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Dry Beans and Pulses Production,

Processing, and Nutrition, 2nd Edition

Muhammad Siddiq
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Dry Beans and Pulses
Production, Processing, and Nutrition
Dry Beans and Pulses
Production, Processing, and Nutrition

Second Edition

Edited by
Muhammad Siddiq
Research Associate Professor, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

Mark A. Uebersax
Professor Emeritus, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition,
Michigan State University, Perry, MI, USA
This second edition first published 2022
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

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Wiley-­Blackwell (1e, 2012)

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Library of Congress Cataloging-­in-­Publication Data

Names: Siddiq, Muhammad, 1957– editor. | Uebersax, Mark A., editor. | John
Wiley & Sons, publisher.
Title: Dry beans and pulses : production, processing, and nutrition / edited
by Muhammad Siddiq, Mark A. Uebersax.
Description: Second edition. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, [2022] | Publication
date from ECIP data view. | Includes bibliographical references and
Identifiers: LCCN 2021027853 (print) | LCCN 2021027854 (ebook) | ISBN
9781119777113 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119777120 (adobe pdf) | ISBN
9781119777137 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Dried beans. | Dried food industry.
Classification: LCC TP444.B38 D79 2021 (print) | LCC TP444.B38 (ebook) |
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Contributors vii
Preface xi


1. Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans
and Other Pulses 3
Muhammad Siddiq, Mark A. Uebersax, and Farihah Siddiq

2. Dry Bean Breeding and Production Technologies 29

Phillip N. Miklas, James D. Kelly, and Karen A. Cichy

3. Physical and Physiological Characteristics and Market

Classes of Common Beans 57
Mark A. Uebersax, Carlos Urrea, and Muhammad Siddiq

4. Harvesting, Postharvest Handling, Distribution,

and Marketing of Dry Beans 81
Mark A. Uebersax, Muhammad Siddiq, Joe Cramer, and Scott Bales

5. Hard-­to-­Cook and Other Storage-­Induced Quality Defects in Dry Beans 105

Mark A. Uebersax, Muhammad Siddiq, and Makafui Borbi


6. Composition of Raw and Processed Dry Beans and Other Pulses 131
Elham Azarpazhooh and Jasim Ahmed

7. Hydration, Blanching and Thermal Processing of Dry Beans 159

Dharmendra K. Mishra, Norm J. Matella,
Rabiha Binti Sulaiman, and Kirk D. Dolan

8. Processing and Quality Evaluation of Canned Dry Beans 191

Brittany L. White, Luke R. Howard, Mark A. Uebersax, and Kirk D. Dolan

9. Extrusion Processing of Dry Beans and Pulses 225

Jose De J. Berrios, Jack N. Losso, and Irene Albertos

vi Contents

10. Processing and Functional Properties of Dry Bean Flours and Fractions 247
Xin Rui and Sharon Hooper

11. Optical Sensing Technologies for Nondestructive Quality

Assessment in Dry Beans 277
Fernando A. Mendoza, Jason A. Wiesinger, and Karen A. Cichy

12. Utilization of Dry Beans and Other Pulses as Ingredients in Diverse

Food Products307
Heather Hill

13. Cowpea Composition, Processing, and Products 331

Robert D. Phillips, Firibu Kwesi Saalia,
and Nicole Sharon Affrifah

14. Faba (Broad) Bean Production, Processing, and Nutritional Profile 359
Sanju Bala Dhull, Mohd. Kashif Kidwai, Muhammad Siddiq,
and Jiwan S. Sidhu

15. Production, Processing, and Nutritional Profile of Chickpeas and Lentils 383
Jiwan S. Sidhu, Tasleem Zafar, Patnarin Benyathiar,
and Muhammad Nasir

16. Processing and Utilization of Dry Beans and Pulses in Africa 409
Jose Jackson, Joyce Kinabo, Rosemary Lekalake,
and Kebadire Mogotsi

17. Processing and Nutritional Profile of Mung Bean, Black Gram, Pigeon Pea,
Lupin, Moth Bean, and Indian Vetch 431
Muhammad Nasir, Jiwan S. Sidhu, and Dalbir Singh Sogi


18. A Culinology® Perspective of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 455
Samir Amin and Carl P. Borchgrevink

19. Nutrition and Human Health Benefits of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 481
Chelsea Didinger, Michelle T. Foster, Marisa Bunning, and Henry J. Thompson

