Business Plan Canvas - SAYURKIT - ID-Rozanah-final

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Business Plan



Universitas Andalas
1 Sack = 20kg

This business is a Procurement and of production facilities which is the

upstream/initial subsystem in Agribusiness. SAYURKIT.ID is basically a
vegetables planting kit business which the “kit” is consisting seeds, fertilizers,
and planting media as a solution for cultivating plants at home for household
needs. SAYURKIT.ID is an MSME and in an early stage with sole

SAYURKIT.ID has Vision to Provide convenience and quality

procurement and services for healthier and sustainable living. With the
Mission to (1) Selling good quality and compact kits product with great
services, and (2) Sharing and educating about healthy and sustainable living.

SAYURKIT.ID sell through E-commerce/Social Media/Offline Store that

could distribute all over Indonesia with range of price is Rp15.000-Rp100.000.
The value that customer will get through buying our product is healthy
lifestyle value by consuming organic vegetables that are grown by themselves
and advancing the sustainability of the earth by planting in their homes.

SAYURKIT.ID is organized by the owner who manage the financial and

marketing, three packagers (one pack planting media, 1 pack the seeds, and
one packing the orders), and lastly are admins (Full and part time admin) who
manage the orders and social medias.

The total investments for the first three months of SAYURKIT.ID is

Rp18.000.000 with the revenue forecast is Rp21.000.000.

1 Sack = 20kg 1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................1
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AND OPTIONS..................................................3
BUSINESS DESCRIPTION AND VISION...........................................................5
PRODUCT AND SERVICES DESCRIPTION.....................................................6
FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS.....................................................................................7
BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS...............................................................................11
OPERATIONAL PLANNING AND ORGANIZING.......................................... 12

1 Sack = 20kg 2

Type chosen: Procurement of production facilities.

This subsystem is the upstream/initial subsystem in Agribusiness.
Procurement of production facilities includes planning, managing, and
procuring production facilities, technology, and agriculture resources.

Business options of idea and the opportunities:

1) Land Management Services

Most common growth medium is Land. Most of agriculture product
starts in land. So, this idea first came to mind because the first ever thing
to do before growing plant is about managing the land.

Land management services is a business procurement opportunity since

land is the primary thing to cultivate plants. It’s a business which
allowing farmers to get the best quality of their soil. Land management
services is rare, but are needed. Which means land is need to be
processed and prepared in order to get the best quality of land so it could
produce the best result. But in Indonesia, land processing could be hard
and expensive for farmers but it is also very important for them.

2) Organic Fertilizer
Fertilizer is also a common procurement production facilities in
agriculture that very crucial. The sustainability objective is also getting
more attention in today’s era. That’s why this idea came.

The increasing number of organic farming actors makes the demand

for organic fertilizers increase. This opens up a promising organic
fertilizer business opportunity. The organic fertilizer business has indeed
become one of the businesses that has recently become a trend. Organic
fertilizers are sought after and the demand is very large in the market.
The increasing need for organic fertilizer is not balanced with the
number of organic fertilizer business actors which is still relatively low.
This opens up a gap in business opportunities that you can make a
promising business choice

3) Horti Planting Kit

It was inspired by (decorative planting kit small
business) of my friend. In the Metropolitan city, houses, aparts, tend to
have a small yard to cultivate plants. It’s a solution for anyone who want
to plant vegetables in their house in a simple way. No need to buy the
procurement one by one. So, it’s also a good opportunity.

1 Sack = 20kg 3
From the likert scale conducted, we got Horti Planting Kit as the final business
decision with the total points of 6,99.

1 Sack = 20kg 4

This business is a Procurement and of production facilities which is the

upstream/initial subsystem in Agribusiness. Procurement of production
facilities includes planning, managing, and procuring production facilities,
technology, and agriculture resources.

Inspired from my friend who also sells a planting kit but with decorative
plants is the reason SAYURKIT.ID idea is here. SAYURKIT.ID is basically a
vegetables planting kit. This business has a good opportunities since the lack
of land in metropolitan city and in this era people are more aware about
healthy and sustainable living and would like to cultivate their own vegetables
in a more simple way.

SAYURKIT.ID is an MSME engaged in selling vegetable plant

production facilities in the form of "kits" consisting of seeds, fertilizers, and
planting media as a solution for cultivating plants at home for household needs.
This business plan is an early stage with sole proprietorship.

The Demographic segmentation target of this business are housewives
moms, and Gen Z who are live in metropolitan city. For Psychographics
segmentation target is housewives, moms, and Gen Z who are especially
interested and concern about healthy and sustainable living.

