IFGL Refractories LTD: Progressing Steadily

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August 16, 2011

IFGL Refractories Ltd

Progressing steadily CMP: Rs. 36 Target: Rs. 57 Initiating Coverage: Buy

Key Share Data Key Share Data Face Value (Rs) Equity Capital (Rs Crore) Mcap (Rs Crore) 52-wk High/Low(Rs) Avg. Yearly Volume BSE Code NSE Code Reuters Code Bloomberg Code
Shareholding Pattern (as on 30th June. 2011)
Promoter, 71.30%

10 34.61 125.46 64/27 16329 532133 IFGLREFRAC IFRF.BO IFGL IN

Incorporated in 1989 in Kolkata, IFGL Refractories Limited (IRL) commenced business in 1990. It has been promoted by Indo Flogates (IFGL) and the Bajorias. The company is engaged in the manufacturing of refractories for the steel industry.

Growth in the steel sector both domestically as well as internationally About 75% of the refractories produced worldwide are consumed by the Steel industry. World wide steel production is expected to reach 1625 Mn MT by CY14. Domestically as well as internationally, many of the steel majors are now investing heavily into capital expenditure to increase their working capacities. This in turn augurs well for the refractories industry. International Presence with major steel makers in its customer base The company has got its plants spread across the Euro zone, USA, China and Latin America. Apart from domestic steel majors, it supplies its products to the renowned steel makers of the world, noteworthy amongst them being Arcelor Mittal. Room for increase in capacity utilization At present the average capacity utilization of IFGL in India and abroad are at an average of 50%-55%. Hence any increase in demand for their products can be easily met without resorting to capital expenditure to increase their capacity. IFGL Exports from Kandla to start trial operations from September 2011 IFGL Exports is a subsidiary of IFGL Refractories set up with the Japanese collaboration(Krosaki Harima Corporation) which is a subsidiary of Nippon Steel Corporation. The plant is expected to contribute about Rs 40 cr to the top line in FY13. Over the next 5 years period it is expected to go up to Rs 120 cr.

DII's, 2.87% Others, 25.83%

Source: BSE

Key Financials (Rs Cr) Particulars FY10 Net Sales 415 Sales Growth (%) 4.27 Op. Profit 63 PAT 35 PAT Growth (%) 466 EPS (Rs.) 9.56 BVPS (Rs.) 39.63

FY11 469 13.01 48 24 -30 6.63 50.77

FY12E 513 9.38 68 40 67 11.53 67.03

FY13E 615 19.88 81 50 25 14.31 86.97

Key Financial Ratios Particulars P/E P/Bv Mcap/Sales EV/EBIDTA ROCE (%) RONW (%) OPM (%) NPM (%) Debt - Equity

FY10 5.77 1.39 0.46 4.17 25.12 24.97 15.23 8.49 0.58

FY11 5.43 0.71 0.27 5.00 12.70 13.81 10.22 5.11 0.71

FY12E 3.12 0.54 0.24 3.53 16.92 17.21 13.23 7.77 0.47

FY13E 2.51 0.41 0.20 2.96 18.03 17.32 13.19 8.15 0.33

Source:: Capitaline, SKP Research

1 Yr price performance IFGL vis--vis BSE Small Cap 30% 0% -30% -60% IFGL BSESMALLCAP

We are positive on the company and have valued it at 4x FY13E EPS of Rs 14.31 and have placed a target of Rs 57 over next 15 months, implying a 58% rise from present levels.

Pinaki Banerjee Phone: 033-40077416 Email Id: [email protected]

SKP Securities Ltd


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IFGL Refractories Ltd

Industry Overview Meaning:- A refractory material is one that retains its strength at high temperatures. They are basically "non-metallic materials having those chemical and physical properties that make them applicable for structures, or as components of systems, that are exposed to environments above 1,000 F.
End User Industries

4% 3% 12%

6% Steel Cement Glass Non Ferrous 75% Others

Source:- SKP Research

International scenario Global demand to rise 5.3% annually through 2014 Worldwide demand for refractories is projected to grow 5.3 percent per year through 2014 to 40.8 billion metric tons. The world refractory industry has been negatively affected in recent years by a slowdown in steel and iron output. Demand growth in the Asia/Pacific region will outpace the global average through 2014, with China remaining the largest international market and comprising a majority of global demand. Above-average growth will also occur in India due to solid gains in fixed investment expenditures and rising per capita income. Improving technologies to boost value gains In value terms, demand will rise seven percent annually through 2014, reaching $30.7 billion. Advances in value terms are stronger than volume terms, reflecting improving refractory technologies. These technologies have, in effect, lowered refractory consumption per unit of output in virtually all refractoryconsuming industries, especially in steel, thereby limiting tonnage gains, but supporting value gains through higher prices.

