Income Tax Act

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Income Tax Liability

1 The legal position discussed is as applicable for financial year 2008-09

(Assessment Year 2009-10) unless specified otherwise. Provisions as applicable for
financial year 2007-08 (Assessment Year 2008-09) are also given, where these are
different from provisions applicable to AY 2009-10.

Income tax is levied under Entry No. 82 of List I of Seventh Schedule to Constitution
(Union List), which reads, ‘Tax on income other than agricultural income’. Entry No.
46 of List II of Seventh Schedule to Constitution (State List) reads, ‘ Taxes on
agricultural income ‘.

Income Tax Act, 1961 imposes tax on income other than agricultural income. Tax on
agricultural income can be imposed only by State Governments.

Section 4 of Income Tax Act, which is the charging section, states that where any
Central Act enacts that income tax shall be charged for any assessment year at any
rate or rates, income tax at that rate or those rates shall be charged for that year in
accordance with, and subject to the provisions (including provisions for the levy of
additional income tax) of this Act (i.e. Income Tax Act) in respect of the total income
of the previous year of every person.

Income tax Rates fixed under Finance Act every year - The ‘Central Act’ as
referred to in section 4 of Income Tax Act is the ‘Finance Act’ enacted every year.
Income Tax is payable by every assessee at the rates prescribed by Finance Act
every year. The Finance Bill is presented at the time of presenting Budget, usually on
last day of February every year. The relation between Finance Act and Budget is so
close that often people associate budget only with taxation. Really, taxation is only
one of the aspects of the Budget.

1-1 Who is assessee ? - Assessee means a person by whom any tax or any other
sum of money is payable under Income tax Act. It includes deemed assessee
[section 2(7) of Income Tax Act]

Person - ‘Person’ includes * Individual * HUF * Company * Partnership Firm *

Association of Persons (AOP) or body of individuals whether incorporated or not *
Local Authority like Municipality etc. * Artificial Judicial person not falling in any of
the aforesaid categories e.g. a Hindu deity [section 2(31) of Income Tax Act]

1-2 Previous Year and Assessment Year

One very confusing aspect of Income Tax for a common man is the difference
between Previous Year and Assessment Year.

Assessment year means the period of twelve months commencing on the 1st day of
April every year [section 2(9) of Income Tax Act]

Previous year means the financial year immediately preceding the assessment year.
If a business/profession is newly set up, previous year is the period from date of
setting up that business or profession and ending with the financial year [section 3
of Income Tax Act]
The Financial Year for income tax purposes (called ‘Previous Year’) is always the year
ending 31st March. The ‘assessment year’ is next to the ‘Financial Year’ or ‘Previous
Year’ e.g. for Financial Year (FY) 2007-08 (1st April 07 to 31st March 2008), the
‘Assessment Year’ (AY) is 2008-09.

It may be noted that an assessee can have separate accounting year for his own
purposes e.g. a Company can close its accounts on any day of the year, an individual
may start his year on Diwali or any other auspicious day. However, for income tax
purposes, the accounts must be closed only on 31st March.

1-3 Residential status

Income tax liability depends on residential status of a person.

Income Tax liability of a person depends on the residential status. Assessees are
either resident in India, or non-resident in India.

A firm, an association of persons, a company and every other person can be either a
resident or a non-resident.

In case of individuals and HUF, if they are residents, they can be either resident and
ordinarily resident, or resident but not ordinarily resident.
Section 6 gives the test of residence for various types of assessees e.g. an individual,
a Hindu undivided family, a firm or an association of persons or a body of
individuals, a company ; and every other person.

An assessee can have different residential status for different assessment years. It is
possible that a person who is resident in India for income tax purposes, may be
resident in any other country for the same assessment year.
Residential status of an individual - An individual is resident in India in any
previous year, if he satisfies at least one of the following conditions - (a) He is in
India in the previous year for a period of 182 days or more or (b) He is in India for a
period of 60 days or more during the previous year and 365 days or more during 4
years immediately preceding the previous year [section 6(1) of Income Tax Act]
However, in case of an Indian citizen who leaves India during the previous year for
the purpose of employment outside India or an Indian citizen who leaves India
during the previous year as a member of the crew of an Indian ship, or Indian citizen
or person of Indian origin, the period of 60 days stands extended to 182 days.

In short, if a person was in India for at least 182 days in the previous year, he will be
‘resident’ for that year. Otherwise, he will be ‘non resident’.

A resident individual will be “resident and ordinarily resident” in India if (a) He has
been resident in India in at least 2 out of 10 previous years immediately preceding
the relevant previous year and (b) He has been in India for a period of 730 days or
more during 7 years immediately preceding the relevant previous year [section 6(6)
of Income Tax Act].

A resident who does not satisfy any one of the aforesaid conditions, will be ‘resident
but not ordinarily resident’.
Residential status of a HUF - In case of HUF, if control and management of its
affairs is wholly or partly situated in India, it will be ‘resident in India’. If control and
management of its affairs is wholly out of India, it will be ‘non-resident in India’ [Sec.
6(2 of Income Tax Act]

A resident Hindu undivided family (HUF) can be either ordinarily resident or not
ordinarily resident.

A resident Hindu undivided family will be ‘ordinarily resident in India’ if the karta or
manager of the family (including successive karta) (a) has been resident in India in
at least 2 out of 10 previous years immediately preceding the relevant previous year
and (b) has been present in India for a period of 730 days or more during 7 years
immediately preceding the previous year.

If even one of the conditions is not satisfied, the HUF will be ‘resident but not
ordinarily resident in India’ [section 6(6)(b) of Income Tax Act].

Residential status of the firm and association of persons - A partnership firm

and an association of persons will be resident in India if control and management of
their affairs are wholly or partly situated within India during the relevant previous
year. If control and management of their affairs are situated wholly outside India, it
will be non-resident in India. [Sec. 6(2)]
Residential status of a company - A company incorporated in India is an Indian
company. It will always be ‘resident in India’. A foreign company (i.e. company
incorporated abroad), is resident in India only if, during the previous year, control
and management of its affairs is situated wholly in India. [Sec. 6(3) of Income Tax
Residential status of “every other person” - Every other person will be resident
in India if control and management of his affairs is wholly or partly situated within
India during the relevant previous year. If control and management of his affairs is
wholly situated outside India, it will be non-resident [Sec. 6(4) of Income Tax Act]

1-4 Tax liability depending on residential status

Income can be broadly classified as ‘Indian Income’ and ‘Foreign Income’.

‘Indian income’ is always taxable in India in case of all tax payers, whether resident
or non-resident.

‘Foreign income’ is taxable in India if the assessee is (a) resident (in the case of a
firm, AOP company and every other person) or (b) resident and ordinarily resident
(in the case of an individual or a Hindu undivided family) in India.

If an individual or a HUF is resident but not ordinarily resident, foreign income is

taxable only if it is (a) business income and business is controlled from India, or (b)
professional income from a profession which is set up in India. Otherwise, foreign
income is not taxable in the hands of resident but not ordinarily resident taxpayers
[section 5(1) of Income Tax Act]

Foreign income is not taxable if the assessee is non-resident in India [section 5(2) of
Income Tax Act]
Section 9 of Income Tax Act defines ‘income deemed to accrue or arise in India’. It
will be ‘Indian Income’ and taxable in all the cases.

1-5 Different heads of income

All income is classified under following heads of income - * Salaries * Income from
House property * Profits and gains of business or profession * Capital Gains *
Income from other sources (e.g. interest on securities, lotteries, races) [section 14 of
Income Tax Act]

Calculation of income tax - Income from each of these sources is first calculated.
All this income is added to find out total income of the assessee. Permissible
deductions are reduced and then income-tax payable is calculated at the prescribed

Income from one head can be set off against loss from other head, unless specifically
prohibited. In Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation v. CIT 2000 AIR SCW 629, it
was held that if income is derived from various heads, assessee is entitled to claim
deduction permissible under respective head whether or not computation under each
head results in taxable income. If income to assessee arises under any of the heads
of income but from different items e.g. different house properties or different
securities etc., and income from one or more items alone is taxable whereas income
from the other item is exempt under the Act, the entire permissible expenditure in
earning the income from that head is deductible. - . - If assessee carries business in
various ventures, entire expenditure incurred on all ventures is deductible if all
ventures constitute one business

1-6 Broad mode of computation of Income

Income from salaries, allowances and perquisites
2. Less : Deduction under section 16, entertainment allowance and
professional tax:
3. Taxable income under the head “Salaries” (1-2) .
4. Income from house property - Adjusted net annual value
5. Less : Deductions under section 24
Taxable income under the head Income from house property (5-6)
7. Profits and gains of business or profession - Profit/loss as per P&L
account after deducting amounts not allowable as deduction,
adding amounts which are allowable as deduction and adding
income taxable under this head, though not credited/debited to
P&L account
8. Less : Incomes which are credited to P & L A/c but are exempt under
sections 10 to 13A or are taxable under other heads of income
9. Taxable income under the head Profits and gains of business or
profession (7-8)
10. Capital gains
11. Less : Amount exempt under sections 54, 54B, 54D, 54EC, 54ED,
54F, 54G and 54GA
12 Taxable income under the head Capital gains (10-11)
13 Income from other sources
14. Less : Deductions under section 57
15 Taxable income under the head Income from other sources (13-14)
16. Total Income (3+6+9+12+15)
17 Less : Adjustment on account of set-off and carry forward of losses
18. Less : Deductions under sections 80C to 80U
19 Total income or net income liable to tax (16-17-18)
20 Income subject to special rate of tax (e.g. capital gains)
21 Balance income subject to normal rate (20+21 = 19)
Computation of tax liability
A1. Tax on net income at special rates
A2 Tax on income at normal rates
Less : Rebate under section 88E in respect of STT (available for AY
2008-09 but not available for AY 2009-10)
Add : Surcharge
Add: Education cess and secondary and higher education cess
Less : Rebate under sections 86, 89, 90, 90A and 91
Net Tax payable (A1+A2-B+C+D-E)
Tax paid on self-assessment
Tax deducted or collected at source
Tax paid in advance
Balance Tax payable (F-G-H-I)

Rates of Income Tax

2 Major types of assessees and the rates of tax applicable is summarised here.

2-1 Individual - An individual may get income from salary, house rent, business,
profession, interest etc. He does not have to pay income tax on dividend income at
all. An individual may carry out business under some different name. However, this is
only for convenience of business or trade. The income of a proprietary firm is added
to his income for purpose of income tax. If a person gets salary from a partnership
firm where he is a partner, the income is treated as ‘business income’ though termed
as ‘salary’.

