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한국어 발음-1

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Why are korean syllable 빛 and 빚 pronounced same?

끝소리 규칙

Yesterday, we learned how linking sounds work in Korean. For

example, 만우절 is pronounced as [마누절]
When the first syllable has 받침 and second syllable has ㅇ as
consonant, the 받침 sound is linked to second consonant and ㅇ is

I will explain about the pronunciation rule of all end consonants. All
Korean end-consonants are pronounced with only 7 consonants.

ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅇ

All of korean end consonants are pronounced one of seven end

consonants. That is why 빛 and 빚 are pronounced as the same
pronunciation [빋].

밖 and 박 is also same rule. ㅋ, ㄲ, ㄱ are pronounced as [ㄱ].

How can Korean recognize 겹받침? (Double end consonant)

I don't know about the origin of korean 겹받침 in Korean but I can
explain why Korean needs 겹받침.
There is one korean pronunciation [gab]. I can write this
pronunciation with Hangul [갑].
The problem is there are couple or words which are pronounced as
[갑] in Korea.
At first, 갑 means a numeral word to calculate tobacco like 담배 한
갑, 담배 두 갑.....etc. The pronunciation of 갑 is of course [갑]
However, there is another word 값. 값 means value or price and this
값 is also pronounced as [갑] in Korean but the meaning is totally
There are a lot of words that we pronounce the same.
As I said, Korean End consonants(받침 and 겹받침 as well) are
pronounced only 7 consonants. ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅂ,ㅇ

Next time, I will explain about some rules how we should

pronounce 받침 in Korean.

How can we pronounce 넓은 from 넓은 방? - Linking sound of

double end-consonant.

All of irregular pronunciation are happened because of 받침 and the

rule is very difficult to explain, Even for native Korean as well.

So, What I will do, I will introduce some cases with 받침 and
following consonant from the second syllable.

1. Double end consonants are below. There are 11 double end

consonant in Korean. ㄺ, ㄻ, ㄼ, ㅄ, ㄳ, ㄽ, ㄵ, ㄶ, ㄾ, ㄿ, ㅀ
2. Those double consonants are also pronounced only 7 end
consonants ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅂ,ㅇ ex) 삶[삼], 값[갑], 몫[목]....etc With
above two fundamental rules, I will explain the linking sound with
double end-consonant.

Linking sound means the end consonant of the first syllable moves
as the consonant of 'second' syllable when the second syllable is
ㅇ. In this time, ㅇ has been eliminated. ex) 만우절[마누절],
각오[가고], 전야제[저냐제]... etc.
In case of double consonants, second double consonant moves to
consonant of second syllable. ex) 값이 얼마예요? [갑시 얼마예요?],
밟으면 안돼요.[발브면 안돼요.] 나의 몫은 뭐예요? [나의 목슨
Above pronunciation of 값이, 밟으면, 몫은 has been changed as
[갑시], [발브면], [목슨] respectively. So, the answer of today's topic
(How can we pronounce 넓은 from 넓은 방?) is [널븐 방].

We are learning Korean pronunciation with me at the moment and

let us summarize what we learned through a couple of times.

1. Korean syllable or word consists of 1 consonant + 1 vowel (+ end

consonant, it depends on words)
ex) 가, 도, 무, 사.... those are syllables and words but ㄴ, ㅊ, ㅜ,
ㅏ... those are just korean alphabet
2. All of korean end consonant must be pronounced 7 consonant
ex) 부엌[부억], 삵[삭], 말[말], 국[국], 앗[앋]....
3. There are some exception but if the first syllable has end
consonant and the second consonant has ㅇ, most of case, the end
consonant of first syllable moves to the consonant of second
ex) 석양[서걍], 전어[저너], 줄어들다[주러들다].... 독일어[도기러],

However, unfortunately, there are a lot of irregular pronunciations in

Korean and we have to also understand those irregular rules.

At first, the exception of linking sound(above 3.)

Sometimes, this linking sound works another way. for example,
첫인상[처딘상], 해돋이[해도지], 겉옷[거돋].....

How can you learn those irregular linking sounds? Unfortunately,

you should memorize when those words come out from somewhere
because those are irregular.
Korean pronunciation 1-1 Korean Fortis.

