SSWS - Diary 2021 22 3

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Suyog Sunderji Early Intervention Centre

Timings to meet the Principal

12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
(Tuesdays & Fridays)
Through prior appointment only

Timings to meet the Teachers

9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
(Only on Working Saturday, preferably through prior

Timings for Administration Office

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
(Monday to Friday)
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

It is very necessary that the students and parents read the
Almanac together and understand the contents fully. This
Almanac aims at establishing an invaluable link between
teachers, students and parents. It is intended to serve:
1. As an all-in-one ready reckoner and planner for students.
2. As a means of communication between parents and the School:
§ To keep parents abreast with what their children are studying at
School and the curricular progress of their wards.
§ To keep parents informed about home assignments.
§ To be used for convenient, day-to-day correspondence (related to
academics and conduct) between parents and the School staff.
§ Students should ensure that they bring this Almanac to school
every day, use it productively and treat it with care.
§ Parents should review current pages daily and must countersign
and respond to any comments, which may be made periodically by
members of the faculty.
§ Parents should countersign home assignments to signify their
completion and provide an explanation if home assignments are
not completed for any good reason.
§ As a matter of policy, students will get tasks on subjects they are
familiar with. These tasks are intended as revision exercises, to
reinforce what is learned by students in school and must be
undertaken by students entirely on their own, without adult
supervision. Students should seek help of their teachers at School
on the following day if they encounter any difficulty.
§ Comments made by parents in the Diary should be productive and
confined strictly to the subject of the student's work and her/his
§ All other matters concerning the School should be dealt with
separately and either conveyed personally or through letter/e-
mails addressed to the Head of the School.

From The CEO's Desk

As said by late A.P.J Abdul Kalam, “A dream is not what you

see in your sleep, a dream is what does not let you sleep.”
Thus we at SSWS teach our children to DREAM …….
A school is always a 'world in miniature' where one receives a 'training for
life', where effective, meaningful and joyful learning takes place .It is in
school that children begin to learn lessons of life – to accept challenges ,
face competition, defeat and failure and rejoice at victory and triumph.
At SSWS we challenge and channel students to set high expectations for
themselves and support them to achieve at the highest level. The
challenge to be 'the best you can be' in academic achievement is
supported by a holistic approach to personal learning.
The classroom programmes at SSWS are rich and engaging, and the
range of cultural, sporting and performance opportunities provides a
huge number of opportunities that allow every student access to an
environment where they can participate and excel.
If innovation and novel ideas are a key to a bright future, then we can
surely remain assured of our place under the pedagogic sun.
Ms. Masarrat Tavawalla

From the Director's Desk

Welcome to the academic year 2020-2021 at Suyog Sunderji

Wisdom School.
The teachers and staff of SSWS join me in saying we are happy
to have you as part of our school family. We know this will be a successful
and satisfying year for you.
At SSWS, the uniqueness of each child is recognized, nurtured and
treasured. Emphasis is on LEARNING and not on teaching.
We at SSWS provide holistic education where a child evolves as an
individual who is self-motivated and creative individual, who can think,
question and reason out logically; individual who is independent,
confident and leaders capable of taking decisions.
One of our biggest goals for the year is to help your child feel successful
and achieve academic excellence. By working together as parents and
educators, we can build a foundation or life long learning.
I hope that all students will find their time at SSWS challenging, exciting
and enjoyable and that all students will remember with fondness their
journey at SSWS.
Ms. Vaishali Shah
From The Principal's Desk

Education is not the learning of the facts but the

training of the mind to think." Albert Einstein
Education is to make a child proficient in academics such that the
student may function with clarity and efficiency in the society. A more
encompassing definition should also include creating the right
environment so that the child may develop fully as a complete human
being. Aims of education should be to make the child aware of his/her
intelligence, talent, skill, interest and must confer humility and morality
among other things, essential for leading a good life and not for mere
living. We as educators must be able to ignite the spark of enquiry in the
students at the same time we as teachers and parents should be aware of
our children's talents as well as limitations and allow them to develop in
their own way and not on the basis of pre-determined expectations.

Ms. Marita Choollakkal


Mr. Bharatbhai Shah  - Founder Member

Ms. Jena Sunderji - Founder Member

Ms. Malek Sunderji - Founder Member

Ms. Zarina Sunderji - Founder Member

Ms. Masarrat Tavawalla - C.E.O.