The income tax rates are as follows :

Tax rates for the assessment year 2009-10 (FY 2008-09) are as follows -
For resident woman (who is below 65 years at any time during the previous year),
rates for AY 2009-10 are as follows –
Net income Income-tax rates
Up to Rs. 1,80,000 Nil
Rs. 1,80,000 – Rs. 3,00,000 10% of (total income minus Rs. 1,80,000)
Rs. 3,00,000 – Rs. 5,00,000 Rs. 12,000 + 20% of (total income minus Rs.
Rs. 5,00,000 – Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 52,000 + 30% of (total income minus Rs.
Above Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 2,02,000 + 30% of (total income minus Rs.
10,00,000) plus 10% of income tax as

For resident senior citizen (who is 65 years or more at any time during the previous
year), rates for AY 2009-10 are as follows –
Net income range Income-tax rates
Up to Rs. 2,25,000 Nil
Rs. 2,25,000 – Rs. 3,00,000 10% of (total income minus Rs. 2,25,000)
Rs 3,00,000 – Rs 5,00,000 Rs 7,500 + 20% (total income minus Rs.
Rs. 5,00,000 – Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 47,500 + 30% of (total income minus
Rs. 5,00,000)
Above Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 1,97,500 + 30% of (total income minus
Rs. 10,00,000) plus 10% of income tax as

For any other individual, every HUF/AOP/BOI/artificial juridical person, rates for AY
2009-10 are as follows –
Net income range Income-tax rates
Up to Rs. 1,50,000 Nil
Rs. 1,50,000 – Rs. 3,00,000 10% of (total income minus Rs. 1,50,000)
Rs. 3,00,000 – Rs. 5,00,000 Rs. 15,000 + 20% of (total income minus Rs.
Rs. 5,00,000 – Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 55,000 + 30% of (total income minus Rs.
Above Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 2,05,000 + 30% of (total income minus Rs.
10,00,000) plus 10% of income tax as

1. Surcharge - Surcharge is 10 per cent of income-tax if net income of an

individual, Hindu undivided family, association of persons, or body of individuals,
exceeds Rs. 10,00,000. In the case of an artificial juridical person, surcharge is 10
per cent of income-tax (i.e., income-tax minus rebate under section 88E), even if net
income is less than Rs. 10,00,000.

Rebate u/s 88E (in respect of STT) is not available for AY 2009-10.

Marginal relief - In the case of the aforesaid person having a net income of exceeding
Rs. 10,00,000, the net amount payable as income-tax and surcharge shall not
exceed the total amount payable as income-tax on total income of Rs. 10,00,000 by
more than the amount of income that exceeds Rs. 10,00,000.

2. Education cess and SAH Education Cess - Education cess payable is 2 per cent
of income-tax and surcharge. Secondary and higher education cess is 1 per cent of
income-tax and surcharge. This is in addition to income tax.

Tax rates for the assessment year 2008-09 were as follows -

For resident woman (who is below 65 years at any time during the previous year),
rates for AY 2008-09 are as follows –
Net income Income-tax rates
Up to Rs. 1,45,000 Nil
Rs. 1,45,000 – Rs. 1,50,000 10% of (total income minus Rs. 1,45,000)
Rs. 1,50,000 – Rs. 2,50,000 Rs. 500 + 20% of (total income minus Rs.
Rs. 2,50,000 – Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 20,500 + 30% of (total income minus Rs.
Above Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 2,45,500 + 30% of (total income minus Rs.
10,00,000) plus 10% of income tax as

For resident senior citizen (who is 65 years or more at any time during the previous
year), rates for AY 2008-09 are as follows –
Net income range Income-tax rates
Up to Rs. 1,95,000 Nil
Rs. 1,95,000 – Rs. 2,50,000 20% of (total income minus Rs. 1,95,000)
Rs. 2,50,000 – Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 11,000 + 30% of (total income minus
Rs. 2,50,000)
Above Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 2,36,000 + 30% of (total income minus
Rs. 10,00,000) plus 10% of income tax as
For any other individual, every HUF/AOP/BOI/artificial juridical person, rates for AY
2008-09 are as follows –
Net income range Income-tax rates
Up to Rs. 1,10,000 Nil
Rs. 1,10,000 – Rs. 1,50,000 10% of (total income minus Rs. 1,10,000)
Rs. 1,50,000 – Rs. 2,50,000 Rs. 4,000 + 20% of (total income minus Rs.
Rs. 2,50,000 – Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 24,000 + 30% of (total income minus Rs.
Above Rs. 10,00,000 Rs. 2,49,000 + 30% of (total income minus Rs.
10,00,000) plus 10% of income tax as


1. Surcharge - Surcharge is 10 per cent of income-tax if net income of an

individual, Hindu undivided family, association of persons, or body of individuals,
exceeds Rs. 10,00,000. If a person, having taxable income exceeding Rs. 10,00,000,
is eligible for tax rebate under section 88E, then you have to calculate income-tax on
his income, then from the tax so calculated deduct tax rebate under section 88E. 10
per cent of the balancing amount is surcharge. In the case of an artificial juridical
person, surcharge is 10 per cent of income-tax (i.e., income-tax minus rebate under
section 88E), even if net income is less than Rs. 10,00,000.

Rebate u/s 88E (in respect of STT) is not available for AY 2009-10.

Marginal relief - In the case of the aforesaid person having a net income of
exceeding Rs. 10,00,000, the net amount payable as income-tax and surcharge shall
not exceed the total amount payable as income-tax on total income of Rs. 10,00,000
by more than the amount of income that exceeds Rs. 10,00,000.

2. Education cess and SAH Education Cess - Education cess payable is 2 per cent
of income-tax (after rebate under section 88E) and surcharge. Secondary and higher
education cess is 1 per cent of income-tax (after tax rebate under section 88E) and
surcharge. This is in addition to income tax.

Rebate u/s 88E (in respect of STT) is not available for AY 2009-10.

2-2 HUF - An Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) consists of all persons lineally
descended from a common male ancestor. It is assessable in respect of income
derived from the joint family corpus. However, income earned by individual members
of HUF in their individual and personal capacities is taxed as their personal income.
Such income is not treated as income of HUF. Thus, it is possible to have an income
from a proprietary firm (in individual capacity) as well as income from a business of
HUF. Both are eligible for separate tax exemptions. Business of HUF can, of course,
be conducted in a different name. In such case, the HUF will be proprietor of the firm
in the name of which business is being conducted.
It may be noted that there is no question of ‘forming’ an HUF, as every male Hindu
automatically has ‘HUF’. A Hindu male can have his own separate HUF even if his
father or son has separate HUF. One HUF with only one male member is permissible.
Any ‘HUF’ can have business run by head of the HUF called ‘karta’.

If an individual throws his separate property into the property of HUF, income from
such converted property will be included in the total income of such individual.
Hence, the HUF business should be from independent source of capital and not from
the funds provided by an individual member of the HUF. Thus, if an HUF intends to
conduct a business, its financial resources have to be carefully planned.

HUF should start business with loans / gifts from unrelated persons / bankers.
Accounts and finances of HUF business should be kept separate. Otherwise, there is
a possibility that income of HUF will be clubbed with the income of an individual.

The income of HUF is chargeable at the same rate as individual income as stated
above. Thus, if an individual splits his business - partly in his individual capacity and
partly in name of firm owned by HUF, considerable tax saving is possible, if done
systematically and carefully.

2-3 Partnership Firm - Income of the partnership firm has to be calculated after
deducting salary and interest payable to partners at prescribed rates. Specific
provisions in respect of partnership firm have been explained later.

A firm is taxable at the rate of 30 per cent for the assessment year 2008-09 and
2009-10. Surcharge @ 10 per cent of income-tax [i.e., income-tax after rebate
under section 88E] is payable, if net income exceeds Rs. 1 crore. Marginal relief is
available where net income exceeds Rs. 1 crore. In addition, Education cess is 2 per
cent of income-tax (after rebate under section 88E) and surcharge. Secondary and
higher education cess is 1 per cent of income-tax (after tax rebate under section
88E) and surcharge.

2-4 Company - The tax on income is as follows -

In case of domestic company, income tax is @ 30% for assessment year 2008-09
and 2009-10.. Surcharge @ 10 per cent of income-tax [i.e., income-tax after rebate
under section 88E], if net income exceeds Rs. 1 crore. Rebate u/s 88E is not
available for Assessment Year 2009-10.

In case of foreign company, income tax is @ 40% for assessment year 2008-09 and
2009-10. Surcharge @ 10 per cent of income-tax [i.e., income-tax after rebate
under section 88E], if net income exceeds Rs. 1 crore. Rebate u/s 88E is not
available for Assessment Year 2009-10.

Marginal relief is available where net income exceeds Rs. 1 crore. In addition,
Education cess is 2 per cent of income-tax (after rebate under section 88E) and
surcharge. Secondary and higher education cess is 1 per cent of income-tax (after
tax rebate under section 88E) and surcharge.

Dividend Distribution Tax - A domestic company paying dividend will have to pay
dividend distribution tax u/s 115-O. The rate applicable w.e.f. 1-4-2007 is 15% plus
surcharge @ 1.5% plus education cess @ 2% plus SAH education cess of 1% of
income tax. Total 16.995%.

Dividend distribution tax is payable within 14 days from date of

declaration/distribution/payment of dividend whichever is earlier. The dividend will be
tax free at the hands of assessees.

Mutual funds have to pay dividend distribution tax u/s 115R of Income Tax Act. The
rate as applicable w.e.f. 1-4-2007 is 12.5% on income distributed to any individual or
HUF and 20% on income distributed to any other person. In addition, surcharge,
education cess @ 2% and SAH education cess @ 1% will be payable. Total is
14.1625% in case of individual or HUF unit holder and 22.66% in other cases.

In case of money market mutual fund or a liquid fund, rate is 25%. Including
surcharge and education cess, it is 28.325%.

The dividend will be tax free at the hands of assessees.

Income distributed to unit holders of open ended equity oriented funds or US 64 is

exempt from dividend distribution tax.

2-5 Minimum Alternate Tax

Many companies charge depreciation in their books on straight line method. Thus,
the profit shown is higher in the accounts maintained for company law purposes and
they can declare dividend. However, for income tax purposes, they charge
depreciation on WDV which is higher. Thus, for income tax purposes, they may show
low profit or even loss, while in balance sheet prepared for company law purposes,
they will show high profits, which is called ‘book profits. Hence, such companies have
to pay minimum income tax [section 115JB]. This tax is termed as ‘Minimum
Alternate Tax’ (MAT).

In Apollo Tyres v. CIT (2002) 122 Taxman 562 (SC 3 member bench), it was held
that the assessing officer cannot reopen the accounts certified by auditors and
adopted in general meeting. He has limited powers of making additions and
reductions as provided in the section. [In this case, it was held that assessing officer
cannot add back the depreciation for earlier years provided in accounts].

Rate of minimum alternate tax, as % of book profit is as follows, for Assessment

Year 2008-09 and 2009-10.