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IFGL Refractories Ltd

Indian scenario Age old experience The production of refractories started in India in the form of fireclay bricks at Raniganj in 1874 by Burn and Company (now Burn Standard Co. Ltd) to cater to the needs of Ordinance Factory, Railway workshops, Calcutta mint, Foundries etc.] With the setting up of Tata Iron and Steel Company(TISCO) now Tata Steel, in the beginning of the 20th century increased the demand for refractories significantly. After independence of India a number of integrated steel plants were set up by Hindustan Steel (now SAIL) at Durgapur, Bhilai, Rourkela and Tata Steel also doubled its capacity with technology upgradation. From 80's onwards the demand for sophisticated refractories started to increase as in order to increase their campaign life and reduce cost of production. Besides Steel, other industries like - Cement, Hydrocarbon, Sponge iron, Glass, Aluminium etc. also started to opt for such new generation refractories in place of the conventional types. In the post-globalization era particularly since 1990's, Indian refractory makers were more inclined to enrich their indigenous technologies by blending advanced technologies of world's leading manufacturers.

Technologically well developed Indian refractory makers developed own technology indigenously, processing Indian raw materials into high quality products compatible with the changing technology of its user industries, particularly steel industry. The main strength of the refractory industry in India has been its ability to make cost-effective, good quality refractories by virtue of its assets like: Availability of adequate raw materials in the country itself and availability of skilled and qualified manpower at a cheap rate. Strong barriers to entry as the cost of setting up a new refractory plant is very high as well a long gestation period.. The technology for manufacturing of high end refractories is available with only selected players only. The steel majors are very cautious of the quality of the product before ordering the same.

Company Profile

Incorporated in 1989 in Kolkata, IFGL Refractories Limited (IRL) commenced business in 1990. Ithas been promoted by Indo Flogates (IFGL) and the Bajorias. The company is engaged in the manufacture of refractories for the steel industry. The domestic turnover is about 22% while the rest accrue from its international operations.

International Domestic 22%


Source:- Company

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IFGL Refractories Ltd Plants and Products India:- IFGL Refractories Ltd- Carbon Bonded Refractories for Continuous Casting, Slide Gate Refractories, Purge Plugs, Cast Products, Refractories Unshaped/Castables, Ceramic Filters. UK:- Monocon International Refractories Ltd- Lances, Darts, Unshaped Products. Germany:- Hofmann Ceramics Gmbh- Ceramic Filters, SIC Chill Plates. Czech Republic:- Hofmann Ceramic CZ s.r.o.- Ceramic Filters. USA:- Mono Ceramics Inc- Lance, Well Block, Pyemetric Nozzle, Skimmer Blade, Porous Plug. EI Ceramic LLC- Carbon Bonded Refractories for Continuous Casting. Brazil:- Monotec Refratarios Ltda- Unshaped Products China:- Tianjin Monocon Refractories Co Limited- Unshaped Products Tianjin Monocon Aluminous Refractories Co Limited- Darts

Financial Performance 600 500 In Rs Cr 400 300 200 100 0 FY07 FY08 FY09 Financial Years 50 26 55 28 30 62 6 34 332 392 410 424

Sales Turnover Operating Profit Net Profit 483





Source:- Capitaline

Investment Rationale Demand growth through the growth in the Steel Industry About 75% of the refractories produced worldwide are consumed by the Steel industry. Growth in the steel industry will automatically raise the demand for refractories. Domestically as well as internationally, many of the steel majors are now investing heavily into capital expenditure to increase their working capacilities. The company having its plants in Asia, Europe, US as well as Latin America stands to benefit through this.

