How To Use The Yawara Stick Text
How To Use The Yawara Stick Text
How To Use The Yawara Stick Text
Only Yawan man in America
Yawara School
Denver. Colorado
CtpyogHt 1948!
Prj< f. A. MjlHiva/r*
How the Yawara Stick Wm Developed
instructor of Police, Police Departments. Police Schools and numerous
Law Enforcement bodies, it became apparent that there was a great need for
a police weapon which would offer more than ample protection to Police
Officers, with a minimum possibility of injury to the person or persons on whom
it was used.
August Vollmer
Chief of Police (retired)
Berkeley, California
Nebraska Safety Patrol now equipped with Yiwui sticks.
Tnt Yawara stick may also
b* earned inside the sleeve,
where it automatically drop.*
into the hand for immediate ward or downward stroke, i
use as shown here. for a direct forward thrust.
Another very good way to
conceal the Yawara stick for
instant use. With the Yawara
stick in the right hand, ele-
vate both arms to horizontal
position and fold arms, plac-
ing left hand under right arm
pit. While left arm is still ele-
vated. place right fist with
Yawara under the left
arm pit- Drop elbow to con- At one false move, the Officer
ceal the Yawara stick. If left- strikes the chin of the adver-
handed. reverse the proce- sary firmly with either end
dure. of the Yawara stick.
Officer follow* through with
•harp jab to hip of adversary
with the "heel" of his left
Adversary *tarts to fight, be- hand, and brings his left foot
ginning with a boxer’s stance, forward at the tame time to
and using a left lead.
19 |
If adversary grab* Officer’s
wrist. Officer clenches fist in This is another view of the
and across his body, then up- hold shown in F-2, except
that it was taken from the
wa.u to position shown in
opposite side.
Officer grahs thumb of adver-
sary’s left hand and presses Officer can walk adversary
his own thumb forcibly into as in F-2. or be can grab the
third and little finger of ad-
back of adversary’s hand, im-
mediately behind the third versary’s hand, bending fin-
(ring) finger. Officer then gers backward as hand is
thrust forward. Officer main-
brings bottom of Yawais
stick firmly against little fin- tains grasp on Yawara stick,
ger of adversary. Officer over the thumb and slides
leads adversary by walking bottom of Yawara stick fur-
backwards and maintaining ther back of thumb. Officer
a strong grip on the Yawara then turns away from adver-
slick. sary and walks him away.
{20 aj
S if be prefers, merely
downward forcing bot-
tom of Yawara stick into
back of adversary’s wrist,
H-2 and grasping fingers of both
hands of adversary with left
hand as shown here. Officer
Follow action as shown
in G-2.
then leads adversary away
on his knees as shown.
Officer begins "eomc-along
by placing his left wrist to
front of adversary's right
wrist as shown.
Adversary grabs Officer's
nght wrist with his le.'t hand.
Norr— If Officer’s hand is Officeruses left thumb to
down and adversary grabs in shove adversary's thumb be-
same manner, the Officer tween Yawara stick and palm
merely brings his hand up of Officer's hand. Officer
and back to position in P-1, squeezes tightly and walks
then follows through as in
P-2. 3 and 4.
[40 «1
R-l R-3
|42 43]
If adversary throws head lock
on Officer, the Officer uses
tide blow to back of adver- T-3
sary’s hand, with end knob
of Yawara stick, while hold- This shows Officer tapping
in* around body of adver- inside shin of adversary with
sary with left arm. Yawara stick.
47 ]
[« 49
This lx the beat “con-.e-along"
because it is very effective
and ix never objectionable to
onlookers. Officer grabs ad-
versary’s left wrist with his
left hand. At the same time,
Officer grabs outside part of
adversary’s sleeve at the el-
bow (leaving -play” between
Yawara stick and elbow). If
adversary mists or refuses
to come along. Officer tap*
craay bone'* sharply with
side of Yawara stick.
Officer follows through, push-
ing elbow of adversary up-
ward and over, then down-
ward with the Yawara stick
and at the same time twisting
his wrist continuously in die
direction which brings the
elbow forward as in D-3.
[54 55|
Correct way tor Officer to
hold Yawara stick while
driving adversary. The spike
of the Yawara stick is paral-
lel forearm.
to the Officer’s
If adversary grabs Officer's
right wrist with either hand
while Officer is driving car,
Officer merely tips bottom of
Yawara stick backward to-
ward his own forearm. This
action imbeds the "spike’' of
the Yawara stick mto adver-
sary’s finger, thumb or hand.
(I) X-3
If adversary attempts to
strike Officer while sitting in
car or while driving. Officer
strikes adversary on chin
with Yawara stick as shown. X-4
If this occurs while driving.
Officer should not hesitate to If adversary attempts to es-
strike any part of face or cape, strike hard blow with
head, because here, also, It end of Yawara stick to kid-
may save the life of the Offi- ney. rib6, spine or any part
cer and damage to the car. of the body. Even If this
Remember, the blow may be should injure the adversary
struck with either end of the it is much better than having
Yawara stick. to shoot him.
Or the Officer may turn the
Yawara stick horizontally,
with hla palm up, while hold-
ing collar as shown here.
Officer then lilts upward at
collar while pulling up at the
crotch and pushes adversary
y:J#' PP>
i Z2f - * •
f i W ‘M
adversary jumps up, the Offi-
^ if' 1;
Officer can walk adversary
by grabbing his wrist and
pushing and of Yawara stick
into back as shown here. Ad-
versary will think it is a gun
Interfering adversary drops, a sharp
blow with the Yawara to to
hand, a* shown here and In C-2. it delivered. Follow -hr.
If,while engaged with one adversary, another attempts to attack from the rear first advereaty*
as shown, a sharp blow with the Yawarm stick to the solar-plexus eliminate* as in C-3 and C-4.
the Interfering adversary. The blow may be struck with either end of the
Yawara stick.
August Vollmzr
[a of ®akl r
Prof. F. A. Matsuyama,
police SfpartnKnt
Yawara School,
/1818 Stout Street,
Denver, Colorado
Dear Sir:
should be required equipment for every police- XMUB STICK la hat«* MMWW * «*•
Robt ?. Tracy
CHIEF Of rcucE.
' G6