Ms. Vaishali Shah - Director

Ms. Marita Choollakkal - Principal

Dr. Suneel Godbole & - Development Pediatricians

Dr. Archana Kadam

Ms. Piyali Misquitta - Counsellor/Assessment Specialist

Ms. Jumana Matheranwalla  - Special Educator Consultant

Ms. Rashmi Shah - Team Inspirational Leader for EIC

Mr. Huzefa Tavawalla - Legal Advisor

SSWS Philosophy
• S - See Your Goals
• S - Stay on Track
• W - Witness Success
• S - Show the World that You Can Do It

Our Vision
• To inspire a passion for learning by making education relevant &
• To create a safe place where students belong, believe & succeed.

Our Mission
• SSWS is committed to nurturing students who will evolve into good
human beings, who will be future torch bearers of distinction and
who will be committed to the spirit of excellence.
• As a progressive school, we shall always Endeavour to give
unparalleled exposure through diversified learning opportunities,
and to prepare our students for unseen challenges in a dynamic and
global environment.

We prepare our children to be
• A – Active Learners
• C – Confident Communicators
• O – Open Minded Individuals
• R – Responsible Citizens
• N – Noble Humans

Our Culture Statement

SSWS is Safety Centered, Vision Directed, Values Driven, Student Focused,
Analysis Based, Learning Enabled, Team Facilitated, Process Managed,
Quality Managed and Result Oriented.
At SSWS our culture is not a means to an end, but an end in
We have a nurturing environment that recognizes children and treats
them as individuals; where students are encouraged to be leaders and
where school leaders are encouraged to be visionaries. Our school
strives to create a respectful, diverse, creative, exciting and reflective
For staff members, teamwork is a defining aspect of the culture.
The management creates regular opportunities for professional
development and life long learning for their staff. Staff members also
reflect regularly and share ideas through verbal and written
India is my country and
all Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and
I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and elders
And treat everyone with courtesy.

To my country and my people,

I pledge my devotion.
In their well being and prosperity alone,
lies my happiness.

Jana-Gana-Mana-Adhinayaka, Jaya He
Ucchhala-Jaladhi Taranga
Tava Subha Name Jage
Tava Subha Ashisha Mage
Gahe Tava Jaya Gatha.
Jana-Gana-Mangala Dayaka, Jaya He
Jaya He, Jaya He, Jaya He,
Jaya Jaya Jaya, Jaya He


Oh! Great God, in Heaven Above

At thy feet with faith and love

We thy little children gather

Calling on you, as our father

Guide and guard us on our way

Draw us closer day by day

Keep us pure, kind and true

Till we reach our home with you.

With eyes like twinkling stars and mind like curious elves, we walk in everyday;
We ll our hearts with love and compassion and help each other every way;

We are the students of SS Wisdom School,

A school so right, A school so fair;
We are the students of SS Wisdom School,
And may our school prosper, that is our prayer.

Wisdom is the quality of having experience,

Wisdom is the quality of gaining knowledge to help one rise,
Wisdom is the quality of acquiring good judgement,
Wisdom is the quality of being wise;

We are the students of SS Wisdom School,

A School so right, A School so fair;
We are the students of SS Wisdom School,
And may our school prosper, that is our prayer.

We pledge to make our school proud,

Uphold it's name and sing it loud;
We pledge to make our school proud,
Uphold it's name and sing it loud……..

We are the students of SS Wisdom School,

A School so right, A School so fair;
We are the students of SS Wisdom School,
And may our school prosper, that is our prayer.


Vande Mataram! Sujalam suphalam, malayajashitalam,

hasyashyalam, Mataram!
Vande Mataram, Shubhra jyotsna, Pulakita yaminim,
Phulla kusumita Drumadala shobhinim
Suhasinim, Sumadhura bhashinim, Sukhadam,
varadam, Mataram!

Saptakotikantha kalakala ninada karale, Dvisaptakoti

bhujair dhrita-khara karavale
Abala kena ma eta bale, Bahubala dharinim, namami
tarinim, Ripudalavarinim mataram!

