculture marketing concepts. Just as in Downey (I 972); of the third see Bain (1968); and of the
production economics, there are numerous alter- fourth see Bressler and King (1970).

I Wholesaler

often held view that producers are somehow
In the introduction to this paper, it was stated
that producers respond to relative economics of
various production alternatives, given their avail-
able resources. A production economics study of
a specific aquaculture system is only the first step
Marketing costs in revealing these relative economics and the
Pf + of middleman = PC producers' response. What are needed are similar
- Pf = Markup/Margin studies of the alternative systems (for other
aquaculture species, for example) or even of
Fig. 8. Basic marketing concepts. Under perfect alternative use of the land (for grain production,
competition, diff'rentia/ between farm gate price (Pr) for example).
and the retail price (F.) should equal the marketing Aquaculture economists are following in the
costs of all middlemen, including a reasonable profit. footsteps of agricultural economists who have
faced many of the same questions regarding
efficiency, optimum farm size, and technology
Conclusion transfer that we are currently grappling with. It
would not be inaccurate to characterize current
The production economics methodologies out- aquaculture economics work as experimental in
lined in the preceding sections lead to conclusions that we are still testing methodologies that have
that are primarily of interest to the policymaker. been used extensively in agriculture. Further
It would be unwise for a researcher to use the refinements, particularly along the lines of cost
estimated production function to advise an and perhaps profit functions, and whole systems
individual farmer on optimum input levels analysis would be very worthwhile undertakings.
because what is needed is location-specific It would be unfortunate if we do not relate our
advice. More than just ecological differences efforts to the experience and insights of those
(soil, climate, etc.) are involved. A technology who have gone before. The writings of Theodore
package may make sense in one area where W. Schultz, distinguished agricultural economist
input/output prices reveal marginal returns and Nobel prize winner, should be required
greater than marginal costs; in another area reading for everyone interested in technological
where the prevailing input/output prices are change. (See, for example, Schultz 1966.)
different, profits of producers may even be
lowered by adopting the new technology. It is I would like to thank, without implicating, Kee-Chai
these location-specific differences that make Chong, Roger Pullin, and Daniel Pauly for their
comments on an earlier draft of this paper, Roberto
technology packaging so very difficult and Bugay for the figures, and Nenita Jimenez for typing
adaptation to locally prevailing conditions so the various drafts.
expensive. However, progress can be made if
biologists can determine the production response
of different technologies and economists can Alder, H.L. and Roessler, E.B. 1972. Introduction to
evaluate the effect on producer profits. The need probability and statistics. 5th ed. California, USA,
for this kind of teamwork is a strong argument in W.H. Freeman and Co.. 373 p.
Bain. J.S. 1968. Industrial organization. 2nd ed. New
favour of interdisciplinary approaches to aqua- York, USA, John Wiley and Sons, 678 p.
culture research and development. Bressler, R.G. Jr. and King, R.A. 1970. Markets,
Analyses of existing aquaculture systems help prices, and interregional trade. New York, USA,
us to understand the technical and socioeco- John Wiley and Sons, 426 p.
nomic environment in which producers operate Ferguson, C.E. 1972. Microeconomic theory. 3rd ed.
and into which improved technologies are to be Illinois, USA, Irwin Inc., 565 p.
introduced. Depending upon the stratification of Garrod, P.V. and Aslam, MN. 1977. Models of
the sample, important differences between groups agricultural production: methods and considerations.
of producers can also be identified. Moreover, if Hawaii, USA, University of Hawaii, Hawaii Agri-
cultural Experiment Station, Research Bulletin
through a production economics study, a group 159, 28 p.
of existing producers are shown to be economi- Hirshleifer, J. 1976. Price theory and applications. New
cally efficient, given the prevailing prices, it is Jersey, USA, Prentice-Hall Inc., 506 p.
hardly surprising that they do not adopt a new, Kohls, R.L. and Downey W.D., 1972. Marketing of
allegedly superior technology. Production eco- agricultural products. 4th ed. New York. USA,
nomics studies may then force us to discard our Macmillan Co., 432 p.

Miller, ME, Whittlesey, N.K., and Barr, TN. (Un- tional potential of traditional resource systems in
dated). The constant elasticity of substitution pro- marginal areas. Technological Forecasting and Social
duction function and its application in research. Change, Il, 119-131.
Pullman. Washington, USA. Washington State Uni- Schultz, T.W. 1966. Economic crises in world agri-
versity, College of Agriculture Research Center, culture. Ann Arbor. Michigan. USA, The University
Technical Bulletin 80. of Michigan Press, 114 p.
Rao, P. and Miller. R.L. 1971. Applied econometrics. Snodgrass, M.M. and Wallace, L.T. 1970. Agriculture,
New Jersey, USA, Prentice-Hall Inc., 235 p. economics and growth. 2nd ed. New York. USA,
Ruddle, K. and Grandstaff, T.B. 1978. The interna- Meredith Corporation, 489 p.

The Economics of A quaculture:
The Case of Catfish in Thailand
Sarun Wattanutchariya and Theodore Panayotou'
After a brief introduction to catfish culture in Thailand, this paper deals with Cost structure,
profitability, and production technology. The emphasis is on the dominance of feed, and particularly
trash fish, in the cost structure and the profit differential between small and large farms as well as
between inexperienced and experienced farmers. It is concluded that there is inefficiency in input use
(too much fry and trash fish and too little broken rice and fuel used) and recommended that more
credit be given to small farmers and that research and extension be intensified to determine optimum
feed formulas and ways to control disease.

Commercial fish culture, induced by high fish (22.60 baht US$1.00). This decline in produc-
prices and the decline of fish availability from tion caused an increase in catfish prices and
natural sources, has developed in Thailand only should have induced a rise in the supply of
during the past few decades. The expansion of catfish. However, this did not occur; the number
fish culture was supported by the improvement of of catfish farms continued to decline.
the irrigation system that provides water for the Therefore, a careful investigation of the eco-
paddy land in the Central Region. The species nomics of catfish culture would benefit both
commonly raised are catfish (Clarias spp.), producers and policymakers. Previous studies on
striped catfish (Pangasius sutchi), sepat siam the economics of catfish culture were based on
(Trichogaster pectoralis), snakehead (Ophio- too small, nonrandom, samples that were not
cephalus striatius), carps, tilapia, and giant representative of catfish culture in the country.
prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). Among Moreover, none of the studies attempted to
these species, catfish have been particularly estimate the parameters of production technol-
popular, partly because of high price and partly ogy or examine the degree of efficiency in input
because of their short culture cycle. use.
The expansion of catfish culture, however, has The specific objectives of this study were:
its limitations. In Suphan Bun province, the (I) to estimate the technological coefficients of
largest catfish farming area of the country, the catfish production; (2) to determine the returns
number of farms, which had increased from 45 to scale; (3) to find the optimum input use under
farms with a total area of 16 506 m2 in 1967 to 468 alternative behavioural and market assumptions;
farms with a total area of 495 646 m2 in 1973, and (4) to determine the profitability of catfish
dropped to 76 farms with a total area of farming by farm size and experience.
345 788 m2 in 1976. The decline in both the Most catfish farms are located in the Central
number of farms and the pond area was due to Region of Thailand and the two provinces,
losses resulting from catfish disease, a drop in Suphan Bun and Nakhon Nayok, were chosen to
catfish prices, and the rising price of inputs, represent catfish culture in the Central Region. It
especially trash fish, a major feed ingredient. For was found that more than 50% of the catfish
the country as a whole, the Department of farms in each province were in a few districts.
Fisheries reported a drop in total production of Random selections were made of 23 farms in
40262 t valued at 5798 million baht in 1973 to Suphan Bun and 18 farms in Nakhon Nayok.
19714 t valued at 315 million baht in 1976 The 41 farms, almost 80% of the farms in each
district, constitute a fair representation of catfish
farming in the Central Region but do not
'Department of Agricultural Economics, Kasetsart necessarily represent other regions due to dif-
University, Bangkok 9, Thailand. ferent cost structures and cultural practices.

The main occupation of most farmers in the Pond preparation involves the drying of the pond
study areas is rice farming. Catfish culture has after draining. In many cases, farmers also apply
undoubtedly developed from paddy fields close lime at the rate of 30-60 kg/rai (185-375 kg/ha)
to the irrigated canals. There are some farmers to eliminate predators and other undesirable
who rent land and turn it into catfish ponds. It fauna and to reduce the acidity of soil and water.
was found that 78% of the farm sample in Suphan
Bun raised catfish as their main occupation Seed Procurement and Stocking
compared with only 22% in Nakhon Nayok.
Between the two study areas, there is a remark- Stocking is done after the water is left in the
able difference in the cultural system: catfish pond for a few days. The depth of the water
culture in Suphan Bun can be considered as should be about 50-80 cm. Fry and fingerlings
intensive farming; in Nakhon Nayok extensive are raised mainly in Cha-Chueng Sao province,
farming is practiced. The average pond size in which is the only area where hatchery operations
Suphan Bun is 2290 m2 compared with 3129 m2 have been generally successful. Fingerlings are
in Nakhon Nayok. transported by truck to the fish farms, and
Experience in catfish culture was hypothesized mortality due to transportation is about 5%. No
to be one of the factors influencing profitability. farm in the survey reported having nursery
Farmers in Suphan Bun had a longer history of ponds; therefore, the fingerlings are stocked
catfish culture, 6.9 years on the average, whereas directly into the rearing pond. Stocking rate
most farmers in Nakhon Nayok had only 2.9 varies from farm to farm. According to the
years of experience. The test of the significance of Department of Fisheries, the recommended
experience as a determinant of profitability will stocking rate for 3-5 cm fingerlings is 60-100
be presented later. There was no difference in the fingerlings per square metre. However, the
average age and education of farm owners in the farmers stock between 45 and 400 3-8cm
two areas. Most farmers were between 30 and 50 fingerlings per square metre. The average stock-
years of age and had 4 years of school education. ing rate is 130 fingerlings per square metre. The
Therefore, age and education cannot be used to reason given for the high stocking rate was high
explain differences in managerial ability. mortality of fingerlings due to many diseases.
Farmers in Suphan Bun stocked more than twice
as many fingerlings as farmers in Nakhon Nayok
(Table I).
Catfish Cultural Practices
Feeding Practices and Problems
The two catfish species raised in Thailand are
C/arias bat rachus and C. inacrocepha/us and both The most important component of catfish feed
are found in natural sources of water. However, is trash fish obtained from trawl fisheries, mainly
when cultured in a pond, C. batrachus grows those in Samut Sakhon province. Trash fish used
much faster than C. macrocephalus. Besides, its to be a low-priced feed during the early 1970s, but
fry can be obtained from a hatchery whereas fry due to a rapid increase in demand for other uses
of C. macroceplia/us must be obtained from such as fish meal and duck farming, the price of
natural sources. All the sampled farms in this trash fish has been increasing at a remarkable
study cultured C. batrachus. rate: from 1.50 baht/kg in 1973 to 2.50 baht in
Catfish fry used to be collected from natural 1979 to 3.40 baht in early 1981. This increase has
water sources during May and October. But, fry forced some small farms with no access to credit
producers now provide fry from late January to to go out of business. Some farmers did try using
November, which enables catfish farmers to raise artificial feed, but at the time of the survey,
catfish throughout the year. farmers had a negative attitude toward artificial
feed because of its high cost and the slow growth
Pond Construction and Preparation of catfish when compared with the use of trash
fish. However, if the price of trash fish increases
Culturing of catfish starts with the construc- further, artificial feed may become more common.
tion and preparation of the pond, which is dug The feed-mix varies during the rearing period.
either by hand or with a bulldozer to a depth of For the first 2 weeks, the fingerlings are fed on
1.5-2 m. Farmers preferred using bulldozers to ground trash fish, sometimes mixed with rice
make the border and dikes more compact and bran to form a "sticky" mixture. As the fish grow,
prevent leakage. In some cases, especially in boiled broken rice is added to the feed. The
Suphan Bun, pond banks were lined with bricks proportions of feed differ between the two
and stones to reduce erosion caused by the fish. locations. Due to higher stocking rate farmers in

Table I Average yield and input use by location in due to the high density of fish and partly due to
40 catfish farms in Suphan Bun and Nakhon Nayok, the poor quality of water, which was polluted by
1979. decayed trash fish. Moreover, diseases are trans-
mitted by infected fingerlings and carried from
Suphan Nakhon farm to farm through the common water source.
Bun Nayok The diseases most commonly found in both
locations were lesions, swelling of the area near
Sample size (farms) 22 18 the pectoral fin, and abdominal dropsy. About
Average farm size 80% of the sampled farmers reported the use of
(m2 of pond area) 2361 3125 some medicine mixed with feed such as Ten-
Average yield (kg/rn2) 9.56 4.06 ramycin (oxytetracycline) in the case of diseases
Stocking rate (fingerlings/m2) 188.00 76.00
Feeding rate (kg/rn2) 51.17 17.17
and formalin in the case of parasites. More than
Feed / stocking ratio 50% of the farmers expressed satisfaction with
(kg/fingerling) 0.27 0.23 the treatment despite its high cost.
Feed mix
Trash fish (% by weight) 77.87 62.12 Harvest and Market Outlet
Rice bran (% by weight) 14.17 17.84
Broken rice (% by weight) 7.96 20.04 Harvesting starts after 3-4 months of cultiva-
Artificial feed (baht/ m2) 0.33 0.28 tion. The marketable size for catfish is 20--25 cm
Conversion ratio (feed/yield) 5.35 4.23 in length and 200-250 g in weight. Although
Survival rate (%) 33.61 49.45
consumers prefer medium-size fish, when the
Medicine (baht/ m2) 2.96 0.38
Fuel use price of fish is relatively low, farmers may delay
(L/m2) 0.35 0.77 their harvest up to 6 months. This prolongation
(L/ 100 fingerlings) 0.14 1.01 or delay of harvesting time, however, is con-
(L/ 100 kg feed) 0.68 4.47 strained by the cost of additional feed, foregone
Family labour (man-hours/rn2) 0.27 0.11 interest, the probability of disease, and possible
Pond investment (baht/m2) 5.53 5.18 delay of the next crop. Generally, most farmers,
Investment in facilities except the few with large farms and high capital
(baht/ m2) 25.35 9.22 investment, are unable to delay or prolong their
Culture period (months) 4.09 3.58
Cropping intensity
(crops/year) 1.36 1.44 Harvesting is by draining water from the pond
Farmers' experience (years) 6.90 2.90 or by using a net. Usually buyers are responsible
for harvest labour and for transport of the fish to
market. Most sampled farms harvest only once
Suphan Bun use a higher percentage of trash fish per pond, but very large ponds may require more
in the feed. The average proportion in Suphan than one harvest. There are a variety of market
Bun is 10 parts of trash fish, 2 parts of rice bran, outlets ranging from local trash fish suppliers, to
and 1 part of boiled broken rice weight; in wholesalers, to the Fish Market Organization in
Nakhon Nayok the proportion is 3:1:1 (Table 1). Bangkok. On average, one-third of the fish is sold
The feeding rate reveals the technical ability of to the trash fish suppliers, who in some cases have
the owner. Too much feed not only increases provided credit to the farmers. The Fish Market
production cost but also pollutes the water and Organization and wholesalers from Bangkok
causes diseases. Too little feed causes starvation shared another third of the produce, and the nest
and slow growth. Most farmers feed their fish went to wholesalers from other provinces who
twice a day, once in the morning and once in the caught and transported the fish to the northern
afternoon. The feeding rate is determined by and northeastern regions of the country.
observing feed consumption: when only a small Although there are only a few buyers in each
number of fish come to the surface to eat the feed, area, 78% of the farmers reported no sales
it is judged that a sufficient amount has been obligations. The other 22% bought feed supplies
given. on credit. However, there was no significant
difference in prices among buyers.
Diseases and Treatment
Disease is the most important problem in
catfish farming and has caused the bankruptcy of Catfish culture is a capital intensive invest-
many farms. Diseases are considerably more ment, and more than 50% of the farmers had
common than in the case of other species partly borrowed money for their operations. Among

the indebted farmers, 50% received loans from Costs in absolute terms, both per square metre
the bank at an interest rate of 12-15% per year. and per kilogram, are presented in Table 2. The
Borrowers from other sources, such as trash fish total cost per square metre in Suphan Bun was
suppliers, had to pay higher rates. Some farmers more than double that in Nakhon Nayok.
said they were seeking credit but they were unable However, the cost per unit of output for farmers
to obtain any. in Suphan Bun was only slightly higher,
16.66 baht/kg compared with 14.59 baht/kg in
Nakhon Nayok. Therefore, it is cheaper to
Input Use and Yield2 produce a kilogram of fish by extensive farming.
Input use and yield per unit of land (square
metre) are given in Table I. The most important
input is feed. As mentioned earlier, Suphan Bun Profitability
farmers practice intensive culture: they used
51.17 kg of feed per square metre compared with
17.17 kg used by Nakhon Nayok farmers. The use
Despite higher cost per kilogram, farmers in
of other inputs such as medicine and family Suphan Bun made more total profit than farmers
labour was also higher in Suphan Bun. Because in Nakhon Nayok because of higher yield. Table
of the better water circulation system in Suphan 2 summarizes the profitability of catfish farming
Bun, less fuel was used for water changes than in per square metre in both locations. Alternative
Nakhon Nayok. Farmers in Suphan Bun used concepts of profitability are employed:(l) oper-
more inputs (especially fingerlings and feed) per ating profit, defined as gross revenue minus
square metre and their average yield was more variable costs; (2) net income or return to owned
than double that in Nakhon Nayok (Table 1). factors of production, defined as operating profit
minus fixed cost; and (3) net profit or return to
The use of inputs and yield per square metre management, defined as gross revenue minus
may not be very meaningful because they depend total cost. Profitability per kilogram of fish in
on culture period, which was longer in Suphan Nakhon Nayok was higher than in Suphan Bun
Bun. A study of costs and profitability will help in terms of all indications. Nevertheless, the net
clarify the difference between intensive and profit per unit of land was higher in Suphan Bun:
extensive culture. 26.50 baht/m2 compared with 20.72 baht/m2 in
Nakhon Nayok. This was expected because of the
higher intensity of culture in Suphan Bun, i.e.,
Cost Structure more investment in fixed and operating capital
Costs have been classified into three com- per square metre than in Nakhon Nayok. In
ponents: (I) variable cash costs, i.e., expenses terms of total profitability per farm, both
that are actually paid and vary with the quantity operating profit and net farm income in Suphan
of fish produced, such as fingerlings, feed, hired Bun were higher than in the extensive farms of
labour, and medicine; (2) fixed costs, which are Nakhon Nayok. However, net profit, which is the
independent of the operation, such as deprecia- net of the opportunity costs of owned factors of
tion of ponds and facilities; and (3) imputed production, was lower in Suphan Bun because of
opportunity costs of owned inputs, which may be the large capital investment. The average net
either fixed or variable, such as family labour, profit per farm in Suphan Bun and Nakhon
land use, and interest on fixed capital. Nayok was 62 567 baht and 64 750 baht,
respectively. Rate of return to capital investment
There was little difference in cost structure
between the two locations. Variable cost accounted
and rate of return to total investment of Suphan
for more than 93% of the total cost and the rest Bun farmers were much lower than those in
Nakhon Nayok (Table 3).
was divided between fixed and imputed cost.
Among the variable costs, the cost of feed In conclusion, extensive culture, although
dominated all other costs accounting for 71.2% having a lower return per unit of land, can
of the total cost. Trash fish, the most important produce catfish at the least cost. Therefore,
component of feed, accounted for more than 52% extensive culture should be preferable especially
of the total cost on average. The cost of by Thai farmers who have little capital of their
fingerlings came second at 11.4% of total cost. own and limited access to credit. Given the
country's and the farmers' factor endowments,
2llenceforth, the sample includes only 40 farms. One the average farmer should choose extensive
farm was dropped because the input and cost data given culture with lower capital investment and less
were incomplete for cost and production analysis. risk.

Table 2. Cost, revenue, and returns (baht) per square metre of pond area and per kilogram of fish in 40 catfish
farms in Suphan Bun and Nakhon Nayok, 1979 (22.60 baht = US$1.00).

Per square metre Per kilogram of

pond area fish
Suphan Nakhon Suphan Nakhon
Bun Nayok Bun Nayok

Variable costs (V)

Fingerlings 17.69 7.08 1.85 1.74
Feed 116.67 39.06 12.21 9.62
Fuel and electricity 2.61 2.69 0.27 0.66
Hired labour 1.65 1.27 0.17 0.31
Medicine, chemicals, etc. 3.15 0.42 0.30 0.12
Maintenance' 0.74 0.51 0.08 0.13
Interest on operating capital 7.13 2.56 0.75 0.63
Total 149.64 53.65 15.66 13.21
(Standard deviation) (94.69) (60.08) (17.19) (7.60)
Fixed costs (F)
Depreciation of pond 0.55 0.26 0.06 0.06
Depreciation of facilities" 2.53 1.99 0.27 0.49
Interest on debt 1.06 0.88 0.11 0.22
Total 4.14 3.13 0.44 0.77
(Standard deviation) (4.75) (7.72) (0.95) (4.07)
Owned inputs (opp. costs)
Family labour (V') 0.66 0.47 0.07 0.12
Interest on fixed capital (F') 2.25 0.88 0.24 0.22
Land use (F1) 2.32 1.08 0.25 0.27
Total 5.23 2.43 0.56 0.61
(Standard deviation) (6.1) (4.4) (1.3) (7.1)
Total costs 159.01 59.21 16.66 14.59
(Standard deviation) (100.6) (63.7) (18.5) (7.4)
Gross revenues 185.51 79.93 19.41 19.69
(Standard deviation) (120.2) (72.0) (3.7) (3.2)
Operating profite 35.87 26.28 3.75 6.48
Net income'1 31.73 23.15 3.31 5.71
Return to land, capital, and management 31.07 22.68 3.24 5.59
Return to capital and management 28.75 21.60 3.00 5.32
Net profit' 26.50 20.72 2.75 5.10
(Standard deviation) (99.0) (35.8) (19.4) (17.6)

'Includes only maintenance of buildings, machinery, and equipment, pond maintenance consisted mainly of labour Costs.
"Facilities include buildings, machinery, and equipment.
Operating profit = gross revenue - variable costs (V).
Net income = return to owned inputs = operating profit - fixed costs (F).
'Net profit = return to management gross revenues -- total costs.
Note: V and F refer respectively to variable and fixed costs that cannot be regarded as income lobe consumed without impairing
future operations. V' and F', on the other hand, refer, respectively, to variable and fixed costs that consist of payments to own
factors of production and, hence, constitute net family income.

Role of Farm Size (between 1001 and 3000 m2) and large (over
3001 m2). There were 12 small, 15 medium, and
13 large farms. Yield, total revenue, costs, and
The size of farm was hypothesized to play an rate of return for farms in both locations are
important role in farm success because it reflects reported in Table 4. The highest average yield
availability of capital, access to credit, and even (almost II kg/rn2) was obtained by large farms
managerial ability. The sampled farms were under intensive culture in Suphan Bun, Under
classified into small (1000 m2 and less), medium the extensive culture the small farms obtained the

Table 3. Rates of return (%) per farm in Suphan Burl would allow farmers to adjust to changing
and Nakhon Nayok, 1979. economic conditions and adopt the most efficient
cultural practice. Farmers in both locations were
Suphan Nakhon classified into groups based on their years of
Bun Nayok experience in catfish culture. Experienced
farmers were defined as those with more than
Rate of return to cia 93.0 150.0 average experience; inexperienced farmers were
Rate of return to TI" 74.19 102.1 those with less than average experience. The
Ratio of net profits to
variable costs average experience was 6.9 years in Suphan Bun
17.7 38.6
Ratio of net profit to and 2.9 years in Nakhon Nayok. This method of
gross revenues 14.3 26.1 classification allows comparison within each
location but not between locations.
'Rate of return to capital investment (CI) = (return to capital Yield, costs, and profitability classified by
and management/capital investment) >< 100. experience are shown in Table 5. The average
"Rt of return to total investment (TI) = (return to land.
capital, and management/total investment) X 100. yield per square metre of the experienced farmers
in Suphan Bun was almost double that of the
highest yield (7 kg/rn2). Higher yield was inexperienced farmers, and in Nakhon Nayok it
obtained by more intensive use of inputs and, was more than three times as much. Experienced
therefore, higher cost per unit. The net profits of farmers in both Suphan Bun and Nakhon Nayok
both small and medium farms in both locations showed significantly higher net total profit than
were negative, whereas large farms showed a net the inexperienced farmers. Because there was
profit of 230 236 baht per farm in Suphan Bun little difference in the use of inputs between
and 201 021 baht in Nakhon Nayok. Thus, large experienced and inexperienced farmers, man-
farms are considerably more profitable than agerial ability due to experience in catfish culture
small and medium farms; in fact, the latter are could be the determinant of the difference in
not economically viable under the present profitability regardless of type of culture.
conditions. The implication of this finding is that a certain
scale of operation and level of knowledge are
required for a successful operation. Large
Role of Experience farmers, in general, are more specialized and
have more advantage in terms of access to
Experience was thought to be a determinant of capital, credit, and technical knowledge,
profitability in catfish culture because experience whereas, many small farmers, who take catfish

Table 4. Summary of yield, revenue, costs, and rates of return for different size farms in Suphan Bun and
Nakhon Nayok, 1979.

Suphan Bun Nakhon Nayok

Small' Medium Large Small Medium Large
Average yield (kg/rn2) 7.07 6.79 10.91 7.06 2.42 4.30
Gross revenue (baht) 84717 190374 1074370 82950 68281 600494
Total costs 103778 203107 843985 85891 71866 399474
Operating profith -11480 3640 273464 8664 7940 229941
Net profit' -19062 -12733 230236 -2941 -3585 201021
Rates of return (%)
Rate of return to CI" -123.1 -8.9 -144.6 -8.2 -5.2 239.9
Rate of return to TI' -81.6 -14.6 -110.6 -5.0 -1.9 151.2
Ratto of net profit to
variable costs -19.8 6.8 -28.1 -4.0 -6.0 54.2
Ratio of net profit to
gross revenues -22.5 -6.7 21.4 -3.5 -5.2 33.4
'Small, less than 1000 m'; medium between 100! and 3000 m'; large more than 3001 m'.
"Operating profit = gross revenue - variable costs.
'Net profit = return to management = gross revenue - total costs.
'Rate of return to capital investment = (return to capital and management/capital investment) )< 100,
'Rate of return to total investment = (return to land, capital, and management/total investment) )< 100.

Table 5. Summary of yield, revenue, Costs, and rates of return for different amount of experience of farmers in
Suphan Bun and Nakhon Nayok, 1979.

Suphan Bun Nakhon Nayok

Inexperienceda Experienced Inexperienced Experienced

Average yield per m2 7.41 13.25 1.54 5.43

Gross revenues (baht) 424846 453767 52986 495822
Total costs 413346 329667 62365 338334
Operating profith 38140 140573 4363 179388
Net profit' 11382 124100 -9380 157488
Rates of return (%)
Rate of return to CId 19.1 320.0 -16.6 286.5
Rate of return to TIC 17.2 208.2 -10.8 178.0
Ratio of net profit to variable costs 2.9 39.6 -19.3 49.8
Ratio of net profit to gross
revenues 2.7 27.3 -17.7 31.8

'Inexperienced, farmer with less than average experience: experienced, farmer with more than average experience: average
experience was 6.9 years in Suphan Bun and 2.9 years in Nakhon Nayok.
5Operating profit = gross revenue variable costs.
'Net profit return to management = gross revenue -- total Costs.
dRate of return to capital investment = (return to capital and management/capital investment) X 100.
'Rate of return to total investment (return to land, capital, and management/total investment) X 100.

culture as a minor occupation, have little access (> 3000 m2) and equals 0 otherwise; D3 = 1 if
to credit, insufficient funds, and the inability to farmer has more than the average experience
take risks. The availability of funds or credit and (6.9 for Suphan Bun and 2.9 for Nakhon Nayok)
technical knowledge and skill hold the key to and equals 0 otherwise; and D4 = 1 if farm is
successful catfish culture in Thailand. located in Nakhon Nayok and equals 0 if farm is
located in Suphan Bun.
Ordinary least squares methods were used to
estimate four different regression models. Of
Production Technology and Efficiency the eight explanatory variables in model Rl only
four, fingerlings (xi), trash fish (X2), fuel (xn), and
While cost and return analysis measures the family labour (x7), were statistically significant
success and failure of farm business, the at the 0.05 confidence level. This model could
estimation of the production function identifies explain 70% of the variation in yield. Fingerlings
inputs that influence product yield and shows the was the most powerful explanatory variable with
efficiency of input use and the returns to scale. the highest partial output elasticity (0.484), which
A Cobb-Douglas production function was indicates that a 10% increase in the stocking rate,
employed to estimate the production technology holding other inputs constant, will increase
of catfish farming input and output data of 40 yield by 4.84%. The sum of all partial output
farms. The production function used can be elasticities was 0.897, which indicates diminishing
expressed in the following general form: returns to scale.
y f(x1, x,, x5, x4, x5, x6, x7, x5), where y = yield Dummy variables representing farm size and
in kg/rn2; x = number of fingerlings stocked/rn2; experience were added in model R2. Both these
x2 = quantity of trash fish used in kg/rn2; dummy variables were significant at the 0.05 level
x3=quantity of broken rice used in kg/rn2; of confidence. This model indicates that there
x4 quantity of rice bran in kg/rn2; x5 amount were differences in productivity between large
of fuel in kg/rn2; x6 = chemical and medical farms and small or medium farms and between
treatment in baht/m2; x7 labour in man- experienced and inexperienced farmers. Treat-
days/rn2; and x5 = fixed capital investment ment (X6) was added to model R3 and was found
(excluding land) in baht/m2. to be highly significant. Finally, model R4 with a
Because farm size, experience, and location are dummy variable for location could explain 81%
also important in determining yield, dummy of yield variation, although variables significant
variables (D1, D2, D3, D4) were also included such in other models turned out to be insignificant and
that: D1 = 1 if farm is small ( 1000 m2) and returns to scale changed from diminishing to
equals 0 otherwise; D2 = 1 if farm is large constant.

To study price efficiency, the marginal physical prices, especially trash fish, which accounts for
products of the four main inputs, fingerlings, over 50% of the total cost of production. Many
trash fish, broken rice, and fuel were calculated catfish farmers have been forced to switch to
as follows: MPP = b (y/x), where MPP = other species or crops.
marginal physical product of input i; b = partial The costs and returns of various farm sizes in
elasticity of production of input i; y = estimated Suphan Bun and Nakhon Nayok were calculated
output at geometric mean of all inputs; and and compared. It was found that, on average,
x = geometric mean of input i. farmers in both locations made a net profit of
Efficiency in input use requires that each input over 60000 baht per crop. However, this
is used at such a level that the value of its aggregate picture was shown to be deceptive
marginal product is equal to its price, or because the profits of large farms were a multiple
VMP = PVMPP = P, where P is the price of of this amount whereas small- and medium-size
output, or (VMP/P) = 1. If the value of the farms incurred considerable losses. Experience
marginal product of an input is greater than its was also found to determine farm success.
price, profit could be increased by increasing the An estimation of the production technology of
use of that input. The results of these calculations fish culture indicated that the main factors
are shown in Table 6. All four variables investi- influencing yield were: seed, feed, (especially
gated were used inefficiently: the number of trash fish and broken rice), and fuel as a proxy for
fingerlings and quantity of trash fish used should water changes. However, the use of these inputs
be decreased and the use of fuel for water change was found to be at inefficient levels. Increasing
and of broken rice should be increased. the use of broken rice and fuel and decreasing the
quantity of trash fish and the stocking rate would
improve farm profitability.
Summary and Policy Implications With regard to government policy toward
catfish farmers, the government should assist
Catfish culture in Thailand was initiated by the farmers, especially those with small farms and
farmers with minimum support from the little experience to overcome the problems of
government. The expansion of catfish culture high operating capital, insufficient knowledge,
was dramatic in the late 1960s and early 1970s but and high risk arising from the spread of catfish
in recent years it has been retarded by the spread diseases. Appropriate short-term credit schemes
of catfish diseases and the escalation of input and practical research and effective extension on
Table 6. Marginal physical product, input price, and price efficiency of 40 catfish farms in Suphan Bun.
Thailand, 1979.

Fingerlings Trash fish Broken rice Fuel

(xi) (x2) (x3) (X5)

Regression RI
MPP 0.022 0.090 2.52
VMP 0.423 1.755 44.63
P 0.936 2.350 4.75
VMP/P 0.452 0.747 9.40
Input use Decrease Decrease Increase
Regression R2
MPP 0.020 0.089 4.09
VMP 0.385 1.730 49.70
0.936 2.350 4.75
VMP/ Pi 0.411 0.736 16.78
Input use Decrease Decrease Increase
Regression R4
MPP 0.017 0.05 1 0.982 2.95
VMP 0.341 0.996 19.120 57.54
0.936 2.350 3.000 4.75
VMP/ Pi 0.364 0.424 6.373 12.11
Input use Decrease Decrease Increase Increase

'MPP = marginal physical product of input i: vMP, value of marginal product of input (MPP X price of output); and P =
price of input i.

the problems of disease, feed mix, and water and utilization of trash fish so that a part of the
management are necessary if catfish farming is to catch can be used for human consumption.
recover and realize its full potential in Thailand. Should the degree of access to inputs such as
It is encouraging that the National Inland credit be tested as a possible determinant of
Fisheries Institute of the Department of Fisheries profitability? Farm size could be considered as a
is presently conducting research on catfish proxy for the degree of access to inputs but the
diseases, feed improvement, and water quality. It possibility of using other, perhaps better, indi-
is hoped that successful results obtained in cators cannot be ruled out.
laboratories and experimental farms will become Fish culture is site-specific; therefore, is it valid
operational and be passed on to the farmers. to compare productivity between different loca-
tions without explicit consideration of soil and
This study is based on a research project on the climatic characteristics? Location was tested as
Economics of Catfish Farming in Thailand conducted
at the Department of Agricultural Economics an explanatory variable of yield but it was found
administered by the Kasetsart University Research and to be statistically insignificant; however, there is
Development Institute (KURDI) and supported by the also a need to examine the role of site selection
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources within each location.
Management (ICLARM). The detailed results of this The interaction of economic and biological
project are reported in Panayotou, T., Wattanutchariya, factors of production must be accounted for in
S., Isvilanonda, S., and Tokrisna, R., The Economics production analyses. This was recommended as
of Catfish Farming in Thailand, Department of an important area for future collaborative research
Agricultural Economics, Kasetsart University, between economists and biologists. Additional
Bangkok, February 1981. The financial support of areas for biological research were also identified:
ICLARM and the collaboration of S. lsvilanonda and
R. Tokrisna are gratefully acknowledged. experimentation with alternative feed formulas
and investigation of the relationship between
water quality and disease.
Discussion Differences in approach between biologists
and economists were noted: for instance, while
Why was a dummy variable used to represent economists focus on economics of production of
farm size when a quantitative measure, the size of a biomass of fish in the pond, biologists focus on
farm in square metres, was available? Input and individual biological relationships and the pro-
outputs had already been standardized and the duction of biomass. Hence, there is scope for
purpose of inclusion of farm size as an explan- involvement of economists at the experimental
atory variable was only to capture possible "scale stage; experimental farm data can be used by
economies." A quantitative measure of farm size economists to estimate yield curves considering
was used, but it turned out to be statistically separately individual growth and mortality rather
insignificant. than total biomass.
Is it socially desirable to feed trash fish to The last point raised concerned the role of
catfish for high-income groups (however profit- externalities and, particularly, the effect on
able) when there are serious protein deficiencies profitability of differential water quality among
among the poor in developing countries? The farms arising from upstream-downstream pollu-
trash fish presently landed in Thailand are tion. The need for a quantitative measure of the
unsuitable for human consumption but recently effect of water quality on productivity and
efforts have been made to improve the handling profitability was identified.

Input-Output Relationships of Philippine
Milkfish A quaculture
Kee-Chai Chong1 and Maura S. Lizarondo2
The existing gap between experimental yield and potential yield under field conditions and
actual yield is highlighted. The determinants of actual yield are investigated by estimating a Cobb-
Douglas production function relating yield to I I explanatory variables. The inputs found to have a
significant impact on output were stocking of fry and fingerlings, age of pond, farm size, fertilizers,
and miscellaneous operating costs. Estimates of the marginal physical productivity of the inputs are
used to study the optimization of input allocation, e.g., the optimum stocking rate at the given input
prices. It is concluded that, at current prices, a profit-maximizing milkfish farmer in the Philippines
should raise the stocking rate in deeper ponds and increase the use of supplementary inputs.

