Jayaprakash UTV Case Study

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Product Strategy for Business Success

Assignment 3 – UTV and Disney Case Study

Participant Name: Jayaprakash V
Question 1: Implement the SWOT analysis for UTV in the UTV and Disney case
study. (~500 words)

Strengths Weaknesses

• Strong Brand presence
• Available in all vertical of M & E • Financial status for Expansion
Industry • Less Exposure in International
• Strong Domestic player market
• International Market reach • Lack of knowledge regarding
• Content Creation – Regional culture in US & UK

content Holding the key employees


Opportunities Threats
• Huge & growing Market size M&E • Increasing Piracy
Industry • Alternate sources for
• New vertical- SFX and digitization, post- entertainment
production services for television software, • Cost of production
private producers & advertisers overseas Increased and profits
• Non resident audience in global Market getting reduced
Question 1: Implement the SWOT analysis for UTV in the UTV and Disney case
study. (Continued) (~500 words)
• Strengths
– Strong Brand present in the Indian market with strong distribution network and pioneer in creating content
– Available in all 4 verticals of Media and entertainment Industry(Television, Film, Broadcasting & Allied
• Weakness
– Less financial status to reach the companies goal of becoming global player
– Lack of exposure and knowledge on culture of International market. For content creation this is very Important
– Losing there key employees will result in the companies performance Inside & outside
• Opportunities
– Growing domestic market due to increase and higher disposable income of customers give large customer
base to grow business faster.
– Indian audience in international market is untapped potential and highly profitability due to limited choices
– Inhouse capability such as SFX, digitization, Post-production services for television software, private
producers & advertisers overseas is another new growth verticals can be added and grown faster
• Threats
– Increasing Piracy causes reducing the market size
– Alternate source for entertainment
– Cost of production Increased and profits getting reduced
Question 2: Identify the core competency of UTV. (~100 words)

• Core competency
– Innovation, skill & capabilities – Inhouse skills & capabilities.
Innovation in all verticals
– Creating Intellectual property - Capability to create and retain
intellectual property at the top end of the value chain
– Flexibility – Flexibility in all the business vertcals with in house
– Delivery Model – B2B & B2C – Exposure in both the models
– Complete value chain of M & E Industry – From making movie
to broad casting
Question 3: Explain how the core competency gave UTV a competitive
advantage. (~100 words)
Core competency Competitive advantage
To offer a product to various segment of customers. Give the flexibilities to
Flexibilities in business model select/switch between the segment for top and bottom line.

Helps in being innovative & proactive to work across all verticals. Gives a choice of
flexibilities to work in different verticals. Also helps to meet wider spectrum of
Experienced Inhouse talent
consumers requirements. Also give good scope to increase depth, width & product
length across verticals.
This ability is going to give the company big opportunity since it is a primary content for
Ability to create movies TVs also. Also demand and earning potential is high. The animation and studio models
are an clear winners.
B2B model helped company to test companies capabilities and gave a platform to build
confidence before fore into B2C. B2C offers a direct access to consumers helps in
Delivery model – BTB & BTC growing topline and increased bottom line faster. Also can test new products and get
quicker feedback for quicker moves

Helped company to create & retain intellectual property at the top end of the value
chain and the capability to disseminate this content through a variety of media across
Ability to create intellectual property geographies giving immense scope to grow faster.

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