Session 4 Lecture 5b - Scheduling and Resources Levelling (Feb 2024)

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Construction Planning (6CN017)

(Hong Kong 2024)

Session 4 Lecture 5b – Scheduling

and Resources Levelling.

See: (6:04 Mins) (8.20 Mins

One of the most important objectives of planning is the efficient
use of resources

Undesirable for labour to have a series of ‘peaks’ and ‘troughs’ :


•Far better for a smooth demand of labour be established by
careful planning:

Resources – Some terminologies
Scheduling - The Process of determining actual time periods which activities
are planned to take place. (start and finish dates of activities)

Resource Allocation – concerned with scheduling activities and their

resources within predetermined constraints

Resource Aggregation – the process of allocating labour resources to each

activity, then summing up the numbers to the time period for the programme.

Resource Leveling or Smoothing – achieved by the moving around of the

‘non-critical’ activities, to best advantage within their total time frame.

Resource Histogram – may be added to the bottom of a bar chart or LoB

(showing the resource aggregation) to provide an effective visual
representation of the aggregated resources.
How resource leveling and resource smoothing works in a project.
So, we have to delay either activity E or activity F to avoid this conflict. Since activity F is not on the critical path, let us delay
this activity.

We have to delay it until the completion of activity E. It means activity F can start only on day 20. However, it also leads to
the shifting of activity G since activity F is its predecessor.
Let us look at the final Gantt chart and the resource usage histogram.

It’s good. All resource conflicts are removed. Now, the maximum compressors required is only six
numbers on any day.
However, in the process, the project gets delayed by two days. The total duration of the project is
22 days now.
Resource leveling is a resource-limited scheduling technique, while resource smoothing is a time-
limited scheduling technique.
You could use either of them in your projects based on the requirements of your organization.
Another Example of Resource
• Assume all Labour in interchangeable
• Maximum Labour force is 10 operatives

Earlest Latest
Activity Duration Gang Start Finish Start Finish Total
Size Float
1-2 2 10 0 2 0 2 0
2-3 2 2 2 4 7 9 5
2-4 3 5 2 5 2 5 0
3-5 4 6 4 8 9 13 5
4-5 8 3 5 13 5 13 0
4-6 4 4 5 9 13 17 8
5-6 1 2 13 14 16 17 3
5-7 8 8 13 21 13 21 0
6-7 4 4 14 18 17 21 3
• 1 . Produce Arrow Diagramme for the project and find
duration – Not required as indicated on previous Table.

• 2. Produce bar chart showing earliest start dates.

• 3. Produce a bar chart showing maximum Resource Levelling

within current project duration.

• 4. Produce Bar chart with maximum of 10 operatives per


• 5. What is the revised duration of the project?

Produce Bar charts showing
Labour requirements/week
See Excel file (Lecture 5b – Bar chart Figure 1) – activities with earliest start
times. Which weeks is it not possible to resource the project? (5, 6, 7, 8 and
15, 16, 17, 18). - Move activity 3-5 to latest start date.

See Excel file (Lecture 5b – Bar chart Figure 2) – activities moved within the
float. Which weeks is it still not possible to resource the project? (15, 16,
17, 18). Must extend the contract period by moving activity 6-7 to start
week 21.

If we have only 10 operatives available each week what will be the actual
duration of the project?

See Excel file (Lecture 5b – Bar chart Figure 3) for solution. No more than 10
operatives required per week.
Resource Smoothing exercise
Activity Duration (Weeks) Gang Size
Act 1-2 2 12
Act 2-3 5 4
Act 2-4 8 2
Act 2-5 4 3
Act 3-8 2 4
Act 3-4 0 0
Act 4-7 1 4
Act 4-5 3 3
Act 5-6 2 6
Act 6-7 1 5
Act 6-11 3 2
Act 7-10 2 8
Act 8-9 4 3
Act 9-10 0 0
Act 9-11 7 6
Act 10-11 4 3
• Contract will employ local labour working 5 days a week

• Labour can be recruited on a week by week basis at a rate of

$HK 3600/week with an engagement fee of $HK 960 per
person/new appointment.

• Overtime can be worked on a Saturday and Sunday to meet

the employer demand for a 20-week completion.

• Employers initially wishes to know how much the contract will

cost without overtime as per arrow diagramme derived from
information on previous slide.
Information Continued:
• Overtime can be worked in periods of 1 week and will result in
33.3% in output.

• Increased costs of overtime is calculated at


• Site overheads are $HK10500/week.

• Note: each activity must be continuous: once started must be

completed without a break.

• Gang size cannot be changed.

Method – for 22 week duration.
• Drawn arrow diagramme to find overall duration No need its
22 weeks).

• Produce Bar chart showing activities at earliest times.

• Produce bar chart after smoothing resources

• Find the cost of the project as shown. (Assume 21 operatives

used throughout the project).
See Excel file Lecture 5b – Bar chart Figure 4 – activities with
earliest start times.

See Excel file Lecture 5b – Bar chart Figure 5 – activities moved

within the float.
• ENGAGEMENT = 21 X $HK960 = $HK 20160

• LABOUR COSTS = 198 X £HK3600 = $HK 712800

• OVERHEADS = 22 X $HK10500 = $HK 231000

• COST = $HK 963’960

• Need to work overtime (Saturday and Sunday).

• To reduce costs to a minimum, overtime will be worked on the

critical activities that will cost the least - those with least
labour (Activity 2-4).

• Based on 33.3% increased productivity rule, to save 2 weeks 6

weeks overtime will need to be undertaken (6 weeks plus 33%
= 8 weeks work) this will reduce contract by 2 weeks.
• 1. Produce Bar chart for 20 week duration with earliest start
times. Activity 2-4 now 6 week duration as working overtime

• 2. Produce Bar chart for 20 week duration after smoothing


• Calculate revised cost of project. (assume 1 new operative is

required to be employed).
See Excel file Lecture 5b – Bar chart Figure 6 – 20 week
duration, activities with earliest start times.

See Excel file Lecture 5b – Bar chart Figure 7 – 20 week duration,

activities moved within the float.
Solution costs:
• ENGAGEMENT = 22 X $HK960 = $HK 21120

• LABOUR COSTS = 194 X £HK3600 = $HK 698400

• OVERTIME COSTS (2 X 6 X $HK1800) = $HK 21600

• OVERHEADS = 20 X $HK10500 = $HK 210000

• COST = $HK 951120

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