From today, I will introduce the cases of Korean pronunciation

through 6 cases. Before we learn those 6 cases, you have to
memorize the 3 basic rules which I mentioned through previous

1. Korean syllable or word consists of 1 consonant + 1 vowel (+ end

consonant, it depends on words)
ex) 가, 도, 무, 사.... those are syllables and words but ㄴ, ㅊ, ㅜ,
ㅏ... those are just korean alphabet
2. All of korean end consonant must be pronounced 7 consonant
ex) 부엌[부억], 삵[삭], 말[말], 국[국], 앗[앋]....
3. There are some exceptions but if the first syllable has end
consonant and the second consonant has ㅇ, most of case, the end
consonant of first syllable moves to the consonant of second
ex) 석양[서걍], 전어[저너], 줄어들다[주러들다].... 독일어[도기러],


If the end consonants of 'first' syllable are pronounced [ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ]

the consonants [ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅂ,ㅅ,ㅈ] of 'second' syllable are changed
I didn't say just korean alphabets of end consonants. I said, if the
pronunciation of end consonant of 'first' syllable are [ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅂ].
학생[학쌩], 학교[학꾜], 약국[약꾹], 책방[책빵], 극장[극짱],
깎다[깍따], 닭고기[닥꼬기], 있다[읻따], 받다[받따], 꽃다발[꼳따발],
옆집[엽찝], 좁다[좁따]
Korean pronunciation 1-2 Korean Fortis (2)

We learned about korean fortis 1-1 Yesterday.

korean fortis 1-1

If the end consonants of 'first' syllable are pronounced [ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ]
the consonants [ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅂ,ㅅ,ㅈ] of 'second' syllable are changed
I didn't say just korean alphabets of end consonants. I said, if the
pronunciation of end consonant of 'first' syllable are [ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅂ].
학생[학쌩], 학교[학꾜], 약국[약꾹], 책방[책빵], 극장[극짱],
깎다[깍따], 닭고기[닥꼬기], 있다[읻따], 받다[받따], 꽃다발[꼳따발],
옆집[엽찝], 좁다[좁따]

and we learn korean fortis 1-2

Korean fortis 1-2

If the end consonants of 'first' syllable are pronounced [ㄴ,ㅁ] the

consonants [ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅈ] of 'second' syllable are changed [ㄲ,ㄸ,ㅉ]
I didn't say just korean alphabets of end consonants. I said, if the
pronunciation of end consonant of 'first' syllable are [ㄴ,ㅁ].
신다[신따], 신고[신꼬], 신지[신찌],
담다[담따], 담고[담꼬], 담지[담찌]
앉다[안따], 앉고[안꼬], 앉지[안찌]
젊다[점따], 젊고[점꼬], 젊지[점찌]

But if there is a suffix -기- for passivity between stem and end of
word,we pronounce just [기], not [끼]
담기다[담기다], 안기다[안기다], 옮기다[옴기다]...etc
Korean pronunciation 2-1. Nasalization (1)

Through two postings, we learned about the Korean pronunciation

of fortis.
Bottom line, there are 2 cases to be pronounced as korean fortis.

1. If the end consonants of 'first' syllable are pronounced [ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ]

the consonants [ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅂ,ㅅ,ㅈ] of 'second' syllable are changed
ex) 학생[학쌩], 있다[읻따], 옆집[엽찝]...
2. If the end consonants of 'first' syllable are pronounced [ㄴ,ㅁ] the
consonants [ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅈ] of 'second' syllable are changed [ㄲ,ㄸ,ㅉ]
ex) 신다[신따], 신고[신꼬], 신지[신찌]...

Today, I talk about nasalization

Nasalization is the pronunciation, which we pronounce through a
nasal and in Korean, there are three pronunciation [ㅇ,ㄴ,ㅁ]

If the end consonants of 'pronunciation' of the 'first' syllable are

pronounced [ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ], the consonants [ㄴ,ㅁ] of 'second' syllable
are changed [ㅇ,ㄴ,ㅁ]
I didn't say just korean alphabets of end consonants. I said, if the
pronunciation of end consonant of 'first' syllable are [ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅂ].
ex) 작년[장년], 깎는[깡는], 국물[궁물], 한국말[한궁말],
꽃망울[꼰망울], ~습니다[슴니다], 앞머리[암머리],

Korean pronunciation 2-2. Nasalization (2)

When we learned nasalization (1), The pronunciation of the 'end

consonant' of the 'first syllable' has been changed.
ex) 국물[궁물], 한국말[한궁말], 꽃망울[꼰망울],
연습문제[연슴문제]... each end-consonants ㄱ,ㅊ,ㅂ...etc have
been changed as 'ㅇ,ㅁ'

The nasalization (2) rule is

If the end consonants of 'pronunciation' of the 'first' syllable are
pronounced [ㄱ, ㅂ], the consonants [ㄹ] of 'second' syllable are
changed [ㄴ] and the end-consonant of the 'first' syllable is also
changed [ㅇ,ㅁ]

