Code of Conduct

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EST BREW, conducts its business with honesty, integrity and openness, in a sustainable relationship

its operating environment and with respect for the human rights and well-being of its employees.

The following are guidelines, rules and regulations that stipulate the minimum standards of

acceptable conduct expected of every employee of the EST BREW PLT & MULTI HORIZON PLT

(Here in known as “EST BREW CAFE”).

In the event of any non-adherence to the Company Code, disciplinary actions which may lead to

dismissal will be taken.


All employees are expected to conduct business with honesty and integrity in compliance with local

laws and regulations. However, any employee finding local standards or cultural norms in clear

conflict with this guidance should contact his/her manager, or another member of company

management, to seek for advice how to comply with the company ethical code.

1.1 Discrimination

EST BREW, is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to providing a working environment

is free of discrimination of all types. It is our policy that all applicants for employment and
employees will be considered and treated without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, age,
national origin, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, citizenship or any other
factors prohibited by law. In Malaysia, any kind of discrimination is prohibited by the legislation
governing the relationship between the employer and employee.

1.2 Political activism

EST BREW, respects the freedom of political choice of its employees. However, the premises or
working places are not to be used for any political associations or any kind of political activities. No
political statements given in the company’s names are acceptable. No gifts or donations to political
parties are given, and EST BREW does not intervene in party political matters.


1. Duties
1.1. Position and Duties. Employee shall be responsible for performing the duties as described
in the offer letter. Employee agrees that he will serve the Company faithfully and to the best
of his ability during the term of employment. The Company and Employee may jointly from
time to time to change the nature of Employee’s duties and job title.

1.2. Time Devoted to Work. Employee agrees that he will devote all of the necessary business
time, attention, and energies, as well as Employee’s best talents and abilities to the
business of the Company in accordance with the Company’s instructions and directions.

1.3. Exclusivity. Employee agrees not to join any company or board that interferes with their
duties to the company without prior approval by the directors.
Employees are not allowed to sell/ promote/ discuss any other product that is not being
sold/ prepared by EST BREW Café.

2.Staff Appearance

1) General Expectation

• You are expected to dress and groom yourself in accordance with accepted social norms and
business standards.

• You may not be permitted to your workplace or training location or may be asked to change to
proper attire if you are not properly attired.

 Nails are to be clean and short to avoid any food contamination.

 Staff must not wear strong perfume or aftershave while working
 Staff are not allowed to work without wearing complete uniform.

• Males hair must be clean and short and for females, if hair too long to shoulder, it must be tied
back off the face.
• Chefs are required to wear aprons, caps/hairnet, chef uniform upon working in the kitchen.
Aprons shall be removed upon going to toilet. Uniform and Apron should be removed whenever
leaving the café.
• Barista/ Service Crews, must wear caps/ hairnet and apron at all times. Aprons should be
removed upon going to toilet or whenever we leave the café.

3.Work Behavior
1) Colleagues and Supervisor
• Always treat all your colleagues and superiors with respect.

• Strive to foster a harmonious working atmosphere by connecting regularly with your colleagues
and superiors.

• Do not willfully show insubordination (fail to follow work instructions) or

disobedience (argumentative, rude, raise voice) to your supervisor.

2) Customer Relationship

• Be attentive and patient to customers and do not put customers on hold unnecessarily.

• NEVER be rude to or engage in argumentative mode with customers.

 Disputes must be explained courteously and/or if you are unable to solve the dispute, you
should seek advice from your supervisor if you have difficulty assisting irate customers.

3) Systems Transaction
• Any transaction for a customer’s account MUST be in accordance with the methods & procedures
prescribed for each system and must be strictly adhered to for transactions that involve financial

• Transactions that are not in accordance with any system requirements and does not meet to the
company’s audit requirements will lead to disciplinary action including dismissal.

4) Personal Integrity

• Do not make false accusations, improper statements, or excessive expenses claims to the

• Do not obtain leave of absence under false pretense.

• Do not tamper with medical certificates or other official documents to mislead the Company.

• Do not commit theft, fraud or any dishonest acts in connection with the

Company’s business, property or the use of the property.


1.Hours of Work

• You are required to work 9 hours per day for 6 days a week.

• Operations work schedule is tailored to suit business requirements and may therefore be changed
from time to time.

• If you have any questions concerning your work schedule, you should refer to your supervisor.

• You are required to obtain an approval, agreement from your supervisor if you intend to change
your Off Day, to observe a Public Holiday or take a Replacement Leave.

• Your leave is subject to your superior’s approval based on operational needs

2.Recording your time

• All team member should clock in and clock out on POS system.

