Pendium Reduced
Pendium Reduced
Pendium Reduced
doomstadt compendium
doomstadt compendium
By Christopher P. Tyner
All characters pictured and depicted herin are the sole property of MARVEL COMICS GROUP.
This publication is a fan-made accessory for the out of print Marvel Superheroes Role Playing Game.
This publication is not for sale and is for entertainment purposes only. Artwork has been pulled from
MARVEL publications and from internet sources.
Doomstadt is the capital domain Master of as God Emperor Doom’s voice of reason while
of Battleworld, where God Doom. Valeria is his key tactician.
Emperor Doom and his Sheriff, Doomstadt is the place where The Doomstadt skyline reveals
Stephen Strange, operated. courts are held by Strange, under more ties to the Fantastic Four
Battleworld was formed by the supervision of Emperor Family. Franklin von Doom is the
Doom, Strange and The Doom and his policing agency, watcher of Doomstadt’s main
Molecule Man after numerous known as the Thor Corps, which defense mechanism: a Galactus
catastrophic events called take up residence in the from an unknown origin. He sits
“incursions” destroyed the neighboring Domain of within the giant’s hand keeping
Multiverse. Doom and Doctor Doomgard. an ever watchful eye over his
Strange went to the Beyonders to The roots of Yggdrasil emerge father’s realm.
stop an incursion of their reality. from Castle Doom and act as the Doom’s Battleworld is orbited by
The trio were responsible for the throne of power and High Court of a small Sun which is in reality the
destruction of the Beyonders and Battleworld. It is within these halls Human Torch, consigned to the
Doom absorbed their massive Sheriff Strange holds trials that role for acting against Doctor
array of powers as his own and bring into question the laws of Doom, and Knowhere, that acts
incorporated the remnants of the Doom and metes out sentences as Battleworld's moon. Besides
realities destroyed by the handed down by Doom these two satellites and
incursions (or more precisely, accordingly. Battleworld itself, there were
their incursions points) to create Often at Doom’s side are his originally no more celestial
a reality in his own image. One in wife, Susan von Doom, and bodies in its universe, until a
which he is literally Lord and daughter Valeria. Susan is being known only as Singularity,
a mysterious young girl who of Battleworld from the rest of the scattered across the world,
actually represents a pocket Domains (The Deadlands, denying to provide any more
universe that gained sentience Perfection, and New Xandar) is information than that.
during the multiversal collapse, in actuality the Thing, The Foundation immediately
gave her life to save the citizens transformed into a stone wall by began to investigate the cause
of Arcadia from a horde of Doom for defiance. of Strange's death. While doing
Zombies. This selfless act cast In Doomstadt, the right hand to so, they found the source of
the child universe into the Doom is the Law, which consists Doom's power, and informed
heavens which made the stars of the afore-mentioned Sheriff Va l e r i a , w h o h a d b e c o m e
appear in the sky. Many believe Strange and the Thor Corps. suspicious of her father, which
that this event marked the Doom’s left hand is the led to Valeria discovering a
beginning of the end of Foundation, which is wholly secret chamber beneath Castle
Battleworld. focused on discovery and Doom with the help of two
Castle Doom also contains science. Spider-Men, Peter Parker and
several statues of the Molecule To w a r d s t h e e n d o f Miles Morales.
Man within its grounds. In Battleworld’s existence, The Doomstadt and Battleworld
Doom's private garden is Foundation discovered an would eventually collapse after
particular Molecule Man statue unidentified object, secretly a life God Emperor Doom's
that hides a trap door beneath it. raft, within Utopolis and reported Beyonders' power was
The trap door leads to a glowing it to Sheriff Strange, who then transferred to Reed Richards,
white space where the Molecule conducted an investigation with considered by Doom himself
Man resides and acts as the the Thor Corps. and Molecule Man to be more
source of Doom's power. After Strange was killed for w o r t h y. W i t h t h i s p o w e r,
Finally, unbeknownst until the betraying him, Doom tasked Richards rectified the artificial
final days of Battleworld’s Valeria to use the resources of reality.
existence, the barrier that the Foundation to find the
separated the most feared lands interlopers who had been
F CL1000 (1000)
A CL1000 (1000)
S CL1000 (1000)
E CL1000 (1000)
R CL1000 (1000)
I CL1000 (1000)
P CL1000 (1000)
Health: 4000
Karma: 3000
Resources: UN (100)
Popularity: 100
Real Name: Victor von Doom
Occupation: Emperor, God
Identity: Public
Legal Status: God of Battleworld
Other Known Aliases: God Emperor Doom,
Lord Doom, Dr. Doom
Place of Birth: Earth 616, Latveria
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Susan von Doom (wife),
Valeria von Doom, (daughter), Franklin
von Doom (son), Johnny Storm (brother-in-law)
Group Affiliation: The Foundation
Base of Operations: Doomstadt
KNOWN POWERS Doom has access to any power
Omnipotence: God Emperor listed in the ultimate powers book
Doom’s power was the sum total of o r i n t h e G M ’s o r P l a y e r ’s
the Multiverse. As such he was imagination.
limited only by the restrictions that Talents:
he placed upon himself. Doom Doom has access to any talent he
could create and destroy matter as needs to take advantage of at any
he chose. He could heal any and all given moment.
damage to himself, and while Contacts:
taking visible damage, could As Emperor God, Doom is able to
immediately heal himself and request the presence of anyone on
others. He could negate any Battleworld.
poison, correct any fault, and
restore life to any being whose ADDITIONAL NOTES:
astral spirit was still available.
The statistics above are those he
gave to his human form. In other
planes of reality (essentially an
astral form) Emperor Doom would
have the following statistics:
HISTORY counterpart, which set off the himself and informed Strange
God Emperor Doom is the early death of his counterpart's of his origins as Rabum Alal,
Victor von Doom that hails from universe, and caused the and revealed his ultimate plan
the core 616 Marvel Universe. incursions. The Molecule Man to defeat them: the different
The following description convinced Doom that in order to Molecule Men he had captured.
details how he came into his thwart the plans of the In a last ditch attempt to save
near omnipotent powers that he Beyonders, he had to embark in the multiverse, Doom took
possesses on Battleworld. a mission to kill Molecule Men. Strange and the Molecule Men
Prior to the end of the Even if Doom's actions to confront the Beyonders. He
Multiverse, Dr. Doom was resulted in a similar result to the was able to destroy them and
working with a team of Beyonders' plans, the harness all of their power using
scientists to reverse-engineer a destruction of realities, Doom's his universe's Molecule Man as
remnant of a Mapmaker he course of action attempted to a conduit. However, Doom's
gathered from the world-ending save all that he could from the accomplishment caused the
incursion that fell on his home destruction, as setting off some destruction of thousands of
country of Latveria. With the of the Molecule Men earlier universes, leaving in the end
knowledge he and his team would diminish the charge of merely a dozen surviving
were able to decode from the the explosion the Beyonders realities.
shard, Doom planned to use the had planned. Doom would also When the multiverse finally
Molecule Man to oppose capture Molecule Men from perished in the final incursion
whatever was the origin of the other universes in order to between Earth-616 and Earth-
incursions and the decay of the create an even greater bomb 1610, Doom used the power of
multiverse. with which he would destroy the the Beyonders to salvage the
The Molecule Man took Doom Beyonders. remains of several realities and
into a blank void from where Eight years after the build a patchwork planet named
they subsequently traveled beginning of his journey, when Battleworld, which was ruled
backwards through the mists of Doom had killed thousands of under his iron fist, with the help
time and the various planes of Molecule Men, he encountered of Stephen Strange, who was
reality. one who would be the first of his named Battleworld's sheriff.
Doom and the Molecule Man Black Swans, a cult he would Molecule Man continued
traveled twenty-five years into form around the religious empowering God Emperor
the past to an alternate reality to concept of himself, under the Doom, and remained hidden in
witness the origin of that identity of "Rabum Alal" (the a chamber beneath Doom’s
reality's Molecule Man. The "Great Destroyer"). A group of newly created Doomstadt.
journey affected Molecule Black Swans rebelled against During the early days of this
Man's mind, restoring it from its Doom, and sought a different planet, Doom encountered an
chaotic state, and he told Doom path. They destroyed other alternate version of the
of his origins. The Molecule Earths during incursions as an Fantastic Four, one in which
Man was a singularity across offering to Rabum Alal and to Reed Richards didn't exist.
every single universe, a "bomb" buy more time for other Their Sue Storm fell in love with
created by the Beyonders to universes. Victor, and they had two
detonate across the entire In the present, Doctor Strange children, Franklin and Valeria.
multiverse at once. If a and and a group of dark mages As eight years went by, Doom
Molecule Man died, his known as the Black Priests and Strange managed to twist
universe died with him. If every traveled to the Library of Worlds the memories of their
Molecule Man died at the same to find Rabum Alal. They inhabitants, to the point they
time, every universe died believed him to be one of the would no longer remember
simultaneously with them, and main causes of the decay of the what had existed before
that was the Beyonders' goal. multiverse. To their surprise, Battleworld. Even though he
The Molecule Man killed his Doctor Doom presented was an omnipotent ruler, Victor
ultimately felt he was failing his that passed, and had allowed Panther.
duty as a god, he thought he them to survive the end of the After being informed of the
wasn't capable of properly multiverse,ultimately placing nature of Battleworld and its
inspiring his people, and even them on Battleworld, ruler, the survivors of Earth-616
though Battleworld was the unbeknownst to Doom and helped Sheriff Strange confront
perfect world he wanted, he Strange. the Maker and the Cabal, who
considered himself its only flaw. Sheriff Strange recognized had been pinned down with
The relative monotony of the design of the raft, which was some difficulty by Battleworld's
Doom's reign was interrupted that of a similar vessel he had police force, the Thor Corps.
with the discovery of an empty found three years earlier and Doom remained unwilling to
vessel in the domain known as had kept hidden in his Isle of take part in the conflict, until he
Utopolis, a life raft that had Agamotto. When Strange saw Mr. Fantastic on the scene.
been built by the survivors of investigated the vessel of his Doom immediately teleported
Earth-1610, the villainous p r o p r i e t a r y, h e f r e e d i t s to Utopolis to put an end to the
Maker and the Cabal. The occupants, the survivors of f r a y, d e m a n d i n g t h e
vessel kept them in suspended Earth-616, among which were newcomers to recognize his
animation for the eight years Mr. Fantastic, Namor and Black continued...
authority. To prevent Doom none other than the Cabal's power in order to allow a fair
from prejudicially acting upon Maximus the Mad, and his army fight. During the furious
the interlopers, Stephen used marched forward to Castle confrontation, Doom accused
his magic to teleport them Doom. Some of Doom's allies Richards of believing he
a w a y. F o l l o w i n g t h e met Maximus’ army in battle, could've done better had he
disappearance of the Cabal namely the Thor Corps, who had Doom's power and Reed
and the heroes from Earth-616, had been convinced to fight conceded he did. On the
Doom confronted Strange for against their god by the Thor grounds of what he percieved
disobeying him, and ultimately survivor of Earth-616. as a mutual agreement, the
killed him after Stephen When he decided to step into Molecule Man gave Doom's
accused him of being afraid of the fight, Doom was confronted power to Reed, destroying
Richards. by Black Panther and Namor, Battleworld in the process.
Doom later commanded with the former having acquired With the power he had
Valeria and The Foundation to an Infinity Gauntlet from Sheriff received from Molecule Man,
find the interlopers, pinning Strange's sanctuary. After a and with help from his revived
Strange's murder on them. battle that took them through family, Mister Fantastic began
Three weeks later, Battleworld the different planes of reality, to restore the Multiverse,
was in disarray, with disorder Doom bested Black Panther, including Earth-616. Doom was
having escalated into open but he soon realized the fight returned to Latveria,
rebellion in several domains, was a distraction. He teleported miraculously cured of his scars
with somebody called "the to Molecule Man's chamber, as an act of forgiveness from
Prophet" forming an army which had been found by Mister Richards.
against Doom. The Prophet, Fantastic. The Molecule Man
who was later revealed to be partially stripped Doom of his
sheriff strange
F GD (10)
A EX (20)
S TY (6)
R GD (10)
I MN (75)
P MN (75)
Health: 66
Karma: 160
Resources: MN (75)
Popularity: 75
Real Name: Stephen Strange
Occupation: Surgeon (retired), Sorcerer
Supreme, Sheriff of Battleworld
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Sheriff of Battleworld
Other Known Aliases: Dr. Strange
Place of Birth: Earth 616, Philadelphia, PA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Eugene Strange (father,
deceased); Beverly Strange (mother, deceased);
Victor Strange (Khiron) (brother, deceased);
Donna Strange (sister, deceased); Clea (wife,
estranged); Sofia Strange (daughter)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Isle of Agamotto
KNOWN POWERS This power may be limited due to HISTORY
Magical Ability: As Sorcerer the fact that Battleworld is Shortly after regaining his status as
Supreme, Sheriff Strange has assumed to be the only universe Sorcerer Supreme, Strange was
access to any power as a spell that left, but it is unrevealed how other called upon for a meeting of the
is listed in the Ultimate Powers dimensions were affected by the Illuminati. The Black Panther had
book or in the GM’s or Player’s incursions that destroyed the experienced an event known as an
imagination at the Amazing level. multiverse. "incursion" in which two universes
He regularly uses the following Spell of Silence: Prevents subject collide with each other, resulting in
spells: from speaking of certain matters or their mutual destruction.
