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How To Use The Yawara Stick Text

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Only Yawan man in America


Yawara School
Denver. Colorado

CtpyogHt 1948!
Prj< f. A. MjlHiva/r*


How the Yawara Stick Wm Developed
instructor of Police, Police Departments. Police Schools and numerous
Law Enforcement bodies, it became apparent that there was a great need for
a police weapon which would offer more than ample protection to Police
Officers, with a minimum possibility of injury to the person or persons on whom
it was used.

From my own experience and from discussions with various Chiefs of

Police and other Enforcement Officers. I learned that it was not uncommon
for Officers to have their saps, billies, night-sticks or other weapons taken from
them, particularly when apprehending two or more persons.
Having observed also that some Officers unfortunately have to accept early
retirement, due to injuries or ailments resulting from altercations in the per-
formance of their duties, and still others who could not enjoy regular retire-
ment due to ill health, I decided to try and do something about It.
After years of study, research and a great deal of experimentation, I have
developed the Yawara stick. This new Police weapon is small, compact and
easy to carry. Yet it is so flexible in Us use that it can be used in either hand,
forward or backward, or at any angle, with equal effectiveness.
Its deep-set "spikes." located just below the knob* at either end of the
plastic Yawara
stick, are there for the purpose of preventing anyone from
wresting it from an Officer’s grasp. Should anyone attempt to take the Yawara
stick from the Officer, these "spikes" will leave a very telling murk. Such
marks will prove valuable evidence, even years later, should the culprit escape.
Tliismanual presents in a very ccnclsc form a great amount of informa-
tion.both in words and photographs, which will provide Officers with very
vitaland practical instructions in the proper use of the Yawara stick. It will
help make their jobs more pleasant, their work more effective, and bring addi-
tional credit to their Department
The Yawara stick is very effective, easy to carry, easy to learn how to use,
and easy remember. It is hard— in fact, almost impossible— for anyone to
wrest it from an Officer's grasp. The Yawara stick it better appearing, very
inconspicuous, and is not objectionable to the public—even when it is being
With the Yawara stick I have endeavored to make arrest easier, foster,
more humane, and with less exertion on the part of the Officer. For the Officer
who wants to do his job better and enjoy the good health and happiness to
which he is entitled upon retirement, the Yawara stick is the proper "tool"
for his Police job.
It is because I want to help you. our Guardians oi Law and Order, that 1
have developed the Yawaia stick and published this manual of instructions.
Prof. F. A. Matsuyama.


Ever since police departments were first organized

there has beer, need for a humane weapon
for sub-
duing unruly oflendcrs. The Yawara stick, devised
by Professor Frank Matsuyama, now fulfills this
requirement, providing that it is used as outlined in
the present pamphlet.

The Yawara stick

is a fight piece of electro-plastic,
grooved to the hand, and shaped into a smooth

nob at both ends Because one can strike backward

as well as forward, it gives the user twice the advan-
tage possessed by the ordinary police club,
larly in combat with more than one
adversary. Below
the nobs are metallic spikes which are harmless
unless a person attempts to wrest it from the user’s

This pamphlet has been prepared primarily for use

by peace officers and police students, hence
the bru-
tality of Yawara as taught for use in
war has bc-n
om..ud Tin methods of offense and defense here
described are ample for the protection of the official
should he be attacked or require force to subdue
refractory prisoner. Moreover, it avoid?
the charge
of brutality which usually follows
the use of the ordi-
nary police billy.

September 24. 3947.

August Vollmer
Chief of Police (retired)
Berkeley, California

Nebraska Safety Patrol now equipped with Yiwui sticks.
Tnt Yawara stick may also
b* earned inside the sleeve,
where it automatically drop.*
into the hand for immediate ward or downward stroke, i
use as shown here. for a direct forward thrust.
Another very good way to
conceal the Yawara stick for
instant use. With the Yawara
stick in the right hand, ele-
vate both arms to horizontal
position and fold arms, plac-
ing left hand under right arm
pit. While left arm is still ele-
vated. place right fist with
Yawara under the left
arm pit- Drop elbow to con- At one false move, the Officer
ceal the Yawara stick. If left- strikes the chin of the adver-
handed. reverse the proce- sary firmly with either end
dure. of the Yawara stick.
Officer follow* through with
•harp jab to hip of adversary
with the "heel" of his left
Adversary *tarts to fight, be- hand, and brings his left foot
ginning with a boxer’s stance, forward at the tame time to
and using a left lead.