In a country where fish is one of the main production employing more inputs, its adoption
sources of protein and aquaculture has a long is a question of economics.
tradition, fish culture can be expected to play an Information on the technology and costs and
important role in supplying the fish needs of the returns of milkfish culture is already available. In
country, especially in view of steadily rising fish fact, milkfish production has been the subject of
prices. Moreover, the catch from capture fisheries numerous surveys to gather data on production
is leveling off or even declining as limits to stock practices in terms of input use. Their conclusions
exploitation are reached. In the Philippines, point to the importance of greater intensification
however, aquaculture, which is predominantly of operations and management to increase
milkfish culture (Chanos chanos), provides less milkfish production in the Philippines (Rabanal
than 10% of the total fish supply. 1961; Tang 1967; Shang 1976; Librero et al. 1977;
There are at present about 176 000 ha of Chong 1980). Shang (1976) observed that rapid
brackish water ponds devoted to milkfish culture increases in the cost of fry and fertilizers are likely
in the Philippines. The 1973 -77 average milkfish to discourage producers in the Philippines from
production per year was about 110000 t: an adopting intensive farming techniques. However,
average yield of about 600 kg/ha/year. This low the use of expensive inputs can be profitable if
national average yield has been a perennial properly carried out as Shang demonstrated for
problem and a major concern for the Philippine Taiwan.
government. Why then has milkfish culture not played a
Past and present research on improved tech- bigger role in the Philippines? Why have milkfish
niques of milkfish production have shown that yields been perennially low in spite of the
the yields of Philippine milkfish ponds can be availability of improved technology? This study
increased by at least threefold. In fact, such attempts to answer these questions by assessing
threefold increases in yields have been reported the responses of milkfish production to supple-
for a limited number of farms. Annual per mentary inputs and by quantifying a few input-
hectare yields in excess of 2000 kg are attainable output relationships of milkfish production in
with the use of more inputs. As with all intensive the Philippines.
Although supplemental inputs have to be used
'Senior Research Fellow, International Center for to improve the productivity of milkfish ponds
Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM),
MCC P.O. Box 1501, Makati, Metro Manila, Philip- (intensification of operations), the uncertainty of
pines. output response due to inputs affects a producer's
2Senior Market Analyst, Bureau of Agricultural decision on the use and rates of use of such
Economics, 582 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City, Philip- inputs. As a result, the producer is naturally
pines. interested in knowing the costs and benefits (and

risks) involved in increasing inputs. The present comprising nursery, transition, and rearing
study addresses this concern and shows the (grow-out) ponds. The sample for this study
responses of milkfish production to various consists of milkfish producers whose farms are of
inputs. this design. The average size of such a farm is
Inputs are not applied uniformly throughout about 16 ha. The provinces covered in the survey
the country. There is, therefore considerable are, from north to south, Cagayan, Pangasinan,
geographical variation in output. Some of this Bulacan, Masbate, Iloilo, Bohol, and Zamboanga
could, however, be due to differences in environ- del Sur. A minimum of 30 respondents per
mental conditions such as soil type, climate, or province was taken as a sample. The largest
pH. This study concentrates on output variability number of respondents, 81, was from Pangasinan.
related to inputs. Purposive sampling was used to obtain as
homogeneous a group of milkfish operators as
Soil type, climate, and pH, although important
possible to eliminate differences in production
factors in determining output initially, cannot techniques and to obtain data from a range of
explain all the yield differences observed in the farm sizes and rates of input use. Only milkfish
country. Like all production activities under operators who use supplementary inputs are
human control and management, the limitations included in the sample.
on production in milkfish culture are related to
the use of inputs. It was not possible, however, to restrict the
sample to farms that monoculture milkfish.
Some farms that culture milkfish and penaeid
Objectives shrimp were also retained in the sample, but the
output and the corresponding value of penaeid
shrimp were not considered in the analysis.
(I) To estimate the input-output relationships
(production function) for milkfish production in Because 1978 was used as the reference period
each of seven selected provinces in the Philippines, for the information collected, the 1978 price
and for the whole country. structure of inputs and output was adhered to.
To determine the marginal productivities Also, information collected is based on quantities
and returns of inputs used in different quantities of inputs actually used and not those available for
and proportions. use.
To derive the optimum rates of application The data were collected by a core group of
of the various inputs used in producing milkfish 8-10 closely supervised enumerators, assisted by
by using the estimated functions and 1978 prices. two additional enumerators in each province.
To show which inputs are the most The same group was also involved in preparing
important determinants of total output. the data for processing to avoid errors in
To analyze variations in Philippine milk- interpretation, coding, computation, and
fish production by province. analysis.
To use the estimated production function It is not always easy to obtain the data required
(or model) to predict production levels from for production function estimation. Two types of
given levels of input application. data are frequently used: field survey and
experimental data. One thing common to both
types of data is that there are variables that may
Methods be difficult to measure. While it is true that data
from controlled experiments are relatively
Data Collection homogeneous, that is, there are no differences in
the quality of inputs, results from analysis using
A working knowledge is necessary of the experimental data have limited applications.
production operations for which functional This is because experiments are of necessity
input-output relationships are to be empirically conducted on a small scale and they seldom
estimated to correctly specify the production capture and replicate actual variations in field
function and collect the appropriate data. Data conditions. Consequently, their usefulness in
were obtained through a cross-section survey of national policy formulation is correspondingly
producers in seven provinces of the Philippines limited. On the other hand, because a survey can
covering the production period January- be conducted over a wide geographical area, the
December 1978. results of survey data have broader applications.
The most common and widely practiced Our survey, which has this wide coverage, thus
method of production is the use of a farm layout reflects a variety of actual farm conditions.

Milkfish Production Function Model parameters has been made. The Cobb-Douglas
form does not allow signs to be attached, unlike
Three algebraic forms of the production the quadratic form where a parameter can be
function model were initially estimated to expressed as -X2, for example. However, the
determine their appropriateness and explanatory/ marginal products as distinct from the para-
predictive power. These were the linear, meters are expected to have either positive or
quadratic, and Cobb-Douglas forms although a negative signs.
wider range could be considered. The functional Two basic functions were estimated: one on a
form of the milkfish production model chosen per farm basis and one on a per hectare basis.
based on its explanatory power is that of an Estimating a production function calls for ac-
unconstrained Cobb-Douglas production func- curately measured data on output and inputs.
tion model. The specified function is an accept- Faulty data have often been the source of poor
able representation of the underlying mechanics fit and insignificant estimates. Recognizing the
of the production process. importance of accurate data, brief discussions
Milkfish production results from combining of the variables used in estimating the production
various fixed and variable inputs in a body of function and the problems of measurement are
water. Eleven inputs or explanatory variables provided.
were hypothesized to explain milkfish produc- This is of necessity only an approximate
tion. To evaluate the relative influence of each of modeling of the true production process because
the 11 inputs or explanatory variables on the there exist several variables such as pond depth
output of milkfish, the model is estimated by and water salinity that may be important in
using multiple regression techniques. explaining variation in milkfish production but
The basic Cobb-Douglas model specified is: that have not been included.
Y= Total Output
X9139 X$ia X11 I3i
Total output refers to the quantity of milkfish
log Y log a + $ilog X1 + /321og X2 + harvested (in kilograms) during the 1978 produc-
/331og X3 + /341og X4 + f35log X5 + tion year. Other species such as shrimp, tilapia,
/361og X6 + /37log X7 + 138 log X8 + and mullet have been excluded from the total.
/39logX9+/3iologX1o+/3iilogXii + This figure includes the milkfish that are con-
sumed at home, given away as gifts, and the
where Y = output of milkfish (kg): X1 = age of harvester's and caretaker's shares. The total
pond (years); X2 = milkfish fry (pieces); X3 = output, therefore, reflects all milkfish harvested
milkfish fingerling (pieces); X4 = acclimatization from the pond - marketed as well as non-
(hours); X5 = hired labour (man-hours excluding marketed. Whenever possible, losses due to
caretaker's time); X6 = miscellaneous operating typhoon and floods were estimated and included
costs (peso); X7 = milkfish culture experience in total output. Milkfish harvested before final
(years); X8 = pesticides (peso); X9 = organic harvest are also reflected in total output, because
fertilizers (kg); X10 = inorganic fertilizers (kg); one characteristic of Philippine milkfish produc-
X11 land (ha); , f3 = regression coefficients tion is that some fish are harvested well before
(parameters) to be estimated; and = random the final harvest; to entertain guests who drop in
error or disturbance term. at the farm, for subsistence, and for festivals. It
The explanatory variables (X) or inputs are was not possible to determine the extent of such
sometimes known as target variables because practices and the magnitude of output that went
they are subject to influence by the decision- unrecorded. This and other data collection
maker (producer or policymaker). Of the 11 ex- problems such as accuracy in counting stocking
planatory variables specified in the model, all material (fry) are dealt with below.
but age of pond are within the control of
producers. The production coefficients (f3) or Types of Inputs
exponents in the Cobb-Douglas form are the Following Dc Wit (1979), inputs can be
elasticities of production. The /3 terms are classified as material inputs, management inputs,
actually transformation ratios of the various and input of field work (labour). Material inputs
inputs used in milkfish production at different can be further categorized as either yield-
quantities. Depending on the need of the study, increasing inputs such as fertilizers, or yield-
the basic model can be modified, as reported in protecting inputs such as pesticides.
the section on results. Besides these material inputs, management
So far no mention of the expected signs of the inputs and input of field work, other inherent

characteristics of the pond environment, and/or The estimates of the production coefficients,
factors affecting its environment such as age of their standard error, and the coefficient of
the pond and weather can be employed to explain determination are also reported. The usefulness
milkfish output. Again, a working knowledge of of the estimates of the various production
these other factors can be invaluable to the coefficients of milkfish culture is discussed to
milkfish producer. provide the reader with a more thorough under-
standing of the underlying input-output relation-
Resuits and Discussion ships. In general, the levels of statistical signifi-
cance of the estimated production coefficients are
The Estimated Production Function
One can interpret the positive production
The main results of the estimation of the coefficients and marginal physical products of
milkfish production function for the whole the respective inputs as implying that an increase
country are summarized in Tables I and 2. in output of milkfish can be accomplished by

Table I. Estimated production function (Cobb-Douglas), sample means, and estimated output for Philippines
on a per-farm basis (Equation 1).

X1 X2 X3 x4 xs xs x7 x5 xv x's Xi'

Intercept 10.91
coefficients 0.28 0.14 0.10 0.04 -0.01 0.16 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.57
T-value 4.70 5.37 4.25 1.00 -0.29 3.21 0.65 1.09 1.96 3.42 9.26
Standard error 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.06
Significance level 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.32 0.77 0.001 0.51 0.27 0.05 0.0007 0.0001
R2 77
Input mean (X)
GM 12.84 3543 2346 3.74 123.26 639.56 10.28 27.79 630.44 74.77 6.16
AM 21.57 5940 5892 14.09 228.71 1033.06 #5.72 62.46 2178.83 172.33 16.20
Estimated output at
X 2577
Marginal product
Average price of input -
57.25 0.11
0.18 -
28.10 -0.22
- -
0.60 l0.24 2.85 0.13
3.21 243.40
1.66 --
Note: GM is the geometric mean. AM is the arithmetic mean, and the F-value 953.

Table 2. Estimated production function (Cobb-Douglas), sample means, and estimated output for Philippines
on a per-hectare basis (Equation 2).

X, X2 X3 X4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x's XH

Intercept 7.01
coefficients 0.27 0.18 0.14 0.05 -0.01 0.17 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.12 -0.02
T-value 4.56 6.22 4.88 1.22 -0.35 3.36 0.55 0.46 2.24 3.43 -0.57
Standard error 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.04
Significance level 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.22 0.72 0.0009 0.58 0.64 0.02 0.0007 0.57
R2 39
Input mean ()
GM #2.84 3543 2346 3.74 123.26 639.56 10.28 27.79 630.44 74.77 6.16
AM 21.57 5940 5892 l4.09 228.71 1033.1 15.72 62.46 2178.8 172.3 16.20
Estimated output at
X= 1351.44
Marginal product 28.40 0.06 0.96 -4.40
Average price of input 0.09
18.12 -0.11 0.38 5.26
- 0.08
1.66 -
Note: GM is the geometric mean. AM is the arithmetic mean, and the F-value r 113.

increasing the intensity of input use. On the other economic and technical conclusions. Wherever
hand, negative coefficients and marginal prod- appropriate, attempts were made to relate the
ucts suggest that use of that particular input results of the study to the current problems of the
should be reduced. industry.
Selected production functions were used to
derive some technical and economic relation- Economic Optima Defined
ships. In addition, values of the respective inputs
at their geometric means were substituted into To realize maximum net returns, producers
the selected production functions to obtain the must find out the rates at which to apply the
predicted average milkfish yield. Economic opti- inputs. To do this, they will need to have
ma were calculated to show whether, on average, information on the productivities of the inputs
input combinations are efficient. From this, it they use. Given the prices of inputs and the
can be shown whether input use can be increased output prevailing in the factor and product
or decreased to maximize profits. markets, and with the help of the estimated
production functions, optimum input combina-
tions can be calculated. At the point of optimum
Fit of the Model input combination, the ratio of input-output
prices should equal the marginal product for each
In general, the Cobb-Douglas equation fitted of the inputs used. In other words, the value of
the data well as indicated by the F-values and R2. the marginal product must be equated to the
With the exception of Cagayan, the F-values input price. If the marginal product is greater
were highly significant in all cases. All the R2 than the input-output price ratio, MP > P/PO.
values are also statistically significant, ranging then the use of that input should be increased. If
from 0.39 to 0.89. Their occasional modest values the marginal product is less than the price ratio,
are not unusual in multiple regression analysis the use of that input should be decreased.
using cross-sectional data. Lastly, there appear to Similarly, if the marginal product and price ratio
be no problems with dominant variables or are equal, it means that producers are economi-
multicollinearity. cally efficient.
From the Cobb-Douglas production function,
Nature of Input-Output Responses marginal products of input application can be
computed from the production coefficients and
A revealing result of this study is that for the average products, or by differentiating the
most part, inputs applied at the reported levels do production function. In this study, marginal
influence milkfish output. The II variables products were derived by differentiating the
hypothesized to explain milkfish yield explain 39 production function with respect to the particu-
to 89% of the variation in milkfish output. lar input of interest, with other variable inputs
Because a large interest of this study was to calculated at their geometric means (as opposed
examine the nature of the input-output relation- to arithmetic mean). Using arithmetic means
ship and to test the significance of each of the gives biased marginal products. An actual ex-
estimates of the production coefficients, all the ample will be provided to show how the
coefficients will be reported even though some of economic optima were calculated for a few
them are not significant as shown by their low selected inputs for which price data were avail-
t-values. In all cases there are sufficient degrees of able.
freedom for statistical tests. More than 50% of
the regression or production coefficients are
significant at small probability levels. Errors due Philippine Milkfish Production Functions
to memory recall may have contributed to the In this section, two production functions are
presence of some insignificant coefficients. discussed in detail to provide an appreciation of
In general, an examination of the magnitudes how production function analysis can be a useful
of the coefficients estimated for the per farm and tool to aid decision-making on the farm. The first
per hectare production functions by province, production function represents a whole farm
showed slight variations between the two coef- production relationship; the second uses data
ficients estimated for the same explanatory standardized on a per hectare basis. The first of
variable. Signs of the estimated coefficients were these two estimated input-output relationships
found to be consistent with theory and technical will be used in the following discussion to show
knowledge of the production process. Selected how powerful production function analysis
production functions were used to derive broad can he.

Farm Basis: (Equation I) Theoretically, no output is forthcoming if no
- 1O.9X1 0.28 0.14 0.10 0.04 -0.01 inputs are used. Equation 1 also shows an
Y 2 X3 X4 X5
X 60.16 0.04 0,03 0.03 0.09 intercept or constant value of 10.9 (antilog of the
7 8 9 10
0.57 intercept). This result arises from the nature of
the mathematical form of the equation: the
Hectare Basis: (Equation 2) intercept term enters the equation multiplica-
0.27 0.18 0,14 0.05 -0.01 tively. Although the value of the intercept is low,
YH = 7.0 X1 x2
0.17 ',.A7 0.04

x 9
0.04 ',

0.12 it is important from the technical point of view. It
indicates the level of efficiency of the milkfish
production process in transforming inputs into
Of the 11 explanatory variables in the model, milkfish output. A value of 10.9 implies that
6 variables in the case of Equation 2 and 7 milkfish production in the Philippines as a whole
variables of Equation are significant (see
is inefficient, because the intercept values for the
Tables and 2). These variables are: age of
more productive provinces of Iloilo and Bulacan
pond (Xi); milkfish fry (X2); milkfish fingerling were respectively, 82.0 and 290.0.
(X3); miscellaneous operating costs (Xs); organic
fertilizers (Xo); inorganic fertilizers (Xis); and Value of Marginal Product
farm size (Xii). The other variables are not As discussed previously, at the point of
significant in explaining milkfish output.
optimum input combination, the ratio of the
The summation of all the production coef- input-output prices to marginal product must be
ficients (J3) for Equation 1 is equal to 1.47. This the same for each of the inputs used. This is
means that the production function exhibits written algebraically as follows: MP = P1/P0; or
increasing returns to scale; that is, if all the inputs MP X P0 = P; or VMP1 = P,; where MP =
specified in the function are increased by a marginal product of input i; P = price of input i;
certain percentage, milkfish output will increase P0 price of output or milkfish; and VMP =
by a larger proportion. In the example above, if value of marginal product.
all inputs are increased by 1.0% output will
increase by 1.5%. Optimum Stocking Rate
Further, an examination of Equation 1 shows The optimum stocking rate of milkfish fry (X2)
that a 1% increase or change in the number of is calculated using the production function
pieces of milkfish fry, X2, will result in a (Equation 1) estimated for the Philippines, the
0.14% increase or change in milkfish output, geometric means of all other inputs, the price of
other inputs held constant. milkfish fry in 1978. and the farmgate price of
Miscellaneous operating costs (X6), which market size milkfish in 1978.
include depreciation, repair and maintenance, Y = 10.9 X1 0.28
x2 0,14
taxes and other fees, interest expenses, food for X6

labourers, etc., account for about one-sixth of the X ii


final output. Similarly, yield-increasing inputs

(organic and inorganic fertilizers) contribute Taking the partial derivatives of Y with respect to
about one-thirtieth and one-eleventh of milkfish X2 gives the marginal product of X2:
output. The minimal response of output to these 0.28 0.86 0.10 0,04 0,81
inputs can be attributed to the current rates of = 1.5 x1 x2 X3 x4 x5
0.16 0,04 0.03 0.03 0.09
application of these three inputs in shallow C) X2 6 7 8 9 10
ponds. If farm size (Xii) is increased by 1%, X Ii
output will increase by almost 0.6% as indicated Having obtained Y/ X2 or the MP of the
by the coefficient of farm size, X11 of 0.57. The milkfish fry stocked, the price ratio of input to
signs of the production coefficients are consistent output is then determined.3 Px2/ Py = 0.36/ 6.29
with theory and the logic of the production = 0.057. That is,
process. Further, the R2 or coefficient of deter- 0.10
mination is about 77% and the F-test of the 1.5 X1 0,28 X2 0.86
x3 x4 0.04 x5 0.01 x6 0,16
0.04 0.03 0.03 0.09 0,57
overall regression is significant at the 0.0001% .A7 8 A9 AlO All = 0.057
level (F-value, 95.3). Tables 1 and 2 spell out the 38ased on four pieces to 1 kg of market size milkfish.
other details regarding the farm and hectare basis Each milkfish fry costs P0.09, thus, four pieces of fry
production functions. Just like the farm basis equal P0.36. The average farmgate price of milkfish is
production function, the hectare basis function estimated at P6.29/kg in 1978 (as of 1982, P8.29 =
can be interpreted in a similar fashion. U. S.S 1.00).

And solving for X2: stocking rate. As such, fingerling stocking rate
can be reduced to save unnecessary expenditures.
x2 (1.5) (2.04) (2.17) (1.05) (0.95) (2.81) (1.10) The difference between the price of fry and
(l.10)(I.21)(l.47)(2.82) = 0.057 fingerling partly explains the optimal values
113 X2
= 0.057 obtained for fry (to increase) and fingerlings (to
X2°86 = 0.057/113 = 0.0005 decrease). Based on 1978 price data, milkfish
X2 = 6790 pieces of milkfish fry per fingerlings are twice as expensive as milkfish fry.
hectare. The implication is that milkfish fry is a more
economic stocking material. In fact, only 13% of
Therefore, the optimum stocking rate for the the sampled milkfish farmers use fingerling as
country as a whole is 6790 pieces of milkfish fry stocking materials.
per hectare per year. The implicit assumption for Another way to demonstrate the economic
this economically determined stocking rate is gains from increased fry stocking rates is to show
that the milkfish survival rate has already been the inequality of the two sides of the relation
taken into account in the input-output relation- between the value of marginal product and input
ship through the raw data. price. This is: MP X P0 = P; 0.11 X 6.29 = 0.09
If this optimum stocking rate is now compared >< 4 pieces; 0.69 > 0.36
to the arithmetic and geometric means of Obviously, the left-hand side of the identity is
Philippine milkfish fry stocking rate of 5940 and greater than the right-hand side. Because the
3540, respectively, it is apparent that the average input-output price ratio is given or exogeneously
Philippine milkfish farmer can profitably in- determined,4 nothing can be done to influence it.
crease present stocking rates. However, pro- Only the left-hand side of the identity can be
ducers with shallow ponds probably will not changed to affect its magnitude. This can be
benefit from increased stocking rates unless they effected by increasing the stocking rate until the
deepen their ponds. marginal product (and VMP) declines further
At this point, a word to elaborate on the due to diminishing returns. The milkfish fry
conclusion will help clarify the implications of stocking rate is deemed optimum when the
the study result. Although it is true that each equality is again restored (see section on opti-
milkfish farm has its own individual production mum stocking rate).
function, the production function estimated and For milkfish fingerlings, it can be shown that
presented above is the industry function in so the left-hand side of the identity is smaller than
much as it portrays an average input-output the right-hand side. By reducing the fingerling
relationship for all the farms in the industry. stocking rate, the MP of fingerlings will become
Therefore, the production function for any one larger, until the equality is restored again.
particular farm may conceptually be obtained The optimum stocking rate is calculated based
from this industry function in terms of the farm's on four pieces of fish to a kilogram. An
ability to implement optimal values of the additional market dimension that complicates
parameters in the industry (Aigner and Chu this straightforward relationship is the market
1968). The two authors point out that possibly all price in relation to size of fish. In some markets,
farms do not operate anywhere near the industry the bigger the fish the higher the price per
(or frontier) production function; their output kilogram, whereas in other markets, the relation-
lying below this frontier. ship is inverse, that is, the bigger the fish the lower
Based on the same production function, the the price per kilogram. Thus, it is clear that once
optimum stocking rate for milkfish fingerling is the input-output relationship has been estimated,
calculated to be 2154 pieces of fingerlings per the rates at which inputs are applied are dictated
hectare per year. This economically determined by the average per kilogram of output as well as
stocking rate is about 60% lower than the the prices of inputs.
national average stocking rate of 5892 pieces
(arithmetic mean) or about 10% lower than the Optimum Application Rates of Fertilizers
geometric mean (2346) of the national milkfish Organic fertilizers: If the milkfish farmer took
fingerling stocking rate. Therefore, the stocking into account the price of organic fertilizers and
rate of milkfish fingerlings can be cut back at the price of milkfish he would apply only
current levels of input application if maximum 1750 kg/ha/year. Thus, according to the produc-
financial returns are the objective of production. tion function (Equation 1), milkfish producers
The most important thing to bear in mind is that
current levels of input application in shallow 41n perfectly competitive markets, prices are taken as
ponds cannot help to support higher fingerling given.

can increase their organic fertilizer application A total of about 2500 kg/ha/year of milkfish
and increase their output and returns. The output is predicted from the industry production
optimum organic fertilizer application rate is function as represented by Equation I if the
about 175% higher than the geometric mean milkfish producer applies inputs at the means in
(630) of organic fertilizer applications in the ponds that are deeper and not in existing shallow
country. This finding to increase fertilizer appli- ones. This 2500 kg/ha/year estimated output has
cation is consistent with the conclusion sug- been obtained using the industry function and is
gesting an increase in the stocking rate of milkfish not based on individual farm production func-
fry. tions (Aigner and Chu 1968). However, because a
Inorganic fertilizers: Inorganic fertilizers should large majority of milkfish producers do not apply
be applied at a rate of 1124 kg/ha/year if the as much inputs and their ponds are shallow,
price of milkfish is P6.29 and the price of actual output of milkfish is thus correspondingly
inorganic fertilizers is P1.66/kg. The price of much lower.
inorganic fertilizers in terms of a kilogram of the
fertilizer including its fillers must be distinguished
from the price of a kilogram of its nutrients Summary and Conclusions
(NPK). The type of inorganic fertilizers is crucial
if these fertilizers are used in ponds suffering In this study, the concept of the production
from acid sulfate soils. For example, 16-20-0, function, describing a relation between II inputs
which is ammonium sulfate phosphate, is very or explanatory variables and milkfish output, has
acidic and using this type of fertilizer would been employed. The optimal application of the
further compound the problem of acid sulfate different inputs in response to prevailing 1978
soils of existing ponds. The use of such "acidic" prices of inputs and output was calculated for a
fertilizers would, therefore, necessitate periodic small number of inputs whose prices were readily
liming to correct/restore pond pH. This implies available.
that additional production costs can be avoided if This study was undertaken in response to a
the proper fertilizers (less acid forming) are used. need for information on the productivity of
The point to be stressed from this brief inputs used in Philippine milkfish production.
discussion is that input use recommendations in Based on the empirical results of the study,
the absence of explicit price considerations (and Philippine milkfish ponds have available poten-
relating these to the marginal products of the tial that is not yet realized. Higher output can be
respective inputs) is not useful from the manage- obtained through the use of more inputs in
ment point of view. This is the basic difference deeper ponds that is, intensifying production
between profit maximization and output (bio- methods. The analyses of the input-output
mass) maximization. relationships of Philippine milkfish production
Explicit input subsidies or price support for have shown the economic benefits that are
milkfish is unheard of in the Philippines. There is, foregone from using too many inputs in existing
however, fertilizer subsidy for Priority I and II shallow ponds and, second, from not using more
crops, and milkfish are a Priority II crop. Input inputs in deeper ponds.
subsidization or price support can make the The survey data have shown that the average
added use of inputs profitable where before it was milkfish production per hectare from existing
uneconomic. Research to determine optimum ponds is 761 kg/year. To be sure, this estimated
input combinations and optimum output level yield is higher than the reported national average
must, therefore, recognize the presence or absence of 600 kg/ha/year. This is because the survey
of such government support. data consist of production data from farms using
inputs; milkfish farms that did not use any inputs
Estimated Output were excluded from the survey. With proper
husbandry, management, and deeper ponds,
Equation can also be used to predict or
I milkfish yield can be increased to at least 2 t, or
estimate the output of milkfish. The estimated about three times higher. If the increase in output
output can be calculated at one of three points: at comes from hectarage expansion with existing
the point of maximum biomass production practices it will require at least 3 ha of land to
(physical measure) or total product; at the point produce 2 t of milkfish; it can be produced in I ha
of maximum profits (value measure); or at the with proper management in deeper ponds.
input means (in this case, the geometric means) of However, these two alternatives have to be
application. For this study, only the third method evaluated for their costs and benefits to deter-
of calculation is used. mine which of the two should be recommended.

Next, only interfarm (cross-section) produc- This paper was prepared under the Philippine
tion functions have been estimated. This is M ilkfish Production Economics Project, jointly under-
because lack of data precluded the estimation of taken by the Fishery Industry Development Council,
intrafarm (time-series) production functions. As Ministry of Natural Resources, Philippines, the Bureau
such, these interfarm functions should be re- of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture,
Philippines, and the International Center for Living
garded as representing the average farm in the Aquatic Resources Management.
The 324 milkfish producers in the country who
Although it is true that each milkfish farm has willingly cooperated in the project deserve special
its own individual production function, the mention, without whose cooperation this project would
production functions estimated using the cross- not have materialized. For the privilege of working with
section data are judged to be realistic approxima- them, we are thankful. The authors also wish to thank
tions of the "real" industry function. The estimated Ian R. Smith and Roger S.V. Pullin for their helpful
overall production functions will nevertheless comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript.
have applications to existing farms in the
country. In fact, Aigner and Chu (1968) state that
the production function for any particular farm Aigner, D.J. and Chu, S.F. 1968. On estimating the
may conceptually be obtained from the industry industry production function. AER, 58, 826-839.
function in terms of the farm's ability to Chong, K.C. 1980. In seareh of higher productivity in
milkfish production: a case study. Paper prepared
implement optimal values of the parameters in for the UPLB/SEARCA-DSE-EDI Livestock De-
the industry. We would also argue that most velopment Projects Course for Asian Countries.
farms do not operate near the industry produc- Los Ba6os, Laguna, Philippines, Anand, Ind., 16 p.
tion function their output lies below the industry Dc Wit, C.T. 1979. The efficient use of labour, land and
production function. energy in agriculture. Agricultural Systems, 4(4),
Several algebraic forms of production functions 279-287.
were fitted to the data. However, the algebraic Librero, A.R., Nicolas, ES., et al. 1977. Milkfish
farming in the Philippines: a socioeconomic study.
form selected for interpretation and application Los Baflos, Laguna, Philippines, SEAFDEC-PCARR
in this study is the Cobb-Douglas production Research Paper Series 8, 367 p.
function. The Cobb-Douglas form was used to Rabanal, H.R. 1961. Inorganic fertilizers for pond fish
estimate input-output relationships by province. culture. Philippine Journal of Fisheries, 8(1).
In general, the Cobb-Douglas form fits the data Shang, Y.C. 1976. Economic comparison of milkfish
well as revealed by the highly significant F-values farming in Taiwan and the Philippines. Aquaculture,
and relatively high R2. 9,229-236.
Tang, Y.A. 1967. Improvement of milkfish culture in
The low absolute values of the estimated Philippines. IPFC Current Affairs Bulletin 49,
production coefficients reflect the inadequacy of pp 14-22.
existing shallow ponds to make full use of present
rates of input application. Milkfish yield is
responding poorly to the present quantities of Discussion
inputs applied in these shallow ponds. This
implies that if the milkfish producers in the Why were the coefficients for fry and fingerling
country switch to the use of deeper ponds with different? Is it due to different mortalities of fry
larger quantities of inputs, output will increase. and fingerlings? The different mortalities have
Experiments with higher levels of input applica- already been taken into account through the raw
tions in deeper ponds have shown that milkfish data. The difference, therefore, may be due to the
yields can be increased significantly. In this case, fact that while fry are acclimatized in the same
there is thus a strong response to larger quantities pond before being released, the fingerlings
of inputs in deep ponds as compared with the purchased from other pond operators enter the
poor response of milkfish to present levels of pond as a new environment. To capture such
input used in shallow ponds. differences one suggestion was to use a dummy
The authors believe that the reluctance of variable for the fry-fingerling classification.
producers to use more inputs and also to pay It was observed that, besides the biological and
more attention to management of their milkfish economic dimensions, one should also bring in
farms may be attributed to the prices of both the social dimension to explain yield. Factors like
inputs and output. Perhaps, if there is a govern- ownership pattern, indebtedness of the farmers,
ment subsidy for inputs and price support for and marketing arrangements can influence out-
milkfish, producers may be encouraged to inten- put significantly. The authors reported that they
sify their production. had estimated the production function separately

for government-leased and privately owned Why was experience not a significant variable?
ponds and that the latter are more efficient. Maybe the question asked in the survey: "How
The inclusion of miscellaneous operating costs many years of milkfish culture experience do you
as an explanatory variable in the production have?" fails to distinguish between experience
function was questioned. This is a value aggre- with the old method and experience with the
gate of seven variables. Doubts were also improved method of production. It is the latter
expressed concerning measurement of scale that counts.
economies in terms of the sum of the input How can one make the biological optimum
elasticities when some of the latter parameters and the economic optimum compatible? Can one
were not statistically significant. It was suggested suggest precise numerical changes in the amounts
that this problem could be handled by testing of inputs based on the economic optima? It was
whether the sum of the input elasticities differed observed that the biological and economic
from unity. optima were the outcome, respectively, of an
What is the role of depth of ponds? Farms with output maximization and a profit maximization
shallow ponds would not benefit by raising the objective. It was also noted that only small
stocking rate. The estimated production function numerical changes in the neighbourhood of the
is only an average one involving both deep and estimated production function could be sug-
shallow ponds. gested.

Economics of Taiwan Milkfish System'
Chaur Shyan Lee2
This paper examines the entire milkfish system in Taiwan, including fry gathering and marketing,
baitfish production, market-size rearing, and marketing. A constant elasticity of substitution(CES)
production function is used to estimate input-output relationships for baitfish and market-size
production systems, with all inputs classified into labour and capital. An important finding is that
the elasticity of substitution between labour and capital exceeds unity indicating rather easy
substitutability between the two inputs. Rates of return to marketing intermediaries were found to be
high for both fry and market-size milkfish.

The fisheries sector, including aquaculture, has long-liners based in Kaohsiung and Tung-Kang,
played a significant role in the agricultural the southern parts of Taiwan. However, many
development of Taiwan, The relative importance milkfish producers are finding that the rearing of
of this sector can be seen in the fact that its share shrimp and other freshwater fish is more profit-
of total agricultural production increased from able than rearing market-size milkfish. Because
11% in 1950 to 21% in 1979, while the share of of the importance of milkfish as a protein source,
crop production declined from 64% to 48%. the government is anxious to maintain produc-
Intensive land use is a tradition in Taiwan, tion. Thus, a systematic economic analysis of
Farmers have found it necessary to grow crops production and marketing of milkfish is needed
and raise animals year-round wherever possible to assist the government in its programs to
and have changed from crops to fish culture to sustain milkfish production and the incomes of
maximize the profit from their farmland and to producers and other support groups within the
sustain their levels of living. The area devoted to sector.
fish culture has increased from 38 148 ha in 1965 This research was undertaken to produce an
to 60460 ha in 1979. Milkfish is the most economic analysis of the production and market-
important species cultured in Taiwan; in 1979, ing of milkfish, and specifically to: (I) examine
15 346 ha, or about 26% of the total area was used the gathering and marketing of milkfish fry;
for milkfish. (2) measure the production efficiency of the
Basic biological research on milkfish in Taiwan baitfish industry; (3) analyze the input-output
has been intensive, but there have been few relationship of production of market-size milk-
economic studies of production. Moreover, there fish; and (4) understand the marketing of market-
has been no economic analysis of the fry input size milkfish.
sector nor of the marketing of milkfish in
Taiwan. The Taiwanese milkfish industry faces a
chronic shortage of fry and must rely on imports Methods
from the Philippines and Indonesia for almost
half its annual requirements. Demand for milk- A number of indicators can be used for an
fish fingerlings has grown because the fish has economic analysis of production and marketing
been found to be a suitable baitfish for the tuna of milkfish and they will be discussed separately.

'Research for this paper was supported by a grant Production Aspects

from the International Center for Living Aquatic
Resources Management (ICLARM) Manila, Philip- Benefit-Cost Ratio
pines. The complete results of this study will be Benefitcost analysis has become increasingly
published at a later date by ICLARM. popular and useful because it can be used to
2Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Na- compute the direct and indirect costs and benefits
tional Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan 400. of a specific enterprise. The benefitcost ratio of a

specific enterprise is: K = FI/TC, where Fl is farm the relativefactor inputs to a proportional
income and is equal to the difference between change in the marginal rate of substitution
farm receipts and production costs, and TC is between labour and capital (Brown 1968, p. 18).
total cost of production. The elasticity of substitution is an important
Rate of Farm Income indicator of production efficiency.
The rate of farm income is also an indicator of A CES (constant elasticity of substitution)
production efficiency and can be computed using production function was used to measure elastic-
the formula: R FI/ FR, where Fl is farm income ity of substitution in this study. The CES
and FR is farm receipts. From the point of farm production function is:
management, FR is equal to farm income and P)-VIP
farm expenses. Based on this equation we can see Q = y (k C- + (1 - k) N
that the larger the rate of farm income, the where Q, C, and N represent output, capital, and
greater the production efficiency. labour inputs, respectively, and y is a scale
Factor Productivity parameter denoting the efficiency of a produc-
Factor productivity is a reciprocal concept of tion technology, k is the distribution parameter
production efficiency and is measured as output indicating the degree to which technology is
per unit of input. Setting farm output as Q, input capital intensive; v represents the degree of
of farmland as D, labour as N, and capital as C, homogeneity of the function or the degree of
land, labour, and capital productivity can be return to scale; and p is the substitution para-
explained by Q/D, Q/N, and Q/C, respectively. meter equal to (1 - a)/a, where o is the elasticity
Factor productivity can be derived from the of substitution. Then we can estimate a, where
relationship between factor productivity and the o = 1/(1 + p).
factor-factor ratio. For example, land produc-
tivity can be explained by: (I) the relationship Marketing Aspects
between land productivity and labour produc-
tivity and the labour-land ratio; or (2) the Marketing Channels
relationship between land productivity and capi- Marketing channels must be studied to under-
tal productivity and the capital-land ratio. The stand the marketing system and the relation of
factor productivity can be explained by the markets and market agencies to one another. The
following formulas: channel represents the movement of products

Land productivity: QQNQQC

. = ;
from producers to consumers and involves
several market agencies. The farmers use dif-
= ferent marketing channels depending on the
Labour productivity : QQDQQC
. -k-;
quantity of product they have for sale. Small
- -
producers of milkfish may sell to dealers or
Capital productivity : QQDQQN
wholesalers, whereas large producers may ship
. -- -e directly to one of the city markets.
Marketing Margins
From the first of these equations, land produc- In the agricultural sector, the marketing
tivity from labour used, we can see that if the margin is the retail price less the farmgate price.
labour-land ratio is held constant, the increase Margins at different market agencies vary widely
of land productivity (Q/ D) is entirely due to the with the type of products handled. Generally,
increase in labour productivity. For land produc- they are higher for perishable products.
tivity from capital input, if the capital-land ratio
(C/D) remains constant, the increase in land Marketing Costs
productivity (Q/ D) is totally due to the increase Marketing costs are service charges on mar-
in capital productivity. keting. Generally speaking, marketing costs reflect
the country's economy and are closely related to
Elasticity of Substitution the degree of industrialization of the economy.
With two factors of production, labour (N) These costs can be calculated from the price paid
and capital (C), the elasticity of substitution is: at the point of production, the wholesale and
= (C/N) d (N/C) retail prices paid where the goods are consumed,
(f/f) d (f/f0) and the marketing expenses, such as assembly,
transportation, freezing, profit, and market
where f, and f are the marginal products of management fees. We can then determine what
labour and capital, respectively. The elasticity share of the consumer's dollar goes to the
of substitution is the proportional change in producer and how much goes for marketing.