Alteration - Appearance: AM subjects. Only characters of AM Another incursion followed
ability to transform appearance to Psyche or greater may resist this shortly after, and the Illuminati
any humanoid look. spell. decided to assemble the Infinity
Astral Projection: UN Cloak of Levitation: SHX Flight, Gauntlet to stop it. Captain
Levitation: IN I N material strength and I N America wielded the Gauntlet and
Force Field VS Magic: UN strength in combat. managed to avert the incursion,
Telepathy: UN Talents: but the Gauntlet was believed to
Conjure: AM ability to call to his Medicine, Occult Lore, have been destroyed in the
side an object or person. A living Mythological Lore, Martial Arts A, process. Due to his unwillingness
being must make a Psyche FEAT E. to do whatever it took to stop the
to avoid being conjured. Contacts: incursions, such as considering
Eldritch Beams/Bolts: MN Force As Sheriff of Battleworld, Strange the destruction of another world to
or Energy damage and range. is able to request the presence of save their own, Captain America
Dimensional Aperture: Creates anyone on Battleworld. was voted out of the Illuminati and
an opening into, and permits Stephen erased his memories of
passage to and from another the group and the incursion.
stated dimension with MN ability.
Dr. Strange resolved to use the Multiverse, Doom took Strange the conflict until he saw Mr.
full resources at his disposal as and the Molecule Men to confront Fantastic on the scene. Doom
Sorcerer Supreme to find a way to the Beyonders. He was able to immediately teleported to
stop the Incursions. Calling on the destroy them and harness all of Utopolis, and stopped the fray,
power of a tome of the darkest of their power using the regular demanding the newcomers to
black magics; the Blood Bible, Molecule Man as a conduit. recognize his authority. To prevent
Stephen traveled to the Sinner's H o w e v e r , D o o m ' s Doom from prejudicially acting
Market in the Lost Lands, on a accomplishment cost the death of upon the interlopers, Stephen
quest to find power. He was led to thousands of universes, leaving used his magic to teleport them
the Resolute Throne which deals only a dozen behind. away. Following the
in granting degrees of godhood, When the Multiverse finally disappearance of the villains from
with a fifth of a man's soul buying perished in the final incursion Earth-1610 and the heroes from
him a fifth of the power of a god. between Earth-616 and Earth- Earth-616, Doom confronted
There, Stephen made a deal to sell 1610, Doom used the power of the Strange for disobeying him, and
the entirety of his soul. Beyonders to salvage the remains ultimately killed him after Stephen
Shortly after the actions of the of several realities and build a accused him of being afraid of
Illuminati were made public, patchwork planet named Richards.
Stephen Strange left Earth-616 Battleworld, which was ruled
and joined the cause of the Black under his iron fist, with the help of ADDITIONAL NOTES
Priests, having mastered the way Doctor Strange, who became
in which they manifest their power Battleworld's sheriff and Doom's
to distort reality. He and the other right hand, usually acting as
Black Priests were encountered Doom's voice in certain matters.
by Sunspot's Avengers on their As eight years went by, Doom
way to find the responsible for the and Strange managed to twist the
decay of the Multiverse, and memories of the inhabitants of
offered their help to defeat either of Battleworld, leaving no trace of
the two main players in this "Game memory of the former realities.
of Worlds": a being known as Stephen created his own base, the
Rabum Alal or the mysterious Isle of Agamotto, a place for
Ivory Kings. remembrance of his lost world.
While the Multiversal Avengers Five years after the creation of
went to confront the Ivory Kings, Battleworld, Strange found a
Strange went to Earth 1903990 vessel of unknown origin and kept
with the Black Priests to utilize a it in the Isle, fearing something of
Great Key that activated a great consequence was inside it,
doorway to gain access to the but not knowing it was the bodies
Library of Worlds to defeat Rabum in stasis of the few other survivors
Alal. They explored the Library of of Earth-616.
Worlds and encountered a Black With the appearance of a similar
Swan. The Swans were able to set vessel from which the survivors of
a trap and destroy most of the Earth-1610 emerged, Strange
Black Priests, with the exception of directed his attention towards the
Doctor Strange, who was able to one in his Domain. Once he
defend himself but was ultimately opened it, he freed the survivors,
incapacitated. He was then among which were Mr. Fantastic
brought before Rabum Alal, who a n d B l a c k P a n t h e r. A f t e r
was revealed to be Doctor Doom explaining to the fellow survivors
of Earth 616. what had transpired while they
Doom informed Strange of his were in stasis, Strange was
origins as Rabum Alal and summoned to a battle between the
revealed his ultimate plan to villainous survivors from Earth-
defeat them: the different 1610 and the Thor Corps,
Molecule Men he had captured. In Battleworld's police force. Doom
a last ditch attempt to save the remained unwilling to take part in
F FE (2)
A PR (4)
S PR (4)
E GD (10)
R GD (10)
I FE (2)
P MN (75)
Health: 20
Karma: 87
Resources: Sh0
Popularity: 0
Real Name: Owen Reece
Occupation: Ex-Lab Technician,
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Battery of Battleworld
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Earth 616, Brooklyn, NY
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Hidden Chamber
Beneath Doomstadt
Doomgard is the domain of One of the Thor Corps' most His most recent case was the
Battleworld where the Thor notorious members is Thunderer homicide of five different women
Corps operated. A ceremony is Thorlief, known as "Ultimate in different domains, who were
held in one of Doomgard's halls Thor" due to his impressive revealed all to be different
where different Thors from other record of resolved crimes, versions of the same person.
domains attempt to lift a Mjolnir, including the arrest of thirteen Ultimate Thor's partner, Beta
if they succeed, they become Hulks in one night, and having Ray Thor, was fatally injured in
part of the Thor Corps. solved the "Mangog murders." the Kingdom of Manhattan by an
unknown enemy right after
getting a tip on the identity of the
woman from Loki, but he
managed to tell her name to
Thorlief on his death bed: Jane
After mourning for their fallen
b r o t h e r, t h e T h o r C o r p s
proceeded to comb through
Battleworld for any suspects,
any person capable of killing a
Thor. Ultimate Thor investigated
a Jane Foster from the Kingdom
of Manhattan, and found her
possessions had been taken by
an ex-member of the Thor Corps
known as Thor the Unworthy.
Ultimate Thor was unable to get
information from Thor the
Unworthy as he was called by
his brother after finding a new
victim, a hammer salesman
named Donald Blake. Before the
investigation could begin,
Ultimate Thor pinned down Loki,
who was found roaming the
crime scene.
During the interrogation, Loki
claimed to not have murdered
the Jane Fosters or Donald
Blakes. Loki stated he had
simply moved the bodies so they
could be left for the Thor Corps to
find. Ultimate Thor later followed
Loki's directions to the place
where a mass grave for Jane
Fosters and Donald Blakes was
found; the Deadlands. When he
was investigating the corpses,
Thorlief was struck from behind
DOOMGARD by the Rune Thor, one of his
F AM (50)
A EX (20)
S UN (100)
E MN (75)
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P RM (30)
Health: 245
Karma: 60
Resources: TY
Popularity: 10
Real Name: Thor Odinson
Occupation: Thor
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomgard
Other Known Aliases: The Ultimate Thor
Place of Birth: Reality 1610, Asgard
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Odin (father, deceased);
Balder (paternal half-brother, deceased);
Loki (paternal half-brother, deceased);
Modi Thorson (son, deceased)
Group Affiliation: Thor Corps
Base of Operations: Doomgard
Invulnerability: IN resistance to ADDITIONAL NOTES
physical and energy attacks, heat,
cold, radiation, and disease.
Weather Control: UN control.
Can call down M N intensity
Flight: AM air speed.
Longevity: UN
Mjolnir: UN Material Strength and
damage. Fighting increases to MN
when using the hammer. Can be
thrown 10 areas and will come
back 1 round later.
Detective, Martial Arts B, C, E,
Wrestling, Politics
Thor Corps
HISTORY Blakes. Loki stated he has doctrine, possibly because most
When the Multiverse was simply moved the bodies so they Jane Fosters and Donald Blakes
destroyed and recreated in the could be left for the Thor Corps to from alternate universes were
form of Battleworld, so was Thor, find. Ultimate Thor later followed closely tied to their respective
but with a new name: Thunderer Loki's directions to the place Thors. A furious battle took place
Thorlief. In some point in time, he where a mass grave for Jane in the halls of Doomgard, at the
joined the Thor Corps, and Fosters and Donald Blakes was same time the Jane Foster of the
became known as the Ultimate found, the Deadlands. When he universe previous to Battleworld
Thor for the arrest of thirteen was rallying her fellow
Hulks in one night, and having Thors against God
solved the "Mangog murders." Emperor Doom's lies. The
His partner was Stormbreaker Rune and the Destroyer
Ray. Thors were defeated, and
His most recent case was the Thorlief, along with the
homicide of five different women Thor Corps proceeded to
in different domains, who were raid Doom's Castle,
revealed all to be different seemingly perishing in the
versions of the same person. process.
Stormbreaker Ray was fatally After the restoration of
injured in the Kingdom of the Multiverse, Thor's
Manhattan by an unknown hammer appeared in
enemy right after getting a tip on Earth-616 and crashed
the identity of the woman from into Asgard.
Loki, but he managed to tell her
name to Thorlief in his death bed:
Jane Foster.
After mourning for their fallen
b r o t h e r, t h e T h o r C o r p s
proceeded to comb through
Battleworld for any suspects,
any person capable of killing a
Thor. Ultimate Thor investigated
a Jane Foster from the Kingdom
of Manhattan, and found her
possessions had been taken by was investigating the corpses,
an ex-member of the Thor Corps Thorlief was struck from behind
known as Thor the Unworthy. by the Rune Thor, one of his least
Ultimate Thor was unable to get amicable peers, who admitted to
i n fo r m a ti o n fr o m Th o r th e have killed Beta Ray while he left
Unworthy as he was called by his Thorlief beaten at the mercy of
brother after finding a new victim, the zombies of the Deadlands.
a hammer salesman named However, he was unexpectedly
Donald Blake. Before the saved by Thor the Unworthy.
investigation could begin, The two of them rushed back to
Ultimate Thor pinned down Loki, Doomgard in order to stop the
who was found roaming the villainous Thors, who were about
crime scene. to get rid of Loki. It was revealed
During the interrogation, Loki the Rune Thor had murdered the
claimed to not have murdered Jane Fosters and Donald Blakes
the Jane Fosters or Donald for the sake of Doctor Doom's
F UN (100)
A EX (20)
S UN (100)
E UN (100)
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P AM (50)
Health: 320
Karma: 80
Resources: TY
Popularity: 10
Real Name: Beta Ray Bill
Occupation: Thor
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomgard
Other Known Aliases: Beta Ray Thor
Place of Birth: Reality 616, Korbin
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Thor Corps
Base of Operations: Doomgard
Invulnerability: MN resistance to
physical and energy attacks, heat,
cold, radiation, and disease.
Weather Control: UN control. ADDITIONAL NOTES
Can call down M N intensity
Flight: AM air speed.
Healing Factor: RM. Heals 30x
faster than the normal rate.
Longevity: UN
Stormbreaker: U N Material
Strength and damage. Can be
thrown 10 areas and will come
back 1 round later.
Detective, Martial Arts B, C, E,
Thor Corps
Stormbreaker Ray was a BETA RAY THOR WAS SEEN
member of the Thor Corps, CONFRONTING OLD MAN LOGAN
composed of mutiple men and IN MANHATTAN
women across Battleworld. The
Corps are known as Doom's
policing agency and are
B a t t l e w o r l d ’s e n f o r c e r s o f
Ray’s most recent case
concerned the homicides of five
different women in different
domains, who were revealed all
to be different versions of the
same woman. Stormbreaker
Ray went to the Kingdom of
Manhattan in search of answers
from an old informant known as
Loki. After receiving information
from him, he was immediately
struck by lightning by an
unknown assailant, secretly
Rune Thor, and later died in his
partner's arms. With his dying
breath, Ray was able to whisper
the name of the women who had
been murdered: Jane Foster.
thor the unworthy
F MN (75)
A EX (20)
S MN (75)
E MN (75)
R GD (10)
I GD (10)
P RM (30)
Health: 245
Karma: 50
Resources: FE
Popularity: 0
Real Name: Thor Odinson
Occupation: Former Thor
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomgard
Other Known Aliases: The Mighty Thor
Place of Birth: Reality 616, Asgard
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Odin (father);
Balder (paternal half-brother, deceased);
Loki (paternal half-brother); Angela (half-sister)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Doomgard
Invulnerability: IN resistance to
physical and energy attacks, heat,
cold, radiation, and disease. ADDITIONAL NOTES
Healing Factor: RM. Heals at 30x
normal rate.
Allspeak: Can understand any
language and can speak to be
understood by any sentient being.
Iron Will: UN
Longevity: UN
Jarnbjorn: Axe made of UN
Material Strength and causes UN
Edged Damage. Fighting
increases to UN when using the
Black Uru Prosthetic Arm: UN
Material Strength. Strength
increases to UN when using this
arm, but fighting decreases to AM
for using his off hand in battle.
Detective, Martial Arts B, C, E,
Wrestling, Leadership, Edged
Weapons, Blunt Weapons.
