Assignment 1 Applied Physics

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C&T Department Applied Physics

Assignment # 1

Course Title:

Applied physics

Submitted to:

Engr. Usman Nasir

Submitted by:


Muhammad Umer Saeed

Registration No:



BSAI- 1st Semester

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

2D Dynamics Problems
Question no :1

Dynamics is the branch of physics developed in classical mechanics concerned

with the study of Forces and their effects on motion. Solve any two problems
involving dynamics in 2D?


Problem 1:

A block of mass 2 kg is sliding down a frictionless inclined plane that makes an

angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal. Find the acceleration of the block and
the force exerted by the plane on the block.


The force acting on the block is its weight, which is given by Fg = mg, where m is
the mass of the block and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). We
can resolve this force into two components: one parallel to the plane and the
other perpendicular to the plane. The component of the weight parallel to the
plane is given by Fpar = Fgsin(30), and the component perpendicular to the
plane is given by Fperp = Fg*cos(30).

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

The force parallel to the plane is”responsible for the acceleration of the block
down the plane, so we can use Newton’s second law (F = ma) to find the

Fpar = ma

A = Fpar/m = (mgsin(30))/m = gsin(30) = 4.9 m/s^2

The force perpendicular to the plane is equal and opposite to the normal force
exerted by the plane on the block, so we can find the normal force as:

Fperp = N

N = Fgcos(30) = (2 kg)(9.8 m/s^2)*cos(30) = 16.06 N

Therefore, the acceleration of the block down the plane is 4.9 m/s^2 and the
force exerted by the plane on the block is 16.06 N perpendicular to the plane.

Problem 2:

A 1 kg block is attached to a string that passes over a frictionless pulley. The

other end of the string is attached to a 2 kg block that is hanging vertically. Find
the acceleration of the system and the tension in the string.

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics


Let’s call the acceleration of the system a and the tension in the string T. The
force acting on the 1 kg block is the tension in the string, and the force acting on
the 2 kg block is its weight. We can use Newton’s second law to set up
equations of motion for each block:

For the 1 kg block:

T – m1gsin(theta) = m1*a

For the 2 kg block:

M2g – T = m2a

Where m1 and m2 are the masses of the two blocks, g is the acceleration due to
gravity, and theta is the angle between the string and the horizontal.

We know that the string is not stretched, so its length is constant and the two
blocks move with the same acceleration. Therefore, we can eliminate the
tension T from the two equations above:

T = m1a + m1gsin(theta)

T = m2g – m2*a

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

Setting these two expressions for T equal to each other and solving for a, we

M1a + m1gsin(theta) = m2g – m2a

(a)(m1 + m2) = m2g – m1gsin(theta)

A = (m2g – m1gsin(theta))/(m1 + m2) = (2 kg9.8 m/s^2 – 1 kg9.8

m/s^2*sin(90))/(1 kg + 2 kg) = 3.27 mthet

Now that we know the acceleration, we can use one of the equations for T
above to find the tension:

T = m1a + m1g*sin(theta)

Question no : 2

Kinematics is the branch of classical mechanics that describes the motion of

points, objects, and Systems of groups of objects, without reference to the
causes of motion (i.e., forces). Solve any Two problems involving kinematics in


IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

Problem 1:

A ball is kicked from the ground with an initial velocity of 20 m/s at an angle of
45 degrees above the horizontal. Find the maximum height reached by the ball
and the total time it is in the air before hitting the ground.


To solve this problem, we need to use the equations of motion for projectile
motion in two dimensions. Let’s assume that the initial height of the ball is zero.

First, we need to find the time taken by the ball to reach its maximum height.
We can use the equation:

Vy = voy + ayge

Where vy is the vertical component of the velocity, voy is the initial vertical
component of the velocity (which is equal to 20*sin(45)), ay is the acceleration
due to gravity (-9.81 m/s^2), and t is the time taken to reach the maximum

Setting vy = 0, we get:
T = voy/ay

Substituting the values, we get:

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

T = (20*sin(45))/9.81 ≈ 1.44 s

Now, we can find the maximum height reached by the ball using the equation:

Y = voy*t + (1/2)ayt^2
Substituting the values, we get:

Y = 20*sin(45)*1.44 – (1/2)9.81(1.44)^2 ≈ 16.2 m

Therefore, the maximum height reached by the ball is approximately 16.2


To find the total time it is in the air before hitting the ground, we can use the

T_total = 2*t

Since the time taken to reach the maximum height is the same as the time taken
to fall back to the ground. Substituting the value of t, we get:

T_total = 2*1.44 ≈ 2.88 s

Therefore, the total time the ball is in the air before hitting the ground is
approximately 2.88 seconds.
IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)
C&T Department Applied Physics

Problem 2:

A car is traveling along a straight road with a speed of 20 m/s. The driver sees a
pedestrian 50 meters ahead and applies the brakes, causing the car to
decelerate at a rate of 5 m/s^2. How long does it take for the car to come to a
stop and how far does it travel before coming to a stop?


To solve this problem, we need to use the equations of motion for uniformly
accelerated motion in one dimension.
Let’s assume that the initial velocity of the car is 20 m/s, the final velocity is 0
m/s, and the acceleration is -5 m/s^2 (negative since it is in the opposite
direction to the initial velocity).

We can use the equation:

Vf^2 = vi^2 + 2ad

Where vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and d
is the distance traveled.

