Executive Coaching MarkEspinoza

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Training Program: MBA

Subject: Executive Coaching


Name and Last name: Mark Espinoza

Email: [email protected]


Important: Final Project Submission Guidelines

Please take a moment to thoroughly read these guidelines to ensure a smooth

submission process and to avoid potential issues. Your attention to these
details is essential.

Download the Exam Document:

 Download the final project document from Moodle.
 You must only use Microsoft Word or LibreOffice
(https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download-libreoffice) for your
 Do not alter any non-editable fields.

Writing Your Project:

 Ensure your content is original and solely your work.
 Utilize the tutors available to you for any queries.
 Submit the final version only, as no preliminary reviews will be
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 In case you fail the first delivery you have a second opportunity. If you
fail twice, you will have to pay the corresponding fees in order to
resubmit your work.
Content Requirements:
 Do not insert images of any kind into your document.
 For diagrams or methodologies like a DAFO or others, use text and/or
tables to describe and illustrate.
Formatting Your Document:
 All editable fields on the cover page must be filled.
 The document should not exceed 18 pages, cover page, bibliography,
and appendix not included.
Naming Your File:
 Follow this format:
 For example: 11052024_SubjectName_ElsaMoore.doc
Uploading Your Project:
 Once completed, upload your document back to Moodle in either .doc
or .docx format.
Important Notes:
 Plagiarism or submission of work not your own is strictly prohibited.
Repeat violations may result in ineligibility to obtain your degree.
 Your ability to follow these instructions is crucial and reflects on your
overall performance. Please prioritize the accuracy of this process.
Submission Checklist:
 Have you downloaded the final project document from Moodle?
 Have you used only Microsoft Word or LibreOffice?
 Is all content original and individually created?
 Is the final version ready for submission?
 Is the file named correctly as per guidelines?
 Have you uploaded the document to Moodle in the correct format?

Take a moment to double-check your work against this checklist before

submitting. This ensures your project meets all the required standards and is
set for a successful evaluation. Good luck!


Evaluation Guidelines

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The final work will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

 Acquired Knowledge (3 points): To receive the maximum score, the

work must demonstrate an exceptional and complete understanding of
the theoretical concepts relevant to the subject, applying this knowledge
effectively and accurately to the case analysis. The student is expected
to integrate theories, principles, and models studied during the program
in a way that significantly enriches their analysis and argumentation.

 Development of the Subject (3 points): The maximum score will be

awarded when the student performs a coherent and deeply analytical
analysis of the statement, offering clear, well-founded, and critical
interpretations of the presented case. The development of the statement
is expected to show an exceptional ability to identify and analyze key
issues, using logical reasoning and relevant evidence to construct solid

 Final Outcome (3 points): To achieve the maximum score in this area,

the presented solution must be comprehensive, correct, and
exceptionally articulated, meeting all the established parameters for the
presentation. The final outcome is expected not only to effectively solve
the posed problem but also to be presented in a manner that
demonstrates a deep understanding and practical application of the
acquired knowledge.

 Added Value (0.5 points): The maximum score in added value is

achieved when the student contributes significant elements that enrich
the analysis beyond the basic requirements. This may include original
analyses, novel perspectives, innovative practical applications, or the
integration of theories or models not covered in class. Creativity and the
ability to connect the case with broader concepts or contexts are
particularly valued.

 Supplementary Bibliography (0.5 points): To receive the maximum

score in supplementary bibliography, the work must include a selection of
relevant and current sources that are properly cited according to APA
guidelines. These sources must support and significantly expand the
case analysis, demonstrating an effort to go beyond the material
provided in class and find additional information that adds depth and
context to the work.

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TopTravel SL is a company dedicated to high quality online hotel reservations.

It operates internationally and customers are large hotel groups that offer luxury

With more than 10 years of experience, TopTravel SL has been among the top
5 websites used to choose accommodation. A large percentage are business
trips, however, there is also a significant number of leisure trips, which seek a
stay with the best conditions.

In the last 5 years, prestigious competitor companies have launched very strong
marketing campaigns that have forced TopTravel SL to make an important
investment in the Online Marketing Department. This department is physically
located in Amsterdam, the city where TopTravel SL was founded, although
there are staff distributed in the US, Singapour and Spain.

