RCY By-Laws Continue
RCY By-Laws Continue
RCY By-Laws Continue
after referred to as College Red Cross Youth Council. Article II Basic Aims and Objectives Section 1. The basic aim of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council is to work with the Philippine Red Cross, Masbate Chapter to develop among the youth the spirit of humanitarianism and social service by giving them opportunities to participate the relevant activities of Red Cross and school campus within the framework of the organization. Section 2. The objectives of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council are: 2.1 To work with the Philippine Red Cross, Masbate Chapter in the formulation policies and in the management of youth programs. 2.2 To serve as the peripheral point of Chapter Youth Council. 2.3 To assist and advise its member for the development and promotion of Red Cross Youth Programs 2.4 To serve voluntarily for humanity. Article III Membership and Composition Section 1. Membership in the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council is open to all college students of Osmea Colleges whose age range from 7-25 years old. Article IV Organization and Administration Section 1. Organization and administration of the affairs of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council shall be vested in the following: 1.1 Officers who shall be elected by the members of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council during the annual election. Section 2. The officers of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council and the Executive Committee are as follows: of
2.1 The Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Auditor, Public Relations Officer. (Note: other positions may be created if deemed necessary) 2.2 The executive committee shall be composed of the officers of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council and the Immediate Past President. Article V Election of Officers and Term of Office Section 1. Date and Place of the Election The election of the officers of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council shall be held on or before the month of August at such place as may be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. 1.1 Power to vote all duly accredited members shall be allowed to vote. 1.2 Eligibility for candidacy: 1.2.1 Must be a Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Member; 1.2.2 Must be 7-25 years of age (with reference to the classification of membership); 1.2.3 Must be a student of Osmea Colleges 1.2.4 Must be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit; 1.2.5 Must be actively involved in RCY activities; 1.2.6 If below eighteen (18) years, must have consent from his/her parents for his/her candidacy; 1.2 Nomination of candidates any eligible members may be nominated in any position. The nominee shall raise his/her hand just to recognize by the presiding temporary chairman. 1.3 Disqualification of Proceedings any questions relating to the eligibility of a candidate shall immediately be decided by the temporary Chairman or Elected Chairman. 1.4 Voting voting shall be by raising right hand. Single vote for every voter shall be allowed for every position. Voting by proxy shall not counted. 1.5 Canvassing of votes the temporary Chairman or elected Chairman and temporary or elected Secretary shall count the vote. 1.6 Certification of Election Result election shall be determined by plurality of votes. Any tie shall be broken by draw of lots. Temporary or Elected Chairman shall announce the result to the body immediately after all votes have been counted. 1.7 Induction of Officers the duly elected Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council officers shall immediately be inducted into the office after the election.
Section 2 Term of office 2.1 Officers of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council shall hold office for one (1) year from the date of their election and shall hold over until their respective successors shall have duly elected and qualified. 2.2 Officers may be re-elected provided they meet the criteria as per Article III, Section 1; paragraph, provided, however, that their membership in the executive committee does not exceed two (2) consecutive terms. 2.3 Resignation and Vacancies in the event of resignation and/or inability of any officer to performs his duty, the executive committee shall elect a successor to the vacant position for the duration of the unexpired term; except that of the president whose position shall be filled by the vice president. 2.4 Termination of membership in the executive committee the executive committee, after due process, may by vote, terminate the service of a member for dereliction of duties or for conduct unbecoming to an officer, subject to the approval of the Chapter Administrator and the Committee on Chapter Youth Council. Article VI Duties and Responsibility Section 1. The president shall be the head of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council officers and members, and shall preside at all executive meetings. He shall appoint all Committee Chairman and will be ex-officio member of all committees. It shall be his duty to see to it that all the objectives and function of the officers and members shall be carried out. Section 2. The Vice-President shall exercise the powers and performs the functions and duties of the president during the absence or inability of the latter to act and shall perform such other functions and duties that the President may assign to him. Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a complete record of the activities of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council and all of the proceedings if the meeting, serve notices and performs such other functions assigned by the President. Section 4. The Assistant Secretary shall exercise the function and duties of the Secretary during the absence of the elected Secretary. He shall perform other duties assigned by the President. Section 5. The Treasures shall collect, receive and keep all the money as trust fund. He shall keep itemized accounts of all receipts and expenditures and shall render a complete financial report of it to the Executive Committee at every meeting. All disbursement shall