HISTORY demanded that the heroes fall against God Emperor Doom's
After losing the ability to wield back. Upon denying their lies. The Rune and the Destroyer
Mjolnir, Thor took up his battle request, the Avengers faced the Thors were defeated, and Thor
axe Jarnbjorn as a substitute. Beyonders. In an attempt to The Unworthy along with the
On the Moon, Thor reprogram one of the Thor Corps proceeded to raid
discovered his missing Mjolnir Beyonders, Abyss and the Ex Doom's Castle, seemingly
and tried to reclaim his hammer Nihili sacrificed themselves, perishing in the process.
but was rejected by it. Even turning the Beyonder into a tree,
Odin, the creator of the and after being stabbed by the
worthiness enchantment of second Beyonder, Star Brand
Mjolnir, couldn't pick it up. During used his last breath to unleash
a battle against Malekith and the energy within him and
some Frost Giants, he also lost destroy it. Now the only surviving
his left arm (cut off by Malekith Avengers, the Odinson and
with Jarnbjorn), and later Hyperion found themselves
replaced it with a Black Uru arm facing a wave of countless
prosthesis. Beyonders.
Later, an unknown woman, Shortly before facing the
who was secretly Jane Foster, horde of Beyonders, Odinson
proved worthy of wielding tried to recover the
Mjolnir, and became the new AlternateThor's Mjolnir, which he
Thor. had dropped during the previous
When the decay of the fight. When he tried to lift it, he
Multiverse started aggravating, found himself unable to do so,
the Odinson joined Sunspot's meaning that he had become
Avengers to help him find a way worthy once more. Thor laughed
to stop it. Thor and the other at this, and faced his death
volunteer Avengers stepped into wielding Jarnbjorn alongside
a machine capable of Hyperion.
transporting individuals across On Battleworld, Thor the
the Multiverse, in hopes of Unworthy Thor became aware of
finding the source of its' decay. the serial killings of women
Having acquired the Mjolnir of known as Jane Foster across
an alternate version of Thor Domains. In an attempt to assist,
whose hammer could only be he inadvertantly ran afoul of
lifted by the unworthy instead of Ultimate Thor but was able to
the worthy, Thor unleashed it assist in the discovery and
when he encountered the Black capture of Rune Thor and
Priests, once again wielding the Destroyer who had murdered the
power he had possessed before Jane Fosters and Donald Blakes
becoming unworthy. for the sake of Doctor Doom's
The Avengers traveled across doctrine, possibly because most
numerous universes, navigating Jane Fosters and Donald Blakes
a map left by the Mapmakers. from alternate universes were
After one last jump across closely tied to their respective
universes that cost Nightmask Thors. A furious battle took place
his life, the Avengers found in the halls of Doomgard, at the
themselves face to face with a same time the Jane Foster of the
fissure in time and space. From universe previous to Battleworld
it, two Beyonders emerged and was rallying her fellow Thors
rune thor
F UN (100)
A EX (20)
S UN (100)
E MN (75)
R GD (10)
I GD (10)
P RM (30)
Health: 295
Karma: 50
Resources: TY
Popularity: 5
Real Name: Thor Odinson
Occupation: Thor
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomgard
Other Known Aliases: Runey
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Odin (father, deceased);
Balder (paternal half-brother, deceased);
Loki (paternal half-brother, deceased);
Group Affiliation: Thor Corps
Base of Operations: Doomgard
Invulnerability: MN resistance to
physical and energy attacks, heat,
cold, radiation, and disease.
Weather Control: UN control.
Can call down M N intensity
Flight: AM air speed.
Healing Factor: RM. Heals 30x
faster than the normal rate.
Longevity: UN
Mjolnir: UN Material Strength and
damage. Fighting is considered
SHX when using his hammer. Can
be thrown 10 areas and will come
back 1 round later.
Detective, Martial Arts B, C, E,
Thor Corps
HISTORY Destroyer Thor, went back to
Not much is known about Rune Doomgard to kill the only witness
Thor's history, but at some point to Ray's death, Loki, but failed
in time he became a member of when Thorlief and Thor returned
the Thor Corps, a force and attacked them. A furious
composed of multiple men and battle took place in the halls of
women dedicated to preserving Doomgard, where, at the same
peace across Battleworld. time, Jane Foster from Earth-
Eventually Rune Thor began to 616 was rallying the Thors to
murder Jane Fosters and Donald rebel against God Emperor
Blakes from multiple domains Doom. Rune Thor was about to
with the help of his partner, the destroy his fellow Thors when his
D e s t r o y e r T h o r, p o s s i b l y hammer fell out of his hand and
because most Jane Fosters and dropped to the floor. He tried to
Donald Blakes from alternate pick it up, but to no avail, for he
realities were closely tied to their was unworthy, and this allowed
respective Thors. These Thorlief to knock him
murders led to a Thor Corps unconscious.
investigation with Thunderer
Thorlief and Stormbreaker Ray
assigned as lead investigators.
The pair traveled to the Kingdom
of Manhattan to seek information
from one of Ray's informants,
Loki, and as Stormbreaker Ray
was receiving the tip, Rune Thor
fatally injured him.
Over the next few weeks
following Ray's death the Thor
Corps proceeded to comb
through Battleworld hunting for
any suspects, any person
c a p a b l e o f k i l l i n g a T h o r.
Meanwhile, Rune Thor had killed
a hammer salesman named
Donald Blake whose body Loki
found and then dumped where
Thorlief would find it.
Thorlief's inquiry eventually led
him to the Deadlands where a
mass grave for Jane Fosters and
Donald Blakes was uncovered.
While he was investigating,
Rune Thor struck him from
behind and left him for dead at
the mercy of the Deadlands'
zombies; however, Thorlief
would eventually be rescued by
Thor the Unworthy.
Rune Thor and his partner,
destroyer thor
F UN (100)
A MN (75)
S UN (100)
E UN (100)
R PR (4)
I PR (4)
P UN (100)
Health: 375
Karma: 108
Resources: TY
Popularity: 5
Real Name: Destroyer
Occupation: Thor
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomgard
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Reality 616, Asgard
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Thor Corps
Base of Operations: Doomgard
Invulnerability: UN resistance to
physical and energy attacks, heat, ADDITIONAL NOTES
cold, radiation, and disease.
Weather Control: UN control.
Can call down M N intensity
Flight: AM air speed.
Plasma Generation: UN
Kinetic Blast: UN
Disintegration: UN (Red
Endurance FEAT to resist)
Longevity: UN
Destroyer: UN Material Strength
and damage. Fighting is
considered SHX when using his
hammer. Can be thrown 10 areas
and will come back 1 round later.
Thor Corps
HISTORY him to the Deadlands where a
Adaptor’s Note: Battleworld’s mass grave for Jane Fosters and
version of The Destroyer is Donald Blakes was uncovered.
considerably less powerful than While he was investigating,
it’s 616 Universe counterpart. It Rune Thor struck him from
is believed Doom built him this behind and left him for dead at
way to avoid a being that would the mercy of the Deadlands'
present a danger to the Doom zombies; however, Thorlief
Family. would eventually be rescued by
Not much is known about Thor the Unworthy.
Destroyer Thor's history, but at Rune Thor and Destroyer went
some point in time he became a back to Doomgard to kill the only
member of the Thor Corps, a witness to Ray's death, Loki, but
force composed of multiple men failed when Thorlief and Thor
and women dedicated to returned and attacked them. A
preserving peace across furious battle took place in the
Battleworld. halls of Doomgard, where, at the
Destroyer ’s partner, Rune same time, Jane Foster from
Thor, secretly began to murder Earth-616 was rallying the Thors
Jane Fosters and Donald Blakes to rebel against God Emperor
from multiple domains, possibly Doom. Rune Thor and Destroyer
because most Jane Fosters and were defeated by their fellow
Donald Blakes from alternate Thor Corps who went on to
realities were closely tied to their overthrow Barons across
respective Thors. Destroyer was Battleworld and ending Doom’s
an accessory to these murders. reign.
This led to a Thor Corps
investigation with Thunderer
Thorlief and Stormbreaker Ray
assigned as lead investigators.
The pair traveled to the Kingdom
of Manhattan to seek information
from one of Ray's informants,
Loki, and as Stormbreaker Ray
was receiving the tip, Rune Thor
fatally injured him, with
Destroyer aiding in the cover-up.
Over the next few weeks
following Ray's death the Thor
Corps proceeded to comb
through Battleworld hunting for
any suspects, any person
c a p a b l e o f k i l l i n g a T h o r.
Meanwhile, Rune Thor and
Desroyer had killed a hammer
salesman named Donald Blake
whose body Loki found and then
dumped where Thorlief would
find it.
Thorlief's inquiry eventually led
F AM (50)
A RM (30)
S AM (50)
E MN (75)
R TY (6)
I EX (20)
P RM (30)
Health: 205
Karma: 87
Resources: TY
Popularity: 5
Real Name: Ororo Munroe
Occupation: Thor
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomgard
Other Known Aliases: Storm, Stormy
Place of Birth: Reality 616, New York, NY
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Thor Corps
Base of Operations: Doomgard
Invulnerability: IN resistance to
physical and energy attacks, heat,
cold, radiation, and disease.
Weather Control: UN control.
Can call down M N intensity
Flight: AM air speed.
Longevity: UN
Stormborn: UN Material Strength
and damage. Fighting is
considered MN when using her
hammer. Can be thrown 10 areas
and will come back 1 round later.
Detective, Martial Arts A, C,
Kenyan and Russian Languages,
Knife, Thievery, Lock-picking,
Pocket-Picking, Escape.
Thor Corps
Not much is known about
Stormborn’s history, but at some
point in time she became a
member of the Thor Corps, a
force composed of multiple men
and women dedicated to
preserving peace across
Battleworld. It is believed that
she once had a romantic
relationship with Thunderer
F AM (50)
A AM (50)
S RM (30)
E MN (75)
R GD (10)
I RM (30)
P AM (50)
Health: 205
Karma: 90
Resources: TY
Popularity: 6
Real Name: Unrevealed
Occupation: Thor, Forensics Division
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomgard
Other Known Aliases: The Frog of Thunder
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Thor Corps
Base of Operations: Doomgard
Invulnerability: IN resistance to
physical and energy attacks, heat,
cold, radiation, and disease.
Weather Control: UN control.
Can call down M N intensity ADDITIONAL NOTES
Flight: AM air speed.
Healing Factor: RM. Heals 30x
faster than the normal rate.
Longevity: UN
Frogjolnir: UN Material Strength,
IN damage. Can be thrown 10
areas and will come back 1 round
Forensics, Detective, Martial Arts
B, C
Thor Corps
Not much is known about
Throg’s history, but at some point
in time he became a member of
the Thor Corps, a force
composed of multiple men and
women dedicated to preserving
peace across Battleworld.
Throg is the lead Forensics
Officer in the Thor Corps and
assisted Thunderer Thorleif in
his investigation of the murders
of Jane Fosters from across
Battleworld which led to the
arrest of Rune Thor and
Destroyer Thor.
F EX (20)
A GD (10)
S UN (100)
E UN (100)
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P IN (40)
Health: 230
Karma: 70
Resources: TY
Popularity: 6
Real Name: Groot
Occupation: Thor
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomgard
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Thor Corps
Base of Operations: Doomgard
Flora Colossus Physiology: physical and energy attacks, heat,
Throot is a Flora Colossus, cold, radiation, and disease.
whose very body gives him the Weather Control: UN control.
following power stunts: Can call down M N intensity
Resistance to Fire: Rm lightning.
Growth: Initial growth is at Flight: AM air speed.
IN (20'). For each round he is Longevity: UN
allowed to draw wooden objects Weapons:
*Iamgroot: Hammer with UN
into his body, he will grow 1 rank
Material Strength and damage.
in height, up to Sh-X (50') Fighting is considered SHX when
Flora Absorption: UN ability using his hammer. Can be thrown
to absorb wood to feed sustain 10 areas and will come back 1
himself, to rebuild himself round later.
(which also requires water) and Talents:
to enhance his strength by up to None
+2cs. Contacts:
Flora Control: UN ability to Thor Corps
control trees, using them to
attack others. ADDITIONAL NOTES
Serial Immortality: As long
as there is a splinter left of
Throot, he may regrow
Invulnerability: UN resistance to
Not much is known about
Throot’s history, but at some
point in time he became a
member of the Thor Corps, a
force composed of multiple men
and women dedicated to
preserving peace across
Aldrif Doomsdottir
F MN (75)
A AM (50)
S AM (50)
E MN (75)
R EX (50)
I RM (30)
P RM (30)
Health: 250
Karma: 110
Resources: IN (40)
Popularity: 30
Real Name: Aldrif Doomsdottir
Occupation: Thor
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomgard
Other Known Aliases: Angela
Place of Birth: Doomgard
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Thor Corps
Base of Operations: Doomgard
Body Armor: Excellent protection
from physical and energy attacks.
Weapons: Ribbons:
Devilslayer: IN Damage/UN Material
AM Damage/UN Material
Can call forth AM lightning. Talents: Edged Weapons, Weapons
Specialist: Hammer, Martial Arts D
and E
HISTORY the force field surrounding her resumed her business with
hammer to recover it. The effort to Gamora. Angela demanded
Aldrif Doomsdottir is a member of disrupt the field knocked her out, Gamora provide an explanation
the Thor Corps, Doom's while M.O.D.O.K. tried to kill for her heresy, as she did not view
enforcers of justice composed of Baron Mordo. Doom as a deity. Gamora's
multiple men and women from failure to properly explain the
across Battleworld. Aldrif eventually regained reasoning behind her beliefs
consciousness and killed Clea, resulted in further confrontation,
After dealing with some human subsequently dealing with the which was interrupted by the
extremists in the Monarchy of M, rest of the Mindless Ones while arrival of a mysterious woman
she was struck by a bolt while M.O.D.O.K. defeated Mordo. The through a portal.
flying the borders of Killville. Thor Corps arrived soon after
When she woke up, she then Baron Mordo's defeat, and in a fit At first astonished by the
attacked M.O.D.O.K. who was of rage, the villain tried to attack woman's appearance, Angela
n e a r h e r, t h i n k i n g h e w a s the Thors, but was killed by and Gamora tried to
responsible for attacking her, but M.O.D.O.K.. Aldrif defended communicate with her, but they
soon came to realize that he M.O.D.O.K.'s actions against her didn't recognize her language.
wasn't responsible and fellow Thors, acknowledging Despite Gamora saying to
M.O.D.O.K. offered his M.O.D.O.K.'s help in saving her. Angela to disarm herself in order
assistance to find out who Before leaving, M.O.D.O.K. tried to calm the warrior down, Angela
attacked her. to kiss Angela, but she rejected didn't listen and they were
him, then informed Sheriff attacked and defeated by her.