Continuing the follow

through, the Officer hooks
the Yawara stick around the
ieft ankle of the adversary,

The Officer strikes back of completely upsetting him.

adversary’s hand sharply
left The Officer still remains per-
with end of Yawara stick-
Adversary pushes or grabs
strap of Officer’s Sam Browne Continuing the follow
belt or shirt front. Officer through, the Officer pushes
immediately grabs left wrist the elbow sharply with the
of adversary with his left Yawara stick, up, forward,
hand He then brings the then down, forcing the ad-
Yawara stick into use. grip- versary down, and at the
ping it firmly around the first same time twisting his wrist
groove with the thumb and continuously in the direction
index finger of the right which brings the elbow for-
hand. ward.

Still continuing the follow

through, the Officer turns his
own right wrist flat-ways,
with Yawara slick horizon-
tal, and forces his hand for-
ward over the upper arm of
adversary, hooking it firmly
with the Yawara stick now
Officer follows through by in vertical position. Next
striking the elbow (crazy slide left wrist of adversary
bone) with the center of the over the inside of Officer’s
Yawara stick. right elbow.
Next, the Officer moves the
Yawara stick midway be-
tween the elbow and shoul-
der of adversary and presses
bottom of Yawara stick into
adversary's arm. at the same
time pulling bottom of
Yawara stick in the direction
toward adversary’s wist. He
then squeezes adversary's
wrist tight in the "crook" ot
his elbow (by tensing the
right arm muscles) and
forces adversary’s arm be-
hind Officer’s right hip. Offi-
cer then straightens his body,
leans a bit to the left and
slightly forward away from
adversary, as he walks him
away. This type “coroe-
ulong" is now completed.

change the Yawara stick to

his left hand, in which case
he grips upper arm of adver-

a with his right hand and

*s left "crazy bone" of
adversary with Yawara stick
held in left hand of Officer
as shown here.

Some Officers may prefer to

use the hold shown here, im-
mediately following the posi-
tion shown in photograph
D-8. In this case. Officer
holds adversary as in D-8,
and presses Vawara stick
(held in left hand) to nerve —MEN OVER 40—
at right of Adam’s _apple.
The average roan over 40 continue* to improve and
This is particularly effective l»come more proficient menially, but unfortunately,
U culprit attempts to fight. by nature, he begin* to go down physically. There-
fore he cannot fight or wrestle for too long a period.
For example: A Police Sergeant whom 1 knew very
wall had a severe and prolongad fight with an adver-
sary In making an arrest. This Officar finally sub-
dued his adversary after many
minutes, but the net
result was developed heart trouble
that this Officer
due to the ©vcr-cxcrtion and subsequently died.
Remember- The Yawara stick subdues adversaries
quickly, easily ar.d effectively. Save wear and tear
on your body. Use the Yawara stick and have «
better chance of enjoying that retirement to which
Police Officers are entitled

be directed to the chin or

Adam’s apple instead of to
the solar-plexus if Officer


Officer has Yawara atiek

ready in hu hand for use
against adversary who H
about to strike.


E-2 Officer isnow perfectly bal-

anced He hooks upper part
Officer uses back-hand strike of Yawara under the
with Yawara stick to back of back of the knee of ad-
adversary’s left hand, and at versary, from back of leg—
the same time steps forward not over the leg— thus throw-
with left foot as shown. ing adversary down.

19 |
If adversary grab* Officer’s
wrist. Officer clenches fist in This is another view of the
and across his body, then up- hold shown in F-2, except
that it was taken from the
wa.u to position shown in
opposite side.

Officer grahs thumb of adver-
sary’s left hand and presses Officer can walk adversary
his own thumb forcibly into as in F-2. or be can grab the
third and little finger of ad-
back of adversary’s hand, im-
mediately behind the third versary’s hand, bending fin-
(ring) finger. Officer then gers backward as hand is
thrust forward. Officer main-
brings bottom of Yawais
stick firmly against little fin- tains grasp on Yawara stick,
ger of adversary. Officer over the thumb and slides
leads adversary by walking bottom of Yawara stick fur-
backwards and maintaining ther back of thumb. Officer
a strong grip on the Yawara then turns away from adver-
slick. sary and walks him away.

{20 aj


As thumb of adversary re-

leases its grip during the
downward push, the Officer
G-l brings his own fist upward
across his body and twists
hi# wrist around so that bot-
Adversary grab# Officer#
his nght tom of Yawara stick hook*
right wrist with
back of adversary'* wrist, as
hand. shown here Officer then
Non— If Officer prefers, he
pushes up, forward, then
can change the Yawara stick downward sharply on the el-
quickly from hi# right to left
band and strike the back of
bow of adversary, forcing
him down.
adversary’s right hand.


