Business Research Assignment 2

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In today’s society, caffeine can be found everywhere in the daily life, from ice cream, sports
supplement, corn chips and also Panadol (Clemons, 2013). Around 60 plant species, such as
cocoa beans, tea leaves, kola nuts, and coffee beans are the most popular source of caffeine
(Coffee & Health, n.d.). Brain et al. (2000) assert that most people believe that caffeinated
drink can boost their performance at work because of caffeine helped their performance.
They also highlighted that drinks that contained caffeine are boosting the performance and
kills the fatigue inside the body, either it is mental or physical. Caffeine is increasing
metabolism which is helping people to lose weight as well, strengthen heart muscle to avoid
heart attack, it also regulates the blood flow. However, there are several side effects that
will be occur in the future as well, such as dehydration, frequent urination, and anxiety.

This paper aims to analyse the correlation between caffeine and health. Firstly, the project
objectives of this paper will be discussed as well as the project scope. Then, the literature
review will be provided. Finally, the research gap will be analysed. The project objectives of
this paper, will be discussed profoundly in next section.

2. Project Objectives
The main purpose of this business plan is to complete the research by doing the survey in
the coffee shop. There are specific objectives that are going to be attained are:
 To define the Hypothesis.
 Create research design and methodology
 Identify the Research limitation
 Create time schedule

3. Project Scope
The scope of this project is to gain the result of methodology and research design. This
project is focusing on analysing gathering the data and analysing the data. Firstly, project
scope is the base of this research. Researcher will be focusing the benefit and impact of
caffeine and maximum dosage of caffeine that can be taken. Secondly, this project will also
mention about the most common caffeine beverages nowadays. Lastly, this project will have
a research gaps analysis at the end of the review. This project is made without any limitation
and time frame. It will be available to anyone in this world.

4. Literature Review
The Benefits and Side Effects of Caffeine
Caffeine is the trend. It is consumed every day by more than millions of people in this world.
People from any age, both genders, low middle and high class social people. There are lots
of food and drink that contains Caffeine. It can be discovered in 60 types of plant species.
For example, coffee beans, tea, guarana, cocoa, and kola nuts (Coffee & Health 2017). These
are the most popular caffeine plants in the world. In modern era, Caffeine can be easily
found in soft drinks and energy drinks. Based on the research, the main purpose of
consuming anything that contains caffeine is to enhance the work performance and mood in
the workplace. It also being used as weight loss supplement. Although Caffeine is allowed to
be sell in the society, lots of people from different ranged of the age consuming it. People
between 18-60 is normally drink the most coffee because it's when they start working or
even to help them in their studies. Apart from that, caffeine also gives a strain to the body.
When the body takes too much caffeine, it accelerates water out of the body, the process
that losing quite a large amount of water in the body or generally it called diuretics. That's
when people has problem such as nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, insomnia, nervousness
and restlessness. Furthermore, Steen (2017) also states that coffee is able to lower the risk
of getting some types of cancer, following by two types of diabetes, Alzheimer, Parkinson
and lastly is premature death. People are indeed need to limit their consumption to prevent

There are few considerations that should be taken before drinking caffeine drink, such as:
 Pregnant woman should limit their caffeine consumption (Food Standards Agency, n.d.).
It should be less than 200mg or even better is to avoid caffeine because it will lead to
miscarriage. It also will lead the baby has a low weight and will harden the process of
giving birth. It will also become an issue in breathing and heart rate.
 Lactating women should limit their caffeine consumption as well because it will raise a
risk of an infant because an infant will be consuming caffeine automatically (Bonyata,
 Athletes, there is no restriction about athletes for caffeine intake during the games.
 Currently, there is no prohibition for children (under 18) about caffeine consumption.
However, as parents, they need to monitor their child. Consuming caffeine in such early
age will cause irritability, Insomnia, and so forth. Thus, parents really need to concern
about this.

One solution to prevent all of those issues is by consuming decaffeinated coffee.

Decaffeinated coffee is only containing 0.1-0.3% caffeine which is saved to consume by
pregnant woman, lactating women, or even for a child (Coffee and health n.d.).
Coffee drinker also help those local coffee farmers that from South America, Asia, Africa and
the Caribbean to maintain their income because coffee in those developing countries is the
being known as the world’s second most valuable commodity. It worth around $60 billions

There are four reasons why lately, people are choosing coffee over energy drinks (Steen
Firstly, energy drinks are not only contained guarana and taurine, but also amino acids,
vitamins, and herbs that contain in the energy drinks apart from sugar but there are around
26.5-52g sugar, which is its quite high in sugar, yet, coffee has no sugar at all.

