RFP Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

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Central Securities Clearing System PLC

Request for Proposal:

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Services


The return date for responses against this RFP is 13th January 2023 delivered in the requested
manner and to the address advised. Late responses will not be considered. Note that proposals
submitted that does not meet stipulated criteria shall be considered non-responsive.
30th December 2022

Dear Sir,


Ref: CSCS/ERM/VAPT/12/2022

You are invited to submit your proposal against the requirements detailed in the attached
Request for Proposal (RFP). The information contained within this invitation shall be treated as
“Commercial in Confidence” and shall also be subject to the terms of any related Non-Disclosure
Agreement signed by the parties.

Part 1 of the RFP gives you information about Central Securities Clearing System PLC.

Part 2 is for you to answer and provide details as requested to support your proposal.

Proposers are requested to provide one copy in electronic format (PDF). Submissions to this RFP
must be returned by the time stated. Late submissions will not be considered by Central
Securities Clearing System Plc.

All enquiries should only be directed to the undersigned. We look forward to your responses
within the stipulated timelines.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Enterprise Risk Management

[email protected]

Table of Contents

Reference Contents Action

Part 1 General Information
i Letter of Invitation For Information
ii Introduction For Information
iii Terms Governing this RFP For Information
iv Service Providers Actions Required for this RFP For Information
Part 2 Service Providers Response to this RFP
A Service Providers Declaration For Completion
B Service Provider Information Questionnaire For Completion
C Statement of Requirements For Information
Project Objectives and Scope For Information
Business Analysis and Project Management For Information
Solution Requirements For Information
Document Requirements For Information
Implementation Requirements For Information
D Methodology/Description of the Solution Approach For Completion
E Price Schedule For Completion
F Bid Securing Declaration For Completion


1. Introduction

1.1 Procurement Policy on Bribery and Corruption

Central Securities Clearing System (CSCS) Plc strictly adheres to professional work ethics and
emphasizes zero tolerance for bribery and any other forms of corruption. It is our policy that
service providers involved in offering bribes will be disqualified and excluded from any potential
engagement opportunity.

1.2 Executive Summary of Project

This RFP is an invitation to prospective proponents to submit proposals to provide Vulnerability

Assessment and Penetration Testing Services. The successful company should be able to manage
and meet the requirements for this activity.

The purpose of this RFP is to seek information from potential bidders with an intention to
establish an agreement between CSCS and the successful bidder. The contract that follows this
process shall bind CSCS and the successful bidder to perform in a specific way for an agreed
duration as stated in the contract in the event of the formation of the same.

2. Terms Governing this RFP

2.1 Recipients of this RFP are required to read all the information supplied and have a clear
understanding of Central Securities Clearing System Plc requirements. Further information can
be made available by contacting nominated persons listed in this RFP.

2.2 It is a condition of this RFP that all mandatory requirements (indicated in the body of text by
the word “must” or expressed or implied accordingly) are met in full. Responses and proposals
that do not conform to mandatory requirements will be deemed to be made on the basis that
conformance is implied by the proposer. The contents of proposals must be submitted in the
order specified in this RFP.

2.3 Pricing should include details of all costs related to software, required hardware, conversion
of existing data, installation, training, final implementation, recurrent rentals, and annual support

2.4 All communication relating to this RFP must be directed to the specified key contact persons
listed below. All other communications between a respondent and CSCS staff concerning this RFP
are prohibited. In no instance is a respondent to discuss cost information contained in a proposal
with the CSCS contact persons or any other staff prior to proposal evaluation. Failure to comply
with this section WILL result in disqualification of the proposal.

2.5 Central Securities Clearing System (CSCS) Plc will select the successful proposal based upon
several evaluation factors including features outlined in the RFP; company stability, experience
executing similar projects, implementation plan and price. The selection will be on a merit basis
established on the submitted proposal that best meets the needs of CSCS. CSCS reserves the
right to reject any or all proposals.

2.6 This RFP is a request for proposal for VAPT service for CSCS. It is not a contract, and no
contractual obligations shall arise on behalf of CSCS. CSCS will not be liable for any costs incurred
in the preparation and submission of a response to this RFP.

2.7 CSCS shall deduct Withholding Tax from payments to service provider (successful bidder) to
account for that tax to the local tax authorities. Any agreement with the successful bidder shall
be subject to CSCS being entitled to make these deductions so that CSCS will not bear an
unnecessary additional cost. Service provider can usually claim a credit against their tax liabilities
in respect of Withholding Tax deducted by CSCS.

2.8 In addition to submitting a proposal in response to this request, all proposals should be sent
with a written confirmation that there are no conflict-of-interest issues that will prevent the firm
from taking up this engagement.

