List of Theses Central Department of Geology, TU

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Lists of Thesis of students

Code Title of Thesis Name of Student Copies Year

Geology of the Agra Khola (Mahesh Khola Area
1 Gopal Man Shrestha 1
Central Nepal) 1979
2 Geology of the Dhading area Central Nepal Devi Nath Subedi 1 1979

3 Geology of Sopyang-Tistung Area , Central Nepal Achyut Koirala 1

Khagendra Nath
4 Geology of Markhu -Tistung Area . Central Nepal 1
Kafle 1981
Geology of Barlung Chat-Jugedi Area Central Jayandra Man
5 1
Nepal Tamrakar 1981
6 Geolmorphological Evaluation of Banepa Village Manju Chetri 1 1993
Lithostrarigraphy of Amlekhjanj -Hetauda Area
7 Prakash Dash Ulak 1 1991
Central Nepal.
Historic Landslide of Nepal During 1902 -1990 A D ,
8 Ram Kumar Khanal 1
Extent and Economic significance 1991
Geology and Fossil Occurrences of Amlekhganj-
9 Lila Nath Rimal 1
Hetauda Area 1991
Lithostrarigraphic and Structural Characteristic of Ganesh Prasad
10 1 1991
The Nisti Khola Dhakal
11 Geology of Amlekhganj Hetauda Area Anant P Gajurel 2 1992
12 Landslides in Nepal in the Period 1970 -1980 1
Karmacharya 1989
13 Geology of Malekhu and Adjoining Area Nir Shakya 1 1987
14 Geology of Malekhu Area Rajendra Pradhan 1 1987
15 Geology of Taruka-Kewal Pur Area Kaustub Man 1 1987
Ground Water Resource Evaluation of Kathmandu 1988
16 Ramesh Gautam 1
Estimation of Basement by Electrical Resistivity
17 Santa Man Rai 1
Survey in Naya Bhanjyang Dhaksi Area Kathmandu
Ground Water Resource Evaluation of Kathmandu
18 Ramesh Gautam 1
Valley 1986
Madan Ratna
19 Geology of Phalabang Area Central West Nepal 1 1990
Geology of Malekhu Buri Gandaki Region Dhading Suresh Dash
20 1
Distric Shrestha 1986
Geohydrology of Terai Region of Saptari Distric
21 Keshav K.C. 1
Eastern Nepal 1985
22 Geology of Malekhu and Adjoining Area Tek Raj Pant 1 1984
G. of Triveni-Barahakshatra Area, Sunsari Subash Chandra
23 1
Dhankuta Sunuwar 1993
Engineering Geol study of the Sildhung Landslide
24 Chet bhadur Gurung 1
in Lanjujg Distric 1993
Petrography of the Siwalik Rocks of the Bardanda Naresh Kaji
25 1
Surai Naka Area Tamrakar 1993
26 Hydrological studies in Parts of Dang Valley Birndra Piya 1 1993
27 Landforms classification of kathmandu valley Damayanti Gurung 1 2048
Lithostratigraphy of Surai Naka-Bardada Area With
28 Raju Gopal Acharya 1
Special Reference to the DhanKhola Area 1993
Hydrological studies in Parts of Mahottari Distries Rajendra Prasad
29 1
Central Nepal Bhandari 1993
Paleomagnetism of Red Sediments of Dubring
30 Dewakar Paudayal 2
Formotion Dang Dewakar Paudayal 1993

Lithostratigraphy of Bardanda-Surai Naka Area with

31 Ghatur Bdr Shrestha 1
special reference to the Surai Khola Formation
Sudarshan Pd
32 Geological Study of Bankas basa Baradanda Area 1
Adhikari 1993
Electrical Resistivity Survey for Groundwater Khum Narayan
33 2
Exploration in Central Chitwan Valley Paudyal 1993
Landslides of Likhu Khola Area along with the study
34 Kiran Kumar Ghimire 1
of Landslides in Nepal 1995
Geology and Petrography of the Siwaliks of the
35 Puskar Nath Ghimire 1
Sindhulmari Area, Central Nepal 1993
Geology of the Siwaliks of Sarlahi and Sindhuli Upendra Ratna
36 1
Districts, Central Nepal Sthapit 1995
General Geology of the Timal Danda and its Yogendra Bdr
37 1
surrounding area, Karve Kayastha 1995
Lithostratigraphy of Bardanda-Ainaka Area with
38 Basant Kafle 2
special reference to the Chor Khola Formation 1993

Geological and Engineering Geological studies of

Churna Bahadur
39 the Agra Khola Basin with a special reference to 1
landslides induced by Disaster of July 19-21, 1993
Geology and Geochemistry of the Patan-Dhung
40 Ajab Singh Mahara 1
gad Area 1995
Engineering Geological and Geophysical
41 Taka Ram Poudel 1
investigations in the Agra Khola Basin 1995
Engineering Geological studies of Landslidesd
42 induced by Disaster of July 19-21, 1993 the Agra Prem Bdr Thapa 1
Khola 1995
Keshar Bdr
43 Engineering Geological Studies in the Khimti Khola 1
Kandangura 1995
Electrical Resistivity Survey for Groundwater
44 Hira lal Moktan 1
Exploration in Western Part of Dhanusha 1995
Lithological variation and Fossil contents of the
45 Fluvio-Lacustrine Sediments of the Kathmandu Dipak Ghimire 1
Valley 1994
Hydrogeological study of Shallow Aquifer in Parts of Surendra Raj
46 1
Parsa Dist Shrestha 1994
Rajkumar Gambhir
47 Springs around the Kathmandu valley 1 1994
Electrical Resistivity Survey for Groundwater Singh
48 Exploration in the Jutpani-Bacchauli Area Eastern Rajendra Pd Khanal 1 1994
Chitwan Dun
Engineering Geological studies of the Butwal
49 Rabindra Thanpe 1 1994
Landslides and its Adjacent area
Narad Kumar
50 Lithostratigraphy of Mirchaiya Katari area 1
Thakuri 1994

51 Sands inKathmandu valley prospects and problems Dilip Kumar Sadaula 1

Geomorphological Evaluation of Karra Khola valley
52 Shova Singh 1
Hetauda Chitwan Dun 1995

A detailed paleomagnetic study of the Redbeds of

53 Soma Nath Sapkota 1
the Dubring Formation, the Lesser Himalaya Dang
Engineering Geological and Geotechnical studies of
54 the Bhedetar-Ranke road, between Km 0+000 and Prathad Baaniya 1
Km 15+850 Eastern Nepal 1999
Geomorphological study of Harpan Khola and
55 Phurse Khola valleys of Pokhara Basin, Central Rosina Mali 1
Nepal 1996
Environmental Geological survey along the Bagmati
56 Jaya Kumar Gurung 1
river in Metropolitan Kathmandu city 1996
Engineering Geological and Geophysical
57 Durga Pd Bashyal 1
investigations in the Dam site of the Khimti 1996
Radial Vertical Electrical Soundings to detect
58 underground Tunnels and cavernous fissures Rajesh Pandit 1
around Davis Fall area Pokhara 1996
General geology of the Ampipal Area with special
59 Vinod Kr Singh 1
reference to Petrography 1996
Geological and Engineering Geogical Studies in the
60 Moti Lal Rijal 1
Arjun Khola Area 1998
Geology of Kulekhani Watershed in Central Nepal
61 with Special reference to Landslides and Mahesh k Regmi 2
weathering 2002
Glacial geomorphological analysis of the Everest
62 region for the reconstruction of recent Bishnu Pd Adhikari 1
palaeoclimatic 1996
Geology of the area between the Kakaru Khola and
63 Shailesh K Thapa 1
the Sunkoshi River Udaypur dist 1999
Study of Groundwater from surface aquifer of
64 Divas Shrestha 1
Kathmandu Valley 1999
geology and Structure of the Lesser Himalaya
65 Lalu Pd Paudel 1
between Pokhara and Kusma 1994
Astudy on the Geology of the Suria Naka-
66 Aghut R Gautam 1
Bardanda Area 1994
Geology of the Piuthan area with special reference
67 Sudhir Rajaure 1
to the Engineering Geology of the Jhimruk
Application of Electrical Logging to estimate
68 Hydraulic parameters of aquifer sediments in Achyut Dangol 2
Northern ground water 2001
Engineering geological study and application of
69 bioengineerign system in stablization of landslides Bam Dev Regmi 1
of Sindhupalchok Dist 2002
Sagar Ratna
70 Landforms in the sediments of Kathmandu valley 2
Bajracharya 1997
Environmental Engineering studies in the Kulekhani
71 watershed with special referenceto Hazard Abha Shrestha 1
mapping around the reservoir
Ground conductivity measurements for the study of
Ganesh Nath
72 the Gokarna landfill site and other areas on the 1
bank of the Bagmati river 2000
Engineering and Environmental geological study of
73 Ranjan Kumar Dahal 1
Kharidhunga Thokarpa Balephi area 1997
Geology and plant fossils from the Siwaliks of
74 Sharawan Gorkahali 1
Godawari area 2001
Engineering geological studies of th Kali Gandaki A
75 Suman Panthi 1
Hydroelectric project area 2000
Ground water potential from the watershed of
76 Naresh Sakya 1
Chandragiri limestone 2002
Engineerign geological mapping and geological
77 Arun Dangol 1
study of the Jiri-Chhange road in Dolakha dist 2002
Engineering geological and geotechnical study in
78 Deepak Chamlagain 1
and around Ilam Hydropower project 2000

Correlation between Electrical Resistivity measured

79 on the surface with hyraulic parameters of Granular Ghan Bd. Shrestha 1
materials in Eastern chitwan Dun valley
Sedimentation in the Kulekhani watershed and its
80 impact on the reservoir of the kulekhani Anirudhra Paudel 1
hydroelectric 2001
Engineering geological watershed management Sambha Pd.
81 1
studies in the kulekhani Lamichanne 2000
Geology of the lesser himalaya of Sindhuli Garhi
82 Dinesh K. Napit 1
Sulibhanjyang Area 1997
Kausal Ratna
83 Geology of Bhaktapur Nagarkot Area 1
Bajhrachraya 2001

84 Engineering geological studies in the Kulekhani Mahesh Singh Dhar 1

Hydrogeologiccal study in Northern parth of
85 Murari Pd. Kharel 1
chitwan Dum Valley
Prakash Chandra
86 Geological study of Arjun Khala Area 1
Paudel 1998
Geological Mapping in the Taplejung window
87 Subesh Ghimere 1
panchthar District 2001
Hydrogeological study in southern part of Dang
88 Birendra Sapkota 1
Valley 2001
Hydrological and Envirnmental Engineering
89 Anita Regmi 1
Investigation of the Saptakoshi River 2001
Enveronmental Engineering Investigating
90 Archana Pradhan 1
Investigation of the saptakoshi 2001

The study on the Groundwater Fluctuation and its

91 Usha Kharel 1
Hydraulic parameters in the kathmandu valley
The Comparative water quality Assessment on
92 ground and surface water sources in kathmandu Pramila Subedi 1
valley 2002
Geology and Tecinical analysis of Lower Tertiary
93 Kabi Raj Paudel 1
coals of Tosh Area 2001
94 Geology of Taplejung area Eastern Nepal Dibya Raj Koirala 1 `2002
Elatrical Resistivity Investigation and Analog
Shayam Hari
95 Modeling fhor Reservoir Infilration and Rock 1
Quality `2001
Engineering Geological and slope stability Studies
96 Maheshwor Khanal 1
of Andhi Khola Syangja District 2001
Stratigraphy Anddepositional Environment of
97 quaternary Sediments Constituting the Eastrin part Keshab Raj Rijal 1
of Dang valley 2002
Geological Mapping and Engineering Gealogical
98 Tej Pd Gautam 1
study in the Northern part of the Taplejung
Geological studies in the Southeastern part of Chandra Prakash
99 1
Taplejung Paudel 2002
Engineering Geological Study Around the Middle Prakash Chandea
100 1
Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Ghimere 2001
Application of Magnetic susceptilty for Sediment
101 Correlation and Deciphering Roadside Polluting in 1
Kathmandu Valley 2002

102 Gealogy of Sundarijal sipaghat area Central Nepal Rajesh Dhungana 1

Exploration and Caleultion of total Natural Gas
103 Suchita Shrestha 1
Reserve at Teku area 2003

Geochemical Analysis and Reserve Estmation of

104 Paresh Raj Pandey 1
the Sinduli Limestone Depasit Sukora Udayapur
Geology Metamorphism and Mineral Resources of
105 Ganesh Raj Joshi 1
the Dadeldhura Area 2003
Engieering Geological and Geotechnical Stydies of
106 Matrika Pd. Koirala 1
the Tinpile- Banchare dada ROAD 2003
Geology and Petrographic Study of the Area from
107 Ganaynadra Gurung 1
Chirauneli khola to thulo khola 2003
Geology and Grade of Metamorphism of the
108 Uddhav K. Mahato 1
Gatlechhi Area Dhading 2003
Studies on Sedionentology and Molluscan Fossils
109 Ujjwala Bajrachraya 1
of the Kathmandu 2003
Engineering Geological study of the Dipayal -
110 Govinda Ojha 1
Mellekhsakarlekh Road 2003
Engineering Geology and the slope stabilily of Annanta Man Singh
111 1
Bungmati Landslide in Bungmati Pradhan 2004
112 Hydrogelogical study of Arsenic Occ Suman Singh 1 2004
Engineering hydrological study of Kodku Khola in
113 Laxmi Devi Maharjan 1
referenceto water supply 2004
Engineering geological and geotechnical studies of
114 Damodhr Lamshal 1
the Phurping-Hetauda road 2004
Engineering geological and geotechnical studies of
115 Seti-Trishuli storage hydroelectric project Gaighat, Sujan Raj Adhikari 1
Tanahun 2004
Engineeing geological and geotechnical studied of Srikrishna
116 1
the Phurping-Hetauda road Lamichanne 2004
Soil erosion and environmental geological study of
117 Bikash Shrestha 1
the Kodku khola 2002
Evaluation of Rupathali sand deposit withreference
118 Arati Chada Pradhan 1
to Mining policy 2004
Application of ground penetrating radar for the
119 Dhruba Mishra 1
building evaluation 2004

Engineering geological and geotechnical studies of Ganesh Pd.

