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On Wednesday, my students and I went to YogyakartA.

We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from

On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa
and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because
Wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because we
were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur. We arrived there at
four p.m. At 5 p.m. we heard the announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.
In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

1. The text above mainly discusses about…..

A. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
B. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
C. the writer’s impression about the guide
D. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton
2. The text is written in the form of a……..
A. recount
B. narrative
C. report
D. descriptive
3. The purpose of the text is to………
A. tell past events
B. entertain readers
C. describe the smugglers
D. inform readers about events of the day
4. What are the big temples in Prambanan?
A. paria, brahmana, and temples
B. brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples
C. wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples
D. borobudur, syiwa, and brahmana temples
5. When did they go home?
A. On Saturday morning
B. On Friday evening
C. On Thursday evening
D. On Friday afternoon
6. Why did they only visit Brahmana and Syiwa temples?
A. because there was no wisnu temple
B. because wisnu temple was amazing
C. because wisnu temple was too small
D. because wisnu temple was being repaired
Text 2 about a Holiday to the Zoo
Yesterday my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we got to the zoo, we went to the
shop to buy some food to give to the animals.
After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles which only come
out at night.
Before having lunch, we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad fell off when he let go
off the rope, but he was ok.
During the lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed. When we
returned home we were very tired but happy. It was because we had so much fun activities at many places
at the zoo.

7. What happened to the writer’s dad when he rode an elephant?

A. He felt a thrill
B. He felt fun
C. He fell off
D. He failed
8. Why did the writer and his family feel very tired after having a trip to the zoo?
A. They had to visit many places in the zoo
B. They took a long time to reach the zoo area
C. They had to feed a lot of animals in the zoo
D. They had no time to take a rest in the zoo
Text 3 about a Picnic
Last weekend I and my classmates went to the countryside to have a picnic. Before leaving, we made
some sandwiches for lunch. We left quite early to avoid the traffic jam.
After driving for two hours, we arrived at a very nice place. It was near a river with some big trees around it.
The driver parked the car under the tree. Seeing the clear an cool water of the river, my friends and I
decided to swim. After having lunch together, we went around the area to enjoy the scenery. We saw some
beautiful birds and butterflies.
After walking for about an hour, we decided to return to the car and go home. Unfortunately, we cloud not
start up the car. Finally after sometime, we cloud make the car start up by pushing it. We were happy
although we felt a bit tired when we got home.

9. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The writer made sandwiches for lunch
B. The writer did some fun activities during their picnic
C. After doing some activities, the writer went home by car
D. Last weekend the writer prepared to have a picnic in the countryside
10. Why did the writer and his friends decide to swim in the river?
A. They felt hot after having lunch
B. They felt tired after having a walk
C. The water was cool and clear
D. It was a tiring day

The police thought that two burglars started the robbery at 151 Pattimura street on
Sunday afternoon. The burglars broke into the students’ room while they were going
to a football game. They never thought that while they were away, burglars would
break into their boarding house.

11. The communicative purpose of this text is………

A. to retell events for the purpose of informing
B. to present perspective points about an issue
C. to describe the way they are
D. to acknowledge readers about informative events

12. How many burglars robbery that place?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

13. Where did the robbery take place?

A. at 151 Pattimura street
B. at 151 Gajahmada street
C. at 161 Pattimura street
D. at 161 Sisingamangaraja street
14. When did the robbery happen?
A. Sunday morning
B. Sunday afternoon
C. Saturday morning
D. Saturday afternoon

My Holiday at home

Last holiday was my worst holiday because I did not go anywhere. I just stayed in my home. In
the morning, I woke up and had a breakfast. After that, I played with my cat. In the afternoon, I
had a lunch and after that I took a nap. In the evening. I watched untill I felt boring. My daily
activities were like that during the holiday. So, I was sure last holiday was my worst holiday.

15. Where did the writer spend his holiday?

A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in his home
D. in his room

16. What did the writer do before taking a nap?

A. He had lunch
B. He watched a movie
C. He played with his cat
D. He had breakfast

17 What did the writer feel about the holiday?

A. He felt satisfied
B. He felt glad
C. He felt annoyed
D. He felt happy

Last year was the best experience I’ve ever got. I was the first winner of singing competition

I love singing since I was kid because my grandma taught me first time to sang. I practiced so
hard before the D-day. My parents were really supportive. They helped me to practice and
prepared healthy food for me. They also gave me motivation to believe in myself.