2.9 CSCS shall evaluate proposals based on their responsiveness to the requirements of this RFP
as outlined above. Each responsive proposal will be given a score. A proposal shall be rejected at
this stage if it fails to respond to the requirements. The shortlisted vendors shall be invited for an
oral presentation before a Committee of CSCS representatives. The vendor with the highest score
after the final presentation will be invited for negotiations.

Negotiations will be held with the aim of reaching an agreement on all points and subsequently
engage the successful vendor. If negotiations fail, the vendor with the second highest score will
be invited to negotiate an agreement.

After negotiations are completed, CSCS will promptly notify other vendors on the shortlist that
they were unsuccessful.

2.10 Timeline to be observed for this RFP:

Milestones Due Date

RFP issued by Central Securities Clearing System PLC 30 December 2022

RFP questions received by Central Securities Clearing System 2nd - 12th January 2023
PLC in writing
RFP questions responded to by Central Securities Clearing 2nd - 12th January 2023
System PLC
RFP response due 13th January 2023

Presentation date To be communicated

2.11 All bids shall be submitted on or before close of business on Thursday 13th January 2023. to:
[email protected]

3. Service Provider’s Actions Required for this RFP

3.1 Read Part 2 carefully which contains the under listed sections. Complete them accurately and
concisely where required
A. Service Providers Declaration
B. Service Provider Information Questionnaire
C. Statement of Requirements
D. Methodology/Description of the Solution Approach
E. Price Schedule
F. Evaluation Criteria
G. Bid Securing Declaration

3.2 Sign service providers declaration (A) indicating your compliance and acceptance of the terms
of this RFP

3.3 Provide your responses to the Service Provider Information Questionnaire (B). They must be
precise and concise without unnecessary marketing/advertising materials. Any other information
deemed relevant to the proposal can be included but it must be separated from the required
structured response.

3.4 CSCS may issue addenda notices to the bid documents to advise of any changes and
clarifications thereto or to respond to queries from bidders or for any other reason that the

company deems necessary. Addenda notices will be numbered, and the bidder shall acknowledge
receipt via email and inclusion in their Bid.

CSCS may issue additional information for reasons that the company deems necessary at any
time for bid submission as nominated in the invitation to bid or subsequent addendum. Such
information shall be included in the contract award.

The Company shall use its sole discretion to make any changes to the date of bid closing from
that advised in the Bid schedule which may result from an addendum.

3.5 Any request for clarification must be emailed to: [email protected]. CSCS reserves the
right to distribute answers to questions to other suppliers who may not have asked that question
but where CSCS feels that the answer corrects a mistake, adds clarity, or removes ambiguity from
the original RFP.

3.6 Authorized representatives of the firm shall initial every page of the RFP and no further
questions will be taken or meetings held regarding this RFP until after the receipt of proposal/s,
unless otherwise advised by CSCS.

3.7 Please ensure the bid declaration is a computation of total cost of the project

3.8 The subject matter of the information provided or gained in relation to this Request for Bid
may contain valuable property rights of the Company. This information is to be treated in strict
confidence by the Bidder and its employees and shall not be used except for the specific purpose
of preparing and submitting a Bid. Upon receiving notice, unsuccessful bidders shall return such
information to the company whose property it shall remain.

3.9 Submit response to CSCS in line with the milestone dates stated in 2.10.

PART 2 Service Providers Response to This RFP


To: The Head, Internal Control,
Central Securities Clearing System Plc.
13th Floor, Stock Exchange House,
2/4 Customs Street, Lagos, Nigeria.

Dear Sir/Ma,

We have read and have examined this Request for Proposal (RFP) document, Technical
Requirements, Specifications, Guidance Notes and the terms and conditions issued with this
Proposal. We offer completion of the works required against this RFP for the total price of:
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (in Naira). This
price is further broken down into individual components as requested in this RFP.

This declaration confirms that this Proposal is tendered as a bona fide competitive offer to CSCS,
and the information provided in the service provider Information questionnaire and service
provider response to CSCS Statement of Requirements are fully correct and complete.

We, the undersigned further agree that if our offer in these documents is accepted by CSCS, the
resulting contract, if any, shall be based on the CSCS Standard Terms and Conditions issued with
this RFP (subject to any permitted variations attached to this RFP).

Signature ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Date ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Job Title ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

For and on behalf of …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Email …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

To be eligible, bidders shall submit the documents below which will be considered under
Preliminary Evaluation:

1. Organization Profile

1.1 Registration & Accreditation Compliance Page Reference Explanations

Statement Please refer to the page Supporting
(Y/N) within your proposal Compliance
indicating how compliance
is met (Mandatory)
Business address

VAT (Value Added Tax) Registration


Valid Tax
Clearance Certificate (where
Certificate of
Submit Tax Clearance Certificate

Attach Two Reference Letters

Letter Confirming Banking Details

Letter confirming email address

where Purchase Orders and queries
will be sent to.