Price Variation Table I. Fry gathering techniques.
Price variation can be explained by an index of
seasonal variation and by price instability mea- Years Cost Fry caught
sured by the Michaely index and Von-Neumann Gear used (N.T.$y per day
ratio (Michaely 1962; UNCTAD 1968). The data
for this study were gathered in a field survey of Sweeper 3 1500 150-200
approximately 220 fry gatherers and dealers, Fixed net 2 700 300-400
baitfish producers, milkfish producers, and mar- Motor rafts 7 45000 15002000
keting intermediaries in 1979. In addition, Boat 10 200000 3O00-4000
secondary data on production and prices were
obtained from various publications of official N.T.$36 = US$1.00.
institutions in Taiwan.
where Q stands for the quantity of fry caught and t
shows the number of years. This means that the
number of fry caught decreased annually by 3005
Gathering and Marketing of and 14310 thousand pieces during these periods.
Milkfish Fry In addition to annual fluctuations, the number
of fry caught for a given level of effort varies from
Fry Gathering day to day and from month to month. Peak
Milkfish fry are procured from coastal waters. procuring days occur at the times of high tides
The main sources of fry are located on the associated with full and new moons, and the peak
southern and eastern coasts of the island. months are May and June. Taiwanese fry
However, there are significant regional varia- procurement is characterized by extreme sea-
tions in procurement and during 1977-79 the sonality reflected in marked peaks and slack
eastern coast accounted for about 83% of the periods. The index of seasonal variation reached
total fry catch. The total procurement of fry 578.03% and the standard deviation of seasonal
varies widely from year to year due to meteor- variation was 120.90.
ological and oceanic changes that affect milkfish
spawning and consequently the distribution of Marketing and Distribution of Fry
eggs and fry. In addition, fry procurement is
influenced by the techniques of fry gathering and Fry marketing and distribution are the core of
the degree of water pollution in the coastal areas. the procurement subsystem and involve methods
There is an important relationship between of transportation, marketing channels, marketing
techniques of fry gathering and fry procurement, margins, regional distribution, and price variation.
and this relationship has great historical signifi- Methods of Transportation
cance (Chen 1952; Lin and Chen 1980). Fry As a general rule, the transport route for fry is
gathering can be increased by gear improvement. short and usually involves only three transactions:
There are a number of different methods used to from gatherers to middlemen; middlemen to
catch fry, ranging from the simple hand-operating dealers; and dealers to milkfish and baitfish
scoop nets and sweepers that can easily be rearing ponds.
handed by one person to motorized rafts and The main methods used to transport fry from
boats (Table 1). the fry catchers to the middlemen are bicycle
(75%), walking (16%), and motorcycle (9%) and
Variation in Fry Procurement the distances of the fry middlemen from the
Fluctuations occur from year to year in fry seashore are short (average 4.8 km). The most
supply, for instance, during 1965-79, the catch common type of transaction is for the middlemen
varied from a low of 33.96 million (1967) to a high to go to the seashore where the fry are stored
of 234.87 million (1970). Since 1970, fry procure- temporarily by fry gatherers (75%), but 14% of
ment has decreased year by year, reaching 61.85 the middlemen go to the fry gatherer's house, and
million in 1979 (Taiwan Fisheries Yearbook). 11% of fry gatherers deliver their fry to the
The trend in fry procurement can be represented middlemen.
by regression equations for the years 1965-79 and Short distances are also involved between the
1970-79. On average, the trends for fry procure- fry middlemen and dealers, and the fry are
ment over the two periods were: transported by taxi (55%), motorcycle (27%),
truck (9%), and by train (9%). Transportation
Q = 143957.88- 300534 t; (1965-79), R2 =0.2660 costs depend on the distance and transportation
Q = 202063.93 - 14309.72 t; (1970-79), R2 0.8284 facility used, but average transportation costs per

10000 pieces are N.T.$188 (N.T.$36 = U.S.$ 1.00) where Pf stands for the price of fry (in real terms)
with a 98% survival rate. and Q shows the quantity of fry caught. This
The last phase involves moving the fry from the equation indicates that the supply of fry is the
dealers to the milkfish-bait rearing ponds and main factor affecting their price.
market-size milkfish rearing ponds. Traditionally, To determine the long-term trend of fry prices,
the fishpond operators go to the dealers to buy the least squares method was used to calculate the
the fry and handle transport themselves. Fry are regression equations. The trends of fry prices are
most commonly transported by motorcycle and as follows:
truck depending on the distance and the quantity
of fry purchased. P 0.6987 + 0.06 18 t (1965-79)
R2 0.5028 (current price)
Marketing Channels and Marketing Margins P = 2.5631 0.0941 t (1965-79)
Accurate data on imported milkfish fry are R2 = 0.4254 (constant price)
very difficult to assemble: therefore this study
only focuses on domestic fry. The marketing and
channels for fry can be divided into two phases: P = 0.1940 + 0.1862 t (1970-79)
(I) before the middlemen phase - where 100% of R2 = 0.9902 (current price)
fry pass from the fry gatherers to middlemen; and P = 0.9720 + 0.0751 t (1970-79)
(2) after middlemen. After the middlemen, the R2 = 0.6683 (constant price)
method of distribution is diversified: 3% are
transported from middlemen to market-size where P stands for the price of fry and t is the
rearing ponds; 92% go to fry dealers; and 5% number of years. This means that the price of fry
move directly to baitfish rearing ponds. Finally, has annually increased in terms of current price
the dealers distribute their fry to market-size and annually decreased in terms of constant price
milkfish rearing ponds (58%), overwintered fry during 1965-79. But during the last decade, the
nursery ponds (23%), and baitfish rearing ponds fry price has increased annually in terms of both
current and constant prices. The seasonal varia-
Because the marketing channels for fry are tion in fry price is high because fry gathering is
short, the marketing margins are also small. The characterized by extreme seasonality. The total
prices per fry received by fry gatherers and range of seasonal variation in the price of fry
dealers were N.T.$2.03 to N.T.$2.55, respectively. reached 200% and the standard deviation of the
seasonal index was 52.02.
Distribution of Fry The price stability of fry can be computed
Fry mostly come from the eastern part of this using the Michaely Index and Von-Neumann
island where the resources of fry are plentiful but ratio. The indices of instability of fry price (at
milkfish rearing facilities are very limited. Because current price) as measured by the Michaely index
the milkfish rearing areas are centred on the during 1965-79 and 1970-79 were 47.7% and
southwest part of Taiwan, the distribution of fry 38.6%, respectively, which indicates extreme
is, therefore, focused on this part of the island. instability. In terms of constant price, the indices
Tainan city is considered the fry trading centre. of instability were 28.1% and 17.6%, respectively,
Most of the fry come from the eastern (66%) and for the same periods, which indicates extreme
southern coast (3 1%). The primary demand for instability and substantial instability.
fry comes from the Tainan area: 44% of the fry go
to Tainan Hsien, 24% to Tainan city, 14% to In comparative terms, the regularity of fluctua-
Chai-I Hsien, and 11% to Kaohsiung Hsien. tion in the fry price, as measured by the Von-
Neumann ratio, is modest and directional.
Price Analysis of Fry During the periods 1965-79 and 1970-79, in
The price of fry is determined by supply and terms of current prices, the Von-Neumann ratios
demand. The demand for milkfish is relatively were 1.25 and 2.01, respectively, whereas, in
stable because the total milkfish production area terms of constant prices, the ratios decreased
has remained unchanged during the past decades; sharply to 0.21 and 1.01, respectively.
the price of fry is primarily influenced by supply. An evaluation of this procurement subsystem
As the quantity of fry increases, the price of fry must consider two points: (I) the stability of fry
decreases. This relationship between the price of
gathering - if the fry supply fluctuates, the price
fry and supply can be represented by a regression variation is high; and (2) an analysis of baitfish
equation for the years 1965-79: and market-size milkfish production because
Pf = 5.0849 - 1.1008 Q; R2 = 0.6299, fluctuations in the price of fry may reflect price
t-value = 5.2161 instabilities in baitfish and market-size milkfish.

Production of Milkfish Fingerlings Economic Analysis of Baitfish Farms
for Baitfish Industry Baitfish rearing in Taiwan has significantly
Many factors, such as the demand for milkfish affected: (1) the benefit-cost ratio and rate of
fingerlings for the deep-sea tuna fishing industry, farm income; and (2) the factor productivity and
elasticity of substitution.
the production environment of milkfish, and the
relative profitability of market-size milkfish and Benefit-Cost Ratio and Rate of Farm Income
milkfish-bait rearings, affect the rearing of Milkfish fingerling rearing increases overall
milkfish fingerlings. agricultural output and family farm income.
The rearing of fingerlings depends on a Table 2 shows the benefit-cost ratio and the rate
favourable rearing environment and a supply of of farm income of different size baitfish farms in
new fry caught from the sea from early April to Taiwan. It is very difficult to estimate total family
September. There are three periods for fingerling farm income, including off-farm income, because
rearing during the year: (I) in early April for the extent of off-farm income depends on how
harvest before the end of May; (2) in early June many members of the farm family work outside
for harvest within 60 days; and (3) in early August the farm.
for harvest at the end of October (about 90 days From the point of view of farm income, the
are required because the weather is cooler and the B-C ratio is highly related to the size of the
fry grow more slowly). baitfish farm. Farms under I ha have lower farm
income than larger farms. The rate of farm
Resource Use of Baitfish Farms income increases with an increase in the size of
the fingerling rearing farm. The rate of farm
Baitfish rearing is a capital-intensive, labour- income was 27.79 for farms under I ha and 30.42
saving industry: on average, the land input per for farms over 1 ha.
farm is 1.8 ha; the capital input per hectare is
N.T.$ 114 703, and the labour input per hectare is Factor Productivity and Elasticity of Substitution
Baitfish rearing showed a significant relation-
86 man-days. Capital inputs per hectare increase ship with factor productivity, which varied with
and labour inputs per hectare decrease as farm farm size. Data from southern Taiwan (1979)
size increases. For farms of less than I ha the indicate that the productivity of different size
average direct capital investment is N.T.$l1 1 141 baitfish farms is closely related to land produc-
and the labour input is 96 man-days. The figures tivity, capital productivity, and labour produc-
for farms larger than I ha are N.T.$115 516 and tivity (Table 3). Factor productivity per hectare
80 man-days. increased considerably with the adoption of
The relationship between farm size and stocking intensive agricultural operations, such as capital
rate per hectare for baitfish rearing is very intensive inputs and new rearing technologies.
significant. For farms under I ha, the stocking The factor productivity of baitfish farms has
advanced remarkably due to two major factors:
rate of fingerling per hectare is 37091; for farms (1) the increase of production per hectare; and (2)
over I ha, the stocking rate of fingerling reaches the price of baitfish compared with market-size
to 41 621 pieces per hectare. The survival rates milkfish. Factor productivities are usually con-
are 96% for farms under 1 ha and 92% for those sidered as important indicators of the level of
larger than I ha. economic efficiency of production of small farms
Table 2. The benefit-cost ratio and rate of farm income per hectare for baitfish farms.

(1) (2) (3)

Farm Farm Production Farm Farm income! Rate of
size receipts costs income production farm
(ha) (N.T.$) (N.T.$) costs' income

<1 162770 117531 45239 0.38 27.79

>1 174097 121143 52954 0.44 30.42
Average 172153 120440 51712 0.43 30.04

Equals column I minus column 2.

bEquals column 3 divided by column 2.
Equals column 3 divided by column 1 times 100.

in Taiwan. One important implication of this Table 4. Results of estimation of CES production
analysis is that milkfish fingerlings for the function and estimated parameters for baitfish farms.
baitfish industry have made a remarkable contri-
bution to the growth of land, capital, and labour Farm size (ha)
productivities. Hence, policymakers should place
more attention on how this type of farming <I >1 Average
enterprise can be more effectively promoted
within the milkfish sector. 2.8358 3.5711 2.7845
$2 0.1095 0.6961 0.2635
The static CES production function was used (6.0180)* (0.l358)* (0.3044)
to determine the elasticity of substitution of 0.6998 0.2912 0.6223
production on baitfish farms. The equation was (0.3710) (5.7405)* (0.6932)
estimated by ordinary least squares regression 9.2204 3.6017 1.4067
based on cross-sectional data from the farm (7.50l5)* (0.1172) (0.2431)
survey (Table 4). F 54.2665 396.5886 295.7764
Based on the estimated parameters of the CES R2 0.9585 0.9876 0.9715
n 11 25 36
production function of baitfish farms, it is clear 17.0442 35.5555 16.1914
that the effect of technology (y) on the produc- k 0.1353 0.7051 0.2975
tion of baitfish farms was significant. With v 0.8092 0.9873 0.8858
relative increases in capital inputs and relative p -0.1948 -0.3509 -0.1520
decreases in labour inputs, capital was a signifi- a 1.2419 1.5405 1.1793
cant substitute for labour, and labour-saving R2 0.9585 0.9876 0.9715
technology has been utilized in the baitfish farms. S 0.1293 3.5863 7.6406
The elasticity of substitution between capital
and labour in baitfish farms was high (Table 4). Note: An asterisk denotes significance at 95% confidence
level, numbers within parentheses are t-values, and number of
On average, the value of elasticity of substitution farm househokis equals n.
was greater than one because capital input is
growing more rapidly than labour input in this
type of farming. Marketing Channels and Marketing Costs of
Table 3. Productivity and factor-factor ratio of The marketing channels are very short for
baitfish farms. milkfish used as baitfish. Baitfish producers buy
fry from fry dealers. The fry, after being stocked
Farm size (ha) in the nursery ponds for 60-90 days, become
<1 >I Average fingerlings that are suitable as baitfish for tuna
long-liners. Some of the fingerlings are sold to
market-size milkfish producers (about 35% of the
Per labour capital
input 1120 1509 1398
total) because of the decline in demand for
C/N (N.T.$/man- milkfish as bait for deep-sea fishing in recent
day) years.
Per capital labour In 1979, marketing costs for 100 pieces of
input 0.000820 0.000663 0.0007 16 milkfish-bait were N.T.5198. Of this total, the
N/C (man-day/ profit of the middlemen accounted for about 51%
Per capital land input 0.000009 0.000008 0.000008 of the total marketing cost. Salaries accounted
D/C (ha/N.T.$) for 12%, transportation 15%, oxygen 5%, losses
Per land capital input 117531 121143 120440 8%, and other expenses 9%.
C/D (N.T.$/ha)
Per labour land input 0.010378 0.012460 0.011605
D/N (ha/man-day)
Per land labour input 96.36 80.26 86.17 Production of Market-Size Milkfish:
N/D (man-day/ha) Transformation Subsystem
Land productivity 162770 174401 172152
Q/D (N.T.$/ha) Market-size milkfish rearing is considered as a
Labour productivity 1689 2169 1998
Q/N (N.T.$/ha) subsystem that transforms milkfish fry to market-
Capital productivity 1.38 1.44 1.43 size fish. The milkfish industry, its resource use,
Q/C (N.T.$/N.T.$) and the input-output relationship of milkfish
farms are briefly explained in this section.

Overview of the Milkfish Industry inputs per hectare were N.T.$92 546. Labour
inputs per hectare decreased relative to farm size
Milkfish production is centred in the southern
coastal areas of Taiwan. Production is entirely in from 117 man-days for farms of below 3 ha, to 84
the private sector, largely individual milkfish man-days for farms between and 3 and 10 ha, to
farmers whose ponds range from under I ha to 71 man-days for farms above 10 ha. This trend
was very significant.
20 ha. A small number of companies are involved
in milkfish production and their farms are larger
than 50 ha. Economic Analysis of Milkfish Production
The total production area in the past 15 years Benefit-Cost Ratio and Rate of Farm Income
has shown a slight decrease from 15 616 ha in The benefit-cost ratio and rate of farm income
1965 to 15346 ha in 1979. Total milkfish for market-size milkfish farms are closely related
production has been stable between 27 000 and to farm size (Table 5). This means that the large
32000 t/year from 1965 to 1979 although the farms practice more effective farming, which
annual fry catch has varied from 34 million to 235 results in higher farm income per hectare. The
million during the same years. Annual milkfish B-C ratio and rate of farm income increased as
production per hectare increased from 1765 kg in farm sizes grew, mainly because of smaller labour
1965 to 2087 kg in 1979. inputs per hectare and increased efficiency of
Not only is milkfish production influenced by capital and labour in the larger milkfish farms.
the relative profitability of milkfish-bait rearing, Therefore, larger farms are useful because
it is also affected by the relative yields per hectare farmers can take advantage of technological
of other freshwater fish. The area devoted to change in combination with reduced labour
milkfish production compared with the total inputs.
aquaculture area has decreased from 41% in 1965 In comparing Tables 2 and 5, which show the
to 25% in 1979, while the production of other B-C ratio and rate of farm income in baitfish and
species has increased from 59% to 75% in the market-size milkfish farms, it is clear that
same period. production of milkfish fingerlings for the baitfish
industry is more profitable and efficient than
Resource Use of Milkfish Farms production of market-size milkfish. On average,
the B-C ratio and rate of farm income for baitfish
For relatively small farms with large inputs of rearing are 0.43 and 30.04, respectively, whereas
working capital, the relative importance of land for production of market-size milkfish these
in milkfish production has gradually decreased. figures are only 0.10 and 9.28, respectively.
Working capital is the major factor substituting
for land in the expansion of milkfish production. Factor Productivity and Elasticity of Substitution
In 1979, the land input for milkfish farms The productivity of a factor depends not only
ranged from 1.82 ha for farms below 3 ha, to on the quantity of specific factor employed but
5.75 ha for farms between 3 and 10 ha, to 25.64 ha also on the quantities of other resources used.
for farms above 10 ha. The average land input Table 6 compares the factor productivities for
was 10.61 ha. The capital inputs of milkfish different size milkfish farms. It is significant that
production consisted of 91% in direct costs and the factor productivities are closely related to
9% in indirect costs. On average, the total capital farm size. For instance, land productivity per

Table 5. Benefit-cost ratio and rate of farm income of milkfish farms.

(1) (2) (3)

Farm Farm Production Farm Farm income/ Rate of
size receipts costs income production farm
(ha) (N.T.$) (N.T.$) (N.T.$) costsh incomee

<3 96625 91431 5194 0.0568 5.38

3-10 99886 92487 7399 0.0800 7.41
>10 103195 92675 10520 0.1135 10.19
Average 102053 92546 9475 0. 1024 9.28

Equals column I minus column 2.

hEquals column 3 divided by column 2.
Equals column 3 divided by column 1 times 100.

hectare ranged from N.T.$96 625 for farms below from milkfish rearing to baitfish rearings, if the
3 ha, to N.T.$99 886 for farms between 3 and production environments are suitable, is neces-
10 ha, to N.T.$103 195 for farms above 10 ha. sary for increased productivity and efficiency of
This increasing trend was very clear. production. Capital inputs play a very important
When compared with Table 3, it can be seen role in milkfish production; thus, analysis of the
that the factor productivities are much higher in capital inputs and elasticity of substitution
baitfish farms than in farms that produce market- between capital and labour in milkfish farming is
size milkfish. If the purpose of using the milkfish useful for examining resource use and techno-
resource is to maintain adequate resource returns logical change in milkfish production. The
and farm income in the face of growing competi- elasticities of substitution are shown in Table 7,
tion from other freshwater fish rearings, a change which is based on the CES production function.
Table 6: Productivity and factor-factor ratio of milkfish farms.

Farm size (ha)

<3 3-10 > 10 Average

Per labour capital input 779 1106 1305 1218

C/N (N.T.$/ man-day)
Per capital labour input 0.00128 0.00090 0.00077 0.00082
N/C (man-day/N.T.$)
Per capital land input 0.000011 0.000011 0.000011 0.000011
D/C (ha/N.T.$)
Per land capital input 91431 92487 92675 92546
C/D (N.T.$/ha)
Per labour land input 0.00852 0.01 196 0.0 1409 0.013 16
D/N (ha/man-day)
Per land labour input 117.41 83.62 71.00 75.98
N/D (man-day/ha)
Land productivity 96625 99886 103195 102053
Q/D (N.T.$/ha)
Labour productivity 823 1195 1454 1343
Q/N (N.T.$/ man-day)
Capital productivity 1.0568 1.0800 1.115! 1.1027
Q/C (N.T.$/N.T,$)

Table 7. Results of estimation of CES production function and estimated parameters of milkfish farms.

Farm size (ha)

<3 3-10 > 10 Average

13' 2.6376 3.1691 2.5641 2.9078

/32 0.5288 0.6793 0.7742 0.7660
(1.2202) (1.1070) (1.0507) (1. 1968)
133 0.4051 0. 1659 0. 12 16 0.0170
(0.2829) (0.0261) (1.0079) (1.0044)
134. 0.0234 -0.00 19 -0.0070 0.0033
(0.1752) (-1.0042) (-0.9065) (-0.9120)
F 143 .7766 56.6 120 64.6766 171.6590
R2 0.9664 0.8457 0.9023 0.8788
n 19 45 31 95
13.9797 23 .787 1 12.9883 18.3 165
k 0.4337 0.8037 0. 13 58 0.6783
V 0.9339 0.8452 0.8958 0.7830
p -0.2037 0.0286 0.1340 0.3998
a 1.2556 0.9722 0.88 18 0.7144
R2 0.9664 0.8457 0.9023 0.8788
S 0.0830 0.0586 0.0643 0.0573

Note: Numbers within parentheses are t-values and number of farm households equals n.

The high elasticity of substitution between The farm-retail marketing margins show the
capital and labour in milkfish farming is pri- share of the consumer's dollars going to each
marily for farms under 3 ha, for which the value intermediary. Producers received 74% of the
of elasticity of substitution (a) is greater than one. retail price, with the remaining 26% being
The values of elasticity of substitution are less absorbed in the marketing process. The whole-
than one for the other two farm sizes. saler and retailer receive 79% and 89% of the city
retail prices, respectively.
Table 8 compares the wholesale farm prices and
Marketing of Market-Size Milkfish: retail city prices, which can be used to calculate
Delivery Subsystem the producer's share of the retail price during the
period 1970-80. The producer's share of the retail
Marketing of milkfish is considered as a price has generally decreased annually. This
delivery subsystem of the milkfish industry. The share was 81% in 1970, increased to 98% in 1972,
milkfish produced in Taiwan are consumed fresh; decreased to 59% in 1978, which was the lowest
therefore, the analysis of milkfish marketing will share during the last decade, and then rose above
centre on marketing channels, marketing mar- 70% in the years 1979 and 1980. On the contrary,
gins, marketing costs, and price variations of the marketing group's share rose from 19% in
fresh milkfish. 1970 to 29% in 1980. The difference between the
wholesale price of production and the retail price
Marketing Channels and rose from N.T.$5.26/kg in 1970 to N.T.$32.86/kg
Marketing Margins in 1980, a trend that was very significant.
There are three major marketing channels that Marketing Costs
provide the link between producers and con-
sumers: The average total marketing cost per 100 kg
Producers - wholesalers - city fish was assumed to provide a rough approximation
markets - dealer-retailers - retailers -. con- of the efficiency of milkfish marketing. This
sumers. assumption can only be verified using time-series
Producers - cooperatives - city fish data to compare marketing costs over previous
markets -. dealer-retailers - retailers - con- years, but unfortunately, there are no available
sumers. time-series data to support or contradict this
Producers -. dealers - dealer-retailers - assumption. Therefore, in this case the costs of
retailers - consumers. marketing can only be analyzed using expenses.
Milkfish farmers sell 71% of their products to Table 9 shows the marketing costs of milkfish
wholesalers, 15% to cooperatives, and 14% to in Taiwan. The total marketing costs per 100 kg
dealers. Thus, the wholesalers play a very were N.T.$2755 and the proportion of marketing
important role in milkfish marketing. costs to retail price of milkfish was 26%. Among
Table 8. Farm price and retail price (N.T.$/kg) of milkfish.

(1) (2)
Wholesale price Retail price Difference Producer's
of production in cities in pricesa shar&'

1970 22.68 27.94 5.26 81.17

1971 25.61 31.46 5.85 81.40
1972 33.06 33.68 0.62 98.16
1973 32.11 37.34 5.23 85.99
1974 48.63 52.32 3.69 92.95
1975 37.87 63.32 25.45 59.81
1976 43.47 68.78 25.31 63.20
1977 49.34 82.81 33.47 59.58
1978 55.67 94.05 38.38 59.19
1979 77.05 104.60 27.55 73.66
1980 80.82 113.68 32.86 71.09

Equals column 2 minus column I.

hEquals column I divided by column 2 times 100.
Source: Taiwan Fisheries Yearbook.

the cost items, profits, market management and directly to dealer-retailers or retailers, there are
taxes, and freeze, package, and transportation no taxes, market management, and fisherman
costs were 48%, 17%, and 17% of total costs, insurance fees during the marketing process.
respectively. Profits, therefore, account for the
highest percentage of the costs incurred in Price Analysis of Milkfish
marketing. It is possible to explain the price variation of
The marketing costs of milkfish in Taiwan can milkfish in the long-run by seasonal variations
also be illustrated by the marketing costs of the and price instability. The least squares method
different marketing agencies. The major market- can be used to compute the regression equation
ing agencies of milkfish are dealers, wholesalers, for the period 1970-80. The trends in milkfish
and cooperatives. As shown in Table 10, the price are:
total marketing costs per 100 kg were N.T.$60l,
N.T.$907, and N.T.$723 from the dealers, whole- Current Price
salers, and cooperatives, respectively. Dealers Wholesale farm prices P1 = 13.6547 + 5.3957 t;
are considered as the lowest cost incurred in R2 = 0.9329
marketing. Because the dealers transport fish Retail city prices P2 9.4507 + 9.1815 t;
R2 = 0.9865
Table 9. Marketing costs per 100 kg of milkfish by
expenses. Constant Price
Wholesale farm prices P1 = 51.0833 + 0.1245 t;
Marketing Percentage R2 = 0.4478
costs of marketing Retail city prices P2 47.3238 + 3.2216 t;
(N.T.$) costs R2 = 0.9171

Market management 269 9.78 where P is the price of milkfish and t is the
Taxes 199 7.24 number of years. From these equations, the
Fisherman insurance 111 4.04 prices of milkfish, whether in wholesale farm
Freeze 113 4.10 prices or retail prices, increased annually at both
Package 143 5.20 current and constant price. The seasonal varia-
Transportation 214 7.78 tion in milkfish price was high because milkfish
Miscellaneous expenses 372 13.50 production is characterized by substantial sea-
Profits 1332 48.36 sonality. The total range of the indices of
Total 2755 100
seasonal variation of milkfish price was 89% and
Note: Percentage of marketing costs based on Lin and
115% of the wholesale farm prices and retail city
Chen (1980). prices, respectively. This shows that the seasonal
Table 10. Marketing costs for 100 kg of milkfish by different agencies.

Dealer Wholesaler Cooperative

N.T.$ N.T.$ % N.T.$

Salary 76 12.65 80 8.82 67 9.27

Transportation 125 20.80 124 13.67 173 23.93
Freeze 75 12.48 75 8.27 104 14.38
Package 38 6.32 38 4.19 57 7.88
Taxes -
43.26 218
7.72 33 4.56
Market management
Fisherman insurance
Other expenses
Equipment depreciation
3.33 19 2.10 7
Electricity 6 0.83
Fishery development
Mail and telegram 7
6 0.66
1.21 10
Total 601 100.00 907 100.00 723 100.00

variation of milkfish price is higher in retail city milkfish resource system consists of three sub-
prices than in wholesale farm prices. systems, procurement, transformation, and de-
To measure the price instability of milkfish, the livery, any suggestions for improvement should
Michaely index and Von-Neumann ratio were cover all three subsystems.
adopted to compute the price data from whole- Procurement subsystem.' The main problems
sale farm prices and retail city prices at both of this subsystem are the supply of fry and their
current price and constant price. At current price. To increase and maintain the source of
prices, the wholesale farm prices and retail city milkfish fry and stabilize fry price, our efforts
prices showed substantial instability (16.44 and must emphasize: (1) the control of water pollu-
16.16, respectively), but in terms of constant tion in coastal areas; (2) the improvement of fry
prices both showed slight instability (6.42 and gathering techniques: and (3) the development of
5.91, respectively). With respect to the direction artificial spawnings of milkfish fry.
of change in price and regularity of variation, the Transformation subsystem: A good resource
milkfish price showed modest and directional system should provide flexibility for the adjust-
variation (the values of the Von-Neumann ratio ment of farm management in response to changes
ranged from zero to one). in economic and technological conditions. For
Finally, comparisons between the price of economies of scale and production efficiency, the
other fish and milkfish are required because farmers should be encouraged to participate in
milkfish is considered as a substitute for other group farming and contract farming to broaden
fish. The trend in the freshwater fish-milkfish their base of operations and to increase yields per
price ratio from 1965 to 1979 has decreased hectare by adopting new rearing technology such
annually, except for shrimp where the price has as deep-water systems. This will allow them to
increased annually faster than that of the meet the needs of dynamic economic and
milkfish. For example, the tilapia-milkfish price technological situations.
ratio decreased from 45% in 1965 to 42% in 1979 Delivery subsystem: In 1979, the milkfish
and the silver carp-milkfish price ratio decreased shipped to city markets through cooperative
sharply from 82% to 37% in the same period. marketing by the Fisherman's Association ac-
The price ratio of milkfish to other freshwater counted for only 15% of total milkfish produc-
fish has increased annually during the past 15 tion. Under cooperative marketing, fish products
years because milkfish is considered a good fish are collected and directly transported to market
in Taiwan. Nevertheless, the relative importance by the Fisherman's Association. In this way,
of milkfish in terms of production area relative to some marketing costs can be saved and the
the total aquaculture area has been decreased producer's income can be increased. Therefore,
from 41% in 1965 to 25% in 1979. This is because cooperative marketing of milkfish could be an
freshwater fish farms have adopted new fishpond excellent system for increasing marketing ef-
management and rearing technology and the ficiency and producer's income.
yield per hectare in these farms is higher than in
milkfish production.
Brown, Murray. 1968. On the theory and measurement
of technological change. New York, USA, Cambridge
Policy Implications University Press.
Chen, T.P. 1952. Milkfish culture in Taiwan. JCRR
As economic growth quickens and per-capita Fisheries Series I.
income increases in Taiwan, the demand for Lin, H.T. and Chen, CT. 1980. Fisheries marketing in
aquatic products increases. As a result, the Taiwan (in Chinese). Chinese Economic Association
aquaculture area has expanded rapidly during Annual Conference Proceedings, December. pp.
the past 15 years. However, the milkfish produc- 143-169.
tion area has remained at about 15 000 ha, and Michaely, M. 1962. Concentration in international
yields per hectare have increased slowly com- trade. Amsterdam, pp. 68- 69.
pared with other freshwater fish species. The Taiwan Agricultural Yearbook, Department of Agri-
revenue per hectare is also lower for milkfish culture and Forestry, Provincial Government of
production than for other freshwater fishes. Taiwan.
Taiwan Fisheries Yearbook, Department of Agri-
Under such conditions, the growth in milkfish culture and Forestry, Provincial Government of
production has slowed. Improvement of fish- Taiwan.
pond management and the use of the new rearing UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and
technology are essential to avoid such inef- Development). 1968. The development of an inter-
ficiencies in production and to increase the national commodity policy. New Delhi. India.
income of producers. However, because the UNCTAD, pp. 16-17.

Discussion Questions were raised concerning the ways of
substituting labour for capital in milkfish culture.
The demand for fish is rising in Taiwan, but the One could, for example, dispense feed by hand
benefits are not going to milkfish production. Is rather than a feed hopper.
this due to marketing problems or biological
constraints to improving the technology in How can the interaction between the different
milkfish culture? Shrimp and crab production inputs in milkfish production be captured? One
is more profitable in Taiwan than milkfish, and could do this rather easily by estimating a
farmers are switching from milkfish. In this case, translog production function. At the same time,
marketing research should proceed along with biologists could try to pinpoint the physical
biological research. nature of these interactions.

General Discussion
The general discussion on all three case studies revolved around the
question of deriving possible generalizations such as: Which biological
parameters are going to change profitability? Use of broken rice as feed and
decreasing the feeding of trash fish were among the parameters mentioned in the
case of Thailand, However, any answer in terms of numbers must await studies
by biologists on the precise relationship between these parameters and yield.
One discussant thought that economists were assuming more than what
even the biologists know. For example, are algae the real food of the fish or are
bacteria the actual food? It was pointed out that, in the case of traditional
practices, economists could identify the areas of knowledge that biologists
should probe, whereas, in the case of the new practices (e.g., cage culture),
biological research should precede economic analysis.
The research conducted by biologists can help expand the present set of
production methods, i.e., add points to the isoquant; whereas, technical progress
helps to move the isoquant inward. Biologists could team up with economists to
take account of environmental factors, like pH, salinity, and algae content, in
production function analysis.
A further general observation was that neither biological or economic
parameters remain static. Therefore, when an economist's production function
analysis suggests a change in the ratio of the quantity of factor inputs, it must be
assumed that as a result of that change, changes will occur in the biological
environment that may affect productivity in a way not accounted for in the
original production function analysis. Conversely, a biological recommendation
on the use of a production factor input to increase yield may cause a change in
the future cost or value of both the input and output. Therefore, the original
economic viability of that change must be reassessed. It is essential that a
continuous dialogue be established between economists and biologists during
the process of problem identification and research.

Session II
Microeconomic A nalysis of
Experimental Production Systems
Microeconomic Analysis of Experimental A quaculture Projects:
Basic Concepts and Definitions
Yung C. Shang'
The main objectives of this paper are to outline: (1) the basic biotechnical means that can be used
to increase production of a given area, which relate to inputs and costs; (2) the components of
biotechnical development that should be subject to economic analysis; and (3) the basic economic
tools for analysis of experimental projects (costs and return, partial budgeting, discounting method,
sensitivity analysis, etc.).