Another reason is because most of the time energy drink has contain more caffeine than
coffee, for example most of the energy drink is filled in the can for 350 ml and coffee is
around 8oz (around 236,588ml= 237ml). The caffeine inside energy drink is 80g for every
250ml, and coffee is 60-107g every 250ml, so this why energy drink has lot more caffeine
inside one serve drink.

The third reason is over-consumed, this problem occur because of energy drink is sweet,
give a quick boost of the energy and taste nice. It makes people consumed the energy drink
repeatedly. Even though caffeine has bad side effect in the future, but in consuming energy
drink has also a bad side from the energy drink’s side. Because of the energy drink has
sugar, it leads to the fourth reason which is it will be a tooth decay and weight gain.

The last reason is coffee is a natural drink without any preservative, while energy drink is
containing preservative, extra flavours and dyes(Colour). These are the four reasons why
people are choosing coffee over the other caffeine beverages.
People should not drink more than 400g caffeine (Steen, 2017). It is recommended to have
around 200mg for the best caffeine intake because it will give bad side effect. However,
everyone is different. Each person has different weight, age and habits that makes the
appropriate caffeine intake different. Furthermore, every caffeine beverages are not
containing the same amount of caffeine (Figure 1). Caffeine dosage per 250ml in the coffee,
tea, soft drink, and energy drink is different. They start from 0 – 280mg max, the highest
caffeine in 250ml cup is latte and the lower caffeine is in tea, either it black or green. Firstly,
ground coffee has the most caffeine. Beverages such as Espresso, Americano and then
followed by energy drink, instant coffee and lastly tea and cola. Tea and cola has similar

The Dosage of Caffeinated Beverages




80 80
50 50 48
50 36
30 30

Ground Cof- Instant Coffee Black Tea Green Tea Energy Drink Cola

Minimum Maximum

Figure 1 – The dosage of caffeinated beverages (Steen, 2017)

How Caffeine Affect Body
As prescribed by Better Health Channel (2017), caffeine is like a drug with a long term bad
side effect. Based on World Health Organisation (WHO), Caffeine also give an addiction to
the consumer or Dependence Syndrome. When caffeine is being consumed within at least 5
minutes after consumption caffeine will start working on the brain and central nervous
system. These symptoms are increased heart rate, and energy. Caffeine has approximately 8
hours life, within that time body will become more productive and more aware to
surrounding, but if caffeine intake is more than 400mg it will cause dehydration, dizziness,
Hand will start trembling, anxiety, insomnia, a greater tiredness after an extra energy, and
lastly frequent urination. Thus, as a consumer, people need to monitor their caffeine intake.
Every person has different level of caffeine response, the caffeine response is depending on
how often is that person taking the caffeine drink. It is recommended to follow the general
recommendation of caffeine consumption which is around 200-400mg (Yarnell & Deuster

Research gap that missing is calculation about caffeine intake in the body. There must be an
exact calculation on how many caffeine intakes per every single weight, so it will be more
accurate. Gender, age, habits should be the gaps of the research as well. Gender, age,
Habits should be one of the aspect that people cannot have the exact same intake overall
because for habits. If the person has been having caffeine for more than few years that
people must be having a caffeine tolerance.

The second gap is result of benefit and impact caffeine for some elders, some people still
consuming the caffeine even they are more than 60 years old. The third gap is the research
regarding the caffeine become in-effective and how to cut down caffeine consumption.

Overall, since the purpose of this research is to identify the impact of the caffeine in the
body, this research already highlighted how caffeine affecting health and how important is
our health.
5. Research Question/ Hypothesis
Primary Question
Whether the relation between age of the consumer and the income with the caffeine

Secondary Question
How the job affects the caffeine consuming?
How the income affects the amount of caffeine that being consumed?

6. Research Design and Methodology

Research design and the methodology part will be improved to attain and discover the
method that would become handy in collecting the information for this research.

Main Steps
Few main steps will be taken in the methodology. First, it would be the way to taking care of
the most crucial problems in the research. Few considerations have brought in to the
maximise the success rate of this research. Second, the step that will be taken is to identify
the population of the responses to make sure they are suitable to become a reliable source.

Research Design

Research design basically is the strategy that chosen by researcher to merge few main
points in the research. It is also to help the researcher to ensure the research by addressing
the problem effectively. Since the research is regarding about the impact of the caffeine to
our health, research design is created to identify the night job such as construction worker
will be affecting the caffeine consuming. The rationale of the research is even though there
has been found the relation between job and caffeine consuming, this research’s mission is
to find more information that would be useful for the reader and give a warning to the
reader about the danger of caffeine.
Research Strategy
There are few main things in strategies that need to be done step by step in research. The
first one is identifying the gap in current circumstances. Then, creating a plan for the
research by doing the way of doing the research. Followed by finding the best audience for
the survey and lastly choosing suitable questionnaire.

