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23 October 2023 07 Rabi ul Aakhir 1445

Assalaamu Alaikum.
I am a concerned Sunni Muslim; on Sunday 1st October 2023, in a
Melaad celebration in Pretoria, some speeches were a very direct
attack on other Sunni Ulama, the Ulama were labeled with many
allegations as if the speakers knew exactly what is in the hearts of the
other Sunni Ulama. I am sending a few points to the SUBSA Fatwa
committee, please shed some light on this topic and take us out of this
confusion. People are so gullible that they accept whatever is told to
them because I heard on the table some people speaking ill about
other Ulama-e-Kiraam who were not invited to attend this particular
Melaad function. An Aalim - known as Mufti in the society - stood up
for a speech and gave a very detestable speech and said some of the
following things whilst targeting other Ulama who probably informed
the Melaad committee about Hafiz Fuzail Soofie which the said Mufti
mentions in his speech by taking his name.
Mohammad Jaabir, Centurion, Pretoria.

Some of Mufti’s statements are as follows:

1. ‘I am showing you the book of A’la Hazrat (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬,

Fataawa Razaviyah volume 14, pages 604 – 605. I will read it out

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to you: A question was asked from A’la Hazrat (‫)رضي هللا عنه‬, he
answered by saying, “Our Imams have ordered and advised that
if any statement is 99% Kufr (disbelief) but there is one
possibility of Islam, it is necessary that the statement should be
considered as part of Islam (i.e. the person will not be declared
as a Kaafir).”’
2. Mufti quoted the verse of ‘Fitnah is worse than murder’; this was
quoted to accuse other Sunni Ulama because the context of the
speech makes it clear what message he was trying to give; so he
said, ‘those who are creating Fitnah in the community, please
don’t listen to them. By listening to those people, you will also
indulge in their Fitnah.’
3. ‘If anyone is making Gheebat (i.e. backbiting) like this, stay away
from him.’
4. ‘I am here close to 4 decades and fought the Fitnah of Shias.
Today, they are saying that we have an inclination towards
Shiaism and that we have become Raafizis.’
5. ‘I announce this openly and I challenge.’ (I could not make out
from his broken English speech what really did he challenge).
6. ‘You are using the name of A’la Hazrat but you are causing a
division amongst the Ummah. Advice for the public: Don’t
follow these types of people like sheep and goats. These people
are practicing Munafaqat (hypocrisy). Before, there was unity in
Laudium, if this behavior continues; the new generation will be
destroyed. If we did not open our eyes, then our children will be
lost completely. Some of them will become “others”.’
7. ‘I was informed that the Melaad committee was approached by
some people (concerned Sunni Ulama) behind the cover
regarding Fuzail Soofie Sahib using not suitable words for him
saying that he is not a Sunni.’

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8. ‘I said if there is any issue, we are with you (referring to Fuzail
Soofie), we are standing with you.’
9. ‘We want Sunni unity on the basis of the great personality of
Imam e Ahle Sunnat, the accepted personality, A’la Hazrat ( ‫رضي‬
‫)هللا عنه‬.’

‫ و الصلوة و السالم على سيّد المرسلين‬.‫الحمد لله رب العالمين‬

‫ بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬.‫أما بعد فأعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم‬