Suddenly, the Assassins Guild Strange of M.O.D.O.K.'s actions, The Nova Corps showed up soon
tried to attack both of them. and he was made Baron of after, and tried to take her down,
Together, M.O.D.O.K. and Aldrif Killville. but she overcame them, killing
worked together to dispose of many of them in the process,
their would-be assassins, even After this, Aldrif was sent by God before recognizing the Kree
succeeding when being Emperor Doom to deal with symbol on Captain Marvel's
overwhelmed. Afterwards, the Gamora, who had left the domain chest. With the mysterious
Mindless Ones descended to the of Knowhere several times. warrior distracted, Angela and
scene. Gamora was rescued alongside Gamora stabbed her with their
Drax, who picked up a fight with swords, seemingly killing her.
M.O.D.O.K. and Aldrif were able Angela when she appeared Later, Angela tried to convince
to evade the endless waves of asking for Gamora, by their fellow Gamora to stay in Knowhere and
Mindless Ones, at the cost of the Guardians of Knowhere member, obey the laws created by Doom,
lives of the remaining members Rocket Raccoon, and the trio fled but Gamora couldn't do it. As
of the Assassins Guild, who had to Mantis' apartment. Gamora tried to explain her
become M.O.D.O.K.'s temporary reasons to trespass to other
allies. Upon reaching a safe Angela later arrived to deal with domains, the believed dead
zone, M.O.D.O.K. started putting Yotat the Destroyer by striking the mysterious woman rose once
together the different villain with a lightning bolt. Her more and killed the Thor.
occurrences that happened to intervention allowed Drax to
Aldrif, and concluded that the r e c o v e r a n d a t t a c k Yo t a t ,
attack that struck her down, the weakening him enough a second
force field that prevented her attack from Angela finally
from reaching her hammer, and defeated him. The Nova Corps
her cloaking against technology appeared on the scene to take
had been the work of Baron Yotat into custody, as they had
Mordo. The Mindless Ones previously failed to subdue him
caught up to M.O.D.O.K. and his during his first encounter with
companion, ultimately swarming Drax. After Yotat was handed
him while Aldrif tried to go through over the Nova Corps, Angela
thor corps
The following is a list of some of the Immunity to Vampires: The bite of a edged damage.
other known Thors in Doomgard. vampire is unable to turn Blade into a Tracking: EX
vampire. Nor can he be controlled by
BRUNNHILDE OF DOOMGARD vampiric powers. Weapons:
F MN (75) Berserker: Blade may enter a *Whistler: UN Material Strength and
A RM (30) berserker rage. When he does so his damage. Fighting is considered UN
S AM (50) vampiric half takes over. He may when using her hammer. Can be
E AM (50) ignore stuns and gain UN resistance thrown 10 areas and will come back 1
R TY (6) to mind control. A yellow psyche round later.
I EX (20) FEAT roll is required to come out of it. Talents: Martial Arts A, B, E, Edged
P GD (10) Vampire Bite: Blade's canine teeth Weapons, Detective, Occult Lore,
Health: 205 enlarge so that he can deliver a Vampire Lore
Karma: 36 "vampire bite". This bite can IN
Resources: TY
Popularity: 4
Invulnerability: IN resistance to
physical and energy attacks, heat,
cold, radiation, and disease.
Weather Control: UN control. Can
call down MN intensity lightning.
Flight: AM air speed.
Longevity: UN
Death Sense: UN ability to sense
impending doom.
*Dragonfang: UN Material Strength
and damage. Fighting is considered
UN when using her hammer. Can be
thrown 10 areas and will come back 1
round later.
Talents: Martial Arts A, Edged
Invulnerability: IN resistance to
physical and energy attacks, heat,
cold, radiation, and disease.
Weather Control: UN control. Can
call down MN intensity lightning.
Flight: AM air speed.
Longevity: UN
thor corps
F RM (30) GD (10)
A RM (30) GD (10)
S IN (40) TY (6)
E AM (50) GD (10)
R GD (10) GD (10)
I EX (20) TY (6)
P RM (30) RM (30)
Health: 150/36
Karma: 60/46
Resources: TY
Popularity: 20
Real Name: Robbie Reyes
Occupation: Ghost Racer
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: The Hellcharger, Ghost Rider,
Ghost Racer
Place of Birth: Doomrock Heights, Hollowood,
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Gabriel (brother), Eli (uncle,
Group Affiliation: Spirits of Vengeance
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.
Alter Ego: Robbie’s Igniter
Spirit turns him into the can summon his car for various
Hellcharger Ghost Racer fire attacks and to perform Equipment:
Healing Factor: IN (40 times ramming actions that cause AM Hellcharger: Speed: A M ,
normal human rate) damage. It also grants the Body: IN. Control: IN
Pyrokinesis: RM intensity following power stunts while -Powers listed above
mystical flames (presumably Robbie is behind the wheel: Talents:
Hellfire) -Intangibility: GD ability to Mechanic, Martial Arts A, B,
Penance Stare: AM. A phase through solid objects. Blunt Weapons
successful grapple for 1 round -Teleportation: PR (4 mile Contacts: Spirits of Vengeance
enables him to use the penance radius)
stare. a Psyche FEAT vs. AM -Portal Creation: PR
intensity on the victim’s part is (teleport others)
allowed. If they pass, they are Condemnation: Summon a
cleansed of evil and are a hellspyre to transport a
changed person. If they fail, defeated villain to hell.
they loose a rank of Psyche Weapons:
permanently and pass out for 1- Robbie uses an array of
100 rounds. If Psyche drops mechanics tools. All of which
below FE, the victim goes are enhanced by his touch to IN
insane. material strength and do up to
Hellcharger Linkage: Robbie AM blunt/edged/fire damage.
is connected to his car through
his Uncle Eli’s igniter spirit. He
HISTORY The next night, Robbie was him, but she said she hadn't. It
Robbie Reyes once lived a caught by surprise when he was was then that he saw Arcade
normal life with his brother Gabe forced to kill a monster announcing a new racer through
in the south of Doomstadt. But, composed of his friends who had Lisa's television. The new racer,
on one hot day of summer, disappeared the day he was to Reyes' surprise, was his own
Robbie's brother opened a fire taken to the Killiseum. Later, brother, Gabe.
hydrant in Doomrock Heights to Arcade sent his killer automaton, With the race already in
freshen up; however, by doing the Venus Compiler, to finish him progress and his brother at risk
so, Gabe broke one of the laws of off, but before it could get to him, of death, Robbie teleported back
God Doom and caught the Eli opened a portal and led to the Killiseum, ready to put an
attention of a D.P.D. Patrol Bot. Reyes out of the Killiseum. As end in the Ghost Races. When
When the Patrol Bot tried to Chief Zadkiel wasn't able to Arcade unleashed the Venus
arrest Gabe, Robbie intervened detect Reyes' presence, an Compiler to kill his brother,
and it was then that the Patrol enraged Arcade commanded Reyes, who was fighting the
Bot detected a Igniter Spirit him to send all the other Ghost Ghost Racers off, used his
within him and called for Racers to hunt him down. Penance Stare on Carter Slade
reinforcements, the Thors. Soon When he reached a safe area, to make him release the others
afterwards, Robbie and some of Robbie asked Eli how they from Zadkiel's control, like he did
his friends were arrested. managed to escape, to which Eli earlier, and they destroyed the
Robbie was taken to the replied by saying that he wasn't robot. Furious by the Spirits'
Killiseum, where he was like the other Igniter Spirits and resistance, Zadkiel tried to kill
informed that he was possessed that he wasn't susceptible to Gabe, but Robbie switched
by an Igniter Spirit and that from Zadkiel's control anymore. He places with him and Eli devoured
that moment on, he would be also revealed that he could Zadkiel's soul. Afterwards, Slade
forced to race in Arcade's Ghost somehow sense Zadkiel's used his vengeance-seeking
Races. Later on that night, after moves before he made them, Penance Stare to kill the wicked
talking for the first time with his and that was because of that people present at the Killiseum
Igniter Spirit, "Eli," Robbie they managed to win every race and escaped along with the other
participated in his first Ghost so far. Thanks to Eli's help, Ghost Racers through another
Race, but lost due his lack of Robbie was able to avoid the portal opened by Eli, running
experience. He was taken along Thor Corps when he headed to over an injured Arcade in the
with the other losing Ghost his house to take his brother and process, killing him. Freed, the
Racers to the Killiseum's escape Doomstadt, but was Ghost Racers vowed to punish
dungeons. While being tortured, found and attacked by the other the wicked and corrupt with their
Robbie made a deal with Eli that Ghost Racers. Outnumbered, power, and thus was born the
he would never loose again and Robbie was almost defeated and Spirits of Vengeance.
the Igniter Spirit would find a way his car was destroyed, but he
to escape. managed to use one of the
Robbie managed to win every racers' attack against them,
race of the season and achieved temporarily breaking Zadkiel's
the record for most consecutive influence over them. As he was
victories by a single competitor in the only one who Zadkiel
Ghost Racer history, quickly couldn't control, the other racers
becoming famous among the let him get away, and were
Killiseum's audience. After a punished by Zadkiel for their
particular race, Robbie went to treachery. Upon returning to his
celebrate his victory with his home, Robbie discovered his
brother Gabe in the Jekyll & brother wasn't there anymore.
Hyde Club, unknowing that Desperate, he asked his
Arcade was planning his death. neighbor Lisa if she had seen
johnny blaze
F RM (30) GD (10)
A RM (30) EX (20)
S IN (40) TY (6)
E AM (50) EX (20)
R GD (10) TY (6)
I EX (20) TY (6)
P RM (30) RM (30)
Health: 150/56
Karma: 60/42
Resources: TY
Popularity: 15
Real Name: Johnny Blaze
Occupation: Ghost Racer
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: The Satanic Stuntman,
Ghost Rider, Ghost Racer
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Spirits of Vengeance
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.
Alter Ego: Johnny’s Igniter allowed. If they pass,
Spirit turns him into the Satanic they are cleansed of
Stuntman Ghost Racer evil and are a changed
Body Armor: AM protection vs person. If they fail,
Physical. Cl1000 vs heat, fire, they loose a rank of
poison, radiation, and soulfire. If P s y c h e
someone scores a Red FEAT permanently and Equipment:
agianst him using an edged pass out for 1-100 rounds. If Motorcycle: Speed: AM, Body:
weapon, an AM level explosion Psyche drops below FE, the IN, Control: IN
effects everyone in the area, victim goes insane. -Wall-Crawling: The
including Johnny. Weapons: Motorcycle is able to defy
Self Sustinence: Immune to Mystic Chain: gravity and travel up walls and
the vacuum of space and -UN material across ceilings
attacks against a living soul. -Grapple with UN ability -Regeneration: If destroyed
Serial Immortality: If his body -AM Blunt or Edged damage returns in 1-10 rounds.
is somehow destroyed, Johnny -Elongation: F E, 1 area -Mental Control: Johnny has
will reform in 1-10 rounds. range mental control of it up to 10
Hellfire: RM intensity mystical -Individual links can turn into miles away.
flames (presumably Hellfire) 1-5 sharp projectiles, each -Battering Ram: The
Penance Stare: AM. A inflicting GD damage each and motorcycle can burst through
successful grapple for 1 round affecting up to 5 people. up to I N material without
enables him to use the penance -Deflection: Shield of RM harming the riders.
stare. a Psyche FEAT vs. AM intensity -Machine Gun: IN
intensity on the victim’s part is
-Chainsaw Mount: IN
Motorcycles, Stunt Driving,
Weapon Specialist (Chain),
Occult Lore
Spirits of Vengeance
Johnny Blaze was one of the
many Igniter Spirits who were
forced by Arcade and Chief
Zadkiel to race in the Killiseum's
Ghost Races for the
entertainment of its audience.
Like the other Spirits of Ignition,
Blaze raced to get the first place
prize, which was temporary
freedom from the arena,
otherwise, he would be sent to its
dungeons to be tortured along
with the other losers.
However, after many races,
Blaze was freed, alongside his
fellow Ghost Racers, from
Zadkiel's control by Robbie
Reyes, the most recent Igniter
Spirit to enter the Ghost Races ADDITIONAL NOTES
and winner of every race in that
season. Together, they managed
to defeat both Zadkiel, whom
had his soul devoured by
Robbie's Spirit of Ignition, and
Arcade, who had his eyes
stabbed by Alejandra Jones and
was later run over by all the
Ghost Racers. Free, Blaze
joined the remaining Ghost
Racers to become one of the
Spirits of Vengeance, vowing to
punish the wicked and corrupt
with their power.
danny ketch
F RM (30) GD (10)
A RM (30) GD (10)
S IN (40) TY (6)
E AM (50) GD (10)
R GD (10) TY (6)
I EX (20) TY (6)
P RM (30) GD (10)
Health: 150/36
Karma: 60/22
Resources: TY
Popularity: 15
Real Name: Daniel Ketch
Occupation: Ghost Racer
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: Danny Boy,
Ghost Rider, Ghost Racer
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Spirits of Vengeance
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.