120 1
upper Hewa Khola hydroelectric project, Panchthar Neupane
Geology and landslide hazard mapping in the
121 Pardip Paudel 1
Thankot to Chalnakhel area 2004
Palaeontological investigation of the Siwalik ground
122 Muan Lamichanne 1
along the Chatara-Barahakshetra area 2003
Geomorphological analysis of the Kolpu khola
123 Shana Joshi 1
valley 1999
Geology of the area between the Sunkoshi river Shree Kamal
124 1
and the Kakaru khola Udayapur Dwivedi 1997
Electrical resistivity measurement on Physical
125 Krishna Bd. Basnet 1
models of sand and cement 1997
Distribution of Fluvio-Lacustrine sediments in
126 Rupak Staphit 1
Kathmandu valley 1998
Electrical resistivity survey for groundwater
127 Dushyanta Bhattrai 1
exploration inNorth central part of Morang 1997
Geology of the Kampughat-Chisapani area BishowNath Ray
128 1
Udayapur and Khotang Chaudhary 1997
Hydrogeological condition and water quality of deep
129 Sumesh Amattya 1
tubewells in the Kathmandu valley 1999
General geology and petrography of the rockds of
130 Dharma Raj Khadka 1
Sindhuli Garhi area 1997

Engineering geology and geotechnical studies of

131 Sunil Kumar Dwivedi 1
Kankai storage hydroelectric project, Eastern Nepal
Engineerign Geologicl study for the slope instability
132 Prakash Dhakal 1
inChalnakhel VDC, kathmandu vallley 2003
Engineerign geological study for the slope stability
Amar Bd. Chand
133 of Chobhar landslide in Chobar kirtipur municipality 1
134 Hydrogeological studies in parts of Dang valley Birendra Piya 1 1993
135 Hydrogeological studies in parts of Dhanusa Rajiv Gautam 1 1995
Post project impact studies of Jugeda tubewell Rajendra Prakash
136 1
irrigation project inJugada area of Kailali Bhatta
Detail engineering geology and geotechnical Purushottam
137 1
studies of upper Tamakoshi Silpakar
Applicability electrical resistivity tomography in the
138 Dilli Ram Thapa 1
study of the river valleys, Nepal

139 Study of geology of Tosh area the Northern Dang Manoj Acharya 1
Geomorphological study and drainage basin
140 Dipenda Laudari 1
analysis in the eastern part of Dang valley 2001
Evaluation of rocks of the Tistung formation for
Dev Krishna
141 concretea ggregate, southern part of Kathmandu 1
valley, Tikabhairab area
Study on morphometric characteristics lithology and
142 index properties of the rocks erom from the Chure 1
khola basin 2004
Geology and structure of Shivapuri-Ranipauwa
143 Jyotdra Sapkota 1
area, Central Nepal 2005
Stratigrphy and Metamorphism of Shivapuri- Kushal Nandan
144 1
Ranipauwa area, Central Nepal Pokhrel 2005
Palaeocurrent analysis in quaternary deposits from
145 Santosh Dhakal 1
southern part of Kathmandu valley 2005
Soil erosion in Kahuri watershed and dgeologyog
146 Tara Pd. Bhattrai 1
the adjacent area Udayapur 2005
Study on Modern Fluvial environment and geo-
147 environmental problem inBishnumati river, Basanta raj Adhikari 1
Kathmandu 2005
Hydrogeological study in south-eastern part of
148 Ashok Sigdel 1
Jhapa district
Role of rock and soil materials on water storage
Smita Kumari
149 capacity and quality in eastern part of Jhikhu khola 1
watershed 1999
150 studies on stratigraphy of Kathmandu valley Nirma Shrestha 1 2005
Engineering geological study for the slope instability
151 Prakash Dhakal 1
inChalnakhel vdc, Kathmandu valley 2003
Geologly and structure of Phurping-Raniban area, Kamala Kant
152 1
Central Nepal Acharaya 2003
153 Hydrogeological studies in parts of Bara district Sanjiv K Sakya 1 1995
Geomorphological analysis of Samari khola
154 Binod Tandukar 1
watershed of Makawanpur 1996

155 Groundwater studies in the Terai plain of Morang Tara Niddhi Bhattrari 1
Geological studies around Taplejung area, Eastern
156 Nepal and Landslide hazard mapping of Desh Raj Sonyok 1
Hangdewa-Hireba watershed 2001
Engineering geology and the slope stability of Annanta Man Singh
157 1
Bungmati landslide in Bungmati Pradhan 2004
158 Hydrogeological studies in parts of Siraha dist Khila Nath Dhakal 1 1998

159 Hydrogeological study inBharatpur area, Chitwan Shiva Lal Acharaya 1

Studies on geology and mineral resources of
160 Suhana Mool 1
kathmandu valley sediments 2004
Geological mapping and classification of limestone
161 Diwakar Khadka 1
of the Phulchowki area, Central nepal 2005

Study of Seismic Properties of sediments using

162 Pand S wave and their correlation with mechanical Om Pradhan 1
properties of soft sediments of kathmandu valley

Engineering geological study and stability analysis

163 of Shrawan Danda Jyotinagar landslides, ward no 5 Ashish Ratna Sakya 1
Butwal municipality, Rupandehi
Rock mass classification and design of support
Krishna Pd.
164 systems in Middle Marshyangdi Hydroelectric 1
project, Lamjung 2006
Feasibility of Rexcharging Aqifer Through rainwater
165 Hitendra Raj Joshi 2
in Patan, Lalitpur 2006
Stratigraphy of Lower Tertiary succession, lesser
166 Pragati Adhikari 1
Himalaya Western Nepal 1999

Geotechinical Investigation of Buddhanagar

167 Prakash Jha 1
Bariyarpatti Road and Road trotective Measures
Quality Assessment and Reserve Estimation and
168 Economic Analysis of Roofing Slate in Thorpa Area Nawaraj Neupane 1
Tanahun District 2003
Petrology of Chapagaun Formation with refrence to
169 Natural Resource of Gravel Southern Part of Basnata Devkota 1
Kathmadu Valley 2006

Engineering Geological Studies of The Gravel Babukrishna

170 1
Deposits in The Northern Part of Kathmandu Valley Bhandari
Geomorphological Study of Horpan Khola and
171 Phusre Khola Valley of Pokhara Basin, Central Rasmi mali 1
Nepal 1996
Engineering Geological Studies of Mahankal Fan
172 Sashi Basnet 1
Sundarijalm, Kathmadu Nepal 2001
173 Hydrogeological Studies of Kathmandu Valley Bipin Lamichane 1 2006
Hazard Investigation in The Saptakoshi Valley, Mitra Badahur
174 1
Chatara Chkarghatti Area Khadka 2006

Paleocurrent Analaysis in Quaternary Deposit From

175 Promod Simkhada 1
Northern Part of Kathmandu Valley, Central Nepal
Evaluation of Chandragiri Limestone as a source of
Pravat Chadra
176 Raw material for Cement Industry in Khopasi Area, 1
Kaverpalanchowk, Central Nepal 2006
Deep Aquifer recharge Study through water level
177 Swostik K. Adhikari 1
monitering in Kathmandu Valley 2006
Study on Quality Assessment reserve Estimation in
178 Mining Techniques of Dimension Stone of Khrpa Anita Thapaliya 1
Deposit , Central Nepal 2005
Palentology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment
179 Sudarshan Bhandari 1
of Lukundol Formation 2006
Pleistocene Geology and Soil Conservation Study
180 Yadunath Timsina 1
of Panchkhal Area 2007
Arasenic Contamination in Ground Water Of
181 Saugat Staphit 1
Kathmandu District, Centeal Nepal 2007
Study of Geoenvironmental Problem of Manohara
182 Ramita Bajaracharya 1
River of Kathmandu, Nepal 2006
Geotechinical Study of the Foundation of Bir
183 Ajay Raj Adhikari 1
Hospital Trauma Centre 2007
Strean Bank Condition Erosion Process and Band
184 Erodibility and Lateral Stability Hazard Along The Pramila Shrestha 1
Manohara River 2007
Foundation Evaluatiuon and Slope Stability
185 Analysis In and Around the Proposed Building og Sanjib Sapkota 1
Nepal Medical College, Jorpati 2007
Geology, Geochemistry and Medical Values of
186 Singha Tatopani and Burung Tatopani, Myagdi, Hari Pd. Kadel 1
Western Nepal 2007
Engineering Geology and Geotehnical Studies of
187 Madi Khola Hyderoelectric, Central Shyanga Sudip Shrestha 3
District 2005
Study on the Feasibility of Establishment of Cement
188 Plane on Chandragiri Limestone, Ramdighat Area, Pawan Budhathoki 4
Central Nepal 2005
Qualaiative Mass Movement Hazard Mapping and
189 Geotechnical Investigation of Middle Marshyangdi Suresh Pd. Khanal 2
Hydroelectric Project 2003
Debris Flow Characterstics and Potential in
190 Dudhpokhari area, southwestern Region of Achute Prajapati 1

Spatial And Temporal Changes of Surface Water

191 Quality and Their Contribution in Environmental Puskar Nath Nepal 1
Pollution of The Major River in Kathmandu Valley
Application of SP method for the Study of Gakarna
192 Landfield Site and the Chalnakhel Roadside , Subodha Khanal 1
Kathmandu Nepal 2006
Study of the Gravel of the Rapal River and
193 Narayani River for Construction Material in Central Surendra Maharjan 1
appliation of GPR in Hotspring of Syaphrubesi,
194 Kishna K Shrestha 1
Rasuwa 2007
Geological, Geoengineering and Geotechnical
195 Studies of Kulekhani III Hydroelectic Project, Kangada Prasi 1
Makwanpur District
Hydrology and Flood Hazard Analysis in Dhobi
196 Yojana Neupane 1
Khola, Kathmandu 2007
Enginnering Geology and Geotechnical
197 Investigation of Part of Proposed Outer Ringroad Sadha Gautam 1
(Harisiddhi- Luvhu) 2007
Geology of Lelle Bhardeu Area in Lalitpur District,
198 Dawarika Maharjan 1
Central Nepal 2007
Arsenic Contamination in the Groundwater of Bara
199 Shiv K Baskota 1
District and Its Helath Impact 2007
Evaluation of Aquifer By Electrical Resistivity
200 Surendra Shah 1
Logging Method in Kathmandu Valley 2006
Geology metamorphism and Structure of the Galchi
201 Kumar K.C. 1
- Devighat Area, Central Nepal 2007
Engineering Hydrological and Sedimentation
Ujjwal Kishna
202 engineering Studies of Kankai Irrigation Project, 1
Eastern Nepal 2007
203 Hydrogeological Studies of Banepa Area, Kavre Suresh Shrestha 1 2007
Status of Sand Excavation in Northern Part of
Mamati Syami
204 Kathmnandu Valley with refrence to Spatial 1
Variation of Sand Quality 2007
Geology Mining and Procressing of Okhre
205 Bharat Banjade 1
Limestone Deposit Hetuda, Central Nepal 2008
Study of Mass movement at Chalnakhel Using
206 Surendra Shrestha 1
Seismic Refraction Method 2007
The Study of Spring Water resource in southwest
207 Saroj Maharjan 1
part of Kathmandu 2008
Dynamic Barrier of Soil In Kathmandu Valley and Anil Kumar
208 1
Its Application in Machine Foundation Chaudhary 2007

Geological Wxploration of Dhanbhase Cement

209 Madan Raj Pokhrel 1
Grade Limestone Deposit Chitwan, Central Nepal
Pleistocene Deposits and Environmental Geology
210 Ramhari Sharma 1
of Pokhara Valley 1995
Application of GPR in post construction evaluation
211 Murari Khatiwada 1
amd Monitering 2005
Engineering Geological and Geotechnical Studies
212 of Budhigandaki Hydroelectric Project , Central Ravindra Pd. Dhakal 1
Nepal 2005
Engineering Geological and Geotechnical Studies
213 of Lower Modi Hydroelectric Project, Parbat, Ram Chadra Giri 1
western nepal 2005
Study of Cement Grade Limestone of the Bhainse
214 raju Pd. Sitaula 2
Deposit , Central Nepal 2005
Hydrogeological Study in the Part of Rupendhei
215 Krishna Pd. Ruwali 2
District, Western Nepal 2005
hydrogeological Study in Southwestern Part of
216 Biraj Gautam 2
Banke District, western Nepal 2005
Geological Mapping And Reserve Estimation of
Mahesh Kumar
217 Limestone Deposit of Katunje- Badara Area, 3
Central Nepal 2008
Getechnical Invesigation of Soil Foundation for
218 Shiv Basnet 1
Proposed Commercial Building, Patan, Nepal 2008
Lithostratigraphy and Structural Pattern of the
219 Siwaliks in Dang and Banke District, Midwestern Amar Deep Regmi 1
Nepal 2008
Potential of Shallow Ground Water Recharge
Sudan Bikash
220 Through rain Water Harvesting in Kathmandu 1
Valley, Central Nepal 2008
Geotechnical Characteristics and Slope Stability
221 Analysis of Kappan Landslide, Kathmandu, Central Prabhu Ram Silwal 1
Nepal 2008
Lithostratigraphy and Depositional Environment of
222 Siwalik in Tui Khola Amilige and Sorrumding Area Rishi Gardutaula 1
of Dang District, Midwestern Nepal 2008
Seismic Refraction Investigation of Marshyangdi
223 Sanjiv Regmi 1
Bridge Site 2008
Hydrogeological Studies in the part of Rupendhei
224 Anil Bajrachraya 1
District 1992
Geotechnical Investigation of Lukundol Formation
225 Tsering Dorji Lama 1
Clay for Foundation Charcteristice. 2007
Hydrogeological Study in the Part of Rupendhei
226 Rajesh Shrestha
District, Western Nepal 2008
Hydrogeological Study of Karra khola valley;East of
227 Sunil Raj Paudel 1
Hetauda;Makawanpur 2008
Location of Buried Geological Structure using
Suraj Kumar
228 Ground Fenetrating Radar in Bardibas Central 1
Nepal. 2008
Resistivity Turvey for Rock Quality Invertigation
229 Ganesh Mainali 1
Along the Tunnnel Alignement of the Khimti. 2000