Competitors of SAYURKIT.ID are mostly sell fresh organic vegetable
such as: Forever green hydroponic farm, sayurbox, Tanihub, etc.
Competitors life business are mostly have stable in several form of
business like start up. MSME, Medium business.

The distinction of SAYURKIT.ID business and other competitors is the

scales and value. Scale of our business is MSME and we sell in form of
a kit which our competitors do not. And the value we giving for health
and sustainability add more points to it.

Provide convenience and quality procurement and services for
healthier and sustainable living.

1) Selling good quality and compact kits product with great services
2) Sharing and educating about healthy and sustainable living

1 Sack = 20kg 5

Kit of SAYURKIT.ID include Seeds, Organic Fertilizers, Planting Media,
and Planting Guides.

Kit 1 Kangkung/Bayam: Kit 2 Kangkung/Bayam

 Kangkung/Bayam (without planter bag):
seeds (17-20 seeds)  Kangkung/Bayam
 Planting Media (500gr; seeds (17-20 seeds)
mixed of 200 gr of soil,  Planting Media (500gr;
200 gr of organic mixed of 200 gr of soil,
fertilizer, 100 gr of 200 gr of organic
husk charcoal) fertilizer, 100 gr of
 Planter bag husk charcoal)
 Planting Guides  Planting Guide
Price: Rp20.000 Price: Rp15.000

The satisfaction that SAYURKIT.ID consumers will get is comfort,

convenience, and serenity. We meant by the customers will have a
convenience experience buying our products through the great services
and easy access platforms as well as the customers will like the serenity
as the output from planting the vegetable through our kit.

SAYURKIT.ID sell through E-commerce/Social Media/Offline Store

that could distribute all over Indonesia with range of price is

In addition, by buying SAYURKIT.ID products, consumers also get and

bring health value by consuming organic vegetables that are grown by
themselves and advancing the sustainability of the earth by planting in
their homes.

SAYURKIT.ID also run an offline store within their inventory place in

Jakarta Timur (Owner’s House); Utilizing the empty garage. Which
buyer could buy and choose directly in the store (like usual store).
Operational Hours: 8:30 am- 3:30 pm (both offline and online)

1 Sack = 20kg 6

1. Technical Aspects
Store and inventory location: Jl. Swadaya 1A Cipinang Muara, East
Jakarta with the space: 15 m x 10 m x 5m

Suppliers of materials
 Planting media organic Distributor: Distributor Tanam Trias
located in Bekasi.
 Seeds Supplier: from Gresik
 Planterbag: ST. Industries (Banyumas)
 Planting Guide print out: Dyno printing (Otista, East Jakarta)

How to cultivate a Kangkung/Bayam

 Soak the seed for 6-12 hours
 Prepare the planting media to the planterbag
 Sprinkle it with water until all of the surface wet evenly
 Spread out the seeds in the surface
 Cover a little bit the seeds with the plant media
 Water the plant every morning and evening
 Harvest in 20th-30th days

Technical orders

Figure 1. Layout

 Packager 1 package plant media into its portion

 Packager 2 package seeds for 17-20 seeds
 Packager 3 input orders
 Admin replying order and serve it to packager 3
 Cashier is conditional could any staff that spare/the owner itself
 Orders are sent by JNT expedition
 Could order by Gosend/Gomart (the consumer do it themselves)

1 Sack = 20kg 7
2. Institution, Organization, Managerial Aspects


Full time Packagers


Part time

Figure 2. Job titles

Since SAYURKIT.ID Business plan still in the early stage and is a

MSME, there are only few jobs which are the owner itself who manage the
financial and marketing, three packagers (one pack planting media, 1 pack
the seeds, and one packing the orders), and lastly are admins (Full and part
time admin) who manage the orders and social medias.

 Owner: Marketing and financial manager
 1 full time Admin: Manage Whatsapp and social media
(from 8:30-15:30)
 Part time Admin: Manage Whatsapp and social media
(from 15:30-20:30)
 3 Packager: 1 package the seeds, 1 package the plant media, 1
package the order
 SAYURKIT.ID collaborate with (planterbag distributor: ST.

3. Social Aspect
SAYURKIT.ID brings a value of sustainability and eco-friendly
through selling products that support for healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Therefore, SAYURKIT.ID also includes social aspects which saving the
earth by minimizing carbon, greening our home, and saving the future

In obvious, SAYURKIT.ID open job opportunities and the potential

grow of our business will also lead a bigger job opportunities in the future.
For future plan, SAYURKIT.ID income distribution aren’t only for
salaries but also for a social project which giving funds to farmers child
and environmental movement for planting mangroves.

