2016 Handbook

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Dear Employee,


Welcome to Auguis Clinic and Hospital, we are excited about you joining us and want to ensure
that you will be successful in your new role. We are hoping that you will be happy working with
us. As a member of Auguis Clinic and Hospital Family we all think of your valuable asset once
you get settled in and used to the routine of working here, you are most important in your
endeavor for quality patient care and committed humane service

This Booklet is written especially for you to help you understand the policies, benefits,
procedures, and regulations of our HOSPITAL, established boundaries for acceptable behavior
and guidelines for best practices in certain work situations.

It has a certain purpose:

• Its primary reason is to acquaint you with the HOSPITAL, its objectives, purpose, policies,
rules, and regulations in a level of uniformity in employee rights and responsibilities.

To show clear value and help you understand what is expected of you as employee, to act in line
with what best benefits in your department.

To help you know of your expectations of the management

If there would be additional information you need, your supervisor or department head will be
happy to help you. We welcome you again.

God Bless You!

Human Resource Department


On October 26, 1980, Dr. Lourdes D. Auguis and Mr. Mateo B. Auguis inaugurated the Auguis
Clinic and Hospital at the heart of General Santos City, located in North Osmeña Ave. It was a
ten (10) bed capacity Primary Health-Accredited Hospital. It was conceptualized to serve the
people of General Santos City and the neighboring provinces continually moving towards the
furtherance of healthcare-centered on our patients. It was devoted to the prevention and
treatment of common primary illnesses and diseases, ensuring quality assured services from its
personnel and competent professional staff.

There were more than fifteen (15) personnel managing the hospital to provide the quality
medical care to all who needs it.

Through the years Auguis Family are focusing policy efforts on improving the quality of
healthcare delivered to their population. Despite of the trials encountered the seed that Auguis
Clinic and Hospital has planted, continued to grow, slowly but progressively, constantly with a
vision and mission to improve. its services. ACH has undertaken several changes. The Auguis
Clinic and Hospital Mission-Vision is part of every employee's orientation to remind us in our
commitment to Holistic Excellence Health Care.

In December 2014 the construction of the new building of the hospital was started to
accommodate the growing number of clients and ongoing to have the more than thirty (30)
beds capacity and continued to develop in terms of infrastructures and facilities to best serve its
To provide 24 hours accessible, affordable, prompt and best healthcare service to whoever
comes into our hospital.

To be an excellent primary healthcare provider in the community in treatment, comfort,
prevention and protection from illness. is

Auguis Clinic and Hospital is a healthcare facility organized as a private sole proprietorship
institution. Its main objective is to serve the local community of General Santos City and
neighboring provinces. It is recognized that the medical staffs are responsible for the quality of
medical care in the hospital. It is through the cooperative efforts of the medical staff, personnel
and the administrator that the hospital can fulfill obligations to its patients.

These by laws are adopted to provide for the organization of the medical staff to discharge its
responsibility in matters involving quality medical care. These by laws shall provide the structure
of the medical staff operation and organize the medical staff relationship with the owners-
medical director and administrator.

On joining the company, the newly hired employee shall agree with all the terms and conditions
stipulated in the contract which shall be explained thoroughly by the HR Manager. In this
section, it provides the full explanation of what is expected to the employee to perform.

Job openings shall be filled only when requisitions for personnel have been suitably approved
by the Hospital Administrator.

Hiring of Personnel for placement in existing vacancies shall be based on suitability, attitude and
ability to perform work requirements as stated in the Job Description.

a. Procedure
1. The Department Head shall endorse a request to the Human Resource Department for
employment of personnel to a vacant position.
2. The Human Resource Department evaluates of such request based on the staffing
pattern and volume of work being handled by the department.
3. Once justified HRD recommends to the Administrator the approval of request.
4. Once approved, HRD conducts initial interview to applicant with complete credentials
and requirements such as:

• Letter of Application
• Bio data/Resume
• NSO copy of Birth Certificate
• Police or NBI clearance
• Transcript of Records
• TIN & SSS number
• Diploma and Board Rating
• Certificates of Trainings and Seminars
• PRC license (if any)
• IV therapy license (for nurses)
• Health Certificate Physical Exam
• MDR form/Phil health ID
• PAG-IBIG Approved Form/ PAG-IBIG ID

5. HRD facilitates Physical Exam and refers the applicant to the Department Head for evaluation
interview and comments as to her initial observation/recommendation about the applicant.
6. If the Department Head endorses the applicant favorably, the HD schedules the applicant for
personal data together with the application to the Administrator for the letters of perusal and
approval or disapproval.
7. Qualified Applicant undergoes a Basic Orientation on the different Policies and Procedures
and job exposure for two weeks. Evaluation conducted after a month of Basic Orientation.
Applicants who are suggested, accepted and found physically fit for employment, go through
the following procedures:
1. He/she go through a two weeks Basic Orientation. The prospective employee is oriented to
the history of the hospital, its Vision-Mission, objectives, policies, rules and regulations and the
department's policies that were established.
2. After orientation period, Department Head will observe and evaluate trainees' capability to
meet expectation as an employee and is submitted to HR office with a letter of
recommendation for probationary employment.This is forwarded to the Administrator for
approval through the HR Office.

