INP1501 - 102 - 0 - 2024 Assignment 2

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Tutorial Letter 102/0/2024

Introduction to Programming I

School of Computing

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.


Open Rubric

Assignment 2: 2024 SUBMISSION:

Electronically via myUnisa

Please note that we automatically give five days extension for this assignment. It will be to
your own advantage to check after a few days whether the assignment has been registered on
the system. If you have not completed the assignment by the extension date, submit whatever
you have completed – you will get marks for everything that you have done.

DUE DATE 13 May 2024


EXTENSION There is 5 days extension for this assignment

TUTORIAL MATTER Study Guide, Lessons 17 – 23

QUESTIONS Practical exercises

If myUnisa is off-line when you want to submit the assignment, you need not contact us,
because we will be aware of it. Simply submit it as soon as myUnisa is available again.
Question 1
Write function headers for the functions described below:

(i) The function check has two parameters. The first parameter should be an integer number and the
second parameter a floating point number. The function returns no value.

(ii) The function mult has two floating point numbers as parameters and returns the result of
multiplying them.

(iii) The function time inputs seconds, minutes and hours and returns them as parameters to its
calling function.

(iv) The function countChar returns the number of occurrences of a character in a string, both provided as

Question 2

Find the error(s) in each of the following program segments and explain how the error(s) can be

(i) int function1()


cout << "Inside function function1 " <<

endl; int function2()

cout << "Inside function function1 " << endl;


(ii) int sum(int x, int y)


int result;
result = x +

(iii) int computeProd(int n)


if (n == 0)
return 0;


n * computeProd(n – 1);

(iv) void aFunction(float a)


float a;
cout << a << endl;

(v) void theProduct()


int result;

cout << “Enter three integers “ <<

endl; cin >> a >> b >> c;
result = a * b * c;
cout << “Result is “ << result <<
endl; return result;

(vi) float calculateSquare(float number)


return number * number;


Question 3

Write the functions as described below. You need not submit programs that use these functions.

(i) Write a function that returns the cube of the integer passed to it. For example cube(2) will
return 8 and
cube(3) will return 27.

(ii) Write a void function that receives four int parameters: the first two by value and the last two by
reference. Name the formal parameters n1, n2, sum and diff. The function should calculate the sum of
the two parameters passed by value and then store the result in the first variable passed by reference. It
should calculate the difference between the two parameters passed by value and then store the result in
the second parameter passed by reference. When calculating the difference, subtract the larger value from
the smaller value. Name the function calcSumAndDiff.

(iii) Write a function void rectangle(int w, int h) to print an open rectangle of asterisks (*). The
parameters w and h are the width and the height of the rectangle, expressed in number of asterisks.

(iv) Write a function, computePrice that receives two parameters: the first one is a character variable
indicating the size of the pizza (S, M or L) and the second an integer variable indicating the number of
toppings on the pizza. It then computes the cost of the pizza and returns the cost as a floating point
number according to the rules:

• Small pizza = R50 + R5.50 per topping

• Medium pizza = R70 + R6.50 per topping
• Large pizza = R90 + R7.50 per topping

Question 4

The post office needs a program that reads in postal address data and then displays the data in a
neat format.

• Declare four string variables name, addr1, addr2 and postalCode.

• First, the main function of the program must input the data by means of a function called inputData.
• Second, the main function calls the function displayData to display the name and address as follows:
Mr R.S. Bopape
P.O. Box

Submit the program and the output.

Question 5

Write a program that calculates the average of a group of test scores, where the lowest score
in the group is dropped. For example: if the user enters the values 65, 43, 78, 67 and 64, the output
will be:

After dropping the lowest test score, the test average

is 68.50

This average is calculated by dropping the lowest score which is 43 and dividing the sum of the
remaining four values 65, 78, 67 and 64, which is 274, by 4.

It should use the following functions:

• An int function getScore with no parameters, to ask the user for a single test score, validate it and
return the score. The function should be called by the main function once for each of the five scores to be
entered. Do not accept test scores lower than 0 or higher than 100.
• An int function findLowest that is passed the five test scores and then finds and returns the lowest
of the five scores passed to it. It is called by function calcAverage, to determine which of the five scores
to drop.
• A float function calcAverage that is passed the five test scores and then calculates and returns
the average of the four highest scores.
• A void function displayOutput that is passed the average score; it then displays the average of the
test scores. Display two digits after the decimal point.

You must submit the four functions you have developed as well as output using the following 5 sets of
input data:

65 24 80 73 51
66 38 84 69 59
72 52 81 23 53
65 28 72 63 65
65 55 75 68 62

Submit the program and the output.

Question 3

Write a program that will compute the volume of a room. User inputs are the height, width and
length of a room. For example, if the user inputs the height as 3, the width as 4 and the length as 5
the volume will be 3 * 4 * 5 = 60. You have to declare three functions: one for input; one to do the
calculation; and one for output.

• The input function getData has to input the height, width and length into the variables theHeight,
theWidth and theLength.
• The calculation function, calculateVolume will receive three parameters that represent the height,
width and length, do the calculation and return the volume of the room.
• The output function displayOutput has to display the height, width and length entered by the user as
well as the volume.
• The program also has to indicate the size of the room as small, medium or large. If the volume is less
than 100, the size is small, between 100 and 500 the size is medium and greater than 500 the size is
large. For example:

The volume of a room with height 3, width 4 and length

5 is 60. Size: Small
The volume of a room with height 10, width 14 and
length 12 is 1680.
Size: Large
The volume of a room with height 7, width 7 and length
7 is 343. Size: Medium

• The main function should include a for loop that allows the user to repeat the calculation of the volume
for new input values five times.

You must submit the three functions and the main function you have developed, as well as output
produced by the following input data:

10 14 12
12 14 8
15 8 12

Question 7

Draw a series of variable diagrams for the program below. Use the conventions of the Study Guide.

1 // variable diagrams revisited

2 #include <iostream>
3 using namespace std;
4 const int C = 200;
5 int func1(int n, int n1)
6 {
7 n += 3;
8 n1 -= n;
9 return 2 + n + n1
* C; 10 }
11 void func2(int n, int & n1)
12 {
13 n = C * n1;
14 n1 = n –
15 }
16 void func3(int & n, int &
n1) 17 {
18 int k;
19 k = n1 + 3;
20 n = k * 30;
21 n1 = n + 2 * k;
22 }
23 int main(
) 24 {
25 int n, m, j;
26 n = 5;
27 m = 10;
28 j = func1(n, m);
29 n = 15;
30 m = 20;
31 func2(n, m);
32 n = 25;
33 m = 30;
34 func3(n,
36 return
0; 37 }

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