If book profit does not exceed Rs. 1 crore If book profit exceeds Rs. 1 crore
IT % EC and Total IT SC EC and Total
Domestic company 10 0.3 10.30 10 1 0.33 11.33
Foreign company 10 0.3 10.30 10 0.25 0.3075 10.5575

Marginal Relief - If book profit of a company for the assessment year 2008-09
exceeds Rs. 1 crore, the minimum alternate tax cannot exceed the following : (Rs.
10 lakh + Book profit – Rs. 1 crore) + EC + SAHC.

2-6 Co-operative societies - Following rates are applicable to a co-operative

society for the assessment year 2008-09 and 2009-10 -
Net income Rate of income-tax
Up to Rs. 10,000 10
Rs. 10,000 - Rs. 20,000 20
Rs. 20,000 and above 30

No surcharge applies, but education cess @ 2% of tax and SAH education cess @ 1%
of tax is payable.

Various exemptions are available to cooperative societies u/s 80P of Income Tax Act.
However, there is no exemption to urban cooperative banks.

7 Local authorities - Tax rate is 30%. No surcharge applies, but education cess @
2% of tax and SAH education cess @ 1% of tax is payable.

2-7 Capital gains

In case of short term gains covered under section 111A of Income Tax Act , the rate
is 10% for AY 2008-09 and 15% for Assessment Year 2009-10. Section 111A is
applicable in respect of securities transactions which are subject to securities
transaction tax.

In case of long term capital gains, tax rate is 20% for AY 2008-09 and 2009-10
[section 112].

Surcharge for AY 2008-09 is 10% in case of (a) individual/HUF/BOI/AOP if income

exceeds Rs 10 lakhs and (b) in case of company/firm if income exceeds Rs one crore.

In addition, education cess @ 2% of tax and SAH education cess @ 1% of tax is


2-8 Wealth-tax - Wealth tax for individual, HUF or a company is 1% in respect of

wealth over Rs 15 lakhs for Assessment Year 2008-09 and 2009-10. There is no
surcharge or education cess.

One house or part of house belonging to an individual or HUF is excluded for purpose
of wealth tax. The assets have to be valued as per Valuation Rules.
Income from salary

1. Income under the head ‘salary’ comprises of remuneration in any form (including
perquisites) received by an employee from employer. Thus, there should be
contractual employer-employee relationship. The contract may be express, oral or

Salary is chargeable on due or receipt basis. Arrears of salary paid or allowed are
includible if not charged to income tax for any earlier previous year [section 15 of
Income Tax Act]

‘Salary’ includes “wages, dearness allowance, Bonus, gratuity, annuity or pension,

advance of salary, Fees / Commissions perquisites/ profits received from employer in
addition to salary, Leave encashment while in service, Employer’s contribution to
provident fund in excess of 12% of salary of employee, profit in lieu of salary
[section 17(1) of Income Tax Act]

In Karamchari Union v. UOI 2000 AIR SCW 806 = AIR 2000 SC 1226 = (2000) 109
Taxman 1 = 2000 LLR 897 = 243 ITR 143 (SC), it has been held that CCA (City
Compensatory Allowance), DA (Dearness Allowance) and HRA (House Rent
Allowance) are in nature of income forming part and parcel of salary and are taxable.

1-1 Allowances

House rent allowance –

Exemption will be lowest of

(a) 50% of salary where residential accommodation is in Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi or

Chennai and 40% of at other place

(b) Excess of rent paid over 10% of salary

(c) Actual allowance paid. There will be no exemption if the residential

accommodation is owned by employee or employee has not paid any rent for
residential accommodation used by him [section 10(13A) of Income Tax Act and rule

Salary means basic plus DA (if forming part of retirement benefits) plus commission
(if fixed as a percentage of turnover).

Gratuity - Gratuity for Government employees is fully exempt [section 10(10)(i)]. In

case of employees covered under Payment of Gratuity Act, exemption is upto Rs
3,50,000 to be reduced by such exemptions claimed in the past or 15 days salary for
every completed year of service, whichever is lower.. Salary means basic plus DA (if
forming part of retirement benefits) [section 10(10)(ii) of Income Tax Act] Any other
gratuity is also exempt to same extent [section 10(10(iii)]of Income Tax Act]

Leave encashment - Encashment of earned leave on retirement of employees of

Central/State Govt is fully exempt [section 10(10AA)(i) of Income Tax Act] . Leave
encashment while in service is treated as part of salary. In other cases, leave
encashment of earned leave on retirement will be lowest of 10 months’ salary, Rs
three lakhs or actual sum received [section 10(10AA)(ii) of Income Tax Act]

LTA/LTC - Leave Travel Assistance/Leave Travel Concession is allowed twice in a

block of four years. It is limited to amount actually spent on travelling of employee
and his family members. It is limited to economy class of air fare or AC first class
fare [section 10(5) of Income Tax Act and rule 2B]

The allowance is exempt subject to amount of expenses actually incurred by the

employee for such travel. The employee will have to keep account of actual expenses
incurred. It appears that actual travel by air or AC is not required, but the overall
ceiling on expenses is subject to limit of air fare / rail fare.

VRS (Voluntary Retirement) - It is exempt upto Rs five lakhs if VRS is as per

prescribed conditions.

Medical treatment - Reimbursement of amount actually spent for medical

treatment upto Rs 15,000 is exempt in a financial year. In addition, reimbursement
of insurance premium for self, spouse, children and dependent brothers, sisters and
parents is exempt.

In case of treatment in Government or approved hospital, or expenditure on medical

treatment outside India, reimbursement of medical expenses is exempt without any

1-2 Valuation of perquisites - The employer often gives some perquisites to the
employees. Value of these perquisites is added to the income of employees. The
valuation of perquisites is done as follows :

Rent Free unfurnished Accommodation –

In case of private sector employees, value of perquisite of rent free unfurnished

accommodation is taken as follows –

(a) If owned by employer - If population of city exceeds 25 lakhs - 15%,

(b) if population exceeds 10 lakhs but below 25 lakhs - 10%
(c) In other cases - 7.5%.

In case of Government Employees, value will be rent as per rules framed by

Government, as reduced by sum actually paid

Salary includes basis, DA (if taken into account for retirement benefit), bonus,
commission, fees and all taxable allowances.

Valuation of furnished accommodation - If accommodation is furnished, in

addition to above, 10% of cost of furniture (including TV, radio, refrigerator, AC etc.),
if owned by employer, will be treated as perquisite. If the furniture is hired from third
party, actual hire charges less any amount recovered from employee will be the
Gas electricity or water supply - Some benefits like gas, electricity, water are
valued at actual cost to employer. If these are provided from own sources, value will
be manufacturing cost incurred per unit, less amount recovered from employee.

Domestic servants - Actual cost to employer for sweeper, gardener, watchman or

personal attendant will be value of perquisite.

Use of movable assets - If some movable asset is provided to employee, perquisite

will be @ 10% of the cost of asset or rent paid, as reduced by sum paid by

Loans to employees at concessional rate - Calculate interest on basis of SBI

lending rates, reduced interest paid by employee and difference will be the value of

1-3 Perquisites which will not be added to salary if employer covered under

Remaining perquisites will be considered as Fringe Benefit and will be considered for
FBT. Hence, perquisites like motor car, lunch, refreshment, travelling, touring, gift,
credit card, club etc. will be added to salary only in cases where employer in
individual or HUF and is not liable to FBT.

Valuation of motor car -.If car is owned or hired by employer and provided for
personal purposes of employees, valuation will be expenditure incurred by employer
on running and maintenance plus remuneration of chauffer plus normal wear and
tear @ 10% on actual cost less amount charged to employees.

If motor is partly for official and partly for personal purposes and expenses are
reimbursed by employer, perquisite value per month is Rs 1,2000 per month if
engine cubic capacity is upto 1.6 liters and Rs 1,600 per month if cubic capacity of
engine exceeds 1.6 liters.

If motor is partly for official and partly for personal purposes and expenses are
reimbursed by employer, perquisite value per month is Rs 1,200 per month if engine
cubic capacity is upto 1.6 liters and Rs 1,600 per month if cubic capacity of engine
exceeds 1.6 liters. If chauffer is provided, value of perquisite will be Rs 600 per

If motor is partly for official and partly for personal purposes and expenses are met
by employee, perquisite value per month is Rs 400 per month if engine cubic
capacity is upto 1.6 liters and Rs 600 per month if cubic capacity of engine exceeds
1.6 liters. If chauffer is provided, value of perquisite will be Rs 600 per month.

Other amounts paid - Club fees paid on behalf of employee, insurance premiums
paid on behalf of employee, income tax paid on behalf of employee are all treated as
perquisites and its cost is added to income of employee.

Gifts - Gifts upto Rs 5,000 per year are exempt.

1-4 Deductions from Salary Income - Following deductions are permissible from
salary income -

Professional Tax paid to State Government is allowable as deduction

Entertainment allowance upto Rs 5,000 is allowable to Government employees.

1-5 Exemptions for salary income - Following are exempt from income tax-

Transport allowance upto Rs 800 per month granted to an employee to meet his
expenditure for the purpose of commuting between place of residence and the place
of his duty.

Conveyance and transport allowance granted to employee to meet cost of travel on

tour are exempt. Allowance granted to meet expenditure incurred on conveyance in
performance of duties of an office or employment are exempt. In LIC Officers v. LIC
of India (2000) 112 Taxman 227 (Bom HC DB), it was held that conveyance
allowance is exempt only if expended for meeting expenses wholly and necessarily
incurred or to be incurred in performance of duties of office. Conveyance allowance
at flat rate irrespective of place of residence, work and posting will not be exempt
from income tax.

Conveyance and transport allowance granted to employee to meet cost of travel on

transfer are exempt. Expenses granted to meet cost of travel on transfer and cost of
packing and transportation of personal effects on such transfer are exempt.

Use of employer’s vehicle or transport provided for journey of employee from

residence to his place of work and back is not treated as perquisite and its cost is not
treated as income.

Refreshments during office hours to employees and recreational facilities provided to

group of employees are not treated as perquisites.
Income from House Property

Income from house property consists of buildings and/or lands appurtenant thereto.
However, income only from vacant plot or land is treated as ‘income from other
sources’. Following should be noted.

In case of let out property, income will be ‘fair annual value’ i.e. sum reasonably
expected to be received from letting or ‘actual rent received’ whichever is higher.
Deduction is allowable for unrealized rent.

‘Annual Value or Property’ is the sum for which the property could reasonably be
expected to let from year to year. Municipal Valuation of ratable value can be taken
as one of the tests to determine bonafide value of the property. If the house property
is given on rent, actual rent received will be the ‘annual value of the house property’.

From the ‘Annual Value of House Property’, in case of let out property, following will
be allowed as deduction – (a) Municipal tax – The deduction will be permitted on
actual payment basis (b) Standard deduction of 30% of (gross annual value less
municipal tax) [section 24(a) of Income Tax Act] (c) Interest on capital borrowed to
acquire or construct the house property subject to limit explained below [section
24(b) of Income Tax Act]

Annual Value of a self-occupied property is taken as ‘Nil’, if it is not let out. In such
cases, none of the aforesaid expenses are allowed as deduction. However, if the self-
occupied property is acquired or constructed or repaired from borrowed funds,
interest payable on such funds upto Rs 1,50,000 per annum is allowed as deduction.
Interest on borrowed capital for repairs is allowable as deduction upto Rs 30,000.