20. Health Implications and Nutrient Bioavailability of Bioactive

Compounds in Dry Beans and Other Pulses 505
Jason A. Wiesinger, Frédéric Marsolais, and Raymond P. Glahn

21. A Systems Perspective of the Role of Dry Beans and Pulses in the Future
of Global Food Security: Opportunities and Challenges 531
John Medendorp, David DeYoung, Deepa G. Thiagarajan, Randy Duckworth,
and Barry Pittendrigh

Index 551

Nicole Sharon Affrifah Patnarin Benyathiar

Department of Food Process Engineering Department of Food Technology
University of Ghana, Legon Mahidol University (Kanchanaburi campus)
Accra, Ghana. Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.

Jasim Ahmed Jose De J. Berrios

Food & Nutrition Program Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research United State Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Safat, Kuwait. Albany, CA, USA.

Irene Albertos Makafui Borbi

Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud Department of Food Science & Human
Universidad Catolica de Avila Nutrition
Ávila, Spain. Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI, USA.
Samir Amin
Department of Food Science and Carl P. Borchgrevink
Nutrition The School of Hospitality Business
California Polytechnic State University Michigan State University
San Luis Obispo, CA, USA. East Lansing, MI, USA.

Elham Azarpazhooh Marisa Bunning

Agricultural Engineering Research Department of Food Science and Human
Department Nutrition
Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Colorado State University
Resources Research and Education Fort Collins, CO, USA.
Center, AREEO
Mashhad, Iran. Karen A. Cichy
Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
Scott Bales United State Department of Agriculture
Department of Plant, Soil & Microbial (USDA), and
Sciences Plant, Soil & Microbial Sciences
Michigan State University Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI, USA. East Lansing, MI, USA.

viii Contributors

Joe Cramer Sharon Hooper

The Michigan Bean Commission Department of Plant, Soil & Microbial
Frankenmuth, MI, USA. Sciences
Michigan State University
David DeYoung East Lansing, MI, USA.
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for
Legume Systems Research Luke R. Howard
Michigan State University Department of Food Science
East Lansing, MI, USA. University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR, USA.
Sanju Bala Dhull
Department of Food Science and Jose Jackson
Technology Alliance for African Partnership
Chaudhary Devi Lal University Michigan State University
Sirsa (Haryana), India­. East Lansing, MI, USA.

Chelsea Didinger James D. Kelly

Department of Food Science and Human Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Nutrition (University Distinguished Professor
Colorado State University Emeritus)
Fort Collins, CO, USA. Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI, USA.
Kirk D. Dolan
Department of Food Science & Human
Mohd. Kashif Kidwai
Nutrition; Department of Biosystems &
Department of Energy and
Agri Engineering
Environmental Sciences
Michigan State University
Chaudhary Devi Lal University
East Lansing, MI, USA.
Sirsa (Haryana), India.
Randy Duckworth
Global Pulse Confederation Joyce Kinabo
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Department of Food Science and
Michelle T. Foster Sokoine University of Agriculture
Department of Food Science and Human Morogoro, Tanzania.
Colorado State University Rosemary Lekalake
Fort Collins, CO, USA. Department of Food Science and
Raymond P. Glahn Botswana University of Agriculture and
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Natural Resources
United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Sebele, Botswana.
Ithaca, NY, USA.
Jack N. Losso
Heather Hill School of Nutrition and Food Sciences
Prairie Research Kitchen Louisiana State University
Red River College Agricultural Center
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Baton Rouge, LA, USA.
Contributors ix

Frédéric Marsolais Barry Pittendrigh

Agriculture and Agri-­Food Canada Feed the Future Innovation Lab for
London, Ontario, Canada. Legume Systems Research
Michigan State University
Norm J. Matella East Lansing, MI, USA; and
Research & Development Department of Entomology
Campari Group Purdue University
Lawrenceburg, KY, USA. West Lafayette, IN, USA.

