Genetics-2 Course Outline

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Semester: VIII

Course Code: BOT-407/407L

Course Title: Genetics-II
Credit Hours: 3 (2+1)
Course Outcome:
This course will provide basic information about molecular markers and linkage mapping,
prokaryotic and eukaryotic genome-structure, gene function and regulation, epigenetics,
cytogenetics and crop evolution.
Course Outline:
Recombinant DNA: Recombinant DNA Technology Introduction, basic techniques, PCR and Rt
PCR, Restriction enzymes, Plasmids, Bacteriophages as tools, the formation of recombinant
DNA, recombinant DNA technology, site directed mutagenesis, DNA sequencing.
Application of Recombinant DNA: Applications of recombinant DNA technology using
prokaryotes, recombinant DNA technology in eukaryotes: An overview, transgenic yeast,
transgenic plants, transgenic animals, screening for genetic diseases, identifying disease genes,
DNA typing, gene therapy, genetically modified organisms and apprehensions.
Mechanisms of Genetic Change I: Gene Mutation: The molecular basis of gene mutations,
spontaneous mutations, induced mutations, reversion analysis mutagens and carcinogens,
biological repair mechanisms.
Mechanisms of Genetic Change II: Recombination: General homologous recombination, the
Holiday model, enzymatic mechanism of recombination, site-specific recombination,
recombination and chromosomal rearrangements.
Mechanisms of Genetic Change III: Transposable Genetic Elements: Insertion sequences,
transposons, rearrangements mediated by transposable elements, review of transposable elements
in prokaryotes, controlling elements in maize.
Human Genome Project: Strategies and application, achievement and future prospects.
Plant Genome Projects: Arabidopsis, achievement and future prospects. Other plant genome
Bioinformatics: Application of computational tests to the analysis of genome and their gene
Bioethics: Moral, religious and ethical concerns
Practical Outline:
1. Problems relating to the theory.
2. Isolation and separation of DNA and protein on gel electrophoresis: Bacterial chromosome,
Plasmid DNA (mini-preps), Plant DNA, Protein.
3. DNA Amplification by PCR.

Recommended Books:
1. Stevens, T. & Newman, S., (2019). Biotech juggernaut: hope, hype, and hidden agendas of
entrepreneurial bioscience (1st ed.). Philadelphia: Routledge.
2. Shukla, P., (2018). Applied microbiology and engineering: an interdisciplinary approach (1st
ed.). London: Academic Press.
3. Venkat, B., Sahijramand, R. & Murthy, K., (2015). Plant biology and biotechnology (2nd
ed.). New York: Springer Publications.
4. Winnacker, E. L.2003, From Gene to Clones Introduction to Gene Technology, Panima
Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
5. Miglani, 2003, Advanced Genetics, Narosa Publishing House, India,.
6. Hartt, D. L, and Jones, E. W. 2005. Genetics, Analysis of Gene and Genomes. Jones and
Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, USA
7. Primrose, S. B., Twyman, R. M. and Old R. W. 2004. Principles of Gene Manipulation, an
Introduction to Genetic Engineering (6th Edition), Blackwell Scientific Publications.
8. Mahmut Caliskan. 2012. The Molecular basis of plant genetic diversity. In Tech Publishers.
9. David Hyde. 2008. Introduction to Genetic principles. McGraw-Hill.

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