Wondirad Prep G12 History Model

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1. Which of the following is true about history as a field of study?
A. it is written on the basis of written sources only
B. it is written on the basis of both written and oral sources
C. it gives more important to fossil and artifacts than to oral traditional
D. it gives more important to eye writers account rather than to written documents.
2. What was the basic reason for the conflict between ottoman Turkey and Portugal in the Horn
region during 16 th Century?
A. Control of the main route to the Holy land.
B. Dominance over their respective religions in the area.
C. territorial annexation and expansion into the interior
D. Control over trade and trade routes in the region
3. The source that became an acceptable material for the study of history beginning in the
1960 was:
A. archeological artifacts C.chronicles
B. oral tradition D. church records
4. A proper understanding of the past through the study of history helps humanity to:
A. recount its adventures and patriotism B. avoid repeating past mistakes
C. forget the past and forward D. recognize the value of oral tradition
5. Which of the following is true about Christian Muslim conflicts in E thiopia and the Horn
between the 14 th and 16th centuries?
A. Religion served as ideology for an essentially economic conflict.
B. the Muslim were always armed and encouraged by outsiders
C. The conflict was basically religious
D. The Christian were always on the offensive
6. What was the impact of the story of the pester john of the Indies” on Ethiopia’s
Foreign relations of the 15th century?
A. it attracted the Portuguese to establish closer relation with Ethiopia.
B. It attracted the Turks to establish closer relation with Ethiopia.
C. It increased Turkish hatred and animosity towards Ethiopia

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D. It shaped the religious policy of the Portuguese towards Ethiopia.
7. Which of the following falls under the category of intangible cultural heritage?
A. buildings and monuments C. rituals and festivities
B. wrote material D. fossils tomb stones
8. Which sub field of history is the most studied in Ethiopian historiography?
A. environmental history C. social history
B. economic history D. political history
9. All are the manifestation of Neolithic revolution in Ethiopia except:
A. The beginning of sedentary life B. Emergence of social classes
C. The presence of ceramic tradition D. The presence of grinding and polished
10. If you were an historian being research on the battle of Adwa which of the following
would you by the take as a reliable primary source?
A. a story told by the descendent of a participant in the battle
B. a story published on an Italian a news paper based on an interview of participant
C. an account giving by Italian historian after researching in Italian military achieves
D. letters exchanged between the Ethiopian and the Italian government before and
After the battle
11. What does the term”periodization” refers to in the study of history?
A. The breakup of history lessons to periods in the school system
B. The process of selecting the most important dates in history
C. The breaking up of time into decades, centuries, and millennia
D. The work of dividing historical time into meaningful blocks
12. Which of the following accounts for the military success of Imam Ahmed over the
Christian army lebene Dengel?
A. Gang’s ability to pastoralist of the lowlands for a jihad
B. The withdrawal of Portuguese military support from the Christian

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C. The rebellion of Muslims living in the Christian Highland kingdom.
D. The hostility between the Christian highland kingdom and the Turks
13. Which of the following is correct about the relationship between the Gada system and the
Qallu institution?
A. Both were concerned with the spiritual life of oromo communities.
B. Both were concerned with political administered matters among the Oromo
C. There was interdependence between them in presume and rein foreign social
D. Division between the supporters of the two institutions gave rise to ravaging
14. Which of the following is true about the Oromo Gada system?
A. Political power was peacefully transferred from one group to the other every
Eight years.
B. It operated through competitive election of officers irrespective of age of grade.
C. It accorded equal rights to women and men
D. It clearly distinguished and separated religion from politics.
15. Who was the commander of the Portuguese troops who come to support the
Christians kingdom of Ethiopia against the forces of Adal?
A. Padroda covilham C. Pedro Paez
B. Christopher da Gama D. Francisco Alvarez.
16. Which of the following medieval states of Southern Ethiopia have a shared tradition that
mentions a person called Motolami as their ruler?
A. Bizamo and Damot C. Fatagar and Hadiya
B. Enarya and Wolayta D. Wolayta and Damot
17. Which of the following is true about the emirate of Harar
A. it was confirmed to the gates of the city of Harar
B. It never regained the independent it lost to Egypt
C. It maintained strong diplomatic relationship with European states
D. It had extended its authority over the surrounding Oromo and Somali

