Network - Process V1.4 (1) - User Manual

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Network Process

User Manual 1.4

Objective & Benefits of Work Flow Automation
• Eliminates the use of physical paper - “Paper Free process” & Manual Database updating inMSExcel.
• “Timely tracker “updates on the progress of the request.
• “Easeof systemAccess” leading to “Reduce time lag” for approval & configuration.
• Approvals for Network Process online.
• Status wisereport.
• Engineer wise report.
• Collaborate efficiently with geographically dispersed teams (like Zonal Teams)
• Monitor and respond to network complaints in afaster and more efficient fashion
• Reduced approval time through approval workflow, Mail / SMSbased reminders & escalations
• Integrated human and automated tasks tohandle exceptions
• Avoid Large file stores and long decision making process
Process Details – Quick Reference
Steps to access the Network Indoor Solution Approval


•Step 1:- Copy the link in browser & press enter.

•Step 2:- Now you are on the Login screen, please enter the User ID\ Password
( same asdomain - credentials usedfor systemlogin)

“Nowyou are on the EndUserScreenof NetworkProcess,Pleasefollow the user

manual for furtherassistance”

•Network Indoor SolutionApproval ProcessFlow -

This user manual describes details related to “Network Indoor Solution Approval Process”

All details are covered with the help of below subtopics:

1. Menu of Network Indoor Solution Approval Processapplication

2.Initiate NetworkProcess

3. Processof Network Indoor Solution Approval Processapplication

4.Substitution Activity

5. Reports &Search

6. Admin Module

7. Help Module
Menu of Network Process application
This user manual illustrates the various action an user needs to perform to use this Network Process application.
Authorized user after logging into this application will see the following screen. Each menu has sub menus. These sub-
menus can be usedfor navigating throughthe application.

Home Screen view when theUser logs in

This user manual describes details related to “Network Process ”

All details are covered with the help of below subtopics:

1.Menu ofNetwork Process application

2.Initiate NetworkProcess application

3.Process of NetworkProcess application

4.Substitution Activity

5.Reports & Search

6.Admin Module

7.Help Module
Menu Sub-Menu Description
MyAction MyRequest TheInitiator canraise anew requestby clicking on this link.
Draft All those requests which the initiatorhas saved in drafts.

Pending For MyAction All the requestswhich arepending for some action. This sub-menuwill be
viewed toapprover only.
Bulk Closure Initiator can close all the requests in Bulk.

Pending ForFeedback All the requestswhich arependingfor feedback.

FYIReceived All the requestswhich arereceivedfor information purpose.

All Requests Pending All the initiator requestswhich arepending to anyapprover. This sub-menu will
be viewed byall.

Rejected All the initiator requestswhich arein rejected state. This sub-menuwill be
viewed byall.

Revised All the initiator requestswhich arerequested for revision.This sub-menu will be
viewed byall.

Closed All those requestswhich havecompleted the work flow cycle and areclosed.
This sub-menu willbe viewed by all.

Substitution NewSubstitution Create the newsubstitution.

Substitution View all substitutionsprocess.
Menu Sub-Menu Description
Reports GeneralReport CreatesParameterbased report on request.Thesereports canbe viewed Online
and canbe exported to Microsoft Excelusing the export to excel option.
TATReport Display the actual and assigned Time Taken based on the number of working
hoursbetween the time requestis raisedand it gets approved/rejected (TheTurn
Around Time) fora request.
Administration • Status Report CreatesParameterbased report on request.Thesereports canbe viewed Online
• Engineer wiseReport and canbe exported to Microsoft Excelusing the export to excel option.
• Owner wiseReport

ConfigureTAT ConfigureTATtime andRemindertime for eachapprover.

Stop NotificationMail Configures whether Mail or sms notification should be triggered for aparticular
approver ornot.

Holiday ListMaster Configuresthe holiday list circle wise

Type of Solution Master Add new type of solutions in the type of solutions list

Enable Type of Solution Master To enable that which user will have access of providing solution for the request

Help User Manual Helps the Userto learnhowto use this application.
Initiate New Request
An authorized initiator can initiate a new request. On Clicking the “My Action” menu, the user
clicks on “My Request” tab to initiate a new request. This slide illustrates various processes
defined under Network Process. The initiator fills in the detail and can either submit the
request(after all the fields are validated successfully) or can save it in draft for later submission.
The request initiator can belong either from the corporate or from any of the circles. The request
moves to the next level approver asdesignated by the work flow , based on its type. i.e whether it
is circle initiated or corporate initiated.

Toraise a new Request

1a.Initiate New Request -Basic Details Tab
The initiator clicks on “My Request” to initiate a new request , keys in the mandatory fields and submits the request. The request lies in the next
level approver’s bucket who can perform actions like approve, reject, or send it back to the initiator for revision. The next level approver is intimated
through mail and SMSthat anew Request is pending for his action. Theinitiator can upload attachments using the “Attachments” tab.
1b.Initiate Request –Attachments Tab
Theinitiator for canupload attachmentsin .doc .pdf .txt .xls.(Maximum10 attachments)
1c.Initiate Request – Next Approvers
“Next Approvers” tab has the complete order of approval hierarchy for the request raised each for a different sub
processunder NetworkProcess.TheRed-Bandshowthe current userunder whom the requestis pending for anaction.
Requests pending for Action underApprover’s bucket
Request can be processed with the help of different actions (Approve, Reject, Send For Revision, etc) by the approvers. Followingscreen
will be used for processing the request. MyAction Pendingfor MyActionclick on Request Id to takeappropriateaction.