Engineering Geology and the slope stability of Prakriti Raj Joshi

230 Sainbu -Bungamat Landslide in Bungmatl, Lalitfur. 1 2005
Planning and Design of Khortar Khola Limestone
Narayan Banskota
231 Mine. 1 2007
Engineering Geological and Geotechnical Study of
Kapil Bhattarai
232 Likhu Hydroelctric Project. 1 2009
Analysis of BEARING capacity of the raift
Founelation Nepal Telecom Administrative Building Shalina Manandhar
133 Sundhra,Kathmandu
Glacial Nepal.
Geomorpholpgical Analysis of the Everest 1 2009
Region for the Rrconstrution of Recent Bishnu Prasad
234 Palaeoclimatic Changes Adhikari 1 1996

Slope Stability Analysis of the Dumrebesi Landslide Satyam Poudel

235 and Debris flow chitwen District, Nepal. 1.00 2007
Gealogical and engineering Geological Study of
the Dam site Area of Upper Tamakoshi Kumar Khadka
236 Hydroelectric Project, Dolakha, centra Nepal. 1 2009
' Estmation of Dynamic and Liquefaction Properties
Suman Gautam
237 by Shear wave Velocity '' 1 2009
Rock Support Design for the Underground
Structures of Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelecric Kanchan Chaulagai
238 Project Dalakha District, Centraql Nepal. 1 2009
Comparative Hydrogeological Analysis of Lubhoo, Surya Limbu
Harishi and Thecho-- Chapagaon of Lalitpur Central
239 Nepal -- with Reference to Water Supply Systemm, 1 2009
Geology of Tapa- Murkuti Area ,Northeast
Dang,West Nepal with Special Reference to Nam Raj Bhattarai
240 Linestone Deposits, 1 2009
Investigation of Crushed Rock Aggregates for
Unbound Pavement from Adeshwar Area. Sitapila Shrawan Khanal
241 VCD, Kathmandu Central Nepal. 1 2009
Toxic Contamination in the Groundwater of Saptari Hira Bahadur Gharti
242 District and its Health Impact. Magar 1 2008
Applicability of Different Arrays os Electrical Thakur Prasad
Resisitivity Tomography in the study of Marsyangdi Kandel
243 River` 1 2009
Rock Slope stability of right bank of Dam area, Trilok Chandra
middle Marsyangdi hydro-eliectric project, Lamjung Bhatta
244 district, central Nepal 1 2006

Geological Engineering Geological, Geotechnical Jyoti Kumar Kc

study of the Trishuli-Galchhi Hudroelectric Project
245 Nuwakot and Dhading cemtral Nepal 1 2010
Disaster impact and vulnerability Assesment of the
Lesser and Higher Himalaya Between Betrabati Sudip Shrestha
246 and Rasuwa Gadhi,Central Nepal 1 2010
Lithostratigraphy and structural analysis of the
Lesser Himalaya between Betrabati and Rasuwa Bharat Raj Pant
247 Gadhi, Central Nepal 1 2010

Petrological study of the Lesser Himalaya along the Tara Pokherel

248 Gorkha Narayan Gadh section, Central Nepal 1 2010
Lithostratigraphy and structural of the Lesser
Himalaya along the Gorkha Narayan Gadh section Sujan Devkota
249 Central Nepal 1 2010
Engineering geological and Geotehnical
investigation of Rasuwa Gadhi Hydro-Electric Anil Khatri
250 project Rasuwa, Central Nepal 1 2010
Induced Polarization (chargiability) study by using
Manoj Thapa
251 stainless electrode 1 2010
Geological study and reserve estimation of
Kalikatar Limestone Deposit Kalikatar Makwanpur Nabin Osti
252 Nepal 1 2010
Geological Engineering Geological, Geotechnical
study of the Rasuwagadhi Hydroelectric project Bishnu Siwakoti
253 Rasuwa central Nepal 1 2010
Engineering Geological pilot srudy of Balkhu-
Sanepa concret Bridge over Bagmati river in Monika Jha
254 Kathmandu Valley 1 2006
Geological, Enginerring Geological and
Geotechnical Study of Upper Trishuli-3A Narayan Krishna
Hydroelectric project Nuwakot and Rasuwa District Ganesh
255 Central Nepal 1 2010
Geological Mapping and GIS based landslide
hazard Mapping of Northern Kavrepalanchok Ramesh Pandey
256 Central Nepal 1 2010
River dynamics and restoration design of the Nakhu
Binod Maharjan
257 khola 1 2010
Role of Geological Structures and Clay mineralin
the occurrence of Landslide along Mugling- Bhupati Neupane
258 Narayangargh Highway Section 1 2010
Lithostratigraphy and Metamorphism of the Lesser
and Higher Himalay in Betrawati- Rasuwa gadhi Toya Nath Ghimire
259 Langtang area central Nepal 1 2010
Basin analysis of the Northern part of the
Pramod Nepal
260 Kathmandu Valley, Kathmandu Nepal 1 2004

Engineering Geologgical study and slope stability Om prakasah paudel

261 anlaysis of Thankot Landslide Kathmandu Nepal 1 2004

Geological exploration of masrang cement Grode Pankaj Devkota

262 Limestone Deposit, chitwan, central Nepal 1 2010
Lithostratigraphy and strucutre of the Kalanki-
Bishow raj Silwal
263 Trishuli Area Central Nepal 1 2011
Geology, petrography and metamorphism of
Sobit Thapaliya
264 Kalanki- trishuli area central Nepal 1 2011
Landslide Susceptibilty Mapping of the Ghurmi- Subeg Man
265 Dhad Khola area in Eastern Nepal using GIS Bijukchhen 1 2011
Geological and Mineral Resources of the Bandipur
Naresh maharjan
266 Area, Lesser Himalaya, Central Nepal 1 2011
Geology and structure of the kota Baidi area,
Deo Kumar Limbu
267 Tanahu District, Central Nepal Lesser Himalaya 1 2011

Engineering Geological Study of Chameliya Dilendra Raj Pathak

268 Hydroelectrc project Darchula Far Western Nepal 1 2011

Geology of Ghurmi- Dhadf Khola area in west Babu ram Gyawali

269 Nepal with refrence to strain analysis of Mct zone 1 2011
Morpho tectonmic and paleosesmological study
Indira Shiwakoti
270 around the Charnath khola area, central Nepal 1 2012
Engineering Geological And geotechnical study of
the Sanjen khola hydroelectric project Rasuwa, Madhab Lamsal
271 central Nepal 1 2012
Geological, Engineering geological and
geotechnical study of the Bheri- Babai diversion Lelin Raj Dhungel
272 project Surkhet, Mid western Nepal 1 2012
Geological structure and grade of metamorphism in
the Galchi Gajuri area, Dhading District Central Upendra Baral
273 Nepal 1 2006
Geological engineering geological and geotechnical
study of the upper Trishuli-2 Hydroelectric project Kedar Shrestha
274 Rasuwa, Central Nepal 1 2012
Geological seeting, Lithostratigraphy and
metamorphism of Khaum Klippe and its adjacent Roshan Koirala
areas of Tanahun District, Central Nepal,Lesser
275 Himalaya 1 2012
Geology and mineral resource of the Khasaran
Watak area, Tanahu district central Nepal, Lesser Lok Bijaya Adhikari
276 Himalaya 1 2012

Lithostratigraphy,Petrography and metamorphism Saunak Bhandari

277 of Dharan-Mulghat area, Eastern Nepal 1 2012
Geological Engineering Geological and
geotechnical study of the Mai Khola Hydroelectic Puskar Raj Joshi
278 project,Illam, Eastern Nepal 1 2012
Geological study of oil and gas seeps development
Ratnamani Gupta
279 in Dailekh area Mid western Nepal 1 2012
Geology of Dharan-Mulghat area in East Nepal with
special refrence to Microstructure and strain Lalit rai
280 Analysis 1 2012
Lithostratigraphy and structural pattern of the
Siwalik in Surkhet and Bardiya district Midwestern Nirmal Kafle
281 Nepal 1 2012
Engineering geological and Petrographic Study of
the Lesser Himalaya rocks for concrete Aggregrate, Prem Nath Paudel
282 Kabhre area, central Nepal 1 2012
Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Dhankuta
Chintan Timsina
283 Municipality,Eastern Nepal. 1 2011

krishna Prasid
Landslids Susceptibility Mapping of the Ranipauwa Dhungel
284 -Jiwanpur Area in central nepal using GIS. 1 2012
Lithotratigraphy and Structures of the Damauli-
Pramod Pandey
285 Kotbaidi area, Lasser Himalaya, Central Nepal. 1 2012
Study of Deopsiticnal Sedimentary Environment of Sabitra Pokhrel
Nuwakot Complex in Muglin --Bandipur Area of
central Nepal, Lesser Himalaya. 1 2013
Vegetation and Climate from the Siwalik Sediments Bishwa Mani
in the Dudhaure khola Section.(Amlekhganj- Pokharel
287 Hetauda Area) 1 2013
Lithology and Structure of the Presiwalik Rock
Around Katari-patana Bhanjyang Area.Udayapur Narayan Adhikari
288 District,Eastern Nepal. 1 2013

Sedimentological Study of Lithological Succession Dev Kumar Syangbo

South of the MBT,Hetauda-Sukaura
289 Area,Makawanpur`District,Central Nepal. 1 2013

Geology Structure and Metamorphism of the

Laxman Subedi
290 Manahari-Taubas Area,Central Nepal. 1 2013
Landslids Susceptibility Mapping of theSeti Gautam Prashad
Watershed Between Bhimad and Damauli,Western Khanal
291 Central Nepal. 1 2013
Hydrogeological study and Well Site Selection Sabindra Bahadur
Using Geophycal of Bosigaon -Shantibasti Area Shrestha
292 Kathmandu District Central Nepal. 1 2013

Study of River Sediments Construction Aggregates Shailendra Shrestha

293 formthe Trishuli River ,Galchhi Central Nepal. 1 2013
Geological and Petrological Study of Solighopte
(tanahu) to Pokhari (Nawaiparasi)Area of tha Sabit Shrestha
294 Central Nepal, Lesser Himalaya 1 2013

Geological and Petrological Studies of Rocks and

Their Comparisons, Exposed in Malekhu-Markhu Rajan Pudasaini
Section and Muglin-Narayangardh Section of
295 Central Nepal,Lesser Himalaya. 1 2013
Geology of Katari-Patana Bhanjang Area Eastrn
Nepal with Secial Reference to Pertography of Santosh Adhikari
296 Pre.Siwalik Rocks 1 2013
Hydrogeological study on the Formation of Bis
Hazari tal,a Wetland in Chitwan Districe, Central Kabita Karki
297 Nepal 1 2013

Junu Adhikari
298 Groundwater Potential of Chandragiri Buried Valley 1 2013
Hydrogeological study in Western Parts of the
Sushmita Bhandari
299 Chitwan Dun Valley 1 2013
Rock Support Drsign for the Underground Sujan Chandra
Structures of Melamchi water Diversion Scheme Pokharel
300 Project. 1 2013
River Morphology and Flood Hazard Mapping in Bala Ram
301 the Pathariya Khola,far -Western Nepal. Upadhyaya 1 2013
Channel Bar Morphology and Flood Risk Mapping Roshan Raj
302 in Karnnali River ,far -Western Nepal. Bhattarai 1 2013
Geological Mapping and Soil Erosion Investigation
in the Part of Seti Watershed Between Bhimad and Madan Bhattarai
303 Damauli, West Nepal. 1 2013

Rock mass Characteristics and Kinematic Anilysis Jaya Laxmi Singh

of ROCK Slopes of the Lesser Himalaya Thopal
304 Malekhu River area Central Nepal 1 2014
Study of Magnetic Susceptibility Lasser Himalaya
iRock in Between Kathmandu to Damauli Section of Rajendra Acharya
Central Nepal and its Implication for
305 Magnetostartigraphic Correlation 1 2014
Litho- Biostratigraphy of Siwalik Sediments in Arun
Khola Area in Nawalparasi and Palpa Yubaraj Lamichhane
306 Districts ,Western. 1 2014

Chitra Bikram
Geology of Siwalik Succession Binai Khola Area in Tandon
307 Nawalparasi and Palpa Districts, Westren Nepal. 1 2014
Geological Study of the Mardi River Section from
Upallo Dip to Ramche,Lesser Himalaya,Westeren Amit Neupane
308 Nepal. 1 2014
Geological Study and Landslide Scsceptibility
Suman Panday
309 Mapping of Nagarjun-Kakani Area. 1 2014
Geological Study of the Seti River Section from
Gopal Bhandari
310 Lamachaur to Sadhu Khola, Central Nepal. 1 2014

Flood Hazard and Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Shiva Raj Bhandari