Alter Ego: Danny’s Igniter allowed. If they
Spirit turns him into a Ghost pass, they are
Racer cleansed of evil
Body Armor: AM protection vs a n d a r e a
Physical. Cl1000 vs heat, fire, changed person.
poison, radiation, and soulfire. If If they fail, they
someone scores a Red FEAT loose a rank of Psyche
agianst him using an edged permanently and pass out for 1-
weapon, an AM level explosion Equipment:
100 rounds. If Psyche drops Motorcycle: Speed: AM, Body:
effects everyone in the area, below FE, the victim goes
including Danny. IN, Control: IN
insane. -Wall-Crawling: The
Self Sustinence: Immune to Weapons:
the vacuum of space and Motorcycle is able to defy
Mystic Chain: gravity and travel up walls and
attacks against a living soul. -UN material
Serial Immortality: If his body across ceilings
-Grapple with UN ability -Regeneration: If destroyed
is somehow destroyed, Johnny -AM Blunt or Edged damage
will reform in 1-10 rounds. returns in 1-10 rounds.
-Elongation: F E, 1 area -Mental Control: Ghost Rider
Hellfire: RM intensity mystical range
flames (presumably Hellfire) has mental control of it up to 10
-Individual links can turn into miles away.
Penance Stare: AM. A 1-5 sharp projectiles, each
successful grapple for 1 round -Battering Ram: The
inflicting GD damage each and motorcycle can burst through
enables him to use the penance affecting up to 5 people.
stare. a Psyche FEAT vs. AM up to I N material without
-Deflection: Shield of RM harming the riders.
intensity on the victim’s part is intensity -Machine Gun: IN
Talents: behind. They were all returned to ADDITIONAL NOTES
Motorcycles, Stunt Driving, the Killiseum and punished for
Weapon Specialist (Chain), their treachery.
Occult Lore Arcade forced Robbie to return
Contacts: to the Killiseum by putting his
Spirits of Vengeance brother, Gabe, in his place in the
HISTORY Ghost Races. However, Robbie
Daniel "Danny Boy" Ketch was managed to rescue his brother
one of the many Igniter Spirits and free the other Ghost Racers
who were forced by Arcade and from Zadkiel's control. With their
Chief Zadkiel to race in the help, Robbie defeated both
Killiseum's Ghost Races for the Zadkiel, whom had his soul
entertainment of its audience. devoured by Eli, and Arcade,
Like the other Spirits of Ignition, who had his eyes stabbed by
Ketch raced to get the first place Alejandra and was later run over
prize, which was temporary by all the Ghost Racers. Free,
freedom from the arena, Ketch joined his fellow Ghost
otherwise, he would be sent to its Racers to become one of the
dungeons to be tortured along Spirits of Vengeance, vowing to
with the other losers. punish the wicked and corrupt
The night Arcade planned to kill with their power.
Robbie Reyes - the most recent
Igniter Spirit to enter the Ghost
Races and winner of every race
in that season - something
unexpected happened: Robbie's
Spirit of Ignition broke free of
Zadkiel's control and managed
to escape the arena with his host
through a portal. Zadkiel wasn't
able to detect Reyes' presence,
so, under Arcade's command, he
sent Ketch and the other Ghost
Racers to hunt him down.
Although Robbie avoided the
Thors, the Spirits of Ignition
found him and they battled
through the streets of
Doomstadt. By repelling one of
Alejandra Jones' attacks, Robbie
destroyed Slade's blindfold,
accidentally unleashing his
dormant powers, but also
breaking the link between him
and Zadkiel. Slade then freed the
others by shutting their powers
down. However, as Robbie was
the only one who Zadkiel
couldn't control, the other racers
let him get away and stayed
alejandra jones
F RM (30) GD (10)
A IN (40) GD (10)
S RM (30) TY (6)
E AM (50) GD (10)
R GD (10) TY (6)
I EX (20) TY (6)
P RM (30) GD (10)
Health: 150/36
Karma: 60/22
Resources: TY
Popularity: 10
Real Name: Alejandra Jones
Occupation: Ghost Racer
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: Nicaraguan Hellfire,
Ghost Rider, Ghost Racer
Place of Birth: Nicaragua, Earth 616 (presumed)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Spirits of Vengeance
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.
Alter Ego: Alejandra’s Igniter permanently and pass
Spirit turns her into a Ghost out for 1-100 rounds. If
Racer Psyche drops below FE,
Body Armor: AM protection vs the victim goes insane.
Physical. Cl1000 vs heat, fire, Empathic Reading: RM
poison, radiation, and soulfire. ability to feel the
Self Sustinence: Immune to transgression of the
the vacuum of space and individuals she
attacks against a living soul. encounters by looking into -Individual links can turn into
Serial Immortality: If his body their heart and soul. 1-5 sharp projectiles, each
is somehow destroyed, Johnny Identity Detection: She can inflicting GD damage each and
will reform in 1-10 rounds. also determine the identity of affecting up to 5 people.
Hellfire Generation and the individual by simply looking -Deflection: Shield of RM
Manipulation: AM intensity into their soul. intensity
mystical flames. Condemnation: Summon a Scythe: UN material, IN
Penance Stare: AM. A hellspyre to transport a Edged Damange
successful grapple for 1 round defeated villain to hell.
enables him to use the penance Weapons: Equipment:
stare. a Psyche FEAT vs. AM Mystic Chain: Motorcycle:
intensity on the victim’s part is -UN material -Speed: AM
allowed. If they pass, they are -Grapple with UN ability -Body: IN
cleansed of evil and are a -AM Blunt or Edged damage -Control: IN
changed person. If they fail, -Elongation: F E, 1 area -Wall-Crawling: The
they loose a rank of Psyche range Motorcycle is able to defy
gravity and travel up walls and Races and winner of every race to the Killiseum by putting his
across ceilings in that season - something brother, Gabe, in his place in the
-Regeneration: If destroyed unexpected happened: Robbie's Ghost Races. After saving his
returns in 1-10 rounds. Spirit of Ignition broke free of brother from T-Rider Rex,
-Mental Control: Ghost Rider has Zadkiel's control and managed Robbie decided to put an end in
mental control of it up to 10 miles to escape the arena with his host Arcade's sadistic games in the
away. through a portal. Zadkiel wasn't Killiseum, so he used his
-Battering Ram: The able to detect Reyes' presence, Penance Stare in Slade once
motorcycle can burst through up so, under Arcade's command, he again to free the Spirits of
to In material without harming sent Alejandra and the other Ignition, like he did earlier, and
the riders. Ghost Racers to hunt him down. they destroyed th e Ve n u s
-Saw Blades: IN Edged Although Robbie avoided the C o m p i l e r, a n a u t o m a t o n
Thors, the Spirits of Ignition released by Arcade to kill them.
HISTORY found him and they battled Furious by the Spirits'
Alejandra "Nicaraguan Hellfire" through the streets of resistance, Zadkiel tried to kill
Jones was one of the many Doomstadt. They destroyed Gabe, but Robbie switched
Igniter Spirits who were forced Robbie's Battle-Charger, forcing places with him and ate Zadkiel's
by Arcade and Chief Zadkiel to him to confront them directly. soul.
race in the Killiseum's Ghost Alejandra attacked Robbie Afterwards, a frightned Arcade
Races for the entertainment of its viciously, but he was able to tried to escape in his flying
audience. Like the other Spirits repel her attacks and one of platform, but he was knocked out
of Ignition, Alejandra raced to get them hit Slade, destroying his of it. However, he didn't die as
the first place prize, which was blindfold and unlocking his Alejandra prevented his fall, only
temporary freedom from the dormant powers. It also broke to stab him in the eyes for
arena, otherwise, she would be the link between Zadkiel and torturing her. After Slade used
sent to its dungeons to be Slade, allowing him to use his his vengeance-seeking
tortured along with the other powers to free the others by Penance Stare to kill the wicked
losers. shutting their's down. However, people present at the Killiseum,
The night Arcade planned to kill as Robbie was the only one who Alejandra and her fellow Ghost
Robbie Reyes - the most recent Zadkiel couldn't control, the Racers ran over Arcade and
Igniter Spirit to enter the Ghost other racers let him get away and escaped through another portal
stayed behind. They were all opened by Eli. Free, Alejandra
returned to the Killiseum and and the other Ghost Racers
punished for their treachery. vowed to punish the wicked and
Arcade forced Robbie to return corrupt with their power, and thus
was born the Spirits of
zero cochrane
F RM (30) GD (20)
A RM (40) GD (10)
S IN (30) EX (20)
E AM (50) GD (10)
R TY (6) TY (6)
I TY (6) TY (6)
P GD (10) GD (10)
Health: 150/60
Karma: 22/22
Resources: TY
Popularity: 10
Real Name: Kenshiro Cochrane
Occupation: Ghost Racer
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: Zero, Zeroman, Z-Man,
Ghost Rider, Ghost Racer
Place of Birth: Transverse City, USA, Earth-928 (presumed)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Spirits of Vengeance
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.
Alter Ego: Zero’s Igniter Spirit
turns him into a Ghost Racer
Body Armor: AM protection vs
Physical and Energy attacks.
Serial Immortality: If his body
is somehow destroyed, the Equipment: Talents:
Nanites in his body will reform Velociraptor 900 X L Computers, Hacking,
Zero in 1-10 rounds. Hoverbike: Speed: AM, Body: Motorcycles, Hoverbikes.
Solid-form Holographic IN, Control: IN
Camouflage and Stealth - W a l l - C r a w l i n g : T h e Contacts:
System: RM ability to blend Motorcycle is able to defy Spirits of Vengeance
himself and his bike into the gravity and travel up walls and
surroundings. across ceilings
Eye Lasers: IN Energy -Regeneration: If destroyed
damage. returns in 1-10 rounds.
Electrical Generation: AM -Mental Control: Ghost Rider
has mental control of it up to 10
Weapons: miles away.
Retractable Saw: UN material, -Battering Ram: The
AM Edged damage. motorcycle can burst through
up to In material without
harming the riders.
-Chainsaw: AM
Zero Cochrane was one of the
many Igniter Spirits who were
forced by Arcade and Chief
Zadkiel to race in the Killiseum's
Ghost Races for the
entertainment of its audience.
Like the other Spirits of Ignition,
Zero raced to get the first place
prize, which was temporary
freedom from the arena,
otherwise, he would be sent to its
dungeons to be tortured along
with the other losers.
The night Arcade planned to
get rid of Robbie Reyes - the
most recent Igniter Spirit to enter
the Ghost Races and winner of brother, Gabe, in his place in the
every race in that season - Ghost Races. However, Robbie
something unexpected managed to rescue his brother
happened: Robbie's Spirit of and free the other Ghost Racers
Ignition broke free of Zadkiel's from Zadkiel's control. With their
control and managed to escape help, Robbie defeated both
the arena with his host through a Zadkiel, whom had his soul
portal. Zadkiel wasn't able to devoured by Eli, and Arcade,
detect Reyes' presence, so, who had his eyes stabbed by
under Arcade's command, he Alejandra and was later run over
sent Zero and the other Ghost by all the Ghost Racers. Free,
Racers to hunt him down. Zero and his fellow Ghost
Although Robbie avoided the Racers vowed to punish the
Thors, the Spirits of Ignition wicked and corrupt with their
found him and they battled power as the Spirits of
through the streets of Vengeance.
Doomstadt. By repelling one of
Alejandra Jones' attacks, Robbie ADDITIONAL NOTES
destroyed Slade's blindfold,
accidentally unleashing his
dormant powers, but also
breaking the link between him
and Zadkiel. Slade then freed the
others by shutting their powers
down. However, as Robbie was
the only one who Zadkiel
couldn't control, the other racers
let him get away and stayed
behind. They were all returned to
the Killiseum and punished for
their treachery.
Arcade forced Robbie to return
to the Killiseum by putting his
carter slade
F RM (30) GD (10)
A RM (30) PR (4)
S RM (30) PR (4)
E AM (50) TY (6)
R GD (10) GD (10)
I RM (30) GD (10)
P RM (30) GD (10)
Health: 140/24
Karma: 70/30
Resources: TY
Popularity: 10
Real Name: Carter Slade
Occupation: Ghost Racer
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: Satan-Stomper,
Phantom Rider, Ghost Rider, Ghost Racer
Place of Birth: Bison Bend, Montana,
Earth-616 (presumed)
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: Spirits of Vengeance
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.
Alter Ego: Slade’s Igniter Spirit Talents:
turns him into a Ghost Racer Guns, Marksmanship,
Body Armor: AM protection vs Horseback Riding, Rope Tricks,
Physical and Energy attacks. Survival, Tracking
Serial Immortality: If his body
is somehow destroyed, his body
will reform in 1-10 rounds. Contacts:
Intangibility: TY ability to pass Spirits of Vengeance
through solid objects.
Hyperspeed: His steed legs
can travel at the equivalent of
AM land speed.
