1.2 Naskah Soal Paket 2 - Bahasa Inggris - Kelas Xi - Kurikulum 13

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SMA ....


Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari / Tanggal : JUMAT, 2 JUNI 2023

Kelas/Jurusan : XI/MIPA-IPS Waktu : 120Menit

1. Tuliskannama dan nomor tes anda pada lembarjawaban yang tersedia
2. Kerjakansoal yang dianggapmudahterlebihdahulu
3. Laporkan pada pengawasjikaterdapattulisan yang kurangjelas, rusakataujumlahsoalkurang
4. Periksalahlembarjawabansebelumdiserahkankepadapengawas

Petunjuk Khusus
1. Pilihlah salah satujawaban yang paling tepat pada salah satuhuruf A, B, C, D atau E di
lembarjawaban .
2. Untukmembetulkanjawaban, hapuslahjawabankemudianpilihlahjawaban yang benar.

May 12th, 2023

Dear friends,
As all you know, I’ve been accepted by another company and will be resigning from my position this
week. Let me say my sincere goodbye to all of you.
For me, it’s been a hard decision. I have been with you for the last four years and always appreciated the
professional teamwork. It was the best period of my career so far. I learned a lot of things from you all. It
was really a good opportunity to be part of this team. I am sure it will be difficult to forget all experiences
and relationship we have had so far. We will remain friends. My time is always available for you all. I do
hope my new job has the same level of teamwork like have had here.
Thank you for those wonderful l moments. Wishing you a successful career and life today and forever.
Best regards,

Brendan Scott.

1. What is the text about?

A. Information about Brenda’s new job opportunity.
B. An apology to friends working in the same company.
C. Farewell word as the writer is resigning from the office.
D. An announcement about someone’s promotion.
E. A gratitude for the cooperation.
2. Why will Brendan be resigning from the company?
A. He has been dismissed from his latest job.
B. He has been approved by another company.
C. He wants to move out the country.
D. He intends to apply for a new job.
E. He is going to find another job.
3. “… will be resigning from my position this week.” (paragraph 1).
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Postponing
B. Setting off
C. Promoting
D. Designing
E. Leaving
18 April 2023
My Dear Mum,
I haven’t heard from you for a while. Since you were hospitalized, I have always been very worried
about your condition. You must realize that now only Dad can take care of you. That’s why I want you to
send me messages or give me a call to make sure you are fine.
Anyway, I would like to let you know that I have been nominated to be granted a scholarship. In the next
weeks, I have to fulfill some administrative requirements and come to the interview session. I will do my
best to make you proud. After that, I’m planning to come home to see you, Mum.
I have got many friends here so you don’t have to be worried about me, Mum. They are studious and
ambitious. We compete with each other but we also like to help each other. We hang out and practice
sports on the weekend.
Please give my best regards to Dad.

Yours lovingly,

4. One of the purposes of the letter is ….

A. To inform somebody about the scholarship announcement
B. To announce the nominators of the scholarship
C. To tell her mother that Hellen misses her
D. To ask about a parent’s condition
E. To ask about Dad’s condition
5. What is TRUE according to the letter above?
A. Hellen is not planning to go home.
B. Hellen’s father has just been hospitalized.
C. The interview session is the most crucial for the scholarship.
D. Hellen likes to spend her spare time playing music wither friends.
E. Hellen remembers her Mom’s sickness and that makes her worried.
6. “… I have been nominated to be granted a scholarship.” (paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Evaluated.
B. Proposed.
C. Designated.
D. Released.
E. Issued.