4. Economic Aspect
Reported by

1 Sack = 20kg 8

The role of MSMEs is very large for Indonesia's economic growth, with
their number reaching 99% of all business units. The contribution of
MSMEs to GDP also reaches 60.5%, and to employment is 96.9% of the
total national employment absorption.

5. Commercial Aspect

Kit 1 Kangkung/Bayam:
 Kangkung/Bayam seeds (17-20 seeds)
 Planting Media (500gr; mixed of 200 gr of soil, 200 gr of organic
fertilizer, 100 gr of husk charcoal)
 Planter bag
 Planting Guides
Price: Rp20.000

Kit 2 Kangkung/Bayam (without planter bag):

 Kangkung/Bayam seeds (17-20 seeds)
 Planting Media (500gr; mixed of 200 gr of soil, 200 gr of organic
fertilizer, 100 gr of husk charcoal)
 Planting Guide
Price: Rp15.000

For the growth of our business, if our business is feasible enough we are
going to make an endorsement to some of influencers in Indonesia such
as Aulion, Vendryana, etc and make an Ads in Instagram, facebook,
tiktok. Aldo to keep our business keep engaged to customers we will
always try to make our social media active not only for selling but also
for sharing and educating related to healthy and sustainable living. On
every Sunday, we try to also open store at CFD(Car Free Day) Sudirman
at 6.30-9.30.

6. Financial Aspect

INVESTMENT (3months) —
Stokis: 200 packages kangkung & 200 packages bayam per month
= 400 kits
3 months -> 1200 kits in total.

1) 1200 kits x 0,5 kg = 600kg = 30 sacks1 of Planting media =

2) 20 seeds x 1200 = 24.000 seeds = Rp150.000
3) Planterbag 600 pcs: 600 x Rp3500 = Rp350.000
4) Cardboard : 200 x Rp3000 = Rp2.100.000
5) Kraftape: 20 pcs x Rp18.000 = Rp360.000
6) Planting guides: Rp2000 x 1200 = Rp2.400.000
7) 1 admin Phone = Rp1.000.000
8) Rack = Rp450.000 for store

1 Sack = 20kg 9
9) Rack Depreciation cost = Rp90.000
10) Phone Depreciation = 500.000
11) Salaries and wages = Rp9.000.000
12) Endorsment/Ads = Rp1.000.000

Total investment in the first 3 months = Rp18.000.000

REVENUE (3 months)-----
1) Kit w/planterbag 600packages: Rp20.000 x 600 = Rp12.000.000
2) Kit w/o planterbag 600 pcs = Rp15.000 x 100 = Rp9.000.000

Total Revenue for 3 months= Rp21.000.000


1) Owner: Rp1.000.000/month
2) Packagers: @ Rp450.000/month
3) Full time admin: Rp400.000/month
4) Part time admin: Rp250.000/month

Where the cash flows came from: Capital, collaboration

1 Sack = 20kg 10

1 Sack = 20kg 11

1. Planning
The Package are packaged only every orders are inputed by admins.
(Made by order). In the first month we stocked about ten sacks of
Planting media. So, the total of order maximum made in the first month
is 400 kits (200 w/planterbag & 200 w/o planterbag).

Operational order:

- Packager 1: Packaging planting media

- Packager 2: Seeds packaging
- Packager 3: Order packaging

- Admin: Managing the orders and replies of

customers and sent it to packager 3

- Cashier is conditional could any staff that

spare/the owner itself

Orders are sent by JNT expedition

Could order by Gosend/Gomart (the consumer
do it themselves)

2. Organizing
1) Owner: Marketing and money manager, and controlling
2) 1 full time Admin: Manage Whatsapp and social media
(from 8:30-15:30)
3) Part time Admin: Manage Whatsapp and social media
(from 15:30-20:30)
4) 3 Packager: 1 package the seeds, 1 package the plant media, 1
package the order

SAYURKIT.ID collaborate with (planterbag distributor: ST. Industries)

3. Controlling
The owner basically control the operational everyday since owner and
workers are manage in the same room. SAYURKIT.ID also make an
evaluation team every Thursday after work. Discussing about the
constraint of the work and about the workers selves.

1 Sack = 20kg 12
4. Human Resources Management
1) Recruitment
Criteria of workers could apply are who want to learn, initiative,
update about the environmental crisis/ at least about sustainability.
Particularly for admin had an admin experience before. (Age: up to 17
y.o.). Workers are selected by cv document and interview. Recruitment
information is shared through Social media

2) Maintanance
To keep and maintanance the work of workers as well as a positive
environment, in the office we will do an evalution every Thursday.

3) Development
To develop workers motivation for working in our business we are
planning to hangout every period of time. Also to develop workers skills
owner provides free online or offline classes/training about
sustainability and healthy.

1 Sack = 20kg 13

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