Using GIS and Remote Sensing in the Seti River
311 Basion North of Pokhara, Western Nepal. 1 2014
Study of Durability of Rocks from Aggregates from
Thopal--Malekhu River Area, Central Nepal Lesser Krishna Kumar Bista
312 Himalaya. 1 2014
Geotechnical and Geophysical Investigations with
PGA Estimation of the Khathmandu Fun Park Ashim Rijal
313 Project,Thankot,Kathmandu Nepal 1 2014
Engineering Geological, Geotechincal and
Geophysical Studies in Detail Phase of Madi Khola Bharat Prasad
Hydro Electricity Project, Rolpa District,Mid Bhandari
314 Western Nepal 1 2014
Geological Study of the Madi khola Hydropower Kiran Kumar
315 Project Area Ropal District, Westen Nepal. Chaudhary 1 2014
Geological Study of China Limestions Deposit of
Nabin Parajuli
316 Pyuthan Districe Lesser Himalaya 1 2014
Geotechnical Study and Stress Analysis of
Headraci Tunnel of the Kulekhani lll Hydroelectric Mahesh Khanal
317 Project. 1 2014
Safe Bearing Capscity and Settlement Analysis for
an Industrial Bulding Ground at Mashina Rhiju Shrestha1
318 Village,Lumbini Nepal . 2014
Microfabrics and index Properties of rocks from the
Thopal Khola , Malekhu River and Southern Part of Prayag Maharjan
Malekhu -- Dhading Bensi RoadSection Central
319 Nepal, Lesser Himalaya. 1 2014
Late Quateranary Vegetation and Climate from
Deepak Banjade
320 Phaidhoka Section Bhaktapur 1 2014

Geotechnical Study and Comparision Between the

Surface Determination Rock Mass Condition of and Yogendra Mohan
Actual Rock Mass Condition of Headrace Tunnel of Shrestha
Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project Dolakha
321 Central Nepal. 1 2014
Geatechnical and Engineering Geological Study of
Arpan Parajuli
322 the Thuli Bheri Hydroelectric Project Dolpa. 1 2014
Empirical and Numerical Approaches of Tunnel
Support Design for Likhu khola Hydroelectric Navin Shakya
Project, Ramechhap and Okhaldhunga Districts,
324 Nepal. 1 2015
Deep Aquifer Characieristics of Central
Deepak Basnet
325 Groundwatre District in Kathmandu Valley. 1 2015
Geological Structure and Landslide Susceptibility
Analysis Using the Logistic Regression Method Prakash Pokhrel
from Sundar Bajar to Besi Shahar area, Lamjung
326 District,WesternNepal. 1 2015

Modern Fluvial System and Sedimen Provenance Sworup Singh Karki

327 of the Godavari khola ,Central Nepal. 1 2015
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of the Juhan-
Shantipur area of the Gulmi District,West- central Sunil Bikram Thakuri
328 nepal,Lasser Himalaya 1 2015
Geological Study of the Main Central Thrust Zone
Along the Marsyangdi Valley with Emphasis to Lokendra Pandeya
329 Petrography and Microstructures. 1 2015
Petrogarphy and Metamorphism of Sundar Bajar-
Besi Shahar area of Lamjung District,Western Pramod Pokharel
330 Nepal ,Lasser Himalaya. 1 2015
Lithostrtigraphy and Non -Metallic Mineral
Resources of the Sundar Bajar-Besi Shahar area Kamal Pandey
331 Lamjung District, Central Nepal. 1 2015

Recent Fluvial System and Sediment Milan Magar

332 Characteristics of the Malekhu river, Central Nepal 1 2015

Surya Shekhar
Dolomite Resources in Ridi-Shantipur area of Gulmi Khadka
333 District West-Central Nepal, Lesser Himalaya. 1 2015
Study of Streambank Erosion Processes and bank
Stability Condition of the Kodku river, Kathmandu Ishwor Thapa
334 Valley, Central Nepal. 1 2015
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of the Ridi-
Khaireni area of Gulmi District,West- central nepal, Bikash Ran Bhat
335 Lesser Himalaya 1 2015
Suday of Regional Geological Structures in Ridi-
Shantipur area of Gulmi District West-Central Shrawan Shakya
336 Nepal, Lesser Himalaya. 1 2015
Geology of Ridi areaWestern Central Nepal, Lesser Ram Sundar
337 Himalaya. Pyakurel 1 2015

Geomorphic Study in Ridi-Shantipur area of Gulmi Kumar Timalsina

District West-Central Nepal, Lesser Himalaya for
338 the Assessment of the Bad Gad Fault. 1 2015
Geological Study of Copper Deposits in Bharse-
Byapak Yagol
339 Shantipur area, Gulmi Distric,t Lesser Himalaya 1 2015
Study of Meso-Scale Geological Structures and its
Implication for Regional Tectonics in Ridi-Shantipur Amar Singh Rai
area of Gulmi District West-Central Nepal, Lesser
340 Himalaya. 1 2015

Analysis of Shallow Seismic Waves to Determine Pratap Bohara

Geotechnical Site Characterization and
341 Liquefaction Susceptibility in Kathmandu Valley 1 2015
Hydrogeological Study in Thulibeshi Phat of Armala
Valley Kaski District with Special Reference to Bhaskar Khatiwada
342 Recent Occurrence of Sinkholes. 1 2015
Shallow Aquifer Characterization Southern Part of
Anoj Khanal
343 Kathmandu Valley. 1 2015
Study of Spring Water Resources in Chitlang VDC Basanta Kumar
344 of Makawanpur Distrct, Central Nepal. Balami 1 2014
Engineering Geology of the Malekhu Landslide,
Malekhu Khola area,Central Nepal Les Mahesh Raut
345 serHimalaya. 1 2015
Geological and Engineering Geological Study in
Feasibility Phase of the Proposed Dotygad Champak Babu
Hydropower Project area ofDadeldhura District,Far Silwal
346 Western Nepal 1 2015
Engineering Geological Study of Upper Tamakoshi
Hydroelectric Project with an Appraisal on Anup Shrestha
Landslide and Construction Material, Dolakha
347 Central Nepal 1 2014
Geological Study and Landslide Hazard
Assessment in the Besi Shahar tal area (Lasser Subash Acharya
348 and Higher Himalaya)Western Nepal. 1 2015
Geology and River Sand Prospect of Abu Khaireni--
Bima Shahi
349 Dumre Area Central Nepal 1 2015
Geological Setting and Quality of Bandipur
Slate,Tanahu District,Western Nepal Lesser Alina Karki
350 Himalaya. 1 2015
Geological Study of the Bar Bhanjyan- Sundar
Bijay Kumar Thapa
351 Bajar Area Lasser Himalaya,Western Nepal. 1 2015
Sesmic Refraction Survey of Budhi Gandaki
Manoj Khatiwada
35 Hydropower Project, Central Nepal. 1 2015
Evaluation of Landslide Susceptibility in the
Western Outskirt Region of the Kathmandu Valley, Dipak Dahal
353 Central Nepal 1 2015
Study on Geological Setting and the Semi -
Precious Stones in the Marsyagdi Valley From Niraj Singh Thakuri
354 Khudi to Tal,Western Nepal. 1 2015
Assessing and Mapping Bank Erosion and Lateral
Instability Susceptibility in the Kodku River, Sudarshon Sapkota
355 Kathmandu Valley, Central Nepal. 1 2015
Pliocene-Pleistocene Climate Reconstruction from
the Fluvial Lacustring Sediments Based on Plant Dhan Bahadur Khatri
Megafossils in the Kathmandu Valley, Central
356 Nepal. 1 2015
Estimation of Groundwater Recharge in Bara
Santosh Silwal
357 District,Central Nepal. 1 2015

Sediment Properties and Prospect of the Gravelly Sunu Dawadi

Deposit for Aggregate from Downstream Portion of
358 Malekhu khola area , Central Nepal. 1 2016
Study of the Lesser Himalayan Rocks from Sunita Bhattarai
Dimension Stones from the Malekhu --- Chhapdada
359 area ,Dhading District, central Nepal. 1 2016
River Mining and Processing of Construction
Aggregates with Reference to Impact on Jharana Khanal
Morphology and Environment of the Malekhu
360 khola,Central Nepal. 1 2016
Geophysical Study of Moraine Dam of Imja Glacier
lake inEastern Nepal Using Electrical Resistivity Pushpa Raj Dahal
361 Tomography Method. 1 2016
Lithostrtigraphy and Structural Study of Dipayal---
Amrit Dhakal
362 Silgadhi area Doti District Farwestern Nepal. 1 2016
Rock Mass Classification Characterization Their
Parameter Analysis and Classification Correlation Bhim Bahadur Rana
of RockMass Along Melamchi Diversion
363 Tunnel,Sindhupalchok,Kathmandu. 1 2016
Geological Mapping and Petrographic Analysis with
Reference to the Tertiary Sequence of the Ram Datt Joshi
Malikarjun area, Darchula District , Far Western
364 Nepal. 1 2016
Hydrogelegical Mapping ,Groundwater Potential
Evaluation and Physico- Chemical Analysis of Saroj Niraula
365 Spring water of Kakani- Okharpauwa area 1 2016

Study of Metallic Miniral Resources and Geological Arjun Bhattarai

Mapping along Abu Khaireni-Bandipur area West-
366 Central Nepal, Lesser Himalaya 1 2015
Flood Hazard Analysis of the Malekhu khola using
Niraj Bal Tamang
367 Hydraulic Modeling 1 2015
Geological Study of the Siwalik Foothills from
Amlekhgunj to Suparitar area with Special Bikash Thakur
368 Emphasis on Petroleum Exploration 1 2015
Geological Study in the Bar Bhanjyan-Sundar Bajar
area and Morphometric Analysis of the Phaudi Binod Nagarkoti
khola Water shed Marsyangdi River Basin, Lesser
369 Himalaya,Western Nepal. 1 2015
Lithostratigraphy and Structure of the Gokuleshwar-
khalanga area ,Darchula District, far Western Bishnu Upadhayaya
370 Nepal. 1 2016

Rock Mass Characterization and Support Analysis Lekh Prasad Bhatta

Along the Tunnel of Melamchi water Supply
371 Project,Sundarijal-Melamchi,Central Nepal. 1 2016
Study of the Lesser Himalayan Rocks for
Decorative Stones in the Armala area Pokhara Govinda Pathak
372 Valley, Western Nepal 1 2016

Gause and Mechanism of 2014 Jure Rock Rajendra Budhathoki

373 Avalanche in Sindhupalchok District,Central Nepal 1 2016
Geology of Dipayal-Silgadhi area ,far west Nepa
with Reference to Stratigraphy, Petrography and Hari Prasad Khanal
374 Metamorphism. 1 2016
Landslide Susceptibility Assessment and Mapping
in the Chure khola Basin BaraDistrict,Central Prakash Gyawali
375 Nepal ,Sub Himalaya. 1 2016
Groundwater Exploration of Pharsidol to Chovar
area, Southern part of Kathmandu valley, Central Nayan Pokhrel
376 Nepal. 1 2016
Geological and Engineering Geological Study of
Imja Glacierlake and Its Adjoint area ,Western Keshav Jaisi
377 Nepal 1 2016
Study on River Terraces and Karstland form
Sudip Lamsal
378 ofKusma area ,Parbat West Central Nepal. 1 2016
Geological Investigation of River Terraces and
Assessment of Sinkhole Hazard in the Armala area Sabin Sharma
379 Pokhara, Kaski,Nepal.. 1 2016
Stress Analysis Along Tunnel of Melamchi
Diversion Scheme Project with Emphasis on Manoj Bista
380 Discontion Pattern. 1 2016
Status of Springs in Khar area of Darchula
Prabin Chandra k.c
381 District,Far- Western Nepal. 1 2016
Study of Groundwater Recharge Potential from
Kamal Karki
382 Bedrockin Part of Kathmandu Valley. 1 2016
Stday of the Upper Siwalik Conglomerates for
Unbound Pavemett and Concrete Sunil Shanker
Aggregates,Chure khola Hillslop,Bara Pradhananga
383 District,Central Nepal. 1 2016
Rock Mass Characteristics and Engineering
Properties of Quartzites of the Suparitar-Dhorin Prabin Tumbapo
area,Makawanpur District, Central Nepal, Lasser
384 Himalaya. 1 2016
Study on Stream Bank erosion and Stability Status
of the Godavari khola , Southeast Kathmandu Ujwal kumar Maskey
385 Basin Central Nepal. 1 2015
Hydrogelogical Study of Naghdhunga Tunnel Site
Ajit Sapkota
386 Thankot, Kathmandu Nepal 1 2016
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of the
Sirjana Poudel
387 kathmandu Valley, Central Nepal 1 2016
Geological and Engieering Geological Study of the
Tungun and Thosne Khola Hydroelectric Kapil Prasad Phuyal
388 Project,Lalitpur Nepal . 1 2016
An Estimation of Ground Water Recharge in
Nikita Tandukar
389 Mahottari District,Central Nepal. 1 2016

Groundwater Quality Condition Kathmandu Valley Bijay Man Shakya

390 with Special Reference to Isotope Analysis. 1 2017
Structural Geology and microtectonic of Baluwa-
Sameer Poudel
391 barpakbhachchek area of Gorkha district 1 2017
Assessment of Groundwater contamination along
Sabina Khatri
392 the banks of the bagmati river ,ktm 1 2017
Distibution of periglical landforms formed by
permafrost in the higher himalaya,solukhumbhu Tara Gautam
393 district 1 2017
Intrerated water induced hazard mapping of the
Khagendra Poudel
394 patu khola basin ,Dang district 1 2017
Vegetation and climate at around 36700 yrs bp
Nirmal Paneru
395 from the sunakothi formation ,ktm valley 1 2017
Delineation of ground Water potential zone and
earthquake impact in groundwaterer resources in Anuma Shrestha
396 barpak area,west nepal 1 2017
Lithostratigraphy and sandstone petrography of the
area between bardibas and sindhulimadi sub Amit Shrestha
397 nimalaya 1 2017
Slope stability analysis using continous slope mass
rating along the araniko highway from tatopani to Bikash Phuyal
398 barhabisa, sindhupalchock 1 2017
Geological mapping petrography and metemorpism
of jhyallaphat-bhachchek area ,lesser himalaya Lok Mani Oli
399 gorkha district 1 2017
Rockfall hazard and assessment in siddhababa
Ishwor Adhikari
400 area along siddhartha highway,palpa district 1 2017
Geology and paleontology of the chatra- Purushottam
401 barahaksetra area,eastern nepal Adhikari 1 2017
Geotechical study of sinhole affected area,armala
Jivan Bhusal
402 valley, Kaski district 1 2017
Stress anaqlysis and engeering geology of
proposed middle trishuli ganga nadi hydroelectrical Ujjwal Acharaya
403 project,nuwakot 1 2017
Geological study of the river terrace in the kushma
Arjun Bhandari
404 baglung area, Western nepal 1 2017

Geological Mapping and Mineral Prospect of Sanjeew Bhujel

405 Hindunsertun Area , Dhading District, Certral Nepal. 1 2017
Geological, Hydrogelogical and Geophysical
Characteristics of Gokarna area and Its Shahid Muslim
406 Surrounding. 1 2017

Geology and Mineral Resources of Somdan area of Ashish k.c.