Naturally, this will be a ‘loss’ as the annual value of self occupied property is ‘Nil’.
This ‘loss’ can be set off against any other income of the assessee. In other words, if
funds are borrowed to acquire or construct or repair self-occupied property, interest
upto Rs 1,50,000/30,000 paid per annum is allowable as deduction from any other

House property or any portion thereof occupied by the owner for purpose of his
business or profession is excluded and any expense of current repairs, municipal
taxes, depreciation on property etc. is allowable as business expenditure.
Profits and Gains of Business or Profession

Profit and gains of business as specified in section 28 of Income tax Act are taxable.

The term ‘business’ includes trade, commerce or manufacture or adventure or

concern in nature of trade, commerce or manufacture [section 2(13) of Income Tax

‘Professional Income’ is income from exercise of any profession or vocation which

calls for an intellectual or manual skill. It covers doctor, lawyers, accountants,
consulting engineers, artists, musicians, singers etc.

Profits of business or gains from profession are calculated after allowing all legitimate
business expenditure. Some important deductions admissible in computing income
from business or profession are as follows [sections 30 to 36 of Income Tax Act] —

* Rent, rates, taxes, repairs and insurance for business or professional premises
[section 30 of Income Tax Act]

* Current repairs and insurance of machinery, plant and furniture [section 31 of

Income Tax Act]

* Depreciation on building, machinery, plant or furniture [section 32 of Income Tax

Act] (discussed below)

* Revenue expenditure on scientific research [section 35(1) of Income Tax Act]

* Capital expenditure on scientific research related to business (except land) [section

35(2) of Income Tax Act]

* Preliminary expenses in relation to formation of a company or in connection with

extension of an undertaking or setting up of a new industrial unit can be amortised in
5 equal installments over 5 years. The preliminary expenditure is permitted only upto
5% of cost of project [section 35D]

* Insurance expenses [section 36(1)(i) of Income Tax Act]

* Insurance premium on health of employees [section 36(1)(ib) of Income Tax Act]

* Bonus or commission to employees [section 36(1)(ii) of Income Tax Act]

* Interest on borrowed capital [section 36(1)(iii) of Income Tax Act]

* Contributions towards approved provident fund, superannuation fund and gratuity

fund [section 36(1)(iv) and 36(1)(v) of Income Tax Act]

* Bad debts in respect of income considered in previous years can be written off and
allowable as deduction [section 36(1)(viii) of Income Tax Act]
* Banking cash transaction tax [section 36(1)(xiii) of Income Tax Act]

* Advertisement expenditure is fully allowed as deduction. However, expenditure

incurred on advertisement in any souvenir, brochure, pamphlet etc. of a political
party is not allowed as a deduction [section 37(2B) of Income Tax Act]

* Expenditure in maintenance of guest house is permissible as deduction [section

36(1)(i) of Income Tax Act]

* Any other expenditure which is not of capital nature or personal expenses of the
assessee is allowed if it is expended wholly and exclusively for the purposes of
business or profession. However, it should not have been for purpose which is an
offence or is prohibited by any law [section 37 of Income Tax Act]

5-1 Depreciation - Depreciation means diminution in value of an asset on account

of wear and tear and obsolescence.

In any business, raw material is used fully and immediately, while plant and
machinery is used slowly over a period of time. After the estimated life of machinery,
its value becomes Nil. Hence, it is fair that cost of machinery is charged over the
period of its estimated useful life. This is the basic principle of depreciation on capital
goods. Since land does not depreciate, no depreciation is allowed on land.

Under Income Tax, depreciation is calculated on the basis of ‘block of assets’. ‘Block
of assets’ means a group of assets falling within a class of assets, in respect of which
the same % of depreciation rate has been prescribed. e.g. all machinery having rate
of depreciation as 25% will form one block of asset, machinery having 40% rate of
depreciation will form another ‘block of asset’ and so on.

Depreciation is allowed on actual cost of the asset. Interest paid on borrowed funds
and capitalised as pre-commencement expenses before the asset is commissioned is
added to cost of the asset and depreciation claimed on such expenditure. Thus, pre-
production expenditure can be included in cost of the machinery and depreciation
can be charged on such ‘actual cost’. In Chellapalli Sugar v. CIT AIR 1975 SC 97 =
98 ITR 167 (SC), it as held that it includes all expenditure necessary to bring such
asset into existence. [Thus, it will include installation charges]. It was held that
interest on loans upto date of commencement of business forms part of 'actual cost'
of plant for purpose of depreciation.

Depreciation is calculated on Written Down Value (WDV) method. If the asset is put
to use for purpose of business for less than 180 days, only 50% of normal
depreciation is permissible. In other words, full depreciation for the year is
permissible only if asset is commissioned before 30th September of that year.

If depreciation cannot be fully claimed in a particular year for want of profits, the un-
absorbed depreciation can be carried forward for any number of succeeding
assessment years. [section 32(2)].

The depreciation rates in respect of some important assets are as follows :

* Residential building – 5%. Others (including hotels and boarding houses) – 10%.
Purely temporary structures – 100%.

* Furniture and fittings including electrical fittings – 10%

* Motor cars 15% . Buses, lorries, and taxis used in business of running them on hire
– 30%,

* Pollution control equipment and specified energy saving devises - 100%

* General machinery - 15%, aeroplane – 40%, Ships – 20%

* Computers including software - 60%.

* Books by professionals – 100% for annual subscription and 60% for others - books
in library - 100%.

* Intangible assets - know-how, patents, copyrights, trade marks, licenses,

franchises or any other right of similar nature - 25%.

In Mysore Minerals v. CIT 1999 AIR SCW 3146 = 1999(5) SCALE 340 = 239 ITR 775
= AIR 1999 SC 3185 = 106 Taxman 166 (SC), it was held that claimant of
depreciation need not be owner of asset in legal sense. Person in whom for the time
being vests the dominion over the asset and who is entitled to use it in his own right
is eligible to claim depreciation. – followed in Dalmia Cement v. CIT 2000 AIR SCW
4198 (SC 3 member bench).

However, if assessee has not acquired dominion over the asset, he will not be
entitled to depreciation on that asset. – Tamilnadu Civil Supplies v. CIT (2001) 116
Taxman 369 = 2001 AIR SCW 4777 (SC 3 member bench).

Depreciation compulsory – As per Explanation 5 to section 32(1)(ii), inserted

w.e.f. 11.5.2001, depreciation is compulsory in computing total income even if
assessee had not claimed the same. This amendment applies to AY 2002-03
onwards. [In CIT v. Mahendra Mills (2000) 2 SCALE 384 = AIR 2000 SC 1960 = 243
ITR 56 = (2000) 109 Taxman 225 (SC), it was held that assessee has option to claim
or not to claim depreciation. The depreciation cannot be thrust upon him. Now, this
judgement is ineffective from AY 2002-03]

Depreciation in case of imported machinery obtained on loan in foreign

currency – If machinery is imported on loan repayable in foreign currency, the
amount payable in rupees will go on changing due to fluctuations in foreign exchange
rates, as the installments and interest are spread over a period. In such case, the
value of machinery should be increased on basis of entire loan outstanding and not
merely installments of loans that fell due during the accounting period. – CIT v.
Arvind Mills (1992) 193 ITR 255 = 60 Taxman 192 (SC) – quoted and followed in CIT
v. Madras Fertilizers (2002) 124 Taxman 581 (Mad HC DB).

5-2 Expenditure not allowed as deduction - Following expenditures are not

allowed as deduction for purpose of income tax.
Deduction of taxes, interest etc. Only on actual payment basis - Tax, duty,
cess, fees payable under any law, Employer’s contribution to provident fund or ESIC,
bonus to employees, commission to employees, interest on any loan or borrowing
from financial institutions, banks, SFC, leave encashment are eligible as deduction
only if they are paid on ‘due dates’ on which these were payable. Even if these are
not paid on due dates but are paid before filing of return, these are allowed as
deduction, if proof of payment is filed along with the return. However, in case of
employer’s contribution to provident fund, superannuation fund or gratuity fund, the
same is allowed as deduction only if it was paid before due date of payment [section
43B of Income Tax Act]

Expenditure in excess of Rs 20,000 in cash fully disallowed - If expenditure is

incurred in business or profession by payment of cash over Rs 20,000 in a day, entire
expenditure is disallowed [Earlier, 20% of such expenditure was disallowed upto AY
2007-08]. All cash transactions in a day to a party should not exceed Rs 20,000. [Till
31-3-2008, each transaction was considered for the limit of Rs 20,000. Now, total
transactions in a day will be considered [section 40A(3) of Income Tax Act]

Payment over Rs 20,000 should be made by cheque or demand draft.

This restriction is not applicable in case of payments to # RBI, other banks and
financial institutions, LIC # Government payments, payment by book adjustment,
railway freight * Payment for agricultural produce, poultry, fish etc. to the cultivator,
grower or producer (i.e. payments to middlemen are not excluded from this
provision) [rule 6DD]

Similarly, a person can accept loans or deposits of Rs 20,000 or more only by

account payee bank draft or cheque.

Interest on delayed payment to small industries - Interest on delayed payment

made to Small Scale Industries is not allowable as deduction.

Expenditure for any purpose which is an offence in law - Section 37(1) of

Income Tax Act states that any expenditure incurred for any purpose which is an
offence or which is prohibited by law shall not be allowed as deduction.

5-3 Different accounting for balance sheet and income tax purposes - Method
of depreciation, valuation of stock etc. is different under Companies Act and Income
Tax Act. Hence, one method of accounting for income tax and other for Companies
Act is permitted. The practice has been specifically approved in United Commercial
Bank v. CIT 1999 AIR SCW 4050 = AIR 2000 SC 94 = 106 Taxman 601 (SC).

Accounting profits and assessable profits are conceptually different. – CIT v.

Bipinchandra Maganlal (1961) 41 ITR 290 (SC).
Other important provisions in respect of business income

6 Some important provisions in relation to income from business or profession are as

follows -

Maintenance of books of account - In respect of professional in legal, medical,

engineering, architecture, accountancy or technical consultancy must maintain
books, if their gross receipts are less that Rs 1.50 lakhs, they have to maintain such
books of account as may enable Income Tax Officer to compute their taxable Income.
If their gross receipts exceed Rs 1.50 lakhs, they have to maintain books of account
as specified in rule 6F i.e. cash book, journal, ledger, copies of bills exceeding Rs 25
issued by him, original bills in respect of expenditure and payment vouchers etc.
Person carrying on medical profession has to maintain additional books as
prescribed. [Section 44AA and rule 6F]

Persons carrying on business or professionals other than those mentioned above

have to maintain books of accounts if annual income exceeds Rs 1,20,000 or gross
receipts or turnover exceed Rs. ten lakhs in case of business also have to maintain
books of account.