Nasalization (2) is a bit different. In nasalization (2), the

end-consonant is not only changed, but also a consonant of
'second' syllable is changed.
I will organize the two cases.
1) Only the consonant of the 'second' syllable is changed.
ex) 음료수[음뇨수], 정리[정니], 심리[심니], 염려[염녀],
대통령[대통녕], 등록금[등녹끔], 정류장[정뉴장], 종류[종뉴]...etc
2) The end-consonant of the 'first' syllable and the consonant of the
'second' syllable are changed together
ex) 수업료[수엄뇨], 대학로[대항노], 막론하고[망노나고], 협력[혐녁],
국립[궁닙], 독립[동닙] 기억력[기엉녁], 폭력[퐁녁], 확률[황뉼],

Korean pronunciation 3. ㄹ rule.

Today's topic 유음화 has been translated 'lateralization'. I have

heard of this word :)
So, I will call it just ㄹ rule.

1) When the end consonants of 'pronunciation' of the 'first' syllable

is pronounced [ㄹ], the consonants [ㄴ] of 'second' syllable is
changed [ㄹ].
ex) 생일날[생일랄], 실내[실래], 설날[설랄], 물냉면[물랭면,
칼날[칼랄], 줄넘기[줄럼끼]...etc
2) When the ending consonants of 'pronunciation' of the 'first'
syllable is pronounced [ㄴ], it is sometimes changed as [ㄹ].
ex) 신라[실라], 신랑[실랑], 연락[열락], 한라산[할라산],
연락처[열락처], 난로[날로]

Korean pronunciation 4. aspirated consonant

We are learning Korean pronunciation in some cases.

Someone asked me 'I would like to pronounce Korean well.'
As I said, all of the Korean pronunciations are suitable for Koreans,
not foreigners. So, even if your accent is not good, there is no
problem. Ok?
My english pronunciation is also not good but just speaking. The
important thing is confidence when you speak Korean!

Korean aspiration

1) When the end consonants of the 'first' syllable is pronounced

[ㅎ], the consonants [ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅈ,] of 'second' syllable are changed
[ㅋ,ㅌ,ㅊ] and 'ㅎ' is eliminated.
ex) 좋고[조코], 어떻게[어떠케], 이렇게[이러케], 잃고[일코],
놓지마[노치마], 괜찮지요[괜찬치요]....
2) When the end consonants of the 'first' syllable is pronounced [ㄱ,
ㄺ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㄼ, ㅈ, ㄵ. ㅅ, ], the consonants [ㅎ] of 'second' syllable
are changed [ㅋ,ㅌ,ㅍ,ㅊ]
ex) 읽히다[일키다], 먹히다[머키다], 축하[추카], 맏형[마텽],
입학[이팍], 좁히다[조피다], 답답하다[답따파다], 앉히다[안치다],

Korean pronunciation 5. ㄴ addition

Let's check this korean word 솜이불. This means cotton comforter.
How can Koreans pronounce this word?
A consonant ㄴ has been created when Korean pronounce this
word. We call this phenomenon as 'ㄴ addition'
The problem is, this phenomenon occurs only in Korean derivative
or compound words.
For example, 솜이불 consists of 솜+이불.

So, I will introduce some cases when this ㄴ addition is occured.

When there are ending-consonants [ㄴ,ㅁ,ㅇ] at the 'first' syllable
and the second syllable has [야,여,요,유,이,얘,예], the pronunciation
ㅇ is changed to 'ㄴ'
ex) 웬일[웬닐], 무슨 일[무슨 닐], 지난여름[지난녀름],
생선요리[생선뇨리], 수원역[수원녁], 두통약[두통냑],
공공요금[공공뇨금], 식용유[시굥뉴], 배낭여행[배낭녀행]....

Be careful.. all of the example words are korean derivative or

compound words.

Korean pronunciation 6. palatalization

This section is the last section to explain Korean pronunciation.

The end consonants of the 'first' syllable 'ㄷ,ㅌ' are pronounced

[ㅈ,ㅊ], when second syllables are '이,여'
ex) 맏이[마지], 해돋이[해도지], 굳이[구지], 같이[가치], 밭이[바치]...
The end consonants of the 'first' syllable 'ㄷ' are pronounced [ㅊ],
when second syllables are '히'
ex) 걷히다[거치다], 닫히다[다치다]...

