Philosophy of Tech Edu

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Lori Goode

Philosophy oI the Use oI Educational Technology

November 25, 2011
ED 222
Online Iall 2011

The use oI technology is ever changing. Many technological advances are being seen in
today`s classrooms. I Ieel the use oI technology in K-12 education classrooms allows Ior more
interaction, engagement, structure, challenge, cooperative learning, and more independence
Ior students towards academic gains. Technology is the Iuture. We have come a long ways Irom
using only chalk or marker boards. Now we see smart boards, elmos, interactive white boards,
and numerous projections via computers.
Technology includes many programs such as the Iew I have learned about Irom the class
instructional technology. Some are Jing, Webnotes, Jog the Web, Glogster, interactive
PowerPoint, Voice Thread, and Skype. These helpIul tools are all new to me. It was a challenge,
but learning them was Iun and as I worked through them, they became easier. Teaching is about
learning too and to become better educators we all need to continue to learn. All oI the
technology I gained knowledge about Irom this class would be good to incorporate into the
classroom environment. I like how the tools can be incorporated into many lessons and subjects.
Students can be exposed to many diIIerent ways oI learning and that is what teaching is all about.
With this ever changing world oI constant technological advancements, it really does
make a person only imagine what classrooms will look like once the children they`ve taught
grow up to have kids oI their own and teach them. What does our Iuture hold in technology?
Because it is constantly updating, we as educators need to do all we can to keep up. It wouldn`t
be Iair to the kids we teach to not have the access to technology that is available to help them
succeed. Technology in education has advanced a great deal and will continue to do so. As a
teacher, I would want to keep learning and keep up with the advancements. Many children today
are all about technology. It is important that teachers can keep ahead or at least be inIormed to
have some knowledge about technological advancements. They too need to be inIormed about
what technological devices the children in their classroom are using at home and at school.
I want to be the best educator I can be. To do this I know teaching is a process that will
be a liIelong learning experience. On this journey I plan to learn and appreciate new
philosophies, strategies, and technologies oI teaching. Not only will I learn Irom my colleagues,
community, and the students` parents, but Irom the students themselves. As a teacher I will stay
updated on technology to give the students the best opportunities to learn. The role I will have as
a teacher is to provide students with the tools necessary Ior their Iullest potential oI learning. I
will have a stimulating classroom that has a saIe, caring, and comIortable atmosphere. To do
this it is important to reach the needs oI all students who need diIIerent learning styles due to
their unique abilities.

Most importantly I want children to become successIul in liIe, have positive attitudes that
they can attempt anything, and be passionate about learning. All kids are unique and have
special talents. I want to see them blossom into their own individuals. As their educator I will
provide them with all the necessary tools to get them there.

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