Tumi vidya, tumi dharma, Tumi hridi, tumi marma,

Tvam hi pranah sharire! Bahute tumi ma Shakti,
Hridaye tumi ma bhakti,
Tomarayipratima gari mandire mandire! Tvam hi durga
dashapraharana dharini,

Kamala, Kamaladalaviharini, Vani, vidyadayini namami

tvam, Namami Kamalam, amalam, atulam,
Sujalam, suphalam, Mataram, Vande Mataram!
Shyamalam, saralam, susmitam, bhushitam,
Dharanim, bharanim, Mataram!”

Om bhur bhuvah svah
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayat

Student’s Copy Photo


Full Name

q Male q Female

Grade G.R.No. Roll No.

Date of Birth Nationality

Father's Name Occu. /Desig.

Permanent Address

Mobile No. E-mail:

Mother's Name Occu. /Desig.

Mobile No. E-mail:

Emergency Name, Contact no. other than parent :

Siblings (in the same school)

Name Grade

Any illness please specify

Mode of Transport

Bus Number Boarding Point

I declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge. I shall
be responsible for the conduct of my ward in accordance with the rules & regulations
of the institution. I have read all the rules & regulations of the school and I agree to
abide by them.

Father's / Guardian Name Mother's Name

Father's / Guardian Sign. Mother's Sign

Teacher’s Copy Photo


Full Name

q Male q Female

Grade G.R.No. Roll No.

Date of Birth Nationality

Father's Name Occu. /Desig.

Permanent Address

Mobile No. E-mail:

Mother's Name Occu. /Desig.

Mobile No. E-mail:

Emergency Name, Contact no. other than parent :

Siblings (in the same school)

Name Grade

Any illness please specify

Mode of Transport

Bus Number Boarding Point

I declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge. I shall
be responsible for the conduct of my ward in accordance with the rules & regulations
of the institution. I have read all the rules & regulations of the school and I agree to
abide by them.

Father's / Guardian Name Mother's Name

Father's / Guardian Sign. Mother's Sign


Emergency Contact No.

(School Bus / Self)


Signature of Father / Guardian Signature of Mother


Dear Parents,

Excursion is a part of wholesome education, so the school has

organized local educational tour cum school picnic for its
students. The school picnic is considered to be a formal school
activity with the aim to provide recreation, joy as well as learning
through fun filled way.

Kindly make sure your ward does not miss this excellent chance
of growth and enjoyment. I hereby give my consent to my
son/daughter/ward to join excursion arranged to

by the school.

I also declare that I shall not hold the school responsible for any
accident or mishap to my son/daughter/ward during the

Signature of Parent / Guardian

Name of the Parent / Guardian



Student’s Name



Parents love to see photographs of their children and their classmates

on different mediums of social networking like website, facebook, etc.
Suyog Sunderji Wisdom School is also highly active on social media.
Please let us know, if we have the permission to include your child's
photo on social media.

Student's Name:

Grade :

Parent's Name:

Signature : Date

Please tick (a) on the applicable option -

c No, I do not give permission for photos of my child to be

posted on social media.

c Yes, I give permission for photos of my child to be posted

on social media.


Name of the Student :

Grade :  Division :
Gender : □ M / □ F Date Of Birth :  Age :
Residential Address :

Blood Group : Weight (kg.) : Height (cm) :

Allergies :
Eye Sight : Right :  Left :
Dental :
Ear / Nose / Throat :
Any Major Ailment :

Major Past Injuries :

Any Past Record Of Surgery :

Any Special Educational Needs (SEN) identified :

Name of Physician :
Mobile No. Date :
Signature :     

21 Stampofdoctor

Project Based Learning is a teaching method in which

student gains knowledge and skills by working for an extended
period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic, engaging,
and complex question, problem, or challenge. We at Suyog
Sunderji Wisdom School will be asking students to participate in
various projects like the Hunger Project, Child Labor Project etc.

Occasionally issues may arise which will require students to be

active participants in such projects. We therefore need your
consent for the same.

Student's Name:

Grade :

Parent's Name:

Signature Date :

Please tick (a) on the applicable option -

c No, I do not give permission for my child to be part of the


c Yes, I give permission for my child to be part of the



Self-direction is a skill that children must learn for themselves. It

cannot be done for them or forced on them. I will resist the
temptation to intervene and will trust my child to learn in their own

I agree not to undermine my child's confidence and commitment by

comparing them unfavorably to others.

I agree to understand the challenges and successes of my child,

even they may not be similar to my childhood experiences or to the
expectations of my friends and acquaintances.