2. Ownership & Financial Background

2.1 Financial-Related Information Compliance Page Reference Explanations

Statement Please refer to the page Supporting
(Y/N) within your proposal Compliance
indicating how compliance
is met (Mandatory)
Audited financial statements for the last
two (2) years. (Unless previously provided
within the last one year). The Audited
Financial statements shall be submitted
together with the signed Auditors Opinion.

3. Track Record and Reference

3.1 Industry Experience Compliance Page Reference Explanations

Statement Please refer to the page Supporting
(Y/N) within your proposal Compliance
indicating how compliance
is met (Mandatory)
How many existing clients you have?
Name your key clients
Similar project undertaken in the past 5
Details of any cancelled projects in the

3.2 Relationship with CSCS Compliance Page Reference Explanations

Statement Please refer to the page Supporting
(Y/N) within your proposal Compliance
indicating how compliance
is met (Mandatory)
Product/services which you provide to
CSCS (currently or previously)

Value of your sales to CSCS for the past

3 years and by product/services

3.3 Client Reference
(Please provide at least 3 clients for deals similar in nature to this RFP)
Company A Company B Company C
Names of companies which can
provide reference to CSCS
Names & job titles of contact person

Contact details (email address,

address, office number)

Non-compliance with these requirements will result into disqualification of the bid at
Preliminary Evaluation Stage and the Bidder shall not proceed to the Technical Evaluation



1.1 Background
The Central Securities Clearing System (CSCS) Plc. was incorporated on July 29, 1992, as a
Financial Market Infrastructure (FMI) for the Nigerian Capital Market. It was commissioned in
April 1997 and commenced operations on April 14, 1997. On May 16, 2012, CSCS became a Public
Liability Company (PLC) by a special resolution.

The Securities and Exchange Commission issued its license as an Agent for Central Depository,
Clearing and Settlement of transactions in the Nigerian Capital Market. It operates a
computerized depository, clearing, settlement and delivery system for transactions in securities
in the Nigerian Capital Market.

CSCS facilitates the delivery (transfer of securities from seller to buyer) and settlement (payment
of bought shares) of securities transacted on the approved Nigerian Exchanges. It enables
securities to be processed in an electronic book entry form thereby substantially reducing the
period it takes a transaction to commence and end.

CSCS has made visible strides in the Nigerian Capital Market and will continue to respond to the
needs of the securities and commodities market to further enhance transparency and speedy
settlement of transactions.

1.2 Purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP)
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite suitably qualified and experienced
service providers to submit proposal to conduct vulnerability assessment and penetration testing
exercise on CSCS’ Information Technology (IT) estate as a way of soliciting proposals in line with
the requirements outlined within the document.

The interested vendors would also be required to respond to each of the requirements as
outlined in this RFP document clearly indicating the ability to meet the requirements and their
associated costs.

The CSCS team will then evaluate the various responses submitted and choose a more suited
vendor. The awarding of the contract will not be based on the amounts indicated in the proposals
but also on the overall suitability of the proposal meeting CSCS’s approach, strategic objectives,
and goals.

The interested vendors would be required to respond to each of the requirements as outlined in
this RFP document, clearly indicating their ability to meet the requirements and their associated


2.1 Project Objectives

CSCS requires a consultant to perform vulnerability and penetration testing exercise on CSCS IT
infrastructure, which includes CSCS external presence over the internet and internal networks.

2.2 Project Scope

The scope shall cover VAPT assessments on all CSCS information assets, done bi-annually and
defined as VAPT cycles. New applications, mobile apps, web services, APIs etc. added to CSCS
infrastructure outside the VAPT cycle shall also be covered. A maximum of 15 new applications
shall be covered outside the VAPT cycle.

Each of the bi-annual VAPT engagement will include but will not be limited to.
a. Internal vulnerability assessment of IP Assets of the CSCS corporate Network
b. External vulnerability assessment of External/Internet IP address space belonging to CSCS
or provided to CSCS by an Internet Service Provider.
c. External penetration testing of network perimeter and firewall: This would be carried out
as a Whitebox test with knowledge of the Internal CSCS network structure.
d. Remote Access testing: Evaluation of methods used to provide remote access for off-site
users such as VPN, dial-in services. This is to test for exposures.
e. Web application penetration testing: An OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)
Top Ten evaluation and manual testing of web applications.
f. Source Code Review