What is different between 한국어 and 한국말? (Sino-Korean and


Unfortunately, there are a lot of Sino-Korean words in Korean and

those words are often used with the same meaning in Korean.
For example, 말 means of course 'horse' or 'word, language' but 어
as a compound word means also 'language'.
That is why, 한국말 and 한국어 are basically the same but where 어
came from?

For a long time ago, when Korean don't have 한글, Korean had
adopted Chinese letter and 어 came from the chinese character '語'.

So, 한국어 and 한국말 is the same.

Korean pronunciation 7. ㅎ elimination

This section is the last section to explain Korean pronunciation. If

you have read my posting about Korean pronunciation in today's
section, you can read 99% of Korean words and sentences.
The 1% left you can just memorize when you find some words.

ㅎ sounds is known as 'h' sound in English but sometimes this

sound ㅎ is eliminated. That condition is below.
When the end consonants of the 'first' syllable are 'ㅎ, ㄶ, ㅀ', if the
consonant of 'second' syllable is 'ㅇ', those three consonants
'ㅎ,ㄶ,ㅀ' are 'not' pronounced.
ex) 놓아[노아], 낳아[나아], 쌓이다[싸이다], 많아[마나], 싫어[시러],

This is all of my explanation about Korean pronunciation and I will

keep posting for Korean patterns, the alphabet and some answers
from questions.

Pronunciation exercise 1. 오늘 먹은 소고기는 정말 맛있었어요.

The best exercise for pronunciation is to follow native accent and
memorize the pronunciation rules, I guess.
From now on, I will prepare about 10 sections to speak Korean
sentences with the rules which I mentioned above.
If you have read my posting, I'm sure you know a couple of
pronunciation rules. I herewith summarize all the rules of what I

1. Linking sound
2. End consonant rules.
3. Korean fortis.
4. Nasalization
5. ㄹ rule
6. aspirated consonant
7. ㄴ addition
8. Patalization
9. ㅎ elimination

Based on the above rules, I will record my voice with some example
sentences. I hope this exercise helps you to understand Korean

저는 오늘 직장 동료들과 함께 고깃집에 갔어요. 저는 소고기를

주문했는데, 오늘 먹은 소고기는 정말 맛있었어요.
[저는 오늘 직짱동뇨들과 함께 고긷찌베 가써요. 저는 소고기를
주무낸는데, 오늘 머근 소고기는 정말 마디써써요.]
= I went to the meat restaurant with my colleagues. I ordered beef
and the beef that I had was so tasty.
직장 동료[직짱 동뇨]=3,4
Pronunciation exercise 2. 저는 항상 아침을 먹어요.

1. Linking sound
2. End consonant rules.
3. Korean fortis.
4. Nasalization
5. ㄹ rule
6. aspirated consonant
7. ㄴ addition
8. Patalization
9. ㅎ elimination

저는 항상 아침을 먹어요. 왜냐하면 아침을 먹지 않으면 하루종일

너무 배가 고파서 일을 할 수가 없기 때문이에요.
[저는 아치믈 꼭 머거요. 왜냐하면 아치믈 먹찌 아느면 하루종일 너무
배가 고파서 이를 할 쑤가 업끼 때무니에요.]
= I always have breakfast because if I don't have breakfast, I feel
very hungry all day and I cannot work.

할 수가[할 쑤가]=3

Pronunciation exercise 3. 저는 엄마와 같이 지금 병원에 가요.

1. Linking sound
2. End consonant rules.
3. Korean fortis.
4. Nasalization
5. ㄹ rule
6. aspirated consonant
7. ㄴ addition
8. Patalization
9. ㅎ elimination

오늘 아침에 일어났는데 머리가 너무 아픈 거예요. 그래서 저는

엄마와 같이 지금 병원에 가요. 저는 전화를 받지 못할 수도 있어요.
[오늘 아치메 이러난는데 머리가 너무 아픈 거예요. 그래서 저는
엄마와 가치 지금 병워네 가요. 저는 저놔를 바찌 모탈 쑤도 이써요.]
When I woke up in the morning, I had a strong headache. So, I am
going to the hospital now. I may not receive phone calls.

못할 수도[모탈 쑤도]=3,6

Pronunciation exercise 4. 아침에 늦게 일어나서 학교에 지각을


1. Linking sound
2. End consonant rules.
3. Korean fortis.
4. Nasalization
5. ㄹ rule
6. aspirated consonant
7. ㄴ addition
8. Patalization
9. ㅎ elimination

아침에 늦게 일어나서 학교에 지각을 했어요. 아침에 일찍 일어나는

것은 정말 너무 힘들어요.
[아치메 늗께 이러나서 학꾜에 지가글 해써요. 아치메 일찍 이러나는
거슨 정말 너무 힘드러요]
I woke up late in the morning so I was behind time at school. It is so
difficult to wake up early in the morning.

