TSC Bonding Form

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Telephone: THE TSC HOUSE

+254-020-2892000/0722- KILIMANJARO ROAD
208-552 UPPER HILL
Email: [email protected] PRIVATE BAG -00100


Know all men by these presents that


(Full Name)

of ID NO:
and ID NO:

(Full Name of First Surety)

and ID NO:

(Full Name of Second Surety)


are jointly and severally bound unto the Teachers Service Commission (herein-after called “the
Commission”) in the sum equivalent to the value of the scholarship plus salaries and allowances
paid for the duration of the scholarship OR salaries and allowances paid during the period of
study leave to be paid to the Commission, for which payment to be well and truly made, we
jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heir, executors, administrators and assigns by these

Sealed this day of 20

Whereas under the policy for the award of financial assistance of any kind herein –after referred
to as Scholarship for training, the said (Obligor)
has been awarded a scholarship/study leave for training at
and under the terms of the said policy is required to enter into a bond duly to comply with the
conditions set out here under:
NOW THE ABOVE WRITTEN OBLIGATIONS are conditioned to be void in case the

said shall;

a) Complete the course for which the scholarship was awarded and follow the directions laid
down in the rules contained in the scheduled hereto and other rules as may hereafter be
made whether by way of amendment or otherwise by the Principal Secretary-Directorate of
Public Service Management or any other person nominated by the Government in that
behalf governing the award of Scholarship tenable in Kenya or elsewhere outside Kenya,
b) Where applicable, accept such transport facilities made available to him/her by the
Government for his/her return to Kenya and, if so required to return to Kenya immediately
after completion of the course of study for which the scholarship is awarded or at such a
time as the Government may, through the Principal Secretary in charge of Public Service
Management or any other person nominated by the Government in that behalf direct unless
he/she control recognized as such Principal Secretary in charge of Public Service
Management or any other Person nominated by the Government in that behalf, and
c) On return to Kenya, rejoin or enter in the TSC establishment if called upon to do so by the
Cabinet Secretary/Chief Executive of in the capacity for
which his/her course instruction is adjudged by the said Cabinet Secretary/Chief Executive
to have rendered him/her competent and continue in that service for a period of THREE (3)
years or if not called upon to rejoin or enter such service, undertake such engagement as the
Cabinet Secretary may direct for period of THREE years.

Provided that the Commission Secretary shall have power to release him/her from such
obligation at any time before the expiry of the said period of THREE years as he shall in his sole
discretion think fit but in the event of a breach of any or all of the above conditions, the above
written bond shall remain in full force and effect and the same sum equivalent to the value of the
scholarship plus salaries and allowances paid for the duration of the scholarship/study leave shall
be forthwith payable to the commission secretary on behalf of the Government of Kenya in
respect of such breach by the way of liquidate damages, and not as penalty by the obligor and in
case of his failing to do so, by the sureties jointly or severally.
a) The said……………………………………………………………………………and the
Government of Kenya hereby agree that he above obligations contained in this agreement
regarding the terms of employment with the commission will bind and be paramount to any
other later or subsequent terms of appointment unless his/her bond is first terminated by
the Teachers Service Commission.
Signed, Sealed and Delivery by
the obligor to whom a scholarship Signature (Obligor)
has been awarded in the presence of:-

Name in full (First surety)

(Block Capital)
How do you know the obligor

(Block Capital)
(Block Capital)
Place of work and Personnel No. (if employed)

Name in full (Second surety)

(Block Capital)
How do you know the obligor

(Block Capital)
(Block Capital)
Place of work and Personnel No. (if employed)



(in this context “scholarship” includes award made under any Government Scholarship scheme,
Training Courses and study leave).
1. Every person awarded a Scholarship by the Government which is tenable in Kenya or
outside Kenya is required to comply with the following rules:-
a) To accept such transport to and from the venue of training as is provided by the
b) To proceed to the institution as directed and begin the course of studies for which the
award was made and to continue with such studies for as long as prescribed unless he/she
is prevented from so doing by sickness proved by a certificate from a recognized Medical
Practitioner or by circumstance beyond his control recognized as such by the Principal
Secretary –Directorate of Public Service Management or any person in that behalf.
c) To reside in an approved college, hostel or lodgings.
d) To devote his/her whole time to following the course of instruction for which the
Scholarship is awarded unless permission to undertake other work or studies or to modify
his course in content or duration is granted by the Teacher Service Commission.
e) Not to engage in any occupation or activity which is considered detrimental to his/her
progress in the course of studies prescribe for him/her and/or detrimental to his/her is
f) To satisfy the Commission as to attendance, conduct and progress by report from the
head of the institution or such other approved person at the institution in which he/she is
g) At all times to conduct himself/herself as an honest and faithful student and to the best of
his/her power and ability faithfully to observe, obey and perform such instructions and
directions as may be given to him/her from time to time in whatever form such
instructions may take.
h) To submit to a medical examination as directed; it being understood thatthe
scholarship may be suspended or terminated if the report from such medical examination
indicates that he/she is unfit to complete his/her studies owing to ill health. The
Scholarship may be suspended or terminated if he/she absents himself/herself from
studies for more than six months owing to ill health.

i) To sit for and pass any prescribed examinations or approved group of examinations
within the time fixed by the authorities of the institution at which he/she is attending or
by the Permanent Secretary/Director of Personnel Management or any other person in
that behalf unless he/she is prevented from so doing by sickness proved by a certificate
from a recognized Medical Practitioner or by circumstances beyond his/her control
recognized as such by the Permanent Secretary/Director of Personnel Management or any
other person in that behalf.

j) To complete the course without interruption and to fulfill all the conditions under which
the Scholarship was awarded.
2. The Scholarship may be suspended or terminated if the person awarded a Scholarship fails
to comply with any of the foregoing rules. Where a scholarship,tenable outside Kenya is
terminated, the cost of a return passage will be met by Government provided that the person
returns to Kenya at the earliest opportunity, If such a person without reasonable excuse fails
to travel at the earliest opportunity, he/she shall forfeit his/her right to free passage and all
other allowances to which he/she would otherwise be entitled.

3. Whenever direction, intention, approval or consent is indicated or required by anyof the

foregoing rules, the same may be given or signified by the Permanent Secretary/Director of
Personnel Management or such person as he/she may appoint by notice in the Gazette.

4. All beneficiaries will be required to sign the following declaration in the presenceof a
Magistrate or District Education Officer or an Officer of the Commission within the Human
Resource Department authorized in that behalf by the Secretary/Chief Executive.

I ………………………………………………………ID/No ………………………hereby
declare that I have read the foregoing rules and agree that the Scholarship / Study Leave
awarded to me shall be governed by these rules and that in the event of a breach by me of any of
the above rules, my Scholarship may be suspended or terminated forthwith.

(Obligor Signature)

I certify that the Declaration was both read aloud and signed by the Candidate in my presence
on ………………………………Day of …………………………… 20……….

………………………………….. …………………………….
(Name) (Signature)

…………………………………. …………………………….
(Title/Designation) (Official Stamp)

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