15 March 2023
Allsion Key
216 Kensinton Av

Dear Anne
How is your holiday? Right now, I am enjoying a cup of hot coffee in the coziest café in Yogyakarta while
writing this letter for you. You know my uncle, don’t you? He always reminds me that I shouldn’t miss
seeing the whole city and visiting some beautiful places too. So, we decided to walk around the city all day
and took some pictures. We have visited Alun-alun, The Sultan’s Palace, Taman Sari and of course,
Malioboro Street. We didn’t go to Prambanan Temple because it was almost dark, but we are going to go
and see it tomorrow.
This city is unbelievable. The streets are always busy. Many people walk along the pedestrian streets.
They look busy with their own business. It is very hot around here.
I hope you enjoy your holidays too and I can’t wait to give you some souvenirs that I bought for you. I
miss you, Anne and I will see you back in Perth on the 30 th.

Allison Key

7. What is the letter about?

A. Relatives in Yogyakarta.
B. Allison’s holiday activities.
C. The weather in Yogyakarta.
D. Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta.
E. Beautiful souvenirs from Yogyakarta.
8. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the letter? Allison …
A. wants Anne to visit her in Yogyakarta.
B. and her uncle went to Yogyakarta for a holiday.
C. and Anne will spend a holiday together in Perth.
D. share information about the best places to stay in Yogyakarta.
E. didn’t visit Prambanan Temple because she didn’t want visit it.
9. “So, we decided to walk around the city all day…” (paragraph 4)
The word “we” refers to …
A. Allison and Anne.
B. Allison and her mother.
C. Allison and her uncle.
D. Allison and her friend.
E. Allison and her father.
10. “… her coffee in the coziest café in Yogyakarta …” (paragraph 1)
What does the underlined phrase mean?
A. The most comfortable
B. The most luxurious
C. The most affordable
D. The most attractive
E. The most beautiful

Nowadays people can share their ideas, opinions, or knowledge via kinds of media, especially the
Internet. One way of expressing ideas via Internet is by making a blog.
Making a blog is advantageous. Writing weekly in bslog posts help you become better, faster, and more
confident in writings. Also, it helps you build a community of colleagues, supporters, and readers. As result,
this group will support you, educate you, and help you promote your blog and books.
Then, writing a blog will educate you about online world. It can help you learn about social media, blog
promotion, and website development on a small scale at your own pace since you build your blog via social
media platforms.

11. The text is most discussing about ….

A. The use of online blogs.
B. The importance of blogs.
C. Expressing ideas via Internet.
D. The effects of making a blog.
E. Causal factors of making a blog.
12. Why does writing in blog posts regularly improve people’s writings?
A. Faster is better.
B. Nobody’s perfect.
C. Practice makes perfect.
D. It involves learning by doing.
E. It trains to do something step by step.
13. What does the speaker hope by writing in blog posts?
A. People stop writing.
B. People promote their blogs.
C. People make an online community.
D. People write in blog posts regularly.
E. People learn about website development.
14. Andra : Why more and more plants and animals are dying?
Ferry :
The best response to complete the dialog is …
A. Plants and animals are threatening the human being, so, human hunt for them.
B. People rarely use environmentally friendly chemicals in their daily activities.
C. Their habitats are getting better and better.
D. No one care about the plants and animals.
E. People always try to look after them.
15. Sean : The tuition for university is very expensive. …, many students apply for scholarship.
Bryan : Yeah. And that’s one of the reasons we’re here.
The correct statement to complete the dialog is …
A. Therefore
B. Because
C. But
D. Instead of
E. In contrary
16. Andine : My mother always makes sure that she has already locked the door when going out.’
Dean : Is it really a matter for your mom?
Andien : Yeah, I think it is … there are many robbery cases in my area.
The correct statement to complete the dialog is …
A. due to
B. because
C. because of
D. instead of
E. despite