Aquaculture has a rich history of several fore, should be done under local conditions.
thousand years. But present technology has been When such technologies are first developed,
developed largely by trial and error rather than economic analysis must be based largely on
by scientific research. The productivity of existing "artificial" data from experimental or pilot
resources can be increased through systematic operations.
research with a consequent increase in profit-
ability. It is this dynamic element of constant Economic Analysis in
improvement that provided the key to the Biotechnical Development
development of agriculture, and it will also hold
true for aquaculture. Because aquaculture is a Much of the biotechnical research done in
multidisciplinary science, which includes biol- aquaculture aims to increase the productivity of a
ogy, engineering, nutrition and feed technology. given water area. The productivity per unit of
genetics, economics, etc., a wide spectrum of water area, from the biotechnical point of view,
interrelated research is required to develop an depends mainly on the stocking rate, the survival
efficient system of operation and to improve rate, and the average weight of the individual fish
existing management practices. Biotechnical re- at the time of harvest (Fig. I). Therefore,
search aims to improve production possibilities. increasing the rates of stocking, survival, and
while economic research improves the profit- growth are the primary means of increasing
ability of operation. Because most research in production.
aquaculture is for the purpose of establishing a One of the most important practices in
viable operation, economic research plays an aquaculture is the stocking of the right amount of
important role in its development. It provides a fry or fingerlings to maximize production. A
basis for decision-making among farmers and for fishpond, for instance, can only support a certain
the formulation of a public aquaculture policy. quantity of fish because of its limited space and
New technologies developed in the biotechnical the amount of natural food available. This limit is
fields must be subject to economic analysis before usually called the "carrying capacity" and is
they are widely recommended to fish farmers to affected mainly by soil conditions and the water
ensure that the farmers will benefit. Because quality of the pond. The carrying capacity of a
environmental and socioeconomic conditions pond can be partially increased by fertilization
vary in different regions, a profitable technology and/or supplemental feeding. The purpose of
in one region is no guarantee it will be successful fertilization is to increase the production of
in another region. Economic evaluations, there- plankton (in freshwater ponds) or benthic algae
(in brackish water ponds) as fish food, while
Economist, Department of Agricultural and Re- supplemental feeding compensates for nutrients
source Economics, College of Tropical Agriculture, that are in short supply in the pond. The
Bilger Hall, 2545 The Mall, University of Hawaii at experiences of carp and milkfish culture in
Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA. various countries indicate that fertilization and/or

Production per unit of water area
therefore, increase the carrying capacity of a
pond (Kawamoto 1957; Chiba 1965; Bardach et
al. 1972). The economic feasibility of using these
Stocking rate techniques depends on whether the additional
revenues offset the additional costs.
Fertilization The carrying capacity of a pond also can be
and/or feeding increased by polyculture (stocking a number of
species in the same pond) and stock manipulation
Aeration (methods used to manage the fish population in
or the pond). A fishpond, especially a freshwater
running pond, usually produces a variety of food organisms
water in different layers of the water. Thus, the stocking
of species that have complementary feeding
- Polyculture habits or feed in different niches will effectively
utilize the space and the food available in the
Stock pond and will therefore, increase total fish
manipulation production. The selection and combination of
species and their stocking ratio depends mainly
Mono size stocking on the compatability of the species, the availability
Multiple size stocking
Multi stage stocking
of natural food, the availability and cost of fry (or
Mono sex stocking fingerlings), and the prices of fish.
Double cropping Several fish stocking practices of varying
complexities have been used for various species
Survival rate and growth rate in different regions: (1) monosize stocking (stock-
ing of the same size fish in a pond and harvesting
Good management at marketable size); (2) multiple-size stocking
practice (stocking of different age groups of fish in a pond
with periodic harvesting and restocking); (3)
Correct stocking densities multistage stocking (stocking uniform size fish in
Right kind and amount of food different sizes of ponds progressively when more
Proper water quality space is needed); (4) monosex stocking (only
Prevention of diseases and parasites male or female fish is stocked in a pond); and
Elimination of predators (5) double-cropping (stocking of two species in
Fig. 1. Factors a/jicting the productivity of a given
the same pond but in different seasons). The
water area in aquaculture ('after Shang /98/). comparison and selection of stocking practices
should be subject to economic analysis.
supplemental feeding increase the carrying ca- Increases in survival and growth rates are
pacity and, consequently, the production of a important factors in increasing production. This
pond many times more than under natural is mainly dependent on, in addition to the right
conditions (van der Lingen 1959; Yashouv 1959; stocking and feeding rates, the proper water
Tang 1970; Shang 1976; Hepher 1978). The total quality, the prevention of diseases and parasites,
cost with fertilization and/or supplemental feed- and the elimination of predators and competitors.
ing is higher. Whether the cost per unit of output All these involve extra inputs and costs. The
is lower and the additional revenue generated is measures to be used and the levels of inputs to be
higher than the additional cost involved in applied should be subject to economic analysis.
fertilization and feeding requires economic an-
alysis. In addition, many kinds of feed and
fertilizer can be used (vegetable and animal- Economic Analysis of
originated feeds, and organic and inorganic Experimental Projects
fertilizers). The choice and combination of feed Evaluation of a Particular Measure
and fertilizer, as well as the quantity of applica-
tion, depends mainly on their costs and effective- Many of the previously mentioned measures to
ness, which should be subject to an economic increase the productivity of a given water area
analysis. Economic analysis is also needed in the can be developed as an experimental project. In
formulation of the least-expensive feed. most cases additional inputs and costs, e.g.,
Aeration and running water systems usually labour and materials, are required. When one
increase the amount of dissolved oxygen and, input is increased by equal increments per unit of

time with other resources held constant, the Amount (or cost) of input required per unit
resulting output may at first increase at an of output, such as S/kg, man-hour/kg, units of
increasing rate, then at a diminishing rate, and feed (or fertilizer)/kg. These are measures of
finally decrease. This relationship is defined as capital intensity, labour intensity, and the feed
the law of diminishing return. To determine the conversion ratio, respectively. Again, these mea-
maximum level of input for profit maximization, sures ignore the variation in quality and quantity
marginal analysis is usually needed. Given a of the other inputs. Net revenue: gross revenue
quantitative input and output relationship from less total costs.
the pilot operation, the cost of inputs and the Profit: the difference between gross revenue
price of outputs must be taken into consideration and total operating cost of production.
in determining the most profitable level of input. Return to labour: gross revenue less total
Profit will be maximized when the added revenue costs except those associated with the operator's
from the last unit of input (marginal value of labour and management.
product) equals the cost of that input (marginal Return to land: gross revenues less total
input cost). In many cases, a given level of costs except those associated with land costs.
production can be produced by various combina- Return to capital: gross revenues less total
tions of inputs. For instance, to a certain degree, costs except the opportunity costs of capital.
different types of fertilizer, feed, and pesticides Rate of return on capital investment: re-
are substitutable in aquaculture. The least-cost turns to capital divided by capital investment.
combination of inputs to produce a given level of Payback period: number of years required
output would occur when the marginal rate of to recover the initial investment.
substitution (the amount one input must be Break-even analysis: the level of price or
changed to offset a change in the amount of the production at which the project just covers its
other input to maintain a given level of produc- total costs.
tion at lowest cost) equals the inverse ratio of
marginal input prices (Shang 1981). As for When there is a minor change in a production
polyculture, the profit maximizing combination technique resulting in a partial change in cost-
of two or more species with given resources is return structure, partial budgeting may be used
achieved when the marginal rate of substitution to recalculate economic viability.
equals the inverse ratio of their prices. In considering a partial cost-return analysis,
one must answer the following questions: (1) What
Comparison of Different Culture costs will be added or increased if one proceeds
Techniques or Systems with the venture? (Ignore the costs that will not be
When an experimental project is to compare changed.) (2) What existing costs will be reduced
the efficiency of different management systems or or eliminated if one proceeds with the venture?
culture techniques, such as extensive versus (3) How much will the existing income or receipts
intensive, monoculture versus polyculture, mono- be increased? What new receipts will there be?
sex versus mixed-sex culture, monosize versus (Ignore receipts and income that will not change
multiple-size stocking, standing water versus as a result of the venture.) (4) What income and
running water, nonintegrated versus integrated receipts will be foregone if you proceed with the
operation, raft versus long-line culture, a cost- venture.
return analysis is usually necessary. In this case, Once these calculations are completed, the sum
detailed input and output data, both in quantitative of decreased costs (item 2) and increased receipts
and in value terms, from existing management (item 3) should be subtracted from total in-
practices and from ongoing experiments are creased costs (item 1) and decreased receipts
needed. Various indicators can be calculated to (item 4). A positive result would mean that the
compare the productivity of major inputs under change would be profitable. A negative result
different management systems (Shang 1981). would mean that the change would not be
Productivity (or value of production) per profitable.
unit of major input, such as kg/ha, kg/man- Feasibility of New Species and
hour, kg/unit of feed or fertilizer, kg/unit of New Culture Techniques
capital. These indicators can be used to measure
the efficiency of the operation in terms of For new species culture and new culture
resource utilization. However, they usually indi- technology, such as cage culture, pen culture,
cate the relationship of one input to one output raceway culture, raft culture, or integrated
without considering the quality and quantity of aquaculture-agriculture operations, an eco-
the other inputs. nomic feasibility analysis should be conducted

based on experimental data. The preliminary prices, etc. The data used in the financial and
economic feasibility study is valuable because it economic analysis are usually the best or most
provides gross indications of the ultimate profit- likely estimates of these important variables. It is,
ability of the project and indicates, from an however, very important to the decision-makers
economic point of view, the areas that need more to know what effect departures from these values
research for improvement. To estimate the will have on the project. Therefore, sensitivity
preliminary profitability of a new production analysis is often necessary, which is simply to
project, the cost-return method based on esti- recalculate economic viability under alternative
mated annual average data may be used. The sets of input-output prices and yields. The degree
major limitation of this measure is that it fails to
of departure from the original estimates to be
consider the timing of incomes and expenditures. used in the sensitivity analysis is a matter of
In most investment processes in aquaculture a judgment and depends on environmental, bio-
large amount of capital outlay is necessary at the logical, and market situations. As the project
initial stage of investment and the returns accrue progresses, old assumptions can be modified,
to the investor over a period of time. A dollar in new cost and price information can be acquired,
hand is more valuable than a dollar to be received and, therefore, the economic feasibility analysis
sometime in the future. Therefore, the profitability can be updated.
of investment in a new and long-term project is For new species cultivation, it is important to
more accurately measured by the discounting include a market potential study as a part of the
method, which converts future revenues and economic feasibility analysis. A species has the
costs (for the analysis period) into present values. potential for commercial development only if
The traditional procedure of discounting is to there is a market demand for it at prices that
estimate: (1) the amount and timing of capital provide a reasonable profit for the producers.
costs (including replacement costs) over a period
of years for analysis; (2) the annual operating Bardach, J.E., Ryther. J.H., and McLarney, W.O.
costs for various inputs, taking into considera- 1972. Aquaculture, the farming and husbandry of
tion inflation and relative price changes in the freshwater and marine organisms. New York, USA,
future; (3) the annual revenue based on expected Wiley-Interscience, 868 p.
yields and prices; and (4) the salvage value of the Chiba, K. 1965. Studies on the carp culture in running
investment at the end of analysis period. water pond. I. Fish production and its environmental
With the information listed above, annual conditions in a certain fish farm in Gunma prefecture.
profit can be calculated and discounted. Then the Bulletin of Freshwater Fisheries Research Labora-
benefit-cost ratio and/or internal rate of return tory, 15(1), 13-33.
Hepher, B. 1978. Ecological aspects of warm-water
can be calculated. The former is defined as the fishpond management. In Gerking, Shelby D.. ed..
ratio of the present value of benefits (or revenues) Ecology of Freshwater Fish Production, New York,
to the present value of costs, while the latter is the USA, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 447-468.
discount rate that makes the present value of the Kawamoto, N.Y. 1957. Production during intensive
net cash inflow equal to zero, which is referred to carp culture in Japan. Progressive Fish-Culturist,
as the average earning power of money used in 19(1) 26-31.
the new investment project over the project's life. Shang, Y.C. 1976. Economics of various management
The discounting method used for evaluation of techniques for pond culture of finfish. South China
private investment is usually referred to as Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating
Programme, 32 p.
"financial analysis," and it concerns only the 1981. Aquaculture economics: basic concepts and
costs and returns to the investor. Investment methods of analysis. Boulder, Colorado, USA.
made by the public sector based purely on Westview Press, Inc., 153 p.
business criteria is not sufficient. Investment Tang. Y.A. 1970. Evaluation of balance between fishes
should be analyzed from society's point of view, and available fish foods in multispecies fish culture
and this is usually referred to as "economic (or ponds in Taiwan. Transactions American Fisheries
social) analysis." Social benefits and costs have a Society, 99, 708-7 18.
broader scope than private returns and costs van der Lingei, Ml. 1959. Some preliminary remarks
because of the inclusion of both direct and on stocking rate and production of tilapia species at
the Fisheries Research Centre. In Proceedings of the
indirect effects. For detailed procedures and First Fish Day in Southern Rhodesia, August 1957.
methods of discounting techniques used in aqua- Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, Government Printer,
culture, see Shang (1981). pp. 54-62.
A new investment project in aquaculture is Yashouv, A. 1959. Studies on the productivity of fish-
usually subject to a certain degree of risk and ponds. I. Carrying capacity. Proc. Gen. Fish. Coun.
uncertainty in the estimation of yields, costs, Medit. 5, 409-419.

An Analysis of the Economics of Farming
Green Mussels in Singapore Using Rafts
L. Cheongl and W.S. Loy2
Raft culture of green mussels in Singapore is described and the economics of various operations
are discussed. Operations using polycoco ropes on a single 150-rn2 raft and in farms of0.5 and 0.75 ha
size are shown to be economically feasible in Singapore. Labour Constitutes the largest variable cost
and sensitivity tests show that increases in labour cost have a greater impact on production cost than
decreases in raft cost.

The green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus), is elimination of thinning, which was identified as a
found in considerable abundance at the intertidal major constraint to large-scale production. A
and subtidal zones of the coastal waters along culture rope, the polycoco rope, which incor-
Johore Straits. The present supply is derived porated both spat-catching and grow-out phases,
mainly from wild stocks harvested by artisanal was tested and found to perform well without
fishermen during low tide. Production is low, thinning. Mean yields of 30.74 ± 6.07 kg and
about 250 t, and irregular because stocks are not 56.37 ± 13.88 kg shell-on mussels per rope were
managed and become depleted at times through obtained from 2-m and 4-rn polycoco ropes,
overfishing. respectively, after 6 months' culture without
The farming of mussels using the raft method thinning; whereas, plain 4-rn polyethylene ropes
employed in Spain was, therefore, tested by the that were thinned-on yielded 45.97 ± 6.04 kg
Primary Production Department in late 1975. shell-on mussels per rope at harvest (Cheong and
Culture ropes, upon which the mussels attach Lee, in press).
and grow, are suspended from rafts anchored at This paper describes some of the economics
sea. However, unlike those used in Spain, where a involved in the production of mussels under the
rope could be as long as 12 m and a typical raft raft method of culture. Production figures are
about 20-m square, i.e., 400 m2 (Andreu 1968), extrapolated from the above yields and calcula-
local rafts are much smaller, below ISO m2, and tions on cost and assessment of labour require-
maximum rope length is 4 m (Cheong and Chen ments are based on experience gained from
1980). This suits local conditions because smaller mussel research studies conducted by the Depart-
rafts involve less capital and shorter rope lengths ment.
can be suspended within the eutrophic zone of
3.5-5.3 m.
Mussels were found to attain market size of Culture Method
6-7 cm shell length within 6-7 months, and a
production of 120 kg shell-on mussels/rn2 was Raft Specifications
obtained under raft culture (Chen 1977; Cheong
and Chen 1980). Recognizing the great The rafts are basically wooden pontoons with
development potential of mussels as a protein- cross beams for suspending the culture ropes.
rich source of food in Southeast Asia, the Raft size varies but in the studies 75 m2 and
Department conducted further studies on im- 150 m2 effective productive areas were used. The
proving the technique employed, especially the rafts were constructed in modules of 5 m x 5 m
because the wooden beams came in maximum
lengths of 6-7 m. A 75-rn2 raft measured 5 m
'Aquaculture Unit, Primary Production Department,
300 Nicoll Drive. Changi Point, Singapore 1749. IS m and a 150-rn2 raft 10 m x 15 m (internal
2Primary Production Department, Ministry of dimensions). Plastic drums of 200 L capacity
National Development, 7th Floor, National Develop- were previously used for floating the raft but were
ment Building. Maxwell Road. Singapore 0106. subsequently replaced by similar sized metal

drums (used oil drums) as the tatter were attached to the middle of each metre of the main
cheaper, S$14 as compared with SS60 per plastic rope. The coconut coir pieces are 30 cm in length
drum (as of 1980, S$2.15 = U.S.l.00), and more and either used or new coconut coir ropes can be
readily available in the market. In the past, used. The main polyethylene rope has either a
shades made from the fronds of attap (Nipa 2-rn or 4-rn culture length and a 1.5-rn length for
frutescens) attached to wooden frames were tying. Because spats settle mainly on the coconut
placed on top of the raft. Under shaded condi- coir pieces, the coir serves as an area of spat
tions, spat distribution along the spat-collecting collection and effectively distributes settlement
rope was more uniform. However, with the use of over the entire rope length. During the grow-out
the polycoco rope, where the coconut pieces phase, the mussels spread along the rope and,
attached to the main polyethylene rope acted as thus, eliminate the need for manual thinning.
spat settlement areas and served to distribute the
spats over the entire rope length, shading was
found to be unnecessary. Management
The rafts are either positioned singly or, as has Culture ropes are immersed for spat collection
been found more practical, in a row parallel to in areas where spats are abundant. For opera-
the flow of flood and ebb tides. The latter tions involving thinning, the spats, collected on
arrangement maximizes utilization of water spat-collecting coconut coir ropes, must be
space and reduces the problem of rope entangle- thinned-out to production polyethylene ropes
ment often encountered with individually anchored and either left in the spat-collecting grounds or in
rafts. Concrete anchors are used for positioning the production grounds for grow-out. With the
the rafts. use of polycoco ropes the entire rope laden with
spats is used for the grow-out and no thinning is
Rope Specification necessary. Mussels in either case are derived from
the same spatfall and attain more or less the same
The past practice was to use two types of rope size at harvest. After the harvest, the ropes can be
for culture, i.e., a nursery or spat-collecting rope reimmersed for another growing season so that
made of nonoiled coconut coir fibres and a two harvests per year are possible.
production rope made of polyethylene material. The holding capacity of the raft is limited by
Both ropes were 4 m in length with a diameter of the buoyancy of the drums. Studies have shown
40 mm for the nursery rope and 14 mm for the that it is possible to hold ropes containing on-
production rope. A piece of polyethylene rope growing mussels and those containing spats on
1.5-rn long was provided at one end of the culture the same raft. In this way, the harvest can be
rope for tying. Short wooden pegs or chopsticks continuous and with proper timing of rope
were inserted at 0.5 m intervals in the production immersion to spatfall, it is possible to have three
rope to prevent mussel slippage during culture. harvests per year using two sets of ropes. This
The ropes were then suspended at a density of practice increases production and is especially
4 ropes/rn2 in both cases. suitable for areas with poor spatfall where spats
Thinning was required 2 months after spats must be collected elsewhere.
had collected on the nursery ropes. The operation
was laborious and time-consuming; approxi-
mately 0.25 man-hours were required to prepare Production
a single production rope. The process consisted In the present economic study, the reliable
of plucking out the spats from the nursery rope, minimal estimate (RME) of yield at 95% con-
laying them along the production rope, and fidence is used. Based on results obtained by
finally binding the spats to the production rope Cheong and Lee (in press), the RME yields of
with a cotton netting. After about 10-14 days, the 2-m and 4-m polycoco ropes are 25 kg and 42 kg,
cotton netting rotted away leaving the spats that respectively; whereas, the usual 4-rn polyethy-
had reattached themselves firmly to the new rope. lene ropes requiring thinning yield 40 kg at
The mussels were then cultured for a further 4-5 harvest. For the sensitivity test the upper yield
months after thinning. levels of the 4-rn polycoco rope were used, these
Presently, a different culture rope incorporating were: (1) a mean yield of 57.37 kg (or 60 kg); (2) a
both spat-catching and grow-out phases is used. maximum yield (at 95% confidence) of 70.25 kg
The new rope, called polycoco rope, consists of a (or 70 kg); and (3) a maximum yield of one of the
main 14-mm diameter polyethylene rope with six ropes used in the study, i.e., 79.81 kg (or
pieces of 40-mm diameter coconut coir ropes 80 kg).

Economic Considerations costs for electricity for operating electric drills
and saws, and water for washing drums (floats)
Rafts are also included. The initial cost ofa 75-rn2 raft is
approximately S$3 Ill: a ISO-rn2 raft is approxi-
The various components of the 75-rn2 and mately S$53 18. The annual depreciated costs are
150-rn2 rafts are summarized in Table I. The S$1637 and S$3109, respectively. Semiperma-
items are categorized under fixed capital cost for nent fixtures constitute the main bulk of the cost
semipermanent fixtures, which are normally not of the raft (62-68%). However, the replaceable
replaced unless damaged during the course of items comprise the main portion of the depreciated
culture, and variable capital cost for replaceable annual value (69-74%) with the major contri-
items, which are usually subject to wear and tear butory factor being the replacement for floats
and corrosion. The former are expected to have a and accessories (65-68%).
life of 5 years and annual depreciation is based on
20% of initial cost. The life expectancy of Culture Ropes
replaceable items varies from 0.5 to I year.
The comparative costs of various culture ropes
Labour costs are included in the overall costing are tabulated in Table 2. Four types of ropes are
as the construction and assembling of the rafts described: nursery or spat-collecting and produc-
are assumed to be contracted out. Miscellaneous tion or grow-out ropes of 4-rn length each and

Table I. Summary of capital costs (S$) of 75-rn2 and ISO-rn2 rafts based on 1980 prices (S$2. 15 = U.S.$ 1.00).

75-rn2 raft 150-rn2 raft

Initial Life Depreciated Initial Life Depreciated
Cost expectancy annual Cost cost expectancy annual cost
(S$) (years) (S$) (S$) (years) (S$)

Fixed capital costs

Main frame 797.50 5 159.50 1595.00 5 319.00
Supporting beams ($7.35 each) 220.50 5 44.10 441.00 5 88.20
Planks ($10 each) 100.00 5 20.00 200.00 5 40.00
Lights and anchoring
Navigational lamps ($66/set) 66.00 5 13.20 132.00 5 26.40
Concrete anchors (sand, gravel
and cement) 120.40 5 24.08 120.40 5 24.08
Iron bar ($4/rn) 64.00 5 12.80 64.00 5 12.80
Chain ($ 17/rn) 136.00 5 27.20 136.00 5 27.20
Shackle ($18 each) 72.00 5 14.40 72.00 5 14.40
Thimble ($20 each) 80.00 5 16.00 80.00 5 16.00
Anchor rope ($450/ 160-rn coil) 450.00 5 90.00 450.00 5 90.00
Total 2106.40
- 658.08
(2 1%)
Variable Capital costs
Bolts, nuts, nails and washers 73.01 73.01 165.22 165.22
Floats ($14/200-L drum) 448.00 0.5 896.00 896.00 0.5 1792.00
Paint 60.00 0.5 120.00 120.00 0.5 240.00
Twine ($1 1.75/coil) 23.50 0.5 47.00 47.00 0.5 94.00
Total 604.51
- 1136.01
- 2291.22
Labour and miscellaneous Costs
Labour ($600/month) 300.00 5 60.00 600.00 5 120.00
Miscellaneous 100.00 5 20.00 200.00 5 40.00
Total 400.00 80.00 800.00 160.00
(13%) (5%) (15%) (5%)
Total raft Cost 3110.91 1637.29 5318.62 3109.30

Note: Percentage denotes portion of total raft cost.

Table 2. Comparative Costs (S$) of various culture ropes based on 1980 prices (S$2.15 = US$1.00).

Thinning ropes (4-rn)

Nursery/spat Production! Polycoco ropes
collecting grow-out 2-rn 4-rn

Material costs
Polyethylene rope 0.61 2.23 1.43 2.23
Coconut coir rope 2.76 0.41 0.83
Polytex twine 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
Kuralon twine 0.04 0.07 0.14
Manila twine 0.08
Brick 0.09
Chopsticks 0.32
Total 3.64 2.61 1.97 3.26
(75%) (77%) (68%) (72%)
Labour and miscellaneous costs
Labour 1.19 0.71 0.89 1.19
Miscellaneous 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Total 1.24 0.76 0.94 1.24
(25%) (23%) (32%) (28%)
Total cost per rope 4.88 3.37 2.91 4.50

Note: Percentage denotes portion of total rope cost.

polycoco ropes 2-rn and 4-rn long. All ropes are production ropes. Nonthinning, however, only
treated as operating items with a life expectancy involves the use of a single type of rope, viz., a
of year. However, the coconut coir rope is
1 polycoco rope either 2-m or 4-rn long, because
usually subject to boring by Toredos when both spat-catching and grow-out phases are
immersed in the sea and it is useful for only about incorporated on the same rope. The most
6 months, i.e., two spat-collecting immersions of expensive component of a nursery rope is the
2-3 months per immersion. It must be carefully coconut coir portion (57% of cost); whereas, for
checked prior to every spat-collection operation the production rope and polycoco ropes, the
when it is used as a nursery rope, otherwise whole polyethylene material is the expensive item
portions of weakened sections may fall off when (49-66%).
spat-laden. However, when it is attached as
pieces to the main polyethylene rope, as in the
case of the polycoco rope, the holes made by the Culture Operation
Toredo borers do not matter because the weight Thinning and Nonthinning
of the spats that settle on the coconut coir rests on The costs of raft culture operations involving
the main polyethylene rope. The polyethylene thinning and nonthinning are tabulated in Table
material used could actually last for more than a 3. Calculations are based on the operation of a
year although an expectancy of 1 year is used. single raft, either 75 rn2 or 150 m2. For operations
The construction of ropes is also assumed to be involving thinning, 4-rn culture ropes are used;
contracted out and, hence, labour costs are whereas, for nonthinning either 2-rn or 4-m
included in the cost of the rope. Miscellaneous polycoco ropes are used. Because the first harvest
costs for purchase of spirit for sealing poly- is obtained after 6 months of culture, the working
ethylene rope ends, matches for lighting the capital, as for subsequent calculations, is based
spirit. etc., are also included. A 4-rn nursery rope on half a year and is obtained by dividing the
costs S$4.88; a production rope of similar length annual variable cost by two.
costs S$3.37. Polycoco ropes 2-rn and 4-rn For a single raft operation of either 75 m2 or
long cost S$2.91 and S$4.50, respectively. A 150 m2, only one worker is needed to operate and
culture method that involves thinning requires maintain the raft if thinning is not required.
both nursery and production ropes and, depend- However, at least two workers are required to
ing on the spatfall at the time of immersion, one manage a 150-rn2 raft if thinning is done. This is
nursery rope can be thinned-out to about three because one worker would take at least 2 weeks to

Table 3. Comparative costs (S$) of thinning and nonthinning culture based on 1980 prices (S$2.15 US$1.00).

Thinning Nonthinning
75-rn2 raft 150-m2 raft 75-rn2 raft 150-rn2 raft

Capital investment
Fixed assets 6111 8818 61 II 8818
Working capital 4375 8749 (a) 3837 (a) 5273
(b) 4075 (b) 5750
Total capital 10486 17567 (a) 9948 (a) 14091
(b) 10189 (b) 14568
Operating cost/year
Fixed costs
Depreciation 2237 3809 2237 3809
Licence fee 40 75 40 75
Cost of capital at 10% interest 1049 1757 (a) 995 (a) 1409
(b) 1019 (b) 1457
Total 3326 5641 (a) 3272 (a) 5293
(b) 3296 (b) 5341
Variable costs
Staff salaries ($400/month) 4800 9600 4800 4800
Ropes, netting etc. 1949 3896 (a) 873 (a) 1746
(b) 1350 (b) 2700
Maintenance of boats and miscellaneous 500 1000 500 1000
Fuel and miscellaneous transport 1500 3000 1500 3000
Total operating costs 12075 23139 (a) 10945 (a) 15839
(b) 11446 (b) 16841
Annual returns
Yield (tonnes) at two harvests per year 24.0 48.0 (a) 15.0 (a) 30.0
(b) 25.2 (b) 50.4
Cost of production (S$/tonne) 503 482 (a) 730 (a) 528
(b) 454 (b) 334
Return per S$ investment at sale price of
S$350/tonne 0.70 0.73 (a) 0.48 (a) 0.66
(b) 0.77 (b) 1.05

Note: (a) is for 2-rn polycoco rope; (b) is for 4-rn polycoco rope.

produce the 300 thinned-on production ropes The costs of production per tonne of mussels
needed to stock a 75-rn2 raft and at least I month for an operation requiring thinning are S$503
to produce the 600 needed for a 150-rn2 raft. and S$482 for the 75-rn2 and ISO-rn2 raft
During the long thinning period the mussels, operations, respectively. For operations that do
which would have grown heavier, would tend to not require thinning the cost of production using
fall off. 2-rn polycoco ropes are S$730 and S$528 for the
The licence fee is based on S$500 per 0.5-ha 75-rn2 and ISO-rn2 rafts, respectively. The use of
farm and the effective productive area on 20% 4-rn polycoco ropes lowers the cost of operation
utilization of water space. The 75-rn2 and ISO-rn2 to S$454 for a 75-rn2 raft and S$334 for a ISO-rn2
rafts require 375 m2 and 750 rn2 water space, raft.
respectively. The licence fee, therefore, works out Single Raft and Farm
to be about S$37.50 (say S$40) for a 75-rn2 farm The comparative costs of operating a single
and S$75 for a 150-rn2 farm. raft and a 0.5-ha farm using 4-rn polycoco ropes
Using one set of ropes, two harvests per year are tablulated in Table 4. The total effective
are possible based on a culture cycle of 6 months. productive area of the farm, i.e, the area available
Depreciation of the raft is based on the calcula- for suspending the culture ropes, is based on a
tions in Table I and depreciation of other fixed 20% utilization of the water space, that is
assets, like boats and miscellaneous items, is 13 x 75-rn2 rafts or 7 x 150-rn2 rafts for a 0.5-ha
based on a straight-line depreciation over 5 years. farm. However, the effective productive area

Table 4. Comparative costs (S$) of operating a single raft and a 0.5-ha farm using 4-rn polycoco ropes based on
1980 prices (SS2.15 = US$1.00).

Single raft 0.5-ha farm (at 20% utilization)

75-rn2 150-rn2 l3 75-rn2 rafts 7 150-rn2 rafts

Capital investment
Fixed assets 6111 8818 47443 45226
Working capital 4075 5750 33475 34150
Total capital 10186 14568 80918 79376
Operating cost/annum
Fixed costs
Depreciation 2237 3809 22681 23363
Licence fee 40 75 500 500
Cost of capital at 10% interest 1019 1457 8092 7938
Total 3296 5341 31273 31801
Variable costs
Staff salaries 4800a 4800 38400b
Ropes 1350 2700 17550 18900
Maintenance of boats and miscellaneous 500 1000 3000 3000
Fuel and miscellaneous transport 1500 3000 8000 8000
Total 8150 11500 66950 68300
Total operating costs 11446 16841 98223 100101
Annual returns
Yield (tonnes) at two harvests per year 25.2 50.4 327.6 352.8
Cost of production (S$/tonne) 454 334 300 284
Return per S$ investment at sale price
S$350/ tonne 0.77 1.05 1.17 1.23

Workers at $400/month.
hManager at $1200/month; supervisor at $800/month; workers at $400/month.

could be increased because it depends on raft To increase production and thereby lower
configuration, size, and manner of anchoring. In production cost, a farmer would need to increase
Spain, up to 40-65% of the water space is utilized his harvest from two to three harvests per year by
for farming (Hurlburt and Hurlburt 1974). The having three instead of two rope immersions for
remaining water space is required for anchoring spat collection per year. For this, two sets of rope
and navigation. instead of one would be required. While the first
For a 0.5-ha farm only an additional boat and set of ropes is laden with on-growing mussels
other marginal increases in miscellaneous items suspended at the grow-out ground, a second set
would be required to support its activities. To of ropes could be immersed in the spat ground for
operate a 0.5-ha farm a staff strength of five may spat collection. When spats have attached to the
be required. This assessment is based on exper- second set of ropes, the ropes can then be
ience gained from mussel research studies con- transferred to the grow-out area to be hung
ducted by the Department. The cost of produc- alongside those ropes with on-growing mussels.
tion is lowered to S$300 and S$284 for farms Depending on spatfall frequency, one harvest is
containing 13 17-rn2 rafts and 7 150-rn2 rafts, possible every 4 months, i.e., three harvests per
respectively. year. For a 0.5-ha farm away from the spat
ground, a farmer would need to maintain another
Location of Farm 0.25-ha farm with three 150-rn2 rafts at the spat-
The location of the farm, i.e., whether it is collecting area. Because spat-laden ropes weigh
within a spat ground or away from a spat ground, 25-50% less than ropes at harvest, the stocking
affects cost of production because farms outside density on spat-collecting rafts can be 8-10
the spat ground would need to transfer spats ropes/m2 instead of 4 ropes/rn2 as practiced on
from spat-collecting areas to the grow-out areas. grow-out rafts.
A farmer operating away from the spat ground
would, therefore, have to maintain a smaller farm For farms located within the spat-collecting
in the spat ground for spat-collection purposes. area, the rafts used for grow-out can also be used

for collecting spats and the spat-collecting ropes costs of production for operating a 0.5-ha farm
can be hung alongside grow-out ropes if the within the spat ground using seven 150-rn2 rafts
farmer so wishes. Hence, a 0.5-ha farm would are S$284 and S$229/t for two harvests per year
suffice for either two or three harvests per year and three harvests per year, respectively. The
with one or two sets of rope. There are also same size farm operated away from the spat
savings in labour because the ropes need not be ground requires another 0.25 ha in the spat
transferred from one area to another. ground for spat collecting. Such a 0.75-ha farm
A comparison of the costs of operating one would incur a production cost of S$335 and
farm within the spat ground and another away S$262/t for two harvests per year and three
from the spat ground are shown in Table 5. The harvests per year, respectively. When a 0.75-ha

Table 5. Comparative costs of operating farms within and away from the spat ground based on 1980 prices
(S$2.15 = US$1.00).

Within spat ground Away from spat ground

0.5-ha farm 0.75-ha farm (0.75-ha farm)
2 harvests! 3 harvests/ 2 harvests! 3 harvests! 2 harvests! 3 harvests!
year year year year year year

Sets of ropes used
(at 600 ropes/set) 1 2 2 2
Rafts for production
7a l0 7h 7h
(150 m2/raft) 7 l0
Rafts for spat collection
(150 m2/raft) 3 3

Analysis (figures in S$ unless

otherwise stated)
Capital investment
Fixed assets 45226 45226 62180 62180 64180 64180
Working capital 34150 44100 38450 52200 37050 46750
Total capital 79376 89326 100630 114380 101230 110930
Operating cost! year
Fixed costs
Depreciation 23363 23363 32890 32890 33290 33290
Licence fee 500 500 750 750 750 750
Cost of capital 10% interest 7938 8933 10063 11438 10123 11093
Total fixed costs 31801 32796 43703 45078 44163 45133
Variable costs
Staff salary 38400 38400 38400 38400 43200 43200
(56%)C (44%)C
(50%) (37%) (58%) (46%)
Ropes (4-rn polycoco) 18900 37800 27000 54000 18900 37800
Maintenance of boats and
miscellaneous 3000 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500
Fuel and other miscel-
laneous transport 8000 8500 8000 8500 8500 9000
Total variable costs 68300 88200 76900 104400 74100 93500
Tojal operating costs 100101 120996 120603 149478 118263 138633
Annual returns
Yield (tonnes)d 352.8 529.2 504.0 756.0 352.8 529.2
Cost of production (5$! tonne) 284 229 239 198 335 262
Return per S$ investment at
sale price S$350/tonne 1.23 1.53 1.46 1.77 1.04 1.34

¶afts used for both spat collection and grow-out.

hSeven rafts in grow-out area, three located in spat ground.
Denotes percentage of staff salary to variable costs.
dBased on 42 kg/4-m polycoco rope per harvest.

Table 6. Cost-benefit analysis of various raft culture operations using 4-rn polycoco ropes (based on cost of production calculated in Tables 3-5).

Within spat ground Away from spat ground

0.5-ha farm 0.75-ha farm 0.75-ha farm
Single unit 2 harvests/year 3 harvests/year 2 harvests/year 3 harvests/year 2 harvests/year 3 harvests/year
2 harvests/year 13 X 75-rn2 7 X 150-rn2 7 X 150-rn2 10 X 150-rn2 10 X 150-rn2 10 X 150-rn2 10 X 150-rn2
150-rn2 rafts rafts rafts rafts rafts rafts rafts rafts

(1) Cost of production

(S$/tonne) 334 300 284 229 239 198 335 262
(2) Total operating cost (S$) 16841 98223 100101 120996 120603 149478 118263 138633
(3) Annual production (tonnes) 50.4 327.6 352.8 529.2 504.0 756.0 352.8 529.2
(4) Gross annual receipts (S$)
at S$350/tonne 17640 114660 123480 165220 176400 264600 123480 185220
(5) Return per S$ investment
(3 2) (S$) 1.05 1.17 1.23 1.53 1.46 1.77 1.04 1.34
(6) Depreciation value (S$) 3809 22681 23363 23363 32890 32890 33290 33290
(7) Total operating cost less
depreciation (2 6) (SS) 13032 75542 76738 97633 87713 116588 84973 105343
(8) Cash flow before tax
(4 - 7) (SS) 4608 39118 46742 87587 88687 148012 38507 79877
(9) Taxableprofit(4-2)(S$) 799 16437 23379 64224 55797 115122 5217 46587
(10) Tax at 40% of (9) (S$) 320 6575 9352 25690 22319 46049 2087 18635
(11) Net cash return (8- 10)(S$) 4288 32543 37390 61897 66368 101963 36420 61242
(12) Total capital (S$) 14568 80918 79376 89326 100630 114380 101230 110930
(13) Payout period (2+ II)
(years) 3.40 2.49 2.12 1.44 1.52 1.12 2.78 1.81
(14) Capital recovery factor
(11 -- 12) 0.2943 0.4022 0.4710 0.6929 0.6595 0.8914 0.3598 0.5521
(15) Internal rate of return for
5 years (%) 14.4 28.9 37.5 >40.0 >40.0 >40.0 23.4 >40.0
(16) Total work forced
(no. of people/year) I 5 5 5 5 5 6 6
(17) Productivity (3 16)
(tonnes/rnan-year) 50.4 65.5 70.6 105.8 100.8 151.2 58.8 88.2

IncIudes manager, supervisor, and workers.

farm is entirely operated within the spat ground, cultures where the cultured animal and food are
the costs of production are S$239 and S$198/t derived from the wild and are obtained, more or
for two harvests per year and three harvests per less, without cost. In cultures where the cultured
year, respectively. animal and food are purchased the costs of such
items predominate. For mussel culture, where the
Cost-Benefit Analysis produce is inexpensive, a high turnover or yield is
In 1980, the exfarm (farmgate) price of shell- necessary to justify the high capital outlay on
on mussels in Singapore was about S$350/t. rafts and large-scale operations, because of
Culture operations whose production costs ex- economies of scale, are therefore more eco-
ceed this cost would, therefore, be uneconomical. nomical to operate than small-scale ones.
A cost-benefit analysis of operations whose The productivity of the work force ranged
production costs are lower than the exfarm price from 50.4 to 151.2 t/man-year (Table 6). In the
is shown in Table 6. Pay-out periods range from United States productivity is calculated to be 33.3
1.12 for a 0.75-ha farm located within the spat based on 1333 bushels/man-year at 25 kg! bushel,
grounds, comprising 10 150-rn2 rafts and oper- and 150.0 in the Netherlands based on 6000
ated on a three harvest per year cycle, to 3.40 for a
bushels/man-year (Clifton 1980). In the Phil-
750-rn2 farm located within the spat grounds, ippines, productivity is 24.5 t/man-year, based
comprising one 150-rn2 raft and operated on a on 114 man-days or 0.31 man-years for a yield of
two harvest per year cycle. Corresponding capital 7.6 t of mussels at approximately 3.5 kg/
recovery factors (CRF5) are 0.8914-0.2943, re- gallon of mussels, 6 pesos/gallon, and gross
spectively, with internal rates of return (for a receipts of 12975 pesos per0.5-ha farm (PCARR
5-year period) varying from >40.0% in the 1977). The high productivity in the Netherlands
former instance to 14.4% in the latter. is attained through a high degree of mechaniza-
tion. With labour cost on the increase in
Singapore, labour-intensive operations like post-
Discussion harvest handling would have to be similarly
Clifton (1980) observed for mussel growing in Sensitivity tests on the cost of production
the United States that small-scale operations are under varying costs of raft, labour, and yields
unworkable in a high-wage country and sup- were conducted (Table 7 gives the results for a
ported Korringa (1976), in his assessment of the 0.5-ha farm within the spat ground). Increases in
Dutch mussel industry, that better profits could labour costs were found to have greater impact
be realized through large-scale operations and a on production cost than decreases in raft cost.
high degree of mechanization. The same holds Cost could be reduced dramatically through
true for Singapore. Staff emolurnent is the single increases in yields. With larger parent popula-
most expensive item under variable cost, ranging tions established through increased farming
from 37 to 58% (Table 5). This is typical of activity heavier spatfalls could be expected and

Table 7. Sensitivity test on cost of production (S$/t) for a 0.5-ha farm comprising seven 150-rn2 rafts located
within spat grounds.