Accounts on mercantile or cash basis - Accounts should be maintained either on

mercantile basis or cash basis. Hybrid i.e. mixed system is not permitted. [In cash
system, income or expenditure is considered only when it is actually received / paid.
In mercantile system, income/expenditure is considered on accrual and payable
basis. Actual receipt or payment may occur in subsequent financial year and may not
happen in that particular year.]

Income tax audit report - If gross receipts or turnover of business exceeds Rs 40

lakhs per annum, the accounts have to be compulsorily audited. In case of
professional income, accounts have to be audited if gross receipts exceed Rs ten
lakhs. This audit report should be submitted along with income tax return, before
30th September. [section 44AB].

Rebate / Exemption from Income Tax Liability

9 Following rebates / exemptions are available.

9-1 Deductions under chapter VI-A and rebates

Investments and deposits - Investments in PPF, Provident Fund, LIC, repayment

of housing loans, NSIC, 5 year FDR with scheduled banks, 5 year time deposit in post
office, deposit in Senior Citizens Saving Scheme etc. are allowed as deduction upto
Rs 1,00,000 u/s 80C.

Deduction of medical insurance premium, pension fund - Following deductions

are permissible - (a) Medical insurance premium upto Rs 20,000 for senior citizen
and Rs 15,000 for others. For the Assessment Year 2009-10, additional deduction of
Rs 15,000 will be allowed if insurance policy of parents is taken (section 80D). (b)
Contribution to pension fund within overall ceiling of Rs one lakh (section 80CCC)
Donations - Contribution to approved charitable institutions - in some cases 50% of
amount paid is allowed as deduction, while in some cases, 100% amount paid is
allowed as deduction (section 80G).

Exemption to EOU, SEZ - Income In case of EOU, STP, EHTP and BTP, the
concession will continue upto 31-3-2010. In case of SEZ, exemption is for larger

Other provisions of Income Tax

10 Certain other important provisions of income tax are discussed here.

10-1 Clubbing of Income - Often salary or other expenses from business are
shown in name of close relatives like spouse (wife / husband) or minor child, to
reduce tax liability. In such case, if the individual has a substantial interest in the
concern, the income of such wife, husband or minor child will be added to the income
of such individual. This is termed as ‘clubbing of income’.

The clubbing provision is not applicable if spouse possesses technical or professional

qualifications and the income is solely due to application of his / her technical
knowledge and experience [section 64(1)(ii) of Income Tax Act]

If an asset is transferred to the spouse, income from such asset is also treated as
income of the individual. [e.g. by transferring shares, house property etc.].

Similarly, if an individual throws his separate property into the property of HUF,
income from such converted property will be included in the total income of such
individual [section 64(2) of Income Tax Act]

The clubbing provision has obviously been made to plug avoidance of income tax
liability, by ‘showing’ some income in the name of spouse / minor child / HUF.

10-2 Set off and carry forward of loss

Carry forward of loss other than speculation loss - Carry forward of loss is
permitted only when return is filed in time. In case of closely held company,
unabsorbed loss can be carried forward only if at least 51% of shares are held
beneficially by same persons who were holding them in previous year.

Unabsorbed depreciation - Unabsorbed depreciation can be set ff against any

head of income other than salary. It can be carried forward to any number of years.
It can be carried forward by same assessee except in case of amalgamation,
demerger and business reorganization.

Speculative loss - Loss from speculative transactions involves sale and purchase of
commodities including stocks and shares. It can be set off against speculative profits
only and can be carried forward for four years.
10-3 Permanent Account Number - Every person whose total sales, turnover or
gross receipts are over Rs 5,00,000 are required to apply and obtain a Permanent
Account Number (PAN) [section 139A].

Any other person can obtain PAN voluntarily.

In addition, ITO can allot PAN suo moto to a person by whom income tax is payable.

Government has decided to use PAN as a common business identification number to

be used by various agencies and departments like customs, excise, DGFT, SEBI etc.

10-4 Advance Income Tax - Tax is deducted from salary payable to an employee.
Since a businessman or professional earns his own income, there is no TDS (Tax
Deduction at Source). Hence, he is liable to pay advance tax as he earns income.
This is ‘Pay Tax as you Earn’. Thus, advance tax is payable on the basis of estimated
income of the current financial year. [The income is ‘estimated’ because, actual
income will be known only after the financial year is over].

Advance tax is payable only in cases where tax payable is in excess of Rs 5,000. The
assessee has to pay advance tax on his own accord and no notice will be issued to
him. The advance tax is payable in installments as follows -

In case of company - # 15% on or before 15th June # 30% on or before 15th

September # 30% on or before 15th December # Remaining 25% on or before 15th
March. If there was shortfall in earlier installment, it should be made up in
subsequent installment.

* In case of partnership firms, proprietors, professionals etc. - # 30% on or

before 15th September # 30% on or before 15th December # Remaining 40% on or
before 15th March. If there was shortfall in earlier installment, it should be made up
in subsequent installment.

Thus, 100% income tax in respect of estimated income of current financial year is
payable by 15th March. If any instalment is not paid on due date, it can be paid

If advance tax is not paid or short paid on due dates, mandatory interest is payable
as follows :

* If advance tax was not paid before 31st March of the financial year, or advance tax
paid was less than 90% of the assessed tax, interest @ 1% per month or part
thereof is payable from 1st April till the month of payment. [section 234B]. The
interest is not payable if total tax liability is less than Rs 5,000 or if at least 90% of
assessed tax was paid before 31st March.

* If installments of advance tax are not paid on due dates, interest on shortfall is
payable @ 1% per month. In case of last instalment which is due on 15th March,
interest @ 1% is payable for one month if tax is not paid at all or is paid after 15th
March. [section 234C]. Note that this interest is calculated only upto 31st March, as
from 1st April, interest @ 1% becomes payable on entire tax due under section
This interest is mandatory and there is no provision to grant exemption form
payment of this interest.

If the return is not filed within due date, interest @ 1% is payable u/s 234B. In
addition, interest @ 1% is payable u/s 234A. Thus, if return is not filed on or before
due date, interest payable is 2% for every subsequent month.

10-5 Special provisions in respect of Partnership firm

A partnership firm is presently assessed on the lines similar to the assessment of a

company. The firm can pay salary and interest on capital to the partners. Income tax
is payable on profits calculated after deducting salary and interest paid to partners.
The salary paid to partners is treated as ‘business income’ in their hands and is
taxable accordingly.

The partnership firm may or may not be registered. However, the partnership must
be evidenced by a partnership deed. The deed should indicate * individual shares of
the partners * Salary payable to working partners * Interest payable to partners. A
true copy of partnership deed certified and signed by all the partners should be filed
along with the first return of income. Subsequently, the copy is not required to be
filed along with every return. However, if there is any change in the partnership
agreement, a fresh copy has to be filed.

Return of partnership firm can be signed by managing partner.

Salary to working partners - The salary payable to partners is as follows -

* Professional partnership firms - # upto book profit of Rs 1,00,000 - 90% of book

profit - minimum Rs 50,000 # On next Rs 1,00,000 book profit - 60% # On balance
of book-profit - 40%.

* Other than professional partnership firms (i.e. business firms) - # upto book profit
of Rs 75,000 - 90% of book profit - minimum Rs 50,000 # On next Rs 75,000 book
profit - 60% # On balance of book-profit - 40%.

The salary can be paid only to working partners. Such payment should be authorised
by partnership deed. This salary is allowed as deduction from income of the
partnership firm and is taken as business income of the individual partner.

Interest to partners - Income Tax Act provides that interest upto 12% paid to the
partners will be allowable as deduction from income of partnership firm [section
40(b)((iv) of Income Tax Act]. [The interest rate was 12% upto 31-5-2002]. Such
payment should be authorised by partnership deed. This interest is allowed as
deduction from income of the partnership firm and is taken as ‘other income’ of the
individual partner.
10-6 Tax deduction at source (TDS)

A person is under liability to deduct income tax at source and pay it to Government.
He should issue a certificate to the person from whom tax is deducted, so that the
person can submit the same to Income Tax authorities. Tax deducted at source
should be paid to Government within one week from date of deduction. At the end of
the year, a return in prescribed form has to be filed with ITO.

TDS is rightly called ‘tedious’, but not deducting tax at source can invite penalties.

As can be seen from following, if the person making payment is individual or HUF, he
is exempt from the provisions of TDS in most of the cases, if he is not required to
submit income tax audit report u/s 44AB. However, TDS provisions apply to (a)
salary payments made by an individual or HUF even if he is not required to submit
any income tax audit report u/s 44AB (b) If the individual/HUF is required to submit
Income Tax Audit report.

TDS from salary - Every employer has to deduct tax from salary of employees.
Payer should calculate tax payable on salary at the [section 192].

While deducting tax at source, the employer can consider the investments made by
employee which qualify for exemption, payment for purchase or construction of
house, mediclaim insurance premium etc. Income tax is to be deducted every month
and should be paid to Government within a week after deduction. The employer can
adjust deductions from month to month so that total deductions from salary of the
whole year is equal to tax payable by employee on salary income.

Deduction under section 80G is not to be considered by employer (except some

specified funds like PM Relief Fund etc.) while calculating tax liability of employee.
The tax relief has to be claimed by employee through tax return.

The employer has to file an annual return of tax deducted at source from all

TDS from Interest other than interest on securities - Tax should be deducted
from interest paid if interest payable in financial year exceeds Rs 10,000 in case of
banks, post office and cooperative society and Rs 5,000 in case of others [section

If recipient is a resident other than domestic company, TDS is as follows - (a) If

recipient is individual/HUF/AOP where aggregate payment or credit is upto Rs 10
lakhs, cooperative society, local authority, firm where aggregate payment or credit
does not exceed Rs one crore - 10.3% (b) If recipient is individual/HUF/AOP where
aggregate payment or credit exceeds Rs 10 lakhs, firm where aggregate payment or
credit exceeds Rs one crore - 11.33%

If recipient is a domestic company, TDS rate is as follows - (a) If recipient is

domestic company where aggregate payment or credit does not exceed Rs one crore
- 20.6% (b) If recipient is domestic company where aggregate payment exceeds Rs
one crore - 22.66%
An individual who is 65 years of age or above can get interest without deduction of
tax at source, if he submits a self-declaration to the payer in duplicate, in form No.
15H. Others have to submit declaration in form 15G.

The payer has to submit one copy of declaration (form 15G/15H as applicable) to
Commissioner of Income Tax under whose jurisdiction his tax is being assessed.

Individuals and HUF are required to deduct tax on interest payment, if they is
required to submit income tax audit report u/s 44AB. Provisions of making payment
of TDS do not apply to small HUF and individuals who do not have to submit income
tax audit report.