The highest percentage of cardio metabolic disease-related deaths (9.5%) was caused by excess
consumption of sodium. The risk of death may increase because of not eating enough nuts and seeds
(8.5%), seafood omega-3 fats (7.8%), vegetables (7.6%), fruits (7.5%), whole grains (5.9%), or
polyunsaturated fats (2.3%). The risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes-related deaths may have
also risen due to eating too much processed meat (8.2%), sugar-sweetened beverages (7.4%), and
unprocessed red meat (0.4%).
17. What can be inferred from the text?
A. Three causes of risk of death and heart disease are revealed in the text.
B. Consuming sodium too much takes part in the heart disease.
C. There is no relationship between eating unprocessed meat and stroke.
D. Eating insufficient nuts does not affect the risk of death.
E. Seafood omega-3 fats influence the risk of stroke.
18. Daddy : That’s not good news.
Mother : What’s going on?
Daddy : the weather was very bad. …, no one is allowed on the beach.
Mother : Well, we must postpone our plan.
The correct statement to compete the dialog is ….
A. Due to
B. So
C. Consequently
D. Now that
E. Owing to
19. Mrs. Smith : … you have finished the assignment, you can go home early.
Students : Really? Thank you so much, mom.
Mrs. Smith : Yeah, you did a great job today.
The correct statement to compete the dialog is ….
A. Now that
B. Because of
C. As a result,
D. Hence
E. So

We need to give our full attention to employment of children because it is one of the biggest problems that
must be faced in several countries. This problem can be ruinous. Many children lose their rights to have
education, missing out on their joyful childhood because they have to earn a living. Child labor damages the
future generation of any country. We should take serious action to reduce child labor.

Another bad impact of child labor is crime. High child labor rates will increase crime rates because children
will be easily drawn to bad things, such as smoking and consuming drugs. If they don't have money, they
will commit crimes.

There are a number of ways to reduce child labor. First, we must refuse child- produced products. Then we
can provide them with basic education that will enable them to obtain normal jobs. Governments should
also make strict trade laws which deploy stern measures against child labor. If all this is done, the whole
world could be greatly changed.

From the explanation above, we should try to reduce the amount of child labor. By doing so, it will make the
world a better place to live. It will also lessen crime and reduce world poverty.
20. What is the bad impact of employment of children?
A. Intensifying crime rates.
B. Decreasing productivity.
C. Improving the future generation.
D. Facilitating their happy childhood.
E. Raising the number of educated people.
21. What can be figured out from the text?
A. The government doesn’t take the child labor a serious matter. Consequently, child labor the
amount of child labor is declining.
B. Due to the dreadful impacts, the effort to reduce the number of child labor must be taken
C. Child labor must be banned because they are the major cause of crime.
D. Because of lacking of money, all children labors become thieves.
E. Normal job can be achieved due to lack of education.

22. Arrange the following sentence to make a sequential dialog.

1. How could it be?
2. I am sure there has been rule about that, but the sellers ignore them.
3. I passed the traditional market and was stuck there.
4. It must be very messy.
5. Many sellers were displaying their goods outside the market, so there were not enough spaces
for riders, even walkers.
6. Of course. It was very crowded. Moreover, it looked dirty because rubbish was everywhere.
7. Why does the local government let such a phenomenon? It surely disturbs people passing the
8. You look upset. What happened?
A. 8-1-3-5-4-6-2-7
B. 8-3-1-4-5-7-6-2
C. 1-8-3-5-4-7-2-6
D. 8-3-1-5-4-6-7-2
E. 1-2-5-6-3-4-8-7
23. What is the best response to complete the following dialog?
Father : Why does the rain drip into the house on rainy days?
Mother : I think …
Father : Then, let me check it later.
A. it is owing to the leak in the roof.
B. because it’s raining recently.
C. the roof has just been repaired.
D. someone is helping us with the roof.
E. it is because of the rainy season.
24. What is the best response to complete the following dialog?
Mr. Garry : Don’t you think those kids are doing something serious?
Mrs. Shenny : Yeah, some people feel insecure and inferior to others.
Mr. Garry : You mean, consequently, …
Mrs. Shenny : Absolutely. So, we must have strict inspection in our school area.
A. they make friends with others well.
B. they bully others to appear confident.
C. kids are getting on with each other
D. school must be a comfortable place for students.
E. bullying is not a serious problem in school?
25. Sandro : The heavy rainstorm uprooted the tree in front of my house last night.
It blocked the traffic this morning.
Donny : Were there casualties?
Sandro : Fortunately, no one.
Donny : It is a relief!
What is the effect of the rainstorm uprooted the tree?
A. It blocked the traffic.
B. It broke the house.
C. There were many casualties.
D. Donny feels relieved due to the rainstorm.
E. Sandro and Donny became the victims.