John Medendorp Xin Rui

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for College of Food Science and Technology
Legume Systems Research Nanjing Agricultural University
Michigan State University Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
East Lansing, MI, USA; and P. R. China.
Department of Entomology
Purdue University, Firibu Kwesi Saalia
West Lafayette, IN, USA. Department of Nutrition and
Food Science
Fernando A. Mendoza University of Ghana, Legon
Advance Development Food Preservation Accra, Ghana.
AB Electrolux
Stockholm, Sweden. Farihah Siddiq
Food Packaging Specialist
East Lansing, MI, USA.
Phillip N. Miklas
Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
Muhammad Siddiq
United State Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Department of Food Science and Human
Prosser, WA, USA.
Michigan State University
Dharmendra K. Mishra East Lansing, MI, USA.
Department of Food Sciences
Purdue University Jiwan S. Sidhu
West Lafayette, IN, USA. Department of Food Science and
Kebadire Mogotsi College of Life Sciences, Kuwait
National Agriculture, Research and University
Development Institute (NARDI) Safat, Kuwait.
Gaborone, Botswana.
Dalbir Singh Sogi
Muhammad Nasir Department of Food Science and
Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Technology
FrieslandCampina Engro Pakistan Ltd. Guru Nanak Dev University
Lahore, Pakistan. Amritsar, India.

Robert D. Phillips Rabiha Binti Sulaiman

Department Food Science & Technology Department of Food Technology
University of Georgia University Putra Malaysia (UPM)
Griffin, GA, USA. Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
x Contributors

Deepa G. Thiagarajan Brittany L. White

Department of Food Science & Human Research and Development
Nutrition Department
Michigan State University Simmons Pet Food
East Lansing, MI, USA. Siloam Springs, AR, USA.

Henry J. Thompson Jason A. Wiesinger

Cancer Prevention Laboratory Agricultural Research Service (ARS).
Colorado State University United State Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Fort Collins, CO, USA. Ithaca, NY, USA.

Mark A. Uebersax Tasleem Zafar

Department of Food Science and Human Department of Food Science &
Nutrition (Professor, Emeritus) Nutrition
Michigan State University, College of Life Sciences, Kuwait
Perry MI, USA. University
Safat, Kuwait.
Carlos Urrea
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
University of Nebraska
Scottsbluff, NE, USA.

Common beans and other pulses are diverse food sources of high nutritional value (protein,
energy, fiber, and vitamins and minerals) with broad social acceptance. These legume crops
demonstrate global adaptability, genotypic and phenotypic diversity, and multiple means of
preparation and dietary use. Beans and pulses are produced in regions as diverse as Latin
America, Africa, Asia, and North America. Traditionally, these food crops have not been
afforded their due importance to a scale similar to some other crops such as soybean and
staple crops, such as wheat, corn, and rice. However, in recent years, pulse crops have
gained increased importance due to their value as plant-­based proteins and meat alterna-
tives. Moreover, pulse flours and ingredients are finding new uses in diverse food applica-
tions with enhanced nutritional and sensory properties.
Numerous factors influence utilization of grain legumes, including type and cultivar
selection, cropping environment and systems, storage conditions and handling infrastruc-
ture, processing methods, and final product preparation. Further, nutrient content and bio-
availability are dramatically influenced by these diverse factors. In recent years, beans and
pulses have been cited for imparting specific positive health potentiating responses, such as
hypocholesteremic response, mitigation of diabetes and colorectal cancer, and weight con-
trol. Enhanced dry bean utilization focused on improved dietary health is an opportunity
within both subsistent and developed populations.
This revised book edition provides a contemporary source of information that brings
together current knowledge and practices in the value chain of bean/pulse production, pro-
cessing, and nutrition. This work provides an in-­depth coverage on a wide variety of perti-
nent topics: breeding, postharvest technologies, composition, processing technologies, food
safety, quality, nutritional profile, significance to human health, and food security. An expe-
rienced team of over 50 contributors from North America, Asia, and Africa has written 21
chapters. These contributors come from a field of diverse disciplines, including crop sci-
ences, horticulture, food science and technology, food biochemistry, food engineering,
nutritional sciences, Culinology®, environmental sciences, and agricultural extension.
The book is divided into three sections. Part I, Overview, production and postharvest
technologies of beans and pulses, contains 5 chapters. Topics include global production and
consumption; breeding and production technologies; market classes and physical and phys-
iological characteristics; postharvest handling, packaging and distribution; and storage
induced quality defects. Part II, Composition, value-­added processing, and quality, has 12
chapters, which cover composition of processed beans/pulses; hydration, blanching, and
thermal processing; canning and canned products; extrusion processing and products;
­processing of flours and fractions; optical sensing technologies for nondestructive quality
assessment; utilization of dry beans and other pulses as ingredients in diverse food ­products;
cowpea processing and products; faba bean processing and nutrition; chickpeas and lentils

