Commerce-II MCQ Question Bank

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Program: F.Y.B.


Course: Commerce-II

Q.1. Multiple choice questions (50 Marks)

1. ________ is the first stage in the service development cycle.

a. Market testing b. Idea generation c. Business analysis d. Review

2. The highest level of expectations that customers have about a service is termed
as_________ service.

a. Desired b. Adequate c. Optimum d. Substantial

3. ________ is the primary level of service product.

a. Augmented service b. Core benefit c. improper service d. Basic service

4. Services are highly _______ in nature.

a. perishable b. storable c. durable e. tangible

5. ATM stands for __________.

a. Automatic time machine b. Automated teller machine c. Automatic teller machine d.

Automated time machine
6. The full form of KPO is________.

a. Process Operator b. Key Process Outsourcing c. Knowledge Process d. Operations

d. Knowledge Process Outsourcing

7. What amongst the following is not an advantage of franchising to the franchisor?

a. cost effective expansion b. marketing support c. scalability d. potentials for reduced

8. KPO is one step _____ of BPO.
a. lower b. side by side c. ahead d. lateral

9. ________ allows customers of the bank to conduct banking transactions through the website
of the bank.

a. Online banking b. Offline banking c. Transactional Banking d. Traditional banking

10. Inventory management is concerned with maintaining _______ level of inventory to meet
customer requirements.
a. right b. higher c. lower d. zero

11. Use of ______ card results in debt for the user.

a .debit b. credit c. loyalty d. ATM

12. _____ involves outsourcing of legal work.

a. BPO b. KPO c. LPO d. CPO

13. ERP software allows an organisation to use a system of __________applications.

a. integrated b. obsolete c. isolated d. out-dated

14. Which one of the following is not one of the major types of e-commerce?

a. B2B b. C2C c. B2C d. C2B

15. It is the first store to set up shop in a mall.

a. food court b. convenience store c. anchor store d. medical store

16. __________ management of a mall involves managing the footfall inside and outside the

a. Zoning b. Traffic, c. Ambience d. Finance

17. McDonald is an example of __________.

a. Franchising b. merger c venture d. non-profit organisation

18. The extent to which customers are willing to accept variations in service performance is
called the zone of ___________.

a. management b. handling c. tolerance d. behaviour

19. Customer satisfaction surveys help to retain ___________.

a. Competitors b. customer’s c. dealer’s d. employees
20. E-commerce transactions between companies are referred to as ________.
a. B2B b. C2C c. B2C d. C2B
21. Mannequins are used in __________ stores to attract the attention of passers-by.
a. Furniture b. cosmetics c. garments d. medical
22. Following is an example of service __________.
a. Communication b. television set c. car d. refrigerator
23. Which is not an example of physical evidence in service?
a. Room ambience b. staff uniform c. Furniture d. Finance
24. ________ provides time utility.
a. Transportation b. communication c. insurance d. warehousing

5 25. E-commerce permits _________reach.

a. local b. global c. national d. Regional

1. A doctor must be physically present at the time of treating the patient, it is a feature

__________ in service. (Inconsistency, Inseparability, Intangibility)

2. Services are ­__________ in nature. (tangible, intangible, retangible)

3. Automatic vending machine is an example of__________. (store format, non-store

format, online store)

4. The extent to which costumers are willing to accept variations in service

performance is called the zone of ___________. (handling, tolerance, behaviour)

5. If service is not delivered as per the expectations of the consumer, it is termed as

__________. (satisfaction, dissatisfaction, delight)

6. __________ management of a mall involves managing the football inside and

outside the mall (Zoning, Traffic, Ambience)

7. _____________ services top the services exports in India. (Business, Software,


8. ______________ is an example of non-store retailing. (Electronic retailing,

Franchise store, department store)

9. Indian retailers face the challenge of ___________. (satellite channels, cash

transactions, infra structure).
10. Mannequins are used in __________ stores to attract the attention of passer-by.
(cosmetics, garments, medical)

11. ERP software allows an organisation to use a system of ___________ applications.

(integrated, isolated, outdated)