‫الجواب بعون الملك الوهاب‬


Answer number 1.
In explaining the text of Fataawa Razaviyah, the said Mufti has
deliberately skipped the most important part which was against his
campaign; however it was part of the text to complete the Mas’alah of
The full text of Fataawa Razaviyah is as follows:
The above translation in question number one was of the said Mufti
and below is our translation with those extra words which he skipped.
What is mentioned in Fataawa Razaviyah is presented below and the
skipped words are underlined for ease.
‘Our Imams have given the ruling that if in any statement there are 99
possibilities of Kufr (disbelief) and one possibility of Islam, it is
necessary that the statement should be considered as part of Islam,
until it is proven against it (i.e. until all possibilities are Kufr, then
the person will definitely be regarded as Kaafir).’
Mufti said that if the statement contains 99% Kufr, then the person is
still a Muslim. He gave a wrong translation of Fataawa Razaviyah and
wrongly explained the Mas’alah of Shari’ah in front of hundreds of
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people. The correct translation is 99 possibilities of Kufr, not 99%
Kufr. There is a huge difference between 99 possibilities and 99
According to Mufti’s translation, if a person prostrates 99 times to an
idol and one time to Allah Almighty, he is still a Muslim. So, according
to his understanding, if there are 99 glasses of wine in a drum and one
glass of water, then the whole thing is pure; you can swear to Allah
Almighty and His Beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬99 times and praise them one
time, but you are still a Muslim. We can clearly see as to where this
translation and crooked understanding can lead the unsuspecting
Sunni masses to.
Keep in mind that even 1% Kufr is completely 100% Kufr.
Now, let us listen to what A’la Hazrat ‫رضي هللا عنه‬himself says:
‘The jurists have not said this that if a person has 99 things of
Kufr in him and one thing of Islam, he is a Muslim. By the oath of
Allah Almighty, it is rather the consensus of the entire Ummah
that a person who has 99,000 things of Islam and one thing of
Kufr (disbelief), he is categorically a Kaafir (disbeliever). If one
drop of urine is mixed with 99 drops of rose water, then the
whole thing will become urine, but these Jaahils (ignorant
people) say that if one drop of rose water is mixed in 99 drops of
urine, then the whole thing will become pure like rose water. By
the oath of Allah Almighty! Let alone the jurists, even the lowest
level of a Jaahil (an ignorant person) will not say such things.
What the jurists have said is this, “If a Muslim utters such a word
in which there are 100 possible meanings, 99 meanings going
towards Kufr and one meaning is going towards Islam, until it is
not proven that he has meant a particular Kufr meaning, we will
not regard him as a Kaafir because the one meaning of Islam is
still there; we do not know as to whether maybe he has meant
that one particular meaning.” The jurists also say, “If he has
meant any meaning of Kufr in his statement, then our
reinterpretation will not give him any benefit. According to Allah
Almighty, he is a Kaafir.”’ (Tamheed-ul-Iman, page 35)
Answer number 2

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Surah 2, verse 191, a portion of it was translated as ‘Fitnah is worse
than murder,’ without elaborating further on it, knowing that what a
layman understands from the word ‘Fitnah’. The meaning of the word
‘Fitnah’ in this particular verse is very specific.
In our day to day general terms, the words ‘Fitnah’ is used for
slandering, backbiting, causing a problem between people,
badmouthing, causing trouble or riots and likewise. But in this verse,
the word ‘Fitnah’ is in a particular conceptual meaning, such as
polytheism, disbelief, idol-worshipping, banishing people from their
homes and otherwise.
‘Allaamah Ibn al-Manzoor al-Afreeqi said in Lisaan al-‘Arab, volume
thirteen, letter Noon, section al-Fa: ‘The Almighty says, “Fitnah is
worse than killing” [Al-Baqarah: 191]. The meaning of Fitnah here is
disbelief, as the people of interpretation (scholars of Tafseer) have

To come in front of masses - the laymen - and keep saying repeatedly,

‘Fitnah is worse than killing,’ the public will take the meaning of the
word ‘Fitnah’ as they use in their day to day conversation. For
example, they say, ‘Do not make Fitnah, he is causing Fitnah, I am not
causing Fitnah, etc.’

This attempt – i.e. using this verse and not explaining the meaning of
the word Fitnah properly - would be regarded as distortion of the
meaning of the Holy Qur’aan, because a wrong meaning is sitting in
the minds of the public. The speaker is actually accusing the Sunni
Ulama of committing Shirk and Kufr (disbelief) by using this particular
Ayah of Fitnah.
Tafseer Jalaalain: ‘Their idol-worshipping is more grievous and more
serious than killing.’
Tafseer Tabari: ‘Shirk with Allah (Almighty) or apostasy is worse
than killing.’
Tafseer Khaazin: ‘Their Shirk with Allah (Almighty) is a bigger crime
than their killing of you.’

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Tafseer Ibn Katheer: ‘(Al-Fitnah is worse than killing.) Meaning what
you (O disbelievers) are committing is much worse than killing.’ Abu
Al-‘Aliyah, Mujaahid, Sa’eed Ibn Jubayr, ‘Ikrimah, Al-Hasan, Qataadah,
Ad-Dahhaak and Ar-Rabi’ ibn Anas ‫ الرضوان رحمهم هللا و عليهم‬said that
what Allah Almighty said,
ِ‫وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَشَد مِنَ الْقَتْل‬
(Al-Fitnah is worse than killing.) Means ‘Shirk (polytheism) is worse
than killing.’