This department has undergone major changes in the last year, as they had to
hire a new Social Media Manager, since the previous one left the company for
personal reasons. Until then, the company had a very efficient team of analysts,
designers, web/SEO programmers, content manager, social media strategist
and community manager. However, with the arrival of the new manager the
team was affected; There were some team members who also decided to
leave, and those who stayed did not have a good working environment. Due to
the flight of employees, new hires were made; young talents with a lot of desire
to learn. However, most of the veteran staff is unmotivated given the situation,
in a few months the results of the last campaign launched were affected.

The new Social Media Manager, Marc Blumer, is considered to be the best in
the world in his field and has won several awards as best international publicist.
However, despite being very good in his field, he has great communicative
difficulties that directly affect his leadership ability, which makes it very difficult
to manage a new team that recently lost its leader. He has a leadership style
with a high authoritarian component, tending to adopt a high and somewhat
aggressive speaking tone at meetings, he has difficulty hearing opinions from
group members other than his own, and does not handle well constructive
criticism. Something similar happens when he has to communicate the results
with the General Management, his communication issues mean that the
information does not always arrive in the best way, and this leads to
misunderstandings. This situation has made Marc feel blocked.

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In a meeting between Marketing Management, Sales Management and Human
Resources Management, it was decided to hire the services of a specialized
Coaching consultancy. This consultancy assigns you the project to intervene in
the Online Marketing Department of TopTravel SL. Marc Blumer's
communication skills must be improved, and at the same time, his skills and
abilities must be strengthened so that he has a wide range of resources, in this
way he will be able to effectively lead the team, and will redirect the work
towards the company’s goals. On the other hand, it is necessary that
employees return to work as a workteam, because until now they worked more
like a group.

As a coach of this consultancy you are given two options to choose from; apply
an individual coaching process to Marc Blumer, or apply a team coaching
process to the Department.


Before starting, you must choose the option you want to solve; individual
coaching or team coaching. You must solve only one option, as we will only
evaluate one of the two options. Start your answer by staring the option you are

Option 1:Individual Coaching

1. Analyse the starting situation of the Online Marketing Department:
a. To provide context, explain what the starting situation is,
from an analytical perspective.
b. Explain the importance of carrying out a coaching process;
what could happen if you do not act quickly, and what benefits
would be obtained after the intervention.

2. Establish some objectives: Formulate at least 3 objectives to achieve

with the executive coaching process.

3. Plan a complete individual coaching process for Marc Blumer: In

this section you should design the entire coaching process, and frame the
sessions within the Coaching phases. This planning must be very detailed and
precise, explaining step by step the entire process. You must bear in mind:

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a. Structure the Coaching phases: plan how many sessions
to perform in each of the phases, and what actions or techniques to
apply in each one.
b. Include "powerful questions", use the Grow Method to
lead the questions.

Option 2:Team/Deparment Coaching

1. Analyse the starting situation of the Online Marketing Department:

a. To provide context, explain what the starting situation is,
from an analytical perspective.
b. Explain the importance of carrying out a coaching process;
what could happen if you do not act quickly, and what benefits
would be obtained after the intervention.

2. Establish some objectives: Formulate at least 3 objectives to achieve

with the executive coaching.

3. Plan a complete team coaching process: In this section you must

design the entire coaching process for the Online Marketing Department.
Bare in mind:
a. Structure: plan how many sessions to perform in each of
the phases, and what actions or techniques to apply in each one.
b. Include five “powerful questions” per session.



Individual Coaching
1. Analyze the starting situation of the Online Marketing Department:

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A. To provide context, explain what the starting situation is, from an
analytical perspective.