xii Preface

processing and nutrition; utilization of beans and pulses in Africa; and other common
pulses, including mung bean, black gram, pigeon pea, lupin, moth bean and Indian vetch.
Part III, Culinology®, nutrition and significance in human health, and food security, has
four chapters, which include culinary perspective of beans and pulses; nutrition and human
health benefits; health implications and nutrient bioavailability of bioactive compounds;
and roles of dry beans and pulses in global food security. Overall, this value-­chain approach
to the presented topics is a distinctive feature of this book.
The editors acknowledge many individuals for their support from conception through
final development of this book. Foremost is our sincere thanks and gratitude to all authors
for their contributions and for bearing with us during the review and finalization process of
their chapters. Thanks are due to Imaad Thasin for providing library and literature search
support. We are grateful to our family members for their understanding and support, ena-
bling us to complete this work. We dedicate this work to the worthy contributions of the
numerous researchers and students throughout the world for their decades-­long devoted
efforts to improving the quality and utilization of dry beans and pulses.

Muhammad Siddiq
Mark A. Uebersax
Part I
Overview, Production and
Postharvest Technologies
1 Global Production, Trade, Processing
and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans
and Other Pulses
Muhammad Siddiq, Mark A. Uebersax,
and Farihah Siddiq

Introduction Health benefits

History and origin Beans and pulses use in
Production and trade weaning foods
Global production and trade Constraints to utilization of beans
US production and trade and other pulses
Consumption trends of dry beans Legumes and sustainability of
Dry beans and other pulses as a diverse food agricultural systems
resource Beans and other pulses in world
Traditional utilization food security
Value-­added processing and products Dry beans in food aid programs
Nutritional profile and health benefits Summary
Nutritional profile References


Legumes (dry beans and other pulses) occupy an important place in human nutrition, espe-
cially among the low-­income groups of people in developing countries. Although terms
legumes, pulses, and beans are used interchangeably, they have distinct meanings. For
example, a legume refers to any plant from the Fabaceae family, including leaves, stems,
and pods, while edible seeds from the legume plant are called pulses, which include beans,
cowpeas, chickpeas, lentils, and peas, to name a few (HSPH 2020; Perera et al. 2020). Food
legumes have significant importance in human diet and animal feed worldwide and occupy
an important place in the global food supply chain besides promoting sustainable agricul-
tural production systems (Pratap et al. 2021).

Dry Beans and Pulses: Production, Processing, and Nutrition, Second Edition.
Edited by Muhammad Siddiq and Mark A. Uebersax.
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2022 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

4 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

Legumes typically have pea-­blossom type flowers, herbaceous to woody stems, a generally
well-­defined taproot, nitrogen-­assimilating bacteria within nodules associated with the fibrous
root system, bivalved seeds in varying numbers borne in single-­celled pods that readily sepa-
rate into halves at maturity, an annual lifecycle, and grow throughout the world from the tropics
to high mountainous regions (Hardenburg 1927). Legume plants serve as hosts for nitrogen-­
fixing bacteria (Rhizobium) through symbiotic colonization within nodules that develop among
the plant root system. Thus, legume crops are soil nutrient enhancers that build soil nitrogen
levels through suitable crop rotations of legumes with non-­nitrogen fixing cereal grains
(Bliss 1993; Martinez-­Romero 2003).
Dry beans and other pulses are a good source of protein (significantly higher than
that of cereals), dietary fiber, starch, minerals, and vitamins (Kutos et al. 2002; Hayat
et al. 2014; Kamboj and Nanda 2018). They are a staple food and are a low-­cost source
of protein in developing countries where protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is preva-
lent (Van Heerden and Schonfeldt 2004). The inclusion of pulses in the daily diet has
many beneficial physiological effects in controlling and preventing various metabolic
diseases such as diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, and colon cancer (Tharanathan
and Mahadevamma 2003). Further, pulses belong to the group that elicits the lowest
blood glucose response and contain considerable contents of phenolic compounds. The
role of legumes as therapeutic agents in the diets of persons suffering from metabolic
disorders has gained a significant interest in recent years (Mudryj et al. 2014; Yao
et al. 2020).
Figure 1.1 shows comparative nutritional benefits of dry beans versus cereal grains.
Nutritionally, the higher content of protein and dietary fiber and lower content of carbohy-
drates and fat of legumes offer better dietary options and health benefits. In recent years,
beans have been cited for imparting specific positive health potentiating responses (hypocho-
lesteremic response, mitigation of diabetes and colonic cancer, and weight control) when
properly positioned in the diet (Hayat et al. 2014; Clemente and Olias 2017; Kamboj et al.
2018; HSPH 2020).
Numerous factors influence utilization, including bean type and cultivar selection,
cropping environment and systems, storage conditions and handling infrastructure,