Hellfire Pistols: A M Fire
Gatling Gun: AM
HISTORY brother, Gabe, in his place as he
Carter Slade, better know as was a Igniter Spirit too. After
"Satan Stomper" to the saving his brother from T-Rider
population of Battleworld, was Rex, Robbie decided to put an
one of the many Igniter Spirits end in Arcade's sadistic games in
who were forced by Arcade and the Killiseum, so he used his
Chief Zadkiel to race in the Penance Stare in Slade again to
Killiseum's Ghost Races for the free the Spirits of Ignition, like he
entertainment of its audience. did earlier, and they destroyed
Like the other Spirits of Ignition, t h e Ve n u s C o m p i l e r, a n
Slade raced to get the first place automaton released by Arcade
prize, which was temporary to kill them.
freedom from the arena, Furious by the Spirits'
otherwise, he would be sent to its resistance, Zadkiel tried to kill
dungeons to be tortured along Gabe, but Robbie switched
with the other losers. places with him and devoured
The night Arcade planned to Zadkiel's soul. Afterwards, Slade
get rid of Robbie Reyes - the used his vengeance-seeking
most recent Igniter Spirit to enter Penance Stare to kill the wicked
the Ghost Races who had won people present at the Killiseum
every race in that season - the and escaped along with the other
unexpected happened: Robbie's Ghost Racers through another
Spirit of Ignition broke free of portal opened by Eli, running
Zadkiel's control and managed over an injured Arcade in the
to escape the arena with his host process. Freed, the Ghost
through a portal. Zadkiel wasn't Racers vowed to punish the
able to detect Reyes' presence, wicked and corrupt with their
so, under Arcade's command, he power, and thus was born the
sent Slade and the other Ghost Spirits of Vengeance.
Racers to hunt Robbie down.
While battling Robbie, Slade's
blindfold was destroyed by one
of Alejandra's repelled attacks
and it made him get out of control
as it unleashed his locked
powers. Slade used his Penance
Stare in Robbie, which somehow
temporarily broke the link
between him and Zadkiel. Freed,
Slade broke Zadkiel's control
over the others by shutting their
powers down. However, as
Robbie was the only one who
Zadkiel couldn't control, the
other racers let him get away and
stayed behind. They were all
returned to the Killiseum and
punished for their treachery.
Arcade made Robbie return to
the Killiseum by putting his
F IN (40)
A RM (30)
S MN (75)
E UN (100)
R GD (10)
I RM (30)
P AM (50)
Health: 245
Karma: 90
Resources: GD
Popularity: 6
Real Name: Zadkiel
Occupation: Killiseum’s Head of Security
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomstadt
Other Known Aliases: Chief Zadkiel
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: The Killiseum
Regeneration: UN
Immortality: UN. Zadkiel has
no need for food or oxygen. As
an angel, even if his body is
destroyed, presumably he Weapons:
would reform in “heaven”. Ebony Blade: MN Edged
Celestial Armor: MN damage, UN material strength.
Winged Flight: AM Nightstick: AM blunt damage and
Magical Manipulation: Zadkiel material strength
has shown magical abilities at
the AM level. It is unknown how Talents:
many “spells” he knows but has None
exhibited some of the following:
-Clairvoyance Contacts:
Arcade, Spirits of Vengeance
-Illusion Projection
-Heavenly Blasts
-Spirit Control: This is the
spell that controls the Spirits of
Ignition. With this spell he can
turn the Ghost Racers on and off
at will.
-Teleport Self
-Teleport Others
Zadkiel served as the head of
security for Arcade at his
Killiseum and the controlling
force for the Spirits of Ignition as
he could switch them off at will
and tortured them when they did
not race.
The next night, even after
Zadkiel warned him to be careful
with Robbie Reyes, due to him
being able to draw power from a
different source from the rest of
the other Ghost Racers, Arcade
put his plan in motion. To
destabilize Robbie emotionally,
Arcade put a monster composed
of his friends in the circuit, forcing
Robbie to kill them. Later, Arcade
sent his killer automaton, the
Venus Compiler, to finish him off,
but something unexpected
happened: Robbie got out of
Zadkiel's control, thanks to his
Igniter Spirit Eli, and escaped the
Killiseum. As Zadkiel wasn't able
to detect Robbie's presence, a
furious Arcade commanded him
to send all the other Ghost
Racers to hunt him down.
While the Ghost Racers
confronted Robbie, Arcade had
Gabe kidnapped to race in his
brother's place, as well as to
make Robbie return to the
Killiseum, and it worked. When
Robbie returned to rescue his
brother, Arcade commanded
Zadkiel to make the Ghost
Racers kill him and unleashed
the Venus Compiler once more,
but Robbie managed to free the
Ghost Racers from Zadkiel's
control, and they destroyed the
automaton. Zadkiel captured
Robbie's brother Gabe and
attempted to kill him, but Robbie
switched places with him and Eli
consumed Zadkiel's soul, killing
F TY (6)
A EX (20)
S TY (6)
E GD (10)
R RM (30)
I EX (20)
P TY (6)
Health: 42
Karma: 56
Resources: RM
Popularity: 30
Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Baron of the Killiseum
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomstadt
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: The Killiseum
Arcade carries a variety of
hanguns and edges weapons on
his person at any given moment.
He usually has his weapons
coated with an AM intensity knock
out serum.
Stun Flower: Arcade wears a
flower for personal protection that
emits a MN level electrical blast
capable of stunning some of the ADDITIONAL NOTES
strongest gladiators in the
Barons across Battleworld
HISTORY for some time was Robbie
Arcade was the main host and Reyes. One evening after a
master of the Killiseum, an arena particular race, Arcade plotted
dedicated for the entertainment his next big event: Robbie's
of Battleworld's masses through death.
gladiatorial fights, the Ghost The next night, even after
Races and other deadly games. Zadkiel warned him to be careful
After a particular event at the with Robbie, due to him being
Killiseum featuring War Machine able to draw power from a
as the main attraction, Arcade different source from the rest of
held an after-party, where he the other Ghost Racers, Arcade
was confronted by the put his plan in motion. To
Taskmaster, who wanted the destabilize Robbie emotionally,
War Machine shut down. Arcade Arcade put a monster composed
wasn't willing to lose one of the of his friends in the circuit, forcing
Killiseum's most popular Robbie to kill them. Later, Arcade
champions without giving him sent his killer automaton, the
the proper end, but Taskmaster Venus Compiler, to finish him off,
vowed to shut the War Machine but something unexpected
down himself if Arcade didn't. To happened: Robbie escaped
take revenge on the Taskmaster Zadkiel's control thanks to his
for his insolence, Arcade threw Igniter Spirit Eli, and escaped the
him into the arena, presenting Killiseum. As Zadkiel wasn't able
h i m a s t h e k i l l e r o f Wa r to detect Robbie's presence, a
Machine's daughter. In the furious Arcade commanded him
ensuing fight, Taskmaster was to send all the other Ghost
eaten alive by the Zombies of the Racers to hunt him down.
Killiseum, but succeeded in While the Ghost Racers
fatally wounding War Machine. confronted Robbie, Arcade had
At the end of another bloody Gabe kidnapped to race in his
tournament, Arcade went into brother's place. When Robbie
the arena to award champions returned to rescue his brother,
the Captain and the Devil, their Arcade commanded Zadkiel to
prize and was captured by them. make the Ghost Racers kill him
Inside the Devil's mouth, The a n d u n l e a s h e d t h e Ve n u s
Captain attempted to interrogate Compiler once more, but Robbie
Arcade regarding his friend managed to free the Ghost
Bucky's whereabouts; however, Racers from Zadkiel's control,
Arcade stunned the Captain, the and they destroyed the
Devil and himself, by using the automaton. After Zadkiel had his
lapel flower he was wearing, that soul eaten by Eli, a frightened
was capable of projecting Arcade tried to escape in his
electrical currents. After the flying platform, but he was
incident, the transgressors were knocked intercepted by
sent to Castle Doom to be judged Alejandra and the rest of the
while Arcade returned to the Racers and put to death in front
Killiseum. of millions of fans.
Arcades popular event in the
Killiseum is known as the Ghost
Races. The reigning champion
THE captain
F AM (50)
A IN (40)
S RM (30)
E RM (30)
R EX (20)
I EX (20)
P AM (50)
Health: 150
Karma: 90
Resources: SH0
Popularity: 20
Real Name: Steve Rogers
Occupation: Gladiator
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: Captain America
Place of Birth: New York City, Earth 616
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.
The Captain’s physical
enhancements were the result
of a Super Soldier Serum Contacts:
transforming him into the The Devil
perfect genetic specimen of
homo-sapiens. ADDITIONAL NOTES
Ÿ UN material
Ÿ RM damage
Ÿ Can be thrown up to 3 areas
away and can bounce off of
multiple targets to return to
The Captain.
Ÿ MN material
Ÿ AM edged damage
Ÿ Presumably magically
Weapons Specialist: Shield,
Edged Weapons, Blunt Weapons,
Guns, Marksmanship, Martial Arts
A, B, C, D, E, Wrestling, Artist,
Leadership, Military.
HISTORY Doc Green said that the Gamma as God Doom had planned. The
After committing crimes in the only revealed what's already Captain confronted Doc Green
Killiseum, The Captain and his within each living being: an coming to the realization that
pet T. Rex, The Devil, were sent obsession with war and violence; Green had known all along of
by God Emperor Doom himself and that it was the reality Bucky’s fate and had
to Greenland to kill the Red King, everyone denied. He then began manipulated The Captain into
who had captured Cap’s partner to mock the Captain by saying it killing the Red King. Doc Green
Bucky, to destabilize the Mud would be no different with him if mocked Rogers for succumbing
Kingdom. As they entered he got corrupted by gamma, as to the Hulk inside himself. Doc
Greenland, Captain and Devil he was already doing Doom's Green returned to his human
were attacked by Hulk insects, dirty work. But Captain denied form, revealing himself as an
but they were saved by Doc the accusation, as he planned to analog of Steve Rogers from a
Green. find and free Bucky without domain similar to the one the
Upon getting acquainted with killing the Red King. As a storm Captain came from, but with the
the Captain and the Devil, Doc approached, they took shelter difference that Bucky died in a
Green agreed to become their inside a cave but were attacked war, prompting Green's death as
guide in Greenland to help them and captured by the Tribal Hulks. a man and his rebirth as a Hulk.
navigate it and rescue Bucky Captain was taken to the Mud Green taunted a confused
from the Red King. On their way Kingdom to be sold as an slave, Captain about how Bucky made
to the Mud Kingdom, Doc Green but was rescued by Doc Green him weak and because of his
saved the Captain and Devil once again. After their escape, loyalty to him he would leave him
from a Hulk-Eating Plant. The Doc Green pointed at the Red to rule the Greenland, but the
Captain and Doc Green were King's castle, where Bucky was Captain responded that Bucky
then attacked by Bull Hulks and being held. With Devil's help, the had made him brave enough to
separated from Devil. Upon Captain invaded the castle and do what must be done and killed
ending up in the Gamma Lake confronted the Red King. The Doc Green. Subsequently,
after escaping into the river, the Captain told him about his Rogers threw the severed head
Captain and Doc Green were mission, but said that if he of the Red King in front of the
attacked by a giant aquatic released Bucky, he would spare Tribal Hulks, ending an age old
creature that dragged the his life. But the Red King conflict. With this, The Captain
Captain underwater with its revealed that Doom had lied to and The Devil left the Mud
tentacle. him, and that he had sent Kingdom behind.
As Doc Green tried to get to the Bucky's head to Doomgard a
Captain, the Devil arrived and month ago. He then grabbed the
defeated the Sea Hulk. The severed bionic arm of Bucky and
incident put them off course, said that Bucky wasn't his
leaving them with two choices: prisoner, but his trophy.
circle back, around the Fang The Red King then tried to
Mountains, which would take convince Rogers to join his army
three days, or cut straight to the to take God Doom down, as he
Mud Kingdom by going through was the one responsible for
the Barrens, where the Tribal Bucky's death. Rogers went
Hulks dwell. The Captain against his moral nature and
decided to go through the murdered The Red King in a fit of
Barrens as it was the faster vengeance. Doc Green arrived
route. On their way through the afterwards, congratulating the
Barrens, they saw a wall made of Captain for the completion of his
the skulls of the people who died mission. With the Red King
in the civil war between the Mud dead, Doc Green would take his
Kingdom and the Tribal Hulks. place and rule the Mud Kingdom
the devil
F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S UN (100)
E UN (100)
R FE (2)
I GD (10)
P IN (40)
Health: 250
Karma: 52
Resources: TY
Popularity: 6
Real Name: Devil
Occupation: Gladiator
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: Devil Dinosaur
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.
Berserker: When enraged,
Devil’s Strength and Endurance
increase to SHY.
Thick Skin: MN Body Armor
vs. Physical, AM vs. Energy.
Claws and Teeth: Edged
damage equal to current
strength levels.
Heightened Olfactory: RM
tracking ability.
