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Safety Orientation

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Document No. Sec.

Effective Date. Rev. #

Support Document Manual


Objective A new employee safety orientation is to ensure that newly hired

individuals are familiarized with the safety policies, procedures, and
protocols of an organization. The primary goal is to provide them with
the necessary information and training to understand and mitigate
potential workplace hazards, thereby reducing the risk of accidents,
injuries, or illnesses.
Purpose To develop an understanding of safety expectations, equip employees
with the knowledge and skills to identify and address potential hazards,
and foster a safe working environment for everyone. It should be
tailored to the specific needs and risks of the organization to ensure
comprehensive safety training for new employees


1. All new workers must receive safety orientation, before being placed on the job.
2. The Safety department or designee will provide the orientation. The orientation will be
documented on the "Personnel Safety
Orientation/Refresher Verification" form.
3. Each person assigned to a job must sign the indoctrination form upon receiving
instruction from their supervisor.
4. In addition to orientation material made available, each supervisor must explain the
safety criteria for individual jobs.
5. A signed copy of the new employee orientation form will be maintained in the Safety


The Safety department or designee will complete the form indicating they have explained the
Safety policy, programs, procedures, and requirements as indicated, to the new employee prior
to the employee beginning their job assignment.

The enclosed form is used as a matter of personnel policies and procedures and is part of the
overall program.

By using this checklist, you ensure the new employee is properly instructed in the safety rules
that apply to their job assignment.

Each supervisor is responsible to discuss with each new employee the following items in their
entirety. Each of the following elements should be reviewed by either reading or general
discussion, unless other means are available.


Located in the front of the Safety Manual; review with each employee.


All employees are required, as a condition of employment and as outlined in the OSHC
regulations, to develop and exercise safe work habits in the course of their work to prevent
injuries to themselves and their fellow workers. It is company policy that all employees shall:

1. Immediately report to their supervisor, all accidents, near misses and injuries and
complete the Injured Worker’s report of Incident form as well as the Supervisor’s report
of Incident form. No matter how slight, occurring within the course of their
2. Cooperate with and assist in investigation of accidents to identify correctable causes and
to prevent recurrence.
3. Promptly report to their supervisor all unsafe actions, practices, or conditions they
4. Become familiar with and observe approved safe work procedures during the course of
their work activities.
5. Keep work areas clean and orderly at all times.
6. Do not engage in any horseplay or distracting others.
7. Adhere to all safety rules and follow published work instructions.
8. Wear personal protective equipment when working in hazardous operations area,
and/or as required by the supervisor. Earbuds or radio head phones are prohibited
throughout the facility as they do not provide hearing protection.
9. Inspect all equipment prior to use and report any unsafe conditions to their immediate
10. Submit any suggestions for accident prevention, without fear of reprisal, to their
immediate supervisor or submit suggestions via the OFI or Good Catch program which
may assist in improved working conditions or work practices.


We have established training for the use of select equipment. Only trained and authorized
employees are permitted to operate this equipment e.g. Powered Industrial Truck’s (PIT),
Mobile Elevating Work Platform’s (MEWP), and Low Speed Vehicle’s (LSV).


First Aid supplies are kept in the Safety Office and at all security offices. Should you have an
injury, no matter how slight, report it to your supervisor immediately. With minor injuries it is
important to reduce the potential of infection or more serious complications by reporting the
incident immediately. First Aid can then be given to minimize risk of complications.


At least one person, will be on duty during business hours who has been first aid trained. At a
minimum, each Colonna’s Shipyard Inc. Security Officer is First Aid trained. All employees are
also encouraged to become first aid trained as a benefit to themselves and their families.


The company has established and endorsed various rules and regulations for the safety of their
employees. However, sometimes it is necessary to impose sanctions or restrictions on an
employee who is not following proper work procedures, safety procedures or other elements of
stated policies.

Each supervisor is held accountable for their employee's proper work performance. Thus, it is
the supervisor's responsibility to hold the employee accountable for their performance.

Each employee's voluntary compliance with these rules will assist in providing a safe and
productive worksite. The rules and regulations will be strictly enforced.


The organization has established an "alcohol and non-prescription drug abuse policy" for the
protection of its workforce and resources. No one is permitted on a site who may be using,
selling, or handling alcohol or drugs. Employees suspected of being "under the influence" are
subject to search and screening.


The use of hazardous chemicals may be a part of some jobs. On any job where it is known to
have hazardous chemicals or employees are required to work with hazardous chemicals, the
employees will be instructed in the "Hazard Communication Training" program. The purpose of
the program is to inform and train employees how to work safely with hazardous chemicals.
Always read and understand the applicable labels and safety data sheets.


Employees are encouraged to maintain good personal hygiene, especially after handling
hazardous chemicals, hazardous wastes, and other potentially harmful material. Wash facilities
are available in various areas for cleaning your hands.
Personal protective equipment and gloves may reduce the exposure and must be worn when
required. Refer to the product SDS for specific instruction.

Certain other chemicals used on the job are "extremely hazardous.” Most employees will not be
exposed to them during normal operations or work. However, your supervisor will provide you
with special information to safely handle these chemicals. The SDS should be provided to an
employee who may work with the chemicals and reviewed with the supervisor or the safety


Special safety training in the use of equipment, new equipment, new procedures or other items
may be required periodically. Any employees involved in these jobs or equipment use will be
required to complete this special training prior to beginning the job.