Fat Cereal grains
Dry beans
Dietary fiber



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Content (g/100 g)

Fig. 1.1. Nutritional benefits of dry beans versus cereal grains (data for dry beans is average of pinto,
navy, red kidney, and black beans, and average of wheat, corn, sorghum, and oat for cereal grains).
Source: Based on data from USDA (2021).
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 5

Desi Chickpea Lentil Dhal

Light red kidney


Small red
Great northern

Kabuli chickpea

Cowpea/Black eye pea



‘Soup Mix’
Dark red kidney

Mung bean
Chickpea Dhal

Fig. 1.2. A selection of common dry beans and pulses. (For color detail, please see color plate section.)
Source: Original image by author, M.A. Uebersax.

p­ rocessing, and final product preparation. Further, nutrient content and bioavailability are
dramatically influenced by these conditions. Antinutritional factors (trypsin inhibitors,
lectins, and phytic acid) have long been recognized as concerns and require appropriate
processing conditions to ameliorate adverse effects. However, it is noted that some of the
antinutrients may have therapeutic value, e.g., tannins and phenolics (Uebersax et al. 1989;
Sathe 2012).
Legume crops demonstrate global adaptability, genotypic and phenotypic diversity, and
multiple means of preparation and dietary use. Figure 1.2 shows a selection of common dry
beans and other pulses. The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is considered the most
widely grown among more than 30 Phaseolus species described in the literature. It has
undergone wide production distribution from its origins in Mexico, Central America, and
the Andean region of South America. Beans have extensive domestication and cultivation
and has been utilized in a variety of food preparations (Hidalgo 1988). Scientific (genus
and species) and common names for various food legumes are:

• Phaseolus vulgaris L. (common bean, field bean, haricot)

• Vigna unguiculata L. (cowpea, black-­eye pea, crowder pea)
6 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

• Cicer arietinum L. (chickpea, garbanzo, Bengal gram, gram, Chana)

• Lens culinaris Medik. (lentil, Masur)
• Vigna aureus (mung bean, green gram, golden gram)
• Cajanus cajan L. Millsp. (pigeon pea, Congo pea, red gram, Angola pea, yellow dhal)
• Phaseolus lunatus L. (lima bean, butter bean)
• Vicia faba L. (broad bean, faba bean, horse bean)
• Vigna aconitifolia Jacq. (moth bean, mat bean)
• Pisum arvense sativum L. (common or garden pea, pois, arveja, Alaska pea,
• Glycine max (L.) Merr. (soybean, soya, haba soya)

This chapter provides an overview of important aspects of the production and global
trade of legumes, production and consumption trends, use as a diverse food resource, value-­
added products, nutritional and health significance, constraints to utilization, and the role of
legumes in world food security.

History and origin

Beans may be called “the food of the ancients,” with literature recording the cultivation
of beans, lupins and lentils in the Nile Valley dating as early as 2000 bce. Common beans
originated in Latin America (high Andeas, Guatemala and Mexico) where its wild
progenitor (P. vulgaris var. mexicanus and var. aborigenous) has a wide distribution rang-
ing from northern Mexico to northwestern Argentina (Gepts 2001; Grigolo and
Fioreze 2018). Phaseolus beans are recognized as an exclusive New World Crop of
American origin despite their wide distribution worldwide. Secondary centers of diversi-
fication are East Africa and Europe, since the Phaseolus beans were introduced by
Spaniards and Portuguese in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (Angioi et al. 2010;
Schumacher and Boland 2017). Beans have played a part in the superstitions, the politics,
and the warfare of ancient peoples. Magistrates were elected in Greece and Rome by the
casting of beans into helmets. Certain kinds have been credited with medicinal value
(Hardenburg 1927).
Originally domesticated in Central and South America, dry beans moved northward
through Mexico and spread across most of the United States. These beans were com-
monly grown with corn and sometimes squash (Schumacher and Boland 2017). The
early Europeans, first in the New England States of the US, then generations later in
the upper Midwest (Great Lakes region), found that the white pea bean and many other
dry beans provided a fine staple for a subsistence diet. The settlers explored and
adapted to growing dry beans that the native Indians apparently had never exploited.
They traded their excess production to non-­bean-­growing neighbors for goods, services,
or cash.
The Iroquois Indians grew a small, round pea bean (Indian bean) with corn and squash
(“three sisters” cropping system); this bean later became known as the “navy bean”
because of the large demand that developed for this bean for naval and marine food sup-
ply purposes.
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 7