Arm-lock is then completed

by locking adversary’# elbow
back of Officer’s left hip Offi-
cer straightens his body and
G-2 leans slightly to the right, as
he steps off with his left foot,
Otherwise, continuing from turning his toes away from
position in G-l, Officer bends adversary. Tins action is
his right wrist inward to- similar to that shown in suc-
ward his elbow as he pushes cessive stages on photographs
downward toward his own D-3, 4 and 5.
left leg.


Adversary grabs Officer’s

right wrist with both hands,
as shown.
Note— If Officer prefers he
can quickly change the H-3
Yawara stick from his right
to left hand and strike back From position shown here,
of adversary's right hand. Officer can complete same
Otherwise Officer proceeds
follow through as in G-2, 3
to H-2.
and 4.

When Officer has adversary

in position shown in H-3, ho

S if be prefers, merely
downward forcing bot-
tom of Yawara stick into
back of adversary’s wrist,
H-2 and grasping fingers of both
hands of adversary with left
hand as shown here. Officer
Follow action as shown
in G-2.
then leads adversary away
on his knees as shown.

Officer begins "eomc-along
by placing his left wrist to
front of adversary's right
wrist as shown.


Officer turns upper part of

his body to left and hooks
Yawara stick back of right
elbow of adversary, pulling
him sharply to Officer s right.
Officer simultaneously pulls
upward with back of his left
wrist gradually turning his
wrist until his hand is in a
palm forward position. Offi-
cer immediately catches up-
per right arm of adversary
with his left hand as shown
in 1-4.
Non—Officer's foot position
remains unchanged.
This ls a rear view of the
hold shown in J-2.

This Is the same as in 1-4 ex-

cept that the Yawara stick is
already in position. To walk
him away, the Officer puts
adversary's elbow back of
his own left hip and steps
away from adversary as in
**on— These holds can be
used equally well from either
While right upper
jr in his left
hand, Officer delivers sound
blow with Yawara stick to
adversary's chin, Adam's ap-
adversary charges ple, jugular vein, or to nerve
with long slick. Officer feints Adam’s apple.
at side ol
as if to throw Yawara stick Non—The Officer can urc
directly into face of adver- the same procedure as In
sary. photographs K-2, 3 and 4 fik
against •southpaw" boxers
who lead with a right
Adversary grabs strao of Ut-
ficer's Sam Browne belt, or

his shirt front, with left band.

Officer immediately grabs
left wrist of adversary
his left hand. Officer then
strikes sharp blow with Same as L-2 except blow
Yawara stick to back of ad- with Yawara stick Is to the
versary’s hand, thumb, thumb.
knuckles or "craxy bone.

When adversary grate strap

of Officer's Sam Browne belt
with right hand as shown.
Officer strikes blow with
Yawara stick to adversary *


Adversary grabs Officer with N-l

right hand as shown (also, he
may grab with other hand to Adversary grabs Officer with
seat of Officer’s trousers, as left hand as shown.
in the “bum's rush").

Officer pivots on left toe and

simultaneously steps around
with right foot and delivers
blow to solar-plexus of ad-
versary with Yawara stick in
right hand.
Non—If adversary uses
"bum’s rush," this blow is
very effective. If adversary's
left hand is at back of Offi-
cer's collar, Officer turns left
and strikes blow to solar-
plexus with Yawara stick in
left hand. If adversary's
M-2 * right hand is at back of Offi-
cer's collar, Officer turns
Officer pivots on and
left toe, right and strikes blow to
at the same time steps around > solar -plexus with Yawara
with the right foot and deliv- stick in right hand. Officer
ers right-hand blow with may use blow to ribs, kidney
Yawara stick to kidney of or crotch instead of to solar -
the adversary. plexus if be prefers.
Adversary grabs back of
strap on Officer's Sam
Brown* belt with hi* left
hand as shown Officer turns
right and strikes solar-
plexus, chin or Adam's apple
of adversary with Yawara
stick in his right hand. If
Officer prefers, he may turn
left and deliver a blow to
kidney, chin or neck with
the Yawara stick in
In his left
Many Police Departments make it a practice to hire
outside Instructors in Self-Defense, but usually in
a short tome the Officers forget the training they have
received, and actually the Police Department has
spent its money for nothing.
Remember: With the Yawara stick and this manual,
the Officers cannot forget.

Adversary grabs back of

strap on Officer's Sam
Browne belt with right hand. a
Officer turns right and [
striked kidney, chin or neck
with Yawara stick in his r
right hand. If Officer turns
left, he strikes solar-plexus,
chin or Adam’s apple with
Yawara stick in his left hand.