TDS from Payments to contractors, sub-contractors and advertising

contracts - TDS provisions apply if contract value exceeds Rs 20,000 for single
payment or Rs 50,000 in aggregate for a financial year [section 194C].

In case of contract other than advertising contract, TDS is at following rates - (a) If
recipient is individual/HUF/AOP where aggregate payment or credit is upto Rs 10
lakhs, cooperative society, local authority , firm/domestic company where aggregate
payment or credit does not exceed Rs one crore - 1.03% (b) If recipient is
individual/HUF/AOP where aggregate payment or credit exceeds Rs 10 lakhs,
firm/domestic company where aggregate payment exceeds Rs one crore - 1.133%

In case of advertising contract, TDS is at following rates - (a) If recipient is

individual/HUF/AOP where aggregate payment or credit is upto Rs 10 lakhs,
cooperative society, local authority , firm/domestic company where aggregate
payment or credit does not exceed Rs one crore - 2.06% (b) If recipient is
individual/HUF/AOP where aggregate payment or credit exceeds Rs 10 lakhs,
firm/domestic company where aggregate payment exceeds Rs one crore - 2.266%

TDS is also required to be deducted, if payment to contractors/sub-contractors is

made by an individual or HUF, who is required to submit income tax audit report u/s
44AB. Provisions of making payment of TDS do not apply to small HUF and
individuals who do not have to submit income tax audit report.

TDS from payment on advertising contracts - See above. Provision of TDS

applies when client makes payment to advertising agency and not when advertising
agency makes payment to the media i.e. print media or elecronic media.

TDS from commission / brokerage – TDS applies in respect of payment of

commission or brokerage to resident. There is no TDS if commission / brokerage paid
during the financial year is less than Rs 2,500. [section 194H]

TDS is at following rates - (a) If recipient is individual/HUF/AOP where aggregate

payment or credit is upto Rs 10 lakhs, cooperative society, local authority ,
firm/domestic company where aggregate payment or credit does not exceed Rs one
crore - 10.3% (b) If recipient is individual/HUF/AOP where aggregate payment or
credit exceeds Rs 10 lakhs, firm/domestic company where aggregate payment
exceeds Rs one crore - 11.33%
TDS provisions are applicable, if payment of commission/brokerage is made by an
individual or HUF, who is required to submit income tax audit report u/s 44AB.
Provisions of making TDS payment do not apply to small HUF and individuals who do
not have to submit income tax audit report.

TDS from Payments of Rent - TDS provisions apply if aggregate sum of rent paid
exceeds Rs 1,20,000 per annum [section 194-I]

The TDS rates vary between 10.3% to 22.66% depending on whether rent is for
plant, machinery, land, furniture etc. and who is the recipient.

TDS provisions are applicable, if payment of rent is made by an individual or HUF,

who is required to submit income tax audit report u/s 44AB. Provisions of making
payment of TDS do not apply to small HUF and individuals who do not have to
submit income tax audit report.

TDS from Payments for professional or technical services - TDS provisions

apply if aggregate sum paid for professional or technical services exceed Rs 20,000
per annum [section 194J]. TDS should be on total payment including reimbursement
of expenses, as per CCBDT circular No. 715 dated 8-8-1995. However, I ITO v. Dr.
Willmar Schwabe (2005) 3 SOT 71 (ITAT), it has been held that reimbursement of
expenses for which bill is separately raised did not attract the provisions of section

TDS is at following rates - (a) If recipient is individual/HUF/AOP where aggregate

payment or credit is upto Rs 10 lakhs, cooperative society, local authority ,
firm/domestic company where aggregate payment or credit does not exceed Rs one
crore - 10.3% (b) If recipient is individual/HUF/AOP where aggregate payment or
credit exceeds Rs 10 lakhs, firm/domestic company where aggregate payment
exceeds Rs one crore - 11.33%

TDS provisions are applicable, if payment for professional or technical services is

made by an individual or HUF, who is required to submit income tax audit report u/s
44AB. Provisions of making TDS payment do not apply to small HUF and individuals
who do not have to submit income tax audit report.

TAN number – Assessee should obtain TAN (Tax Deduction Account Number) which
is required to be quoted on all TDS returns. It is a 10 digit alphanumeric code.

TDS Return – Person who has deducted tax at source is required to file return to
Income Tax department on annual basis. In case of companies, the return is to be
filed on computer media, i.e. for them, filing of e-TDS is compulsory. The form has
been prescribed. ‘Electronic Filing of Returns of Tax Deducted at Source Scheme,
2003’ has been notified by CBDT for this purpose. The return has to be filed in
prescribed form in floppy. NSDL (National Securities Depository Ltd.) has been given
task of handling e-TDS returns.
10-7 No income tax clearance certificate

Income Tax department has discontinued giving Income Tax Clearance Certificates
for various purposes like filing tender, bidding contracts etc. No such certificate will
be issued by Income Tax department. The contractors etc. should quote PAN – CBDT
circular No. 2/2004 dated 10-2-2004.

Income Tax Returns

11 Every assessee should file an annual return in prescribed form. The prescribed
forms are as follows -

Form Applicable to Details

ITR 1 Individuals Salary (including pension
and family pension) and
ITR 2 Individuals and HUF Any income other than
business income
ITR 3 Individuals and HUF Who are partners in firm
but not carrying on
business or profession as
ITR 4 Individuals and HUF Who are proprietors
having income from
business or profession
ITR 5 Firm, AOP, BOI Including return of FBT
ITR 6 Companies except Including return of FBT
charitable companies
claiming exemption
u/s 11
ITR 7 Charitable trusts etc. Including return of FBT
including cases
covered by section
139(4A) to 129(4D)
ITR 8 Persons liable to FBT FBT return only
ITR-V All except charitable Verification form for
trusts who have filed persons who have filed
return electronically return electronically but
without digital without digital signature

The income tax return is really a self assessment memorandum. The assessee should
calculate the tax and interest payable by him and pay it by challan. The payment will
of course be after deducting the advance tax which he might have already paid.
E-return – Beginning has been made in 2003 for electronic filing of return under
Electronic Furnishing of returns of Income Scheme, 2003. Filing of e-return is
compulsory for corporate employees.

Due dates for filing return - The due dates for filing return are as follows -

* (a) Individuals having only salary income (b) Non-corporate assessees

(Individuals, HUF, partnership firms or societies) having income from business or
profession but who do not have to get their accounts audited under Income Tax or
any other law - 31st July

* (a) Non corporate assessees (Individuals, HUF, partnership firms or societies)

having income from business or profession and who have to get their accounts
audited (b) A working partner where the firm in which he is a working partner has to
get its accounts audited (c) Corporate Assessee (d) Persons who have to file return
under one by six scheme – 30th September (Till 2007, it was 31st October).

The dates are mandatory and there is no provision to extend the due date. If the
return is filed beyond due date, mandatory interest @ 1% per month of tax due is
payable. Belated return upto one year beyond due date is permissible. Mandatory
interest is payable, but no penalty is payable. Thus, if no tax was due, belated return
upto one year can be submitted without payment of any interest.

A loss return must be filed in time. Otherwise, the carry forward of loss is not
permitted. However, CBDT can grant extension for submitting return by a loss
making company.

Signature on return - The return should be signed by individual, karta of HUF,

managing partner, managing director etc. In some cases, return can be signed by
authorised representative.

No intimation will be sent by Income Tax Officer, if any tax / interest / refund is not
due on the basis of return of income / wealth filed.

Correction of arithmetical mistakes and incorrect claims – Arithmetical

mistakes and incorrect claim apparent from the return can be corrected by
department and intimation sent to assessee within one year from end of financial
year in which return is made [section 143(1) amended vide Finance Act, 2008]. If no
such intimation is made, acknowledgment of return will be deemed to be an

Scrutiny of returns - Some of the returns are taken by ITO for detailed scrutiny.
Notice for scrutiny has to be served within 6 months from close of financial year in
which return is furnished i.e. by 30th September. The ITO can require assessee to
attend his office or produce evidence in support of the return filed [section 143(2) of
Income Tax Act – section 115WE(2) in respect of FBT]

Payment of tax - The advance tax and self-assessment tax should be paid vide
prescribed challan. Facility of e-payment is available.
FBT (Fringe Benefit Tax)

Employer gives various benefits to employees. The benefits which are individually
given to employee can be identified with the particular employee and taxed in his
hands. However, where benefits are given collectively and it is difficult to identify
individual employee, these should be taxed at the hands of employer.

FBT (Fringe Benefit Tax) has been introduced with this idea in mind w.e.f. 1-4-2005
(AY 2006-07).

However, practically, some benefits which can be identified with individual employee
are taxable under FBT. Similarly, some expenses incurred by employer which hardly
benefit employees are also taxed under FBT.

1-1 Who is ‘employer’?

Employer means a company; a firm; an association of persons or a body of

individuals; a local authority; and every artificial juridical person, not falling within
any of the above. However, “employer” does not include (a) a political party, or (b) a
person who is eligible for exemption under section 10(23C) or registered under
section 12AA of Income Tax Act [section 115W(a) of Income Tax Act]

Thus, a proprietary firm or HUF is not liable to pay FBT. Similarly, Central
Government; a State Government and a political party is not ‘employer’ and not
liable to pay FBT.

Fringe benefit tax will apply to foreign companies if it has employees based in India.
Fringe benefit tax will apply to liaison offices of foreign companies in India if the
liaison offices have employees based in India - CBDT Circular No. 8/2005 dated 29-8-

1-2 When FBT is payable?

As per section 115WA(1), fringe benefit tax is applicable if — (a) Fringe benefits are
provided or deemed to be provided (b) These are provided by an “employer” as
defined in section 115W(a) and (c) These benefits are provided to his employees.

1-3 Quantum of FBT

FBT is in addition to income tax. FBT is payable by employer. FBT is calculated at the
rate of 30 per cent on the “value” of fringe benefits. Surcharge is as follows – (a) In
case of AOP/BOI -10% of tax if fringe benefit is above Rs 10 lakhs (b) In case of
firm, company or artificial judicial person – 10% of tax irrespective of amount of
fringe benefit (c) In case of non-domestic company – 2.5% and (d) In case of local
authority and cooperative society - Nil.

In addition education cess @ 2% and SAH education cess @ 1% is payable.

Thus, total FBT payable is as follows, for Assessment Year 2008-09 and 2009-10 –
Employer is AOP/BOI and fringe benefit is upto Rs 10,00,000 30.9%
Employer is AOP/BOI and fringe benefit exceeds Rs 10,00,000 33.99%
Employer is cooperative society or local authority 30.9%
Employer is non-domestic company 31.6725%

Return of FBT – Return has to be filed by 30th September.

2 Meaning of Fringe Benefit

Fringe Benefits are defined in two parts - (a) Fringe Benefits as defined in section
115WB(1) (b) Deemed Fringe Benefits as defined in section 115WB(2).