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IFGL Refractories Ltd

Global Steel Production 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1625 1395 1204
In Million Tonnes 250

Tar ge t t e d P r o d u ct io n L e v e ls in In d ia

200 200 150 100 50 0 2 0 1 0 -1 1 2 0 1 2 -1 3 E P e r io d 2 0 1 9 -2 0 E 73 124

In Million Tons




Source:- SKP Research

Global Demand for Refractories

Asia/Pacific Region to be the major focus areas India and China are going to be the main focus areas in the region with huge capacity build up taking place.
35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Asia Pacific North America Western Europe Other Regions In Mn MT

2002 2007 2012


Source:- SKP Research

IFGL Exports to start commercial production from Sep 2011 in Kandla IFGL Exports is a subsidiary of IFGL Refractories set up with the Japanese collaboration(Krosaki Harima Corporation) which is a subsidiary of Nippon Steel Corporation. The Promoters of the company will hold 70% stake, 20% by Japanese and the rest 10% by IFGL. It is new CCR(Continuous Casting Refractories) plant. Being located in a SEZ zone, it shall derive some benefits from like duty exemption with respect to procurement on raw materials and some overall tax benefits as well. The capacity of the plant will be ramped up gradually and is expected to contribute about Rs 40 cr to the top line in FY13. Over the next 5 years period it is expected to go up to Rs 120 cr. Significant Room to increase capacity utilization
Capacity U tlization in M T in FY11 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 6% 36% In % In % 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% UK China Countrie s Brazil India UK India USA China Cze ch Re p G e rmany 29% 56% 44% 56% 68% Capacity Utlization in Pieces Produce d in FY11




Source:- SKP Research

Countrie s

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IFGL Refractories Ltd Some products manufactured by IFGL and its international subsidiaries are measured in terms of Metric Tonne(MT) and some in terms of number of pieces produced. Here we have segregated the two of them separately. The Capacity Utlization rate of some products are high as 80%-85% while others are low at 25%-30%. Here we have taken an average of all the products across all the plants spread across various countries. Acquisition of EIC Ceramics LLC(EIC) to signify its presence in USA. During FY11, IFGL acquired EIC Ceramics which is primarily engaged in the manufacturing of Isostatically pressed Alumina Graphite Continuous Casting Refractories. EIC Ceramics is a prominent supplier of CC Refractories to steel mills in USA and Canada. The acquisition has given IFGL the opportunity to grow its customer base in USA significantly as it now has a well developed business model and team. The current capacity of the plant is 96,000 pcs annually and has got the ability to double within the next 3-4 years time period. The revenue in INR in FY11 was about Rs 22 cr and is expected to go up to Rs 35 cr in FY12. Growth in the Bio Ceramics segment IFGL has undertaken a collaborative project with National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur for development of Nano- hydroxyapatite based injectables having applications in dental and orthopaedic treatments. Technologies for the same have been tied up and would be launched in current financial year. Low Debt Equity Ratio
De bts and De b t/Eq uity Ratio De b ts De b t/Eq uity 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 125 0.58 79 0.47 0.33 0.71 110 95 0.8 Debt/Equity 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 F Y 10 F Y 11 F Y 12E F Y 13E

IFGL plans to reduce its debts gradually over the next 2 years time period, thereby improving the debt equity ratio as well as the bottomline.

In Rs Cr

F in an cial Y e ars

Source:- Capitaline, SKP Research

Projected Performance 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0

Sales Turnover Net Profit OPM 638 20.00% 15.00% In %

In % 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 FY10 25.12 24.97

Return Ratios




14.93% 424 483 10.02% 34 FY10 24

529 13.27% 13.15%

In Rs Cr

13.81 12.70

10.00% 5.00%

16.92 17.21

17.32 18.03


50 0.00% FY13E




FY11 FY12E Financial Years

Financial Years

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IFGL Refractories Ltd Concerns Availability of raw materials at the correct time
Chinese Supplies to the World

The main raw materials used in the manufacturing process are dead burned magnesia, fused magnesia, refractory bauxite, silicon carbide, brown fused alumina and graphite. In the Euro zone area, majority of the refractory majors have to depend on China for supply of these raw materials. Heavy duty is levied by the Chinese exporters on account of their own domestic policies. The prices of many refractory raw materials imported from China have risen dramatically, resulting from inflationary pressure in the Chinese economy due to strong demand, higher ocean and inland freight costs, and tax incentives introduced by the Chinese government.

