FCE 1 Test A

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FCE 1 : Test A

1 – 4 Choose the correct answer.
1. I’m going to ask for a government … to finance my university studies.
A task B grant C fee
2. He’s … research into communications technology.
A creating B making C carrying out
3. Laptops have become almost … dispensable for university students.
A in- B un- C mis- D dis-
4. The dangerous situation put us … from visiting the city.
A on B off C up D in
5. The sandy beach slowly disappeared as the … came in.
A shore B sandstorm C tide D foliage
6 – 9 Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets.
6. The dispute between the two groups finally lead to a ………………………… in the country.
7. He suffers from low ………………………… that stops him from achieving what he is really
capable of. (esteem)
8. We set up our tent in a small …………… in the middle of the trees. (clear)
9-10 Correct the underlined mistake.
9. We took it in turns to use the flask and move the kayak down the river.
10. After climbing for a week they finally arrived at the wave of the mountain.

Marks: __/10

1 – 4 Choose the correct option.
1. He has been starting / started the course and he’s enjoying it a lot.
2. My brother has had / has a laptop since he went to university.
3. Anne has written / is writing her project at the moment.
4. No, she didn’t write / hasn’t written the email yet.
5 – 9 Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
5. The sky was grey and it …………………… heavily. (rain)
6. Although we …………………… the information, we were still surprised about all the
equipment we needed. (read)
7. We put on our lifejackets and then …………………… into the life boats. (jump)
8. We’re used to …………………… in difficult situations. (survive)
9. The children usually …………………… to bed later during the summer holidays. (go)

FCE 1 : Test A
10 Correct the underlined mistake.
10. Andy would have a big sheep dog but it died last year.

Marks: __/10

Read the text. Choose the best option (a–d) to complete the sentences (1–5). (5 pts)
Addicted to the internet?
The internet has undoubtedly brought huge benefits to people, such as access to information
and the ability to communicate easily across continents. However, it has also brought some
new problems, and some doctors are now beginning to wonder if it is possible to be addicted to
the internet.
Dr Andrew Malting, an American psychologist, believes that internet addiction is real and
should be recognized as a mental illness. He says it is a growing problem, especially among
teenagers, and is just as serious as eating disorders and other compulsive behaviours. In a
recent article, he mentions the case of South Korea, which has the greatest use of broadband in
the world. The average teenager there spends 23 hours a week online, mostly playing games.
This is affecting students’ performance at school, and teachers are worried that there has been
an alarming rise in the number of teenagers dropping out of school in order to spend more time
on their computers. In China, there are special camps where parents can send their teenagers
to wean them off the internet.
So, what are the symptoms of internet addiction? According to Dr Malting, addicts find it hard
to limit their internet use. They often stay online longer than they had intended, and they
become stressed or anxious if they cannot get online when they want to. They think about the
internet when they are not near their computer, and look forward to their next online session.
They also neglect other important aspects of their lives, such as work or study, in order to
spend more time online.
However, not everyone agrees that internet addiction exists. Some psychologists believe that
the real problem may lie elsewhere and that people who spend a lot of time online have other
problems, such as depression or lack of self-confidence. They may be using the internet to
avoid facing up to these problems. Whether internet addiction exists or not, doctors agree that
it isn’t a good idea to spend too much time online.

1 Dr Andrew Malting believes that

a internet addiction exists.
b internet addiction is linked to eating disorders.
c internet addiction is not a real mental illness.
d internet addiction is very serious in America.

FCE 1 : Test A
2 In South Korea,
a broadband is cheaper than in other countries.
b broadband is faster than in other countries.
c more people use broadband than in other countries.
d only teenagers use broadband.

3 Teachers in South Korea are worried

a because students are not doing well at school.
b because students don’t spend much time gaming.
c because a lot of children are leaving school.
d because children are often tired at school.

4 Some psychologists think that

a people who use the internet a lot may be depressed.
b some people use the internet to improve their self-confidence.
c some people may be addicted to the internet.
d a lot of teenagers have problems.

5 Doctors agree that

a the internet is dangerous.
b internet addiction is a growing problem.
c people shouldn’t worry about spending time online.
d people should limit the amount of time they spend online.

4.01 You will hear four teenagers talking about their achievements. Read the statements.
Then listen and match the speakers 1–4 to sentences A–E. There is one extra sentence. (4 pts)
A ‘Something I saw when I was young started me on this path.’
B ‘I was lucky to meet people who helped and motivated me.’
C ‘I’ve been doing it for ages, but for a long time my profession was simply a hobby.’
D ‘Talent is important, but I wouldn’t be here if not for my ambition and hard work.’
E ‘My profession consumes me and I like it that way.’

Speaker 1 __________ Speaker 2 __________

Speaker 3 __________ Speaker 4 __________

FCE 1 : Test A
A friend is visiting your country, and wants to know what places to visit. Write a letter to your
friend. Write 200-250 words. (20 pts)
Recommend places to visit.
Describe the places and say why you recommend them.
Give your friend advice about what things to take.

F. SPEAKING (20 pts)

1 Compare the pictures of people on holiday.

What is similar or different in the pictures (people, place, etc.)?
Which holiday do you prefer? Why?
2 Answer the questions.
Do you prefer an active or relaxed holiday? Why?
Which country would you like to visit? Why?
What is your ideal holiday? Why?

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