That’s why winning singing competition meant so much to me.

18. What had been done by the writer in the text?

A. Passed an exam
B. Graduated from school
C. Got married
D. Won a contest

19. Who helped the writer to practice?

A. The writer's friends
B. The writer's fans
C. The writer's family
D. The writer's parents
20. Why the writer love singing?
A. Because watch singing competition
B. Because the writer father taught it
C. Because the writer just love sing
D. Because the writer grandmother taught it first time

Read the following text and answer the questions

The Island of Wingo is by the island of Singa. In the water around Wingo Island, there
are hundreds of sharks. They are so many that the water bubbles like a whirlpool. People can
only get to Wingo Island by boat. The boat has a rocket on it. The rocket takes people over
the sharks and onto the island.
Wingo Island has no sand but it has green moss. At night the moss sparkles like stars.
Tall stars called Fruji grow everywhere The Fruji tress have purple leaves at the top and
yellow fruit all over them. When a fruit falls off, another tree grows in a minute.
The Weather on Wingo Island is very hot but at twelve o’clock, everyday, it rains.
Sometimes, there are windstorms. They happen when too many animals fly around at the
same time.
People who stay on Wingo Island sleep in a big-gloo. It is like an igloo but it is on long
poles. It has a ladder to get up and a slide to come down. The big-gloo has a moss bed, chairs,
and tables that are made of Fruji tress.
There is no television on Wingo Island. So is the telephone and computer. It is place to
listen to the leaves whispering. It is a place to lie on soft green moss and look at the clouds. It
is really a place to dream.

21. Fruji is the …... on Wingo Island.

A. Name of a river
B. Name of a mountain
C. Name of a tree
D. Name of someone who lives
22. What are the chairs and tables in that island made of?
A. Iron
B. Moss
C. Trees
D. Fruji trees

23. What causes windstorms at Wingo?

A. Moss
B. The sand
C. Animals
D. The sea around Wingo

24. Where do the people of the island live in?

A. In the houses
B. In the forest
C. In the tree holes
D. In the big-gloos

25. According to passage, which of the following is not true?

A. Wingo is an island.
B. Many sharks are in Wingo island.
C. The weather in Wingo Island is tropic all the time.
D. Rain always falls in Wingo Island.

26. “People can only get to Wingo Island by boat.”

The sentence implies that Wngo Island is ….
A. Near to other islands
B. Close to another island
C. Near to another island
D. Far from other islands

27. What is the story about?

A. A lake
B. A river
C. An island
D. A continent

28. “It is place to listen to the leaves whispering”

The underlined word " it" refers to ….
A. The telephone
B. The computer
C. An island
D. Wingo Island

29. “People can only get to Wingo Island by boat.” (paragraph 1)

What does the word “boat” mean?
A. A rocket
B. An island
C. A small ship
D. A helicopter

30. “It is place to listen to the leaves whispering.” (last paragraph)

The closest meaning of the underlined word is ….
A. Talking in a soft way
B. Singing
C. Laughing
D. Makes a soft sound

Read the following text and answer the questions 31 – 35

Antibiotic is kind of compounds both natural and synthetic, which has function to press
or stop a process of organism’s growth, particularly bacteria. Antibiotic is used to treat
bacterial infections and used as a tool for genetic engineering in biotechnology. Antibiotic
works as pesticides by pressing or break the chain of bacteria’s metabolism. Nevertheless,
antibiotic is different with disinfectant in the process to kills bacteria. Disinfectant kills
bacteria by creating an unnatural environment for germs to live.
In terms of treatment, antibiotics dubbed as “magic bullet “because antibiotic kills
instantly without injuring its sufferers. Although antibiotic is good for medication, it is not
effective in handling infection caused by viruses, fungi, or other nonbacterial.
Antibiotic has diverse types based on their effectiveness against bacteria. There are
antibiotics that target gram- negative or gram- positive bacteria and some antibiotic has wider
spectrum. The effectiveness depends on location of the infection and the ability of antibiotic
to reach location of the infection. Based on how to use, antibiotics are divided into two that
are oral antibiotics and antibiotic intradermal. An oral antibiotic is used by mouth while
antibiotic intradermal used through anus. Intradermal antibiotic is used for serious cases.