The terracing system of farming is particularly important where people have to grow their food on
steep, erosion prone slope. This agricultural system has been in use for three thousand years ago.
Terracing slows the rate of intense rainfall runoff which often comes in bursts, thereby minimizing
erosion while still conserving water. After rainfall, the terrace enable captured water to slowly percolate
into the fields, making for an irrigation system.

26. What does the text mostly talk about?

A. How erosion occurs.
B. How to make irrigation.
C. Why the agricultural system develops.
D. Why rain is important for rice fields.
E. How terracing system works.
27. Where is the system applied?
A. On steep slope.
B. On a littoral.
C. On lowlands.
D. On a Savanna.
E. On peat-lands.

A flash flood is typically caused by sudden, excessive rainfall that sends a river, stream or other bodies
of water rapidly out of its banks. It often occurs in a short amount of time, only several hours or even less.
It can also be caused by ice jams on rivers in conjunction with a winter or spring thaw, or occasionally even
a dam break.
The constant influx of water finally causes a treacherous overflow. It is powerful enough to sweep
vehicles away, roll boulders into roadways, uproot trees, level buildings, and drag bridges off their piers.
Most frightening is the rapidity with which the water rises.

28. What is the text about?

A. A science-tech.
B. A natural phenomenon.
C. A life cycle of something
D. A social phenomenon.
E. A natural disaster.
29. What is one of the causes of the occurrence?
A. A dam.
B. Ice sheet.
C. Heavy rain.
D. Bridge building.
E. Low water in rivers.
30. What can we see after the occurrence?
A. Ice jams.
B. Spring thaw.
C. Damaged houses.
D. A beautiful view.
E. Treacherous overflow.

Named for the Roman goddess of dawn, the aurora is a mysterious and unpredictable display of light in
the night sky. The aurora borealis and aurora australis-the northern lights and southern lights-are common
occurrences at high northern and southern latitudes.

The typical aurora is caused by collisions between fast-moving electrons from space with the oxygen
and nitrogen in Earth's upper atmosphere. The electrons-which come from the Earth's magnetosphere, the
region of space controlled by Earth's magnetic field-transfer their energy to the oxygen and nitrogen atoms
and molecules, making them "excited". As the gases return to their normal state, they emit photons, small
bursts of energy in the form of light. When a large number of electrons come from the magnetosphere to
bombard the atmosphere, the oxygen and nitrogen can emit enough light for the eye to detect, giving us
beautiful auroral displays. This ghostly light originates at altitudes of 100 to more than 400 km.

The color of the aurora depends on which gas-oxygen or nitrogen-is being excited by the electrons, and
on how excited it becomes. The color also depends upon how fast the electrons are moving, or how much
energy they have at the time of their collisions. High energy electrons cause oxygen to emit green light (the
most familiar color of the aurora), while low energy electrons cause red light. Nitrogen generally gives off
blue light. The blending of these colors can also lead to purples, pinks, and whites. The oxygen and nitrogen
also emit ultraviolet light, which can be detected by special cameras on satellites.

The different shapes auroras are a mystery that scientist are still trying to unravel. The shape seems to
depend on where in the magnetosphere the electrons originate, what the causes to gain the energy, and
why they dove into the atmosphere.