Occasionally issues arise which require direct contact between

members of the School and particular parents; therefore, I agree to
attend any meeting to which I am asked by the School.

I agree to respect my child as a person and a competent student at

Suyog Sunderji Wisdom School. I agree to support my child's
autonomy by acknowledging their freedom and honoring their need
to act on their own as they grow and learn in Suyog Sunderji
Wisdom School. I agree to trust my child.

I confirm that I have read the contents of this diary and promise to
abide by all rules, regulations and policies of the Suyog Sunderji
Wisdom School.

Date :

Father's / Guardian Signature Mother's Signature



§ The school reserves the right to terminate the continuation of

students with unsatisfactory progress or whose conduct is
unexemplary for others.
§ Students who are escorted to and from school in the care of
domestic staff must submit an undertaking from the parent with
the photograph of the nominated escort at the school office. They
shall be allowed to leave the school premises with the nominated
escort only if the request has been approved by the school
authorities. Students may not leave the school premises without
their nominated escort. In case of a delay in the arrival of such
escorts, they should report the matter to the school office.

Observance of the following is compulsory for all students

and deviations will lead to disciplinary action :
§ Every student must carry this Almanac to school every day and
use it productively.
§ Uniform is compulsory during school hours and for all school
functions including all such instances where students are
representing the school outside.
§ Bullying and the use of foul language are punishable offences,
whether in or out of school. Students found indulging in the
same will be expelled.
§ Students are expected to carry books and notebooks in strict
accordance with the time table and refrain from bringing
unnecessary material to school.
§ Students are prohibited from bringing any publication,
reference books, Electronic Devices, including mobile phones,
cameras , i-pods, i-pads, Tablets and secondary storage devices
(CDs, DVDs, pen drives, portable HDD, micro SD cards, etc.),
not relevant to academic pursuits. Violation may result in
suspension and / or levying of heavy fine in addition to
confiscation of the items.
§ Bringing money to school is not allowed. It is strictly against
school policy.
§ Bringing expensive stationery (pens, pencils fancy pencil boxes,
etc) to school is strictly forbidden. Such items will be
confiscated. Heavy fine will be levied on those found in
possession apart from being suspended from school.
§ In the interest of their own security , students are advised not
to buy or receive any articles, gifts or foodstuff from anyone at
all en route.

§ Exploding crackers on any occasion or splashing colours
in the school premises or in the school bus is strictly forbidden.
Students found guilty will be expelled from school without
§ It is mandatory for all the students, unless instructed otherwise,
to be present for the festivals and functions celebrated in and
outside the school.
§ In case a student misses out on bringing tiffin to school,
the parents are requested to not bring the tiffin to school
themselves or send it through someone. Instead, they
should intimate the same to School office before recess.
School office will not entertain the tiffin owing to security
§ As a policy, our school believes in vegetarian food and non-
vegetarian food is strictly forbidden. This includes egg cooked in
any form, or mixed with other eatables.
§ Carrying napkin and mat to school is mandatory for every
student. Hence, students must carry these to school daily along
with a spoon and use the same while having tiffin.


§ Students are expected to reach school 10 minutes before the
start of the school. Students arriving late will not be allowed to
enter the school premises without a plausible explanation.
§ Arriving late for school is not acceptable. Students found to
have come late for more than one day in a term will not be
allowed to attend classes on second such occurrence and
disciplinary action shall be taken against them.
§ On each occurrence of reporting late to school, the “Record of
Late Coming” section will be stamped and initialed by the
gatekeeper, specifying the date and time of late arrival.