• Tampering on clock in/out will result to disciplinary action.

3. Meals & Breaks

• Meals breaks to take atleast 30 minutes per shift. The length of meal break will be
determined by your supervisor, can be longer than 30 minutes and the length of time for the
break can be changed based on the needs of the business.

4. Overtime Policy

• Due to business needs, team member maybe requested to work overtime. Overtime hours
must be recorded in POS system. Overtime hours is paid in accordance to Malaysia’s law

SECTION 4: Punctuality, Attendance and Notification of Absence

1) Punctuality

• You must be punctual for work & for trainings.

Being late for more than 3 times in any calendar month constitutes an “occurrence” and you will be
subject to disciplinary actions deemed fit.

2) Adherence to Schedule

• You are required to adhere to your assigned schedule for work, lunch and any additional break
timings subject to operational needs.

• You are expected to be at your assigned workstation, logged in to the systems at the
commencement of your working hours, lunch and break times.

• You are encouraged to be at your assigned workstation 10 minutes earlier from your official
working hours in order to allow sufficient time to clean up your station.

• You are also expected to remain at work until the end of your assigned work hours, except
for approved breaks and meals.

• Early release for festive celebrations, medical needs or emergencies is subject to your superior’s

3) Notification of Absence

• You must personally seek or attempt to seek approval from your supervisor, by calling at least one
(1) hour prior to your scheduled start time or training start time if you must go on unplanned leave

Leaving voicemail, SMS and WhatsApp messaging are not VALID, and your attendance will be

considered as ABSENT (misconduct/unpaid leave) for the said day followed with

the necessary disciplinary action deemed fit.

• You must do the following, as per the sequence below, if you are unable to reach your supervisor:

➢ Contact your superior to obtain approval for the unplanned leave

• You must do the following if you are unwell before your work start time or before commencement
of the training:

➢ You are required to seek immediate medical attention within an hour from the time you inform
your supervisor of your intended absence.

➢ Should you be certified fit for work by the medical doctor, you are required to report to work or
attend the training, within an hour of the visit to the doctor and provide a Time Slip. Should you be
certified unfit for work; you must personally call your supervisor immediately and provide the
Medical Certificate/Slip. Fail to provide Medical Certificate will be under unpaid leave/misconduct.

4) Absence During Working Hours / Trainings

• All personal appointments must be scheduled on your off days and not during working hours or
training hours, unless it is unavoidable. Prior notification should be provided to your superior of
your unavoidable appointments.

• You are required to obtain prior approval from your supervisor if you must leave the workplace or
training class to attend to urgent personal matters.

• You are required to provide supporting documents where applicable.

• Being absent or tardy for more than 3 times in any calendar month constitutes an “occurrence”
and you will be subject to disciplinary actions deemed fit.

5) Absence from Work/Trainings

• An employee shall be deemed to have broken his/her contract of service if he/she has been
continuously absent from work or trainings for two (2) consecutive working days without
obtaining prior approval for leave from the supervisor or the management unless:

➢ The employee has a reasonable excuse and supporting evidence for such absence; and

➢ The employee has informed or attempted to inform the supervisor prior to or at the earliest
opportunity during such absence.


1) Annual leave You are required to do the following:

➢ Submit your yearly annual leave planning to your supervisor for team level planning.

➢ Application of 1 to 2 days of annual leave and below shall be made at least 7 days in advance.
Application of 3 days or more than 4 days of annual leave shall be made at least 1 month in

The annual leave application is subject to approval of the employee’s

superior. Employees who go on leave without obtaining prior approval will be considered ABSENT be
subjected to disciplinary actions deemed fit.

➢ In the event that you must go on unplanned leave, prior approval must be obtained from your
1) Annual leave ➢ Unplanned (Emergency) leave is not an additional entitlement but is
auto deducted from your accrued Annual Leave entitlement.

Unplanned (emergency) leave would only be considered for critical situations such as life-
threatening in nature involving yourself or your immediate family members (spouse, children,
parents, grandparents, siblings & parents in law).

➢ Relevant supporting documents must be provided for unplanned leave upon your return to work
or training.

➢ You can only utilize your entitled annual leave per year, awarded on earned basis; example: 1
leave day for 1 month’s employment.

Additional leave is subjected to supervisor’s approval.

2) Medical and Hospitalization Leave

• If an employee has utilized his/her medical leave entitlement for the calendar year, his/her
subsequent medical leaves shall be taken as "unpaid sick leave”.