Valuation of each fringe benefit is to be done as per provisions of section 115WC.

Perquisites taxable at hands of employees - Perquisites in respect of which tax

is paid or payable by the employee are not taxable as perquisites under FBT.

Transport to employees to and from home - Free or subsidised transport or

allowance provided by the employer to his employees for journeys by the employees
from their residence to the place of work or such place of work to the place of
residence will also not be taxable under FBT.

2-1 Defined fringe benefits

“Fringe benefits”, as defined in section 115WB(1), means any consideration for

employment provided by way of the following -
Privilege or facility to employees - It covers any privilege, service, facility or
amenity, directly or indirectly, provided by an employer, whether by way of
reimbursement or otherwise, to his employees (including former employees). If
any amount is recovered from employee, it will be deducted.

Free or concessional ticket for travel - It covers any free or concessional ticket
provided by the employer for private journeys of his employees or their family
members. It includes free or concessional tickets given by a transport undertaking
to its employees and family members. It is not applicable if such tickets are given
by an employer who is not engaged in the business of transport undertaking. Leave
travel assistance or leave travel concession given by an employer to his employees
is not covered by section 115WB(1)(b). In respect of transport facility provided by a
transport undertaking to its employees, the value of fringe benefit shall be
calculated at “cost” of which the same benefit is provided by the employer to the
public as reduced by the amount, if any, paid by, or recovered from his employees.
The cost at which the ticket is provided by the employer to the general public shall
be the price of the ticket which an ordinary passenger is expected to pay on the
date of purchase of the ticket for the date, time and the class of travel. Similarly, in
a case where an open ticket is issued a number of days in advance but the
reservation is generally confirmed a few hours before departure, the value of the
free or concessional ticket shall be the cost of the ticket which an ordinary
passenger seeking reservation a few hours before departure is liable to pay as
reduced by the amount, if any, paid by or recovered from the employees - CBDT
Circular No. 8/2005 dated 29-8-2005.

Contribution to superannuation fund - It covers contribution by the employer

to an approved superannuation fund for employees. It may be noted that
Employers’ contribution to an approved superannuation fund is subject to fringe
benefit tax. However, employers’ contribution to gratuity fund/provident fund is
not subject to fringe benefit tax. Value of fringe benefit will be 100% of amount in
excess of Rs 1,00,000 for each employee. Thus, contribution upto Rs 1,00,000 per
employee will not be considered as fringe benefit.
Security or sweat equity to employee - It covers any specified security or
sweat equity shares allotted or transferred, directly or indirectly, by the employer
free of cost or concessional rate to his employee and former employees. Value of
fringe benefit will be 100% of fair market value of security or sweat equity on the
date on which the option vests with the employee, less amount paid by employee.
Specified security includes employee’s stock option. Tax will be on securities
allotted under the option and not on option itself.
2-2 Deemed Fringe Benefits

Following benefits shall be deemed to have been provided by the employer to his
employees if the employer has in the course of his business and profession incurred
these expenses [section 115WB(2) of Income Tax Act]

Entertainment - 20% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’.

It includes the reimbursement of entertainment expenditure by an employer to
employees/directors/others and also expenditure on meeting/ get-togethers of
employees and their family members on non-festival occasions including annual day.

Provision of hospitality - 20% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe

benefit’. In case of hotels and carriage of passenger or goods by air/cargo, value of
fringe benefits will be only 5%.

It covers provision of hospitality of every kind by the employer to any person,

whether by way of provision of food or beverages or in any other manner
whatsoever. It includes expenditure on food/meals incurred by employees and later
on reimbursed by employer and expenditure on food and beverages provided by
employer at a training centre taken on hire by employer. However, it does not include
any expenditure on, or payment for, food or beverages provided by the employer to
his employees in office or factory and any expenditure on or payment through paid
vouchers which are not transferable and usable only at eating joints or outlets.

From Assessment Year 2009-10, it will not include pre-paid electronic meal cards
issued to employees.

Conferences - 20% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’. In

case of construction, pharma and software industries, value of fringe benefit will be

It covers any expenditure on conveyance, tour and travel, on hotel, or boarding and
lodging in connection with any conference shall be deemed to be expenditure
incurred for the purposes of conference. It includes expenditure on attending
training programmes organized by trade bodies and on conferences for
agents/dealers/development advisor. However, it does not include the fixed
conference allowance to employees/directors, fees for participation by employees in
any conference (excluding travelling, boarding and lodging expenses) and
expenditure on in house training of employees (excluding travelling, boarding and
lodging expenses).

Sale promotion - 20% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’.

It covers sales promotion including publicity. It includes payment for use of
brand/brand ambassador/celebrity endorsement but not payment to a person of
repute for promoting sales. It expenditure on free offers (with products) such as
freebies like tattoos, cricket cards or similar products, to trade or consumers, but
does not include expenditure on free samples of products distributed to any person.
Expenditure on product marketing research carried on through its own employees is

It does not include the following - (a) Expenditure (including rental) on

advertisement of any form in any print (including journals, catalogues or price lists)
or electronic media or transport system (b) Expenditure on the holding of, or the
participation in, any press conference or business convention, fair or exhibition (c)
Expenditure on sponsorship of any sports event or any other event organized by any
Government agency or trade association or body (d) Expenditure on the publication
in any print or electronic media of any notice required to be published by or under
any law or by an order of a court or tribunal (e) Expenditure on advertisement by
way of signs, art work, painting, banners, awnings, direct mail, electric spectaculars,
kiosks, hoardings, bill boards or display of products or by way of such other medium
of advertisement (f) Expenditure by way of payment to any advertising agency for
the above purposes (g) Brokerage and selling commission paid for selling goods (h)
Expenditure relating to salesmen appointed by distributors for companies’ products
reimbursed through credit notes (i) Sale discount to wholesellers/customers or bonus
points to customers (j) Expenditure on incentives given to distributors for meeting
quantity targets (k) Expenditure on product marketing research paid to an outside
agency (l) Expenditure in the nature of call centre charges for canvassing sales (cold
calls) or carrying out post sales activities (m) Expenditure on making ad-film.

Employees’ welfare - 20% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe

benefit’. Employees’ welfare. It includes the following - (a) Payment for group
personal accident/workman compensation insurance not under a statutory obligation
(b) Medical expenditure reimbursement up to Rs. 15,000 (c) Expenditure on garden,
site cleaning, light decoration etc. in employees colony (d) Expenditure on group
health insurance not under a statutory obligation (e) Expenditure at a
hospital/dispensary for injuries incurred during course of employment (hospital not
run by employer) not under a statutory obligation (f) Subsidy provided to a school
not meant exclusively for employees’ children (g) Reimbursement of expenditure on
books/periodicals to employees (h) Expenditure incurred on prizes/awards to
employees (i) Expenditure on providing transport facility to employees’ children (j)
Expenditure on meeting/ get-togethers of employees and their family members on
non-festival occasions including annual day.
This does not cover any expenditure incurred or payment made to fulfil any
statutory obligation or mitigate occupational hazards or provide first aid facilities in
the hospital or dispensary run by the employer. It also does not include medical
facilities, reimbursement of medical expenses etc. which are not considered as
perquisities of an employee.
From Assessment Year 2009-10, Employees’ welfare will not cover (a) crèche
facility for children of employees (b) Sponsorship of a sportsman who is employee
and (c) Organise sports events for employees.

Conveyance - 20% is treated as Fringe Benefit. It includes (a) Reimbursement of

car expenses including driver salary to employees on the basis of declaration or on
the basis of bills submitted by employees (b) Travelling expenditure/conveyance
expenditure/tour or travel expenditure incurred in respect of a project assigned by a
client which is later on reimbursed by the client (c) allowances for meeting lodging
and boarding given to employees.

It does not include Reimbursement of travelling expenditure/conveyance

expenditure/tour or travel expenditure to a consultant in respect of a project
assigned to him, fixed conveyance allowance/travelling allowance/transport
allowance given to employees/director and expenditure for providing leave travel
concession (LTC) to employees.
Hotel and lodging - 20% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe
benefit’. In case of carriage of passenger/goods by air/ship, pharma and software
industries, value of fringe benefit will be 5%.
It covers use of hotel, boarding and lodging facilities. It includes any expenditure on
use of hotel, boarding and lodging facilities. It also includes reimbursement of hotel
bills to employees/directors. However, it does not include fixed hotel allowance to
Repairs and maintenance of motor cars - 20% of expenditure will be
considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’. In case of carriage of passenger/goods by
car business, value of fringe benefit will be 5%.
It covers repair, running (including fuel), maintenance of motorcars and the
amount of depreciation thereon. It includes expenditure on repair of motor car,
expenditure on running of motor car including fuel, maintenance expenditure of
motor car, depreciation of motor car (as per Income-tax Act), lease rent of motor
car, salary paid to drivers of motor cars, rent of garage for motor cars and interest
on loan taken to purchase motor cars. However, it does not include any
expenditure on running, maintenance of delivery vans, display vans, lorries,
ambulances, tractors, buses, trucks, tempos, etc.
Repairs and maintenance of aircrafts - It covers repair, running (including
fuel) and maintenance of aircrafts and the amount of depreciation thereon. It
includes all expenses as applicable to repair and maintenance of motor cars. 20%
of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’. In case of carriage of
passenger/goods by air business, value of fringe benefit will be Nil.
Telephones - It covers use of telephone (including mobile phone) other than
expenditure on leased telephone lines. 20% of expenditure will be considered as
value of ‘fringe benefit’.
Guest house accommodation - It covers maintenance of any accommodation in
the nature of guest house (other than accommodation used for training purposes).
20% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’. This has been
excluded from fringe benefit from Assessment Year 2009-10.
Festival celebrations - It includes any festival celebration expenditure but does
not include expenditure on celebration on Independence Day and Republic Day.
50% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’ for AY 2008-09
and 20% for AY 2009-10.

Use of health club and similar facilities - It includes reimbursement of health

club expenditure to employees/directors and payment of entrance fees. It does not
include depreciation on club building and fixed club allowance to
employees/directors. 50% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe

Use of any other club facilities - It includes payment for entrance fees to a club
and reimbursement of club expenditure to employees. 50% of expenditure will be
considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’.
Gifts - Gift may be in cash or kind. Even gifts on promotion of company’s products
to distributors/ retailers are covered under fringe benefit. 50% of expenditure will
be considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’.

Scholarships - It includes expenditure on training of employees in an educational

institute. 50% of expenditure will be considered as value of ‘fringe benefit’.
Tour, travel, foreign travel - 5% of expenditure will be considered as value of
‘fringe benefit’.