§ A student who has been absent on the previous day will not be
able allowed to attend the class unless his / her parent has
entered an explanation stating the reasons for the absence , in
the “Leave or Absence Record” section of the Almanac, for
each day (valid for 2 days) the student has been absent from
school. Intimation for absence upto 2 days may be sent via
email alternatively.
§ In case of absence for more than 2 days on medical grounds ,
Medical Certificate and Prescription (photocopies) should be
attached along with application.
§ In case a child reports to school without an explanation in the
Almanac, the parents will be called to school and the child will
be sent back home.
§ Absence from school for more than 5 consecutive days is not
allowed, except on medical grounds.
§ Repeated absence without notice or unexplained absence
without written application for more than six consecutive days
renders the student liable to have her/ his name struck off
rolls. Re-admission may only be granted after approval by the
head of the School and payment of prescribed re-admission fee.
§ There is no provision for half day leave , therefore students who
are not well should not be sent to school , even on the days of
assessments. The child will be marked absent if he/she was to
be taken home by parents/ guardians/ authorized persons
during school hours, even if it was to be an assessment day.
The child will be awarded a zero for the assessment taken on
that particular day.
§ Parents will be promptly informed in the event of serious illness
or emergency and may be requested to come to school to take
their ward home, if necessary.
§ All students are expected to attend school on the first day
following the vacations. Absence on the day of closing /
reopening of the school before / after vacations will attract strict
disciplinary action.
§ It is compulsory for students to achieve 90% attendance in each
term in order to be eligible to take the end of term assessment.
This stipulation can only be relaxed on genuine grounds , at the
sole discretion of the Head of the School.
§ Absence for more than 10% of total number of working days
may result in detention of the child in the same class. Even on
medical grounds, a student cannot remain absent for more than
20% of the total working days.


§ Students must wear their uniform with pride and ensure

that they look neat, tidy and presentable at all times. I-card for
all and hair bands for girls are an integral part of the uniform
and must be worn at all times.
§ A student must always come to school in neat and clean
uniform, also during the practical and special classes.
§ Students are required to attend all school functions/ activities,
Open House, in or outside the school in school uniform only.
§ Students who are not in a complete/ neat and tidy uniform can
be debarred from boarding the bus/entering the school.
§ School uniform with black formal shoes & white school shoes is
§ P.E. / House Uniforms (Alpha / Omega) with white canvas
shoes to be worn by the students on the days mentioned in the
§ During winters, School Winter Jacket is compulsory. No Fancy
Winter Jacket will be allowed in the school.
§ School Belt is mandatory for all the students.
§ Each student is supposed to carry a clean, ironed handkerchief
to school every single day without fail. Repeated offence in this
regard will incur disciplinary action.
§ Bloomers/ under skirts are mandatory for girls from Grade
Nursery – IV.
§ Girls are not allowed to apply henna on their hands. They are
not allowed to wear earrings or rings or nose rings. However, a
pair of small ear studs is permitted.
§ Girls with long hair should plait their hair. It is mandatory for
girls to wear hair band in the school campus, inside the bus as
well as outside the school campus while representing the
school. Failure to follow the rule will result in suspension from
§ Colouring, bleaching or highlighting the hair is not permitted.
§ Boys are expected to have a proper hair cut. Dyeing of hair or
using hair gel is not permitted.
§ Daily bath is compulsory for all students.
§ Shirt buttons should not be kept open and the shirt should be
tucked in properly irrespective of the dress i.e uniform or
coloured dress.
§ Ensure student’s come well groomed in complete school


As a part of continual learning and to maximize learning benefits,

sincere and disciplined approach to regular studies, homework
submission and time management is expected from all the students.
At SSWS we regard homework as an integral part of the curriculum –
it is planned and prepared alongside all other aspects of learning.
And thus we believe that the purpose of homework is:

· For reinforcement of the day/ week's lesson and content;

· Expanding on the skills and content learned from class;
· Instilling a sense of responsibility and
· Instilling skills like time management skills and independent
study skills.
Homework will be set at the teacher's discretion when deemed
necessary. The estimated time allotted to complete a set of homework
will be proportional to the number of days between the setting and the
submission of the homework.
We ask that parents monitor their child's work to ensure that they are
with the demands of homework, and that they are completing work to
a high standard.

Teachers expect homework to be done properly and punctually.

Failure to do homework is treated seriously and, when home work
is missed consistently, the teacher will notify parents and decide
on an appropriate course of action.


Suyog Sunderji Wisdom School recognizes that birthdays are a special

day for our students as they are important milestones for children of all
ages. We announce the birthday child's name in the morning assembly;
classes sing the “Happy Birthday” song.

We have provided a list below of choices for honoring your child on their
special day:
· You can send your child in “Birthday Dress”.
· No eatables or gift articles to be distributed in the classroom
to his/her classmates. Not even in the bus.
· You may donate a book to the school library.
· You can donate a sapling.

Only for Grade 1 and 2 - Children can get chocolates (cost not more
than Rs 5/-per piece) to distribute in class.

We appreciate your support and understanding as we continue to reflect

on how to provide all students with a healthy environment.