It is crucial to start by analyzing our current situation to understand where

we stand and how to achieve our goals. Before setting goals, we need to
examine the subject, its context, performance issues, and potential
causes. Upon closer inspection of the Online Marketing Department, it
became evident that initiating a series of individual coaching sessions
with Marc Blumer would be highly beneficial for both him and the
company. Here are the key findings:

 Marc Blumer's arrival as the new Social Media Manager negatively

impacted the Online Marketing Department, causing team members to
leave and leaving remaining employees dissatisfied with the working
 Despite the recruitment of young, eager-to-learn new hires, existing staff
became demotivated, adversely affecting their work and significantly
impacting recent campaigns.
 While Marc excelled in his field and was an award-winning international
publicist, he struggled with leadership skills, particularly in effectively
communicating with his team and management about results, leading to
an authoritarian leadership style that complicated team dynamics.
 Consequently, the Online Marketing Department operated more as a
group than as a cohesive team, with Marc feeling blocked due to these

b. Explain the importance of carrying out a coaching process; what could

happen if you do not act quickly, and what benefits would be obtained after the

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Implementing a personalized coaching process holds immense potential to
benefit not only Marc as an individual but also the entire Online Marketing
Department and TopTravel SL as a cohesive entity.
It is imperative to embark on this tailored coaching journey with Marc to
meticulously address the aforementioned findings at an individual level, as the
positive outcomes are expected to resonate throughout the team and the
Currently, the team's morale, motivation, and performance are stagnating and
are at risk of further decline if the individual coaching process with Marc is not
promptly initiated.
This potential decrease in productivity could lead to an increase in staff
resignations and a further breakdown in communication within the team.
Through the refinement of Marc's communication skills and leadership acumen
via the coaching process, he would be better equipped to adeptly lead the team,
thereby facilitating TopTravel SL in achieving its organizational goals.

2. Establish some goals: Formulate at least 3 goals to achieve with the

executive coaching process.

When delineating the specific objectives of coaching, several crucial

goals come to the fore:
 Enhancing Understanding and Promoting Values: Coaching broadens
understanding of transformative models and instills new values for
personal growth.
 Fostering Managerial Skills: Coaching develops essential managerial
skills like communication, leadership, and decision-making.
 Improving Performance: Coaching targets individual and organizational
performance, leveraging strengths and addressing areas for
 Encouraging Training: Coaching promotes continuous learning and
development to optimize resources and effectiveness.

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 Facilitating Learning and Providing Support: Coaching facilitates the
learning process, ensures prompt implementation of new skills, and
offers support to reach goals.

Aligned with the background information provided, the following three goals are
 Goal 1: Fostering Team Cohesion: Empowering Marc to transition
from leading a group to leading a cohesive team is essential. This
involves fostering a sense of unity, collaboration, and shared
purpose among team members, enhancing overall team
performance and effectiveness.
 Goal 2: Strengthening Marc's Leadership Abilities: Another
important goal is to strengthen Marc's leadership abilities. This
includes developing his skills in decision-making, team
management, and goal setting, enabling him to lead the team
more effectively towards achieving the company's objectives.
 Goal 3: Enhancing Marc's Communication Skills: A key objective
is to enhance Marc's communication skills. This involves
improving his ability to convey information effectively, listen
actively, and foster positive communication within the team.

In summary, the overarching goals of coaching are to enhance individual and

team performance, facilitate personal and professional growth, and drive
organizational success. By focusing on these objectives, coaching can have a
transformative impact on individuals, teams, and organizations, paving the way
for sustained excellence and achievement.

3. Plan a complete individual coaching process for Marc Blumer: In this section
you should design the entire coaching process, and frame the sessions within
the Coaching phases. This planning must be very detailed and precise,
explaining step by step the entire process. You must bear in mind:

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a. Structure of the Coaching phases: plan how many sessions to perform in
each of the phases, and what actions or techniques to apply in each one.
b. Include "powerful questions", use the Grow Method to lead the

Phase 1: Needs assessment and diagnosis

This phase will consist of 4 sessions that will be conducted weekly. The first 2
sessions will be 60 minutes each and the last 2 session will be 90 minutes
each. This phase will therefore be 1 month.

Goals for:
 Session 1: Develop a coaching relationship between the Coach and
Coachee to create a bond of trust and efficiency which are critical for the
success of the coaching process.
 Session 2: Help the Coachee to understand his involvement in the
current situation and establish a common goal for the Coachee.
 Session 3: Analyze the starting point of the Coachee by evaluating his
self- knowledge and performance to ultimately determine how to reach
his goals.
 Session 4: Discuss the structure and results from the tools used in the
previous sessions to empower the Coachee with the feedback in order to
be able to make behavioral changes.