407 Rasuwa District,Central Nepal, Lesser Himalaya. 1 2017
Geology and mineral Resources of linjo-lawadung
Balram Bhandari
408 area of dhading lesser himalaya 1 2017

Lithostratigraphy and non metallic mineral resource Kesav Shrestha

409 of the machuwatar area sunsari dhankuta district 1 2017
Engeering studies and stress analysis around the
proposed myagdi hydropower project myagdi Khagendra Dhakal
410 1 2017
Geology and mineral resources of charikot -gongar
area of dolkha district east central nepal lesser Shree Krishna Karki
411 himalaya 1 2017
Reconstruction of vegetation and climate around
780 kyrs from the dharmasthali formation
northwestern part of kathmandu valley on the basis Sima Humagain
412 of plant microfossils 1 2017
Sedimentological and geotechnical characterstics
of the slit in sinkhole affected armala valley kaski Basanta Bhandari
413 district 1 2017
Curve cut slope excavation and stability analysis at
a section of mugling narayanghat road Sarmila Paudyal
414 1 2017
Assessment of spring water resources in melamchi
Karishma Khadka
415 area sindhupalchok district 1 2017
Geological mapping and quality assessment of
Kiran Dahal
416 slate in alampu area dolkha district 1 2017
Hydrogeology mapping of south west part of
kathmandu valley for groundwater resources Rasila Koirala
417 assessment 1 2017
Study on stream discharge and sediment transport Rajkumar lama
in northern tributies of the bagmati river kathmandu ghising
418 basin 1 2017
Geology and mineral prospect of the lapagau area
Kamal kafla
419 of dhading district lesser himalaya 1 2017
Source mecanism of april 25 2015 gorkha
kiran pandey
420 earthquake and 12 may 2015 dolkha event 1 2017

Geological mapping structures and minerals purushottam

resources of Ramche valche jharling in some part Neupane
421 of rasuwa nuwakot dhading district lesser himalaya 1 2017
Delineation of ground Water potential zone in
mountain area of andheri and ghogshila khola Pramod Adhikari
422 catchments sindhuli district 1 2017
Geological structure and balanced cross section of
the siwaliks along the sindhulimadi bardibas section Govind Joshi
423 sub himalaya 1 2017
Evalution of rockfall hazard in the imja glaciers lake
Durga Khatiwada
424 area 1 2017

Geological structure and metallic mineral resources Drona Adhikari

425 of the machuwatar chatara sunsari dhankuta district 1 2017
Geological mapping for stratigraphic and
metamorpic studies in kalikastan bhalche area of Deepak Gautam
426 rasuwa nuwakot district of the central nepal 1 2017
Study on the discharge and sediment transport in
southern tributies of the bagmati river kathmandu Dinesh raj sharma
427 basin nepal 1 2017
Engeering geological mapping geotechnical
Deepak Gautam
428 investigation of the landslide rasuwa 1 2017

Rockfall hazard mapping in the siddhababa area Chhabilal pokhrel

429 along the siddhartha highway western nepal 1 2017
Status of shallow wells of southern part of
Bimal bohara
430 kathmandu valley 1 2017
Landslide susceptibility mapping of melung area
with special emphasis on dadakharka landslide Basanta Rayamajhi
431 dolkha 1 2017
Hydrogeological mapping of north eastern part of
kathmandu valley for groundwater recharge Jinita Shakya
432 assessment of shallow aquifer 1 2017
Geological mapping to study the evolution of ulleri
gneiss and mineral potential in ramche chhyamthali Jharendra kc
area in dhading rasuwa and nuwakot district lesser
433 himalaya 1 2017
Geological study of the lesser himalaya in the
Nawaraj Sapkota
434 kusma baglung area western nepal 1 2017
Vegetation and climate reconstruction based on
plant microfossils from the lukundol formation Maria Maharjan
435 pharsidol area kathmandu valley 1 2017
Status of the shallows wells of the northern part of
Manish Shrestha
436 kathmandu valley 1 2017

Spring inventory dellneation of ground watewr Menuka Gautam

potential zone and impact of gorkha earthquake in
437 spring in lower part of daraudi basin gorkha district 1 2017
Hydrogeological study of the karst terrain and
assessment of sinkhole and subsidence hazard in Ishwor Gyawali
438 the kusma baglung area 1 2017
Current status of the spring after 2015, gorkha
earthquake in bhusunde catchment daraudi sub Gunanidhi Pokhrel
439 basin 1 2017
Frequency dependent damage pattern in the
kathmandu valley due to MW7.8 2015 gorkha Navin Thapa
440 earthquake 1 2017
Seismic site Effects Across Kathmandu Valley,
Bibek Giri
Implications for Basineffects. 1 2018
Groundwater Quality Assessment Along Bagmati
Neelam Maharrjan
442 river Corridor Kathmandu Nepal. 1 2018
Geological Mapping with Accent to Micro-Structures
along Khudi-Bahundanda area of Lamjung District, Sandeep Thapa
443 west-Central Nepal. 1 2018

Sandstone Petrography and Provenance Analysis Saurav Khanal

444 of the Siwalik along Trijuga Valley, Eastern Napal. 1 2018
Assessment of Groundwater Resources of Surkhet
Roshani B.C.
445 valley, Mid- Western Nepal. 1 2018

Assessment of Gronudwater Potential in the Suraj Giri

446 Southern Part of Butwal area,Rupandehi, Nepal. 1 2018
Study on Ephemeral Stream Erosion Causing
Impacts on Settement areas in the Southern Bipin K.C.
Hetauda Region Valley, Central Nepal Sub-
447 Himalaya. 1 2018

Study of Geo-Mechanical Characteristics and Prakash Luitel

Stability of Half- Tunnel Consturction at Dharapani
448 along Besisahar- Chame Road Section, Manang. 1 2018

Distribution of Industrial Effluents on Groundwater Shanti Acharya

and Stream Water in the Surroundings of Lumbini
449 Sugra Industry, Sunwal ,Nepal. 1 2018
Investigations of Spring Line in Sunwal
Shraddha Dhakal
450 area,western Nepal. 1 2018
Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in part of
Panchthar and Taplejung Districts, Eastren Nepal, Mahendra Maharjan
with Special Reference to Hangdewa area.
451 1 2018
Lithostratigraphy of Sub-Himalaya along the Trijuga Surya Prasad
452 valley, Eastren Nepal. Kandel 1 2018
Geological Structure and Balanced cross- section
of the siwaliks along theTrijuga valley, Eastren Ravi Acharya
453 Nepal. 1 2018

Study About Strength Anisotropy and Fracturing Durga Acharya

454 Patterns of rocks According to Loading Direction. 1 2018
Hydrogeogical Studies in western part of Banke
Dipika Shah
455 Districts,Nepal. 1 2018
Groundwater flow Modeling in Between Tinau and
Yamuna Subedi
456 Rohini River,Rupandehi, Nepal. 1 2018
Water Poverty index analysis and Delineation of
Groundwater Potential zone in the Lower Reaches Goma Khadka
of Tamakoshi Sub-Basin,Ramechhap,Province no
457 3, Nepal. 1 2018
Hydrogeogical Studies in western part of Dang
Prama Bhatta
458 District,Provience-5, Nepal. 1 2018
Geology of Naubise- Tistung area ,Lesser
Sanju Khatri
459 Himalaya, central Nepal. 1 2018
Assessment of Groundwater Potential in Lekhnath
Niraj Regmi
460 area ,west Nepal 1 2018
Geological Mapping and Structral analysis along
Badigad Fault
Geology in Shantipur-Wami
and Mineral Resources inTaksar area of
Shantipur- Pashupati Gaire
461 Gulmi-Baglung
wamitaksar aeraDistricts,Western
of Gulmi-BaglungNepal.
Districts western 1 2018
462 Nepal Sushant Sapkota 1 2018
Evaluation of Fine Aggregates from the Budhi Ajay Babu Nayaju
463 Gandaki-Narayani nadi of Nepal. 1 2018

Rock Slope Deformation analysis of Powerhouse Subana Dhakal

Ctu-slope at Middile Bhotkoshi Hydroelectric
464 Project, Sindhupalchok District,Central Nepal. 1 2018
Study on Maturity Status of Fluvial Sediment from Sanjay Singh
465 the Budi Gandaki-Narayani Nadi of Nepal. Maharjan 1 2018
Geology of Taplejung Window and its Surrounding
Region with Emphasis on Petrography and Diwakar Lamichhane
466 Metamorphism. 1 2018
Stratigraphy and Structure of Tectinic window and
Adjoining area in Panchthar and Taplejung Districts Nawaraj Parajuli
467 of Eastern Nepal. 1 2018

Geological Mapping for Mineral Prospecting in the Shashi Tamang

main Central Thrust Zone along Khudi-Bahundanda
468 area of Lamjung District, west Central Nepal. 1 2018
Engineering Geological and Geophysical Study in
Udheri Khola area, Nalgad Hydroelectricity Project, Indra Lamsal
469 Jajarkot. 1 2018
Deformation and Metamorphism of the Kathmandu Subit Chhetri
470 Sappe in the Galchi area, Central Nepal. 1 2018

Palynological Study of the Siwalik Group Sediments Rabin Dhakal

from the Trijuga river Section Eastern Nepal and
471 Their Paleoclimatic Significance. 1 2018
Geological Mapping and Strucutral analysis of
jhimruk khola -arje khola area of Jajarkot Nappe in Ayush Trital
Pyuthan and Gulmi Districts,Western Nepal Wesser
472 Himalaya. 1 2018
Geological Mapping and Strucutral analysis of Lung
khola -jhimruk khola -arje khola area of Jajarkot Kabindra Nepal
Nappe, ,Lesser Himalaya in Pyuthan
473 Districts,Western Nepal 1 2018
Titho- Stratigraphy and Mineral Resources of Lung
Khola- Jhimruk Khola area of Jajarkot Nappe in Prakash Aryal
474 Pyuthan District, Mid- Western Nepal. 1 2018
Stratigraphy and Mineral Resources of Jhimruk
Khola area of Jajarkot Nappe in Pyuthan and Gulm Deepak Sapkota
475 District, Western Nepal.Lesser Himalaya 1 2018
Occurrence Characteristice and Significance of
Pseudotachylytes in the Galchi area, Lesser Subash Gaudel
476 Himalaya,Central Nepal. 1 2018
Assesment of Spring water Resources and water
Quality in Southren west part (Dakshinkali Anupa Paudel
477 Municiplity) of Kathmandu Valley. 1 2018

Groundwater flow Pattern Before Tunneling, During Arjun Kumar Panday

478 Excavation and After Linning of wall of Tunnel Hole. 1 2018
Analysis of Fuilure Mechanism of Natural Rock
Slope by Analytical and Numerical Method; Case Suman Kumar Dulal
479 Study of Jure Rock Avalanche. 1 2018
Study of Deformation of Tunnel Emphasis on
Squeezing ; Study on Lower Modi Hydroelectric Nabin Sapkota
480 Project, Parbat, Nepal. 1 2018
Stress and Deformation Analysis of Powerhouse
Cavern of Rasuwagadhi Hydroelectric Nabin B.k.
481 Project,Rasuwa, Central Nepal. 1 2018

Geological Engineering Geological and Prakash Khanal

Geotechnical Studies of the Tokha- Kabhresthali
482 area,A Proposed Smart City in Kathmandu Valley. 1 2018
Urban Geological Mapping and Geotechnical
Studies of the Bhainepati- Pharsidol area, Lalitpur Sanjay Rizal
483 Metropolitan City 2018
Analysis of Sediment Abrasion Potential in Turbine
by Studying fine Sediments from the Budhi Roman Gantawa
484 Gandaki- Trishuli River of Nepal 1 2018
The Status of Spring Water Resources in the
Santosh Pathak
485 Periphery of Hetauda aera, central Nepal 1 2018
An Estimation of Evaporation from fish pond its
Impact on water Budget in Charpane area, Jhapa Ronash Adhikari
486 District Nepal 1 2018
Activity Consolidation Characteristict and Swelling
Jyoti Khatiwada
487 Potential of Kathmandu. 1 2018
Assessment and Simulation of Landslide Dam
Outburst Flood (ldof) for Syarpu Lake, Midwest Deepak Ghimire
488 Nepal. 1 2018
Evaluation of Coeficient of Restitution for Rock Fall
Simulation in the Siwaliks at the Siddhababa road Milan Bhusal
489 Section 1 2018
Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of the
Singati-Tamakoshi area, North-East, Central Ajaya Chapagain
490 Nepal . 1 2018
Investigations of Sub-Surface Geological and Man-
Made Features in and Around Lazimpat- Arun Dhoj Adhikari
Maharajgunj area, Kathmandu Valley Using Ground
491 Penetrating Radar(GPR) 1 2018
Groundwater Recharce Estmation of part of
Anusha Sharma
492 theRupandehi District, Nepal. 1 2015
Geological and Engineering Study of Dam Site and
Reseroir area of Sunkoshi-2 Hydropower Project, Bipin Adhikari
493 Khurkot area, Eastern Nepal. 1 2018