일어나는 것은[이러나는 거슨]=1

Pronunciation exercise 5. 어제는 오랜만에 친구들과 같이 술을 많이


1. Linking sound
2. End consonant rules.
3. Korean fortis.
4. Nasalization
5. ㄹ rule
6. aspirated consonant
7. ㄴ addition
8. Patalization
9. ㅎ elimination

어제는 오랜만에 친구들과 같이 술을 많이 마셨어요. 그래서 저는

오늘 속이 쓰려요. 라면을 끓여 먹어야겠어요.
[어제는 오랜마네 친구들과 가치 수를 마니 마셔써요. 그래서 저는
오늘 소기 쓰려요. 라며늘 끄려 머거야게써요.]
I drank booze with my friends yesterday. So I have a sour stomach.
I should take ramen.


Pronunciation exercise 6. 길이 다 얼었어요.

1. Linking sound
2. End consonant rules.
3. Korean fortis.
4. Nasalization
5. ㄹ rule
6. aspirated consonant
7. ㄴ addition
8. Patalization
9. ㅎ elimination

며칠 전에 독일에 정말 많은 눈이 내렸어요. 그래서 길이 다 얼었고,

미끄러워서 걷기가 불편했어요. 도로도 전부 얼었어요. 그래서
운전을 조심해야 해요.
[며칠 저네 도기레 정말 마는 누니 내려써요. 그래서 기리 다 어러꼬,
미끄러워서 걷끼가 불펴내써요. 도로도 전부 어러써요. 그래서
운저늘 조시매야 해요.]
A few days ago, a lot of snow fell. So, the sidewalk was frozen and
slippery so that it was so uncomfortable to walk. The roads are also
all frozen. So, we have to be careful when driving.


Pronunciation exercise 7. Korean news.

Today, I prepared a different pronunciation exercise. This is Korean

news on TV and you can see how fast Koreans normally speak.

You feel it is so fast and I recorded my pronunciation very slow but

don't worry. You will make it!!

시청자 여러분 안녕하십니까. 가장 빠른 종합뉴스 뉴스큐

시작합니다. 오늘부터 실내마스크 착용의무가 해제됐습니다. 2년여
만에 마스크 벗은 모습들이 어색한 분들도 많을텐데요, 현장에서는
어떤 반응인지 취재기자가 시민들(의) 목소리(를) 들어보고
있습니다. 잠시 후 현장 연결하겠습니다.
Pronunciation exercise 8. Korean drama

Today, I prepared some scenes from a K-Drama. This speed and

expression is a normal situation but I don't recommend you to learn
Korean with K-Drama.
The reason is you cannot concentrate on listening to their
conversation. It is a drama and the main reason is anyway

A: 허허허, 이 오밤 중에 무슨 선약이야? 너 대체 정신이....

B: 아저씨랑 선약인데요?
A: 그래서 옷 딱 입고, 아까부터 내가...어?
B: 바보... 꼭 말로 해야 하나?
A: 어, 앞으로 꼭 좀 하자. 사람 피말리지 말고... 나가자고? 뭐 하고

You don't need to understand these sentences at all. Just check if

you can listen to this conversation as I described above. If yes, you
are fine.

Pronunciation exercise 10. 마지막 발음 연습이에요.

This section is the last pronunciation section with the 9 korean

pronunciation rules. If you faithfully follow these sections, you can
read all korean words, although you don't know the meanings. If
you can read all the words, from now on, you can use a Korean
dictionary and you can ask your korean friends with words without
english expression.

1. Linking sound
2. End consonant rules.
3. Korean fortis.
4. Nasalization
5. ㄹ rule
6. aspirated consonants
7. ㄴ addition
8. Patalization
9. ㅎ elimination

오늘이 한국어 발음을 연습하는 마지막 날이에요. 그동안 열심히

연습하느라 고생이 많았어요. 포기하지 말고 한국어 공부를
계속했으면 좋겠어요.
[오느리 한구거 바르믈 연스파는 마지망 나리에요. 그동안 열씨미
연스파느라 고생이 마나써요. 포기하지 말고 한구거 공부를
계소캐쓰면 조케써요.]
Today is the last day of the Korean pronunciation section. You did a
good job practicing so far. I hope you don't give up and keep
learning Korean.

마지막 날이에요[마지망 나리에요]=1,4

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