Why Does The DICOM Standard Exist
Why Does The DICOM Standard Exist
Why Does The DICOM Standard Exist
This article is the first in a series. If you are new to DICOM, we hope this series will
help you get started quickly. If you have used DICOM before, we hope it provides
some interesting new perspectives on the standard.
What is DICOM?
The DICOM standard document has a succinct presentation of its scope in
section 1.1:
Semantic interoperability
By “semantic” interoperability we mean ensuring that vendors use and require
metadata in a consistent manner. Given the breadth of the medical imaging
field, you can imagine how challenging this is! How does DICOM do this?
For example, one vendor may not bother including a “Study” object in its model
of reality, and another vendor may require certain pieces of data that another
vendor omits. In both cases, integrating equipment and software from these two
different vendors would be more complicated, and in some cases impossible.
Once again, DICOM is aware enough to inform you of its own limitations in case
you couldn’t deduce it yourself:
The DICOM standard’s goal is to facilitate interoperability between medical
imaging systems from different vendors. It does this by standardizing technical
networking and storage implementation details, but perhaps more importantly
by providing a consistent model of reality.
In our next article, we will introduce you to some of the DICOM lingo and will give
you some guidelines for reading the DICOM standard more effectively.
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