VAPT activities should be comprehensive and should include, but not limited to the following:
• SQL Injection Flaws
• Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
• Malicious File Execution
• Insecure Direct Object Reference
• Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
• Information Leakage and Improper Error Handling
• Broken Authentication and Session Management
• Insecure Cryptographic Storage
• Insecure Communications
• Failure to Restrict URL Access
• Application Security Testing & Code Review
• Lockout Testing
• Password Cracking
• Cookie Security
• Functional validations
• Containment Measure Testing
• Memory Safety Violations
- Buffer overflows and over-reads
• Dangling pointers
• Input validation errors
• Format string attacks
- SQL injection
- Code injection
- E-mail injection
- Directory traversal
- Cross-site scripting in web applications
- HTTP header injection
- HTTP response splitting
• Race conditions
- Time-of-check-to-time-of-use bugs
- Symlink races
• Privilege-confusion bugs
- Cross-site request forgery in web applications
- Clickjacking
- FTP bounce attack
• Privilege escalation
• User interface failures

- Warning fatigue or user conditioning

2.3 Document Requirements

The selected vendor is expected to provide the following documents to CSCS before, during or
after the project is executed:
• Non-Disclosure Agreement
• Well documented process flow
• Internal VAPT Report
• External VAPT Report
• Findings Tracker
• Report on any assessment conducted on the 15 Apps outside of the VAPT cycle.

2.4 Implementation Requirements

The selected vendor must be able to:
• Provide adequate resources required to conduct the assessment.

2.4.1 Vendor Experience and Qualifications

• Demonstrate successful implementation of similar projects in size and nature. Provide
reference sites of similar business nature where VAPT have successfully been undertaken
• Experience in VAPT engagement that runs biannually
• Provide CVs and copies of qualifications for staff that will engaged on the project and
proof for having worked on a VAPT project.
• There must be an on-site technician to facilitate project requirements and

2.4.2 Post Implementation Support

• Availability of support staff required for onsite revalidation of closed findings.

2.4.3 Knowledge Transfer

• Provision of knowledge transfer session to internal staff.

2.5 Compliance to ISO 27001:2013 Standards

Solution should be demonstrably compliant with ISO 27001:2013 and other information security

2.6 Timeframe for Completion

Please provide a timeframe for completion of the project. This timeframe will be evaluated. Be
advised that timeframes will be part of the contractual agreement; therefore, a realistic
timeframe for completion should be provided.


In this section, the Bidder will provide a comprehensive description of how it will provide the
required services. Information provided must be sufficient to convey to CSCS that the Bidder has
enough understanding of the effort required to provide the requested services and that it has an
approach, methodology and work plan to overcome possible challenges.

Your technical proposal should include, among others, the following:

I. Documentation and description of related services
II. Explanations for deviations (if any)
III. A detailed project plan, change management plan, communication plan, end-user training
plan, risk management plan, quality management plan etc. for the project
IV. A resource plan detailing the resources needed to support the implementation efforts
e.g. customizing, testing, software, personnel and any implementation requirements
V. Capacity building and knowledge transfer program, which should include training sessions
for technical and non-technical staff.
VI. At least 3 previous works of similar scope and complexity (provide references in the
VII. Any other relevant documentation such as proof of competence for this type of project


Note: Financial proposals must clearly indicate the following:

a. Professional fees
b. VAT and other taxes must be indicated separately
c. The quotation should have a validity period of at least 90 days
d. All fees must be in Naira
e. Completion/Delivery period should be indicated. Project implementation schedule should
be shared separately

Bidders must try as much as possible to use a template like the table below
One off costs
Line Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price

One off costs
Line Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price
Recurring costs
Line Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price
Subtotals (to Grand Summary Table)

Name of Bidder:
Authorized Signature of


Bid-Securing Declaration

[insert: title and RFP number]

To: [insert: name and address of Entity]

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a Bid-Securing


We accept that we, and in the case of a Joint Venture all partners to it, will automatically be
suspended from being eligible for participating in bidding for any contract with you for the period
of [5 YEARS], in case of, and starting from the date of, breaching our obligation(s) under the
bidding conditions due to:

(a) withdrawing our bid, or any part of our bid, during the period of bid validity
specified in the Bid Submission Form or any extension of the period of bid validity
which we subsequently agreed to; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance of our bid by you during the period of bid
validity, (i) failing or refusing to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) failing or
refusing to furnish the performance security, if required, in accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders.

We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder,
upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Bidder;
or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of the period of bid validity.

If the submission of alternative bids was permitted, and in case we did submit one or more
alternative bids, this Bid-Securing Declaration applies to these parts of our bid as well.

Signed: [insert: signature of person whose name and capacity are shown below]
Name: [insert: name of person signing the Bid-Securing Declaration],
in the capacity of: [insert: legal capacity of person signing the Bid-Securing Declaration]
Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of: [insert: name of Bidder]
Dated on ____________ day of __________________, 20__
[Add Corporate Seal (where appropriate)]


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