LC ServerManager Manual v3

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User Guide

LabCollector Server Manager v3.0

Manual v. 3.0 from April 2020

Guide Content

1. Installation ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Usage of LabCollector Server Manager ......................................................................................... 3
a. Start LabCollector ...................................................................................................................... 3
b. Update your LabCollector using LabCollector Server Manager ................................................ 5
c. LabCollector Server Manager settings....................................................................................... 6
i. Log Files .................................................................................................................................. 6
ii. Configure servers ................................................................................................................... 7
iii. Laboratory deployment ..................................................................................................... 9
iv. Automatic backups ................................................................................................................ 9
v. Recover instance .................................................................................................................. 10
vi. Windows Service reinstallation ........................................................................................... 11
vii. Advanced settings ............................................................................................................ 11
viii. MySQL repair ................................................................................................................... 12
3. Update of LabCollector Server Manager ..................................................................................... 12
4. License setup for the Pro version and AgileBio Cloud backup service........................................ 12
5. Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................... 13

1. Installation

LabCollector can be installed on Windows PC/Server using the Setup wizard (for Win7, Win8, Win10,
Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019 and up) or manually for any other OS (Windows, Linux, macOS X).
Download this Setup Wizard from your client area, launch the downloaded executable file
(LabCollector_setup_3.exe) and follow the instructions.

For help on manual installations read the manual or contact us (Support-Ticket).

2. Usage of LabCollector Server Manager

a. Start LabCollector

Once installed, the LabCollector server is started by the manager, by clicking on the Start All white

Then, keep the manager running (it runs as a service on the background), servers will still be running.
LabCollector runs on one computer (being the server once LabCollector is installed) by using the
Apache web server, PHP scripting language, and MariaDB database server. All are installed at once by
the Setup wizard.

Open LabCollector by clicking on the Open LabCollector button in the left orange bar or you
select the instance you want to open (blue background) and click on the Open button.

You can also open LabCollector directly from your Internet browser calling on the same
computer where LabCollector is installed http://localhost or

All computers of your laboratory local network can access to LabCollector using a recent Internet
browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera) calling:

https://computer_name or https://computer_IP

Where computer_name or computer_IP refer to the computer (now being the server) where
LabCollector has been installed.
Note that you may need to check and edit your firewall settings to allow LabCollector access.
Please consult this KB for more information.
You can always use Internet Explorer but this browser is not supported anymore.

LabCollector will run as a service in the background so there is no need to keep the manager window
open. You can even log off from your Windows user account and still, other users will be able to enter

When logging into the program for the first time, you must enter “admin” for the User Name and

For security reasons, it’s advised to change your password during the first LabCollector use.

Then enjoy LabCollector! Find more information on how to use LabCollector in the manual and the
knowledge base.

b. Update your LabCollector using LabCollector Server Manager

When a new version of LabCollector is available, the Download button becomes white indicating the
new version number (1). Just download the new version, then to update the instances, check the
corresponding boxes (2) and click on the Update button (3).

Be careful to be sure to have a support and update option always running. Contact us if you are
not sure.

Note: An issue can happen in the automatic upgrade process. Once your internet browser opens on
LabCollector, if you already have LabCollector installed, an upgrade can be launch on

At the bottom of the upgrade page, check the box before to validate the upgrade.

c. LabCollector Server Manager settings

i. Log Files

From the Log files sub-menu, you can access Apache errors, Apache access, MySQL errors and Backup

ii. Configure servers

From this menu, you can access the different configuration files for PHP, MySQL, Apache, Apache SSL
and view PHP_info. You will have the possibility to open the file directly in the server manager, search
for the item you want to modify and save the modification. A Close action is available on the top right.

Under General options, you will have the possibility to easily modify PHP variables, add PHP extensions
and manage Apache and MySQL options. Some of them are only available in the PRO version.

A. PHP versions. The select list gives you the different version of PHP available on your server.
LabCollector version 6 works with PHP 5.6 and PHP 7. You can do an update of your PHP
directly from the manager.

B. PHP variables. From here you can easily modify some useful variables. For more information,
please read this KB.

C. PHP extensions. You can here select one of these PHP extensions to install it. Don’t forget to
save on the top left. Only with the pro version.