Substituting the values, we get:

0 = (20)^2 + 2*(-5)*d

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

Solving for d, we get:

D = (20)^2/(2*5) = 40 meters

Therefore, the car travels 40 meters before coming to a stop.

To find the time taken for the car to come to a stop, we can use the equation:
Vf = vi + a*t
Where vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t
is the time taken.

Substituting the values, we get:

0 = 20 + (-5)*t

Solving for t, we get:

T = 4 seconds

Therefore, the car takes 4 seconds to come to a stop.

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

Question no:3

A car travelling 95 Km/h is 110 m behind a truck travelling 75 km/h. How long
will it take the car To reach the truck?


To find out how long it will take the car to reach the truck, we first need to find
out the distance between the two vehicles.

Let’s convert the speeds to meters per second (m/s) for consistency:

Car’s speed = 95 km/h = (95/3.6) m/s = 26.4 m/s

Truck’s speed = 75 km/h = (75/3.6) m/s = 20.8 m/s

Now, let’s convert the initial distance between the car and truck to meters:

Initial distance = 110 m

Since the car is moving faster than the truck, it will gradually catch up to the
truck. The distance between the car and truck will decrease at a rate of:

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

Relative speed = car’s speed – truck’s speed = 26.4 m/s – 20.8 m/s = 5.6 m/s

Therefore, the time it will take for the car to reach the truck can be found by
dividing the initial distance between them by the relative speed:

Time = Initial distance / Relative speed

Time = 110 m / 5.6 m/s

Time = 19.6 seconds

So it will take the car approximately 19.6 seconds to reach the truck.

Question :4
A Particular automobile can accelerate approximately as shown in the velocity
vs time graph of Fig: 2-40 (The short flat spots in the curve represent shifting of
the gears) Estimate the average Acceleration of the car in (a) second gear; and
(b) fourth gear. (c) What is its average

Acceleration through the first four gears?


5th gear
IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)
C&T Department Applied Physics

40 4th gear 3rd gear

2nd gear

10 1st gear


20 30


R (s)


The average acceleration of an object can be calculated using the equation:

Average acceleration = change in velocity / time interval

To estimate the average acceleration of the car in different gears, we need to
identify the change in velocity and the time interval for each gear. From the
given information, we know that the short flat spots in the curve represent
shifting of the gears. Therefore, we can estimate the time interval and the
change in velocity for each gear by looking at the steep portions of the graph
between the flat spots.

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

(a) To estimate the average acceleration of the car in second gear, we need
to look at the steep portion of the graph between the first and second flat
spots. Let’s assume that the time interval for second gear is 5 seconds
(from the first flat spot to the second flat spot) and the change in velocity
is 30 m/s (from 10 m/s to 40 m/s). Then the average acceleration in
second gear can be calculated as:

Average acceleration = change in velocity / time interval

Average acceleration = 30 m/s / 5 s

Average acceleration = 6 m/s^2

Therefore, the average acceleration of the car in second gear is approximately 6

(b) To estimate the average acceleration of the car in fourth gear, we need to
look at the steep portion of the graph between the third and fourth flat
spots. Let’s assume that the time interval for fourth gear is 7 seconds
(from the third flat spot to the fourth flat spot) and the change in velocity
is 20 m/s (from 40 m/s to 60 m/s). Then the average acceleration in fourth
gear can be calculated as:

Average acceleration = change in velocity / time interval

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

Average acceleration = 20 m/s / 7 s

Average acceleration = 2.86 m/s^2

Therefore, the average acceleration of the car in fourth gear is approximately
2.86 m/s^2.

(C) To estimate the average acceleration of the car through the first four gears,
we can add up the change in velocity and the time interval for each gear and use
the same equation as above. Let’s assume that the time intervals and the
changes in velocity for the first four gears are as follows:

First gear: time interval = 5 seconds, change in velocity = 10 m/s

Second gear: time interval = 5 seconds, change in velocity = 30 m/s

Third gear: time interval = 5 seconds, change in velocity = 20 m/s

Fourth gear: time interval = 7 seconds, change in velocity = 20 m/s

Then the total time interval for the first four gears is 22 seconds and the total
change in velocity is 80 m/s. Therefore, the average acceleration through the
first four gears can be calculated as:

Average acceleration = change in velocity / time interval

Average acceleration = 80 m/s / 22 s

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

Average acceleration = 3.64 m/s^2

Therefore, the average acceleration of the car through the first four gears is
approximately 3.64 m/s^2.

Question no:5

Estimate (a) how long it took you to fall straight down from the top of the “Burj
Khalifa” (780 m High), and (b) your velocity just before “landing.”


(a) The time it takes to fall from the top of the Burj Khalifa can be estimated
using the formula for the time of free fall:

T = sqrt(2h/g)
Where t is the time of fall, h is the height of the building, and g is the
acceleration due to gravity. Using the given values:
H = 780 m
G = 9.81 m/s^2
T = sqrt(2*780/9.81) = 10.05 seconds (approximately)
Therefore, it would take about 10.05 seconds to fall straight down from the top
of the Burj Khalifa.
(b) The velocity just before landing can be calculated using the formula:

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

C&T Department Applied Physics

V = sqrt(2gh)
Where v is the velocity just before landing, h is the height of the building, and g
is the acceleration due to gravity. Using the given values:
H = 780 m
G = 9.81 m/s^2
V = sqrt(29.81780) = 88.3 m/s (approximately)
Therefore, the velocity just before landing would be about 88.3 m/s (316.68
km/h or 196.91 mph).

IQRA University Islamabad (Chak Shahzad)

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