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18. One of the following states Managed to resist successfully Imam Ahmed’s army. Which
A. Hadiya B. Damot C. Fatagor D. Walayta
19. What accounts for the rapid success of the Oromo during their 16th century movement?
A. Their highly efficient use of Muskets and Cavalry
B. Their effective organization under the Gada system
C. The withdrawal of the Portuguese soldiers from Ethiopia
D. The collapse of Harar because of War with the Christian state.
20. What do you understand by the term “Humanist” as it applied to the renaissance?
A. A person who fights for human rights.
B. A person who cares for the wellbeing of humans.
C. A person who explains problems and their solutions in terms of human action.
D. A person who conducts research to solve serious socio-economic problems of
21. Which of the following is correct about the kingdom of limmu Enarya?
A. its ruling class rejected conversion to Islam till the end

B. it dominated the trade of the region until the late 19 thcentury

C. it was the first gibe Oromo monarchy established in the region

D. it reproduced the political structure of the Omotic state of hinnario.

22. Which of the following Omotic states were ruled by kings who were referred to as Tato?
A. Wolayta and kaffa C. Hadiya and kaffa
B. Kembatta and Sheka D. Kaffa and sheka
23. What did all the five Oromo-speaking states of the gibe region have in common?
A. They were all ruled by members of the same family
B. Their rules combined religious and political leadership

C. They were all deeply involved in the long distance trade

D. They maintained the gada system even though they had become states

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24. An important factor for the emergence of the sheikdom along the Ethio- Sudanese boarder
during the 19thcentury was
A. Inequality of wealth between the rich and the poor
B. The need to resist the Mahdist threat from the Sudan
C. The expansion of Islam accompanied with the growth of trade
D. The culture of age-sets that encouraged military training of the youth
25. What was it that made the sheikdoms of Benshangul , Assosa and Komosha important in
the eyes of the Egyptians, the Mahdists as well as Menenilk`s shoa in the nineteenth century.
A. Their agricultural potential

B. Their wealth in the natural product like gold

C. Their location along the Blue Nile

D. Their geographical location that made them easy accessible from all directions

26. One of the following is correct about Hassen Eajamo’s resistance against Menelik.
which one?
A. It was jointly carried out with the Mahdists
B. It was succeeded in mobilizing the Silte and Sistane
C. It was finally through a direct campaign by Menelik
D. It was partly influenced by ideas that came from the Wollo Muslims
27. Which of the following served as the starting point for the major trade routes of 19th c
A. Jiren and Jima C. Bonga and Jirem
B. Derika and Bonga D. Sheka and Asendabo
28. Which of the following were the characteristics of the state of kaffa?
A. its democratic administration system based on the Micricho
B. its organization of an effective defense structure
C. its organization of the economy on slave-cultivated plantation
D. its endurance for a long time as a result of political alliance with the Oromo

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29. What did dean J. Rousseau`s mean by the ‘’General will” in his famous social contract?
A. The will of God
B. The will of the majority
C. The will of the people`s as understood by the enlightened amongst
D. The will of the whole population as manifested by their elected
30. Which of the following facilitated the emergence of state among the gibe Oromo?
A. the treat of conquest by the expanding Christian state
B. the diffusion of idea about king shape from the Christian Kingdome
C. the migration and settlement of suddenness Muslim cherics
D. the frequent wars and power struggle among different Aba Dulas
31. What was the most series challenge to caravan trader in 19 th c in Ethiopia.
A. negotiating physical and environmental risks along the route
B. the absence of hospitable hotel along the trades
C. transporting the heavy Maria Theresa from one market to another
D. learning local language to get better deals from their partners
32. What was the laden motive of the “Antinoric mission” to shoa in 1876?
A. preparing the grand for European assistance to Africa
B. opening up new area for preaching the gospel
C. collecting information in the name of science and technology
D. exploring new territories unknown to European
33. In what way did geographical location help Shoa emerge as the most dominant?
state in Ethiopia in the 19th c.
A. By making it agriculturally productive.
B. By making it easily assessable to European.
C. By making it mountainous and easy to deface.
D. By making it close to the cost and further away from the politics of Gondar
34. Identify wrong statements about primary Sources:

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A. they have direct relations to the events they describe