3 Other provisions
Advertisement not as deemed benefit - The following expenditure on
advertisement shall not be taken as “deemed fringe benefit” * the expenditure
(including rental) on advertisement of any form in any print (including journals,
catalogues or price lists) or electronic media or transport system * the expenditure
on the holding of, or the participation in, any press conference or business
convention, fair or exhibition * the expenditure on sponsorship of any sport event
or any other event organized by any Government agency or trade association or
body * the expenditure on the publication in any print or electronic media of any
notice required to be published by or under any law or by an order of a court or
tribunal * the expenditure on advertisement by way of signs, art work, painting,
banners, awnings, direct mail, electric spectaculars, kiosks, hoardings, bill boards
or by way of such other medium of advertisement * the expenditure by way of
payment to any advertising agency for the purposes of above * the expenditure on
distribution of free samples of medicines or of medical equipment, to doctors * the
expenditure by way of payment to any person of repute for promoting the sale of
goods or services of the business of the employer.

No segregation of capital/revenue/preoperative expenses - All specified

expenses are7 covered under fringe benefit, whether capital or revenue nature -
CBDT Circular No. 8/2005 dated 29-8-2005.

Fringe benefit is not allowable as expense under income tax but can be
shown as expense in P&L account - For the purposes of computation of total
income under the Income-tax Act, fringe benefit tax is not an allowable deduction by
virtue of section 40(a)(ic). However, the accounting treatment of fringe benefit tax
for the purposes of reporting to shareholders and complying with the obligations
under the Companies Act will be governed by the Accounting Standards issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India - CBDT Circular No. 8/2005 dated 29-

FBT is deductible for computing book profit - The fringe benefit tax is an
allowable deduction in the computation of ‘book profit’ under section 115JB - CBDT
Circular No. 8/2005 dated 29-8-2005.

3-1 Advance payment of fringe benefit tax

Every employer shall pay advance tax on his current fringe benefits. The advance tax
shall be payable on basis similar to one under which advance income tax is payable.
The only difference is that advance FBT is payable even if tax is less than Rs 5,000.

Interest - For non-payment/short payment of advance fringe benefit tax, interest

will have to be paid. The mode of computation of interest as provided in section
115WJ(3)/(4)/(5) is similar to the provisions regulating interest for non-payment or
short payment of advance income-tax given in sections 234B and 234C.

4 Fringe Benefit Tax on ESOPs

The Finance Act,2007 has introduced FBT on ESOPs (Employees Stock Option Plan)
w.e.f. Assessment Year 2008-09. The salient features of these provisions are:

(i)FBT shall apply in all cases where any specified security or sweat equity
shares has been allotted or transferred by the employer to his employees;

(ii) FBT shall be payable in the previous year in which such allotment or
transfer has taken place;

(iii)the provisions of this new clause shall apply irrespective of the allotment
or transfer being direct or indirect;

(iv) the provisions of this new clause shall apply irrespective of the allotment
or transfer being free of cost or at concessional rate;

(v) the provisions of this new clause shall apply irrespective of the allotment
or transfer being to current or former employee or employees;

(vi) the provisions of this new clause shall apply in cases where the allotment
or transfer is on or after 1st day of April, 2007.

(vii) the value of fringe benefit in such cases shall be determined in

accordance with the formula


Where, A = the Fair Market Value (FMV) of the specified security or

sweat equity shares on the date of vesting of the option; and
B = the amount, if any, actually paid by, or recovered from the

FBT is payable only if A exceeds B. No FBT is payable where B exceeds


The expressions specified security and sweat equity shares have also been defined.
The value of fringe benefit is subjected to FBT at the prevailing rate, which is
currently 30% plus surcharge plus education cess.

The expression fair market value has been defined to mean the value determined in
accordance with the method as may be prescribed by the Board. Option has been
defined to mean a right but not an obligation granted to an employee to apply for
the specified security or sweat equity shares at a predetermined price.

The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) vide notification S.O. No. 1805(E) dated
23rd October, 2007 has inserted Rule 40C in the income-tax Rules; which has
prescribed the method for determination of fair market value of specified security or
sweat equity share, being a share in the company. Salient features of this rule are:

(i)In a case where, on the date of the vesting of the option, the share in the
company is listed on a recognized stock exchange, the fair market value shall
be the average of the opening price and closing price of the share on that
date on the said stock exchange;

(ii)If on the date of vesting of the option, the share is listed on more than one
recognized stock exchanges, the fair market value shall be the average of
opening price and closing price of the share on the recognised stock exchange
which records the highest volume of trading in the share;

(iii) If on the date of vesting of the option, there is no trading in the share on
any recognized stock exchange, the fair market value shall be,-

(a)the closing price of the share on any recognised stock exchange on

a date closest to the date of vesting of the option and immediately
preceding such date; or

(b) the closing price of the share on a recognised stock exchange,

which records the highest volume of trading in such share, if the
closing price, as on the date closest to the date of vesting of the option
and immediately preceding such date, is recorded on more than one
recognized stock exchange.

(iv)In a case where, on the date of vesting of the option, the share in the
company is not listed on a recognized stock exchange, the fair market value
shall be such value of the share in the company, as determined by a Category
1 Merchant Banker registered with the Security and Exchange Board of India,
on the specified date.

(v) The specified date has been defined as to mean,-

(i) the date of vesting of the option; or

(ii) any date earlier than the date of the vesting of the option, not being a
date which is more than 180 days earlier than the date of the vesting

Further, the Central Board of Direct Taxes has inserted a new rule 40D in the
Income-tax Rules, vide notification S.O. No. 113(E), dated 18-012008, prescribing
the method for determination of fair market value of specified security, not being an
equity share in the company. Through the same notification, rule 40C has been
amended to omit the definition of equity share.

A new section 115WKA has also been inserted enabling the employer to recover the
fringe benefit tax from the employee in respect of specified security or sweat equity
shares, if such security or shares are transferred or allotted to the employee on or
after 1st April, 2007. It has been prescribed that the employer can vary the
agreement or scheme under which such specified security or sweat equity shares has
been allotted or transferred. The agreement or scheme can be varied with a purpose
to recover from the employee the fringe benefit tax to the extent to which such
employer is liable to pay the fringe benefit tax in relation to the allotment or transfer
of such specified security or sweat equity shares to such employee.
Capital Gains

Capital gains means any profit or gains arising from transfer of a capital asset. Such
capital asset may be building, non-agricultural land, machinery, shares, jewellery etc.
However, stock in trade, agricultural land in rural area and personal effects (other
than jewellery) are not ‘capital assets’.

From AY 2008-09, archaeological collections, paintings, sculptures will not be treated

as ‘capital assets’.

Broadly, ‘capital gain’ is the difference between the price at which the asset was
acquired and the price at which the same asset was sold. In technical terms, capital
gain is the difference between cost of acquisition and the full value of consideration.
Incidental expenditure and cost of improvement is allowable as deduction.

The ‘cost of acquisition of capital asset’ is to be increased by Cost Inflation Index.

The index is announced by Central Government every year. The index was 100 for
1981-82, 172 for 1989-90, 244 for 1993-94, 331 for 1997-98, 351 for 1998-99, 389
for 1999-2000, 406 for 2000-01, 426 for 2001-02, 447 for 2002-03, 463 for 2003-
04 and 480 for 2004-05, 519 for 2006-07 and 551 for 2007-08.

The cost of acquisition will be adjusted on basis of the above index and then capital
gain will be calculated. The formula is Cost of acquisition x Cost Inflation Index of the
year in which the asset is transferred / Cost Inflation Index of the year of acquisition.
If the asset was acquired before 1.4.1981, the Cost Inflation Index of that year will
be treated as 100. Thus, if an asset was brought in 1989-90 for Rs one lakh and sold
in 1997-98 for Rs three lakhs, the adjusted cost of acquisition will be (1,00,000 x
331)/172 i.e. Rs 1,92,442, and capital gains will be Rs 1,07,558 (3,00,000 -
1,92,442). Such adjustment is permissible only for long term capital gains and not
for short term capital gains.

Expenditure incurred on any improvement in asset is permitted as deduction and

that cost can also be adjusted on the same principles as above.

If a company issues bonus shares, the cost of acquisition of bonus shares will be
treated as ‘Nil’. Thus, if the bonus shares are sold, net sale proceeds of bonus shares
will be liable to capital gains.

Expenditure incurred in connection with transfer (like stamp duty, registration

charges, legal fees, brokerage etc.) are allowed as deduction. Capital gain is charged
as income of the financial year in which the transfer took place.

Capital gain can be classified as ‘short term’ or ‘long term’. A short term capital gain
is when the asset was held by the assessee for a period of upto 36 months. If the
asset was held for more than 36 months, the gain will be long term gain. The period
is only 12 months (instead of 36 months) in case of shares or any other security
listed in stock exchange or units of UTI or units of mutual fund.
The income tax rate is 20% on long term capital gains, while calculating the long
term capital gains, indexation of purchase price is required. Tax on long term capital
gain shall be subject to ceiling of 10% of capital gains calculated without indexing.

The short term gains are added in other income of the assessee and the income tax
is payable according to the normal rate applicable to the assessee.

In case of short term gains covered under section 111A of Income Tax Act , the rate
is 10% for AY 2008-09 and 15% for Assessment Year 2009-10. Section 111A is
applicable in respect of securities transactions which are subject to securities
transaction tax.

Capital gains arising from sale of residential house is exempt if the original asset (i.e.
the house) was held for more than three years and a new house was purchased
within one year before or two years after the sale of original asset, or a new
residential house is constructed within three years. The cost of new asset (residential
house) should be more than the amount of capital gains [section 54 of Income Tax

Any other long term capital gain is exempt if the capital gains are invested within 6
months in 3 year bonds issued by REC or NHAI and that investment is retained for
three years. Investment cannot exceed Rs 50 lakhs - section 54EC of Income Tax

Income from other sources

All income other than income from salary, house property, business and profession or
capital gains is covered under ‘Income from other sources’. Provisions in respect of
some important sources of ‘other income’ are summarised below.

Dividends - Dividends on shares of domestic companies or units of UTI or mutual

fund received from a company on or after 1-4-2003 will not be taxable at the hands
of the assessee [section 10(34) and 10(35)]. [The dividend distribution tax will be
payable by company/mutual fund u/s 115-O] However, deemed dividend as defined
in section 2(22) of Income Tax Act will be considered as ‘income from other sources’.

Winning from lotteries, races etc. - Winning from lotteries, card games, horse
races are taxable as other income. This is taxable @ 30.3% without claiming any
allowance or expenditure.

Interest on securities, bank deposits and loans - Interest on bank deposits and
loans is treated as ‘other income’, if not taxable u/s 28.

Gifts - Gifts in a year exceeding Rs 50,000, except gifts from certain relatives and
gifts on certain specified occasions will be taxable [section 56(2)(vi) of Income Tax

Income from letting - Income from letting of furniture, machinery, plant and
building which is not separable fro, composite letting with machineries is taxable as
other income. Current repairs, insurance and depreciation are allowed as deductions
[section 56(2)(ii) and (iii) of Income Tax Act]

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