12 Types of Migration
12 Types of Migration
12 Types of Migration
Types Of Migration
1. Chain Migration
Chain migration is a process whereby people migrate to a new location in groups, often following family or
friends who have already made the move.
There are a few reasons why people may choose to engage in chain migration. One reason is that it can be
cheaper than migrating alone. When people migrate in groups, they can often pool resources and share costs, making
the overall journey more affordable.
Additionally, chain migration can provide social and emotional support during what can be a difficult and
stressful process. Thus, migrants often move to the same neighborhoods of other expatriates, creating clusters such as
a ‘Little Italy’ or ‘Chinatown’ within a city.
A real-life example of chain migration is the Irish diaspora. Over the centuries, many Irish people have left
their homeland to seek better economic opportunities and social conditions abroad. These migrants often settled in
countries with significant Irish communities already in place, such as the United States, Canada, and Australia. This
allowed them to benefit from the support of these existing communities as they adjusted to their new life.
2. Cyclical Migration
Cyclical migration is a type of migration pattern in which people move back and forth between two or more
destinations over a period of time. This type of migration can be motivated by a variety of factors, including economic
opportunities, family ties, and cultural attachments.
Cyclical migration that occurs for economic reasons often takes place during seasons. People will migrate
during harvest seasons to get work, then return to their homeland once the harvest is over. A real-life example of
cyclical migration for economic reasons is the annual migration of sugarcane workers in Brazil. Every year, millions
of people travel from all over the country to work in the sugarcane fields during the harvest season. Once the harvest
is over, they return to their homes.
This type of migration can also be motivated by family ties and cultural attachments. For example, many
people from Mexico migrate to the United States for work. But they often return to Mexico for important holidays and
family events, such as weddings and funerals. This type of cyclical migration is often called circular migration.
Thirdly, cyclical migration can occur due to environmental factors. This is often the case with nomadic tribes
who will return yearly to a certain place to hunt, catch fish, or seek shelter. A real-life example of this is the annual
migration of the Mursi people in Ethiopia. Every year, the Mursi migrate to the Omo River Valley to graze their cattle.
3. Economic Migration
Economic migration is the movement of people from one place to another in order to find work or improve
their standard of living.
People engage in economic migration for many reasons, including poverty in their homeland, lack of
employment opportunities, and natural disasters that have devastated their home economies.
Economic migrants often have difficulty finding work in their new countries and may face discrimination and
exploitation. Furthermore, it’s often looked less kindly upon than other forms of migration because economic migrants
are often unfairly seen as taking the jobs of local populations.
A real-life example of economic migration is the movement of people from the economically-depressed
country of Venezuela to neighboring Colombia in search of work during the 2020 economic crash.
Another real-life example is the Syrian refugee crisis. In 2015, over 4 million Syrians fled their homes due to
the Syrian Civil War. The majority of these refugees have settled in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan.
4. Environmental Migration
Environmental migration is the movement of people from one place to another due to environmental factors
such as climate change, natural disasters, and pollution.
Environmental migrants often face many challenges, including a lack of legal recognition, difficulty finding
work, and discrimination.
A real-life example of environmental migration is the movement of people from the Pacific island nation of
Kiribati to New Zealand due to rising sea levels and severe flooding.
Environmental migration due to climate change is predicted to be one of the most significant causes of forced
migration in the 21st Century. Rising tides alone are expected to engulf many pacific islands and low-lying areas of
the world such as Vietnam, causing an estimated 150 million forced displacements in the next 80 years.
5. External Migration
External migration is simply any movement of people from one country to another. It is the opposite of
internal migration, which is migration within a territory.
Many of the other types of migration on this list are examples of external migration, as this is an umbrella
term for any intra-territorial migration.
External migration can be motivated by a variety of factors, including economic opportunities, family
ties, and cultural attachments.
6. Forced Migration
Forced migration is when people are displaced against their will, often due to conflict or natural disaster. This
type of migrant is often treated with most sympathy by host nations because their migration was not of their choosing.
International rules state that nations must accept people who are fleeing their homeland due to conflict or
persecution, but this doesn’t always happen in practice.
Forced migrants may be displaced within their own countries (internally displaced persons) or across
international borders (refugees and asylum seekers). According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR),
there are over 82 million forcibly displaced people worldwide.
The Syrian refugee crisis is a real-life example of forced migration. In 2015, over 4 million Syrians fled their
homes due to the Syrian Civil War. The majority of these refugees have settled in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan.
Similarly, in 2022, over 4 million refugees fled Ukraine due to Putin’s war of aggression against the sovereign
democracy. Most fled to neighboring Poland.
7. Internal Migration
Internal migration is the movement of people within a country. As with external migration (which is
movement across territorial borders), many other types of migration can fit under this umbrella term.
Some people may internally migrate for economic reasons, in order to find better opportunities or to escape
poverty. Others may migrate for political reasons, in order to flee persecution or to find greater freedoms.
Still others may migrate for social reasons, in order to be closer to family or friends, or to find a community
with similar cultural values.
Similarly, some people may migrate for environmental reasons, in order to escape natural disasters or to find a
more hospitable climate.
One example of internal migration is urbanization, which is or the movement of people from rural areas to
urban areas in search of better economic opportunities in the cities.
8. Interregional Migration
Interregional migration is a sub-category of internal migration. It describes the movement of people from one
region of a country to another.
This may take place due to economic factors (e.g. one state is more prosperous than another), to follow family
(chain migration), or for lifestyle factors.As most nations have internal freedom of movement, this type of migration is
relatively easy.
A famous example of interregional migration is the dust bowl migration in the United States during the great
depression. The largest interregional migration in US history, the dust bowl exodus took place due to a range of
economic and environmental factors. Bank foreclosures, expansion of corporate agriculture at the expense of family
farms, and drought and duststorms contributed to the exodus.
In all, 2.5 million people fled the dust bowl. Most ended up in California where they were not met with a
warm welcome by locals who felt they would take their jobs.
9. Intraregional Migration
Intraregional migration is the other sub-category of internal migration. It describes short-distance migrations
within the same region of a country.
As with other types of migration, this can happen for a variety of reasons, including due to economic
pressures, for quality of life, or to be closer to family.
A quintessential example of intraregional migration is the movement of young adults from the suburbs where
they grew up into nearby cities to attend university and pursue a career.
When people reach time to settle down, they often move back out to the suburbs where they can afford a
comfortable house to raise children in peace while still being able to commute into the city for work.