B. Primary sources come directly from the period under study

C. They are nearer in the time and place to the events they describes
D. They need no serious of scrutiny
35. The closest living relatives of humans are?
A. Homo sapiens and hominids
B. Homo sapiens and homo habilis
C. Gorillas and chimpanzees
D. Pongede and hominids
36. Which of the following came first in human history?
A. The use of metal tools
B. The establishment of the nuclear family
C. The formation of the state
D. Domestication of plants and animals
37. In Which one of the following sites did archeologists find evidence of early
domestication of cattle in Ethiopia?
A. Lalibela C. Omo valley
B. Gobedra D. Melka kunture
38. Which of the following sentence is correct about the Atlantic Slave trade?
A. It was approximately 13 million slaves from west and west central Africa ware
B. It was not political, social and Economic consequence on Africa.
C. Historian estimate that 10 million slaves died during the journey to the New
D. The first major groups of European trader in West Africa were the British and the French.
39. What brought about the fall of Aksum as an Empire?
A. The rise and Expansion of Islam
B. Misrule by despotic Emperors
C. The drying and impoverishment of the land.

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D. Internal rebellions and attacks from the outside

40. Which one of the following is a distinguishing feature of Homo erectus?

A. Its migration from Africa to the Asian and European continents
B. Its ability to make stone tools for first time in human history
C. The discovery of fire
D. Its ability to communicate for the first time in writing.
41. Which one of the following country is a leading slave trading nation in the 18 century, but
took the early initiative in the abolitionist movement of the 19 th century?
A. Portugal B. Great Britain
B. The Netherlands C. Spain
42. What was the most important transformation mankind achieved during the Neolithic
A. the beginning of producing cloth
B. the beginning of food production
C. the use of stone tools for the first time
D. the introduction of iron works
43. What distinguishes Homo erectus from homo habilis is that the former
A. lived only in Africa while the later emerged in Europe
B. walked up right while the later did not
C. used stone tools while the later utilized bronze tools
D. had a brain size smaller than the latter
44. The two German states which competed to lead the movement to unify Germany were:-
A. Holstein and Prussia B. Austria and Prussia
C. Saxony and Austria D. Schleswig and Holstein
45. What was the immediate cause of the American civil war (1861- 1865)?
A. The emancipation of proclamation
B. The secretion of southern state
C. The election of Abraham Lincoln
D. The proclamation of “The Homestead low

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46. The declaration of American independence was drafted by:-
A. George Washington B. Abraham Lincoln
C. Thomas Jefferson D. Weston Churchill
47. The administrative policy that was designed to make Africans copy French culture and
French way of life was known as:-
A. indirect rule B. direct rule
C. paternalism D. assimilation
48. At what level are the Semitic, Cushitic, and Omotic languages of Ethiopia related?
A. At super family level B. At family level
C. At region level D. At dialectic level
49. Which of the following alternatives the cause and consequence of Oromo
Population movement in the 16th C?
A. The conflict Christian highland kingdom and Muslim sultanates.
B. The demographic factor, climatic change and miss-placed people
C. The enter mixing culture in different society and war
D. The Trust in the gust nature of administration by Oromo bureaucratic
50. The treaty of Bucharest:
A. Ended the Turkish rule Balkan region
B. Ended the second Balkan war
C. Invited European in the region
D. Weekend the Austrian rule in the region
51. Which German state spear headed the unification of the country?
A. Austria B. Schleswig C. Prussia D. Holstein
52. What did the European countries agree upon at the Berlin conference (1884-1885?)
A. on how to divide Africa among themselves
B. on manner of conducting trade in Africa
C. on making Africa accessible to all European nations
D. on the necessity of leaving some parts of Africa Independent
53. Where was the official declaration about the establishment of the united German

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empire made?
A. the French place at Versailles B. a medieval castle in Prussia
C. a palace near the branded Burg gate D. the historic church of written Berg
54. What was the motive for European position of Africa at the close of the 19 thc?
A. rivalry for super power status
B. desire to spread Christianity and European culture
C. competition for raw materials and market
D. the opening of the Suez Canal
55. What was the outcome of the American war of Independence?
A. Liberation of the slaves who worked on plantation
B. Collapsed of British colonial rule of America
C. Restoration of the constitutional monarchy in the country
D. End of French occupation of North America
56. One of the following was not an event of the sixteenth century Ethiopia
A. the Christian-Muslim conflict C. the establishment of a permanent capital
B. the Oromo population movement D. the rise of Kasa Hailu
57. How did the unification of Italy was came about at the beginning
A. Through popular revolution all over the country B. through war and conquest
C. Through war and diplomacy D. through popular referendum
58. What was the so-called Eastern question in the 19thand early 20thc?
A. European concerns about the Balkans
B. Russia concerns about Austrian expansion toward the east
C. British concerns about Russian expansion in to the Baltic area
D. Turkish concerns about western expansion toward eastern Mediterranean
59. Who were the people involved in the making of the famous Mortar Sevastopol?
A. They were all professional crafts men who came from Europe
B. All of them were local crafts men paid by Emperor Tewodros
C. They were artisan formerly involved in the construction of the suezcanal
D. Some of them were missionaries who originally come to teach the Gospel

