s4 Actividad Evaluable
s4 Actividad Evaluable
s4 Actividad Evaluable
Semana 4/Week 4
Block 1, week 4.
Health problems and remedies
1. Write the health problem each person has and give a remedy or suggestion according
to each case. Try to be creative!
Flu Take a cold bath and sleep.
Put onion in your sunburn.
Read the symptoms and match it with the best advice for it.
1. I am tired. ___9___a. She needs a Band Aid.
2. Sandra has a headache. ___5___b. He needs a tissue to clean his nose.
3. Carolina has a toothache. ___8___c. He needs to get a thermometer and go to see a doctor.
4. John is overweight. ___6__ d. They need to go to the ophthalmologist
5. Tony has a running nose. ___2__ e. She needs to take an aspirin.
6. Berta and Lisa do not see well. ___4__ f. He needs to be on a diet.
7. Laura and Samuel have a twisted ankle. ___7__ g. They need some ice and elevate the foot.
8. Hugo has fever. ___3___ h. She needs to go to the dentist.
9. Mary cut her finger. ___1___ i. You need some rest.
10. I can´t hear well. ___10__ j. You need to go to see an otolaryngologist
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