Dry beans and pulses are grown widely in different regions of the world. Table 1.1 shows
regional production of dry beans, cowpeas, and other pulses in 2019. The total world produc-
tion of these grain legumes was over 68 million metric tons, with Asia alone contributing
50.67%, followed by Africa (27.80%, and Americas − North, Central, and South (15.62%).
The major regionally produced legumes were lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, pigeon peas,
and other local pulses (Asia), cowpeas and vetches (Africa), dry beans, lentils, and chickpeas
(Americas), lentils, lupins, vetches, and other pulses (EU region), and lupins and vetches
The significance of dry beans and pulses is made clear by the worldwide distribution of
their production and consumption, as summarized below:

• East Asia: China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea Rep., Myanmar, Philippines,
Thailand, Vietnam
• South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
• West Asia/Middle East: Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Yemen
• North America: USA, Mexico, Canada
• Central America and Caribbean: Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El
Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
• South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru,
Uruguay, Venezuela
• Europe: Albania, Austria, Benelux, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Russian
• East Africa: Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda,
• West Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia
• South Africa: Angola, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Republic of South Africa,
Swaziland, Zimbabwe

Table 1.1. Regional production of dry beans and other pulses in 2019 (metric tons).

Pulse crop Asia Africa Americas Europe Oceania

Beans 14,369,312 7,052,612 7,039,866 367,412 73,470

Cowpeas 197,970 8,616,443 65,039 23,877 nr1
Chickpeas 11,879,525 693,369 876,132 516,069 281,200
Lentils 2,438,955 188,545 2,446,103 124,756 535,842
Vetches 94,569 324,719 97,230 239,487 6,790
Pigeon peas 3,680,651 666,875 78,443 nr nr
Lupins 91 75,381 63,595 393,146 474,629
Other pulses 2,063,857 1,432,126 41,065 1,003,043 12,938
Total 34,724,930 19,050,070 10,707,473 2,667,790 1,384,869

Not reported
Source: FAO (2020).
8 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

Global production and trade

The world production of dry beans was 28.9 million metric tons (MT) in 2019, which rep-
resented an increase of 64.74% as compared to 17.5 million MT in 1990 (Figure 1.3). From
2010 to 2019, dry bean production increased by 4.3 million MT, or 17.33%, whereas in the
preceding 20-­year period (1990–2009), global production increased only by 4.5 million MT
(17.33%). Note: The percentages shown are slightly off in this section since these were not
calculated from the rounded off data (to one decimal point) reported here. Regionally, Asia
accounted for 49.72% of global production, followed by Africa and Americas (North,
Central and South), with 24.40% and 24.36% share, respectively. The total area under dry
beans cultivation was 33.1 million hectares in 2019, which represented an increase of 25%
compared to 1990’s 26.5 million hectare. These figures illustrate that most of the produc-
tion increases during nearly three decades were achieved through genetic improvements
and applying good agricultural practices (GAPs) rather than through increases in area under
The total world production of pulses (chickpeas, lentils, lupins, pigeon peas, vetches,
and other minor pulses) in 2019 was 30.7 million MT, which represented an increase of
66.42% compared to 18.4 million MT in 1990 (Figure 1.3). Chickpeas (14.3 million MT)
and lentils (5.7 million MT) accounted for 65% of the total pulses production. From 1990
to 2009, pulses production increased by 4.5 million MT, whereas a 7.9 million MT increase
was reported in just a 10-­year period from 2010 to 2019. With respect to regional distribu-
tion, Asia led the global production with 65.60% share, followed by Americas (11.72%),
and Africa (11.00%).
The total area under pulses cultivation was 31.4 million hectares in 2019, which
showed an increase of 6.3 million hectares or 25.20% since 1990. However, area under
cultivation decreased significantly from the preceding year (2018), which was an all-­time
high of 38.1 million hectares. It is noted that most of the increase in area was recorded
from 2010 to 2019, while it remained somewhat flat during the preceding 20 years
The total world production of cowpeas was 8.9 million MT in 2019, which was more
than four times as compared to 2.1 million MT in 1990 (Figure 1.3). However, from 2010
to 2019, an increase of only 25.47% was recorded, compared to 7.1 million MT in 2010.
The area under cowpeas cultivation since 1990 exhibited a significant growth, i.e., from
5.7 to 14.4 million hectares. In contrast to dry beans and pulses, the boost in cowpea
production appeared to be related mainly to the increases in the cultivated area.
Nonetheless, technological advances too have contributed partially to higher production
of cowpeas globally.
The average yield of dry beans, all pulses, and cowpeas was 874, 1124, and 616 kg/
hectare, respectively, in 2019. As was the case with the total production and area under
cultivation, yields of dry beans, all pulses, and cowpeas since 1990 have recorded a 32.26,
32.08, and 60.78% increase, respectively.
Leading producers of dry beans, cowpea, chickpea, lentil, lupin, pigeon pea, vetches,
and other minor pulses are shown in Table 1.2. Myanmar, India, Brazil, China, and Tanzania
top-­five dry beans producing countries in 2019, with a production of 5,846,622 MT,
5,310,000 MT, 2,906,508 MT, 1,297,867 MT, and 1,197,489 MT, respectively. Combined,
these five countries contributed about 57% of the total world production. Uganda, USA,
Mexico, Kenya, and Burundi were the other countries among the leading dry beans produc-
ers. Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and Kenya were the top-­five cowpea producers,
Production (million metric tons)