The Captain
HISTORY Doc Green said that the Gamma as God Doom had planned. The
After committing crimes in the only revealed what's already Captain confronted Doc Green
Killiseum, The Captain and his within each living being: an coming to the realization that
pet T. Rex, The Devil, were sent obsession with war and violence; Green had known all along of
by God Emperor Doom himself and that it was the reality Bucky’s fate and had
to Greenland to kill the Red King, everyone denied. He then began manipulated The Captain into
who had captured Cap’s partner to mock the Captain by saying it killing the Red King. Doc Green
Bucky, to destabilize the Mud would be no different with him if mocked Rogers for succumbing
Kingdom. As they entered he got corrupted by gamma, as to the Hulk inside himself. Doc
Greenland, Captain and Devil he was already doing Doom's Green returned to his human
were attacked by Hulk insects, dirty work. But Captain denied form, revealing himself as an
but they were saved by Doc the accusation, as he planned to analog of Steve Rogers from a
Green. find and free Bucky without domain similar to the one the
Upon getting acquainted with killing the Red King. As a storm Captain came from, but with the
the Captain and the Devil, Doc approached, they took shelter difference that Bucky died in a
Green agreed to become their inside a cave but were attacked war, prompting Green's death as
guide in Greenland to help them and captured by the Tribal Hulks. a man and his rebirth as a Hulk.
navigate it and rescue Bucky Captain was taken to the Mud Green taunted a confused
from the Red King. On their way Kingdom to be sold as an slave, Captain about how Bucky made
to the Mud Kingdom, Doc Green but was rescued by Doc Green him weak and because of his
saved the Captain and Devil once again. After their escape, loyalty to him he would leave him
from a Hulk-Eating Plant. The Doc Green pointed at the Red to rule the Greenland, but the
Captain and Doc Green were King's castle, where Bucky was Captain responded that Bucky
then attacked by Bull Hulks and being held. With Devil's help, the had made him brave enough to
separated from Devil. Upon Captain invaded the castle and do what must be done and killed
ending up in the Gamma Lake confronted the Red King. The Doc Green. Subsequently,
after escaping into the river, the Captain told him about his Rogers threw the severed head
Captain and Doc Green were mission, but said that if he of the Red King in front of the
attacked by a giant aquatic released Bucky, he would spare Tribal Hulks, ending an age old
creature that dragged the his life. But the Red King conflict. With this, The Captain
Captain underwater with its revealed that Doom had lied to and The Devil left the Mud
tentacle. him, and that he had sent Kingdom behind.
As Doc Green tried to get to the Bucky's head to Doomgard a
Captain, the Devil arrived and month ago. He then grabbed the
defeated the Sea Hulk. The severed bionic arm of Bucky and
incident put them off course, said that Bucky wasn't his
leaving them with two choices: prisoner, but his trophy.
circle back, around the Fang The Red King then tried to
Mountains, which would take convince Rogers to join his army
three days, or cut straight to the to take God Doom down, as he
Mud Kingdom by going through was the one responsible for
the Barrens, where the Tribal Bucky's death. Rogers went
Hulks dwell. The Captain against his moral nature and
decided to go through the murdered The Red King in a fit of
Barrens as it was the faster vengeance. Doc Green arrived
route. On their way through the afterwards, congratulating the
Barrens, they saw a wall made of Captain for the completion of his
the skulls of the people who died mission. With the Red King
in the civil war between the Mud dead, Doc Green would take his
Kingdom and the Tribal Hulks. place and rule the Mud Kingdom
F AM (50)
A AM (50)
S GD (10)
E RM (30)
R GD (10)
I RM (30)
P GD (10)
Health: 140
Karma: 50
Resources: GD
Popularity: 20
Real Name: Tony Masters
Occupation: Taskmaster of the Killiseum
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Doomstadt
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: The Killiseum
Photographic Reflexes: MN
Combat Sense: RM. Allows
Taskmaster to anticipate an
opponant’s reactions. He can
make one Intuition FEAT for Weapons, Archery. Tumbling,
each enemy each turn. Acrobatics, Pilot, Criminology.
Weapons: Contacts:
Billy Club: I N material, E X Arcade
Shield: UN material, RM ADDITIONAL NOTES
Sword: IN material, RM Damage
Longbow and Arrows: Trick
Arrows do up to AM damage.
Pistols: up to A M damage
depending on the opponents he is
Body Armor: RM
Electro-whip: IN energy, GD
Weapons Specialist: Shield,
Edged Weapons, Blunt Weapons,
Guns, Marksmanship, Martial Arts
A, B, C, D, E, Wrestling,
Leadership, Military, Oriental
After a particular event at the
Killiseum featuring War Machine
as the main attraction, Arcade
held an after-party, where he
was confronted by the
Taskmaster, who wanted the
War Machine shut down. Arcade
wasn't willing to lose one of the
Killiseum's most popular
champions without giving him
the proper end, but Taskmaster
vowed to shut the War Machine
down himself if Arcade didn't. To
take revenge on the Taskmaster
for his insolence, Arcade threw
him into the arena, presenting
h i m a s t h e k i l l e r o f Wa r
Machine's daughter. In the
ensuing fight, Taskmaster was
eaten alive by the Zombies of the
Killiseum, but succeeded in
fatally wounding War Machine.
war machine
F IN (40)
A RM (30)
S AM (50)
E AM (50)
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P TY (6)
Health: 170
Karma: 36
Resources: SH0
Popularity: 15
Real Name: General Thaddeus Ross
Occupation: Gladiator
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Prisoner of Doomstadt
Other Known Aliases: Thunderbolt
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Relatives: Betty (daughter)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: The Killiseum
Cybernetic Enhancements: --Concussion: E X Force times. A burst causes I N
Ross has merged with War damage shooting damage. The min-gun
Machine armor created by Stark --Thermite: EX Fire damage ignores up to RM Body Armor.
Te c h n o l o g i e s . I t h a s t h e --Tear Gas: GD intensity
following powers: --Smoke: EX intensity Talents:
Body Armor: AM protection Flame Thrower: This left None
against physical and energy gauntlet mounted weapon can
damage cover an adjacent area with RM Contacts:
Laser Beam: I N energy Flame, or fire a concentrated None
damage beam of fire upto 3 areas away
Repulsors: AM Force Damage that causes In damage ADDITIONAL NOTES
Hand Cannon: This gauntlet -Electric Touch: The armor
mounted weapon is capable of can channel electricity along its
containing 8 kinds of specialty surface, causing Mn Electrical
3.9mm ammunition. Each or stunning with Am ability on
cartridge holds sufficient contact.
ammunition for 2 rounds of fire. Mini-Gun: Optional shoulder
Spare cartridges are carried in mounted mini-gun, carrying
the armor's utility belt (upto 8 upto 1,000 caseless, spent
cartridges can be carried): uranium armor piercing rounds.
- - S p e n t U r a n i u m A r m o r- The mini-gun can fire up to
Piercing: EX, ignores Rm Body 1,800 single shots, 100 bursts
Armor against a single target, or cover
--Explosive: RM an entire area with a burst 10
After a particular event at the
Killiseum featuring War Machine
as the main attraction, Arcade
held an after-party, where he
was confronted by the
Taskmaster, who wanted the
War Machine shut down. Arcade
wasn't willing to lose one of the
Killiseum's most popular
champions without giving him
the proper end, but Taskmaster
vowed to shut the War Machine
down himself if Arcade didn't. To
take revenge on the Taskmaster
for his insolence, Arcade threw
him into the arena, presenting
h i m a s t h e k i l l e r o f Wa r
Machine's daughter. In the
ensuing fight, Taskmaster was
eaten alive by the Zombies of the
Killiseum, but succeeded in
fatally wounding War Machine.
secret war
On one side of the Multiverse, vessel transporting the Earth's designs from the original.
Doctor Doom, Doctor Strange, "resurrection team" was As Earth-616's life raft
and the Molecule Man were destroyed by the Children, Mr. approached to the central point
confronting the Beyonders. Fantastic was forced to put the of the incursion, it suffered a hull
They demanded to know who life raft in action. As the life raft breach, causing the portion
dared stand before them, and was deployed, Manifold containing the Richards family to
Doom presented d r i f t a w a y. T h e
himself. Invisible Woman tried
Meanwhile, on Earth- to reconnect it to the
1610, Nick Fury was rest of the structure,
making the final but failed, and it was
arrangements for the destroyed. The rest of
upcoming and final the life raft teleported
incursion, and soon away as the two
after sent all of universes collided and
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fleet were destroyed.
towards Earth-616. Elsewhere, in
The fleet arrived to the another world, a
incursion point, the gathering of alternate
Manhattan of Earth- versions of Thor
616 and started firing witnessed the
at it. Numerous heroes ceremony held at
tried to fend off the Doomgard in which the
attackers. At the Thor of Higher Avalon
Baxter Building, Mister joined their ranks. The
Fantastic was finishing Thor Corps are a
getting ready the police force under the
Future Foundation's command of their God,
Life Raft to be used to Doctor Doom. Old Man
save a small portion of Thor and the new Thor
humanity. The Iron set out to do justice.
Man from Earth-1610 Meanwhile, in the
deployed the Iron Man Kingdom of Utopolis,
Six weapon, but the the Foundation
tide of the battle is discovered one of the
turned in favor of the life rafts, partially
heroes of the Marvel buried in the ground.
Universe when the After retrieving Mister
Guardians of the Sinister from the Bar
Galaxy and Cyclops' Sinister, the Thors
Sentinels arrived to brought him to Castle
h e l p . O t h e r teleported numerous heroes into Doom for trial. After
powerhouse heroes like Doc it: Spider-Man, Star-Lord, Thor, being found guilty of allying
Green and She-Hulk arrived on Captain Marvel, and Cyclops, himself with King Hyperion, the
Earth-1610 and stormed the who had recently used a Baron of Utopolis, Sinister
Triskelion. Phoenix Egg to become the demanded his right of meeting
Once the Triskelion fell, the Phoenix once more. The Cabal his accuser in the arena. His
Maker deployed the Children of and the Maker were also able to accuser, Brian Braddock of
Tomorrow to attack. After the create their own raft, with stolen H i g h e r Av a l o n c o n f r o n t e d
secret war
the Key of Agamotto given to Panther used his title as the King they had brought him anything to
them by Strange. They entered, of the Dead to convince the eat, but they hadn't. The Maker
and after identifying themselves zombies to join the forces quickly betrayed his counterpart
as member of the Illuminati to a opposing Doom. and trapped him in a temporal
projection of the deceased While the battle in Doomstadt bubble, claiming that he couldn't
Sorcerer Supreme, they were waged on, the two Reed tolerate the kind of weakness
given access to powerful items Richards were transported by Reed had shown. His plan is cut
Strange had collected over the Star-Lord to Castle Doom. The short as the Molecule Man sliced
years, including the Siege Thing but was destroyed by him to ribbons, freeing Mr.
Courageous and an Infinity Franklin von Doom and his Fantastic.
Gauntlet that worked only in Galactus. When God Emperor Black Panther's battle against
Doomstadt. Doom joined the battle against Doom came to an end after Victor
Thanos, who had been the recently-arrived Annihilation crushed the Infinity Gauntlet.
captured by the Hel-Rangers, Wave, Valeria and her mother After subduing T'Challa, he
started talking to the sentient snuck away. realizes the fight had merely
structure that formed the Shield, As the two Reeds looked for been a distraction. Doom quickly
a giant alternate version of the Doom's power source, Star-Lord teleported to Molecule Man's
Thing, and convinced him to remained behind repairing their chamber, and tried to destroy
reject Doom, and rise, causing ship, and he was confronted by Richards with a snap of his
the fall of the Shield. Black Swan. The ensuing fight, fingers. He was surprised when
The Prophet, who was revealed during which Quill was easily his power didn't work, and
to be Maximus, marched his overpowered, took the two of Molecule Man asked him if he
troops forward to Castle Doom, them to Doom's throne room, had brought him something to
where some of the most powerful below Yggdrasill. Star-Lord used eat, to which Doom replied he
Barons held the line. But betrayal a splinter of Groot on the magical didn't. Thus, Owen declared that
was present during the assault, tree, which engulfed it entirely, Reed and Doom were on equal
and Baron Sinister took the and turned Yggdrasill into a giant ground. Mister Fantastic and
chance to turn against his fellow Groot that destroyed the castle Doom engaged in furious
Baroness the Goblin Queen. from the inside out. Valeria and combat, with Reed claiming that
Sinister was subsequently struck Sue witnessed the fall of their even though Victor’s intentions
down by Baron Apocalypse. The home from the castle garden as were good, he was too afraid of
expected reinforcements in the they encountered the two Reeds losing Battleworld to see a viable
form of the Thor Corps joined the trying to access to the Molecule solution to the Multiverse’s
battle, but fighting against Man's chamber. destruction. Doom accused
Doom's side inspired by Earth Back on the battlefield, Thanos Richards of believing he could've
616’s Jane Foster’s Thor. Baron confronted Doom who easily done better had he had Doom's
Maestro soon joined the battle pulled the skeleton from his body. power. Reed conceded the
with his army of Worldbreakers. The Siege Courageous same. On the grounds of their
The two Reed Richards appeared and Black Panther, mutual agreement, Molecule
continued to plot from the armed with the Infinity Gauntlet Man gave his power to Reed,
distance, and they planned to and a horde of Zombies arrived destroying Battleworld in the
use the fight on the steps of with Namor in tow, striking Doom process.
Castle Doom to infiltrate the and his followers down. Victor With Battleworld’s destruction
building and steal "the most quickly regenerated from his own and Reed’s newfound power, he
valuable thing that's left from the corpse and continued fighting, and the Molecule Man, along with
Multiverse" from Doom. Black killing Namor. the Foundation set about
Panther and Namor traveled to During the battle, the two Reeds rebuilding the Multiverse.
t h e D e a d l a n d s f o r visited the Molecule Man. Owen
re i n fo rce me n ts, a n d Bl a ck once again asked his visitors if
the survivors
BLACK PANTHER MIND GEM: Cl1000 powers over the Focused Energy Release: AM with an
F AM (50) mind. Includes Telepathy, Telelocation, 8 area range, can be augmented by
A IN (40) Mind Probe, Mind Control, Mind Blast, energy channeling. She can emit Heat
S EX (20) Telekinesis and other similar powers. and Light, as well as the rest of the
E RM (30) SOUL GEM: Cl1000 power over the electromagnetic spectrum, and
R GD (10) spirit world. Includes Psychic Blast, gravity. She can also perform the
I RM (30) Spirit Sense, Internal Limbo, Soul following power stunts:
P EX (20) Absorption and other similar powers. -Energy Blasts: AM Energy, 4 area
Health: 140 REALITY GEM: Cl1000 control over radius if on the ground, or 18 area
Karma: 60 r e a l i t y. I n c l u d e s M o l e c u l a r radius if airborne or in space.