Employment status:

Employees in the Hospital shall be classified in accordance with the following categories
1. Probationary
2. Regular


PROBATIONARY- Refers to an employee who is on trial period of employment from two weeks
orientation and 5 months probationary before they acquire permanent status of appointment.
The service of an employee who has been engaged in probationary basis may be terminated
when he/she fails to qualify as a regular employee in accordance with the policies, rules and
regulations of the institution. On the other hand this will also give time to the employee to
assess his/her own fitness to the job and the environment.

Refers to an employee who has completed the probationary period based on the performance
evaluation and shall be entitled to benefits accorded to employees of this category.

1. Based on the employee's performance rating his/her probationary employment may either be
terminated or converted to regular status. The HRD shall prepare the necessary papers for the
termination or conversion of the employee's appointment to regular status.
2. All employees shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the hospital and shall perform
their duties and responsibilities in the same manner as those of regular employees.

Employee's official entry to the Hospital as a member of Auguis Clinic and Hospital
necessarily needs to be bound by official agreement or contract. Everyone is expected to
understand its content and verify anything before signing. Once signed, the
agreement/contract is binding and legal.


A workable staffing pattern is prepared in each of the department and unit on a monthly bi-
monthly/weekly to ensure maximum utilization of manpower at a minimum of cost.

• Plans of exchange duty on emergency cases must be first discussed with the
department head from the person requested to exchange duty with.
• All requests for exchange of duty whether with another employee or to another date
must be at least one day before affectivity and must be put in writing.
• Frequency of request for exchange of duties shall be monitored.
Pregnant employees shall work, one month before and one month after child birth for a period
of at least 8 weeks (2 months).
Policy - The standard working week in the hospital as provided in the labor code is forty hours
to be worked within five (5) days, eight (8) hours a day. The workweek beains on Sunday-
Saturday and at any hour as required by the service, where necessitios of the service so
required as determined by the hospital, any employee may be scheduled to work six (6) days
or forty eight (48) hours a week as authorized by the Labor Code.

1. Employees may be scheduled to work on rotations within departments' morning, afteroon,
or night shift.
2. Employees on duty should remain in their working area except for urgent necessity in
relation to work. Employees who leave their assigned places of work during duty hours
without the permission of their Department Head and to HRD shall be subjected to
disciplinary measures.
3. The standard eight (8) working hours is inclusive of meal time. Employees on straight duty
may be allowed the following break time:
• Break time/Snack time Morning- 9:00-9:15 am (15minutes)
• Break time/Snack time Afternoon- 3:00-3:15 pm (15minutes)
4. Employees should render service for the number of hours for which they receive
recompense. Shortening of hours of duty shall be dealt with accordingly.
5. Employees are not allowed to sleep during duty hours, and should remain in their
designated assigned areas.
6. Employees intending to ask for specific days off for emergency reasons must submit their
request three (3) to seven (71 days in advance. Although such requests may be given due
consideration. Still the need of the department as well as of priority needs of the other
requesting employees shall be taken into account.

1. As by the Department of Labor, overtime is due and computed in accordance with the Labor
Code in the following manner.
• Employees who are permitted to work beyond right (8) hours on ordinaryworking day
shall be paid an additional compensation for the overtime.
• For work performed in excess of eight (8) hours on Special holidays, on regular holidays,
an additional compensation shall be paid for the overtime work equivalent to his rate for
the eight hours.
2. Overtime work must be duly covered by an approved request for overtimeauthorization. The
nature and purpose of work to be performed, the date on which shall be performed and the
inclusive period of timel hour during the work be performed. Only employees specified in such
overtime authorization shall beallowed to perform over time work.
3. Work performed on regular holiday corresponds to a 200% pay.

