Adjectives of Personality Listening

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Complete the table.
Noun Adjective

1 ambition

2 cheerful

3 creativity

4 enthusiastic

5 flexibility

6 generous

7 honesty

8 idealistic

9 intelligence

10 loyal

11 maturity

12 modest

13 optimism

14 patient

15 pessimism

16 punctual

17 realism

18 self-confident

19 seriousness

20 shy

21 sociability

22 stubborn

23 sympathy

24 thoughtful

2. Complete the phrases for describing personal qualities with the words below.

common communicating courage energy

initiative lack sense skills

1 have a good ………………………….. of humour

2 have lots of / no sense
3 have good organisational …………………………..
4 ………………………….. self-confidence
5 have physical …………………………..
6 be good at …………………………..
7 show lots of …………………………..
8 have lots of …………………………..
3. Complete the sentences with adjectives and phrases from exercises 1 and 2.

1 Sue is very ………………………….. . She always thinks things will get worse.
2 Harry loves telling jokes. He has ………………………….. .
3 Try to be ………………………….. . It isn’t good to be late.
4 She always tells the truth. She’s very ………………………….. .
5 She’s always telling everyone how clever she is. She isn’t very ………………………….. .
6 He loves being with other people. He’s the most ………………………….. person I know!
7 She loves dangerous sports. She has great ………………………….. .
8 I can talk to her about my problems. She always listens. She’s very ………………………….. .
9 He always knows what to do. You don’t need to tell him. He ………………………….. .

4. Listen to three people describing a friend or family member. Choose two adjectives below that best describe the people. There are two extra

ambitious cheerful generous intelligent

optimistic patient punctual serious
1 ……………………… and ………………………
2 ……………………… and ………………………
3 ……………………… and ………………………

5. Listen again. Match the descriptions 1-3 with sentences A-D. There is one extra sentence.

This person:

A shows lots of initiative in planning his / her future.

B lacks confidence in social situations.
C has the opposite personality to the speaker.
D likes to pass on knowledge to others.

Extra exercises
1. Complete the table with the related nouns and adjectives.

noun adjective

1 cheerful

2 flexible

modesty 3

idealism 4

5 shy

6 thoughtful

pessimism 7

honesty 8

2. Complete the sentences with adjective or noun form of the words in bold.

1 I don’t expect any sympathy from my brother. He’s never been very …………………………..
2 My friend Hannah is always cheerful. Her ………………………….. puts everyone in a good mood.
3 I haven’t really got any ambitions. I guess you could say I’m not very …………………………..
4 Some parents quickly lose ………………………….. with their children. I think they need to be more patient.
5 If you want children to be creative, you have to encourage their …………………………..
6 Our art teacher shows great enthusiasm for our pictures. I don’t know how he can be so …………………………..
7 My sister’s self-confidence has grown since she was young. Now she’s almost too …………………………..

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