Yield (kg/rope)' Yield (kg/rope)'

20 42 56 60 70 80 20 42 56 60 70 80

Reduction in raft Cost (%)

0 596 284 213 199 170 149 480 : 229 17! 160 137 120
20 565 269 202 188 162 141 460 219 164 153 131 115
40 535 255 191 178 153 134 440 209 157 147 126 110
60 505 240 180 168 144 126 419 200 150 140 120 105
Increase in labour cost (%)
0 596 284 213 199 170 149 480 : 229 171 160 137 120
10 620 295 221 207 177 155 496 : 236 177 165 142 124
15 632 301 226 211 181 158 504 : 240 180 168 144 126
20 644 307 230 215 184 161 512 : 244 183 171 146 128

Two harvests per year.

5Three harvest per year.
Note: Dotted line indicates S$350/t sale-price level.

yields would therefore increase. Conversely with and harvest. In Lutz, R.A., ed., Mussel culture and
overfishing, the parent population would become harvest: a North American perspective. Amsterdam,
depleted and poor spatfall would result. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 3 12-338.
Hurlburt, C.G. and Huriburt, SW. 1974. Blue gold:
mariculture of the edible blue mussel (Mtilus
Conclusion edulis). Marine Fisheries Review, 37(10), l0--18.
Korringa, P. 1976. Farming marine organisms low in
Raft cultures involving nonthinning and using the food chain. Amsterdam, Elsevier Scientific
4-rn polycoco ropes on a single 150-rn2 raft and Publishing Company, 264 p.
on either 0.5- or 0.75-ha farms were found to be PCARR (Philippine Council for Agriculture and
Resources Research) 1977. The Philippines recom-
economically feasible in Singapore. Labour cost mends for mussels and oysters, 1977. Published
is the single most expensive item of the variable jointly by Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources,
costs and sensitivity tests show that increases in Central Luzon State University, National Science
labour cost would have greater impact on Development Board, Southeast Asian Fisheries
production cost than decreases in raft costs. Development Center, and Philippine Council for
Increases in yield dramatically reduce the cost of Agriculture and Resources Research, 42 p.
Andreu, B. 1968. The importance and possibilities of Two major components of expenditures in
mussel culture. Paper prepared for the Seminar on mussel culture are the cost of the raft and labour.
Possibilities and Problems of Fisheries Development Labour cost in Singapore is relatively high and,
in Southeast Asia, German Foundation for Devel-
oping Countries, Berlin (Tegel) September. Working
hence, mechanization of harvesting and some
PaperS, 15 p. postharvest operations is recommended. The
Chen, F.Y. 1977. Preliminary observations of mussel rafts described in the paper were used for
culture in Singapore. Paper prepared for the First experimental purposes, thus, commercial rafts
ASEAN Meeting of Experts on Aquaculture, Tech- might be cheaper. Therefore, a reduction in raft
nical Report, Semarang, Indonesia, 31 January- cost was considered in the sensitivity analysis
6 February. ASEAN 77/FA. Eg A/Doc., WP 17, study.
pp. 73-80. The extent of present production must be
Cheong, L. and Chen, F.Y. (1980). Preliminary studies examined in light of the demand for mussels. This
on raft method of culturing green mussels, Perna
viridis (L.) in Singapore, Singapore Journal of study assumed a constant market price for the
Primary Industries, 8(2), 119-133. product. It is important to study the market for
Cheong, L. and Lee, H.B. (in press). Improvements to mussels. Fresh mussels may have a limited
rope design for the raft culture of green mussels, market but the development of markets - both
Perna viridis (L.) in Singapore. locally and internationally - for processed
Clifton, J.A. 1980. Some economics of mussel culture mussels might increase the value of the product.

Economic Analysis of Integrated Pig-Fish Farming
Operations in the Philippines
Ruben C. SevilIeja1
The feasibility of integrating fish with backyard and commercial pig operations is analyzed
based on fish yields from experimental pig-fish trials. The main thrust of the experiments was the
development of appropriate technologies involving the utilization of pig manure in tilapia
production. Although analysis of the experimental integrated project showed that it is operating at a
loss, these results do not reflect the true economic potential of the system, because as an experimental
project it was not designed to maximize profits. Using partial budgeting techniques, it is estimated
that integrated fish production would increase the incomes of both backyard and commercial pig
operations. However, the additional capital requirements reduce the rates of return on total
investment, It appears that the larger operations will benefit more from integration than the smaller

The integration of livestock and fish farming sented in a review made by Delmendo (1980). Lee
systems has generated interest among farmers for (1980) also attempted to compare the economic
several reasons. Foremost among these is the efficiency of different crop-livestock-fish farm-
efficient utilization of resources and the maxi- ing operations in Taiwan. Optimum manure
mization of benefits derived from the farm. loading rates and corresponding economic returns
Substantial information on integrated livestock- for Philippine pig-fish operations have been
fish farming systems has been reported (Pastakia computed by Hopkins et al. (in press).
1978; Pullin and Shehadeh 1980; Tetangco 1980). At this stage of aquaculture research and
In Southeast Asia, the systems in operation have development, economic problems have become
been traditionally carried out at a subsistence the major area of concern. Areas such as
level with very limited application of scientific optimum resource allocation, efficiency of invest-
principles. However, the adoption of modern ment, operating costs, and incomes have not been
technologies and management procedures is clearly established. The economics of integrated
increasing as research data and information fish farming systems warrant further studies to
become more available. Notable research on the provide government and private planners with
subject has been performed by Schroeder and, useful guidelines for future implementation. This
Hepher (1979), Woynarovich (1979, 1980), Cruz paper aims to partly satisfy this end by presenting
and Shehadeh (1980), and Schroeder (1980). an economic analysis of selected integrated pig-
In the Philippines, information on integrated fish farming operations.
systems is scarce because the integration of
agriculture and aquaculture farming systems is
just beginning (de la Cruz 1980). It was only Case Studies
recently that research was initiated as a result of
Three case studies are presented: a commercial
the recognition of the importance of aquaculture growing operation represented by the integrated
to the nation's economy. pig-fish experimental project beingjointly under-
As technologies for integrated systems are taken by the Freshwater Aquaculture Center
developed, their economic viability must be (FAC) at the Central Luzon State University
demonstrated to justify their adoption and (CLSU) and the International Center for Living
application. However, detailed economic in- Aquatic Resources Management (ICLA R M),
formation is limited. Some examples were pre-
the CLSU-FAC/ICLARM project; a backyard
'Central Luzon State University, College of Inland pig operation; and a small commercial pig
Fisheries, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines 2320. breeding and growing operation. The objectives

of the case studies were to examine the economics For each pig growing period, there were two
of the systems and to determine the feasibility of 90-day fish culture cycles. Fish were stocked as
integrating pig operations with fish production. fingerlings that weighed 1-10 g. Tilapia (Saro-
Data from the piggery operation of the CLSU- therodon ni/oticus), which comprised 85% of the
FAC/ICLARM project were analyzed and are total number of fish stocked, was the main
presented in the first case study. Eight farmers species cultured. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
were visited and interviewed to obtain informa- made up 14% and the remainder was composed
tion on backyard pig operations. The respondents of Ophicephalus striatus (the snakehead or
were from within a 15-km radius of CLSU. "dalag"), which was stocked as a predator fish.
Because of the difficulty of getting voluntary All fish were harvested at the end of each culture
information from commercial pig breeding and cycle by draining the ponds.
growing operations, basic data from the work of Daily manure loading was done simultan-
Saturno (1980) were used and the costs and eously with pig pen cleaning by washing the pig
values were updated to 1980 levels. The fish wastes from the pen directly into the pond.
culture sections of all the case studies were based Production functions (Table I) relating manure
on Hopkins et al. (in press). input to fish yields were developed by Hopkins et
Table 1. Production functions relating pig manure to
Case Study 1: Commercial Growing yields of tilapia (Sarotherodon niloticus) and carp
Operation (Cr prinus carpio). Based on Hopkins et al. (in press).
This case study is somewhat hypothetical in
For tilapia: Y = 25.9 15 + 132.78 X 2.655 X2
that the CLSU-FAC/ ICLARM project on which
where Y = net tilapia yield (kg/ha/90 days)
this study was based was not designed in a X=fresh manure (t/ha/90 days)
manner appropriate for a commercial growing
operation. The project is a 3-ha research facility For carp: Loge Y = 3.8209 + 0.4736 1ogM + 0.1771 logB
that has as its principal objective the develop- where Y = net carp yield (kg/ha/90 days)
ment of viable animal-fish systems suited to the M = fresh manure (t/ha/90 days)
tropics by the use of replicated experiments. Data B = carp biomass at stocking (kg/ha)
from the project were used to design and analyze
an 80-head commercial growing operation. Only Table 2. Capital costs (P) of three types of integrated
the size of the ponds (I ha versus 0.1 ha in the pig-fish farming systems, Nueva Ecija, Philippines.
experimental facility) was changed. 1980 (P7.40 US$1.00).
Pig pens made of concrete and galvanized iron Small
roofing and provided with adequate feeding and Com- breeding
mercial and
drinking facilities were constructed on top of the growing Backyard growing
fishpond dikes. Each pen was connected to the
pond by a short channel. Manure or waste matter Piggerya
was conveyed directly into the pond through the Buildings per pens 53000 2000 80000
channel. Tools and equipment 1000 32 1600
Production Management System
This study is based on Cruz and Shehadeh
Water system
Other fixtures"

(1980) and Hopkins et al. (in press). Experiments
were run for 180-day cycles (6 months), which Fishpond
correspond to the pig rearing period from Pond construction
weanlings (10-IS kg) to market-size pigs at P10.50/rn3 38360 2756 43071
Water system 2750 1322 2750
(80-100 kg). The weanlings (Large White - Nets at P26/m 2772 975 3120
Landrace cross) were purchased from commercial Buckets at P35 each 3920 350 3850
breeding farms and grown according to recom- Total 47802 5403 52791
mended Philippine practices (PCARR 1976).
Daily feeding with commercial feeds was done at Based on actual costs updated to 1980 levels.
the rate of 3-5% body weight. Starter ration was "Includes electrical system, fence. etc.
fed until the pigs reached an average individual 'Based on Hopkins et al. (in press). Assumes an excavated
weight of 20-25 kg, then a grower ration was fishpond with gravity water system. Pond sizes are 1.0 ha for the
commercial growing operation. 0.12 ha for the backyard
given until each animal weighed about 55-60 kg. operation, and 1.3 ha for the small breeding and growing
A finisher ration was then fed until marketing. operation.

al. (in press) and are used here. In using these Table 3 continued
functions, the manure loading for the first 90-day 824 12720
Net income (16149)
and second 90-day periods was computed. These Rate of return on
values were used separately to compute the investment (ROI)
appropriate fish yields for each 90-day period. (% per year)' 43.2 19.5
Total fish production of about 3600 kg/ha/ 180
days was obtained. The tilapia yield of 3000 kg/ha Costs
from the same trial was higher than the average Fingerlings at
production of 1042 kgjha/ 120 days with fertiliz- P0.05 each 6000 720 7800
ation and supplemental feeding earlier achieved Irrigation fee at
at the FAC (Guerrero 1976). P390/ha/year 260 39 338
Land rent at
Capital Investment P1950/ha/year 1300 195 1690
The value of investment items is presented in Labour at P15/
Table 2. A total of P109 802 (P7.40 = U.S.Sl.00)
was invested for the facility. About 44% of the
Poison at P 10.50/
- 555 675
total investment was spent for the fish production ha/application 21 3 27
facility. Pond maintenance
and depreciation 4483 417 3956
Costs and Returns Total costs 12619 1374 16886
Table 3 summarizes the costs and returns of Returns
the integrated pig-fish experimental facility at Fish sales:
the CLSU-FAC/ICLARM project. For analysis Tilapia at P9.00/kg 26820 3735 41436
purposes, a production cycle of 8 months was Carp at P5.00/kg 3000 255 4500
considered instead of the actual 6-month experi- Total returns 29820 3990 45936
mental trials. The additional 2-month period was Net income 17201 2616 29050
necessary for pond preparation, repairs, and Rate of return on
maintenance prior to the start of the succeeding investment (ROl)
experimental/production cycle. (% per year) 54 57.6 82.5
Table 3. Operating costs and returns (P) of three types Total capital
of integrated pig-fish farming systems, Nueva Ecija, investment 109802 7685 147791
Philippines. 1980 (P7.40 = US$1.00). Total costs 118156 5600 130600
Total returns1 119208 9040 172370
Net income 1052 3440 41770
Small Rate of return on
Corn- breeding investment (ROl)
rnercial and (% per year) 1 54 42
growinga Backyard" growing
Assumes an 8-month production cycle.
Piggery "Assumes a 10-month production cycle.
Costs 'Based on actual costs updated to 1980 levels. Does not
Stock/weanlings 27200 1578 12000 include opportunity cost of land used by the piggery because
area is minimal.
3600 -
2405 71899
Backyard: ROl/period X 1.2; other ROl/period )< 1.5.
Drugs and medicine
Repairs and
- 12 2280
Based on Hopkins et al. (in press).
1Opportunity cost of manure (income foregone), for small
breeding and growing operation only.
Electricity -
-231 6000
The piggery aspect of the operation incurred
Taxes and licences
Total costs

losses; however, the income generated from fish
production compensated for the piggery opera-
Returns tion losses and resulted in a net income of P 1052
Pig sales 88200 5050 116894 (Table 3).
Sale of empty
feed bags
Sale of manure
Total returns

Case Study 2: Backyard Pig Operation
This type of pig operation is generally engaged
Continued in by operators to augment family incomes.

Normally, it is the housewife and children who do operators for their capital, labour, management,
most of the daily animal feeding and pen-clearing and risk after all expenses were deducted from
activities. Because this type of operation requires gross income. The net income from the operation
minimal attention, the amount of labour spent in was P824.00, equivalent on an annual basis to
the daily routine activities is generally considered about 43% of the total capital investment.
by the operators as free (zero opportunity cost).
For this case study, the average number of Integration with Fish Production
animals raised was six, although operations with The feasibility of integrating fish production
up to 10 head could still be considered as a with existing backyard pig operations was ana-
backyard enterprise (Labadan 1979). Mixed- lyzed. The additional capital investment required
breed pigs of variable parentage are usually for the fish production facility was estimated
raised. Most of the backyard pig operators following the guidelines presented by Hopkins et
indicated rice farming as their main source of al. (in press). This amount was then reduced to
livelihood. reflect the use of family labour (with zero
opportunity cost) in pond construction.
Capital Investment It was estimated that manure production from
The major investment item for a backyard pig the backyard pig operations is 153 and 319 kg/pig
operation was housing (Table 2). It comprised for the first and second 120-day production
about 88% of the total investment cost. Pig pens periods, respectively. Thus, a fishpond area of
varied from the low-cost type made of bamboo about 1200 m2 is needed with six pigs. This was
with "nipa" or "cogon" as roofing materials, to computed by dividing the amount of pig wastes
the more expensive type constructed of concrete available (about 2.8 t) by a manure loading rate
hollow blocks with galvanized iron roofs. The of 23 t (the equivalent of 53 pigs/ha) multiplied
former type was common among operators by 10 000. Hopkins et al. (in press) concluded
raising up to three head whereas those with more that if manure is limited, ponds with gravity
animals in their farm built the more expensive water systems will maximize cash profits when
but more durable type. In general, the pig pens manure is added at the rate of 53 pigs/ha.
had concrete flooring to facilitate cleaning. This Backyard pig raisers needed about 8 months to
in turn allowed for the maintenance of better grow their animals from weanlings to marketable
sanitary conditions. size. Hence, they can have two 120-day fish
production periods. To complete the production
Production/Management System cycle, an additional 2-month period is needed for
Backyard pig operations followed a simple pond preparation, repairs, and maintenance.
pattern. The operators bought the desired num- Using the production functions in Table I, the
ber of animals and raised them to market size at fish yields were predicted on the assumption that
one time. After disposing of the fattened pigs, for a given amount of manure, fish yield will be
another batch of animals was purchased and a equivalent for either the 90-day or 120-day
second production cycle was carried out. production period.
The daily ration of the animals consisted of With the integration of fish production, back-
premixed commercial feeds supplemented with yard piggery raisers can increase their net
corn grits, broken rice (binlid), or kitchen refuse. incomes by P2616/ 10 months (Table 3). Com-
Also, the animals were fed daily with fresh leaves puted on an annual basis, this amounts to P3139.
of ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala), kamote With integration, the annual rate of return to
(Ipomoea batatas), or kangkong (Ipomoea operator's capital, labour, management, and risk
reptans). This system enabled the farmers to gain also increases from 43% to 54%, both higher than
substantial savings on commercial feeds the opportunity cost of capital (18-20%).
(BAECON 1976). It took the operators about 8
months to grow their pigs to marketable size.
Costs and Returns
Case Study 3: Small Pig Breeding and
The economics of this system are shown in Growing Operation
Table 3. Expenses for the purchase of stock (6 This study is based on Saturno (1980). The
pigs), feeds, and drugs/medicines were the only Medina piggery farm is located in Bantug,
variable costs incurred by backyard pig opera- Mufloz, province of Nueva Ecija in the Philippines.
tions. Because the operators considered their The farm started its operation in 1963 with an
labour as free, it was not included as a cost item in initial capital investment of P55 506. The 1980
the analysis. Hence, the computed net income replacement cost of the facilities was estimated to
actually represents the residual that accrued to be P95 000, (Table 2). Of this amount, about 84%

was invested in buildings: farrowing house; sow Discussion
and litter pens; boar house; growing/finishing
pens; and a storage house. The promising results obtained from experi-
Production/Management System ments on integrated pig-fish farming have
The farm raises both Large White and Landrace spurred renewed interest among aquaculturists.
pigs and maintains its own breeders, although The utilization of pig wastes as a substitute for
animals are purchased occasionally to replace inorganic fertilizers and commercial fish feeds is
poor breeders. The animals are fed mainly with a most welcome in view of the rising costs of these
farm-mixed ration consisting of rice bran and farm inputs.
commercial feed ingredients. The dry lot feeding Economic analysis of the CLSU-FAC/
system is practiced. ICLARM project indicates that the fish produc-
At any one time, the farm maintains about 162 tion aspect of the integrated system was profit-
animals of various sizes and ages with an able. Indeed, in integrated systems, fish production
approximate total weight of 6680 kg. Fatteners/ plays a major role, frequently becoming the most
finishers are raised to the marketable size of profitable part of the enterprise (de la Cruz 1979).
70-90 kg in about 6 months. Culling is practiced The pig production aspect, on the other hand,
to eliminate poor performers. was not profitable. This was due to the high
operating expenses incurred in the pig growing
Costs and Returns system. Weanlings and feeds were all purchased
The major expense item for the small pig from commercial sources. Expenses for these
breeding and growing operation was feeds, which items comprised about 91% of the total produc-
comprised about 63% of the total cost of tion costs. Although the beneficial effect of pigs
production. Other major expense items were cost on fish is very evident, the pig production
of replacement stock, taxes and licences, and operation should also be profitable. Producing
repairs and depreciation. The total cost incurred weanlings in the farm and improving feeding
by the farm amounted to P113 714. efficiency by mixing feeds on the farm may
Income from the piggery operation came from decrease operating expenses and make the system
the sale of pigs, empty feed bags, and manure. Pig more profitable.
sales as the major income component were from The integration of fish production with existing
marketed fatteners / finishers, weanlings, and culled piggery operations increased the incomes of both
animals. The net income generated by the farm backyard and integrated breeding and growing
was P12 720 or about 19.5% of total capital operations within the CLSU area. Backyard pig
investment (Table 3). operators, assuming that they have the capital
outlay required to integrate fish production in
Integration with Fish Production their farms, increase their gross income by P3999
The estimated fresh manure available in the from the sale of 415 kg of tilapia and 51 kg of
farm was 360 kg/day or about 32 t/90 days (5.4% carp. This means an additional net income of
of total pig weight/day). Based on a manure P2616/0.12-ha fishpond/ 10 months. The small
loading rate of 25 t/ha (the equivalent of 80 commercial breeding and growing operators also
pigs/ha for the second 90 days) a fishpond area of increase their net income by shifting to an
about 1.3 ha is needed for fish production. This integrated pig-fish farming system.
manure loading rate was recommended by
Hopkins et al. (in press) to maximize internal rate
of return. Conclusions
As a result of the utilization of pig wastes for
fish production the farm sacrifices the income it Several tentative conclusions can be drawn
normally derives from the sale of manure. based on this analysis:
However, the additional income to be derived In general, integrated pig-fish farming
from fish sales exceeds the expected additional systems can increase farmers' incomes as the
costs to be incurred resulting from the integration operation maximizes the use of resources. The
plus income foregone from the sale of manure. utilization of pig manure not only increases fish
An increase in net income of P31 450/8 months production but also cuts the cost of fish culture
may be derived with the integration of fish operations.
production to the existing pig operation (Table The CLSU-FAC/ICLARM integrated pro-
3). The annual return on investment increases ject is established mainly for experimental pur-
from 19% for the piggery operation alone to 42% poses. The piggery aspect of the system, however,
with integration. clearly depicts the problems that commercial

growing operations must face. This type of for Living Aquatic Resources Management, ICLARM
operation, in which control of weanlings and feed Conference Proceedings 4, pp. 225-238.
quality is not in the farmer's hand, is not de Ia Cruz, C.R. 1980. Integrated agriculture-aquaculture
profitable. Purchasing weanlings cuts deeply farming systems in the Philippines with two case
into the profits. studies on simultaneous and rotational rice-fish
culture. In Pullin, R.S.V. and Shehadeh, Z.H. ed.,
Integration of fish production with pig Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming
operations increases farm incomes. With inte- Systems. Manila, Philippines, International Center
gration, the annual rates of return on capital for Living Aquatic Resources Management, ICLARM
investment of both the backyard and commercial Conference Proceedings 4, pp. 209-223.
pig operations increased from 43% and 19% to 1979. Integrated farming with fish as the major
54% and 42%, respectively. enterprise. Proceedings for Seminar/Workshop on
Agri-business Systems for Integrated Crop-Livestock-
Fish Farming, 19-25 November. Los Baflos, Laguna,
Recommendations Philippines, PCARR.
Delmendo, M.N. 1980. A review of integrated livestock-
fowl-fish farming systems. In Pullin, R.S.V. and
The ultimate objective of aquaculture research Shehadeh, Z.H., ed. Integrated Agriculture-
is to develop and generate technologies to Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila, Philippines,
accelerate the development of the industry. In International Center for Living Aquatic Resources
most cases, however, investigators are mainly Management, ICLARM Conference Proceedings 4,
concerned with the quantification and analysis of pp. 59-71.
observed data with very little or no information Guerrero, R.D. 1976. Culture of Tilapia nilotica at two
at all on the economic implications of the results. densities with fertilization and supplemental feeding.
It may be worthwhile to note the following simple Fisheries Research Journal. Philippines. 1(l), 39-43.
recommendations: Hopkins, K.D., Cruz, E.M., Hopkins, ML., and
Chong, K.C. (In press). Optimum manure loading
The majority of production decisions are rates in tropical freshwater fishponds receiving
greatly dependent on economic forces. Whenever untreated piggery wastes. Paper presented at the
possible, production-oriented aquacultural International Symposium on Biogas, Microalgae
research should include an economic component. and Livestock Wastes, Taipei, Taiwan, 15-17
Biologists in general lack background training September 1980.
in economics. They should seek the assistance of Labadan, M.M. 1979. Approaches to feeding hogs in
trained economists to analyze the economic the Philippines. Greenfields, 9(11), 28-34.
implications of their research. Lee, C.S. 1980. An economic analysis of the integrated
crop-livestock-fish farming in Taiwan. In Tetangco,
It is very difficult to compare the economic M.H., ed., Integrated Crop-Livestock-Fish Farming.
viability of aquacultural technologies as practiced Taipei, Taiwan, Food and Fertilizer Technology
in different areas or localities. This is because the Center (FFTC) Book Series 16, pp. 107-118.
physical and economic conditions vary from Pastakia, C.M.R., ed. 1978. Report of the Proceedings
place to place. In this respect, more pilot Fish Farming and Wastes. London, England.
production testing of various aquacultural tech- Institute of Fisheries Management and the Society
nologies should be done for a given locality, of Chemical Industry, 151 p.
scale, and type of operation. PCARR (Philippine Council for Agriculture and
Resources Research). 1976. The Philippine recom-
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Kevin mends for pork production. Los Baos, Laguna,
D. Hopkins, Ian R. Smith. and Kee-Chai Chong for Philippines, PCARR.
their generous assistance in the preparation of this Pullin, R.S.V. and Shehadeh, Z.H., ed. 1980. Integrated
paper, and to Roger S.V. Pullin and Emmanuel M. agriculture-aquaculture farming systems. Manila,
Cruz for their helpful comments and suggestions. Philippines, International Center for Living Aquatic
Resources Management, ICLARM Conference
Proceedings 4.
BAECON (Bureau of Agricultural Economics). 1976. Saturno, E.G. 1980. Economic analysis of the Medina
The most profitable backyard livestock projects. piggery farm at Bantug, Mufloz, Nueva Ecija in
Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAECON). 1978-1979. Mufloz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines,
Manila, Philippines. Reprinted in Greenfields, 9(9), Central Luzon State University (unpublished thesis).
10, Sept. 1979. Schroeder, G.L. 1980. Fish farming in manure-loaded
Cruz, E.M. and Shehadeh, Z.H. 1980. Preliminary ponds. In Pullin, R.S.V. and Shehadeh, Z.H., ed.
results of integrated pig-fish and duck/fish produc- Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming
tion tests. In Pullin, R.S.V., and Shehadeh, Z.H., Systems. Manila, Philippines, International Center
ed., Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming for Living Aquatic Resources Management,
Systems. Manila, Philippines, International Center ICLARM Conference Proceedings 4, pp. 73-86.

Schroeder, G.L. and Hepher, B. 1979. Use of agricul- farming increases both risks and returns. On
tural and urban wastes in fish culture. In Pillay, balance, integration may be more profitable, but
T.V.R. and Dill, W.A., ed. Advances in Aquaculture. the farmers must always consider the risks
Farnham, Surrey, England. Fishing News Books involved.
Ltd., pp. 487-489. The paper shows that integrated farming is
Tetangco, M.H., ed. 1980. Integrated crop-livestock more beneficial to larger-scale operations.
fish farming. Taipei, Taiwan, Food and Fertilizer Because of the risks involved, large-scale oper-
Technology Center (FFTC), Book Series 16.
Woynarovich, E. 1979. The feasibility of combining ations necessitate better management. The
animal husbandry with fish farming, with special returns on investment are substantially reduced
reference to duck and pig production. In Pillay, with integration; therefore, expansion of the hog
T.V.R. and Dill, W.A., ed. Advances in Aquaculture. operation may be more attractive than
Farnham, Surrey, England, Fishing News Books integration of fish culture. Furthermore, if it is
Ltd., pp. 203-208. more profitable to sell hog manure in the open
1980. Utilization of piggery wastes in fish ponds. market, it should not be used in the integrated
In Pullin, R.S.V. and Shehadeh, Z.H., ed. Integrated farm. The profitability of alternative uses/
Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila,
Philippines, International Center for Living Aquatic disposal of manure need further study.
Resources Management, ICLARM Conference Except in the partial budgeting analysis, the
Proceedings 4, Pp. 125-128. cost and return analysis did not include land
values or any implicit rent. If land rent was
subtracted, the return to investment would be
lower than computed in the paper.
Discussion Pond depreciation is being used by both
biologists and economists. If properly main-
In systems of integrated farming both conflicts tained, the pond over time will appreciate in
and complementarities occur. The objective is to value. However, if capital is invested in fishpond
maximize resource utilization. On the one hand, development, there is depreciation. Land appre-
potential risk (e.g., disease) is associated with the ciation could offset depreciation, but it is
system; however, on the other hand, diversifica- important to distinguish the two sets of values,
tion may reduce market risks. There is, therefore, particularly because ponds vary in the extent of
a question of the extent to which integrated their development.

Economics of Cage Culture of Tilapia in
Sri Lanka
D. C. Galapitage'
Cage culture of tilapia is very new in Sri Lanka, and this paper reports on preliminary
production trials. An evaluation of the economic feasibility of cage culture in Sri Lanka is conducted
and recommendations are made to improve its economic feasibility.

About 60% of the population of Sri Lanka of the first set of trials. The second section looks
depend solely on fish for their protein require- at the potential profitability of cage culture under
ments. However, per-capita consumption of fish varying assumptions of price of feed, feed
has dropped from 14.3 kg in 1970 to 10.4 kg in conversions, and market price of the fish. It also
1978. This drop was not due to a reduction in looks at what the required stocking densities
local production, in fact, local production in- would be to just cover all cost in addition to feed.
creased from 77000 tin 1970 to 134 000t in 1978. The costs for the cage frame and netting are
Rather, it was caused by a decrease in imports different than in the first section and are based on
from 45% of local supply in 1970 to 5% in 1978. known costs for a new experimental design that
This reduction in imports was caused by foreign does not incorporate floating drums and accom-
exchange problems in early years and by the modates four 3 x 3 x 3 m cages. In the third
unavailability of dried fish in the world market in section a brief discussion is given on some of the
later years. This example of the ill effects of limited baseline data collected on traditional
depending on imports rather than developing capture fisheries production and marketing. The
local resources has led the Government of Sri fourth and final section presents the author's
Lanka to place more attention on developing conclusions and recommendations.
local resources to meet the demand for fish.
Of the estimated production of fish in Sri Research Project
Lanka in 1978, 89% was caught from the sea.
Only about 11% was harvested from about Because cage culture is entirely new in Sri
137 600 ha of freshwater tanks. Inland fisheries in
Sri Lanka are exclusively reservoir fishing and Lanka, initially three different sites were chosen
commercial production is confined to a few to represent the major climatic zones:
major reservoirs. Fisheries in smaller reservoirs Polonnaruwa, which represents the dry
operate at a subsistence level. zone of the island, receives less than 2000 mm of
The development plan for inland fisheries aims rainfall (during the Northeast monsoons) and has
a temperature range of 24.5--34.5°C,
at a production of 50000 t/year by 1983. Such a
development .strategy involves the utilization of Udawalawe, which is also in the dry zone,
all possible avenues of production in addition to receives less than 2000 mm of rainfall from the
intensification of capture fisheries in the reser- Southwest monsoons and has an annual temper-
ature range of 24-31°C; and
voirs. One possible alternative is to raise fish in
cages. This paper presents a preliminary study of Nuwara Eliya, which is in the wet zone,
the technical and economic feasibility of cage usuallyrepresents the cooler area of the country and is
below 20°C.
culture in Sri Lanka. The first section describes
and discusses briefly the organization and results The cage culture project began with the
installation of 10 box-type cages at each site in
'Ministry of Fisheries, P.O. Box 1707, Galle Face, February 1980. However, because of poor design
Colombo 3, Sri Lanka. (Present address: Department and construction, some cages sank and others
of Economics, University of Sri Jayawardarapura, were destroyed by high waves in the reservoirs.
Nugegoda, Sri Lanka.) Due to these technical problems, these cages were

abandoned and new cages were installed in July fingerlings are stocked and raised in cages may
1980. These new cages had a bamboo frame and lead to more efficient use of the resources that are
used metal drums for floats. Each unit comprised employed because of organized and optimized
four cages, and three units, i.e., 12 cages were stocking, feeding, and harvesting.
installed at each experimental site. The overall Cage culture requires less initial capital than
experiment was designed in the following manner. starting a pond culture operation. This potentially
At each site three feeding trials and two stocking allows a relatively larger number of people to
densities were used. At Polonnaruwa, tilapia undertake cage culture.
(Tilapia ni/otica) were fed either a pellet feed or Cage culture provides employment oppor-
rice bran or were given no supplemental feed; at tunities to members of fishermen's families or
Udawalawe, tilapia were given the same feeds; other local members of the community who are
and at Nuwara Eliya, rainbow trout (Sa/mo not occupied in capture fisheries. This presents
gairdneri) were given feeds with 30%, 40%, or the opportunity for generating additional family
50% crude protein. income.
At all three sites, stocking densities of 600 and Cage culture can provide fishermen with a
400 fingerlings per cage were used. All experi- more regular income. The income generated
ments were conducted twice. The pellet feed used from capture fisheries in Sri Lanka's inland water
in the experiments was prepared at the Institute bodies is subject to seasonal fluctuations. Cage
of Fish Technology, Colombo, under the super- culture, with a properly timed production pattern,
vision of a feed technologist. The feed for the can provide supplementary income to fishermen
rainbow trout was prepared on site under the during periods of low production from capture
instruction of a feed technologist. fisheries. Cage operators can also take advantage
At Nuwara Eliya, rainbow trout were to be of increased prices during low production periods
used because of the suitable climate and the from capture fisheries to secure good financial
expected high market price. However, due to the returns for their products.
unavailability of a sufficient quantity of finger- Consumers benefit because they are assured
lings and other technical and management of a more constant, and increased, supply of fish.
problems, this experiment could not be com-
pleted. It was calculated that meaningful obser- Fixed Costs
vations were available only at Udawalawe and In cage culture, fixed costs consist of the
the following economic calculations are based capital costs of the cage frame and the net cage.2
only on the data obtained from this site. It also includes other materials and the cost of
The main objectives of this economic study labour used to construct the cages because these
were: (1) to develop a suitable approach for the are not subject to variation with the changes in
socioeconomic evaluation of a freshwater cage production in the short run. Three types of cage
culture system in Sri Lanka; (2) to evaluate the frames have been used and their construction
technical and economic feasibility of freshwater costs are shown in Table 1. On a per cage basis,
cage culture in Sri Lanka; and (3) to recommend the expenditure on cage frames varies from
further areas of research to improve the potential Rs. 157.00 per harvest for design II using only
for freshwater cage culture in Sri Lanka. bamboo to Rs. 361.50 for design III using PVC
Some Advantages of Cage Culture pipes and empty plastic barrels (Rs. 18.6 =
U.S.Sl.00). The cost per cage frame per harvest
There are several economic advantages of cage for design 1, using bamboo and metal drums, is
culture that increase the efficiency of resource Rs. 219.25. The costs per square metre are
use. Some of the major advantages are: Rs. 24.36, Rs. 17.44, and Rs. 30.13, respectively,
Cage culture, which employs supplemental for designs I, II, and III.
feeding and the principle of confinement in a The total material used in construction contri-
water body, can expand fish production above buted the major share to total cost in all cases.
the maximum sustainable yield possible in the Material costs were 88.6%, 79.6%, and 94.5% of
natural environment by capture fisheries. total cost for designs I, II, and III, respectively.
The efficiency of resource use can be There are two reasons for the low percentage of
increased by converting a common resource to
private ownership. In capture fishery, unless
regulation or other controlling methods are 21t is assumed that a boat would not be required as an
additional investment as fishermen at these sites
introduced, lack of ownership can lead to serious already own a boat and that freshwater cage culture in
overexploitation and inefficiency in longer-term Sri Lanka is viewed as a complement not a substitute for
resource use. However, a system in which traditional freshwater capture fisheries.