Safety Glasses: It is a company policy that all employees wear safety glasses when in production
areas. Glasses must meet ANSI-Z87.1.
Safety Shoes must be worn in all production areas and must meet ANSI Z41 standards
Hardhats must be worn in all production areas outside or on a vessel. Some work in shop areas
do not require hardhats where there is low risk of head injury. Hardhats must meet ANSI Z89.1.

Other types of personal protective equipment will be assigned as the job may require.


When working with chemicals on some jobs, it requires that employees wear protective
clothing. This may include long sleeve shirts, wrist and arm gauntlets, and gloves. Your
supervisor will inform you of the individual requirements for the job when the occasion arises.
Abbreviated clothing (sleeveless, shorts etc.) are not permitted in production areas.


(Read Safety Rules that apply to the job and employee. - See Procedures).

The purpose of the Code of Safe Practices is to assist you in making safety a regular part of your work
habits. This is a minimum guide to help identify your responsibility for safety. Your supervisor is
obligated to hold you responsible for your safety by enforcing these rules and by providing you a safe
place to work.

1. I will immediately report to my supervisor all accidents or near misses, and injuries, no matter
how slight, that may occur on the job.
2. I will cooperate with and assist in investigation of accidents to identify the causes and to prevent
3. I will promptly report to my supervisor all-unsafe acts, practices, or conditions that I observe.
4. I will become familiar with and observe safe work procedures during the course of my work
5. I will keep my work areas clean and orderly at all times.
6. I will avoid engaging in any horseplay and avoid distracting others.
7. I will obey all safety rules and follow published work instructions.
8. I will wear personal protective equipment when working in hazardous areas, and/or as required
by my supervisor.
9. I will inspect all equipment prior to use and report any unsafe conditions to my immediate
10. I will submit any suggestions for accident prevention, which may assist in improved working
conditions or work practices to my immediate supervisor.
11. I will smoke in authorized locations only.
12. I will not bring onto the job, have in my possession or in my car, any weapons or ammunition of
any kind.
13. I will not have in my possession, use, or introduce any kind of intoxicating liquor or illegal drugs
on any customer's property or work area or facility, or I will accept possible discharge for these illegal
14. I will not come to work under the influence of intoxicating liquor or illegal drugs, and realize that
I will not be allowed to start work and may be immediately discharged for this action.
Personnel Safety Orientation/Refresher Verification

Type of Orientation: ____ Initial _____ Refresher

I have reviewed each of the Colonna’s Shipyard Rules, Practices, and Procedures listed with the Safety Trainer.
I fully understand my responsibilities to, commit to, and comply with all of them.

__________________________ ________________
Employee Name & signature Date

Vistamarine’s Shipyard Safety Rules, Practices, & Procedures

(x) Are Required Items: Safety Trainer check (x) for any additional required items

☐ General Rules & Regulations ☐ Personal Protective Equipment ☐ Ladders

☐ Horseplay ☐ Chemicals brought on-site ☐ Housekeeping
☐ Hazard Communication ☐ First Aid & Emergencies ☐ Fall Protection
☐ Accident Investigation ☐ Cranes, Forklifts, & JLG/Lifts ☐ Eye Protection
☐ Tools & Equipment ☐ Shipyard Routes & Areas ☐ Barricades
☐ Compressed Gas Cylinders ☐ Confined Space Entry ☐ Respiratory Protection
☐ Equipment Lockout ☐ Back Injury Prevention ☐ Rigging Equipment
☐ Blood borne Pathogens ☐ Other ____________________

I have reviewed each of the items listed above with the signed employee.

______________________________________ _____________________
Safety Trainer Signature Date

Safety & Health – Employee Responsibilities

As a Vistamarine’s Shipyard Employee, you have a responsibility to:

1. Work safely to the best of your knowledge, as a condition of employment

2. Immediately report unsafe conditions to your supervisor and/or the Safety Department.
3. Be subject to disciplinary action – by your Supervisor and/or the Safety Dept. for committing an unsafe act, which may
include termination of employment. Chances or risks concerning safety are not tolerated.
4. Wearing PPE properly is a condition of employment.
5. Take an interest in the safety of your fellow employees. Your guidance and the benefit of your expertise will be appreciated.
6. Pay special attention to “Temps” & “New Hires”. These people are new to Vistamarine’s, and may not know all the rules. Be
prepared to help them work safely in the yard.
7. Never perform any assignment that is unsafe. Discuss any assignment that you feel is unsafe with your supervisor. If you
are still not convinced that you have been requested to perform a task in a safe manner, then use the “open door policy”.
Discuss the issue with the next supervisor or the Safety Dept. until someone convinces you that the assignment is safe, or
the work procedure is changed.

*Vistamarine’s goal is to become the safest shipyard in the Tidewater area. This will require a serious commitment by our
employees to be “Safety Conscious”. Don’t forget – You are the Safety Program and the Safety Program is for you!!

_______________________________ ____________
Employee Signature Date

Trainer Signature

Prepared by Reviewed by: Approved by

Jezreel Tolentino Dennis Lipura Oscar B. Saavedra

Safety Officer Shipyard Superintendent President/Owner

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