12. The service sector provides revenue to the government by way of ___________.
(Service Tax, Excise Duty, custom Duty)

13. Following is an example of service __________. (communication, television set,


14. _______ is one of the marketing mix elements for services. (people, preference,

15. _______is an example of physical evidence in service (room ambience, staff dress, both)

16. BPO stands for _________ (business payment outlet, business process outcome,
Business Process Outsourcing)

17. B2C transaction stands for _______ (business to community, business to consumer,
business to commodity)

18. __________ is one of the element of mall management. (Ambience, Foreign Direct
Investment, International Policy)

19. Consumers expect ________ service from the service providers (quick, delayed,

20. KPO stands for ______ (know point outsourcing, knowledge point outsourcing,
knowledge process outsourcing)

21. ATM stands for ___________ (Automatic time machine. Automated teller machine,
automatic teller machine)

22. E-commerce _________ cost in the long run (increase, reduce, does not impact)

23. _________ is an element of logistics. (transportation, discounts, promotion)

24. India’s E-commerce market is mainly dominated by _________ areas. (rural, urban,

25. Use of __________card result in debt for the user. (debit, credit, ATM)
26. Following is an example of service _________ (insurance, bread, car)

27. Goods and services are __________ (same, different, simple)

28. Services _______ be stored for future sale. (can, cannot, should)

29. E-Commerce permits __________reach. (global, national, local)

30. LPO stands for __________ (Legal Process Outsourcing, Legal Process Outsource,
Legal Payment Outcome)

26. _____ is one of the marketing mx elements of service

a. Preference b. People. c. Potential d. Planning
27. Consumers expect _________ service from the service provider.
a. quick b. delayed c. irregular d. inadequate

28. Services are generally _________ in nature.

a. tangible b. visible c. intangible d. consistent
29. Kirana store is an example of _________
a. unorganized retailing b. organized retailing c. Electronic retailing d. modern
30. _________ is an example of non-store retailing.
a. Electronic retailing b. Franchise stores c. Mall d. Department store
31. _________ is an important element of mall management.
a. Franchising b. zoning c. Towing d. bidding
32. In present FDI is allowed up to__________ in a single brand.
a. 100 b. 50 c. 25 d. 75
33. These retailers are also called pop and mom stores _______.
a. Organised b. organised c. professional d. legal
34. Under franchising the franchiser transfers __ to the franchisee.
a. rights and resources b. stock clearance c. inventory d. physical building
35. Which is not a benefit of FDI?
a. competition effect b. introduction of new technology c. creating employment d. capital
36. Which segment do eBay, belong?
a. B2B b. C2C c. B2C d. C2B
37. Vegetable vendors on the footpath are an example of _______ retailing.
a. Organised b. unorganised c. electronic d. modern
38. Goods and services are __________.
a. Same b. different c. unique d. simple
39. The service process relates to________ a service product is delivered to the customers.
a. Why b. when c. where d. how
40. The challenges of inconsistency in services can be overcome through _________of the
a. Promotion b. demotion c. transfer d. training
41. M-Commerce Stands for ______.
a. Mobile commerce b. Market commerce c. Main commerce d. master commerce
42. Pre-purchase evaluation of service is _______.
a. possible b. impossible c. simple d. practical
43. The production and consumption of service take place at ________.
a. same time b. at all times c. different times d. pre decided time only
44. Services sector provides revenue to the government in the form of ____________.
a. custom duty b. GST c. income tax d. excise duty
45. ________ is the value exchange between the service provider and its customers.
a. Price b. Product c. Process d. Planning
46. Which is not an advantage of an ATM?
a. 24x7 banking service b. travel without cash c. convenience to customers d. frauds
47. _________ is an example of store retailing.
a. Electronic retailing b. Amazon c. Teleshopping d. malls

48. Which is not an advantage of marketing research?

a. Cheaper and faster b. Accuracy c. problem of technology d. access to geographical
diverse group
49. Levels of adequate services are influenced by _________ factors.
a. Situational b. scientific c. natural d. unique
50. _________ Outsourcing relates to internal business functions such as billing and
a. Back office b. Front office c. Knowledge process d. Legal process

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