Adversary grabs Officer's
nght wrist with his le.'t hand.
Norr— If Officer’s hand is Officeruses left thumb to
down and adversary grabs in shove adversary's thumb be-
same manner, the Officer tween Yawara stick and palm
merely brings his hand up of Officer's hand. Officer
and back to position in P-1, squeezes tightly and walks
then follows through as in
P-2. 3 and 4.

Officer can walk man as in

P-3, or he can grab third and
little finger of adversary's
hand, bending fingers back-
P-2 ward as hand is thrust for-
ward. Officer maintains
Yawara stick for-
Officer tips grasp on Yawara stick, over
ward. forcing bottom of the thumb, and slides bottom
Yawara stick sharply into of Yawara stick further back
the joint in back of adver- of thumb. Officer then turns
sary's hand, between the away frem adversary and
thumb and index finger. walks him away.
As Officer twists adversary's
hand downward and back-
ward he still maintains a firm
grip on the thumb with the
Q-1 Yawara stick, and leads the
adversary away. Always re-
Adversary grips arms of member to keep plenty of
chair and refuses to move pressure on the thumb.
Officer leans on Yawara stick Non— If Officer is left-
as he presses il against handed he may prefer to use
thumb, thumb knuckle or this same hold on adversary's
thumb joint of adversary. right hand. This Yawara
Note bow adversary relaxes hold is eoually effective from
hold on arms of chair. either side.


As adversary relaxes grip on

chair arm. the Officer grabs i

adversary's thumb between

Yawara stick and the palm I

of his hand. Officer then

grabs extended fingers of ad-
versary, bends them down-
ward and backward.

[40 «1
R-l R-3

Adversary is Seated, grips Officer straightens up.

chair and refuses to move ing adversary’s Adam's bj
'Ihls time his hands are in a into the crook of his e!b
differentposition. Officer and walks him away. If ad-
hooks Yawara stick against versary attempts to grab Of-
nerve at right of adam's ficer s arm with either or
apple and simultaneously both hands, the Officer raps
grabs chin of adversary, adversary's hands sharply
twisting adversary’s head far and squeezes neck tightly by
to the right. tensing the arm muscles.

With adversary's head twist-

ed far to the right. Officer
quickly slides his right
arm across adversary’s
throat Officer simultaneous-
ly changes Yawara stick to
his left hand. If adversary
attempts to grab Officer’s
hand, the Officer merely tara
the offending hand sharply
with the Yawara stick.

|42 43]

Adversary attempts to choke

li adversarygrabs Officer
Officer with arm hold around
and forces him backward, as
neck. Officer grabs adver-
in the photograph, the Offi-
sary’s wrist and taps back of
cer strikes a blow with the
his hand sharply with end of
Yawara stick to adversary's
Yowara stick, using a side
knee or to the “crazy bone."
as m


Or the Officer may strike a

blow with the blunt end o!
the Yawara stick to adver-
sary's "crazy bone/'

If adversary throws head lock
on Officer, the Officer uses
tide blow to back of adver- T-3
sary’s hand, with end knob
of Yawara stick, while hold- This shows Officer tapping
in* around body of adver- inside shin of adversary with
sary with left arm. Yawara stick.


Officer uses Yawara stick in

left hand and hooks side of it
to the nerve at the left of the
Adam’s apple. Officer then
pulls adversary' backwards,
off balance, with the Yawara
stick, while holding the ad-
versary’s wrist as shown.
Officer then releases hold on
wrist and strikes blow with
bottom side of fist, to the
solar-plexus. (In case of a
life or death fight. Officer
uses same blow to crotch.)

47 ]


Officer punches with heel of

hia right hand to adversary's
right hip and simultaneously
hooks side of knob of Yawara
stick into hollow below
Adam’s apple and pulls back-
ward. This hold is particu-
larly valuable in holding an
Insane person.

All Peace Officers know that today it is more diffi-

cult tosubdue and apprehend persons than It was
even Sve yean ago, because during World War II
many were taught Jiu Jltsu, Judo and other forms
of combat.

The Yawara stick is the answer.

Caution— t must be understood

that a blow with die Yawara stick to
the crotch, face, otc., may be used in
any of the holds shown in T-l to T-5.
inclusive, and In many of the other
holds. They are not shown here be-
cause the use of such blows are ob-
iectinnnblo to the public when used
by Officers.

[« 49
This lx the beat “con-.e-along"
because it is very effective
and ix never objectionable to
onlookers. Officer grabs ad-
versary’s left wrist with his
left hand. At the same time,
Officer grabs outside part of
adversary’s sleeve at the el-
bow (leaving -play” between
Yawara stick and elbow). If
adversary mists or refuses
to come along. Officer tap*
craay bone'* sharply with
side of Yawara stick.