Coaching Tools:
• The Wheel of Life (session 1)
• GROW Model (session 2)
• 360 Evaluation (session 2)
• Myers-Briggs (session 2)
• Transactional Analysis Process Communication Model (session 3)
• Belbin Test (session 3)
• Results from the evaluations (session 4)
• All sessions: Active listening / Power questions

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The session will unfold with an enlightening introduction, where the objectives
are distinctly articulated, setting a clear direction for the proceedings. As the
session progresses, the coach will expertly navigate the discussions, ensuring a
seamless flow of ideas and insights. This facilitation is aimed at fostering a
collaborative environment conducive to deep exploration and meaningful

As the discussions reach their culmination, a comprehensive summary will

encapsulate the key points and themes, providing a holistic view of the
session's outcomes. This summary will serve as a foundation for evaluating the
session's effectiveness, enabling the identification of areas of strength and
areas for improvement.

In the session's final moments, attention will turn to the future, with a focused
discussion on next steps and actionable strategies. This forward-looking
approach will help solidify commitments and ensure that the momentum
generated during the session is maintained. Additionally, the scheduling of the
next session will be carefully coordinated, ensuring continuity and progression
in the coaching journey.

Powerful questions: Goal

• What is your desired outcome?
• How will achieving this goal benefit you?
• What aspect of this goal excites you the most?
• Are there any other goals that are equally or more important to you?
• How will you gauge your progress towards this goal?
• Can you paint a picture of success regarding this goal?
• How does this goal fit into your broader vision or life plan?
Phase 2: Design phase
In this phase, the focus shifts to defining a clear plan. It is crucial for the
Coachee to have a clear understanding of the problem they wish to address.

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The objectives set during this phase should be SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).
This phase will consist of two bi-weekly sessions, each lasting 90 minutes,
spanning a month. The goals for each session are as follows:

Goals for:
Session 1: Define goals/objectives that are SMART.
Session 2: Discuss the Triangular Contract and design the process schedule
including milestone achievements and performance indicators.
Coaching Tools:
• Active listening
• Power questions

In the structure of coaching sessions, each component plays a critical role in

ensuring that the session is effective and productive. The introduction sets the
stage for the session, providing clarity on the objectives and what is to be
achieved. This helps to focus the discussion and ensures that both the coach
and the coachee are aligned in their understanding of the goals.
The facilitation aspect of the session is where the coach takes the lead in
guiding the discussions. This involves actively listening to the coachee, asking
powerful questions, and providing feedback. The coach's role here is to create a
safe and supportive environment where the coachee feels comfortable
exploring their thoughts, feelings, and challenges.

After the discussions have taken place, the summary and evaluation step allows
both the coach and the coachee to reflect on what has been discussed and
achieved during the session. This summary helps to consolidate the key points
and insights that have emerged, providing a clear understanding of the progress
made and any areas that may need further exploration.
Finally, the conclusion of the session involves discussing the next steps and
actions that the coachee will take. This may include setting goals for the next
session, identifying any obstacles that need to be overcome, and scheduling the

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next meeting. By ensuring that each session follows this structured approach,
coaches can help their coachees make meaningful progress towards their
Powerful questions: Reality
 How are things currently progressing?
 How do you currently feel about your situation?
 What values and needs are currently driving your actions?
 What is your primary concern at this moment?
 What resources do you currently have at your disposal?
 What obstacles are currently impeding your progress?
 What does the resistance really mean?

Phase 3: Implementation phase

This phase begins with the signing of the coaching contract, which should
 Confidentiality and commitment between the coach and coachee.
 Procedures for resolving any incidents that may arise.
 Dependencies for achieving the objectives.

The phase will comprise six sessions, conducted monthly to allow time for
practicing what is learned in everyday life. Each session will last between 60
and 90 minutes, depending on the objectives for that session. This phase will
span six months.

Session 1:
 Sign the Coaching Contract.
 Create a leadership development plan that includes SMART

Sessions 2-6:
 Implement the leadership development plan.
 Focus on effective leadership strategies.

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 Enhance communication skills.
 Build trust and handle feedback effectively.
 Foster teamwork and innovation.
 Utilize motivational tools for personal and team development.