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% In % 45%


95% 80% 40% 50%

Burned Fused Refractory Silicon Magnesia Magnesia Bauxite Carbide Raw Materials

Fused Alumina


Source:- SKP Research

Recession in the western world As 78% of IFGLs revenue accure from its international operations, a slowdown or a recession in Euro zone or US can prove to be detrimental for the future growth of the company. Valuations At the CMP of Rs 36, the stock is trading at 3.12x FY12E and 2.52x FY13E earnings. We would place a target of Rs 57 over next 15 months where it would be trading at 4x FY13E EPS of Rs 14.31 implying a rise of 58% from the present levels.

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IFGL Refractories Ltd

Consolidated Financials
Income Statement Particulars Net Sales Growth(%) Other Income Stock Adjustments Total Income Raw Materials Consumed Power & Fuel Cost Employee Cost Other Mfg Expenses Selling & And Expenses Misc Expenses Total Expenditure Operating Profit OPM(%) Interest Depreciation PBT Tax PAT Growth(%) EPS NPM(%) Cash Flow Statement Particulars Profit Before Tax Add:Dep,Int & Other Exp Net Changes in WC & Tax Cash from Operations Cash from Investing Cash from Financing Net Increase/Decrease in Cash Opening Cash Balance Closing Cash Balance Balance Sheet Particulars Equity Capital Reserves Net Worth Secured Loan Unsecured Loan Total Liabilities Net Fixed Assets Capital WIP Investments Inventories Accounts Receivable Cash & Bank Loans & Advances Current Assets Current Liabilities Provisions Total Curr.Liab & Prov Net Current Assets Net Deferred Tax Total Assets Key Ratios Particulars Valuation Ratios P/E P/BV EV/EBIDTA Mcap/Sales Earnings Ratios OPM(%) NPM(%) ROCE(%) RONW(%) Balance Sheet Ratios Debt/Equity Inventory Days Debtors Days Current Ratio

In Rs. Crores

FY10 415 4.27 6 8 429 214 13 54 13 59 13 366 63 15.23% 5 8 50 15 35 466.66 9.56 8.49%

FY11 469 13.01 4 0 473 246 18 66 14 59 22 425 48 10.22% 6 9 33 9 24 -30 6.63 5.11%

FY12E 513 9.38 4 2 519 260 19 71 16 65 20 451 68 13.23% 7 10 51 11 40 66.67 11.53 7.77%

FY13E 615 19.88 5 7 627 314 26 85 19 78 24 546 81 13.19% 6 12 63 13 50 25 14.31 8.15%

FY10 35 103 138 77 2 217 111 3 1 59 89 12 13 173 61 6 67 106 -4 217

FY11 49 127 176 124 1 301 178 2 1 70 110 10 15 205 75 6 81 124 -4 301

FY12E 49 183 232 109 1 342 218 2 1 75 122 9 15 221 90 6 96 125 -4 342

FY13E 49 252 301 94 1 396 256 4 1 89 140 12 12 253 108 6 114 139 -4 396

FY10 50 13 -28 35 -12 -24 -1 13 12

FY11 33 12 -22 23 -68 43 -2 12 10

FY12E 51 17 -22 46 -42 -5 -1 10 9

FY13E 63 18 -31 50 -38 -9 3 9 12

FY10 5.77 1.39 4.17 0.46 15.23 8.49 25.12 24.97 0.58 50 76 2.58

FY11 5.43 0.71 5 0.27 10.22 5.11 12.70 13.81 0.71 52 82 2.53

FY12E 3.12 0.54 3.53 0.24 13.23 7.77 16.92 17.21 0.47 51 83 2.30

FY13E 2.51 0.41 2.96 0.20 13.19 8.15 18.03 17.32 0.33 50 79 2.22

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IFGL Refractories Ltd

The above analysis and data are based on last available prices and not official closing rates. Thomson First Call & Investext Myiris, Moneycontrol, Ticker plant and ISI Securities .

SKP Research is also available on Bloomberg,

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