Research Approach
There are 3 approaches in the research. There are deduction, induction and abduction, but
the approach that will be applied in this research is deductive research approach. Bryman
and Bell (2015) state that dissertations with deductive approach follow the following path:

Based on the theory, in deduction when the premises true the conclusion must be true as
well as the premises. In this approach, deduction approach will generalise the topic from
general to specific. Data that has been collected will be used to identify the hypothesis by
reflecting to the current situation. Whether the relation between age of the consumer and
the income with the caffeine dosage will be focused on the dosage of caffeine that will be
impacting the body.

Instrument of Research
Instrument of research is the tool that will be use to gain the information by collecting the
data by doing survey/questionnaire. This instrument will be given to the young people and
will focus on construction worker.

Data Analysis
In this section, data that has collected from the survey will be analysed. The procedure that
will be conducted is inspecting the data that has taken to make sure the data is
accurate ,then cleansing the data by remove non-accurate data from the database, after
that transforming in to the table and lastly modelling the data, change to the diagram so it
will be easy to read.

Sampling and Sample size

A group of people will be the sample and the size for this research is around 20 people. This
survey will be random to anyone to reduce the bias.

Design of the Questionnaire

Design of the questionnaire will be in A5 paper with open answer question. there are going
to be distributed in the coffee shop.

Reliability and Validity of data

Data that has been collected from the people will be inspected. It will be checked whether
the data is valid or not valid. This process will be done in data analysis to make sure the data
is valid and reliable.

7. Research Limitation
Limitation in this research that have been found will be shown below
 Time
As a student, the writer has a limited time to find more information about the topics.
Furthermore, to find the right audience will need some time.
 Money
The survey that researcher apply will cost some money, due to his status as a student. The
Researcher has limited money to gain more information. Survey for few people will not cost
much but it will be if the researcher aims to get more information from audience.

8. Time Schedule
This research consists of several main points and will be completed within the time that has
been given.
 Introduction – 5 days, this part has an idea of the research. This part also gives an
understanding to the reader about researcher’s objectives, and scopes.
 Literature Review – 24 days, this part consists from few main points of the literature
analysis. Researcher will take approximately24 days to identify and support his
 Methodology – 10 days, most of the methodology will be found in this part. This part
consists from design of the research, Approach that has taken in to the research,
how data will be able to collect, and the method that has applied in the analysis.
 Data Analysis – 6 days, this part will analyse data that has been collected from
numerous sources such as website, journal, magazine and newspaper.
 Conclusion – 3 days, the purpose of this part is to summaries and give the reader a
better understanding about the main point of this research.

9. Conclusion
To sum up, the purpose of this research is to analyse the relationship between caffeine and
health. The fact that mentioned above on the literature review section is focusing on
analysing the reason why people need caffeine, the impact of the caffeine, the maximum
intake of the caffeine, the most consumed caffeine beverages nowadays, and the different
of dosage in caffeine drink. On the other hand, there will be a discussion about Whether the
relation between age of the consumer and the income with the caffeine dosage. It also
followed by the job that will affects caffeine consuming and the income will also affects the
amount of caffeine that being consumed. The research will be taken into following
procedure. The procedure that will be conducted is inspecting the data that has taken to
make sure the data is accurate, then cleansing the data by remove non-accurate data from
the database, after that transforming in to the table and lastly modelling the data, change to
the diagram so it will be easy to read. The design of the questionnaire will be in A5 paper
with open answer question. there are going to be distributed in the coffee shop. A group of
people will be the sample and the size for this research is around 20 people. This survey will
be random to anyone to reduce the bias. This research will be completed within 48 working
Alcohol and Drug Foundation 2018, Caffeine, viewed 25 April 2018,

Better Health Channel 2017, Caffeine, viewed in 25 April 2018,


Bonyata, K. 2018, Breastfeeding and Caffeine, Kelly Mom, viewed 26 April 2018,

Brain, M., Bryant, C.W., & Cunningham, M. 2000, How Caffeine Works, How Stuff Works,
viewed 26 April 2018, <>.

Bryman A. & Bell, E. (2015) “Business Research Methods” 4 th edition, Oxford

University Press, p.27

Clemons, R. 2013, What’s your caffeine intake? Your daily dose may be higher than you
realise, Choice, viewed in 23 April 2018,

Coffee & Health n.d., Sources of Caffeine, viewed 26 April 2018,


Steen, J. 2017, How much caffeine is in Coffee, Tea, Cola, and Energy drinks, The Huffington
Post, viewed 26 April 2018, <

Yarnell, A.M. & Deuster, P.A. 2017, ‘Caffeine and Performance’, Journal of special operations
medicine: a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals, vol. 16, no. 4, pp.64-70.

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