1. Request of overtime form may be initiated by Department Head and HRPersonnel.
2. Accomplished overtime request form must be submitted two (2) days before the
scheduled over time, for approval however in cases of emergency, it may be submitted
immediately after the overtime work is performed.
3. Approved over time form shall be submitted to the HR Office.
All employees in the Hospital who shall be required to perform a regular duty form 10pm to
6am shall be paid a corresponding night differential pay as provided by the Labor Code.

1. Every employee shall be paid a night differential of not less than 10 % per hour of his/her
regular wage.

All ACH employees shall be required to be at their work stations on time in accordance with
their work designated areas.

Tardiness: Means reporting for work late but not exceed thirty (30) minutes
Under time: Means cutting for work by at least (20) minutes but not more than one hour on any
one day
DUTY HOUR- 8:30am to 5pm
Employees may be scheduled to work on rotations within departments' morning, afternoon, or
night shift:
• 8:00 am to 4pm
• 4pm to 12MN
• 12:00am to 8:00am

1. Tardiness and under time are automatically deducted from employees pay.
2. Paying for tardiness or under time by staying a few minutes or hours to make upfor it
shall not be allowed. Habitual Tardiness and under time shall be subject to disciplinary
3. Employee who comes late of more than thirty minutes is considered as half day duty.

POLICY: Employees of ACH shall be required to maintain and keep time records of their arrival
and departure.

1. Employees attendance is recorded automatically in their DTR (Daily Time
2. Entries made on the DTR/Biometric are considered official. If employee forgets to time-
in or time out he/she is advised to submit an explanation letter signed by the HR office.
3. Timing-in of the time of arrival and departure shall be done by the employee personally;
Violation of the rules shall be subject to disciplinary action.
4. Employees are advised to synchronize their time with the hospital time.

Vacation Leave:
Vacation Leave is granted to every employee to enable them to enjoy despite of the hospital
work, to assure continuity of the workflow in the hospital, vacation leaves shall be scheduled
in advance for every employee. Employees are required to strictly observe the schedule.
Scheduling of vacation leave shall be made in such a way not to cause disruption and conflicts
of service and in the functioning of the department.

Request form leave must be personally accomplished at least five to ten days before the date
of vacation with endorsement of the Department Head and shall be submitted to HR/Admin
office for approval.

All Regular employees at ACH are granted five days' vacation leave with pay per calendar year
based on Labor Law.

Policy: All Regular employees at ACH be granted sick leave with pay for injury or ilness

1. Sick leave of employees shall only be granted paid leave for such number of days
2. An employee is required to have medical certificate signed by the Medical Coordinator,
in order to avail the sickness benefits.
3. Employee who suffers an injury due to alcohol excesses, injury in bar, gambling, sexual
transmitted disease and the like shall not be entitle to the privileges granted under the
Birthday leave must be filed at least 5 days to one week before the date of leave with the
proper endorsement of the Department Head and shall be forwarded to HR/Admin for the

1. Employee whose birthday falls on week-end/ off duty may claim his/her birthday leave
one day before or after.
2. An employee's Birthday leave is non-cumulative and not convertible to cash.
3. Birthday leave must be requested at the HR office

1. ACH extends to its female employees the privilege of Maternity Leave in accordance
with the existing laws.
2. Hospital shall grant to any pregnant employee a maternity leave of sixty days and
seventy-eight days for Cesarean Section
3. Maternity leave shall be paid only three deliveries/miscarriage by the legally married
employee. Payment will be given by the hospital and later claim from the SSS for
4. Maternity Leave application must be accomplished in duplicate copies and accompanied
by a Medical Certificate issued by attending Physician countersigned by the Department
Head. Maternity Benefits shall be made only after the presentation of Medical
Certification from the physician with the date of actual delivery/miscarriage toHR Office.


ACH extends to male legally married employee of Paternity Leave in accordance with the law.

1. Paternity Leave of seven days is given to a regular legally marriedemployee.

2. Legally married employee is entitled to a maximum three paternity leave
3. Payment shall be claimed after filing of accomplished forms at HR Office.

Note: Paternity Leave must sign by Department Head and endorsed to HR/Admin for


ACH extends to regular employees the privilege of Solo Parent Leave for seven days.
This Benefit is granted to any solo parent who is left alone with the responsibility of
parenthood due to:
1. Death of Spouse
2. Physical/Mental incapacity of spouse
3. Legal separation
4. Declaration of nullity or annulment of marriage.
5. Abandonment of Spouse for at least a year.
6. Any other person who provides parental care and support to a child/childrenprovided by
a licensed as foster parent by the DSWD or legal guardian by acourt.