Table I. Capital (fixed) costs (Rs.) of different frame and net types (Rs.18.6 US$1.00).

Total cost Cost/harvest of cost/harvest

Frame design I
(Bamboo frames that accommodate four 3 3 3 m net cages)
Bamboo at Rs. 20/piece 240 120 13.7
Empty metal drums (45-gal) at Rs. 125 each 1125 281 32.0
Paint at Rs. 20 L 80 80 9.1
Ropes 532 296 337
Labour at Rs. 4/hour 100 100 11.4
Total cost
2077 877

Frame design II
(Bamboo frames that accommodate two 3 3 3 m net cages)
Bamboo at Rs. 20/L 260 130 41.4
Ropeb 220 120 38.2
Labour at Rs. 4/hour 64 64 20.4
Total cost
Cost/cage --
544 314

Frame design 111

(PVC frames that accommodate two 3 4 x 2.5 m net cages)
PVC pipes, joints, glue 1554 414 57.3
Empti plastic barrels at Rs. 90 each 540 135 18.7
Rope 268 134 18.5
Labour at Rs. 4/hour 40 40 5.5
Total cost
2402 723

Net cage type 1

(Net 3 3 3 m)
Nylon net (54 m2 at Rs. 4/rn2) 216 108 71.5
Twine/rope 54 27 17.9
Labour at Rs. 4/hour 32 16 10.6
Total cost
Cost/rn31 -
302 157

Net cage type 11

(Net 4 3 2.5 rn)
Nylon net (59 rn2 at Rs. 4/rn2) 236 118 69.8
Twine/roper 54 27 16.0
48 24 14.2
Labour at Rs. 4/hour
Total cost
Cost/rn3 -
338 169
5.63 -

400 m 3-mm kuralon rope at Rs. 68/ 100 m and 50 m tO-mm kuralon rope at Rs. 4/rn.
10 lb coir rope at Rs. 2/lb and 50 rn 10-mm kuralon rope at Rs. 4/rn.
40 rn 1.5 inch PVC pipe at Rs. 31/rn, 4 L-joints at Rs. 22.8 T-joints at Rs. 24, and 200 g glue at Rs. 17/100g.
rn 3-mm kuralon rope at Rs. 68/100 rn and 50 m 10-mm kuralon rope at Rs. 4/rn.
'0.5 lb 12-ply kuralon twine at Rs. 40/lb and 50 m 3-mm kuralon rope at Rs. 68/100 m.
Only 2.5 m of height under water.

labour costs in design III. One was the high cost expenditure per harvest period and included
of material used and the other was the relatively minor equipment used to clean the nets and other
lower labour requirement for constructing the minor replacements in the cages.
PVC frame.
Designs land III were constructed for research Interest
work and, therefore, were made extremely
strong, which added to their cost. Design II was A high rate of interest (20%) was taken as the
constructed to test the floating capacity of a very opportunity cost of investment. Bank loans are
simple form that might be used in future supplied to the agricultural and fisheries sectors
commercial operations and it was expected to be by state banks at a much lower rate (about 15%
cheaper. However, on a per harvest basis, its cost per year); however, the banks pay 20% per year
was not as low as expected. In practice, they were on fixed deposits. So, if people invest their own
more expensive to maintain because the knots funds in cage culture their implicit opportunity
had to be thoroughly checked and some of the cost is not the bank rate at which they can
ropes had to be replaced with fresh coir. In borrow money but the rate at which they could
addition to high maintenance expenses, they invest their money in a fixed deposit.
were unable to withstand high wave action. This
type of cage frame must be limited to use in small
reservoirs and not used in large tanks where wave The revenue components of the analyses were
action is very high. Its advantage is its relatively estimated by using the output and market price.
low requirement for initial capital. The output at the end of 10 months was estimated
Two types of net cages were used (Table 1). The by extrapolation in all cases except at a stocking
cost per square metre and cubic metre for the 3 x rate of 600 fingerlings per cage. This was done to
3 x 3m nets are Rs. 16.78 and Rs. 6.17, respec- bring all the results into comparable uniform
tively. Larger nets, i.e., 30 m3, would cost time periods because the other cages were
Rs. l4.08/m2 and Rs. 5.63/rn3, respectively. stocked at different times. The extrapolation
This demonstrates some economy of scale for assumed a linear growth during the entire period.
netting. Revenue was estimated using a price of
Rs. 3.30/kg. This price was used on the basis of
Variable Costs an initial survey conducted on freshwater fish
marketing in Polonnaruwa and Udawalawe. One
In cage culture, variable costs consist mainly of interesting observation is that the price of
feed and labour. In Sri Lanka, fingerlings are freshwater fish at these sites is the same for most
provided free from government hatcheries and, of the popular species of fish. Some unpopular
therefore, in this analysis (done from the point of species are sold at lower prices, but the catch of
view of the individual operator) no cost is listed
for them. these species is less than 5% of the total catch.
There were significant differences in output
Cost-benefit analyses were conducted for between feeding with pellet feeds and no supple-
various combinations of cage frames land II, net mentary feeding for a given stocking density. In
cage type I, two stocking densities, and three feed the nonfeeding case, the average size of fish after
types. Cage frame design III and net cage type II 10 months was 94 g; whereas, with feeding the
were not used in the economic analysis because fish averaged 142 g, at a stocking density of 600
sufficient biological experiments had not been fingerlings per cage. However, even this growth
carried out for the larger cages. of the fish after 10 months was insufficient
A breakdown of the total costs indicated that because the fish were well below the size preferred
the capital component is very high and that the by consumers, which is 250 g or more.
variable costs are low in the nonfeeding cases. Stocking at 400 fingerlings per cage produced
This is because of the lower expenditure on feed lower yields than 600 fingerlings per cage with
and labour. The reverse is true when feeding is and without feeding. This may be the result of
involved. In fact, in some of the feeding cases, the poor management of the experiment. The aver-
cost of feed and labour contributed up to 65% of age weight of fish after 10 months was 62 g and
the total cost. The cost of labour per cage was 135 g for nonfeeding and feeding, respectively, at
estimated by assuming a large cage culture a stocking rate of 400 fingerlings per cage. This
operation where a person can be employed on a again indicates that there is a significant difference
full-time basis. The present wage rate paid to a between feeding and nonfeeding. However, the
semiskilled person was used in the estimates. difference in growth with feedings was not
Maintenance was estimated as 10% of the capital significantly different between the two stocking

densities. There is a significant difference in the limited to one site (Udawalawe), where sufficient
nonfeeding case. Total fish production at 400 fingerlings were available for various experi-
fingerlings per cage was 22 kg and 49 kg without ments utilizing a total of over 20 cages. These
and with feeding, respectively, compared with trials are now under way; therefore, some of the
51 kg and 77 kg, respectively, at 600 fingerlings data provided in this section of the paper
per cage. This indicates that by increasing the regarding costs of the cage (frame, netting, and
stocking density from 400 to 600 total output labour), size of cage, composition and costs of
could be increased without incurring serious feed, and stocking density are known and related
mortality. to those in the new trials. However, assumptions
The revenue obtained from cage operations are made with respect to feed conversion rate,
varied from Rs. 72.60 with no feeding to mortality, harvesting size of fish, price of fish,
Rs. 254.10 for fish fed pellet feed. The total feed variable labour, interest, and expected life of the
costs at the 400 and 600 stocking densities were cage. The following analyses focus on changes in
Rs. 122.40 and Rs. 530.75, respectively, indi- the assumed values for cost of feed, feed
cating that these operations failed to recover even conversion, and life of the cage and look at the
their feed costs. effect on the required stocking density and
break-even price for fish.
The following parameters are constant in both
Discussion cases discussed below: size of cage (27 m3);
The economic analysis done on the basis of this harvested size of fish (250 g); variable cost of
preliminary experimental data indicates that labour (Rs. 300); mortality (10%); interest on
cage culture in freshwater bodies in Sri Lanka is capital (20%); and fingerlings/fry (free of charge).
not a profitable method of fish culture. However,
the results of the experiments carried out so far Case No. 1
should not be taken as final and conclusive. The
number of experiments was insufficient due In this case, cost of cage is Rs. 1275; cost of
largely to a serious lack of fry and fingerlings. feed is Rs. 2.21/kg (present cost of commercial
In addition, some unforeseen problems were pellet feed in Sri Lanka); feed conversion is 2.5:1;
encountered with respect to extremely bad life of cage is one season (8 months); stocking
weather and poaching at some of the sites. density is 200 fingerlings/rn3 (present stocking
However, the experiments were useful in formu- density at Udawalawe trial); and price of fish/kg
lating a research methodology to examine cage is Rs. 3.30 (present wholesale or fisherman's price
culture. at Udawalawe). Therefore, for each 27 m3 cage:
A major factor contributing to the losses fixed costs (Rs.) would be the cost of the cage
experienced in these operations was low output (1275) plus interest (255) or Rs. 1530; variable
of fish. The stocking densities ranged from 300 to costs (Rs.) would be labour (300) plus feed (7456)
600 fingerlings per 22.5 rn3 cage, or 13 to 27 or Rs. 7756; total costs would be Rs. 9286;
fingerlings/rn3. This density is far below the revenue would be Rs. 4010 (1215 kg x 3.3); the
stocking rates of 250-1000 fingerlings/m3 prac- loss would amount to Rs. 5276.
ticed in other countries for T. nilotica. The Even before going through these simple cal-
second reason for the unprofitability was the culations, one could see from the data given that
unfavourable price situation for fish. With the the feed costs alone per kilogram of fish exceeded
feed conversion ratios experienced in the cages at the price of a kilogram of fish by Rs. 2.23.
stocking densities of 400 and 600 fingerlings per Therefore, as long as the marginal feed cost per
cage, the feed costs alone were Rs. 6.44/kg and kilogram of fish exceeds its market value,
Rs. 6.88 / kg of fish produced using pellet feed and reducing the costs of a cage per growing season or
rice bran, respectively. Because a kilogram of fish increasing the stocking density will have no effect
could be sold for only Rs. 3.30, it was not possible on making the system profitable given these
to cover even feed costs. parameters for feed costs, feed conversion, and
market price of fish. Actually, increasing the
stocking density would only compound the total
Calculations of Potential Cage Culture loss through a higher production of uneconomi-
Profitability cally produced fish.
The following calculations show: (I) what the
Given the results of the initial trials discussed cost of feed would have to be reduced to in order
in the first section, it was decided that for the to break even at a market price of fish of
remainder of the project, further trials would be Rs. 3.30/ kg; and (2) what the price per kilogram

of fish would have to be increased to in order to present Udawalawe trials then the profit realized
cover all costs if the cost of feed remained in this example would be Rs. 894 per cage (if the
unchanged break-even stocking density is 85 m3, then with
To cover variable feed costs alone, we know the new stocking density of 200/rn3; 115 fry X
that a kilogram of fish must equal Rs. 5.5, but, in 27 m3 would have a marginal feed cost of
addition, all other variable and fixed costs must Rs. 1902, give an additional production of 699 kg
be covered. From the above we see that the total of fish allowing for 10% mortality, and a
costs of producing 1215 kg of fish are Rs. 9286 or marginal revenue of Rs. 2796).
Rs. 7.64/kg. Therefore, the market price would Higher stocking densities should be technically
need to increase by 132%. This is extremely feasible, at least up to 500/rn3 or more when
unlikely for tilapia in Sri Lanka in the foreseeable supplementary feeding is given. However, while
future. the results of this example are certainly much
From our example we also know that total more encouraging than in Case No. 1, it is still
revenue equals Rs. 4010 and all nonfeed costs only an example that underlines the need for
equal Rs. 1830. Therefore, to break even only further research on lower cost feeds, higher
Rs. 2180 could be used for feed to produce stocking densities, and possibly other species that
1215 kg of fish. This means a feed cost of require less supplementary feeding and/or have a
Rs. 1.79/kg of fish produced. If the feed con- higher market value than tilapia and further trials
version ratio (2.5:1) remains unchanged, then the in sites with higher natural water productivity.
price of feed would have to be reduced from
Rs. 2.21/kg to Rs. 0.72/kg, a decrease of 67%. It
is highly unlikely that a feed costing 67% less Characteristics of Traditional
would be able to give the same, or a similar, feed Freshwater Capture Fisheries
conversion ratio.
From this example, we can see that a significant Table 2 presents information on total produc-
positive difference between the market value of a tion, number of craft, number of fishermen, and
kilogram of fish and the feed costs per kilogram income per fisherman on a monthly basis in
of fish produced, and stocking densities are as capture fishery at Parakrarna Samudraya,
high as possible without incurring significant Polonnaruwa. The average catch per fisherman
disease and/or mortality, are required to provide per month is 520 kg. After deducting one-third of
reasonable economic feasibility to cage culture income for the craft and fishing gear the average
production of tilapia in Sri Lanka. income per fisherman per month is Rs. 1144.00
at Rs. 3.30/kg of fish. This income is subject to
Case No. 2 large fluctuations due to seasonal variation in
production. Income varies from Rs. 380.00 in
The following example assumes a situation in June to Rs. 2485.00 in October.
which the cost of feed is Rs. 0.70/kg, the feed Usually a fishing craft is operated by two
conversion ratio is 3.5:1, the market wholesale fishermen. The income is divided into three and
price of fish is Rs. 4/kg, and the life of the cage is one part is allocated for the craft and fishing gear.
expected to be three seasons (not an unusual The total allocation of income per craft in 1980
expectation for placement in fresh water). In such was Rs. 14 142.00. The average cost ofa craft and
a situation, the cost of the cage (per season) is a set of fishing gear, whose lifetime is estimated
Rs. 425; interest (per season) is Rs. 85; labour is to be one and one-half years, is about
Rs. 300; the cost of feed per kilogram of fish is Rs. 6000.00. On a depreciated basis the annual
Rs. 2.45; the difference between market price and capital cost is Rs. 4000.00. This leads to a net
feed cost per kilogram of fish is Rs. 1.55; the annual return to capital of(l4 142 -4000)/4000 x
harvested weight of fish is 250 g; and the total 100 = 253.55%. In addition, the annual return to
costs excluding feed are Rs. 810. labour is on average equal to Rs. 13 776.
Therefore, given this difference of Rs. 1.55 The fish caught in traditional freshwater
between the price of a kilogram of fish and feed capture fisheries are sold to "cycle" vendors who
cost per kilogram, it would require that to take the fish to the towns, fairs, and colonies
break even a single cage produce 523 kg of fish (villages) for sale to consumers. Usually a
(810 1.55). This would be equal to 2301 fish fisherman sells his catch to a particular vendor.
(523 0.250 2092 plus 10% for mortality) per The catch is sold to another vendor only if the
cage or a stocking density of 2301 27 = 85/rn3. regular vendor is not present. This is particularly
This is an extremely low stocking density. If we true during periods of low production. In the
assumed a stocking density of 200/rn3 as in the high production period the vendor maintains this

Table 2. Information on capture fisheries at Parakrama Samudraya, Polonnaruwa.a

Production (kg) Value of Share of income

No. of No. of Per man! monthly output to craft and gear! Income!
craft fishermen Total month (at Rs. 3.30/kg)1' month/craft man! month

Jan 80 148 83312 563 274930 1146 1238

Feb 79 186 76200 410 251526 1061 902
Mar 79 185 99568 538 328574 1386 1184
Apr 82 190 76200 401 251460 1022 882
May 85 195 72136 370 238049 934 814
June 85 188 32512 173 107290 421 380
July 88 200 122936 615 405689 1537 1352
Aug 93 215 64008 298 211226 757 655
Sept 103 206 50800 247 167640 543 543
Oct 105 206 232664 1129 767791 2437 2485
Nov 105 206 186944 907 616915 1958 1996
1288 1313
206 122936

Computed from the data obtained from statistics branch, Ministry of Fisheries, Colombo, for the year 1980.
'Rs. 18.6 = US$1.00.

relationship by buying only from the fisherman consumer goods, the vendors, in recent times,
who sold fish to him during the low production have agreed with the fisheries inspectors on the
period. Fish are bought from other fishermen need for limited increases in the price of fish. An
only if the usual fisherman is not present or his additional reason the vendors are unwilling to
catch is inadequate. pay a higher price is that they are unable to sell
The vendors as a group are better organized fish at a higher price to consumers. This is mainly
than the fishermen. The nature of the activities of because freshwater fish are not well liked in Sri
each group also keeps the vendors in a strong Lanka; the majority of the population considers
position. Because of the highly perishable nature them to be inferior to marine fish.
of fish, fishermen have to dispose of their catch as
soon as possible. The alternatives available are
either to sell them to other fishermen or to dry Conclusions and Recommendations
them. After the tiring work of catching the fish
they prefer to sell them fresh rather than for The technology of raising fish in cages requires
processing and drying. During the rainy season, further development to adapt it to the biological
when the catch is very high, sun drying is very and socioeconomic environment in Sri Lanka.
difficult, and because of a shortage of firewood, Further research should be carried out using
smoking on a large scale is also not possible. locally available cheap feed. However, care
These factors affect the bargaining power of should be taken not to drastically alter the feed
fishermen. conversion ratio. If the conversion ratio is
Vendors, on the other hand, are in a position to seriously affected by using cheap feed, the unit
refuse to buy the fish if the fishermen do not agree feed cost will be reduced but the period of
to the vendor's terms. This is because the vendors production may be increased and result in
are not solely dependent on selling fish for their increased expenditures on total feed and labour
livelihood and have alternative employment. The and on the total cost per kilogram of fish. To
fishermen do not seem to have this alternative. recover other variable costs and fixed costs and
Under this situation, the fish price is kept at a low to guarantee a competitive return on investment,
level by the vendors. cost per unit of fish should be reduced. For this
Several attempts have been made by Ministry purpose, further experiments should also be
of Fisheries appointed fisheries inspectors to carried out with increased stocking densities and
encourage an increase in the price during the low improved feeding practices.
production period. These efforts have failed Research should be focused on using other
because of the situation explained above. species of fish, especially to reduce the feed cost
However, with inflation of the prices of other component. Species like bighead carp, which are

mainly plankton feeders may be suitable. This influenced through test marketing of alternative
research should also be carried out in reservoirs product forms.
rich in natural food. Because a major component Several participants questioned why cage
of the cost (up to 65%) in cage culture is feed and culture was being introduced in Sri Lanka.
feeding labour, it is worth investigating the Claims were made that alternatives to cage
culturing of fish without feeding. Should this be culture could have been pursued (e.g., pen culture
possible, a major breakthrough in fish culture in in brackish water, adapting selected marine
Sri Lanka will be possible. species to freshwater, upgrading culture in
community reservoirs). In the ensuing discus-
sion, it was pointed out that cage culture should
Discussion not be discontinued yet because the technical
experiments are only just beginning. A small
Because the cost of the feed was more than the number of entrepreneurs appear to be interested
value of the fish produced, a very different feed in investing in these new culture methods. But,
should be used. Reducing variable costs in this when the private sector is reluctant to enter a
manner would be preferable to trying to increase new, possibly high-risk venture, it is appropriate
market prices. It was noted that feeding for funding agencies to support experimental
experiments are continuing. projects until production and management
Relative prices of freshwater fish are very low, techniques are improved. It was generally agreed
especially in the cities, when compared with the that technical problems of cage culture in Sri
price of marine species, because consumers prefer Lanka should take priority at this stage, and that
the latter. This may make it necessary for the further economic analysis be deferred until new
government to subsidize aquaculture in its early technical and biological data become available
stages until consumer preference can be from subsequent trials.

A n Economic Analysis of Composite Fish Culture
in India
S.D. Tripathit and M. Ranadhir2
Production aspects of composite (polyculture) systems are described. The majority of the farms
that were studied reared various species of exotic carps and local Indian varieties and produced
yields as high as 6-7 t/ ha/year. However, maximizing production will not maximize profits. Feed is
identified as the major component of cost, and extensive data on feed input levels and observed
output levels are reported. Wide variations in yield occur even for similar feeding levels. Optimum
input levels for feed are determined using the total cost/total revenue approach.

Fish culture in India has been traditionally early in the monsoon season by an initial
confined to the eastern region, which presently application of mustard oilcake and/or mahua
comprises the States of Orissa, West Bengal, (Bassia latifolia) oilcake after thorough netting.
Bihar, and Assam, and is deeply rooted in the The quantity of cake used varies from place to
social milieu. Fish not only forms a component, place and farmer to farmer. The decomposing
along with rice, of the staple diet but is an item of cake possibly kills some predatory and weed
great importance in all social and religious fishes, but the farmers aim at production of fish
functions. Fish culture is practiced in freshwater food organisms rather than eradication of
ponds, either alone or integrated with agriculture unwanted fish.
(rice paddies) and duck culture, and also in Some farmers stock the spawn itself even in
brackish-water impoundments with or without ponds as large as 0.5-1.0 ha, but fry and early
integration with rice. Freshwater fish culture is so fingerlings are generally used for stocking large
advanced that the farmers have selected suitable ponds. The seed is procured from spawn markets
cultivable species and know their breeding and or through vendors. The quantity of seed stocked
feeding habits. Elaborate techniques to collect under traditional aquaculture has no scientific
their seed from natural breeding environments basis and depends on the whims of the farmer.
such as flooded streams and rivers are known and Generally, stocking is done at an alarmingly high
the species can even be artificially induced to rate and survival is exceedingly low. Growth is
spawn selectively in what are known as dry very slow and poor in ponds that are inherently
bunds. The art of hatching and rearing young fish unproductive or have low productivity where
is equally well developed. Natural food, however, further fertilizer (cake) applications are not made
forms the mainstay of these culture operations or where cow dung, pig dung, or duck excreta are
and is maintained/increased by occasional not applied or received inadvertently, and where
fertilization. Although brackish-water aqua- multiple cropping is not practiced. Fish are often
culture is still in its infancy in India, freshwater parasitized and grow only to 200-250 g in
aquaculture can be said to have come of age. 1 year, and production does not exceed
300-400 kg/ha. Advanced farmers, however,
take far greater care of their stocks and start
Traditional Aquaculture Technology repetitive thinning from the beginning, which
Fish farmers, in general, prepare the ponds results in better growth of the remaining stock
and maintenance of hygienic conditions. These
Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, farmers harvest as much as 1000 kg/ha, or even
Barrackpore 743101, West Bengal, India. more in certain cases. However, a very large
2Freshwater Aquaculture Research and Training quantity of the seed is generally wasted in
Centre, DHAULI, P.O. Kausalyagang, via Bhubaneswar- traditional farming. Supplementary feeding is
2, Orissa, India. unknown in traditional aquaculture in India.

Composite Fish Culture Technology demonstrated in farmers' ponds during 1975-79
under the CIFRI/IDRC rural aquaculture
Intensive research on optimizing per hectare project. The project covered 41 villages in six
production from fish ponds was started at the districts of West Bengal and 32 villages in five
Freshwater Fish Culture Division of the Central districts of Orissa and fish production of
Inland Fisheries Research Institute in the mid- 2000-6000 kg/ha/year was demonstrated under
60s. Control of trash fish, periodic fertilization, field conditions. Very high production of the
and supplementary feed were incorporated as order of 7550 kg/ha/b months with an average
basic ingredients of the technology. Various production of 6275 kg/ha/10 months was
combinations of indigenous major carps, exotic demonstrated in nine ponds at Malda Centre
carps, and both indigenous and exotic carps were (West Bengal).
tried and a combination of the three indigenous
carps (Cat/a cat/a, Labeo rohita, and Cirrhinus
mriga/a) with three exotic carps (Hvpophiha/- Biological Interactions Between
michthys niolitrix, Clenopharyngodon ide//a,
and Cyprinus carpio var. specu/aris) was found Input and Output
to give the best results and was called composite
fish culture to distinguish it from the traditional Although it is known that inherently produc-
polyculture of indigenous major carps. The new tive ponds require less input and yield a higher
technology was further elaborated, perfected, output, the level of output is always determined
and tested in various agroclimatic regions of by the level of input. Of the various inputs, the
India under an All India Coordinated Research density, size, and time of stocking of fingerlings,
Project on Composite Fish Culture, and the quantity of fertilizer used, weeds provided to
production levels as high as 10300kg/ha/year the grass carp and the supplementary feed given
were obtained. However, production, in general, the other fishes determine total output to a great
ranged from 2500 to 6300 kg/ha and depended extent.
greatly on soil quality and the inherent fertility of
the ponds. Stocking Density, Size, and Time
In brief, the technology involves (I) complete Stocking densities above 4000 fingerlings/ha
eradication of predatory and weed fishes by require higher inputs in terms of fertilizers and
application of a vegetable fish toxicant (mahua feeds but often create biological hazards resulting
oilcake at 2500 kg/ha-m); (2) liming at in mortality and poor growth of fish. However,
200-1000kg/ha depending on soil PH; (3) higher yields are also a function of high stocking
stocking of fingerlings (100-150 mm) of C. cal/a densities provided a balance of both natural and
(10-15%), L. rohita (25-30%), C. mriga/a supplementary feed is well maintained. A stocking
(15-20%), H. mo/jInx (20-30%), C. ide//a density of 4000 fingerlings per ha can yield a
(5-10%), and C. carpio (lO-20%)at4000-7500/ha; production of 3 t/ha at a low input of feed and
(4) fortnightly fertilization of ponds with organic fertilizers and normally involves no risk of
manures (cow dung) at 750-1500 kg/ha followed biological hazards.
alternately with application of inorganic The size of the fish and the time they are
fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate (450 kg/ha) stocked directly affect production. Although in
or urea (200 kg/ha) depending on soil pH, certain experiments at the Pune Centre
superphosphate (200 kg/ha) and muriate of (Maharashtra) of the All India Coordinated
potash (40 kg/ha); (5) provision of supple- Research Project on Composite Fish Culture, a
mentary feed, generally a 1:1 mixture of production of over 10000 kg/ha/year has been
groundnut/mustard oilcake and rice bran/wheat obtained when fry were stocked at 8000/ha, it
bran at 1-5% of the total body weight of the fish was the time of stocking, the species composition,
and provision of aquatic/terrestrial weeds or and replenishment of water that contributed to
horticultural wastes (cabbage/cauliflower high production. When fingerlings are stocked in
leaves) for grass carp to satiation; (6) periodic early July, they grow sufficiently fast until the
netting, preferably monthly, to assess the growth end of October and take full advantage of high
and health of fish and (7) maintenance of pond temperatures, large water volume, and abundant
natural food. If stocked at smaller sizes, survival
With a view to increasing fish production from rates are very low, especially in the case of grass
village ponds and improving the rural economy, carp, common carp, and L. rohita, and produc-
the technology of composite fish culture was tion is directly affected.

Use of Fertilizers component in traditional operations is seed,
which is about 50% of the total cost. Productivity
Cow dung and some inorganic fertilizers are is low and consequently the farm business income
now easily available even in remote villages and is equally very low (Table 1). As a result of low
farmers who have problems purchasing, trans- productivity, the cost of production per kilogram
porting, and storing fish feed can rely on the use of fish is high when compared with other types of
of fertilizers alone to increase fish yields. Experi- fish culture operations and is estimated at about
ments have shown that production levels of Indian Rs. 6.60/kg.
2300-2600 kg/ha can be obtained in 8-9 months Because profits are low in traditional fish
by using cow dung at 10000 kg/ha and inorganic culture operations, the impact of new aqua-
fertilizers (urea/ammonium sulfate, superphos- culture technology is already being felt in the
phate, and muriate of potash) at 500 kg/ha. This rural areas as more and more traditional fish
low-cost technology best suits farmers in rural farms adopt new aquaculture practices. It is
areas. difficult to expect them to adopt all the scientific
Experiments are currently in progress on the practices in toto, and, thus, undergo techno-
use of biogas slurry, and there are indications logical change in a short period. Great scope,
that slurry alone will yield far higher levels of however, exists in India for adoption of new
production than both organic and inorganic aquaculture technology because of the high
fertilizers. remunerative farm business income demonstrated
by scientific and pilot-scale operations and
Supplementary feed because of the seemingly insatiable market
Supplementary feed is the most expensive demand. However, there are constraints to the
input in composite fish culture and involves speedy adoption of the new technology by
problems of both cartage and storage. While feed farmers. These constraints relate to procurement
alone yields a sufficiently high production of of quality fish seed, particularly Chinese carps;
4000-5000 kg/ha, it is expensive (Rs. 3.40 of easy flow of credit from financial institutions;
input/kg of fish produced) (Indian Rs. 8.85 and extension mechanisms in the hinterland of the
US$1.00). Although large quantities of feed are country. Once these constraints are removed, it
required, this is a suitable technology for achiev- will be possible to enhance inland traditional fish
ing high production where running water is culture production by at least four to five times.
available or facilities exist for replenishing the The increasing price of freshwater carps during
water in the fish ponds and where the market the last 6-8 years indicates the country's supply
price of fish is relatively high. Production of position in relation to its demand. A positive sign
10210 kg/ha was obtained at Pune when of technological change was observed in the state
20748kg/ha of feed was used in addition to of West Bengal where a number of fish farmers,
organic and inorganic fertilizers. who had been operating on traditional lines,
Where the aim is intensive culture for raising switched to the new technology. In these cases,
large-scale commercial crops of relatively high the new technology has increased profits by at
market value, entrepreneurs would be interested least Rs. 15 000/ha of culturable water area,
in providing a higher input of feed to achieve
their goal of higher outputs. However, yields are Table I. Annual costs and returns (Indian Rs./ha) of
a traditional fish culture operation in India (Rs. 8.85
also high when ponds are periodically fertilized = US$1.00).
and supplementary feed is provided regularly. In
such combinations, average yields of6l7O kg/ha
have been obtained in 8-9 months with an Pond rental 2000
average input cost of Rs. 2.50kg. This Pond preparation with mahua/ mustard
technology is perhaps more appropriate for a oil cake 1000
larger group of farmers in both near urban and Stocking at 75000-100000 fry 3000
urban areas where the market price of fish is Harvesting charges 600
usually higher than in rural areas of the country. Total cost 6600
Case Studies Yield at 1000 kg/ha
Gross income at Rs. 9/kg 9000
Traditional Gross farm business income 2400
Ratio of business income to
Traditional practices are simple and do not gross income 26.6%
involve many operation inputs. The major cost

which means that the operation is eight times clearly shown that additional expenditures of
more profitable than traditional operations. Rs. 30000/ha are worthwhile. Because produc-
Considering the social aspects of traditional tivity is high in experimental fish farms, the unit
fish culture, the country cannot afford low cost of production is relatively low and is
productivity from its fishponds because of the estimated at current price levels at Rs. 4.30/kg as
increasing need to meet the protein requirements against a prevailing farmgate price of about
of its growing population. This is particularly Rs. 9.00/kg (Table 2).
true when an alternate technology is available
that promises 10000kg/ha/year of profitable Pilot-Scale Operations
In a large number of cases, the application of
Experimental composite fish culture technology in farmers'
ponds has yielded production levels ranging from
It has been demonstrated in India through 4000 to 6000 kg/ha of culturable water area. The
many experimental fish farms that productivity is gap between current experimental levels and the
10-14 times higher with the new aquaculture levels obtained under field conditions may be due
technology than with traditional operations. The to lower levels of supplementary feeding in the
major cost component is supplementary feeding, pilot farms. The average profitability of about
which amounts to as much as Rs. 21 000 or 67% Rs. 20000/ha, obtained by private fish farmers
of the total cost incurred in production. Although in West Bengal in field demonstration trials, is
the total operational costs are considerably very lucrative compared with other economic
higher in experimental fish farms, the profits activities involving land use. The application of
(125%) are also outstanding. Fish culture opera- mahua oilcake is useful for fertilizing the pond in
tions conducted at experimental fish farms have addition to its use to eradicate predatory and
Table 2. Inputs, yield, costs, and income of composite fish culture from an experimental fish farm in India (costs
approximated to nearest Indian rupee).

Quantity Costs (Rs./ha)

I tern (kg/ha) Initial Annual

Capital Costs
Land: I ha, 20-year payout 20000 1000
Construction: 25-year amortization 35000 1400
Fish farming equipment: 5-year amortization 2500 500
Interest on amortized Capital funds at #2%/year 3500
Subtotal 57500 6400
Operational inputs
Mahua oilcake at Rs. 0.80/kg 2000 1600
Lime at Rs. 0.60/kg 263 #58
Cow dung at Rs. 50.00/1000 kg 8750 438
Urea at Rs. 2.00/kg 137 274
Triple superphosphate at Rs. 1.70/kg 117 '99
Fingerlings at Rs. #50/1000 10000 1500
Groundnut oilcake at Rs. 1.80/kg 9213 16583
Rice polish at Rs. 0.60/kg 7938 4763
Weeds 7812 256
Wages at Rs. 8/day 2880
Miscellaneous Costs 5% of operational Costs 1288
Interest on operating capital at 12% half-yearly #800
Subtotal 3 #739
Grand total 38139
Gross yield: 8867 kg/ha
Gross income at Rs. 9/kg: Rs. 79803
Gross farm business income/ha: Rs. 41664
Cost of production: Rs. 4.30/kg
Ratio of farm business income to total costs: 109%
Ratio of farm business income to gross income: 52%

weed fishes. This reduces the use of supplementary not in a position to invest heavily in the new
feed by about 4000 kg and produces a net saving aquaculture technology.
of about Rs. 3000/ha. The cost of production is
aboutRs. 5.00/kg thus assuring the farmer a
profit margin of about Rs. 4.00/kg of fish Farm Business Income
produced (Table 3).
The case studies were analyzed and farm
Low-Cost Technology business income and other economic indicators
were calculated. Because the data relate to
The total costs involved in the production different years, the costing of annual capital costs
process can be considerably reduced by complete and operational costs was done at current price
elimination of supplementary feeding. The gross levels (1980-81) so that the case studies would be
yield possible with this type of fish culture comparable. Capital costs, wages, and interest,
practice is about 2700-2800 kg/ha. The ratio of not available in the data published on the case
profitability to operating costs is 60%. Because studies, have been imputed at current prices to
production is not high, the cost of production is make a complete farm business analysis. With
about Rs. 5.60/kg but even this fetches a profit of amortization of capital funds and payout costs of
about Rs. 9300/ha. The major operational input land, the annual cost for I ha of pond is Rs. 6400
is mahua oil cake, which is 7% of total costs. at current price levels. These annual cost esti-
Annual capital costs account for 42% of total mates are based on new farm construction. But
costs (Table 4). Low-cost technology is worth- the rental value of existing water bodies ranges
while for poor and marginal fish farmers who are from Rs. 2000 to 3000/ha, which appears to be a

Table 3: Inputs, yield, costs, and income of composite fish culture from a farmer's pond at Hanspukur (West
Bengal) under CIFRI/IDRC rural aquaculture project during 1976-77 (costs approximated to the nearest
Indian rupee).

Quantity Costs (Rs./ha)

Item (kg/ha) Initial Annual

Capital costs
Land: I ha, 20-year payout 20000 1000
Construction: 25-year amortization 35000 1400
Fish farming equipment: 5-year amortization 2500 500
Interest on amortized capital funds at 12%/year 3500
Subtotal 57500 6400
Operational inputs
Mahua oil cake at Rs. 0.80/kg 6000 4800
Lime at Rs. 0.60/kg 360 216
Cow dung at Rs. 50.00/1000 kg 1000 50
Ammonium sulfate at 1.66/kg 88 146
Single superphosphate at 0.84/kg 41 34
Fingerlings at Rs. 150/1000 5000 750
Groundnut oilcake at Rs. 1.80/kg 2766 4979
Rice bran at Rs. 0.60/kg 3212 1927
Aquatic and terrestrial weeds 34485 1280
Wages at Rs. 8/day 2880
Miscellaneous costs at 5% of operational costs 709
Interest on operating capital at 12% half-yearly 1066
Subtotal 18837
Grand total 25237
Gross yield: 5004 kg/ha
Gross income at Rs. 9/kg: Rs. 45036
Gross farm business income/ha: Rs. 19799
Cost of production: Rs. 5.04/kg
Ratio of farm business income to total costs: 78%
Ratio of farm business income to gross income: 44%

Table 4: Inputs, yield, costs, and income of composite fish culture from a demonstration pond without using
supplementary feeding (costs approximated to the nearest Indian rupee).