be made over the signature of the treasurer and noted by the President or Vice President in the absence of the former. He shall perform other duties assigned by the President. Section 6. The Assistant Treasurer shall exercise the function and duties of the Treasurer during the absence of the elected Treasurer. He shall perform other duties assigned by the President. Section 7. The Auditor shall audit the books of the organization every end of the semester and submit a report thereof to the Executive Committee. He shall perform other duties assigned by the President. Section 8. The Public Relation Officer shall prepare and release appropriate information concurring the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council and its activities and shall be responsible for the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council publication. Section 9. The immediate past president serves as the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council Coordinator who shall perform such other duties and functions as the president may assign. Section 10. The Executive Committee shall have the following functions; 9.1 To see to it that the objectives of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council are attained and the activities carried out. 9.2 To assist and promote the Red Cross activities 9.3 To create committees to facilitate the operation of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council. The President shall appoint the committee chairman. Article VII Meetings Section 1. The Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council shall meet monthly in a General meeting. Special Meetings may be called upon the request of the President or the majority of the Executive Committee members or school council. Section 2. The Executive Committee shall meet twice a month or whenever necessary and shall determine the time, venue, and agenda or subject to the approval of Chapter Representative Service Red Cross Youth or Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth adviser.
Article VIII Standing Committees Section 1. The president shall create the following committee with the approval of the Executive Committee: 1.1 Blood Program Committee. The Committee shall coordinate with the Philippine Red Cross, Masbate Chapter with implementation of the Blood Program activities of the Chapter Youth Council. The Committee shall likewise make a one (1) year plan of action and shall spearhead activities in relation to Blood Program. The committee shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the Executive Committee. 1.2 Disaster Management Service Committee. The committee shall likewise make a one (1) year Plan of Action and shall spearhead activities in relation to the program. The committee shall perform such duties as are assigned to them by the Executive Committee. 1.3 Safety Service Committee. The Committee shall coordinate with the Philippine Red Cross, Masbate Chapter with the implementation of the Safety Services Program activities of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council. The Committee shall likewise make a one (1) year plan of action and shall spearhead activities in relation to the program. The Committee shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the Executive Committee. 1.4 Community Health and Nursing Service Committee. The Committee shall coordinate with the Philippine Red Cross, Masbate Chapter with the implementation of the Community Health and Nursing Service related activities of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council. The Committee shall likewise make a one (1) year plan of action and shall spearhead activities in relation to the program. The Committee shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the Executive Committee. 1.5 Social Service Committee. The Committee shall coordinate with the Philippine Red Cross, Masbate Chapter with the implementation of the Social Service Program related activities of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council. The Committee shall likewise make a one (1) year plan of action and shall spearhead activities in relation to the program. The Committee shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the Executive Committee. 1.6 Membership and Volunteer Committee. The Committee shall formulate plans, programs and strategies for the effective recruitment of members and shall spearhead the Membership Drive of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council. The committee shall likewise design Development Program for Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Volunteers; the Committee shall perform such other duties as assigned to them by the Executive Committee. 1.7 Finance and Fund Raising Committee. The committee shall strategies to raise the required funds in order to effectively the service of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council. The committee is likewise required to prepare income generation project proposals and if approved by the Executive Committee shall be the Osmea Colleges Red
Cross Youth Council implementing arm. The committee shall serve as Finance Advisor to the Treasurer for the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council. Section 2. The president shall appoint the Chairman of such committee as he may deem proper to carry out the activities of the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council. Article IX Amendments This by-laws may be amended by two-third votes of Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council during annual meetings provided the proposed amendments is circulated to the Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council at least one (1) month before the Red Cross Youth gathering Article X Effectively Clause This by-law shall take effect in the first Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth adviser. Article X Effectively Clause The Philippine Red Cross, Masbate Chapter Management and School Council officers prior to the holding of the first Osmea Colleges Red Cross Youth Council shall be governed by the Draft by-laws.