In Khazaain-ul-‘Irfaan, the footnotes on Kanz-ul-Iman, by Hazrat

‘Allaamah Naeem-ud-din Muradabadi ‫رحمه هللا‬writes, ‘Their disbelief
or banishing Muslims from Makkah is worse than killing.’

Answer number 3

Mufti said, ‘If anyone is making Gheebat (backbiting) like this, stay
away from him.’

We say, ‘Yes, he is right in the essence of this message, but who was
doing Gheebat in front of hundreds of people, calling other Sunni
Ulama Fitnah makers, jealous, backbiters, etc. whilst making the entire
public in the hall as witnesses upon his sin of making Gheebat,
motivating and convincing people to agree with him to become part of
his open sin? The public can decide who the Gheebat-maker is and
from whom they should stay away; if they have some intelligence and
Deeni modesty, they will be able to make the best decision for

Whilst making Gheebat of certain Sunni Ulama, he kept saying,

‘Gheebat is a bigger sin than Zina (fornication).’ Very strange!

Answer number 4
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The statement of Mufti is, ‘I am here close to 4 decades and fought the
Fitnah of Shias. Today, they are saying that we have an inclination
towards Shiaism and that we have become Raafizis.’

Being here for 40 years does not give any guarantee that a person is
still exactly on the principles upon which he was 40 years ago. Normal
people and even some Ulama change, many people we all know were
defenders of Sunniyyat but now they have become precise Shias. This
version of being here for 4 decades is very weak to prove oneself as a
strong Sunni or a Sunni leader. If he fought the Fitnah of Shias in the
past with sincerity, Allah Almighty will reward him for his efforts; we
are happy for him for this.

The Sunni Ulama have not taken out any literature and not given any
statement that this Mufti has turned Raafizi, so why is this early
defence being given? Or is it the Hifze Ma Taqaddum route (taking
precautionary measures whilst warding off imminent danger). It seems as
if the speaker knows that something fishy is happening in their circle and
terms like Raafizis are about to come - as it is happening in many other
countries - so let’s warden off the danger. Keep in mind that the public
cannot stay in darkness for long; this is the Deen of Allah Almighty and
Allah Almighty makes perfect arrangements for its protection.

Answer number 5

Mufti also said, ‘I announce this openly and I challenge.’ (I could not
make out from his broken English speech what really did he

The team of Sunni Ulama tried to listen and they could also not make
out the challenge he is putting forward because he was mincing his

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However, if he has challenged for a public debate, then the Ulama of
SUBSA are ready to accept his challenge. Any executive member of
SUBSA can be contacted for arrangements and terms & conditions for
a debate. He said,‘ I challenge ’so if a debate happens, if this is what he
has meant, then he himself must be the debater and SUBSA will decide
who to appoint for this noble job of defending Sunni beliefs.

