Check and Verify Form
Check and Verify Form
Check and Verify Form
1. Personal Details
Surname Given Name
Full Name Relationship Occupation Phone & Email Address Permanent/current address
3. Do you have any sponsor from Ireland? If yes, please provide details
Full Name Relationship Occupation Phone & Email Address GNIB No/IRP & Address
4. Provide details of your education and qualifications (listing from most recent qualifications
Name of Contact Details
Dates from Dates to obtained & Name of
School/College/university Address/Email/Tel/Website*
Education Board
5. Provide details of your employment history since completing your formal education.
Contact Details
Name of Employer Dates from Dates to Position and salary
6. Provide details of your current employment (If self – Employed, please mention details).
Name of Employer Dates from Dates to Position and salary Employer’s website
Employer’s address Name & Title of contact person & their telephone/mobile
number and email address*
7. Main Sponsor (1) – (you must submit your ITRs and all financial documentation for the
Visa Office to verify the information you have provided for below person).
Name Relationship
Date of Birth* Pan Number*
Mobile / landline Email (Sponsor)*
Home Address
Address & Contact
Bank Name – 1. ITR E-Acknowledgement number
Bank Name – 2.
Signed Date
Main Sponsor (2) – (you must submit your ITRs and all financial documentation for the Visa
Office, to verify the information you have provided for below person).
Name Relationship
Date of Birth* Pan Number*
Mobile / landline Email (Sponsor)*
Home Address
Address & Contact
Bank Name – 1. ITR E-Acknowledgement number
Bank Name – 2.
Check&Verify (C&V)Service
Customer declaration:
I consent to the personal information that I have provided in connection with my visa application being
processed by VFS Global and/or its authorized solution partners strictly for the purposes of checking and
verifying this information and that the supporting documentation provided in connection with my visa
application for (Visa Category) is true and accurate.
Customer’s Signature:
Date: Place:
STEP 1: You will receive an email from [email protected] containing a secure web link for
Bank Statement/ITR Verification.
STEP 2: You must activate the link to complete the verification process by clicking it. Please be assured this
link is genuine and has adequate safeguards embedded to protect your data. Once opened, the link is active
for 20 minutes only.
STEP 3: Enter your correct IRL reference ID on the secure authentication page. Entering an incorrect IRL
reference ID will not allow you to move forward.
STEP 4: Proceed to an encrypted webpage to enter your bank account/ITR login details and complete the
security process. A maximum of two attempts are allowed for entering the right password. No other party,
including VFS Global, can view login data entered into this secure page. Once the process is complete, and
your bank/ITR e-statement is securely fetched, you will receive a ‘thank you’ message.
VFS Global employs robust and exhaustive data protection safeguards at multiple levels (virtual
and physical) and adheres to the highest standards of data security as per the European Union-
mandated General Data Protection Regulation for completion of this process. In case of any queries
with regards C&V service please write to: [email protected]