1990 2.1 5.7 1990 18.4 25.1 1990 17.5 26.5
20.1 18.0

Source: FAO (2020).

1991 2.5 6.3 1991 26.7 1991 27.4
1992 2.6 8.5 1992 17.1 25.2 1992 17.2 25.4
1993 2.5 8.3 1993 18.4 25.0 1993 18.5 24.6
1994 2.7 7.4 1994 18.8 24.8 1994 17.6 26.6
1995 2.7 8.5 1995 21.0 26.3 1995 17.8 25.9
1996 3.0 8.8 1996 19.8 25.9 1996 17.1 25.8
1997 3.0 8.8 1997 20.7 25.2 1997 16.5 25.5
1998 3.8 10.3 1998 20.0 25.7 1998 16.8 24.3
1999 3.7 9.2 1999 21.8 26.5 1999 18.0 23.7
2000 3.3 8.9 2000 20.4 24.6 2000 17.8 23.8
2001 3.8 9.2 2001 19.3 24.5 2001 18.5 24.0

Pulses, production
2002 4.3 9.9 2002 20.8 25.1 2002 20.1 27.7
Dry beans, production

Cowpeas, production
2003 4.4 10.4 2003 18.9 24.3 2003 21.4 28.5

Pulses, cultivated area

4.2 21.6 2004 18.7 27.3

Cowpeas, cultivated area

Dry beans, cultivated Area

2004 9.2 2004 25.2

2005 4.8 10.4 2005 21.3 24.9 2005 19.3 26.8
2006 5.2 11.3 2006 22.0 25.2 2006 21.2 27.9
2007 5.6 11.9 2007 21.4 25.8 2007 21.7 29.3
2008 6.4 12.9 2008 20.9 25.4 2008 21.9 26.7
2009 5.1 9.7 2009 22.9 25.7 2009 22.0 25.5
2010 7.1 11.8 2010 25.0 27.2 2010 24.6 30.8
2011 5.3 10.9 2011 25.8 29.5 2011 23.8 30.3
2012 8.9 11.8 2012 26.3 29.5 2012 24.2 29.0
2013 8.9 12.7 2013 29.1 29.6 2013 24.7 29.2
2014 6.2 13.0 2014 29.7 30.8 2014 26.8 30.4

include chickpeas, lentils, lupins, pigeon peas, vetches, and other minor pulses.
2015 6.4 12.4 2015 27.8 29.4 2015 27.6 30.8
2016 8.3 13.9 2016 28.2 30.6 2016 28.4 34.3
2017 8.5 14.7 2017 34.4 34.3 2017 30.8 36.3
2018 8.8 14.4 2018 36.0 38.1 2018 30.4 34.5
2019 8.9 14.4 2019 30.7 31.4 2019 28.9 33.1



(1990–2019). Dry beans data include pinto, navy, kidney, lima, black, great northern; pulses data
Cultivated area (million hectares)
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses

Fig. 1.3. World production (bars) and area under cultivation (lines) of dry beans, pulses, and cowpeas
10 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

Table 1.2. Leading dry beans and pulses producing countries in 2019 (metric tons, MT).