Answer number 6
Mufti said, ‘You are using the name of A’la Hazrat (‫ )رضي هللا عنه‬and
you are causing a division amongst the Ummah. Advice for the
public: Don’t follow these types of people like sheep and goats. These
people are practicing Munafaqat (hypocrisy). Before, there was unity
in Laudium, if this behavior continues; the new generation will be
destroyed. If we did not open our eyes, then our children will be lost
completely. Some of them will become “others”.’
Alhamdulillah, as Sunni Ulama we love A’la Hazrat, we adore him, we
read him, we try to understand him daily; SUBSA is formed to defend
and promote the teachings of A’la Hazrat ‫رضي هللا عنه‬. This guy tried to
quote Fatawa Razaviyah, but he could not correctly understand. This
is the Karaamat of our Imam; he opens the door of his Faiz to those
who follow him to the tee, and those who do not become swords of
A’la Hazrat ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬just by lip service, rather their eyes and ears
are closed on the research of A’la Hazrat ‫رضي هللا عنه‬.
The new generation can never be destroyed if they associate with
those Ulama who actually follow and trust A’la Hazrat, Imam-e-Ahle
Sunnat ‫رضي هللا عنه‬. Therefore, this advice that your children will
become ‘others’ is unwise and untrue.
Before there was unity in Laudium because all Sunnis and Sunni
Ulama were strictly following the teachings of A’la Hazrat ‫رضي هللا‬
‫عنه‬, but nowadays Soluh Kullis (compromisers of Aqeedah), fifty-
fifty’s, Minhaajis, Raafazis (open enemies of Sahabah), half Raafazis
and Tafzeelies are being accommodated in Sunni functions and
activities. So, reaction is inevitable and natural.
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The said Mufti accused Ulama-e-Ahle Sunnat with Munafaqat
(hypocrisy) in a Meladd celebration in front of hundreds of Sunni
Muslims; just because they privately informed the Melaad committee
regarding the horrible and controversial statements of their “guest
speaker”, the entire crowd heard the untruthful allegations and
nobody said anything. This raises lots of questions in the minds of
intelligent people. Can those (that is, Islamic scholars) who are
regarded as noble in the sight of Allah Almighty and His Rasool (peace
and salutations be upon him), be easily desecrated in front of an
honorable and moral community and they will not stop but rather
many of them will join?
Answer number 7
He said, ‘I was informed that the Melaad committee was approached
by some people behind the cover, regarding Fuzail Soofie Sahb, using
not suitable words for him saying that he is not a Sunni.’
The said Mufti does not know what he is talking about, the Sunni
Ulama from SUBSA did not pass any judgment on Hafiz Fuzail Soofie as
of yet; they did not say that he is not Sunni, what was told to the
Melaad committee was this, ‘These are his statements and these are
Shia beliefs.’
Answer number 8
He said, ‘I said if there is any issue, then we are with you (referring to
Fuzail Soofie), we are standing with you’.
Mufti has said something very big. We wonder if he knows exactly
what Fuzail Soofie has said in his speech; if he does not know, then he
will regret as to why he made this open and unconditional statement
of support by saying, ‘We are with you, we are standing with you’. But
if he made this statement after actually hearing the controversial
statements of Fuzail Soofie, then he has made himself clear and all
doubts are removed about him, and he will be dealt with the force of
the Divine Law, because this impact of the Divine Law does not see
rich, poor, Pir, Mureed, influential, politician, plotter, schemer, Ustaad,
Aalim, layman, Sayyid, Shah, Moulana, Mufti, Soofi etc.; it will separate
all falsehood from the truth. This force of the Divine Law has mixed
many arrogant people in the dust.
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Answer number 9
He said, ‘We want Sunni unity on the basis of the great personality of
Imam-e-Ahle Sunnat, the accepted personality, A’la Hazrat ( ‫رضي هللا‬
Ma-Sha-Allah that is good news. Let us make a joint statement that
‘Whoever insults Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬in any sense of
the word is a filthy dog of Jahannam’, because this is what A’la Hazrat
‫ رضي هللا عنه‬has said, let us boycott all of those Moulanas, Pirs and
Sheikhs who even slightly insult the Sahaabah-e-Kiraam ‫رضي هللا عنهم‬
‫أجمعين‬, because this is what A’la Hazrat ‫ رحمه هللا‬has taught us. Let us
make a statement that Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique is greater than all
Sahaabah including Hazrat ‘Ali al-Murtada ‫ رضي هللا عنهم أجمعين‬in
every aspect, such as Khilaafat and Roohaniyat/Wilaayat, because this
is what A’la Hazrat ‫ رحمه هللا‬has taught us. Let us write and sign an
agreement that we will never ever directly or indirectly - by ourselves
or by our students, or people representing our institutions in different
places - associate with any Bad-Mazhab (i.e. a person with corrupt
beliefs) who may have any inclination towards Wahabism,
Deobandism, Shiaism, Raafizism, Tafzeelism, Minhaajism and
otherwise, because this is what A’la Hazrat ‫رضي هللا عنه‬teaches us. We
will be very happy to reach this understanding and this will lead to
Sunni unity.
Since Hazrat Ameer Mu’awiyah ‫ رضي هللا عنه‬has become a distinction
and criterion between proper Sunnis and hidden Shias/Raafizis in this
day and age, let us celebrate his ‘Urs Mubaarak together with full
might and glory.
Sunni public must demand from their institutes and Ulama to start
celebrating the day of Sahabi-e-Rasool Hazrat Sayyiduna Amir
Mu’awiyah ‫رضي هللا عنه‬. And if they beat about the bush then
understand that there is something fishy in their Aqeedah.
Note: The Fatwa committee of SUBSA will now be working on the
controversial so-called private and secret statements of Hafiz Fuzail
Soofie which are actually a definite support for the Shia doctrine and
an attempt to destroy the Iman and Aqeedah of unsuspecting Sunni
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Be patient and wait.

Issued by: Dar-ul-Ifta Sunni Ulama Board South Africa (SUBSA)

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