Coaching Tools:
 NLP techniques
 Results of Belbin test
 Myers-Briggs, 360 Evaluation
 The Wheel of Life
 The Compass of the Future
 Team Analysis

All sessions: Active listening & Power questions

The structure of coaching sessions is crucial for ensuring that each session is
effective and productive. The first step is to start with a clear introduction that
clarifies the session objectives. This sets the tone for the session and ensures
that both the coach and the coachee are on the same page regarding what
needs to be achieved.
Next, it's important to monitor progress by reviewing the results of the actions
agreed upon in the previous session. This allows both the coach and the
coachee to see how well the strategies are working and if any adjustments need
to be made.

After monitoring progress, the next step is to analyze what happened and
determine if any changes need to be made. This step is crucial for ensuring that
the coaching process is effective and that the coachee is making progress
towards their goals. If changes are required, the coach can help the coachee
refine the techniques they are using to achieve their objectives.
Another important aspect of the session is to discuss additional techniques,
practical exercises, and examples that can help the coachee further develop

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their skills and achieve their goals. This part of the session is interactive, with
the coach providing guidance and support as the coachee explores new ideas
and approaches.

Throughout the session, the coach plays a key role in facilitating the discussion
and ensuring that it stays focused and productive. The coach uses active
listening and powerful questioning techniques to help the coachee explore their
thoughts and feelings and gain new insights.
At the end of the session, the discussions are summarized, and the session is
evaluated. This helps to reinforce the key points discussed during the session
and provides an opportunity for both the coach and the coachee to reflect on
what has been achieved.

Finally, the session ends with a discussion of the next steps, actions that need
to be taken, and the scheduling of the next session. This ensures that the
coachee has a clear plan of action to follow and that progress continues to be
made towards their goals. Overall, this structured approach to coaching
sessions helps to ensure that each session is focused, productive, and
ultimately leads to positive outcomes for the coachee.

Powerful questions: What could you do?

 What actions could you take?
 How might you approach this issue from different angles?
 Would you be open to brainstorming potential solutions?
 What are the pros and cons of each option you're considering?

Phase 4: Monitoring and evaluation phase

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The final phase will center on monitoring and evaluating the sustained impact of
the coaching. A final evaluation will be conducted 2 to 3 months after the
completion of the sessions to assess the permanence of the changes. This
phase will comprise three monthly sessions, each lasting 60 minutes.
This phase will be 3 months.
Goals for:
 Session 1: Evaluate individual progress in performance improvement and
establish new actions if needed.
 Session 2: Assess progress in mitigating conflicts among team members
and establish new actions if needed.
 Session 3: Evaluate Marc Blumer's adoption and implementation of
newly acquired skills, establishing new actions if needed.

Coaching Tools: Active listening & Power questions

The sessions will follow a structured format to ensure clarity of objectives and
progression towards desired outcomes:

 Introduction and Objective Clarification: Each session will begin with a

review of the session objectives. This sets the focus and direction for the
session, aligning the coach and coachee on the goals to be achieved.
 Project Evaluation and Action Planning: The coach will facilitate an
evaluation of the progress made since the last session. This evaluation
will identify any areas requiring further attention or improvement. Based
on this evaluation, new actions for implementation will be established,
ensuring that the coaching remains dynamic and responsive to evolving
 Discussion Summarization: Throughout the session, discussions will be
summarized to consolidate key insights and takeaways. This step helps
in clarifying the most important points and ensures that both the coach
and coachee are on the same page regarding progress and actions to be

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 Session Evaluation and Feedback: At the end of each session, there will
be a brief evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the session format
and content. This feedback loop is essential for continuous improvement
and ensures that future sessions can be tailored to better meet the
coachee's needs.

Next Steps and Action Planning: The session will conclude with a discussion on
the next steps to be taken by the coachee. This includes defining specific
actions to be implemented before the next session and setting goals for the
upcoming period. Additionally, the date and time for the next session will be
arranged to maintain momentum and accountability.

Overall, this structured approach ensures that each coaching session is

productive, focused, and results-oriented. It allows for flexibility to address
emerging needs while maintaining a clear path towards achieving the desired

Powerful questions: What will you do?

• What is your proposed next step?
• Which option do you deem most suitable?
• When do you intend to commence? What is your initial course of action?
• What additional steps are required?
• On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to this plan?

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