Quantity Costs (Rs./ha)

Item (kg/ha) Initial Annual

Capital Costs
Land: I ha, 20-year payout 20000 1000
Construction: 25-year amortization 35000 1400
Fish farming equipment: 5-year amortization 2500 500
Interest on amortized capital funds at 12%/year 3500
Subtotal 57500 6400
Operational inputs
Mahua oilcake at Rs. 0.80/kg 1500 1200
Lime at Rs. 0.60/kg 300 180
Cow dung at Rs. 50.00/1000 kg 7500 375
Ammonium sulfate at 1.66/kg 396 657
Single superphosphate at 0.84/kg 240 202
Muriate of potash at Rs. 1.12/kg 50 56
Urea at Rs. 2.00/kg 30 60
Weeds 23170 768
Fingerlings at Rs. 150/ 1000 6000 900
Other items like diesel oil, mobil oil 976
Wages at Rs. 8/day 2880
Miscellaneous costs at 5% of operating costs 269
Interest on operating capital at 12% half-yearly 511
Subtotal 9034
Grand total 15434
Gross yield: 2746 kg/ha
Gross income at Rs. 9/kg: Rs. 24714
Gross farm business income/ha: Rs. 9280
Cost of production: Rs. 5.62/kg
Ratio of farm business income to total costs: 60%
Ratio of farm business income to gross income: 38%

cheaper way of conducting fish culture operations These high returns make it attractive to initiate
in India and is also the traditional practice. Water new aquaculture ventures or convert traditional
bodies are taken on lease because of their easy ponds to suit the new technology, which offers a
availability on a large scale. In such cases, the pay-back period of 2-3 years. Because
farm business income will be increased by about profitability is about Rs. 9280/ha for low-cost
Rs. 3000/ha. technology, about 6 years would be required to
However, if one wishes to enter the fish- recover the initial capital investment. However, it
farming business on a large scale, it may be may be worthwhile to use existing ponds that can
necessary to have the farm complex in one be taken on lease rather than construct new
compound. Because such fish farms are rarely ponds for low-cost technology in rural areas.
seen in the private sector, it would be necessary to
construct new farms for large commercial opera-
tions. Keeping this in mind, the maximum annual Problem Areas for Research
fixed capital costs for commercial fish farm
operations are indicated in Tables 2-4 as At the microlevel of fish culture operations, it
Rs. 6400/ha. The gross farm business income for is very important to know the combination of
experimental fish farms is Rs. 41 664/ha/year. inputs that will produce optimum production.
For pilot-scale operations (taking an average The main problem relating to composite fish
case study conducted at Hanspukur under the culture in India is that it involves six species in a
CIFRI/IDRC rural aquaculture project) a gross number of possible combinations. Any variation
farm business income of Rs. 19799/ha/year has in species combination is likely to affect the yield
been shown to be possible under existing prices. even if all other inputs are kept constant. It is,

therefore, essential that the optimum species problem by providing certain safeguards to the
combination be known before undertaking any interested fish farmers to undertake new fish
further economic research. Once this optimal culture technology and by giving compensation
combination is known, marginal cost and to noninterested parties. Another major problem
marginal revenue concepts can be used to faced in India is that the fishermen are very poor
maximize farm business income. Maximum farm and not in a position to obtain the capital needed
business income need not necessarily accrue for fish culture technology. The flow of credit
when output is maximized, which means showing through commercial institutions, perhaps
eagerness for maximum yield is not always through a State guarantee toward collateral
consistent with income maximization. This is one security and marketing aspects of the produce,
area where further economic research can be may to some extent remove constraints to faster
undertaken. development of fish culture in the country.
Building economic models to determine which The constraints listed above are based on the
variables significantly affect the yield of the authors' field trips in West Bengal. There is a
production process can be undertaken and great need to conduct surveys in the rural areas to
dummy variables can be used to account for determine the general and regional impediments
environmental and soil characteristics. Research to the adoption of the new aquaculture
on the optimization of the production process technology. Perhaps this is one field where
has already been initiated at the Freshwater further socioeconomic research can be under-
Aquaculture Research and Training Centre. taken such as has already been done for certain
Dhauli. Although the optimization process is agricultural crops like rice.
mainly an economic tool, it requires a
multidisciplinary approach. This multidisci-
plinary approach has already been used in some Discussion
of the bioeconomic research programs at the
Centre in Dhauli. Farmers have been observed to adjust the
Microlevel economic research is useful at the stocking ratio depending upon the relative prices
beginning to spread the technology among the of the species to be stocked. In the experimental
fish farmers. But it is also very important to know projects, 30-40% surface feeders, 30% mid-level
the economic problems associated with the new feeders, and 30-40% bottom feeders were used
aquaculture technology, such as whether the depending upon the pond environment.
country can absorb the supply created by the It was suggested by the participants that data
enhanced production levels, which will affect fish on other variables, besides feed, be taken into
price and farm income, and consequently affect consideration so that output variation could be
further production and the impact of the explained as a function of several explanatory
technology. Therefore, it is necessary to study the variables. Because the data on other variables,
demand projections at the micro and macro level. such as stocking rate, fertilization, and pond
Besides certain problems associated with the preparation, were observed to be within a certain
spread of new technology to the farmers, there range of application, the presentation of the
exist legal and sociopolitical aspects of land and relationship between feed and output assumes all
water use for fish culture. Prominent among other variables are given. If it were possible to
them is multiownership of land, which prevents collect more data on these variables from a
interested fish farmers from undertaking sample of the cooperating farmers, it might be
intensive fish culture if any of the owners objects. possible to explain a larger percentage of output
Suitable legislation is needed to alleviate this variation.

General Discussion
The major issue raised in the discussion was the interaction between
biologists and economists. At what stage of technology development should
economic analysis be undertaken?
From the biologist's point of view, experiments are performed, production
data are developed, and the system is optimized with the objective of maximizing
output. The biologist provides the coordinates of the maximum production, but
the economist needs a whole series of points to determine the relationship
between input and output at different stages of production. This allows the
economist to determine the optimum position in terms of maximum profits.
On the one hand, economic analysis of experimental systems that are just
beginning is clearly premature. On the other hand, these are the type of projects
in which in the past economists (and other social scientists) have been involved at
too late a stage. It was suggested that the appropriate time to involve economists
is when the technology is ready for pilot testing. At the technology generation
stage, the biologist takes the primary role. As development progresses, and the
technology is verified either under experimental conditions or in farmers' fields,
the economist has the primary responsibility to determine the viability and
adaptability of the technology. It was also suggested that sociologists and
policymakers should actively participate, particularly in the transfer of the
technology from the research station and field trials to the actual farmers' fields.
There is no simple answer to the question of timing of the approach. The
development process can be divided into: (1) invention (the discovery of new
techniques); and (2) innovation (where improvements are sought in existing
systems). In the former, biologists are dealing with new frontiers and it is
important that funding agencies take risks when private capital markets choose
not to do so. At an early stage in the process of "invention," biologists become
aware of important components of cost (labour or feed, for example), and as
they seek to reduce these costs they are intuitively responding to the effects of the
scarcity of the input in question. At this stage, economics is a guide rather than a
tool for resolving the financial and economic status of the new technique in a
definitive fashion. Pilot testing can then proceed and feedback can be used to
reshape and adapt the production process to particular local conditions. Once
these necessary conditions are met, field tests can demonstrate if the sufficient
conditions can be met. As "innovation" begins, the role of the economist
becomes more prominent.
The costs of bringing the economist and the biologist together are high, and,
thus, two alternatives for cost effectiveness may be considered: (1) provide the
biologist with some of the tools for economic analysis; and (2) hire an economist
at certain stages of the technology development process.
Several participants, however, argued for the involvement of economists at
an early stage in the analysis of time-series data from experimental projects or
private farms so that they could develop production functions along the lines of

those most often developed from cross-sectional data. It was pointed out that
economists must do more than descriptive costs and returns, because this does
not address the question of how to allocate scarce resources. Rather, attempts
must be made to explain productivity and profitability.
It was also suggested that if biologists could provide data on various input
combinations that are technically efficient (adding points to the isoquant), the
economist could determine which combination was economically efficient
depending upon the prevailing input prices. That is, the least-cost combination
to produce a given output level could be determined.
It was suggested that a manual for bioeconomic analysis of aquaculture
production systems be prepared using inputs from both economists and
biologists. Identification and standardization of quantitative measures/
indicators must be covered. If not carefully defined, the different measures can
be confusing. Even if dollars, for example, are used, measures are not necessarily
comparable because of differences in the price and income structures in different
countries. Likewise, when choosing indicators, the scarce input in a particular
country must be identified.

Session III
Socio economics of A quaculture
Socioeconomics and A quaculture:
Informal Presentations
The overall session was presented in two parts. The first consisted of informal presentations and
d,scussions of socloeconomics and aquaculture and, in the second, Theodore Panayotou gave a
paper on social welfare economics and aquaculture. In this first part, Theodore Panayotou gave an
introduction to the overall subject of the socioeconomics of aquaculture, highlighting the distinction
between socioeconomjcs and social welfare economics. Aida Librero presented findings from some
recent socioeconomic research in the Philippines and Sunimal Fernando discussed the role of
sociology in research on socioeconomics and aquaculture.

Theodore Panayotou explained that two distinct indicator of well-being. He also explained that
interpretations may be given to the concept of some studies use supplementary or alternative
"socioeconomics": one is the "amalgamation of indicators of levels of living such as food
sociology and economics"; the other is "social expenditure as a percentage of total consumption
welfare economics." He suggested that social expenditure, nutritional status, acquisition of
science research in Asian aquaculture has been consumer durables, educational levels, and other
mostly of the first variety and that there have "quality-of-life" variables. Public services, social
been very few strictly economic studies on the amenities, and community life may also be
subject and to the best of his knowledge none in considered.
social welfare economics. While many socioeconomic studies stop here,
The apparent intermixing of social relations void of analytical content and policy implications,
and economic activities in developing countries he reported that some do attempt to explain
and the consequent inability of economics to income levels or living standards using both
adequately explain observable "economic" economic and social variables, such as factors of
behaviour had, in his view, led to the production, prices, educational levels, religious
amalgamation of sociology and economics into beliefs, social relations, and access to political
what has come to be known as "socioeconomics." power. As a specific example, he said there have
He also felt that the absence of established been some very fruitful socioeconomic studies of
socioeconomic principles was partly responsible the constraints to the adoption of new
for the increasingly descriptive nature of technologies by small farmers in Asia.'
socioeconomic research. Panayotou reported that, unfortunately, very
Normally, he said, socioeconomic studies few analytical socioeconomic studies have been
begin with a detailed description of the done in the area of aquaculture. Because there are
sociodemographic characteristics of the sample many descriptive studies that provide useful
(or population) under study. Such factors as background information on the socioeconomic
family size, age structure, religious beliefs, and conditions and farming practices of fish farmers,
educational attainment are among the variables he suggested that future research should focus
considered. The focus is on overall household more on explaining rather than describing
incomes rather than profits from a particular observed behaviour and prevailing conditions.
economic activity because of the importance of Existing socioeconomic studies could provide
family labour earnings at the subsistence level useful baseline information for such research,
and the multiplicity of economic activities in especially in the case of the Philippines where
which a small-scale farmer is often engaged.
Home consumption of own produce and
earnings in kind are imputed as "noncash 'See for example, International Rice Research
income" and added to cash earnings to arrive at Institute. 1977. Constraints to high yields on Asian rice
the total household income, which is then divided farms: an interim report. International Rice Research
by family size to obtain income per capita, an Institute, Philippines.

detailed country-wide surveys have been nonbiological and financial effects of the intro-
undertaken over a number of years. duction of new aquacultural technology.
He also cautioned against the indiscriminate
use of mathematical models that are used without
Aida Librero then provided a summary of the full consideration and understanding of the
recent research studies in the Philippines, complexity of social or community characteristics
focusing largely on the sociology and economics and relationships.
of aquaculture. (The selected bibliography in this It was suggested that a continual two-way
book includes many of these studies, which cover dialogue be encouraged between the researcher
a range of aquaculture species such as milkfish, and the intended user or beneficiary of the
prawns and mussels.) These studies have also technology during the research project.
covered various techniques of production such as
pond culture, pen culture, and sea farming.
Specifically, the studies have looked at: (1) pro- Discussion
ductivity and financial analysis of fish culture
technology; (2) relationships between farm size In the discussion that followed these three
and productivity; (3) market structure, conduct, presentations, the following major points were
and performance for fish; (4) comparative analysis raised:
of incomes of fish farmers and other components At any one time, the economist cannot solve
of the rural sector of the economy; and (5) levels- the question of how best to maximize social
of-living analysis for fish farmers. welfare as a result of technical innovation, but
She stated that further research is still needed can hypothesize and identify (beyond the known
on the effects of technology on income and private costs and benefits) the broad effects of
income distribution, and that research on resource change.
management of the mangrove ecology should be Perhaps social welfare economics requires
given high priority because of the wide range of placing relatively greater emphasis on the soci-
economic pressures that are being placed on this ology and economics of the different groups in
resource by competing uses. the analysis, i.e., economics and sociology on the
individual farm household, economics on the
agricultural sector, and sociology on the rural
This summary was followed by a discussion by sector.
Sunimal Fernando on the role of the sociologist Depending on the biological problem, in-
and sociology in aquacultural research. He asked novation, or production system being researched,
if the objective of our combined intellectual the range of disciplines to be involved and the
efforts in changing aquaculture production tech- phasing of their input into the overall research
nology was to maximize production and income program will differ. An example was given of the
or to maximize social welfare? If the answer is the exploitation of a mangrove swamp. There is no
former, then the role of the sociologist is very way to prescribe a strict rule on who will be
limited, but if it is the latter, the sociologist's role involved, or when they will be involved in an
is large and essential. The sociologist can define aquaculture research program.
those variables and their relative importance or Further thought must be given to how these
weights in the social welfare function and from various disciplines can be integrated in practice
that information hypothesize on some of the into specific aquaculture research programs.

Social Welfare Economics and A quaculture:
Issues for Policy and Research
Theodore Panayotou'
This paper reviews the basic concepts of welfare economics and focuses on market failures and
possible remedies. It is aimed at noneconomists and provides examples of market failures from
aquaculture and suggests areas where policy changes and research are necessary. Aquaculture in
Asia and Southeast Asia is characterized as an infant industry that requires a major research effort
coupled with government assistance to realize its full potential. It is suggested that these efforts,
however, should be confined to those areas where the market fails to produce a socially optimal
allocation of resources.

While it is generally acknowledged that there is anyway and should not be encouraged unless
a considerable potential for aquaculture in the there are potential net benefits for the society as a
region, the industry has been growing at a rather whole not captured by the individual producer.
slow pace. In Thailand, for example, of an Such a discrepancy between social and private
estimated 1.25 x 106 ha of mangrove swamps, benefits and costs may arise from a failure of the
tidal flats and estuarine areas suitable for fish market to register the true scarcity value of an
culture only 17000 ha were used in 1977. Catfish input or output either because of the nature of the
culture, again in Thailand, has been stagnating good itself or the imperfection of the market. For
for the past decade despite rising catfish prices. example, not all the benefits from infrastructure
The slow growth of aquaculture is all the more development or research into artificial spawning
surprising at a time when fish supplies from and disease control can be captured by the
natural sources are dwindling due to overfishing, individual fish farmer but he would have to pay
pollution, and rising fuel prices while fish the full cost of the research if he decides to
demand continues to rise under the pressure of undertake it. Similarly, a distorted market may
increasing population, income growth, and encourage the use of too much capital and too
urbanization. Meanwhile, governments and in- little labour in a developing country with scarce
ternational development and funding agencies capital and abundant labour. In such cases,
are in the process of implementing or designing government intervention is warranted to correct
assistance programs (subsidies, low-interest credit what is known as a market failure.
schemes, research and extension etc.) to A second scope for government intervention
accelerate aquaculture development. Yet, few of relates to income distribution. If the prevailing
the past assistance programs for fish farmers can distribution of income is deemed "socially
claim much success. undesirable" and aquaculture is seen as a means
Two related questions arise in this connection: for improving income distribution the govern-
What are the factors constraining the ment may provide assistance to the sector in
realization of the full potential of aquaculture? general or to small fish farmers in particular. For
What are the appropriate areas for instance, coastal aquaculture is seen today as a
government intervention? possible source of supplementary or alternative
Presumably, if fish farming is profitable at all it employment opportunities for impoverished
will be taken up without government interven- small-scale fishermen. A third justification for
tion. If it is not profitable, it is not worth pursuing judicial use of development assistance is provided
by the infant state of the industry and the ensuing
risks and uncertainty that form another market
'Department of Agricultural Economics, Kasetsart failure to the extent that they are higher for the
University, Bangkok 9, Thailand. individual than for the society as a whole.

Social welfare economics is the branch of consumers choose their preferred basket of goods
economics that takes the point of view of the subject to their budget constraints determined by
society as a whole. It spells out the conditions their initial endowment of resources and the
under which social welfare is maximized and it resource and commodities prices; and (2) indivi-
examines how efficiently the market system dual producers freely maximize their profits
works and how well it achieves the social welfare subject to the production technology and
maximum. Because most real world market prevailing input and output prices. A competitive
economies violate some of these conditions, a equilibrium exists for any distribution of wealth
considerable part of welfare economics is (initial endowment of resources) provided that all
devoted to the study of market failures and their consumers have something of value and there are
effect on social welfare. no indivisibilities.
The objective of this paper is to review some Any change that makes at least one person
basic concepts of social welfare economics, with better-off without making anyone else worse-off
emphasis on market failures, and to provide is an improvement of social welfare. A situation
some examples of their relevance to aquaculture where it is not possible to make at least one
development. The purpose is neither to provide person better-off without making someone else
an exhaustive treatment nor to test the worse-off is called the Pareto optimum. To attain
significanceof market failures and related a Pareto optimum three conditions must hold:
constraints in aquaculture but merely to (I) Efficient allocation of goods among
stimulate discussion on these issues and consumers, which requires that the marginal rate
encourage research in this direction. The of substitution between any pair of goods2 should
exposition is kept at a nontechnical level because be the same for all consumers; otherwise we could
it is addressed primarily to noneconomists. make a consumer better-off without making
anyone else worse-off through redistribution of
Optimality and Failures of a goods;
Efficient allocation of resources among
Free Market producers, which requires that the marginal rate
In market economics intervention by the of substitution between any pair of resources3
government (and by international development (inputs) should be the same for all producers who
agencies) is justified only if a free market fails to use both inputs; otherwise we could produce
allocate resources in such a way as to maximize more of one commodity without producing less
the well-being of the society as a whole (social of another through reallocation of resources
welfare). Government programs and inter- among users; and
national workshops to promote aquaculture (or Optimal composition of output, which
any other sector) constitute a misallocation of requires that the marginal rate of transformation
resources unless they are directed at correcting or between any pair of goods4 in production should
mitigating specific market failures. It is, be equal to the marginal rate of substitution
therefore, of great interest to determine under between the same pair in consumption for every
what conditions a free market succeeds in individual who consumes both goods; otherwise
efficiently allocating resources to maximize we could improve social welfare by simply
social welfare and under what conditions it fails changing the composition of output.
to do so. This question can be answered in two A social welfare maximum is a situation where
steps: (I) Under what conditions does a free no conceivable change can improve social
competitive market in equilibrium (general welfare given the society's resources and the state
competitive equilibrium) attain maximum of technology. A Pareto optimum is a social
efficiency (Pareto optimum) in the allocation of
the society's scarce resources? (2) Under what 2The marginal rate of substitution of good X for good
conditions is maximum efficiency sufficient for Y (in consumption) is the number of units of Y that
must be sacrificed per unit of X gained to maintain a
maximization of social welfare (social welfare
constant level of satisfaction.
maximum)? To answer these questions it is
3The marginal rate of substitution of resource A for
necessary to define more precisely the concepts of resource B (in production) is the number of units of A
general competitive equilibrium, Pareto opti- that must be released per unit increase in B to maintain
mum, and social welfare maximum. a constant level of output.
A general competitive equilibrium is a set of The marginal rate of transformation of good X into
prices (and corresponding quantities) for all good Y is the number of units by which the production
commodities and resources that clears all of X must be decreased to increase the output of Y by
markets (demand-supply) when: (1) individual one unit.

welfare maximum only if the corresponding completely destroy it. That is, even a second-best
distribution of wealth is "socially acceptable." situation is not attainable. All, however, require
While there are an infinite number of Pareto some form of government intervention. We
optima, each corresponding to a different discuss only those market failures that are
distribution of wealth, there is a unique social currently affecting, or are likely to affect in the
welfare maximum corresponding to the most foreseeable future, the development of aqua-
socially desirable distribution of wealth. culture in the region.
A competitive equilibrium is also a Pareto
optimum provided there are no market failures
such as externalities, indivisibilities, increasing Insecurity of Land Tenure,
returns to scale, public goods, market imperfec- Multiple Ownership, and
tions, transaction costs, unpriced resources, ora Common Property
lack of well-defined property rights. A
competitive equilibrium is also a welfare One of the conditions for a competitive
maximum provided that the prevailing distri- equilibrium to be Pareto optimum is a completely
bution of wealth is socially acceptable. If the specified form of ownership (property rights) or
above conditions hold, individual consumers and control over all resources in the economy.
producers acting in their best interest (unknow- Insecurity of land tenure, multiple ownership,
ingly) act in the best interest of the society and common property resources are clear viola-
(maximum social welfare). In such an "ideal" tions of this condition and call for some form of
world, all worthwhile opportunities are utilized corrective intervention.
and all worthwhile exchanges have taken place; Insecurity of land tenure is said to exist when
therefore, it is not possible to increase total an individual's ownership or possession of a
satisfaction by redistribution of goods and particular piece of land is uncertain, in dispute, or
wealth, reallocation of resources, or change in under a short-term lease. Because investment
output composition. Under such conditions, involves an outlay today and a stream of benefits
there is very little room for government stretching over a long period of time, insecurity
intervention except for the maintenance of law of tenure makes these benefits uncertain (while
and order. the outlay is certain) and, thus, discourages
If the world we live in were perfect, we could investment. This is certainly true of aquaculture,
simply rely on market mechanisms alone to which requires a relatively high capital invest-
allocate resources between aquaculture and other ment in the form of constructing ponds, dykes,
sectors and within aquaculture itself. There and shelters right from the start while the benefits
would be no unutilized opportunities for from this investment are earned over a number of
expansion of aquaculture and any attempt on our years. The fear of expropriation by the state has
part to promote or discourage aquaculture would similar effects on investment.
cause a misallocation of resources. With perfectly There are several examples of insecurity of
functioning markets and an acceptable distri- tenure hindering aquaculture development in
bution of wealth both aquaculture development Southeast Asia. In Northeast Thailand, where
and aquaculture research would be at their 51% of the agricultural land has no ownership
optimal levels at all times. title (1977), farmers are reported to be reluctant
In the real world, in general, and in the to invest their limited savings in either land
developing world, in particular, market failures improvements or pond construction from fear
do exist and are in many cases pervasive. Some of that they will not be allowed to reap the full
these failures require modification of the benefit of their investments (see Kloke and
conditions for Pareto optimality, whereas others Potaros l975a). In fact, investment itself increases
the value of land and attracts the attention of the
51n the absence of market failures, utility-maximizing other claimants of the land (in this case, the
consumers and profit-maximizing producers set,
government because most of the untitled land is
respectively, the marginal rate of substitution and the
marginal "rate of' transformation between any two in reserved forest areas or other public lands).
goods equal to their price ratio. Because under Another example is offered by the case of disused
competition all consumers and producers face the same mining pools in Malaysia; the 1-year Temporary
price ratios, conditions (I) and (3) above are satisfied. Occupation Licence (TOL), or the lack of it,
Condition (2) is also satisfied because all producers set altogether discourages the pond improvements
the marginal rate of substitution between any two and high stocking rates required for an otherwise
inputs equal to their price ratio, which is identical for all profitable intensive culture (see Bakar and
producers. Arshad 1980).

Multiple land ownership, however secure, has irrigation tanks. Although most of these areas
detrimental effects on investment analogous to either have no alternative uses or have uses that
those of insecure tenure. No single joint owner are compatible with aquaculture, very little has
has sufficient incentive to invest in land improve- been done to realize their potential. In Thailand,
ments when he or she knows that all the other co- for example, it has been estimated that there are
owners have a right to the benefits that accrue 1.25 x 106 ha of mangrove swamps, tidal flats, and
from this investment. Joint investment is a estuarine areas suitable for fish and mollusc
solution provided that the joint owners can agree culture of which only 17 000 ha were used in 1977
on the type, scale, and financing of the invest- (see ADB 1978). Similarly, in Bangladesh it has
ment. The larger the number of owners, the been estimated that there are some 184 000 ha of
smaller is the likelihood that they will reach a "derelict" tanks and ponds with unexploited
stable agreement. Multiple ownership may even aquaculture potential (see Khan 1981).
discourage the use ofjointly owned land altogether. The overall consequence of insecurity of
A classic example is provided by some 500 000 tenure, common property, or multiple ownership
tanks and ponds covering over 68 000 ha of land in of land suitable for aquaculture is that the market
Bangladesh that remain largely unused or under- mechanism may allocate too little labour and
used despite an apparent potential for fish culture capital to aquaculture and too much to capture
(see Khan 1981). Widespread multiple ownership, fisheries and to agriculture. Possible solutions
aggravated further by inheritance, is suspected to include land reform, long-term licencing, estab-
be a major constraint to the proper utilization of lishment of single ownership, auctioning of
these ponds (see FAO/UNDP 1977) although property rights, and promotion of cooperatives
other constraints may also be in operation. A in the case of nondivisible multiple ownership.
similar situation prevails in Northeastern Thailand
with large water tanks and reservoirs known as
village ponds. Externalities
Common property, or open-access, is an
extreme case of multiple ownership whereby Common property resource problems are a
every citizen in a country is a joint owner of the special case of a more general market failure
resource. Common property not only inhibits known as externalities. A common resource is
development but also inspires "exploitative" or overexploited or underdeveloped because each of
destructive behaviour, as the bleak situation of the many owners imposes an externality on all
the capture fisheries worldwide demonstrates. other owners, a social cost that he or she does not
"Everybody's property is nobody's property," pay and, therefore, can afford to ignore. In
therefore, no single individual or group of general, an externality is an effect of one firm's or
individuals have enough incentive to either individual's actions on other firms or individuals
improve or manage the commonly owned resource. who are not parties in the activity. For example,
In fact, individuals have every incentive to the production of smoke from a factory may
deplete the resource as soon as possible as they reduce the production of clean clothes by a
have no guarantee that whatever they leave laundry; similarly, the effluents of the same
unharvested today will be available to them factory into a river may reduce the production of
tomorrow. However, common property leads to fish by downstream fish farms. The presence of
"overexploitation" only when the resource can be such effects violates the Pareto optimality of the
exploited without the need for prior investment competitive equilibrium, which requires that
in resource development (e.g., capture fisheries). economic units interact only through their
When such prior investment is necessary and its (aggregate) effect on prices.
control is inextricably linked to the control over
the resource, common property leads to under- From the point of view of the recipient,
utilization of the resource. This is, in fact, not externalities may be beneficial (external econo-
different from what happens with any resource mies) or harmful (external diseconomies) and
owned in common: naturally occurring usable may occur either in production or in consumption.
resource stocks are overexploited while no one Here, we are mainly concerned with production
takes action to enhance the stock. externalities. Usually, we express a production
Unfortunately, the areas where aquaculture function as a relationship between inputs used
has its greatest potential at present are the and output obtained. In the case of aquaculture,
commonly owned tidal flats, mangrove swamps, it is a relationship between the amount of inputs
estuarine areas, and inland waterbodies such as such as fry, feed, fertilizer, medicine, fuel, labour,
rivers and canals, large impoundments, and and pond size, on the one hand, and quantity of

fish produced, on the other. These are inputs the and
farmer made a deliberate decision to use in Sg(LR°, X)
specified quantities. However, often we are p =
unable to explain a considerable part of the ax
variation of yield among farmers despite the where p is the price of rice.
inclusion of all conceivable inputs. The explana-
tion may lie in the presence of significant Unlike the rice farm, the fish farm does not
control all the inputs into its production process.
production externalities, which are said to exist
when the output of one farm is a function not It takes the level of pollution in the water as
parametric (beyond its control) and employs land
only of its own inputs but also of the inputs and
outputs of other farms. Externalities may be at the level that equates the value of its marginal
product to its rental price.
positive or negative depending on whether they
raise or reduce the output (or profits) of the ah[LF°, z(X°)}
affected farm. q =r
In the case of aquaculture, externalities take a
particularly harmful form for downstream farms: where q is the price of fish.
their output and profits suffer from water Such a situation cannot be socially optimal.
pollution and contamination by upstream farms Obviously the production of rice (more speci-
that use the water source for waste disposal at no fically the use of chemicals in the production of
charge. As a result, water quality is poor and fish rice) has adverse effects on the production of fish,
diseases spread rapidly among farms using a but this is not taken into account by the rice
common water source increasing mortality or farmers. From the society's point of view, "too
raising production cost (use of medicine, need for much rice" and "too little fish" are being
more frequent water changes, etc.). Although the produced.
existence of the problem is not disputed, research The socially optimum mix of rice and fish
is needed to quantify its effect on productivity would be the one produced in the absence of
and profitability, and government intervention is externalities. One way to internalize the external-
needed to enforce corrective measures. ities is by merging the rice farm and the fish farm
Let us consider an example of how the problem into a single economic unit that would attempt to
of externalities might be formulated. Consider maximize the combined profits. fl
the case of a rice farm using agricultural max H = p.g. (LR. X) + gh[LF, Z(X)I - r(LR, LF)
chemicals such as pesticides and insecticides,
operating upstream from a fish farm. The rice The joint rice-fish farm will maximize overall
farm produces rice, R, from land, L, and from profit by using land chemicals according to the
agricultural chemicals, X, according to a produc- following decision rules:
tion technology:
a(L', x") r
R = g(LR. X) aLR
where ag/aLR > 0 and &g/3X> 0. ah[LF*, z(X*)I
The agricultural chemicals spill into the water q =r
source that is used by the downstream fish farm aLF
to produce fish (F) according to the amount of and
land, LF, it employs and the amount of pollution,
z, in the water, which depends on the amount of
insecticides and pesticides, X, used by the ax
upstream rice farm: +q
ah[LF*, z(X*)J az(x*)
F = h[LF, z(X)J ax
where ah/aLF > 0, ah/az <0, and az/aX >0. The first term on the left-hand side (LHS) of the
The rice farm maximizes its profit by using last equation is the value of the marginal product
land and chemicals at such levels as to equate the of pesticides/insecticides in rice production. The
value of their marginal products to their respec- second term, which is negative because ah/az <
tive prices, r and w: 0, represents the value of fish lost as a result of the
&g(L°, X°) use of pesticides/insecticides in rice farming.
=r Thus, this equation states that the socially
aLR optimal level of pesticide use is lower than the

level indicated by its marginal productivity in rice A third solution calls for rearrangement of
production, which guides profit maximization property rights, that is, the merging of the
when the two farms operate individually. Not originator and the recipient of the externality
only X* < X° but also LR* < LR° and LF*> LF° into a single ownership. Again, in the case of a
because with less pesticides/insecticides the private externality, there is incentive for such
productivity of land will be lower in rice produc- action: because the profits from a combined
tion and higher in fish production. As a result less operation (fl*) are larger than the combined
rice and more fish will be produced when the profits of separate operations (lip.0 + fl00) it
externalities are taken into account than when always pays the one farm to buy out the other.
they are ignored. The reverse occurs when an However, when the externality is public there is
external economy exists. For example, the use of not sufficient private incentive for such rear-
fertilizer by an upstream rice farm may induce rangement of property rights.
growth of natural feed in downstream fish farms; In an analogous manner one can deal with the
ignoring this externality results in the production problem of two fish farms, each of which imposes
of too little rice and too much fish. Hence, in the external diseconomies on the other by releasing
presence of externalities, profit-maximizing contaminated water into their common water
behaviour in a competitive market does not lead source. To maximize social benefit the combined
to the socially optimal allocation of resources. profit of the two farms (rather than the profit of
There are several ways to remedy the failure of each) should be maximized:
the market mechanisms to deal with externalities.
First, offending inputs (or outputs) may be taxed max U = qFi + qF2 - C1(F1, F2) - C2(F1, F2)
to bring their private price, w in our example, up
to the level of the social price, w + where II is profit. q is the price of fish, F1 and F2
q.Sh[LF, z(X)]/SX. In the case of external are the quantities of fish produced by farms land
economies a subsidy could be introduced to 2, and C1(.) and C2(.) are their respective cost
lower the price of input (or output) with the functions. Combined profits are maximized by
beneficial externality. The problem with this setting:
method of correcting externalities is that often it
is difficult to determine the optimum tax unless SC1 SC2
the precise technological interactions between
the originator and the recipient of the externality
SF - SF - q
are known. and
A second solution is to set up a market for
pollution, the unpriced output of the rice farm. SC2 SC1
The equilibrium price of pollution will be
SF2 - SF2
obviously the maximum amount that the fish
farm will be willing to pay the rice farm upstream The first term on the LHS of these two equations
for a marginal decrease in pollution, that is, represents the cost of producing the last kilogram
qSh[LF, z(X)]/Sz, which is the amount by of fish in each farm, whereas the second term
which its profits will increase as a result of the represents the cost imposed on the other farm
marginal reduction in pollution. Thus, the through water contamination resulting from the
equilibrium price of pollution is equal to the production of this additional kilogram of fish.
optimal tax, but the distributional implications Again, the market mechanism may work out a
are different. As long as the externality is private solution as long as the externality is private, or at
(only one rice farm and one fish farm) the least concentrated, and important enough for the
recipient has an incentive to bribe the originator "internalization" benefits to be apparent to all
to decrease the production of external parties involved. When the external effects are
diseconomies and increase the production of too widely spread the correction of the exter-
external economies. When, however, the exter- nality is a public good, in which case, as we will
nality is a public good (many rice farms and many see below, the market mechanism does not
fish farms), no individual fish farmer has suf- effectively function and government intervention
ficientincentive to bribe thousands of rice is necessary. It must be stressed, however, that not
farmers to reduce pollution, while concerted all externalities are worth correcting and there
action by all fish farmers will not work because are few that are worth eliminating entirely: the
each has the option to be a "free rider." As we will guiding principle should be that the gains in
see in the next section, in this case public goods social welfare from correcting an externality
markets do not work. should outweigh the costs of the intervention.