A Solo Parent is entitled to leave in accordance with the following terms and conditions
1. If an employee has rendered at least a year of service
2. He/she can provide a proof to the Employer from DSWD or municipality wherehe/she
3. Application for Solo parent Leave must be signed by Department Head and endorsed to
HR/Admin for the approval.
The Hospital grants Emergency Leave of five days without pay to employees to attend to
immediate concerns.
1. Serious Illness, injury, or death of immediate members of the family
2. Calamity, catastrophe, and the like affecting the employee or immediatemembers of the

Note: Employees who desire to leave shall not be allowed to pay for such duration of leave,
and must submit a formal letter approved by the Department of Head and will endorse to HR

1. All Application leaves without pay must be duly signed in duplicate byDepartment head
and submitted to HR Office at least three days prior toaffectivity of leave except in
emergency cases.
2. Copy of approved application shall be furnished to the payroll in charge.

It is a measure of an employee's performance in doing a job within a period and based on
established standard.

Employees are rated in the following criteria:

• Efficiency
• Attendance
• Attitude
• Participation in Personal, Social, Spiritual, Professional
• Meetings where attendance is necessary

The HR discusses the evaluation of employee for further and wider opportunity to be heard,
commended and/or encouraged. This is done when the employee comes to HR office to sign
his/her change of employment status.

1. Voluntary Resignation
• Regular employee who desires to resign in ACH must he/she must talk to his/her
Immediate Supervisor/Department Head and HR Personnel about his/her plan to resign.
• A Formal letter of resignation must prepare and submit to Hi with approved signed by the
Department Head one month before the effectivity.
• Acceptance of resignation signed by the Administrator is attached to the employee’s
resignation letter endorsed for approval of HRPersonnel and Department Head.
• ID and Policy Handbook must be turned over to the HR OfficeAll unpaid hospital
accounts and excess vacation that was already taken shall be rightfully paid back to the
Hospital before clearance is made.
• Exit Interview with HR/Administrator ends the employment of the resigning employee.

Employee under suspension shall not be entitled to pay for the duration of such suspension.

• If employee is to be suspended from work, he/she be recommended by Department of

Head and approved by HR Personnel and by the Administrator.


Auguis Clinic & Hospital recognizes the importance of each employee and to establish
employee retentions and loyalty and to support their minimum needs

1. All employees in times of illness should inform Human Resource on the 1$ day of
2. Should come to the hospital to submit for medical checkup and laboratory
3. examination & laboratories will be charged less 15% of actual price. Medical fee is free
for OPD and on
4. Admission only PhilHealth charges will beincurred.
5. Medicines charges on OPD will be based on unit prize.
6. Accounts on medicines will be deducted minimum of 5% every payday.
7. Cash credits allowable not exceeding basic monthly salary and minimum of 5% of
amount borrowed will be deducted per payday. Sick Leave based on Labor Laws, which
is 5 day per calendar year with pay.
8. Vacation Leave 5 days per calendar year based on Labor Law with pay.
9. 13-month pay to be given on the last month of the year and given on the 15t and 28th day
of December.
10. Free of Sanitation Fee (Renewal)
12. Holidays, overtime pay as per Labor Laws.
13. Birthday Leave
14. Staff admission, Philhealth only. No bill excess, case rate only.

Exemption: In cases where there is excess of medicines and laboratory charges Balance bill
will be deducted every payday.

15. Immediate Family: OPD will have free doctor's fee and less 15% for medicines.Admission
will have 20% less on excess.

Relatives Privileges
Auguis Clinic and Hospital give importance to its family members and its Relatives.

1. Relatives with Philhealth:

Will be treated based on case rate. Doctor's fee will be charged only as philhealth. Any
excess on medicines and laboratories and other charges will be paid by the patient. If
ever discounts will be asked only up to 15% will be allowed.
2. Relatives without Philheath- Doctor's fee free of charge
3. All other charges will be paid by patient. Discounts allowed is up to 20% only.
DUTY HOUR- 8:30am to 5pm
Employees may be scheduled to work on rotations within departments' moming,
afternoon, or night shift:
8:00 am to 4pm
Apm to 12MN
12:00am to 8:00am
1 Tardiness and under time is automatically deducted from employees pay.
2 Paying for tardiness or under time by staying a few minutes or hours to make upfor it
shall not be allowed. Habitual Tardiness and under time shall be subject to disciplinary action
Employee who comes late of more than thirty minutes is considered as half
3 day duty.
5 POLICY: Employees of ACH shall be required to maintain and keep time records of their
6 amival and departure.
7 Regulations:
1. 1. Employees attendance is recorded automatically in their DTR (Daily Time

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