Resources: FE Creation/Conversion, Probability -Light-Bursts: AM Blinding attack to
Popularity: 0 Manipulation, Geo-force and other everyone in a 6 area radius, for 1-10
similar powers. rounds if they do not make an
BACKGROUND POWER GEM: Cl1000 control over Endurance FEAT vs. AM intensity.
Real Name: T’Challa energies. Includes Energy Generation -Recharge: Devices and batteries
Occupation: King and Control, Energy Sponge, that operate on electromagnetic
Identity: Public Regeneration, Power Enhancement energy.
Legal Status: Survivor of Earth 616 and other similar powers. Energy Absorption and Rechanneling:
Place of Birth: Earth 616, Wakanda Talents: Royality, Business/Finance, Ms. Marvel can repower herself by
Marital Status: Single Acrobatics, Tumbling, Tracking, absorbing any type of energy
Known Relatives: All Deceased Martial Arts A, B, C, E, Leadership, regaining lost health equal to the
Group Affiliation: The Survivors Animal Handling, First Aid, intensity absorbed. She can also
Base of Operations: Life Raft Demolitions, Engineering, rechannel it to increase the intensity of
Detective/Espionage, Marksmanship, her energy blasts. Up to 100 points of
KNOWN POWERS Multi-Lingual: (Swahili, Arabic, French, energy may be stored in this manner
Extraordinary Senses: EX Infrared English, Russian, Spanish, Hausa) and up to 100 Health can be restored.
vision Contacts: The Survivors Body Resistance: MN protection vs.
Enhanced Hearing: GD Energy, AM protection vs. Physical
Tracking: AM 12 Hours rural, 6 Hours CAPTAIN MARVEL Self-Sustenance: Carol is able to
urban. F IN (40) survive in the vacuum of space, but
EQUIPMENT: A IN (40) needs means to breathe.
Costume: EX protection vs. Physical, S AM (50) Ta l e n t s : M i l i t a r y, D e t e c t i v e ,
also has the following abilities: E MN (75) Espionage, Journalism, Aerial
-Blending: R M blending with R EX (20) Combat, Leadership, Pilot, Multi-
shadows and in dim light. I RM (30) Lingual: (English, Shi'ar, Kree,
-Mask: IN Infrared Vision P AM (50) Russian, Japanese, German), Astro-
-Anti-Metal Claws: EX Edged, able to Health: 165 Navigation, Martial Arts A, C, E, Trivia:
cut through most common metals of up Karma: 100 (Shi'ar and Kree Culture)
to UN material strength Resources: FE Contacts: The Survivors
Energy Daggers: May form daggers of Popularity: 0
In Energy, has the following abilities:
-IN Edged or Energy BACKGROUND
-Phase through CL1000 material Real Name: Captain Carol Danvers
-Disrupt Electronics: In damage Occupation: Adventurer
-May be thrown up to 5 areas Identity: Public
*Infinity Gauntlet: Towards the final Legal Status: Survivor of Earth 616
hours of The Secret Wars, Black Place of Birth: Earth 616, Boston,
Panther held the Infinity Gauntlet. In a Massachusetts
nutshell, these are the basic powers Marital Status: Single
behind the Infinity Gems: Known Relatives: All deceased
SPACE GEM: Cl1000 Warping and Group Affiliation: Avengers
control of space. Includes Base of Operations: Life Raft
Te l e p o r t a t i o n , G r a v i t y C o n t r o l ,
Dimensional Travel, Hyper Speed and KNOWN POWERS
other powers. Energy Perception: IN ability to sense,
TIME GEM: Cl1000 Time Control. locate and identify energy sources,
Includes Time Travel, Age-Shifting, general purpose.
Suspended Animation, Longevity, and Flight: Sh-Y, uses M N in urban
other similar powers. settings.
CYCLOPS Talents: Leadership, Pilot, Spatial Physics
(PHOENIX FORCE) Geometry, Martial Arts A, B, Multi- Contacts: The Survivors
F EX (20) Lingual: (English, Russian, Japanese)
A EX (20) Contacts: The Survivors
S GD (10)
R GD (10) F GD (10)
I RM (30) A TY (6)
P EX (20) S TY (6)
Health: 80 E RM (30)
Karma: 60 R AM (50)
Resources: FE I EX (20)
Popularity: 0 P RM (30)
Health: 52
Real Name: Scott Summers Resources: FE
Occupation: Cosmic Force Popularity: 0
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Survivor of Earth 616 BACKGROUND
Place of Birth: Earth 616, Anchorage, Real Name: Reed Richards
Alaska Occupation: Scientist, Adventurer,
Marital Status: Widowed Explorer
Known Relatives: All Deceased Identity: Public
Group Affiliation: The Survivors Legal Status: Survivor of Earth 616
Base of Operations: Life Raft Place of Birth: Earth 616, Central City,
KNOWN POWERS Marital Status: Widowed
Optic Blast: Up to MN Force at 3 areas. Known Relatives: All deceased
Each area beyond that is decreased by Group Affiliation: Avengers
1 rank. He is able to perform the Base of Operations: Life Raft
following power stunts:
-Break Fall: to slow fall w/ Ty damage KNOWN POWERS
to target Elongation: M N. Up to 1500 ft.
-Wide Angle Beam: In to 2 areas Plasticity: MN. Can form into the
-Transform energy into Optic Blast: a following effects:
Red Psyche FEAT. must be made or -Bouncing Ball: MN agility & GD
he takes normal damage speed
Partial Immunity: Cyclops is immune to -Glider: FE airspeed
Havok's powers -Parachute for 4 people
Phoenix Force: When used, a flaming -Disguise: GD
bird image is conjured which inflict TY -Formless puddle for flowing through
heat damage when the powers are almost any opening
used at max rank. -AM ability to form any geometric
-Absorption: CL1000, any form of shape
energy -AM to be paper thin
-Energy Conversion: CL1000 Body Armor: -5cs damage from blunt
-Molecular Conversion: CL1000 attacks, RM protection vs. other
-Flight: Un in atmosphere. CL1000 in Physical attacks, GD protection vs.
space Energy
-Force Field: CL1000 vs. physical H y p e r- I n v e n t i o n : M N a b i l i t y t o
and energy comprehend/design/repair technology
-Gateway: Instant teleportation to *Omnipotence: During the final hour of
anywhere in the universe the Secret Wars, Reed was granted
-Kinetic Bolt: up to CL1000 near omnipotence by the Molecule
-Regeneration: UN Man. All of his stats increased to
-Self-Sustenance: Cl1000 Cl1000 and he obtains access to any
-Telekinesis: UN power in the Ultimate Powers Book or
-Telepathy: UN in the Gm’s or Player’s imagination.
-Weather Control: UN Talents: Electronics, Engineering,
F GD (10) F RM (30) F RM (30)
A AM (50) A AM (50) A RM (30)
S AM (50) S IN (40) S EX (20)
E IN (40) E IN (40) E RM (30)
R TY (6) R EX (20) R EX (20)
I GD (10) I GD (10) I AM (50)
P EX (20) P IN (40) P IN (40)
Health: 150 Health: 160 Health: 110
Karma: 36 Karma: 70 Karma: 110
Resources: FE Resources: FE Resources: FE
Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0
Optic Blasts: UN Energy damage
Flight: EX speed
Force Field: MN resistance to physical
and energy attacks.
Telepathy: AM
Talents: Multilingual
F GD (10)
A GD (10)
S EX (20)
E RM (30)
R IN (40)
I GD (10)
P RM (30)
Health: 70
Karma: 80
Resources: FE
Popularity: 0
Real Name: Maximus Boltagon
Occupation: Scientist, Prince
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Survivor of Earth 616
Place of Birth: Earth 616, Attilan
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: All Deceased
Group Affiliation: The Cabal
Base of Operations: Utopolis
Mind Control: IN
-Possession: Target obeys Maximus’
every thought
-Induced Amnesia: Requires a Red
FEAT for success
-Mind Transferral: Swap his mind
with another
Telepathic Invisibility: Van appear
invisible to the naked eye. Does not
work with other means of surveillance
or perception.
Precognition: RM
Talents: Genetics, Engineering, NAMOR
Physics. F IN (40) KNOWN POWERS
Contacts: The Cabal A RM (30) Water Freedom: Completely adapted
S MN (75) for life under the sea. EX resistance to
E IN (40) cold.
R TY (6) Water-Breathing: UN
I RM (30) Hyper-Swimming: TY 45mph
P IN (40) Flight: PR 40mph but can still lift nearly
Health: 185 2 tons while in flight.
Karma: 76 Weakness:
Resources: FE Finite Limit: if Namor is deprived of
Popularity: 0 water he begins to suffer ill effects. For
every hour awat from water his FASE
BACKGROUND frops -1CS until they all reach TY. He
Real Name: Namor McKenzie suffers 30 points of damage each day
Occupation: King he is not totally immersed and cannot
Identity: Public recover health.
Legal Status: Survivor of Earth 616 Talents: Politics, Oceanography,
Place of Birth: Earth 616, Atlantis Ichthyology, Atlantean Sciences
Marital Status: Single Contacts: The Cabal
Known Relatives: All Deceased
Group Affiliation: The Cabal
Base of Operations: Utopolis
PROXIMA MIDNIGHT never misses its mark, it acts as a moon of Marvan
F MN (75) lethal projectile endowed with constant Marital Status: Single
A MN (75) velocity, or some form of energy Known Relatives: All Deceased
S UN (100) netting which turns jet black after Group Affiliation: The Cabal
E UN (100) ensnaring, weighing down, and Base of Operations: Utopolis
R GD (10) effectively immobilizing a target (SHX
I EX (20) Strength to be able to remove/stand KNOWN POWERS
P RM (30) after being struck). The lance also Earth Animation: UN up to 100 miles in
Health: 350 carries an UN level lethal toxin with it diameter. This power allows the
Karma: 60 upon contact, which can kill about following power stunts:
Resources: FE anything within moments. -Create tremors of UN intensity
Popularity: 0 Talents: Edged Weapons, Thrown -Use rock as missiles with UN range
Weapons, Military, Martial Arts A, B, C, and effect
BACKGROUND E. -Mold rocks
Real Name: Proxima Midnight Contacts: The Cabal -Levitate with UN ability
Occupation: Conqueror True Invulnerability: UN resistance to
Identity: Public TERRAX physical and energy attacks and
Legal Status: Survivor of Reality 616 F UN (100) Cl1000 resistance to extreme heat and
Place of Birth: Unrevealed A AM (50) cold.
Marital Status: Married S MN (75) Self Sustinance: Free of the need to
Known Relatives: Corvus Glaive E MN (75) consume food, water, or air.
(husband), Black Dwarf (brother-in- R GD (10) Floating Disk: Cl1000 speed by riding
law, deceased) I MN (75) atop rocks under his control
Group Affiliation: The Cabal P AM (50) Dimension Travel: At maximum
Base of Operations: Utopolis Health: 300 velocity can enter hyperspace.
Karma: 135 Life Detection: Cl1000 ability to detect
KNOWN POWERS Resources: FE life up to 5 light years away.
Invulnerability: UN protection against Popularity: 0 Weapons:
Physical and Energy attacks. Immunr The Cosmic Axe: Cl1000 material and
to poisons and radiation and can BACKGROUND UN Edged Damage.
survive in the vacuum of outer space. Real Name: Tyros of Lanlak -Force Field: MN rank and range
Weapons: Occupation: Ruler, former Herald of -Disintegration: UN ability to
Spear: SHX Fighting and Damage. Galactus disintegrate matter.
Once thrown, it may become a lance of Identity: Public Talents: Politics, Oceanography,
multi-arcing energy carrying Legal Status: Survivor of Reality 616 Ichthyology, Atlantean Sciences
tremendous mass. An arm which Place of Birth: Reality 616, Birij, sixth Contacts: The Cabal
F MN (75)
A RM (30)
S UN (100)
E UN (100)
R AM (50)
I IN (40)
P AM (50)
Health: 305
Karma: 140
Resources: FE
Popularity: 0
Real Name: Thanos of Titan
Occupation: Conqueror
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Survivor of Reality 616
Place of Birth: Reality 616, Titan
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: All Deceased
Group Affiliation: The Cabal
Base of Operations: Utopolis
Armor Skin: MN protection against
physical attacks, A M protection
against energy attacks.
Invulnerability: Cl1000 resistance to
heat, cold, electricity, radiation, toxins,
and disease.
Plasma Generation: UN
Self-Sudtinance: Need not consume
water, food, or air.
Teleportation: UN ability to teleport
himself and up to 10 companions.
Talents: All Scientific skills, especially
Engineering and Repair/Tinkering.
Contacts: The Cabal
The Adaptor highly recommends the Marvel Unlimited membership and application.
This is the best tool for running any game in the Marvel Universe.
This is simply the adaptor’s opinion and is given completely of his free will.
He does not work for nor is endorsed by Marvel Comics or the Disney Corp.
He’s just a big Marvel Phile and prefers to pay for a subscription rather than pirate issues illegally.
doomstadt compendium