Approvers can view the details and perform actions as given in the top bar of screen. Further slides has description of all the action
buttons andtabs.
Requests Approve
Post clicking on Approve button the below screen will open. Fill the mandatory details and click on Submit to Approve the Request.
Similarlyother actions also can becarried out.
Initiate Request – Actions Details
Followingarethe actions whichcan be performedduring processing of Request:

•Approve: Click on this button to processit further.

• Reject: Click on this button to reject the request.No action canbe performedon rejectedrequest.
•Send For Revision: Click on this button to sendthe requestfor revision.
• Send FYI: Click on this button to sendthe requestto selectedusersfor view purpose.
•Provide Feedback: Click on this button to provide feedback about request.This action is available if feedback asked
for therequest.
• Recall: Initiator should be able to recall arequest to revise it when it lies with the first level approveronly
Substitution Activity
Approvers can substitute their activity for a particular duration to some other user. Click on “New Substitution” sub-
menu under “Substitution” menu to view the belowscreen.


Select the person to which user want to substitute and fill the duration and click on “Save” to save the details. After substitution new
authorized personwill haveall the rights/role of requestorduring that duration.
Menu Sub-Menu Description
Reports General Report, Generates a report based on one or more search filter.
These reports can be viewed on the browser or can be
exported to Microsoft Excel using the export to excel
TAT Report Display the actual and assigned Time Taken based on the
number of working hours between the time request is
raised and it gets approved/rejected (The Turn Around
Time) for a request.

Click on the appropriate tab link to view aparticular report.

1.General Report
By clicking on the “Advanced Search Button“ The user may or may not specify the input search fields based and
finally clicking on “Generate Report” Button on which the report will be generated .It also contains an Export To

Click here

Click here
1.General Report Screenshot
Usingthink link the usercanget adetailed preview of the TATreport for NetworkProcess.

2.TATReport(Advanced Search)
Using think link the user can get a detailed preview of the TAT report for Network Process. The user can select
multiple Request IDs for which he wants to generate TAT Report. The search parameters for TAT report are not
mandatory.TheTATreport can also be exportedto excel.

TheNetworkProcessAdmin can carryout the following tasks:
 StatusReport
 Engineer wiseReport
 Owner wiseReport
 ConfigureTAT
 Stop NotificationMails
 Holiday ListMaster
1. Status Report
After clicking on status Report in the left menu bar asshown belowselect Circle and click on GenerateReport.

1a. Status Report Screen Shot

2.Engineer wise Report
After clicking on Engineer wise Report in the left menu bar as shown below select Circle and pick From date, then
click onGenerate Report.

2a.Engineer wise Report screenshot
3.Owner wise Report
After clicking on Owner wise Report in the left menu bar as shown below select Circle and pick From date, then
click onGenerate Report.


Click 2a.Owner wise Report screenshot

4. Administration-Configure TAT
TheAdmin can configureTATfor anewuseror edit the TATdetails for an existing one

Click hereto edit TATdetails forActivation Team

Onclicking on “Add New” link, theAdmin can configureTAThoursand set the priority for newUsersbased on their
roles(by clicking on “save”).The admin can also “Edit” existing TATdetails for a role by directly clicking on the
ApproverRole in the abovescreenshot.
5. Administration-Stop Notification Mails
The Admin can configure approver details who are not likely to receive notifications like Escalation mail,
Remainder mails
6. Administration-Configure Holiday List
The administrator can add circle wise Holiday list, Working hour time and week off by clicking on “Holiday List
Master”in the left menu bar and then click on “Add new” button asshown below.


6a. Administration-Configure Holiday List
AlsoAdmin can update holiday list if requiredby clicking on any record asshownbelow.


Fill the mandatory details and click on saveto savethe record.

TheNetworkProcessHelp will ensure the user howto use the application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1.What will be my User ID and password for application?
Vodafone ADUser ID and password will be applicable to login in application. IBM user can use their Lotus Domino
internet password to login in application. If still not able to login contactITHelpdesk,Vodafone.

2.How I will change my password for application?

This application didn’t have any application specific password. It has same method applicable for change of AD
password for Vodafoneusers.

3.Some time Error is coming in browser “The page cannot be displayed”?What

should I do?

This message error appears when URL entered on browser address bar is not able to communicate with server. For
this, first check the URLaddress and also check the network connectivity. If still problem persist contact IT Helpdesk,
FAQs Contd…
4.Sometime error is comingin webform “Unable to process request”? Whatis
the reason and solution for this?
Thiserroris comingwhen formnot loaded properly. Forresolvethis checkURL.If still
comingthen contactIT Helpdesk,Vodafone.

5. If browser hanged then what would be the solution for resolve this?
Firstlyclosethe browserthen again open the browserand type the URL.Respectivescreen
will appears.If still problem persistthen contactIThelpdesk,Vodafone.
Thank You

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