Public Goods each consumer should be taxed to cover the cost
of producing the public good. Thus, although all
When several originators and recipients are consumers consume the same amount of the
involved, externalities, such as water and air public good they pay different "prices," whereas
pollution, may be considered as public "bads" in the case of the private goods, consumers pay
and their correction as a public good. In fact, a the same price but consume different quantities
public good may be thought of as an extreme case of the good.
of a good that has only externalities, that is, no Because individual consumers cannot adjust
part of it is private to any individual. Each the amount of the public good they consume, a
individual's consumption of such a good depends market for it cannot exist. For the government to
on the total quantity of the good supplied in the provide a public good it is necessary to know each
economy. Unlike the case with private goods, the individual's marginal rates of substitution between
consumption of a public good by an individual the public and private goods, which would
does not diminish its availability to other determine the optimal level of the public good
individuals. Although the production of public and (perhaps) each individual's share of the cost.
goods involves an opportunity cost in terms of However, because consumers may not reveal
foregone quantities of private or other public their true preferences for fear that they may be
goods, a zero opportunity cost is associated with taxed on the basis of their willingness to pay,
its consumption. public goods are usually produced by public
A public good is characterized by jointness in agencies on the basis of collective decisions and
supply, in that to produce the good for one financed from general taxation.
consumer it is necessary to produce it for all In aquaculture there are at least two important
consumers. In many cases, no individuals can be cases of public goods: (I) the correction of
excluded from the enjoyment of a public good externalities such as widespread water pollution
(e.g., national defence) whether they pay for it or and the control of fish diseases, which cannot be
not. However, even if exclusion is possible (e.g., a internalized; and (2) research into new fish-
bridge across a river), to do so violates Pareto culture technologies, including new breeding
optimality, which requires that no opportunity of techniques, new feed formulas, and new methods
making one person better-off without making of disease control and treatment. These two
anyone else worse-off is left unutilized. Because aspects of aquaculture development involve the
nobody can or should be excluded from the production of public goods because a fish
benefits of a public good, consumers would not farmer's use of a pesticide-free water source, of a
freely pay for it and, hence, no firm would be able disease-free environment, or of a new more
to cover its production cost through the market; efficient input combination does not reduce their
hence, the market mechanism would fail to availability to other fish farmers. Without gov-
supply a public good, although it would con- ernment intervention, the production of these
tribute to social welfare. Thus, competitive public goods will be below their socially optimal
equilibrium will lead to underproduction of level, if they are produced at all.
public goods and overproduction of private
The conditions for Pareto optimality are not
valid in the case of public goods. Recall that for Decreasing and Increasing
private goods the condition for optimality was Cost Industries
that the marginal rate of substitution of each
consumer between two goods, X and Y, should A decreasing cost industry is one whose
be equal to that for any other consumer and to average cost falls as output rises. Decreasing
the marginal rate of transformation between the costs occur where there are increasing returns to
two goods (MRS xy = MRS2xy = = MRTxy). scale arising from indivisibilities. Decreasing
When one of the two goods is public, optimality costs may lead to monopoly if the scale econo-
requires that the sum of the marginal rates of mies are so significant that low-cost production
substitution of all consumers be equal to the requires a firm that is too large relative to the
marginal rate of transformation (MRS'x + market (natural monopoly). Competition in a
MRS2xy + = MRTxy). In this case, MRS' decreasing cost industry does not lead to Pareto
indicates how much of the private good X optimality, because it is always possible to
consumer I is willing to sacrifice to pay for one increase the production of the industry, without
more unit of the public good Y. As such, the reducing the production of other industries, by
MRSxy may be used as a measure of how much simply reducing the number of the firms in the

industry until one produces all the industry late 1960s and early l970s (see Wattanutchariya
output at the lowest cost. Examples of decreasing and Panayotou, this volume). This last case is a
cost industries are public utilities such as tele- market failure (externality) because it arises from
phone, electricity, and water supply. In aqua- the fact that individual new producers take into
culture, this variety of market failure may occur account only their production cost and ignore the
in relation to water supply and fry production fact that their entry into the industry raises the
and distribution, but it is rather rare. costs of existing producers by increasing the
The reverse, that is increasing cost, is more likelihood (and spread) of disease.
common in aquaculture. An increasing cost The "increasing cost" feature of aquaculture in
industry is one in which the average cost of its present stage of development, has the fol-
production rises as the output of the industry lowing implication for aquaculture research:
rises. This increase in average production cost is unless technical breakthroughs in artificial
due to the higher input prices that must be paid tospawning, feed formulas, and disease control
attract additional quantities of inputs to the occur to shift to the right the supply curve of
industry. This occurs when the supply of inputs inputs critical to aquaculture, the current pro-
used by the industry is not perfectly elastic duction costs and profitability of aquaculture
(upward sloping), which means that the industry cannot be used as indicators of its potential for
can expand only by paying higher input prices expansion without adjustment for the effect of
and, hence, by charging a higher price for its new entrants on the industry costs.
output (increasing industry supply price). De- Depending on the stage of development and
creasing cost, however, does not lead to a market type of aquaculture, increasing, constant, or
failure. In terms of allocative efficiency, the decreasing cost may prevail. For instance, during
Pareto optimality of the competitive system the late l960s catfish culture in Suphan Bun
remains intact. There are, however, distributional (Thailand) passed through a stage of decreasing
implications (income transfers from consumers production cost as the expansion of the number
to factory owners) that may bring the competitive of farms enabled catfish producers to enjoy low-
equilibrium closer to or further from the welfare cost fry and feed as a result of economies of scale
maximum. Another reason why decreasing cost in their procurement and transportation.
industries are mentioned here is to emphasize the
need for taking into account the effect of (a rapid)
aquaculture expansion on input costs and, hence, Market Imperfection
average production costs, which is often ignored
in aquaculture development plans with conse- The Pareto optimality of the competitive
quent overstatement of aquaculture potential. equilibrium rests on the assumption that all
To some extent, aquaculture, at its present markets are perfectly competitive: a large num-
level of development, exhibits the characteristics ber of firms sell a homogeneous product to a
of an increasing cost industry. This arises from its large number of buyers at the prevailing price
overdependence on seed and feed from natural without "discrimination." In reality, we observe
sources. For instance, further expansion of economies ridden with monopolistic elements. A
milkfish in the Philippines is almost certain to market is imperfectly competitive if the actions of
result in higher costs for fry, which are only one or a few sellers or buyers have a perceptible
available from natural sources (see Chong et al., influence on price. Market imperfections may
in press). Similarly, the rapid expansion of arise for a variety of reasons. We have already
catfish culture in Thailand during the late 1960s discussed indivisibilities as a cause of natural
and early 1970s was partly responsible for the monopoly. Other causes may be institutional,
increasing price of trash fish (see Kloke and legal, or political barriers to entry into certain
Potaros 1975b; Panayotou et al. 1981). Land, to professions or industries; high information costs
the extent that it has alternative uses, may be may also limit competition or access to markets;
another source of increasing cost, especially if and the (limited) extent of the market a
extensive aquaculture expansion is undertaken. common problem in developing countries may
A different source of "increasing cost" arises result in oligopolies/oligopsonies because only a
from the increasing occurrence and spread of fish few firms may supply the entire market. A usual
diseases as the culture of a particular species in a monopolistic practice is to withhold supplies to
given location expands. A classic example is the raise prices. The monopolist's price is too high
spread of catfish diseases in Suphan Bun and his output too low for Pareto optimality.
Province of Thailand following the remarkable Market imperfections, in general, violate the
expansion of catfish culture in the area during the Pareto optimality criterion that the producer's

marginal rates of transformation should be equal marketing arrangements. This means that even if
to the consumer's marginal rates of substitution fish culture is profitable at the institutional rate
(this requires marginal cost pricing, whereas the of interest (say 15%) it may be unprofitable at the
monopolist uses average cost pricing). much higher (usually above 100%) cost of
In the early stages of aquaculture develop- informal credit, often the only source of funds for
ment, the extent of the market for various inputs, the small farmer. Thus, unless the government
especially hatchery-produced fry and artificial makes collateral-free credit available to small
feed, is likely to be quite limited. This coupled farmers at the institutional rate of interest, much
with the high technological input and substantial of the aquaculture potential cannot be realized.
returns to scale may lead to some degree of Although capital market imperfections affect all
monopoly in the provision of inputs to fish farming activities, they are particularly detri-
farmers. This is true, for example, of the animal mental in the case of fish culture because of the
feed industry in Thailand, and the same pattern relatively high initial capital requirements for
appears to be emerging in the case of artificial fish pond construction and the substantial amounts
feeds. Another possibility is monopsony in of operating capital that are required.
output marketing arising from the lack of a well-
established marketing system for freshwater fish Risk and Uncertainty6
(e.g., Thailand) coupled with the dispersion of
fish farms and the generally low reservation price The real world is not only beset by imperfections;
of fish farmers (keeping the fish in the pond it is beset by uncertainties. A situation is said to
beyond the time it reaches harvesting size is costly involve uncertainty if more than one outcome is
in terms of feed, risk of disease, and delay of the (or is perceived to be) possible from any given
next crop). However, the most common and action. Two types of uncertainty may be dis-
effective safeguard of monopsony power in the tinguished: (I) environmental uncertainty arising
case of aquaculture is credit-secured preemptive from factors beyond the decision-maker's
marketing arrangements. The fish farmer is (farmer's) control, e.g., weather, epidemic disease,
particularly vulnerable to such arrangements technological discoveries, etc.; and (2) market
because of the relatively high level of operating uncertainty arising from a market failure to
capital (especially for feed) required. As such, provide information (prices) required for de-
capital can rarely be obtained through institu- cisions affecting the future (absence of future
tional credit (commercial banks, financial trusts, markets). The longer the time horizon (culture
cooperatives) and fish farmers have little choice period in the case of aquaculture), the further
but to obtain feed and other inputs on credit from into the future forecasts need to be made and the
middlemen by surrendering their option to greater the uncertainties involved.
choose the market outlet for their harvest. This A distinction is sometimes made between
leads us to a discussion of capital market uncertainty and risk. A situation is said to involve
imperfections, which are not only severe by uncertainty if no objective probability to each of
themselves (especially in developing countries) the many possible outcomes can be attached. In
but are at the root of many other input and contrast, risk is a situation where the general level
output market imperfections. of probability of each outcome can be inferred
Ideally, economic activities and business ven- although known probabilities cannot be precisely
tures that promise to yield a net return higher assigned. In everyday use, a situation is said to be
than the going interest rate should be able to risky if one of the outcomes involves losses to the
obtain funds for investment because they expect decision-maker. Thus, the risk of loss to a firm or
to earn enough to pay the cost of borrowed farm may be defined as the probability that
capital and still earn a profit. In reality, this does profits will be less than zero, or the probability
not always happen. Unless the farmers already that returns will fall below some "disaster level"
have sufficient property or capital assets to use as of income.
collateral, and unless they understand and are Risks may be reduced through diversification
able to meet rigid repayment requirements, they of activities with negatively correlated outcomes,
cannot obtain institutional credit at the going ("putting all one's eggs in one basket" is rarely a
rate of interest. Most farmers in developing good policy). Risks in one activity may also be
countries, being either subsistence or small-scale
commercial farmers, have access only to non- 6ln an economy with complete markets, the competi-
institutional credit that comes with high interest tive equilibrium is characterized by an efficient allocation
rates, usually a multiple of the institutional rate, of risk-bearing leaving no room for government
and, more often than not, hidden debilitating intervention.

reduced by pooling them with risks from other At its present stage of development, aqua-
independent activities. Where risks are of a given culture remains a high-return, high-risk activity.
type (e.g., independent of the actions of the This high noninsurable risk discourages both
decision-maker), risk-pooling or insurance mar- farmers and credit sources despite the high
kets have not failed to arise to exploit these return: the subjective risk, for the small farmer, is
possibilities. Individuals transfer their risks to an even higher than the objective risk because risk-
insurance company by paying an insurance taking at a subsistence level of income may cost
premium, which in a perfect insurance market the farmer and family their survival. This risk
would equal the administrative costs of the looms particularly great when the large amounts
company plus the cost of any remaining risk. of operating capital are considered in con-
However, not all risks are insurable. Insurance junction with the high probability of disease in
markets fail to appear when the outcome is not the one or two ponds that the small farmer can
external to the policyholder, the risks affect all afford. For those small farmers already engaged
policyholders in a similar way, or the probabil- in fish farming, risks may act as a constraint to
ities of the various outcomes are difficult to the intensification of culture or the adoption of
assess. For example, a farm cannot insure itself new technologies.
against the risk of losses because profitability is There are a number of ways to reduce
as much a function of the farmer's actions as it is inefficiency brought about by risk aversion. One
of environmental uncertainty (e.g., weather). way is to reduce technological risks through
Similarly, a fish farm cannot insure itself against research and extension. Another way is through a
the risk of an epidemic because such risk would crop insurance program. However, the costs of
affect all farms in a similar way, which reduces financing and administering such programs are
the benefits from risk-pooling. often too high relative to the risk-diffusion
Risks may be objective or subjective. Objective benefits unless distributional considerations are
risks are calculated on the basis of the probability also brought into the calculus. A third policy
of occurrence of the adverse outcome. Subjective option for dealing with risk aversion is to
risks are based on a given individual's assessment subsidize credit for small farmers who cannot
of the probability or consequence of the adverse obtain loans from institutional sources. Again
outcome. Attitudes toward risk differ among the costs are high but, unlike crop insurance,
individuals based on sociocultural and economic subsidized credit may help "mitigate" capital
factors. In general, risk aversion tends to be market imperfections and reduce the disparities
stronger among lower socioeconomic groups in the marginal products of capital across farms.
because survival is at stake. Finally, if farmers tend to underproduce "risky"
Risk and risk aversion may affect aquaculture crops there may be scope for price support to
development in many ways. Subsistence rice produce a socially more desirable crop mix.8
farmers are unlikely to switch from rice to fish
farming (even if the returns from the latter are
higher) if they perceive that more risk is involved. Distributional Considerations
This is quite likely because rice is a subsistence
crop and fish is not. Fish must be sold at the Up to this point we have discussed market
market for cash and this cash used for the failures that destroy the Pareto optimality (maxi-
purchase of rice and other necessities. Moreover, mum efficiency) of the competitive equilibrium
unlike rice, fish is perishable and cannot be stored and call for government intervention. Now we
except at very high cost. The cash crop and will consider issues relating to equity. A competi-
perishability features of fish make the farmer tive equilibrium, even if a Pareto optimum, fails
vulnerable to the vagaries of the market. There to maximize social welfare when there is dis-
are also technological risks: small farmers are satisfaction with the distribution of wealth. As
unlikely to shift from a traditional crop (or Adam Smith (1776) put it: "No society can surely
technology) that they have come to know and be flourishing and happy, of which by far the
trust over the years to a new one that promises greater part of the numbers are poor and
higher yields but may also entail greater risks of miserable."9
crop failure, especially until they learn the new The market mechanism gives rise to a distri-
technology completely.7 bution of welfare that depends, among other
7The two hypotheses, that risk aversion biases
things, on the initial distribution of skill and
production in favour of subsistence crops and that 8For a detailed treatment of risk and uncertainty in
poverty inhibits adoption of new technologies, although agricultural development see Roumasset et al. (1979).
plausible, require empirical testing. 9From Todaro (1977), p. 94.

wealth. There is no reason why such a distri- following section) may lead to socially unwar-
bution would be socially acceptable. For example, ranted mechanization of aquaculture and the loss
the market mechanism would allocate very little of employment opportunities in labour-surplus
or nothing to those who happen to be weak, ill, countries. Attempts to deal with localized ex-
landless, or unemployed. That such people ternalities or to take advantage of economies in
should starve for no fault of their own is socially vertical or horizontal integration may lead to
unacceptable. Similarly, striking and ever-
consolidation of landholdings and monopolistic
widening inequalities may conflict with our idea markets (see for example, the poultry and feed
of distributive justice. The alleviation of poverty industry in Thailand, which is presently expand-
and the reduction of socioeconomic disparities ing into fish farming).
often calls for government intervention to correct Thus, the objective of rapid growth in fish
the "failure" of the market mechanism to produce supplies may be in conflict with the objectives of
a socially acceptable distribution of income. creating employment opportunities and reducing
Such intervention would not interfere with socioeconomic disparities. On distributional
allocative efficiency (Pareto optimality) if it is considerations, small-scale farms should be pro-
confined to "lump-sum" transfers, which in moted, which requires credit on easy terms,
theory can achieve any desired distribution of technical assistance, and possibly the (free)
welfare. However, lump-sum transfers do not supply of some inputs such as fry from govern-
always work in practice and sooner or later ment hatcheries. There is also a related conflict
distributive measures that conflict with efficiency between production of high-value species for
(e.g., progressive taxation) are introduced. Care, export and production of inexpensive species for
however, should be taken to minimize the domestic consumption. For example, Thailand
sacrifice in efficiency required for attaining the divides its efforts between the promotion of
desired distribution of income. In terms of large-scale commercial culture of luxury and
efficiency, it is preferable to effect a change in the semiluxury species, such as prawns and snake-
distribution of welfare through quantitative head fish, and the promotion of employment,
changes in factor endowments rather than through higher cash income, and better nutrition through
changes in relative prices that interfere with the concept of the village pond (stocked with
Pareto optimality (price ratios equate the mar- carps or tilapia) in poor areas, particularly the
ginal rates of substitution and transformation). Northeast. On efficiency grounds alone, all
In practice, it is easier to manipulate prices. efforts and funds should have been directed to the
Although it is generally easier to improve types of culture and locations with the highest
income distribution in a growing economy than return.
in a stagnant economy, without a deliberate Thus, in allocating research or investment
action to channel a substantial part of the income funds for aquaculture development, both ef-
increments to the poor, growth may exacerbate ficiency and distributional criteria should be used
rather than reduce poverty. with explicit tradeoffs when there is conflict. The
The inclusion of redistribution objectives in state's distributional weights for different socio-
the development plans of many South and economic groups are often implicit in national
Southeast Asian countries is indicative of social development plans. These or other explicit
dissatisfaction with the prevailing distribution of weights should be used in comparing the distribu-
welfare. In the case of aquaculture development, tional implications of alternative research,
two main objectives are often stipulated, one investment, or assistance projects.
relating to growth and efficiency and the other to
distribution: (1) to increase fish supplies for the
domestic and export markets; and (2) to provide
supplementary or alternative sources of employ- Divergence Between Social and Private
ment, income, and nutrition to subsistence Costs and Benefits
farmers and small-scale fishermen.
To the extent that indivisibilities or economies The implication of market failures is that
of scale exist in aquaculture, it is more efficient to market prices do not represent true scarcities,
increase fish production by promoting large- that is, social opportunity costs. The implication
scale farms. The high marketing costs of a of dissatisfaction with the prevailing distribution
perishable commodity may favour central loca- of welfare is that even when prices reflect true
tions to the neglect of isolated areas that are in scarcities (Pareto optimum), they do not serve
need of additional employment opportunities. the society's objectives (welfare maximum).
Underpriced capital and overpriced labour (see Therefore, allocation of resources based on

market prices may not lead to maximization of private costs and benefits, are transfers involving
social welfare. no use of society's scarce resources (except to the
Because the government is often unable to extent that they interfere with the efficient
correct all market failures (e.g., public goods, allocation of resources). Finally, costs and
widespread externalities, etc.) and secure the benefits external to private operators are real
desired redistribution through taxation, it uses costs and benefits from the society's standpoint
the allocation of investment resources through and should be taken into account in calculating
the political system to achieve its social objectives. the social profitability of an economic activity or
Thus, the question arises: How are costs and evaluating public projects.
benefits of alternative public projects to be What are the implications of all this for
calculated and compared? The answer lies in the aquaculture? First of all, when we speak of
computation of "social or shadow prices," which aquaculture potential we should always make
are determined by the interaction of true resource clear whether we mean private profitability,
scarcities and social policy objectives. social profitability, or merely technical feasi-
In a perfect world, where a competitive bility. If aquaculture of a particular type in a
equilibrium is also a social welfare maximum, particular location is profitable to the individual
shadow prices will be identical to market prices. operator but socially unprofitable (due to ex-
Considering, however, the pervasive market ternalities, capital intensity, etc.) the government
imperfections in developing countries, a severe should discourage it through taxation, regulation,
divergence may exist especially in the labour, etc. If, on the other hand, aquaculture is socially
capital, and foreign exchange markets. In the profitable but unattractive to private investors,
extreme case of a country with widespread promotion through subsidies may be appropriate.
chronic unemployment, the shadow wage rate (or Secondly, in labour-surplus economies, labour-
social opportunity cost of labour) would be zero intensive aquaculture should be promoted by
rather than the positive wage rate actually paid. subsidizing (or somehow inducing) private pond
If, in addition, reduction of poverty is among the operators to employ more labour than they
society's objectives, and fiscal means are not would on their own accord. Also, shadow prices
effective, when a public project is expected to give should be used to evaluate public projects for the
employment and higher income to the poor, a provision of basic infrastructure for aquaculture
further downward adjustment of the shadow or for direct government involvement in aqua-
wage rate should be made. Thus, use of the culture development where private investment is
market wage rate would have resulted in under- unavailable or undesirable (e.g., mariculture).
estimation of the net employment benefits from Finally, in evaluating the social profitability of
the project. In contrast, the market prices of aquaculture, its indirect effects on other sectors
capital and foreign exchange are far below their of the economy should be considered. For
true scarcity values resulting in overestimation of example, aquaculture may facilitate the manage-
the net benefits from their use. ment of capture fisheries if it can provide fish at
A detailed exposition of the cost-benefit competitive cost and at the same time employ a
analysis of public projects is beyond the scope of significant number of the surplus fishermen, thus
the present review)0 However, a few more cases reducing both the attractiveness of and need for
of divergence between benefits and costs particu- destructive fishing and allowing the government
larly relevant to aquaculture will be mentioned. to introduce enforceable regulations for the
Risk, although an important consideration in recovery of the wild stocks. In any case, coastal
private calculations of costs and benefits, is aquaculture if profitable can serve as an alterna-
almost negligible from the society's point of view, tive or supplementary source of income for
because the society automatically pools the risks coastal fishermen. Conflicts between culture and
from all economic activity. The social rate of capture fisheries also exist as has been demon-
discount or time preference is also likely to be strated by the reduction of catch in Laguna de
lower than the private rate because risk and Bay (Philippines) after the introduction of fish
uncertainty, taxation, selfishness, mistaken pens.
optimism, and shortsightedness are less applicable
to the society as a whole than to individuals. A Note on the Second Best
Moreover, taxes and subsidies, although part of
If the marginal conditions for Pareto optimality
OGood expositions of cost-benefit analysis are were satisfied both before and after the imple-
found in Winch (1971) and Squire and van der Tak mentation of a public project and if markets were
perfectly competitive, we would use market

prices to calculate costs and benefits. In such a public goods, etc.), points out the way in which
perfect world, projects should be implemented efficiency is affected, and provides examples
until the marginal unit had a private cost-benefit from aquaculture that may form the subject of
ratio of one. This implies equality of marginal future research. Forms of possible government
benefit (price) to marginal cost, which is one of intervention to correct or supplement the market
the conditions for the Pareto optimality of the mechanism are also discussed. Maximization of
competitive equilibrium. But price should be social welfare in an intrinsically imperfect world
everywhere equated to marginal cost. If one or calls for the public sector to provide public
more of the marginal conditions for a Pareto goods, to mitigate the inadequacies of the
optimum are violated (and correction of the market, and to promote a socially more accept-
distortion is not possible''), a first-best situation able distribution of welfare.
is not attainable and the satisfaction of the Throughout the paper examples are given of
remaining conditions is not necessarily desirable. market failures affecting aquaculture develop-
The best we can achieve is a second-best world ment. It is of interest, however, to highlight here
that requires violation of the Pareto conditions; some problems facing aquaculture that are not so
piecemeal policies based on the fulfillment of much the result of market failures as they are the
these conditions in a partial equilibrium context consequence of the young age of the industry.
may reduce rather than increase social welfare. Aquaculture is still a novelty with uncharted
Because we live in an imperfect world, the task territory. Both on the consumption and produc-
of cost-benefit analysis is to evaluate second-best tion sides there are risks and uncertainties. In
policies by allowing for suboptimality (external- countries such as Sri Lanka and Malaysia,
ities, monopolies, etc.) in the assessment of costs freshwater fish is not yet as popular as marine
and benefits. Instead of private we use social fish. In most Southeast Asian countries, with the
costs and benefits and incorporate the "second- possible exception of the Philippines, the market-
best constraints" of an imperfectly competitive, ing and distribution system for freshwater fish is
distorted, and uncertain world in their measure- not well developed. Moreover, fish culture poses
ment. The first-best policy would attack the marketing problems of its own because, unlike
specific imperfections and distortions directly. capture fisheries, the harvesting is concentrated
But this is, by definition, impossible because of in a few days of the year and, unlike field crops,
institutional constraints. fish is a highly perishable commodity.
However, aquaculture faces its most serious
challenge on the production side. Biological and
Concluding Remarks technical knowledge of many cultured species is
relatively limited and of this only a small part
The purpose of this paper was to review some reaches the farmer. The industry is still very
basic concepts of social welfare economics for the vulnerable to changing economic conditions and
noneconomist and to explore their applicability outbreaks of little-understood diseases. Exper-
to aquaculture development. At least two im- ience, as it has been learned from the case of
portant concepts, the compensation principle catfish culture in Thailand, is the deciding factor
and the social welfare function, were not included between handsome profits and bankruptcy.
for reasons of brevity and simplicity. The thrust Farmers have still to rely on trial and error to
of the paper is that a competitive market would arrive at optimum stocking rates, feed formulas,
result in the most efficient allocation of resources and disease treatment. In short, aquaculture still
if there were no market failures and would has all the characteristics of an infant industry
maximize social welfare if the distribution of that requires a major research effort and govern-
income was acceptable. In reality, there are ment assistance if it is to realize its full potential.
several market failures and dissatisfaction with In designing research programs and government
the prevailing distribution of income. The paper projects for promoting aquaculture in the region,
reviews the main market failures (externalities, the reviewed concepts of welfare economics may
serve as a guiding framework.
''In the absence of institutional constraints, it is The author acknowledges the valuable comments
possible to design a system of unit taxes and subsidies received from Keith Hay and the other participants in
that would lead a market economy from a Pareto- the workshop.
suboptimal allocation of resources to a Pareto-optimal
allocation and a system of lump-sum taxes and
subsidies that will lead to the desired income distri- ADB (Asian Development Bank / International Agro-
bution and, hence, to social welfare maximum. Fisheries System). 1978. Inland fisheries develop-

ment project of the Kingdom of Thailand. Final northeast of Thailand. FAO/IFPC Occasional Paper
report, Manila, April. 1975/4.
Bakar, M.S. and Arshad, N. 1980. A survey of the Panayotou, T., Wattanutchariya, Sarun, lsvilanonda,
socioeconomic structure of freshwater fish culture in S., and Tokrisna, Ruangrai. 1981. The economics of
Peninsular Malaysia. Paper presented at the small- catfish farming in Thailand. Department of Agri-
scale fisheries workshop held by IDRC, Colombo, cultural Economics, Kasetsart U niversity, Bangkok
October. (forthcoming as an ICLARM/KURDI publication).
Chong, K.C., Smith, l.R., and Lisaroudo, M.S. Roumasset, J.A., Boussard, J.M., and Singh, 1. ed.
Economics of the Philippine milkfish (Chanos 1979. Risk uncertainty and agricultural development.
chanos Forskal) resource system. United Nations Singapore, Southeast Asian Regional Center for
University, Resource Systems Theory and Metho- Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture and
dology Series No. 3 (in press). Agricultural Development Council.
FAO/UNDP (Food and Agriculture Organization of Squire, L. and van der Tak, H.G. 1975. Economic
the United Nations/United Nations Development analysis of projects. A World Bank Research
Programme). 1977. Agriculture mission to Bangla- Publication, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, The Johns
desh. Working Paper 4 (Fisheries Sector). Hopkins University Press.
Khan, M.S. 1981. Freshwater pond culture in Bangladesh. Todaro, M.P. 1977. Economic development in the
Paper presented at the small-scale fisheries workshop Third World: an introduction to problem and
held by IDRC, Singapore, May l9-2l. policies in a global prospective. London and New
Kloke, C.W. and Potaros, M. l975a. The technology York, Longman.
and economics of catfish (C/arias spp.) farming in Varian, H.R. 1978. Microeconomic analysis. New
Thailand. FAO/IFPC Occasional Paper 1975/2. York, USA, W.W. Norton and Company Inc.
1975b. Aquaculture as an integral part of the Winch, D.M. 1971. Analytical welfare economics.
agricultural farming system: a case study of the Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Penguin Education.

General Discussion
In the final summary discussion, the following key points were made:
Economics must reassess private rates of return in light of the broader
social costs and benefits. This social accounting must determine a new social rate
of return and this must be compared with the rate of interest at which the
government borrows money to invest in such development activities as
aquaculture technology.
The question of shadow pricing is important but often ignored. In many
societies there are internal prices that bear little or no relation to international
market world prices. As a technology such as aquaculture develops and
becomes an industry exposed to the competitive effects of international supply
and demand, its input and output prices increasingly reflect their real resource
costs. Therefore, it is important to use world prices as the shadow prices during
technology development so that the chances of the technology's future survival
and growth will be enhanced.
Demand and marketing aspects are important to assess in addition to the
economics of production.
The economic analysis presented during this workshop is best suited to
the analysis of static situations or the economics of resource use at a particular
point in time; it is weak in providing information and analysis on the process of

Conclusions and Recommendations

The following are six conclusions and recommendations reflecting major

points of discussion in the workshop:
Effective interaction between the biologist and economist is essential.
This interaction is illustrated by the need to accurately identify and distinguish
between the maximum points of biological production and economic profit.
Almost without exception, the output level of maximum profit is reached before
the biological maximum. However, there was no consensus as to when this
interaction should begin.
At the stage of initial experimental design and development of separate
biological/technical components of a technology (for subsequent testing and
evaluation) there was no consensus as to how and when economic analysis could
be used. At the stage of pilot-scale testing and evaluation, the techniques of
marginal and total cost-benefit analysis could be effectively and usefully
employed. When testing and adapting the technology with a sample of target
beneficiaries or users, then marginal and total cost-benefit analysis, partial
budgeting, and the socioeconomic survey could be applied. When evaluating the
economics of an existing production system, the whole range of economic tools
could be used, including production and demand function analysis along with
the other above mentioned techniques.
Economic studies on existing aquaculture systems have tended to be
descriptive rather than analytical. Future studies should attempt to be more
analytical so as to provide more useful information on the sociological,
technical, and economic constraints to increase productivity and profitability.
Specifically, demand analysis and marketing were recommended as
important areas for future aquaculture economic research in Asia.
It was recommended that more farm record keeping be encouraged and
introduced into aquaculture economic studies to improve the present "recall"
technique for obtaining historical data.
It was strongly suggested that the sociologist had an important role to
play in research on existing production systems and in the development of new
technologies but that a detailed discussion on this interaction was outside the
focus of this workshop.

Appendix 1:

Working Definitions of Economic

and Statistic Terms
AVERAGE FIXED COSTS: Total fixed cost divided by rice farm may adversely affect the production of a
output. downstream fish farm.
AVERAGE (PHYSICAL) PRODUCT: The total (physical) FIXED INPUT: An input whose quantity cannot readily
product divided by the amount of the input used to be changed when market conditions indicate that an
produce this output. immediate change in output is desirable.
AVERAGE TOTAL COST: Total cost divided by output. GEOMETRIC MEAN: The sum of the logarithms of the
AVERAGE VARIABLE COST: Total variable Cost divided observed values, divided by the number of observa-
by Output. tions.
BENEFIT-COST RATIO: The ratio of the present value of GROSS OR TOTAl. REVENUE: Total product or output
revenues to the present value of costs. multiplied by the market price of output.
BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS: The level of price or produc- INCREASING COST INDUSTRY: Is one in which the
tion at which the project just covers its total costs. average cost of production rises as the output of the
CASH COSTS: Out-of-pocket costs for inputs incurred industry increases, due to unresponsive (inelastic)
in producing an output; Sometimes, this is known as input supply.
explicit costs. INCREASING RETURNS TO SCALE: If all inputs are
COMMON PROPERTY: Is the lack of well-defined and increased by a certain proportion, this results in a
enforceable property rights over a certain factor of more than proportionate increase in output. Simi-
production, e.g., coastal areas, estuaries, and fishing larly, decreasing returns to scale occur when output
grounds in the open seas. increases by a smaller proportion than the increase in
COMPETITIVE EQUILIBRIUM: Is said to exist when the input.
markets for all inputs and outputs clear (no excess INDIvISIBILITY: Inability to divide certain factors of
demand or excess supply exists) following a free production into smaller units and, hence, to make
choice by the consumers of their consumption basket marginal changes in its use.
subject to their budget constraint and a free maxi- INFANT INDUSTRY: Is one facing difficulties in its early
mization of profits by the producers subject to their stages but with promising potential in the future.
production technology and prevailing market prices. Government assistance at the start may be justified if
CONSTANT RETURNS TO SCALE: If all inputs are the industry is likely to outgrow such assistance later
expanded in the same proportion, output is expanded on.
in the same proportion. INPUT: An input is a factor of production required to
DECLINING-BALANCE DEPRECIATION: A fixed rate produce an output, for example, fry or fingerlings are
(percentage) of the remaining value of the asset. an input needed to produce an output of fish. Inputs
DECREASING COST INDUSTRY: Is one in which the can be either variable or fixed.
average cost of production falls as output rises due to ISOQUANT: A curve in input space showing all tech-
indivisibilities in certain factors of production. nically efficient combinations of inputs capable of
DEGREES OF FREEDOM: Roughly speaking, it is the producing a given level of output.
total number of observations or variates minus the LAW OF DIMINISHING RETURN: If successive units of one
number of estimated parameters. input are added to given quantities of other inputs, a
DISCOUNTING METHOD: Conversion of future costs and point is eventually reached where the addition to
revenues into present values. output per additional unit of the variable input will
ELASTICITY OF SUBSTITUTION: Elasticity of substitution decline.
shows the proportional change in the input ratio (for LONG RUN: That period of time (or planning horizon)
example, capital-labour ratio) induced by a given in which all inputs can be varied (i.e., no fixed
proportional change in the input price ratio. inputs).
EXTERNALITY: Is the effect of one firm's or individual's MARGINAL: The word "marginal" refers to small
actions on other firms or individuals who are not changes in value rather than absolute values; that is,
parties in the activity, e.g., the use of pesticides by a incremental change either discrete or continuous.

MARGINAL COST: The change or addition (increase or The prevailing market prices are used in costing these
decrease) to total Cost resulting from an additional inputs.
Unit of output. PRODUCTION FUNCTION: An input-output relationship
MARGINAL (PHYSICAL) PRODtJCT: The addition to total showing the maximum amount of output that can be
(physical) product attributable to the addition of one produced from any specified set of inputs, given the
unit of the variable input to the production process, existing technology.
the fixed input remaining unchanged. PUBLIC GOOD: is a good whose consumption by one
MARGINAL RATE OF SUBSTITUTION OF X FOR Y: Is the individual does not diminish its availability to other
number of units of good (or resource) Y that must be individuals. A public good is, thus, characterized by
sacrificed (or released) for each additional unit of jointness in supply, in that to produce it for one
good (or resource) X consumed (or used) to maintain consumer it is necessary to produce it for all
a given level of satisfaction (Or output). consumers, in many cases, no one can be excluded
MARGINAL RATE OF TRANSFORMATION OF X INTO Y: Is from the enjoyment of a public good whether the
the number of units by whieh the production of X individual pays or not (e.g., national defence or
must be decreased to increase the output of Y by one control of epidemic fish diseases).
MARGINAL REVENUE: The change (increase or de- capital divided by capital investment.
crease) in gross revenues resulting from an additional RETURN TO CAPITAL: Gross revenues less total costs
unit of output. except the opportunity cost (If capital.
MARKET FAILURE: isa malfunctioning of free markets RETURN TO LABOUR AND MANAGEMENT: Gross revenues
resulting in distorted prices that do not reflect the less total costs except those associated with the
true scarcity of resources and goods and, hence, operator's labour and management.
result in a misallocation of the society's scarce RETURN TO LAND: Gross revenues less total costs except
resources. those associated with land costs.
MARKET IMPERFECTIONS: Is the lack of "sufficient" RETURNS TO SCALE: The percentage change in output
competition among the suppliers or buyers of a good that results when all inputs are expanded by a certain
or a resource, e.g., monopoly, m000psony, oligopoly, percentage. The returns to scale can be obtained by
monopolistic competition, etc., resulting in distorted adding the output elasticities of all the inputs in the
market prices and, hence, in inefficient allocation of Cobb-Douglas production function. Returns to scale
resources. can be either increasing, constant, or decreasing.
MEAN OR AVERAGE: The sum of the observed values SECOND BEST: Is a Situation where market distortions
divided by the number of observed values. Also are so pervasive that the restoration of a first-best
known as the arithmetic mean. situation is not attainable and, hence, it is necessary
NET REVENUE: Gross revenue less total costs. to make allowances for suboptimality in the assess-
NONCASH COSTS: No money or cash outlay is required ment of costs and benefits.
or spent in the use of the input owned by the SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: Recalculation of economic
producer. viability under alternative sets of input-output
OPPORTUNITY COSTS: The return given up by not prices and yields.
participating in the next best alternative activity. SHORT RUN: That period of time in which the input of
OUTPUT (PRODUCTION) ELASTICITY: Given the produc- one or more productive agents is fixed.
tion function, the output elasticity of X is the SOCIAL BENEFIT: The benefit accruing to the society as a
proportional change in output resulting from a given whole from the production and use of certain goods
proportional change in X, other inputs held constant. or services and related by-products. In valuing these
The output elasticity of an input is equal to its outputs, social or shadow prices reflecting their true
marginal product divided by its average product. value to the society are used. Markets may fail to
PARETO OPTIMUM: Is a situation where it is not possible assign prices to certain "outputs" e.g., pollution.
to make even one person better-off without making SOCIAL COST: The cost incurred by the society as a
someone else worse-off. Pareto optimum is the most whole in terms of use of scarce resources (or
efficient allocation of resources and goods under the sacrificed alternatives) for the production of certain
prevailing distribution of wealth. goods or services. Social or shadow prices reflecting
PARTIAL BUDGETING: A recalculation of additional the true scarcity of resources are used in calculating
costs and additional returns or reduced costs and costs. Market prices reflect the true scarcity of
reduced returns as a result of a minor change in a resources only under ideal conditions of perfectly
production technique. functioning markets.
PAYBACK PERIOD: Number of years required to recover STRAIGHT-LINE DEPRECIATION: Annual depreciation
the initial investment. equal to purchase price of an asset less any salvage
PRIVATE BENEFIT: The benefit accruing to individual value of it divided by the expected years of life.
farmers from the sale and home consumption of the TOTAL COST: In the short run, total cost is the sum of
goods and services they produce. Market prices are total variable and total fixed costs. Total variable
used in valuing these outputs. costs and total fixed costs are related to variable and
PRIVATE COST: The cost incurred by the individual fixed inputs, respectively.
farmer in employing a factor of production (owned TOTAL FIXED COSTS: Costs of input that do not increase
and purchased) to produce a given level of output. or decrease with the level of production, such as land

lease, interest, insurance premiums, depreciations, can be assigned we talk simply of uncertainty. If the
salaries of permanent personnel, etc. probability of each outcome can be inferred we talk
TOTAL (PHYSICAL) PRODUCT/OUTPUT: The total (max- of risk.
imum) output obtainable from different amounts of VALUE OF AVERAGE PRODUCT: l'he value of the average
the variable input, given a specified amount of the product of a variable input is equal to its average
fixed input. product multiplied by the market price of the output.
TOTAL VARIABLE COSTS: Costs of input that increase or VAIt:E OF MARGINAL PRODUCT: The value of the
decrCase with the level of production, such as fry, marginal product of a variable input is equal to its
feed, fertilizer, electricity, temporary labour, etc. marginal product multiplied by the market price of
Total variable costs are sometimes called operating the output.
Costs. VARIABLE INPUT: An input whose quantity can be
TRANSACTION COSTS: Are the expenses necessary to changed almost instantaneously in response to
bring together the suppliers and the buyers of goods desired changes in output.
and services and effect all beneficial exchanges. WELFARE MAXIMUM: Is a situation where no con-
UNCERTAINTY: A situation in which more than one ceivable change can improve the well-being of the
outcome is possible from any given action. If no society given its resources and the state of technology
objective probability to each of the many outcomes and knowledge.

Appendix 2:

Selected Bibliography
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