31. What is the best title for the text above?

A. How antibiotic is work
B. The invention of antibiotic
C. Antibiotic
D. Kinds of antibiotic

32. Which one is not true?

A. Antibiotic is used to treat bacterial infections
B. Antibiotic is not same with disinfectant
C. Antibiotic kills instantly without injuring its sufferers
D. Antibiotic is effective in handling infection caused by viruses

33. In terms of treatment, antibiotics dubbed as “magic bullet “…. (Paragraph2)

The underline word close in meaning to….
A. Work
B. Seen
C. Say
D. Call

34. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To inform about antibiotic
B. To describe about antibiotic
C. To inform about disinfectant
D. To describe about antibiotic

35. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Antibiotic is a compound
B. Antibiotic is good for medication
C. Antibiotic is not good for fungi
D. Antibiotic kill without injuring its suffers

Read the following text and answer the questions 36 – 40

Giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters and its
weight about 1360 pounds. Giraffe has a unique characteristic. They have a very long neck
and two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big brown eyes and protected by thick and
long eyebrows. Her body is covered with a unique pattern that is attached by brown spots all
over their body.
Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking for long time because giraffes
can rely on the water contained in leaves they eat. Giraffes are very selective in choosing
food. They always eat young leaves that grow in the tree tops. Their tongue shaped like a
knife help them to cut branches which are very hard.
Female giraffes can start pregnant at the age of five years, with a gestation period of
15 months. Commonly female giraffe bear one baby, but sometimes two babies at once.
Giraffes bear its baby with a standing position. When the baby is about to be born, they just
drop it to the ground from a 1.5 meter of height. Baby giraffe can stand with about 20
minutes since being born, and begin breastfeeding within an hour of birth.
36. What kind of text above?
A. Report text
B. Descriptive text
C. Narrative text
D. Spoof

37. The text tells us about?

A. Giraffe’s reproduction
B. The strange animals
C. The highest animal
D. Baby giraffe

38. The unique characteristic of giraffe is?

A. Two horns on its head
B. Their long neck
C. Brown spot
D. Their food

39. The second paragraph mainly discussed about?

A. Giraffe’s food
B. Giraffe’s characteristic
C. Giraffe’s life
D. Giraffe’s reproduction

40. The word “it” in third paragraph refers to?

A. Neck
B. Horn
C. Baby giraffe
D. Food

For number 41 - 47, change the sentences into PASSIVE VOICE!!

41. My brother fixes all the stuffs
A. All the stuffs is fixed by my brother
B. All the stuffs are fixed by my brother
C. All the stuffs was fixed by my brother
D. All the stuffs were fixed by my brother

42. She was reading a novels

A. A novels is being read by her
B. A novels are being read by her
C. A novels was being read by her
D. A novels were being read by her

43. Andi is celebrating birthday party

A. Birthday party is being celebrated by Andi
B. Birthday party are being celebrated by Andi
C. Birthday party was being celebrated by Andi
D. Birthday party were being celebrated by Andi
44. My sister ate the cake
A. The cake is eaten by my sister
B. The cake are eaten by my sister
C. The cake was eaten by my sister
D. The cake were eaten by my sister

45. They had shot the bird

A. The bird was been shot by them
B. The bird were been shot by them
C. The bird has been shot by them
D. The bird had been shot by them

46. The singer will sing the song

A. The song will sung by the singer
B. The song will be sung by the singer
C. The song will sing by the singer
D. The song will be sing by the singer

47. The boy has thrown the toys

A. The toys has been thrown by the boy
B. The toys have been thrown by the boy
C. The toys had been thrown by the boy
D. The toys been throeb by the boy

Number 48 - 50, write into REPORTED SPEECH

48. Write the IS ( Indirect Speech) : TYPE 1

DS : She will play badminton said Rina
IS : .......................................................................
A. Rina said that she would play badminton
B. Rina said that he would play badminton
C. Rina said that she would played badminton
D. Rina said that he would played badminton

49. Change the Indonesian sentence into DS (Direct Speech) : TYPE 2

DS : Dia minum air kata Rendi
IS : Rendi said that he drank water
A. He drink water said Rendi
B. He drinks water said Rendi
C. He drinkes water said Rendi
D. He drank water said Rendi

50. Write the DS ( Indirect Speech) : TYPE 3

DS : .......................................................................
IS : Budi dan Tono said that they were borrowing a book
A. They is borrowing a book said Budi and Tono
B. They are borrowing a book said Budi and Tono
C. They has borrowing a book said Budi and Tono
D. They have borrowing a book said Budi and Tono

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