• If the number of hospitalization leaves taken has exceeded the entitlement given for the calendar
year, his/her subsequent hospitalization leaves shall be taken as 'unpaid leave’.

• The total entitlement of medical and hospitalization leaves combined

shall not exceed sixty (14) days in a calendar year.

• Relevant supporting documents must be provided as proof of sick / hospitalization leave within 24
hours of commencement of such leave to your supervisor.

• If you are given bed rest at home, this leave will also be considered as ‘deemed hospitalization’
and will be automatically deducted from your hospitalization leave entitlement. You are required to
provide a medical certificate indicating the duration of the rest and a letter from the doctor stating
your medical condition and the need for such rest.

• Employees are prohibited from:

➢ Engaging in fraud, misrepresentation or providing false information to the Company in

connection with the medical leave

➢ Having other employment during the medical leave

Employees who engage in such conduct will be subjected to necessary disciplinary actions that is
deemed fit.

3) Compassionate Leave

• The employee is allowed to take compassionate leave for the case of death and funerals of
employee’s immediate family members (parents, spouse, children, and siblings)
• Relevant supporting documents must be provided as proof for compassionate leave immediately
upon your return to work.

4) Marriage Leave

• The employee is allowed one (1) day of paid leave for the first legal marriage during their

4.) Unpaid leave

• A prolonged unpaid leave and due to prolonged medical conditions provided the Company
approves the request of the employee.

• The employee may be required to provide supporting documents as proof for the unpaid
prolonged leave.

• Employees who have exhausted their Annual Leave and medical leave (case to case basis) and has
below 50% of attendance in any given calendar month will not be eligible to apply for prolonged

unpaid leave.

Unpaid leave is strictly at the discretion of the management, who shall take

the needs of the business, as well as the merit of the case, into consideration. Decision is final.

5.) Public Holiday

You are entitled to eleven (11) gazette public holidays per calendar year as observed by the

company. You may be required to work on these days and be paid double or holiday replaced on

other days.

Gazette Holidays as per follow:

• National Day/ Merdeka Day

• The Birthday of Yang-Di Pertuan Agong,

• The Birthday of the Ruler or the Yang di-Pertua Negeri or Federal Territory Day,

• Labour Day

• Malaysia Day

• Chinese New Year

• Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2 days

• Hari Raya Haji

• Deepavali

• Christmas Day


1) Internet, IPAD,POS system and Email Security Policies

• Internet and email access must be used for business purposes only.
• You must not tamper with any e-mail access/ POS system or perform unauthorized usage of any
POS system / e-mail access.

• You must not use the email system/company whatsapp to forward gossip or rumours or to relay
obscene, profane or offensive material, to send confidential company information to unauthorised
persons, as a channel of discontent to send threat or issue ultimatums, etc.

• You must not install or download any music, computer games or software to your IPAD without
prior approval from Supervisor.

• You are not allowed to change the settings, hide icons or delete any programs or applications on
any IPAD & POS system.

• Devices issued to you are for your use at your principal place of work, you are not allowed to take
these devices out of this location unless you have prior approval from the management.

2) Care of Workstation and Cafe critical Equipment

• Always keep your workstation neat and tidy

• Do not post materials that are offensive or controversial in nature.

• Handle all cafe equipment such as the coffee machine, ipad, pos system, grinder etc with proper

• You will have to replace items under your care in the event they are lost or damaged due to your
• Avoid consuming food, snacks or sweets at your station to avoid any potential accidents that may
damage any equipment.

• Drinks should be stored in closed containers or sealed tumblers in order to avoid spillage and
damage to cafe equipment. Do not drink/eat while handling orders.

3) Care of Facility and Amenities

• Switch off your IPAD/ POS system/ speakers after work.

• Handle all electrical appliances such as the microwave oven and split air-con units with care.
Ensure they are switched off when not in use.

• Always keep the cafe clean and tidy. Wash your cups and plates after use and do not litter the sink.


 Employee is required to get approval from Supervisor/ Director prior purchased. Excess
in expenses without valid reason will be subjected to necessary disciplinary actions. All
expenses must have a readable receipt and recorded through the system. Employee
must keep the receipt in good condition.

 Sales/Expenses should always be tallied in the record. Any short in sales will be
subjected to necessary disciplinary actions that is deemed fit.

 Any refund/ wrong incorrect payment must be reported daily to your supervisor and
must provide for the valid reason on wrong transactions.

 Petty cash are sole responsibility of the employee. Lost or not balance cash will be
subjected to necessary disciplinary actions.


I hereby acknowledge acceptance and copy of the guidelines, rules and regulations contained in



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