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60. Who was the local ruler whom Tewodros defeated just before he was crowned Emperor
in 1855?
A. Wube of semen and Tigray C. Ali of Begamidir
B. Haile Melekot of shoa D. Goshu of Gojjam
61. Which one of the following is correct about both the manorial system in the medieval
A. It involved the use of both free and slave labor on the farms.

B. It declined with the spread of big states farmed by slave labor.

C. It helped the mobility of peasants across farms in search of better wages.

D. It encouraged self sufficiency rather than Economic interdependence

62. What aid demonstrates in major Italian cities ask for following Italian defeat at
A. Immediate revenge on Ethiopia
B. The total withdrawal of Italy from Africa
C. The release of Ethiopia prisoners of war
D. Menilik be brought to trial for war crimes
63. Why is Ethiopian Victory at Adwa regarded as the victory of all Africans over
A. Because it boosted the anti-colonial struggle in the rest of Africa
B. Because it was the first and the only victory of Africans over Europeans
C. Because the European learnt that their colonization of Africa would not be
D. Because many Africans participated in the Battle on the side of Ethiopia
64. The Ethiopian force that defeated on Italian force at Dogali in 1887 were
commanded by:
A. Emperor Yohannes IV C. Ras Araya Selassie
B. Ras ALula D. Dejazmatch Bahta
65. Which African country was colonized by an individual European Monarch and run as
private Property?

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A. Burundi B. Rwanda C. D. R. Congo D. Cameroon
66. What was the major source of conflict between Tewdros II and The Brkish in the
A. Tewodros’ refusal to give territorial concessions to the British
B. British refusal to support Ethiopia against Egypt.
C. Failure by the British to keep up proper diplomatic
D. Tewodros’ failure to understand Law the British system of government
67. Which of the following is true about Egyptian Invasion of Ethiopia in the 1870’s?
A. It failed in all areas and fronts.
B. It was confined to the borderlands of Ethiopian
C. It was conducted with extensive use of foreign mercenaries
D. It was directly sponsored and financed by Europeans
68. The mechanism by which the Ethiopian state alienated land from the
Southern peasants were called.
A. the gebbar system C. the rist system
B. the gult system D. the qalad system
69. Why was Lij Iyassu removed from power in 1916? Because he:
A. Supported Germany and Turkey against the Allies in WWI
B. Carried out reforms that displeased shoan lords
C. Was converted to Islam
D. Married too many wives.
70. Ethiopia was the first black victory over Italy take place in late 19 th century:
A. At Dogali C. At Adwa
B. At Amba ALage D. At Mekelle
71. The Christian force of Gelawdewos where defeated in 1559.
A. at Shimbra Qure C. by the Adali forces of Emir Nur Mujahid
B. by Imam Ahmad Ibrahim D. by the Portuguese solidiers
72. Which of the following is true about the Oromo Gada system?

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A. Political power was peacefully transferred from one group to the
other every Eight years.
B. It operated through competitive election of officers irrespective of age
of grade.
C. It accorded equal rights to women and men
D. It clearly distinguished and separated religion from politics.
74. Which one of the following Portugal missionaries was successful in the attempt of
conversion of Christian to Catholicism?
A. Bermudez B. Oviedo C. Peaz D. V. Dogma
“The great issues of the times would not be decided by demonstration, majority
slogan and series of meeting ………..but by blood and iron”
75. from the above sentence who is remembered in his at one time speech?
A. Otto van Bismarck of Prussia
B. King William I of Prussia
C. Count Camillo De Bonse Cavour of Piedmont
D. Emmanuel II of Italy
76. The Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689 in England is called a Glorious because it
A. was bloodless and successful
B. Established democratic government
C. Restored the Stuart dynasty
D. Restrained aristocratic power
77. The main aim of the closed door “Policy of king Fasiledes (1632-1667) was to isolate
Ethiopia from;
A. Christian Europe B. Christian Middle East
C. Muslim Egypt D. Neighboring Muslim
78. In which of the following pair of religion did one emerged as a reform movement out of
A. Shinto and Confucianism
B. Buddhism and Hinduism

