4th Semester Syllabus
4th Semester Syllabus
4th Semester Syllabus
Subject: Z00LOGY
Course Code: BO50401T Course Title: Gene Technology and Human Welfare
Course outcomes:
The student at the completion of the course will be able to:
.Understand the principles of genetic engineering, how genes can be cloned in bacteria and the
various technologies involved in it.
Know the applications of biotechnology in various fields like agriculture, industry and human health.
Know the basics of industrial biotechnology.
Get introduced to DNA testing and utility of genetic engineering in forensic sciences.
. Get introduced to
computers and use of bioinformatics tools.
Enable students to get employment in pathology/Hospital.
Take up research in biological sciences.
Credits: 4 Core: Compulsory
Elementaryidea of probability and application
Biostatistics |1
Data summarizing:
frequency distribution,
presentation-bar, pie diagram, histogram graphical
Tests of
significance: one and two sample tests, t-test
and Chi-square test
VIl Basics of Computers
Basics (CPU, 1/O units) and
operating systems
Concept of homepages and websites, World Wide Web,
URLS, using search engines
VIll Bioinformatics
Databases: nucleic acids, genomes,
and structures, Bibliography
protein sequences
Sequence analysis (homology): pairwise and multiple
sequence alignments-BLAST, CLUSTALW
Phylogenetic analysis
Suggested Readings:
1. Primrose & Twyman. Principles of Genome Analysis and Genomics. Blackwell (2003).
2. Hartl & Jones. Genetics: principles & Analsysis of Genes & Genomes. Jones & Bartlett (1998).
3. Sambrook et al .Molecular Cloning Vols 1, 1, I1.CSHL (2001).
4. Primrose. Molecular Biotechnology. Panima (2001).
5. Clark&Switzer. Experimental Biochemistry. Freeman (2000)
Sudbery. Human Molecular Genetics. Prentice-Hal (2002).
7 Wilson. Clinical Genetics-A Short Course, Wiley (2000).
8. Pasternak. An Introduction to Molecular Human Genetics. Fritzgerald (2000).
9 Biostatistical Analysis (Fourth Edition) by Jerrold H. Zarr, Pearson Education Inc., Delhi.
10. Statistical Methods (Eighth Edition) by G. W. Snecdecor and W. G. Cochran, Willey Blackwell
11. Biostatistics (Tenth Edition) by W.w. Daniel and C. L Cross, Wiley
12. Introductory Biological Statistics (Fourth Edition) by John E. Havel, Raymond E. Hampton and Scott .
13. Westhead et al Bioinformatics: Instant Notes. Viva Books (2003).
Course Books published in Hindi must be prescribed by the Universities and Colleges
The eligibility for this paper is 10+2 with Biology as one of the subject
Programme/Class: Degree Year: Second Semester: Fourth
Subject: Z0OLOGY
applications 15
1. To learn the basics of computer
2. To learn sequence analysis using
alignment using
3. To learn Multiple sequence
analysis using the
4. To learn about Phylogenetic
programme PHYLIP.
Primer designing for PCR
5. Tolearn how to perform
using avalable softwares etc.
IV Virtual Labs
1. Gel Documentation System-
2. https://youtu.be/WPpt3-FanNE
Colorimeter- htps://youtu.be/v4ak6G0bGuU
3. PCR Part 1-
4. PCR Part 2- https://youtu.be/CpGX1UFSI4A
5. https://voutu.be/6lcHAYPTAEW
DNA isolation Part 1
DNA solation part https://youtu.be/-
efr HFeHxM
7. DNA curve-
8. https://youtu.be/ubL8QXTeuG4
Agarose Part 1- https://youtu.be/7gvHPFww--g
10. Agarose part 2- https://youtu.be/j bozCHNSSg
Suggested Readings:
1. Primrose & Twyman. Principles of Genome
2. Hartl & Jones. Genetics: principles &
Analysis and Genomics. Blackwell (2003).
Analsysis of Genes & Genomes. Jones & Bartlett (1998).
Sambrook et al .Molecular Cloning Vols l, I), 11. CSHL
Primrose. Molecular Biotechnology. Panima
Course Books published in Hindi must be prescribed by the Universities and Colleges
This course can be opted as an elective by the students of following subjects:
The eligibility for this paper is 10+2 from Arts/Commerce/Science
Suggested Continuous Evaluation Methods:
House Examinatlon/Test: 10 Marks
Written Assignment/Presentation/Project /Term Papers/Seminar: 10 Marks
Class performance/Participation: 5 Marks