If adversary tries to turn left.

Officer presses Yawara seek
firmly to the “crazy bone"
and pushes sharply forward,
making adversary walk.

To remove stubborn adver-

sary from car. Officer leans
firmly with Yawara stick
against adversary's thumb as
in Q-l.
Not*— f adversary attempts
to flfcht it is a simple matter
now twists hand of

for Officer to strike chin or

adversarybackward and
Adam's apple with either end
downward as in Q-3, and
leads him from car.
of the Yawara stick.
Officer grab* left wrist o( ad-
versary with his left hand, Officer locks arm of adver-
and strikes adversary's sary with Yawara stick as in
''crazy bone" with side of D-4. and pulls him out of car,
Yawara stick as in D-l and then walks him away as in
D-2. D-5.

Officer follows through, push-
ing elbow of adversary up-
ward and over, then down-
ward with the Yawara stick
and at the same time twisting
his wrist continuously in die
direction which brings the
elbow forward as in D-3.

[54 55|
Correct way tor Officer to
hold Yawara stick while
driving adversary. The spike
of the Yawara stick is paral-
lel forearm.
to the Officer’s
If adversary grabs Officer's
right wrist with either hand
while Officer is driving car,
Officer merely tips bottom of
Yawara stick backward to-
ward his own forearm. This
action imbeds the "spike’' of
the Yawara stick mto adver-
sary’s finger, thumb or hand.
(I) X-3

Officer can still hold both Also, under circumstances

hands on wheel or release described In X-2, the blow
right hand from wheel if nec- may be struck with either
essary. end of the Yawara stick to
Nor*—Ordinarily we do not the solar-plexus, crotch or
like to cut or mark anyone any part of the body.
with the spikes, at any time,
but In this case the Officer's
life and destruction of the
car is at stake.

If adversary attempts to
strike Officer while sitting in
car or while driving. Officer
strikes adversary on chin
with Yawara stick as shown. X-4
If this occurs while driving.
Officer should not hesitate to If adversary attempts to es-
strike any part of face or cape, strike hard blow with
head, because here, also, It end of Yawara stick to kid-
may save the life of the Offi- ney. rib6, spine or any part
cer and damage to the car. of the body. Even If this
Remember, the blow may be should injure the adversary
struck with either end of the it is much better than having
Yawara stick. to shoot him.
Or the Officer may turn the
Yawara stick horizontally,
with hla palm up, while hold-
ing collar as shown here.
Officer then lilts upward at
collar while pulling up at the
crotch and pushes adversary

y:J#' PP>
i Z2f - * •

Officer shoves Yawara stick

through crotch and pushes Officer may also use the
upward, or he uses a slight
upward tap with the front of
the Yawara stick and as the
method shown here.

upward as he shoves the

Yawara stick into adver-
grabs collar tightly, pushing

f i W ‘M
adversary jumps up, the Offi-


cer pushes him forward. sary's kidney.

^ if' 1;
Officer can walk adversary
by grabbing his wrist and
pushing and of Yawara stick
into back as shown here. Ad-
versary will think it is a gun


If adversary shifts around

and refuses to go. Officer
strikes back of hand or
knuckles of adversary, as
shown, instead of head.


Adversary attempts to stnke

Officer as shown. Officer
uses hack-hand strike with
Yawara stick to adversary's
fist. Officer may use forward
blow with Yawara stick to
back of adversary’s fist, if he

Interfering adversary drops, a sharp
blow with the Yawara st.ck to to
hand, a* shown here and In C-2. it delivered. Follow -hr.
If,while engaged with one adversary, another attempts to attack from the rear first advereaty*

as shown, a sharp blow with the Yawarm stick to the solar-plexus eliminate* as in C-3 and C-4.
the Interfering adversary. The blow may be struck with either end of the
Yawara stick.

August Vollmzr

April 15, 1946.

[a of ®akl r
Prof. F. A. Matsuyama,
police SfpartnKnt
Yawara School,
/1818 Stout Street,
Denver, Colorado

Dear Sir:

The Yawara Stick which you have sent to at la

without doubt the moat reenact

^ effective

offensive and defensive combat weapon that

has 10 BBS IT »T COKSBl
been brought to my attention. Ttda !• to oartLfy that tha
This weapon

should be required equipment for every police- XMUB STICK la hat«* MMWW * «*•

Depart—ot, and la part of our tUadazd aeulpwar.t.

man, especially the plain clothes officers

Vary truly jw.
the police service.

Robt ?. Tracy
CHIEF Of rcucE.

' G6

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