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C. Shiasim and Sunnism
D. Zoroastrianism and Judaism
79. Which part of Ethiopian is said to be the source of long distance trade of the 19 th
A, North western B. South western Ethiopian
C. South Ethiopia D. South eastern Ethiopia
80. Which one of the following set of languages belongs to the sub branch of Ethiopian
language called Highland East Cushitic?
A. Hadiya, kembata, Sidamo C. Walyta, Gamo, Dawro
B. Bilen, Agew, Qimant D. Gafat, Argoba, Selti
81. The communist rulers of Revolutionary Russia were called:
A. Red Russians B. Mensheviks
C. White Russians D. Bolsheviks
82. The theory of emergences of early state”oriental despotism” was supposed to the emergence
of early states in:
A. China and India B. Greek and Rome
C. Egypt and Mesopotamia D. Egypt and Axum
83. Who replaced Mussolini’s head of the Italian government?
A. Badoglio B. Graziani C. Debono D. Duke de Aosta
85. Which one of the following countries does NOT have a Veto power in the UN Security
A. U.S.A B. Japan C. China D. Russia
86. Which of the following is true about the Black Lion organization?
A. Its members swore loyalty to Emperor Haile selassie.
B. It was disbanded before it engaged in a single encounter with the enemy.
C. It was headed by General Amen Andom.
D. It fought for systemic change, not the restoration of the monarchy.
87. The body of the united nation authorized to take military action against an aggresses
Is: A. The General Assembly C. The Security Council

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B. International court of Justice D. The Mandate Commission
89. One which of the following event of WWII did Nazi Germany had active support from the
A. The annexation of Sudetenland. C. The occupation of Czechoslovakia.
B. The invasion of Poland. D. Attack on Denmark and Norway.
90. The two countries that came out much stronger than they were before the Second
World War were:
A.U.S.A and Britain C. USSR and USA
B. Germany and France D. Britain and Italy
91. The Anglo-Ethiopian Agreement which was signed on January 31, 1942:
A. Recognized Ethiopian as a sovereign state.
B. Gave the emperor final authority over foreign relations.
C. Was not accepted by the Emperor.
D. Was opposed by the Ethiopian patriots.
92. Which of the following was an immediate consequence of WWI?
A. Re-division of the colonial world among the Victors.
B. The demilitarization of Germany and all its neighbors.
C. The re-division of Poland between Russia and Germany.
D. Confirmation of Alsace and Lorraine as German territories.
93. Which of the following was true about the Holocaust?
A. It was a mass killing of German opponents of Hitler
B. It referred to massive casualties among soldiers during WWII
C. It was the mass killing of Jews and other minorities in Europe
D. It referred to mass imprisonment of people in concentration camps
94. Which one of the following is a characteristic of Fascism?
A. Extreme nationalism C. Refection of war as a political instrument
B. Respect for human right D. Support for the dictatorship of the proletariat
95. During the Grazziani Massacre of February 1937, the group that especially targeted for
Liquidation was:

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SENE 2012/JUNE/2020
A. Female patriots. C. Educated Ethiopians.
B. The Business class. D. Members of the royal family.
96. Today in Ethiopia there is enter state conflict takes place based on different ethnic
ideology, this sentence equivalent in medieval Ethiopian history incident.
A. Zemene Mesafint (the era of war lord 1769-1855)
B. Gonderian Period(1636-1769)
C. When the time of coronation of Kasa Hailu in 1855
D. Oromo population movement and expansion in 16 th century
97. Which of the following was an achievement of the Sumerian civilization?
A. Initiation of a legal system B. Introduction of calendar
C. Introduction of irrigation D. Introduction of painting
98. What was the major outcome of WWII interims of global distribution of power?
A. The emergence of the UN as an independent arbiter of peace
B. The undisputed emergence of the US and the USSR as superpowers
C. The end of Japanese rule over south East Asia
D. The independence of European colonies in Asia and Africa
99. According to the charter of the united Nation the principal objective of the organization was:
A. Promoting collective security throughout the world
B. Ensuring equal opportunity to all members’ states
C. Reducing the ongoing rivalry and arms race among the world power
D. Saving the World from the threat of future war
100. From the Abichu family, Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed is winner of the
Peace Noble prize has awarded for times
A.100 B.200 C. 201 D. 101

THE END!!!!!!
“When the history students die, stop reading literature “
Set by: History Department

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