Geological Engineering Geological and

Geotechnical Studies of the Bhaktapur-Nagarkot
area A Proposed Smart City in Kathmandu Valley.
494 Anuj Ghimire 1 2018
Estimation of Shear Wave Structure and Horizontal
to Vertical Spectral Ratio at Different Sites in
495 Kathmandu Valley. Srijana Poudel 1 2018
Water Quality and Subsurface Sediment Study by
496 Using ert along Bishnumati River Corridor. Bhawana Niraula 1 2018

Evaluation of slope Performance Unuer Earthquake

Loading Around Singati area,Dolakha.
497 Harichandra Budhatho1 2018
498 Evolution History of Krishnabhir Landslide Yugal Paudel 1 2018
Seepage and Stability anaysis of Landslide Dam at
Suresh Adhikari
499 Syarpu Lake MID-Wast Nepal. 1 2018
Urban Geological Mapping and Geotechnical
Studies of the Balkot Suryabinayak area, A Nitesh Subedi
500 Proposed New Town in the Kathmandu Valley. 1 2018
The Relationship Between Large-scale Landslides
Mass and Small-scale Landslides in Southern part Milan Kumar Rai
501 of Kathmandu Valley. 1 2018
Geological and Engineering Geological Studies of
the Sisdole-Banchare Danda Landfill Site with Birat Shretha
Emphasis on Slope Stability of Sisdole Landfill site,
502 Nuwakot,Nepal. 1 2018
Event Based Landslide Hazard Evaluation of
Narayanghat road Section, Lesser Himalaya, Kabita Maharjan
503 Central Nepal. 1 2018
Engineering Geologocal Consequences of the white
Clayey silt Deposit in the Marginal Lake Zones of Aditya Dhungana
504 Pokhara Valley. 1 2018
Roadside Cut slop Stability Assessment along
Narayanghat-Mugling Road section, Lesser Shankar Pantha
505 Himalaya Central Nepal. 1 2018
Geological and Engineering Geological Mapping 0f
Western Surkhet along Gutu Valley and Its Tek Narayan Joshi
506 Adjacent Regions. 1 2018
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Analytical
Hierarchy Process from Jhyllaphat to Barpak Uttam Lamshal
Daraudi Catchment,Gorkha District,west-Central
507 Nepal. 1 2017
Rmr Calculation`and Landslide Susceptibility
Mapping of the Lower Reaches of Reshma Poudel
508 DaraudiWatershed,gorkha District 2017
Engineering Geological and Geophysical Study of
Mai pokhri pond, Ilam with Special Reference to Subodh Niroula
509 Probale Subsurface Water Seepage. 1 2015
Soil Bearing Behaviour of Solar farm,Battar
Sanjeev Karki
510 area,Trishuli Central Nepal. 1 2019
Engineering Geological Investigation of Bajedi
Tara Prakash silwal
511 Landslide in Bajura District,far Western Nepal. 1 2019
The Role of Geological, Geomorphological and
Geotechnical Characteristics in the Evolution of Rabin Rimal
Sunkuda Landslide, Bajhang District,far Western
512 Nepal.
The Role of Geological, Geomorphological and
Geotechnical Characteristics in the Evolution of Rabin Rimal
Sunkuda Landslide, Bajhang District,far Western
513 Nepal. 1 2019
Application of Finite Element and Limit Equilibrium Badri Bahadur
Methods in Stability analysis of Sunkuda landslide, Budhathoki
514 Bajhang District,Nepal. 1 2019
Back Analysis of cut Slop Failures Along Bal Bahadur
515 Kathmandu-Terai FastTrack,Central Nepal. Tamang 1 2019
The Effect of Inhomogeneity on Electrical
Prakash Dhungana
516 Resistivity Tomography (far) Profile. 1 2019

Earthquake Induced Landslide Susceptibility Rajen Bhusal

517 Analysis Along Muglin- Narayangadh Road Section. 1 2019
Determination of Strength Anisotropy of Rocks by
Point Load Test Under Varying Loading Direction Ajita Bhandari
518 and Temperature. 1 2019
Hydrogeological Assessment and Seasonal
Varoation of Grounawater Quality of Malyangdi and Depesh Phulara
519 Lamahe khola Watershed, Parbat, Nepal. 1 2019
Regional Geological Framework from Palpa Klippe
to Jajarkot Nappe Along Tansen-Tamghas Section Sunil Lamsal
520 Western Nepal. 1 2019
Sedimentology of the Karra khola,Makwanpur
Suman Maharjan
521 District, Central Nepal. 1 2019
Assessment of Grounawate Resource of Siraha
District with Detailed Hydrogeological Mapping in Sushmita Luitel
522 Lahan Municipality 1 2019

Well Performance and Hydrochemical Assessment Sadikshya Mainali

523 of Tubewells in and Around Lahan Municipality 1 2019
Geological Mapping and Study of Sedimentary
Structures Rukumkot-Naigad Region,Rukum (East) Kapil Karki
524 District, west Nepal. 1 2019
Geology of the Region Between Rukumkot and
Naigad,Rukum (East) District,with special Praveen Upadhyaya
Reference to Small scale Structures and Kandel
525 Deformation 1 2019
Geology of thr area Around Musikot, Rukum (west)
District, with Emphasis on Petrographic Rishi Raj Baral
526 Characteristice. 1 2019
Lithostrtigraphic and Structural Characteristics of Gyanendra Raj
the aeea Around Musikot in Rukum (west) Sapkota
527 District,Western Nepal. 1 2019
Mirostructures and Deformation History of the
Lesser Himalaya in the Phalebas area Parbat Kulmani Parajuli
528 Districe, western Nepal. 1 2019
Groundwater Quality Assessment in Between
Narayani Nadi and Lithar khola of Chitwan District, Archana Adhikari
529 Nepal. 1 2019

Groundwater Flow Modeling in Between Narayani Rita Bhandari

530 Nadi and Lithar khola of Chitwan District, Nepal. 1 2019
Study on Mannings Roughness Coefficient,
Discharge and Surface Water Quality of the Karra Ananta Joshi
531 khola, Hetauda, Makawanpur District. 1 2019
Study on Floodprone area and Streambank Erosion
Susceptibility of the Karra khola, Hetauda, Rythum Rai
532 Makawanpur District, Central Nepal. 1 2019
Aquifer Mapping and Sensitivity Assessment of
Belsot khola Watershed, Udayapur District,Eastern Jeevan Adhikari
533 Nepal. 1 2019
Geology an Construction Material Resource of
Karra khola Watershed area, Hetauda Bonod Karki
534 Valley,Makawanpur Central Nepal. 1 2019
Study on Provenance Mode of Detrital Sand of the
Suman Roka
535 Karra Khola Makawanpu District 1 2019
Sinkhole and Landslide Hazard Mapping in the
Krishna Pandey
536 Phalebas, Parbat District,Western Nepal 1 2019
Geological Mapping for Hydrogeological and
Sensitivity Analysis of Ghurmi khola Santosh Khanal
537 Watershed,Eastern Nepal. 1 2019
Geological Hydrogeological and Sensitivity
Assessment of Tangting khola Watershed, Jhapa, Ravi Dhimal
538 Eastern Nepal. 1 2019
Geologica Mpping for meso and Micro Structural
Analysis and Tectonic Interpretation of Baletaksar Rabindra Nepal
Resunga Section of Western Nepal, Lesser
539 Himalaya. 1 2019
Geological Study for Prospecting of Metallic
Minerals in Tamghas-Neta Darling- Suwarbhumar Dhurba Kandel
Sections of Gulmi District, Western Nepal,Lesser
540 Himalaya. 1 2019
Water Poverty index Mpping and Delineation of
Groundwater Potential in parts of Marshyangdi, Anisha Dahal
541 Tanahun District. 1 2019
Late Pleistocene Vegetation and Climate Based on
Plant Microfossils from Gokarna fromation , Thali Kabir Sharma
542 Section, Kathamandu Basin, Nepal 1 2019
Modern Fluvial Sedimentology of the Chure
Om Kumar Khadka
543 river,Bara District,Central Nepal Sub-Himala. 1 2019
Seismic site Effects Assessment of Chitwan dun
Nawa Raj Dhakal
544 valley. 1 2019
Study on Durability of Selected Sandstones form
Aadesh Budhathoki
545 the sub -Himalaya of Central Nepal. 1 2019

Sanjay Prasad
Study on Slake Durability Characteristics of Kushwaha
546 Mudrocks form the sub-himalayas,Central Nepal. 1 2019
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Landfill Site
Ashis Acharya
547 Evaluation in Bharatpur, Chitwan. 1 2019
Study of Failure Mechanism and Processes of he
Bajedi Landslide Using Geotechnical, Kinematic Milan Kharel
548 and Numerical Approaches. 1 2019
Geology of Burtibang-Bhimgithi area and
Engineering Geological study of Turture Landslide, Rajan Mahat
549 Baglung District,Western Nepal. 1 2019
Analysis of Ttensile Strenght Anisotropy in Foliated
Rocks and its Effect on Crack Intiation and Sujan Karki
550 Propagation Pattern. 1 2019

Bearing Capacity Evaluation of Kathmandu Clay Sunny Karmacharya

551 Using Conventional and Finite Element Mrthods. 1 2019
Geomorphoogical analysis and Landslide
Susceptibility Mapping of the Kathe khola Sujan Neupane
552 Watershed,Western Nepal. 1 2019
Effect of Loading Direction with Respect to
Anisotropy Upon Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Bishwas Bhandari
553 Rock. 1 2019

Morphometry and Morphology of the Karra khola Manju Subedi

554 Basin,Hetauda Makawanpur District Center Nepal. 1

Dam mass Rating,A Geomechanics Classification, Sunil Man Singh

of theRock mass of Dhap Dam Site,Shivapuri-
555 Nagarjun National Park,Central Nepal. 1 2019

`Determinstic Approach of Landslide Hazard Achyut Nepal

Evaluation and cup slope Analysis Along Bardagat-
556 Daunne-Dumkibas area;Western Nepal. 1 2019
Geological Study for the Development of Geo-
Tourism along Bhairahawa-Tamghas section of Ashish Gautam
557 Province five, western Nepal. 1 2019
Study of Plant Megafossils from Siwalik group
along the Bagmati river Section for Palaeoclimate Vikram Shrestha
558 Implications. 1 2019
Engineering Geological Mapping and Geophysical
Investigation of Devghat area for the Detection of Kewal Thapa Chhetri
Cavities using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
559 Method. 1 2019
Ambient Vibration Measurement for Seismic
Anish Khanal
560 Response of Sediment in Hetauda,Makwanpue. 1 2021
Engineering Geological Evaluation of Soil Properies
in Existing Solid Landfill Site at Bhartpur Asmi Marhatta
561 Metropolitan City,Central Nepal. 1 2021
Geology and Mineral Deposits in Birendranagar-
Ankit kandel
562 Talpokhari area of Karnali Province of Nepal. 1 2021

Groundwater and Surfacf Water Interconnection Amrita Laxmi Mali

Along the Banganga River Section (Downsteream
563 E-W Highway),Kapilvastu District, West Nepal. 1 2021
Sandstone Petrography and Provenance Analysis
of the Siwalik Group along the Jugedi- Ashok Poudel
564 Birendranagar aera,Central Nepal. 1 2021
Geological Studay of Kulikhani-Palung Area of
Binod KC
565 Central Nepal, Lesser Himalaya. 1 2021

Temporal Changes in the Stress Regime on the Bishal Maharjan

566 Seismogenic Zone of 2015 Gorkha Earthquake 1 2021
Assessment of Groundwater Potential and
Hydrogeochemistry of Mai Khola Watershed Ilam Balram Karkee
567 Nepal. 1 2021
Engineering Properties of Siwalik Rocks for
Suitability Analysis of Dimension Stone,Manahari Deepak Shrestha
568 khola, Central Nepal. 1 2021
Engineering Geological Evaluation of Proposed
Landfill Site at Aaptari of Bharatpur Metropolitan Sunita Tiwari
569 city,Central Nepal. 1 2021
Engineering Geological Evaluation of South
Western Part of Parasuram Gyanu Bhandari
570 Municipality,Dadeldhura. 1 2021
Geological Study of Barahakshetra-Lalanitar
Area ,Eastern Nepal with Emphasis on Prafulla Tamrakar
571 Microtectonics and Metamorphism. 1 2021
Geological and Structural Analysis with Balanced
Cross-section in Ghartichhap-Banakhi Nirusha Shrestha
Area,Kavrepalachok and Sindhuli Districts,Central
572 Nepal. 1 2021
Study on Rock Characteristics for Assessing Jit Bahadur Gurung
Hydraulic Erodibility of Sandstones of the Manahari
573 River Section,Sub-Himalaya, Central Nepal 1 2021
Geological Mapping and Geomorphometric
Characterization of Hetauda-Manahari area ,Sub- Sudhir Ranabhat
574 Himalaya, Central Nepal. 1 2021
Geological and Hydrogeological Study and
Sensitivity Assessment in Patu Khola Sudip Sharma
575 Watershed,Mid-Western Nepal 1 2021
Geological, Hydrogeological Sensitivity Assessment
of Lodiya Khola watershed ,Ilam District,Eastern Trilokinath Shah
576 Nepal. 1 2021
Geological Stady to Assess the Mountain Aquifer
System of Belkhada Village of Humla Santosh Sunar
577 District,Karnali Province, Nepal. 1 2021

Geological and , Hydrogeological Studay and Pranjal Poudel

Sensitivity Assessment in Rohini Khola Watershed
578 of Chure-Bhabar Region Western Nepal. 1 2021

Geological and Hydrogeological Study of Dobhan Rajesh Maharjan

579 Khola Watershed of Palpa District Western Nepal. 1 2021
Groundwater Potential Mapping Characterization
and Discretization of Factors for Groundwater Uma Pandey
Occurrences in Bhimtar Aera of Sindhupalchowk
580 District. 1 2021
Assessment of Engineering Properties of River
Sands for Suitability Analysis of Mortar from the Sujata Bhandari
Confluence area of Tadi and Likhu Rivers,Nuwakot,
581 Nepal. 1 2021

