Person Centered Approach 2

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Dr. Farjana Ahmed


What currently causes the clients’ to

maintain behavior which does not meet
their real needs.
Processing of Experience:

 Rogers observed that when experiences occur in

people’s lives there are four possible outcomes:
1. Like the sensation of sitting, they may be ignored.
2. They may be accurately perceived and organized into
some relationships with the self-concept.
3. Their perception may be distorted in such a way as to
resolve the conflict between self-concept and
4. The experiences may be denied or not perceived at all.
Incongruence Between Self-concept and
 When experiences are accurately symbolized
and included in the self-concept, there is a state
of congruence between the self-concept and the
organismic valuing process.

 When, however, the experience is denied, and

distorted, there exist a state of incongruence
between self-concept and experience.
Threat, Anxiety and Subception:

 Subception or pre-perception is the mechanism by

which sensory and visceral experiences relevant to the
actualizing tendency may be denied or inaccurately
 Subception involves a filtering of experience in such a
way that experiences contradictory and threatening to
the self-concept may be excluded or altered.
 Anxiety is a state of uneasiness or tension which is
the response of the organism to the ‘subception’ that a
discrepancy or incongruence between self-concept
and experience.
Breakdown and Disorganization:

 This section relates to serious disturbance.

 The self-concepts of vey low-functioning
people block their accurate perception of large
areas of their significant sensory and visceral
Breakdown and Disorganization…Cont…

 A situation develops in which a significant

experience occurs suddenly, in an area of high
incongruence, the process of defense may be
unable to operate successfully.
 People are brought face-to-face with more of
their denied experience that they can handle,
with a state of disorganization and the
possibility of a psychotic breakdown.
Importance of Self-concept:

 Effective self-concepts allow people to perceive

their experience realistically.
 Ineffective self-concepts may be maintained for
a number of reasons:
◼ First, as with the effective self-concepts, ineffective
self-concepts are perceived as the means of need
gratification and the source of personal adequacy.
Importance of Self-concept…Cont…

◼ Second, ineffective self-concepts contain within them

many conditions of worth which may have been
functional at one stage of people’s lives, but which have
outgrown any usefulness the one possessed.
◼ Third, the
more deeply embedded such conditions of
worth have become, the more tenaciously they are
◼ Fourth, the conditions of worth have the effect of
lowering people’s sense of worth and thus making it less
likely that they will have the confidence to acknowledge
and face their areas of incongruence.
 Therapeutic goals can be addressed in two ways:
◼ First, the goals of individual clients in therapy.
◼ Second, overall goals reflecting the human potential
for growth.
 There are six main dimensions concerning goals
in Roger’s writings.
 Clients might come into therapy at differing
levels on these dimensions.
 And then, during the course of successful
therapy, move forward to higher levels of
Openness to Experience:

 Rogerrs frequently used the term to describe the

capacity for realistic perception and observed that
‘There is no need for the mechanism of
 People behave more often from choice than from
 Increase the possibility of spontaneity and
 Able to handle change, and alert to the range of
their choices for creating their lives.

 When people are in touch with their

actualizing tendency their behavior is likely
to be rational in terms of maintaining and
enhancing their organism.
 Rogers thought it tragic that most people’s
defenses kept them out touch with how
rational they could be.
Personal Responsibility:

 People’s taking responsibility for their self-

actualizing and not just feeling responsible to
 Individual’s trust in their organismic valuing
process, trust of the authority within.
 People also have acceptance of responsibility
for their own behavior, and also acceptance of
responsibility for being different from others.

 Self-regard is another part of the self-concepts

of effective people.
 Self-regard based on their organismic valuing
process rather than on the praise and needs of
Capacity for Good Personal Relationships:

 Accepting others as unique individuals,

prizing others, relating openly and freely to
them on the basis of immediate experience.
 Congruence, genuineness, or realness to be
probably the most important element in the
ordinary interactions of life.
 Empathy has the highest priority where the
other person is anxious and vulnerable.
Ethical Living:

 People at their core, are trustworthy organisms.

 People likely to seek others’ self-actualizing
along with their own.
 They are careful not to infringe on the rights of
others while pursuing their own needs.
 Able to distinguish sharply between good and
Ethical living…Cont…

 Trust in internal rather than in external

 Indifference to material things, such as
money and status symbols
 Seeking for spiritual values that are greater
than the individual.

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