OpenSSL. You can here check if the OpenSSL is well installed and do it using the button
Verify/Apply. OpenSSL is necessary to create a digital certificate in the ELN. Only with the pro

D. HTTP/HTTPS option. You can here easily modify the HTTP port. With the Pro version, you can
enable the HTTPS option and configure the port. Using the Manage certificate button, you can
enter your certificate and the private key.

E. MySQL options. You can here easily modify the MySQL port. You can also disable the MySQL
service from this server if you use a remote database server. In this case, the location of this
database server has to be indicated in the MySQL configuration file. With the Pro version, you
can set the MySQL root password from the manager.

Don’t forget to save at the top left before after each modification.

iii. Laboratory deployment

This section allows you to manage your different instances (you may need to purchase a new license
to have multiple instances). You can create and duplicate instances by fill in the form Deploy, rename
and delete existing instances provided that database server is stopped.

iv. Automatic backups

Using the Server Manager, you can configure two types of automatic backups.

First, choose which type of backup you want: short-term and/or long-term backups (Check the box
In both cases, just fill in the form with the directory location, the frequency (in days or weeks for short-
term and weeks or months for long-term), the time, the days, the number of backups to keep if you
choose to clean the directory, and save on the top left. You can process to a backup now if you click
on the button Backup Now.

If you want to copy this folder on another server, fill in also the FTP settings.

On the right, you can access a menu. The explanations above are for the general backup. With the Pro
version, you can also select one of the options to backup on cloud systems. To have more information
on the AgileBio Cloud Backup please refer to chapter 4.

v. Recover instance

If you have set up a backup (short or long) as explained in the Automatic backup section, automatically
the backup directory is picked (1) and you have then to select the instance to recover (3).

You can also choose a custom backup folder selecting Custom backups option (2). As for the first
option, you have then to select the instance to recover (3). To execute the recovery, click on the
Recover button (4).

vi. Windows Service reinstallation

If you have Web Server or Apache start problems, for example, please use this function to troubleshoot
Windows services.

Just click in the settings menu on Windows Service Reinstallation, and then accept to reinstall the

vii. Advanced settings

Under this section, you can allow the Server Manager to modify the installation folder permission to

With the Pro version, you can also define a different user to run the Server Manager directly from the
Server Manager interface.

viii. MySQL repair

If the manager failed to connect to the MySQL server or Database server, use this function. The action
is the same as the one described in this KB.

3. Update of LabCollector Server Manager

You can check for the update available for the LabCollector Server Manager under Settings > Check for
update. If a new version is available, a message will appear on the bottom left of the manager. Just
follow the indication.

4. License setup for the Pro version and AgileBio Cloud backup service

If you want to purchase a PRO version, click on the Buy pro on the top or go to Help > Manage Licenses.
Here you can enter your license or click on the cart to open our website and purchase or request a

You can also subscribe to the AgileBio Cloud

backup service that offers you:

• 100 GB Cloud Storage

• Stored on Amazon AWS
• Choice of Region
• Encrypted & HTTPS
• Over HTTPS

5. Troubleshooting

Problem Possible cause Solution

The server/computer did an Windows Services are shut Click in the Settings menu on
update and I cannot reach down. You need to reactivate Windows Service
LabCollector anymore. them. Reinstallation, and then accept
to reinstall the service.
I cannot reach LabCollector. The servers are shut down. Click on START ALL. All servers
turn green.
I have the message "Failed to The database server is not Click in the Settings menu on
connect to MySQL server. No green in the server manager, MySQL Repair.
Database found for this lab or your computer shuts down
account". unexpectedly.
My backup configuration 1- Target backup folder 1- Modify the permission of the
seems OK but I don’t have any permission may cause this. backup folder
backup yet.
2- The Volume Shadow Copy 2- Activate the Volume Shadow
service used for backup is not Copy service
3- The use of the Volume
3- The administrative privileges Shadow Copy needs
are not used. administrative privileges, so
the Server Manager needs to
be started with a user with
administrative privileges or in
the advanced settings of the
Server Manager, you can set up
the option of administrative
user/pass (PRO feature, see
section 2.c.vii)


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