Aquifer Mapping and Sensitivity Analysis of Shakti Suresh Acharya

Khola Watershed of Pasaha River System of
582 Churia Bhabarregion,Bara District, Central Nepal. 1 2021
Petrographic Study of the Lesser Himalaya Rocks
of the Surkhet-Dailekh Region ot Assess the Sandeep Mahat
583 Genesis and Metamorphism of the Area. 1 2021

Analysis of Effect of Loading Direction with Respect Ishwor Dahal

to Anisotropy (Plane of Weaknessof Rock) Upon
584 Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Rock 1 2021
Artificial Recharge to Groundwater Using
Geospatial Techniques in Ratu Khola Watershed, Yagya Murti Aryal
585 Central Nepal. 1 2021
Active Faults and Tectonic Evolution of Hetauda
Prajwal Neupane
586 Dun Valley Central Nepal. 1 2021

Relationship Between Hydraulic Conductivity and Ujjwal Kharel

Various Rock Mass Parametre Esmtimated from
587 Borehole and Lugeon Test Data. 1 2021
Slope Stability analysis using Numerical Method at
Rajendra Karki
588 Bahrabise Slope, Central Nepal. 1 2021
Sandstone Petrography and Provenance Anaylsis
of the Siwalik Along Banakhu- Rampur-Marin khola Nitesh Adhikari
area of Kavrepalanchowk and Sindhuli District
589 Central Nepal. 1 2021
Study of Metamorphism and Microstructung at and
Adjacent to Palung Granite in Kalitar-Tistung Subarna Maharjan
590 Section of Central Nepal. 1 2021
Study and Estimation of Block SizeRock mass Prem Bahadur
591 Having Persistent Joint. Khadka 1 2021
Assessment of Springs in Bidur area,Nuwakot
Ashmita Aryal
592 District,Nepal. 1 2021
Evalution of Groundwater Resources on Indo-
Kiran Dahal
593 Grngetic Plain of Jhapa District,Nepal. 1 2021

Geological Study of Lesser Himalaya in the Anil Regmi

594 Putalibazaar -Biruwa area ,Syangja District, Nepal. 1 2021
Study of Engineering Properties of Aggregates for Nirjal aananda
595 Railway Ballast, Rapati Nadi,Central Nepal. Kumar Pokharel 1 2021
Supper Analysis of Soft Ground Tunneling; A Case
Study of Super Madi Hydroelectric Project,Kaski Bhawana Sharma
596 District,Western Nepal. 1 2021
Study on River Dynamics and Characterization of
Downstream Riverbed Materials of Banganga River Govinda Ojha
597 at Mountain Front Section. 1 2021
Assessment of Soil Erosion and Characterization of
Riverbed Materials of Babai bRiver Watershed, Deepa Pokharel
598 Siwalik Nepal 1 2021
Delineation of Groundwater Potential Zone in the
Mountainous Region of Jogmai Watershed,Ilam Samir Acharya
599 District,Eastern Nepal. 1 2021
Investigation of Springs in Pyuthan Municipality,
Niraj Basnet
600 Pyuthan District, Nepal. 1 2021
Study of Groundwater and Surface Water
Interconnection Along the Bangaga River Section Shree Krishna
(Upstream from thr E-W Highway)Kapilvastu Ranabhat
601 District,Nepal. 1 2021
Groundwater Potential Mapping Characterization
and Discretization of Factors for Groundwate Shraddha Dhungana
Occurrence Around Mandandeupur
602 area ,Kavrepalanchok District, Central Nepal. 1 2021
Groundwater Potention Mapping Characterization
and Discretization of Factors for Groundwater Kshamata Bhattarai
Occurrence in Khadadevi-Manthali area of
603 Ramechhap Distirct. 1 2021

Groundwater Potention Mapping Characterization Sunita Magar

and Discretization of Factors for Groundwater
604 Occurrence Around Dudhauli area,Sindhuli. 1 2021
Comparative Assessment of River sand and
Crushed-Rock sand for Suitability Analysis for Ritesh Sapkota
Mortar,Baruwa-Trijuga nadi area,Eastern Nepal sub
605 -Himalaya. 1 2021

Determination of Strength Anisotropy of Slate by Anil Bhandari

Point and Brazilian Tensile Strength Tests Under
606 Varying Loading Directins and Temperatures. 1 2021

Investigation ofsUB-Surface Geological and Man-

Made Features in and Around Tinkune -Chabhil
Section of Ring Road and Adjoining Roads of Basanta Paudel
Kathmandu Metropoliton City Using Ground
607 Penetrating Radar(GPR) 1 2021
Analysis of Joint Parameters and Blasting Pattern
in Order to Increase the Excavation Volume in Rajesh Silwal
608 Tunnel 1 2021

Environmental Sedimentology of Bishnumatiriver, Nabina Timalsena

609 Northwest Kathmandu Basin,Central Nepal. 1 2021
Road cut and Fill Slope Stability Analysis along
the Kanti Rajpath from Chundana to the Simat Anjila Babu Malla
610 khola, central Nepal. 2021
Mineralogical Maturity and Provenance of
Sandstones from Manahari river area,Sub- Srijan Shrestha
611 Himalaya Central Nepal. 1 2021

Geological Structure of Lesser Himalaya along Biren GC

612 Putalibazar-Biruwa area,Syangja District, Nepal. 1 2021
Delineation of Leachate Plume using Geophysical
Method of Sisdol Landfill site, Nuwakot District, Suraj Belbase
613 Nepal 1 2021
Assessment of Groundwater Potential and
Hydrogeochemistry of the Siwaliks in Kankai river Mukesh Nepal
614 watershed, Eastern Nepal. 1 2021
Engineering Geological Investigation of rock Quarry
for Suitability analsis of Unbound Pavement Saugat Khadka
Aggregates, Bhanjyang Kharka area,Kavre, central
615 Nepal. 1 2021
Study on Flow Dynamice and Sediment Yield
Streams Flownig over Siliciclastic Terrain, Sub - Muna Sharma
Himalayas, Hetauda-Basantapur area, central
616 Nepal. 1 2021

Engineering Properties of Gravel for the Suitability Ashok Prasad

analysis of Unbound Pavement,Baruwa-Trijuga Chaudhary
617 nadi area. Sub -Himalaya,Eastern Nepal. 1 2021
Kinematic slope Stability, and rock mass
Characteristics of Sandstone, along the Suman
Sagarmatha Highway Section, Trijuga valley, sub- Sambahamphe
618 Himalaya,Eastern Nepal. 1 2021

Tunnel Displacement analysis and Supprt Design;A Prasmita Ghimire

case study of Super Madi Hydroelectric Project,
619 Adit 2,Gandaki Province, Nepal. 1 2021
Study of Support Systems of Undergound
Excavation; A case Study from Madi Hydroelectric Kamal Thapa
620 Project, 1 2021
Geological Study of the Kamikate khola watershed
Emphasis on Hydrogeology and Major Landslides Bashudev Joshi
621 Assessment,far-west Nepal. 1 2021

Geological Study and Landslide Susceptibility Dilip Thapa

Mapping of Dharan area Covering the sardu khola
622 and the seuti khola watershed,Eastern Nepal. 1 2022/ 79
Geologica Structures of the Tribeni-Pangcha Prabin Pramod
623 area,,Eastern Nepal. Khatiwada 1 2022
Geology and Structure of Shivnath -
Salena,Baiadi,far -west Nepal with special Kabiraj Phiyal
Reference to Microstructure,Strain Analysis and
624 Stress Regime. 1 2022
Lithostratigraphy Petrography,Paleontology and
Mineral Resources of the Shivnath-Melauli-Salena Madhusudan
area ,Lesser Himalaya in Baitadi Sapkota
625 District,Sudurpaschim Province,Nepal. 1 2022
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of the Sakhare
khola Watershed, lawa khola and Buwa khola area Prabin Kishor Bimali
626 South- Eastern Nepal. 1 2022
Comparison Between Two Bivariate Methods of
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping at the Boundary Yubraj Bikram Shahi
Between Jajarkot and Karnali Nappe, Mid Western
627 Nepal. 1 2022
Compressibility of Kathmandu City in Northwest
Sweta Guragain
628 Kathmandu Vaiiy. 1 2022

Landslide Hazard and risk Assessment in Rubi Buddhi Lal Tamang

629 valley Rural Municipality,Dhading ,Central Nepal. 1 2022
Road cut l Slope Stability Assessment along Mid-
Hill Highway from Lumle to Dimuwa, western Amit Bhusal
630 Nepal. 1 2022

Sudhan Kumar
Recogintion of Deep-Seated Landslide Topography Subedi
631 and useto Forecast the Shallow Landslides. 1 2022
Geological Engineering Geological study and
Groundwater Potential Mapping of Bhalubang Babita Rupakheti
632 area,Dang,Lumbini Province. 1 2022
Geological Study of Khairenitar area, Southern part
of Pokhara valley with Emphasis to Stratigraphy Suman Dhakal
633 and Mineral Resouces. 1 2022

Locating the Main Boundary Thrust and Associated Santosh Darji

Engineering Geological Issuse in Between the
634 Mechi river and kakur khola, Eastern Nepal. 1 2022
Sedimentary Environment of Punyamata khola ,
Swostika Goraju
635 Kaver District, Central Nepal. 1 2022
Geological and Hydrogelogical Assessment along
the upper Reaches of the Budhi khola section, Anusha Dahal
636 Province one, Easrern Nepal. 1 2022
Mountain Hydrogeology in Bhimgethi-Devisthan
Section of West-Central Nepal along Badi Gad Asmita Sapkota
637 Fauly. 1 2022

Prospecting Copper in the Jelban-Seram Section of Europe Paudyal

638 the Rolpa District, Lumbini Province, western Nepal 1 2022

Anil Datta
Geology and Paleontology of the Siwalik Ground Chaudhary
639 Around Arjun khola area ,Mid-west Nepal. 1 2022
Geological Mapping and Landslide Susceptibility
analysis of the Lakhandehi khola watershd of the Anup Neupane
640 Sarlahi District, Nepal. 1 2022
Geological Prospecting of Iron from Jelban-Seram
Uttam Sharma
641 section of Rolpa District,Western Nepal. 1 2022
Seepage and soil Stability in Topographic Hollow of
Ashok Kc
642 Tarebhir area, Kathmandu. 1
Deterministic Landslide Hazard Assessment of
Yuvaraj Poudel
643 Kushma-1,Parbat,Nepal. 1 2022
Mapping of the Main Boundary Thrust and
Sensitivity analysis along the Kamala river to the Rhythm Lamichhane
644 Narayani river,Central Nepal. 1 2022
Geological and Hydrogelogical Studies and Geo-
Hazard Assessment of the Khutti khola Sumitra Dhungana
645 Watershed ,Siraha District, Easrern Nepal. 1 2022
Study of Landslide in Thulolumpek-Juhan section of
Shushila Sanjel
646 Gulmi District,Western Nepal. 1 2022
Geology, Deformation and Structural Setting at the
Boundary Between Jajarkot Nappe and Karnali Sushma Kadel
647 Nappe Himalaya, Western Nepal.. 1 2022
Tracing of the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) in
Between the Narayani and West Rapti Rivers,Nepal Pramod Kattel
648 Himalaya. 1 2022
Locating the Main Boundary Thrust as the
Northern Limit of the Sub-Himalayan zonein Pradip Shrestha
Between the BHERI-Babai river to Mahakali river,
649 Nepal. 1 2022
Seismicity Analysis to Delineate Different
Bibek Khatiwada
650 Seismogenic Zone in the Himalayan Region. 1 2022
Evaluation of Rockfall Protection System road side
Slopes Around Jalbire in Muglin- Narayangadh Bivek Ghimire
651 Road Section. 1 2022
Geologicalies of the Gurun khola Watershed on
Emphasis with Groundwater and Geo-Hazad Sandeep Paudel
Assessment, Dang District,Lumbini Province,
652 Nepal. 1 2022
Geological Mapping of the Southern Section of the
Arun khola Watershed and Study of the Hupsekot Roshan Neupane
Landslide of Chure -Dun Region,Gandaki Province,
653 Nepal. 1 2022

Geological Studies with Emphasis on Landslide

Susceptibility Mapping Groundwater Potential Aashish Aryal
Mapping and Geohazard Assessment of tha Upper
654 Parts of Adhi khola Watershed, Syangja District. 1 2022

Mineralization in Palung Granite and Its Adjacent Sujan Sapkota

655 areas Along Kalitar Section, Central Nepal. 1 2022
Geologial Mapping and Reserve Estimation of
Cement Grade Limestone at Mankot, Baitadi Sajan G.C.
656 District, Sudurpashchim Province. 1 2022

Environmental Sedimentology of the Punyamata Bijay Banstola

657 river, Kavrepalanchok District,Central Nepal. 1 2022
Geological Study of the Pokhara Valley with
Emphasis on Quaternary Stratigraphy and Facies Dipesh Thapa
658 Categorization. 1 2022
Stratigraphy and Mineral Resources of Jajarkot
Klippe and Karnali Klippe,Jajarkot District, Aneeta Thapa
659 Western Nepal 1 2022
Geological Study of Baletaksar-Thulolumpek
Pratiksha Dhungana
660 Section of Gulmi District,Lesser Himalaya 1 2022
Geology of Mushikot-Burtibang Section of Baglung-
Gulmi District with Emphasis to Durga Bolakhe
661 Microstructures,Western Nepal. 1 2022
Stope Stability Issues in Engineered Slope at
Khanikhola- Pipalmood Section of Tribhuvan Tushal Acharya
662 Rajpath, Dhading, Central Nepal 1 2022

Quality Assessment of Dolomite and Limestone for Lekhman Bhujel

Construction Material and Industrial use at Patal
663 Bhumeshowar to Sinkelek area, Baitadi District 1 2022
Application of Self-Potential Method ot Infer
Groundwater Flow Direction, Recharge and Indrajeet Kohar
Discharge Zone and Characterize sub-Surface
664 Structure in Golaghat,Chitwan. 1 2022
Geological Study of Northern part of the Pokhara
Valley with Emphasis to Geological Structures and krishna Gotame
665 Metamorphism. 1 2022