31. What is the topic of the text?

A. The history of the aurora.
B. The way to see aurora.
C. The formation of the aurora.
D. The history of the Roman goddess of dawn.
E. The difference between aurora borealis and aurora australis
32. What is the main idea of the paragraph 2?
A. How fast-moving electrons from space collide with the oxygen and nitrogen Earth's upper
atmosphere, resulting in the aurora.
B. How the aurora causes electrons from space to collide with the oxygen and trogen in Earth's
upper atmosphere.
C. How the aurora affects fast-moving electrons from space with the oxygen nd nitrogen in Earth's
upper atmosphere.
D. How auroras make people who see them feel excited.
E. How the altitudes at which the aurora occurs.
33. What affects colors of the aurora?
A. Gas.
B. Electron and gas.
C. Nitrogen and oxygen.
D. Oxygen and electrons.
E. Electrons, nitrogen, and oxygen.
34. What is TRUE according to the text?
A. The aurora appears in the region of space controlled by Earth's magnetic field.
B. The aurora was named after the Roman goddess of dawn.
C. Low energy electrons cause oxygen to emit green light.
D. The most familiar color of the aurora is red.
E. Nitrogen emits green light in the aurora
35. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A. The shape of the aurora depends on the origin of electrons in the magnetosphere.
B. Scientists are still researching why auroras have different shapes.
C. The different shapes of the aurora are what make it beautiful.
D. Scientists do not need to conduct more research on auroras.
E. Scientists found three factors that shape auroras.
The eye is the most important sensory organ of the human body. Four fifths of all information from
the outside world reaches the brain through the eye. But how does this wonderful organ works?
Once light reaches the retina, the light-sensing cells (photoreceptors) convert light into electrical
impulses. Photoreceptor cells are either rods or cones. Rods are concentrated along the outer perimeter
of the retina; they help us to see images in our peripheral vision and also to see in dark and dimly lit
environments. Cones are concentrated in the macula, the centre of the retina, allowing us to see fine
visual detail in the centre of our vision; they also allow us to perceive color. Together, the
photoreceptors convert light into electrical impulses that are passed through the rest of the retina,
through the optic nerve to the brain. The visual centers in the brain interpret the information received
from the retina, enabling us to see.
36. The text is mostly discussing about …
A. A general description of a wonderful organ
B. An explanation of how the brain works.
C. An explanation of how the eye works
D. A newsworthy about the eye.
E. A report about the brain
37. From the text, it is known that ….
A. the brain obtains most information from the world through vision
B. the brain does not play role in the vision process
C. the eye is a minor organ for humans
D. our brain consists of optic nerves
E. we cannot see in dim light
38. “… they help us to see images in our peripheral vision …” (paragraph 2).
The underlined word refers to ….
A. eyes
B. rods
C. lights
D. retinas
E. electrical impulses
39. The word convert in paragraph 2 has closest meaning to …
A. change
B. move
C. carry
D. bring
E. pass
40. Rearrange the following sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.
1) As water drains below ground, it can dissolve subterranean caverns, particularly in area
where the bedrock is made of water-soluble evaporate rocks such as salt or gypsum or of
carbonate rocks such as limestone and dolomite.
2) Occasionally, though, the collapse is sudden.
3) Most of the time, sinkholes form gradually.
4) Sinkholes are pits in the ground that form in areas where water gathers without external
drainage, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
5) Those sudden sinkholes are often the ones that open up and swallow cars, homes and streets.
A. 4-1-2-5-3
B. 4-1-3-2-5
C. 5-1-3-2-4
D. 5-1-2-4-3
E. 5-4-3-2-1
(The Lorax Singer)