Grade I - IV Grade V - VIII

Visit To Empress Garden Visit To Bank
Visit To Aga Khan Palace Visit to Science Park
Visit To Morachi Chincholi Visit To National War Museum
Visit To Tribal Museum Visit To Animal Shelter


The scope of evaluation at SSWS extends to almost all areas of the

student's personality development. It includes both scholastic and co-
scholastic areas and is comprehensive in nature.
Evaluation is continuous and reveals the strengths and areas of
improvement of the students frequently , so that learners have a better
opportunity to understand and improve themselves. It also provides
feedback to the teachers for modifying their teaching strategies
according to individual student needs. In view of getting a complete
picture of the child's learning , assessments at SSWS focus on every
child's ability to learn and acquire desired skills related to different
subject areas while developing individual skills , interests and
The assessments are done with the purpose to achieve the following
§ To help develop cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills.
§ To make evaluation an integral part of teaching learning process.
§ To use evaluation for improvement of students achievement and
teaching –learning strategies on the basis of regular diagnosis
followed by remedial instructions.
§ To use evaluation as a quality control device to maintain
desired standard performance

Formative Assessments (FA) are done on a regular basis through

journals, written work, portfolios, project work, classroom
interactions, peer and self assessments, cyclic tests along with many
other learning tasks.
There are four Formative Assessments (FA) through out the
academic year FA1, FA2, FA3 & FA4.

Summative Assessments (SA) are written assessments which are

taken by the students at the end of each semester. It is usually a
graded assessment and is marked according to the CBSE scale of
There are two Summative Assessments (SA) at the end of each of
the two semesters SA1 & SA2.

2 (continuous)



B. Co-Scholastic Areas :
a. Computer
b. General Awareness
c. Art and Design
d. Music and Dance
e. Physical Education
f. Personal Attributes
g. Social & Emotional Traits


(2 nd

Final Exam

announcement announcement
of the test dates
by the school by the school

the the
Subject Subject

the the

B. Co-Scholastic Areas :
a. Work Education (ICT)
b. General Awareness
c. Art and Design
d. Music and Dance
e. Physical Education
f. Project Work
g. Life Skills - Social Skills
h. Life Skills - Emotional Skills

C. Discipline

Terms & Conditions regarding
Term I Starts – 1st April 2021 & Term II Starts 1st October 2021
Rules Regarding Payment of Fees:
School Fees must be paid in favour of “ BHARAT PUSHP
FOUNDATION TRUST”, payable at Pune. Fees can be paid through
Cheque/ DD/ Cash or online bank transfer.
Bank Transaction Details for Online Transfer :
Bank Name : Bank of Maharashtra , Wagholi, Pune
A/C No : 60279483174 IFSC CODE : MAHB0001425

Installment To Be Paid By
Term I 20th April to 15th May 2021

Term II 15th October, 2021

§ Students's name & Grade should compulsorily be written on the
reverse of the cheque/ DD.
§ Any payment after the due date will attract a fine of Rs.25/- per day.
§ Dishonored cheques will attract a fine of Rs.500/- and also late fees
of Rs.25/- per day.
§ Students will not be allowed to appear for the assessments, unless
all fees / dues are paid before the test / assessments.
§ No deduction in fees are made for vacations or broken periods.
§ Parents who desire to pay the full years fees may do so. (Please
contact school office)
Rules Regarding Withdrawal & School Leaving Certificate
§ Withdrawals from the school can be made through written
application by the parent of the student.
§ The school leaving certificate application should be submitted in
school office three calendar months before the start of the new term
or else the fees for the next term will be charged.
§ The school leaving certificate and other letters will be issued within
15 working days after application for withdrawal is processed,
subject to all outstanding fees being settled.
§ Fees once paid will not be refunded in any case.

Parent’s Sign.
Monthly Syllabus Completed For June 2021
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

Monthly Syllabus Completed For July 2021
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

Monthly Syllabus Completed For August 2021
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

Monthly Syllabus Completed For September 2021
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

Monthly Syllabus Completed For October 2021
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

Monthly Syllabus Completed For November 2021
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

Monthly Syllabus Completed For December 2021
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

Monthly Syllabus Completed For January 2022
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

Monthly Syllabus Completed For February 2022
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

Monthly Syllabus Completed For March 2022
Date of
Subject Lesson Number





Social Science


Signature of Principal / Coordinator :

Signature of Parent :

June to October

November to April

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