Geological Study with Emphasis on Stuructures Pramod Gautam

and Microtectonice Around Khairenitar
666 area,Southern part of Pokhara valley. 1 2022
Geological Study of Northern Section of Pokhara
Valley with Emphasis to Lithostratigraphy and Mahesh Joshi
667 Mineral Resources. 1 2022

Geological and Hydrogeological Studies and Geo- Niraj Baral

Hazard Assessment of the Bhada khola Watershed,
668 Bardiya District, Lumbini Province, Nepal. 1 2022

Lithostratigraphy and Metamorphism of the Rupak Gyawali

669 Barahakshetra- Dummana area, Eastern Nepal. 1 2022
Delineation of Groundwater sub-Basins and Ayushma Rana
670 Groundwater Potenial Zones in Chitwan Valley Magar 1 2022
Groundwater Potential Mapping Water Quality
Assessment and Characterization of Factors for Alisha Aryal
Groundwater Occurrence in Madi Valley,Chitwan
671 District. 1 2022
Hydrogeological Issue Related to Leaky Aquifer
and Its Detection Through Geoelectrical Method in Sujata Acharya
672 Northern Belt of Chitwan Valley. 1 2022
Assessing Water Scarcity Using the Water Poverty
Index and Delineation of Groundwater Potential at Anjana Paudel
Lower Reaches of the Manahari khola Watershed,
673 Makwanpur District. 1 2022
Land use and Land Covre Chance Mapping and
Landslide Risk Mapping in Upper Region of Babai kiran pandey
674 River at Dang,Nepal. 1 2022
Geological and Petrographic Studies of the
Sushant Pudasaini
675 Sundarijal Kageshwori area. 1 2022
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Application
Rusle Model to Assess Soil Erosion,Bakaiya Bibash Bhandari
676 Watershed. 1 2022
Geology and Microtectonics of Boundary Region of Pawan Kumar
Jajarkot Klippe and Karnali Klippe,Jajarkot Acharya
677 District,Western Nepal. 1 2022
Geology and Structure of Rumjhatar -Lamidanda
area, Okhaldhunga Tectonic Window, Eastern Takman Kumal
678 Nepal. 1 2022
Hydrogeomorphic and Structural Approach for
Prativa Dhakal
679 Groundwater Assessment on Lothar Khola 1 2022
Analysis of Aquifer Characteristics in Dang Valley
Dharma Raj Pandey
680 MID-Western Region ,Nepal. 1 2018

Evaluation of Engineering Properties of Kathmandu Ranju Sharma

681 Clay of Northern Part of Kathmandu Valley. 1 2022
Assessment ofEngineering Properties of
Kathmandu Clay in Southern Part of Kathmandu Anjita Paudel
682 Valley. 1 2022
The Geomorphology and Paleoseismology of the
Manoj Kafle
683 Dhorpatan Fault Western Nepal. 1 2022
Analysis of Deformation Behaviour at the
Underground Cavern of Upper Trishuli-1 Mukunda Dhungana
684 Hydropower Project,Nepal. 1 2022
Analysis of Deformation Behaviour of Underground
Powerhouse Cavern of Tanahu Prakash Pokharel
685 Hydroelectric,Damauli. 1 2022
Engineering Geological and Landslide Hazard Level Suman Senden
Classification Mapping of Gorsyang-Dangsing
686 road ,Tarkeshwor Rural Municipality, Nuwakot. 1 2022
Analysis of Support and Deformation
Characteristice of Headrace Tunnel Section of Udaya Raj Sodari
687 Tanahu Hydroelectric Project, Tanahu. 1 2022
Hydrogeological Assessment of Sangla
Nirajan Lamichhane
688 khola ,Kathmandu District. 1 2022
Hydrogeological Assessment of Sheshmati
Sudiptee Acharya
689 khola,Kathmandu Distric. 1 2022
Geology and Stratigraphy of Dolalghat- Tatopani
Gaurab Gtawali
690 Section of Central Nepal 1 2023

Geology and Water Chemistry of springs in mayang Prabin Budhathoki

691 Khola Watershed Syangja District, Nepal 1 2023
Geology and Mineral Resources of Malarani-
Jhimruk Section of Western Nepal, Lesser Sameer Luintel
692 Himalaya 1 2023

Geology and Mineral Resources of Tamghas- Yubraj Subedi

693 Dhurkot Section of Gulmi District,Lesser Himalaya 1 2023
Geological Mapping for Locating the Main Central
Thrust (MCT) along Barhabise-Tatopani Arjun Budhathoki
694 area,Sindhupalchowk Distrct,Central Nepal. 1 2023
Geological Study of Kerabari-Rajarani area, with
Emphasis on Structure and Strain Analysis of MCT, Kailash Rai
695 Dhankuta Eastern Nepal. 1 2023

Spring Water Resources Assessment in the Dharan Kusum Niroula

696 Sub-Metropolitan City,Koshi Province, Nepal. 1 2023
Geology and Mineral Resources in Holbang-
Burtibang Section of Western Nepal, Lesser Anita Pandey
697 Himalaya 1 2023
Geological Study and Landslide Susceptibility
Mapping Using Bivariate Statistical Approach in Anita Dallakoti
Chauda Khola Watershed in Makawanpur-Sindhuli
698 District. 1 2023

Monitoring and Analsis of Ground Vibration Induced Mohan Raj Shrestha

`699 by Blasting and Its Impact on Structures. 1 2023
Satellite-Based Rainfall Thresholds for Landslide
Sabin Bhattarai
700 Initiation in Bagmati Province, Nepal. 1 2023
Study of Rock Fragmentation in Dolomite Rock with
Respect to Rock Mass Properties and Blast Sanjaya Dahal
Design Parameters in the Dam Side of Tanahun
701 Hydro- Electric Project. 1 2023
Impacts on Drill Bit Ascribed by Various Properties
Sujan Neupane
702 of Different Rocks. 1 2023
Study of shear Strength of Rock Mass by Direct
Bibek Dhakal
703 and Indirect Methods. 1 2023
704 Compressibility of Banepa Clay,Central Nepal. Deb Raj Badal 1 2023
Deterministic Landslide Hazard Assessment in
Nimesh Bhattarai
705 Daunne-Dumkibas area,Nepal. 1 2023

Characteristics of Doon Soil as Shallow Foundation Samina Khatun

706 in Bharatpur Metropolitan City,Central Nepal. 1 2023
Deformability Analsis of Rock Mass by Plate
Jacking Method A Case Study of Nalgad Surendra Timilsina
707 Hydroelectric Project. 1 2023
Effect of the Bedding Plane of Rock Mass on the
Propagation of Blast Induced Ground Vibration and Sudip Kattel
708 Its Impact on Surface Structure. 1 2023
Geological and Structural Evolution of the Lesser
Himalaya in Pokhara-Ghandruk area,Western Sanjeeb Pandey
709 Nepal. 1 2023
Artificial Recharge Zone Delineation Along the
Manohara River of Kathmandu Valley,, Central Prativa Pokhrel
710 Nepal. 1 2023
Influence of Blastiong Design and Geotechnical
Propertoes on Shape and Size Distribution of Blast Pratikshya Paudel
711 Fragment in Tanahu Hydropower Project. 1 2023
Insitu in Assymentric Deformation of Large
Underground Cavern of Tanahu Hydropower PrativaGhimire
712 Project. 1 2023
Study of Geo-Mechanical Structures of Holbang-
Burtibang Section of Lesser Himalaya,Western Antim Kandel
713 Nepal.. 1 2023
Morphometry and Morphodynamics of Bakiya River
Kishor Rimal
714 ,BaraDistrict Center Nepal. 1 2023

Geological Mapping and Microstructural Analysis of Subash Chaudhary

715 Bhutekoshi Watershed, Central Nepal. 1 2023

Fluvial Morphomentry and Morphology of the Sayali Sita Ram Ojha

716 Gad Basin,Doti District, Nepal Lesser Himalaya. 1 2023
Study of Sands As natural Resource of Glass and Saroj Pun
Fine Construction Aggregates from the Karra River
717 area,Makawanpur District,Central Lesser Himalaya 1 2023

Assessment of Quaternary Alluvial Pan Quartzite

Gravel as Natural Resource for Concrete Pavement
Aggregates from the Karra khola Suraj Aryal
Basin,Makawanpur Districe,sub-Himalaya Central
718 Nepal. 1 2023
Study of Engineering Properties of Quartzites for
Concrete Pavement Aggregates,Suparitar- Shiva Ram Maharjan
719 Nubuwatar area,Central Nepal,Lesser Himalaya 1 2023
Geology and Mineral Resources of Dolalghat -
Kodari Section of Sindhupalchok District,Central Ronit Paudel
720 Nepal. 1 2023
Engineering Geological Investigation of Makwanpur
Gadhi Landslide Along Kanti Rajpath, Central Samir Ghimire
721 Nepal. 1 2023

Hydrochemical Parameter Distribution of Springs in Santosh Pokhrel

722 Khani Khola Watershed,Syangja Districe, Nepal. 1 2023
Investigation of Springs and their Water Quality in Dhirendra Prasad
Tilagupha Municipality of Kalikot District,Karnali Pandey
723 Province Nepal. 1 2023
Study of Engineering Properties of Fine
Aggregates for Mortar of the Kali Gandaki Yamu Bhusal
724 River,form Beni to Devghat area. 1 2023
Study of Sands form the Lower part of Karnali River
Ganesh Sapkota
725 for Mortar. 1 2023
Study of Relationship Between Slake Durability
Index and Point Load Strength Index of Limestone Rojina Chimouriya
form the ChandragiriLimestone ,Thankot-
726 Chandragiri area,Central Nepal. 1 2023

Impact of Industrial Effluent to tha Groundwater Sujata Koirala

727 Quality in Gondrang area,Chitwan District, Nepal. 1 2023

Study on the Relationship Between Point Load

Strength Index and Los Angeles Abrasion Value of
Limestones from the Chandragiri Limestone,Along Sadhana Kharel
Chandragiri-Chitlang Section, Central Nepal,Lesser
728 Himalaya. 1 2023
Study on the Relationship Between Point Load
Strength Index and Los Angeles Abrasion of
Metasiltstone and Metasandstone from the Tistung Pranisha Karkee
Formation, Phulchauki Group of , Central
729 Nepal,Lesser Himalaya. 1 2023
Assessment of Spring water resources and Water
Security Condition of Biruwa Rural Municipality, Mahendra Thapa
730 Syangia Nepal. 1 2023
Study of Geological Structures in Malarani-
Jhimrukh Section of Lumbini Province, Western Nirajan Pandey
731 Nepal. 1 2023
Groundwater Potential Mapping and Dharmendra
Hydrogeochmical Assessment of Deumai Khola Angdembe
732 Watershed, Ilam, Eastern Nepal. 1 2023
Geological Study of the Pokhara valley and
Usha Dhungana
733 Adiacent Regions 1 2023

Assessment of Soil Loss Using Gis and Rusle Sujan Bista

734 Model in Bakiya Khola Watershed Central Nepal. 1 2023

Groundwater Potental Mapping Characterization

and Discretization of Factors for Groundwater Pratik Dangi
Occurrence and Hydrogeological Study of the
735 Phakphokthum Watershed, Ilam Eastern Nepal. 1 2023
Study of Recent River Sands for Engineering
Properties Relevant to Suitability Analsis of Fine Prashan Chamling
Aggregates from the Arun-Koshi River, Eastern Rai
736 Nepal,Terai- Lesser Himalaya. 1 2023
Estimation of Resource of sand and Gravel
Deposits from Southern Karra khola Amit Bhandari
Basin,Makawanpur District, Central Nepal Sub-
737 Himalaya. 1 2023

Analsis of Blast Vibration Effects on Cut Slope by Prithvi Bir Thapa

Displacement: A Case Study of Right Bank Cut
738 Slope of Main Dam Tanahu Hydropower Project. 1 2023
A Comparative Assessment of Frequency Ratio
Model and Analytical Hierarchy Process for Manish K.C
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of Dharan Sub-
739 Metropolitan, Sunsari, Nepal. 1 2023
Spatial Variation on Hydrogeochemical Parameter
Devaki Kafle
740 in the Hetauda Valley,Central Nepal. 1 2023
Morphological Change Analysis of the East Rapti
Shiksha Khatiwada
741 River Using Remote Sensing and GIS 1 2023
Hydrogeology of the Central Hetauda Valley with
Urusha Gautam
742 Emphasis on Groundwater Flow. 1 2023
Deforamtion of Hydropower Tunnel Emphasis on
Squeezing; A case Study of Gharkhola Mahendra Acharya
743 Hydroelectric Project, Myagdi, Nepal. 1 2023
Doon Soil Strength Using Dynamic Cone
Penetration Test and Feasibility Study for the Urban Prakash Bhusal
744 Planning in Prithivinagar, Nawalpur. 1 2023

Predicting Subsurface Groundwater Inflow in

Tunnel Through Surface Hydrogeological Shristi Mishra
Assessment with Special Reference to Headrace
745 Tunnel of Upper Trishili-3B Hydroelectric Project. 1 2023

Sabin Katuwal
746 Suitability of Metasandstone for Road Aggregates. 1 2023
Assessment of the Engineering Properties of
Keshav Bhattarai
747 Banepa Clay. 1 2023
Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in the Rapidly
Ankit Dhakal
748 Urbanising Northern Kathmandu Valley. 1 2023
Morphological Change Analysis of the Narayani
Samiksha Sapkota
749 River Using Remote Sensing and GIS 1 2023
Characterization of Seasonal Variation of Spring in
the Central Part of Dhulukhel Sachina Neupane
750 Municipality,Kabhrepalanchok District. 1 2023
Geological amd Geophysical Study of Haku
Hari Ram Dangi
751 Landslide, Rasuwa Nepal. 1 2023
752 1 2023
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Title of Thesis

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