You don't know me but names Sai

I'm just the O'Hare delivery guy
But it seems like trees might be worth a try
So I say let it grow
My name is Dan, and my name's Rose
Our son Wesley kind of glows
And that's not good so we suppose
We should let it grow
Let it grow
Let it grow
You can't reap what you don't sow
Plant a seed inside the earth
Just one way to know it's worth
Let's celebrate the world's rebirth
We say let it grow
My name's Maria and I am 3
I would really like to see a tree
I say let it grow
I'm granny Norma I'm old and I got grey hair
But I remember when trees were everywhere
And no one had to pay for air
So I say let it grow
Let it grow
Let it grow
Like it did so long ago
Maybe it's just one tiny seed
But it's all we really need
It's time to change the life we lead
Time to let it grow
My name's O'Hare
I'm one of you
I live here in Thneedville too
The things you say just might be true
It could be time to start anew
And maybe change my point of view
Nah! I say let it die
Let it die, let it die
Let it shrivel up and die
Come one who's with me huh?
You greedy dirt bag!
Let it grow
Let it grow
Let the love inside ya show
Plant a seed inside the earth
Just one way to know it's worth
Let's celebrate the world's rebirth
We say let it grow
Let it grow
Let it grow
You can't reap what you don't sow
It's just one tiny seed
But it's all we really need
It's time to banish all your greed
Imagine Thneedville flowered and treed
Let this be our solemn creed
We say let it grow
We say let it grow
We say let it grow
We say let it grow

41. What is the message of the song?

A. Let’s banish all the greed.
B. A seed for earth is worthless.
C. Don’t be lazy to plant the seed.
D. Be aware to save the environment.
E. Keep the last effort to seek the seed.
42. Which statement is TRUE according to the lyric?
A. There are four singers in the songs.
B. Norma is an old lady with shiny hair.
C. The writer of the song is the Lorax Singer.
D. There is argument against to grow the seed.
E. All the lyrics reveal the agreement to let the seed grow.
43. “…remember when trees were everywhere and no one had to pay for air”. What can be inferred
from this line?
A. The nature is all green.
B. The earth is worthy to live.
C. The air is now fresh but very expensive.
D. The air was not fresh and free in the past.
E. The forest’s been ruined and the dried is everywhere now.
44. “Let it grow”. The underlined word refers to ….
A. tree
B. earth
C. seed
D. creed
E. flowered
45. “It could be time to start anew”. The underlined word means ….
A. one more time
B. anymore
C. against
D. never
E. often



When the cold wind is a-calling

And the sky is clear and bright
Misty mountains sing and beckon
Lead me out into the light

I will ride, I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky
I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky

Where dark woods hide secret

And mountains are fierce and bold
Deep waters hold reflections
Of times lost long ago

I will hear their every story

Take hold of my own dream
Be as strong as the seas are stormy
And proud as an eagle's scream

I will ride, I will fly

Chase the wind and touch the sky
I will fly
Chase the wind and touch the sky

46. The rhyme of the song in verse 1 is….

47. What is the example of personification applied in the song lyrics?
A. I will hear their every story
B. Chase the wind and touch the sky.
C. And mountains are fierce and bold.
D. Be as strong as the seas are stormy.
E. Where dark woods hide secret.

Fight Song
Rachel Platten

Like a small boat

On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

This is my fight song

Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep

Everybody's worried about me
In too deep
Say I'm in too deep (in too deep)
And it's been two years I miss my home
But there's a fire burning in my bones
Still believe
Yeah, I still believe
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time?

A lot of fight left in me

Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

48. What is the song about?

A. A romantic love between two close friends.
B. A strong will to be a stronger and better individual.
C. A powerful song about motivation for cancer patients.
D. A bad relationship with family members that later give problems to the writer.
E. A song to fight racism and gangsters that happen in the writer’s neighborhood.

49. What is the message of the song?

A. To not give up and keep on doing our best.
B. To love unconditionally to people around us
C. To fight racisms in any form in our neighborhood.
D. To leave toxic relationship and dare to get out of comfort zone.
E. To seek for the best health care and pray to God for the best help.

50. What is the mood of the song?

A. Mellow and Romantic.
B. Good-tempered.
C. Strong and powerful.
D. Peaceful and calm.
E. Rude and rough.

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