Dry beans Cowpeas Chickpeas Lentils

Myanmar 5,846,622 Nigeria 3,576,361 India 9,937,990 Canada 2,166,900

India 5,310,000 Niger 2,386,735 Turkey 630,000 India 1,227,820
Brazil 2,906,508 Burkina 652,454 Russian 506,166 Australia 533,755
Faso Fed.
China 1,297,867 Ethiopia 374,332 Myanmar 499,438 Turkey 353,631
Tanzania 1,197,489 Kenya 246,870 Pakistan 446,584 Nepal 251,185
Uganda 979,789 Mali 215,436 Ethiopia 435,193 USA 244,400
USA 932,220 Cameroon 215,016 USA 282,910 Bangladesh 175,384
Mexico 879,404 Ghana 202,735 Australia 281,200 China 164,239
Kenya 747,000 Senegal 184,137 Canada 251,500 Ethiopia 119,329
Burundi 619,151 Sudan 161,000 Mexico 202,846 Russian Fed. 116,618
World Total1 28,902,672 World 8,903,329 World 14,246,295 World Total1 5,734,201
Total1 Total1

Lupin Pigeon pea Vetches Other pulses

Australia 474,629 India 3,315,440 Ethiopia 312,680 India 912,609

Russian 166,271 Malawi 464,787 Russian 163,163 U.K. 230,139
Poland 145,690 Myanmar 347,395 Mexico 97,230 Mozambique 221,886
Morocco 67,928 Tanzania 90,088 Turkey 51,767 Spain 213,420
Chile 45,606 Kenya 87,912 Syria 33,978 Kyrgyzstan 180,379
Germany 25,600 Haiti 44,868 Belarus 31,739 Viet Nam 160,186
Greece 22,900 Dominican 25,322 Serbia 28,018 Poland 154,760
Peru 16,458 Nepal 16,538 Morocco 7,795 China 143,177
Ukraine 10,760 Uganda 14,223 Palestine 6,914 Tanzania 142,289
South Africa 7,224 Congo 6,510 Australia 6,790 Thailand 134,123
World Total1 1,006,842 World 4,425,969 World 762,795 World Total1 4,553,029
Total1 Total1

Including all other countries not listed
Source: FAO (2020).

with Nigeria and Niger together accounting for 67% of the total world production. The
cowpea production in the USA has been on a decline in recent years, with 2019 production
of 11,750 MT, which was 65,570 MT in 2010.
Among pulses, India ranked first in chickpea production with 9,937,990 MT, or about
70% of total world production in 2019. Turkey, Russian Federation, Myanmar, and Pakistan
were the other countries in the top-­five chickpea producers. Lentil production is led by
Canada (2,166,900 MT) followed by India, Australia, Turkey, and Nepal. Canada’s share of
total lentil production in the world was nearly 38%. Australia was the top producer of
lupins, with a 47% share of total world production, followed by Russian Federation, Poland,
Morocco, and Chile; these five countries accounted for 89% of lupins produced in 2019.
India, Malawi, Myanmar, Tanzania, Kenya were the top-­five pigeonpea producing coun-
tries, with India alone producing about 75% pigeonpeas. Ethiopia, with 41% of total world
production, was the top producer of vetches in 2019, while India led in the production of
other minor pulses with 20% global share.
Among all pulse crops, only dry beans, chickpeas, and lentils are traded globally on a
wider scale (FAO 2020). Cowpeas and other pulses are traded in the world market on a much
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 11

Table 1.3. Leading dry beans, chickpeas, and lentils exporting and importing countries in 2019
(metric tons).


Dry beans Chickpeas Lentils

Myanmar 1,097,218 Russian Fed. 470,439 Canada 2,116,910

Argentina 457,041 Australia 406,157 Australia 498,992
USA 451,733 Turkey 212,598 Turkey 308,545
China 350,649 USA 154,784 USA 262,404
Canada 342,563 Mexico 133,309 UAE 209,780
Uganda 175,000 Canada 129,922 Kazakhstan 181,809
Ethiopia 165,265 India 123,493 Russian Fed. 150,818
Mozambique 164,055 Tanzania 111,459 Syria 19,678
Uzbekistan 151,077 Argentina 103,928 Egypt 17,401
Brazil 123,106 UAE 61,830 India 17,338
World Total1 4,587,193 World Total1 2,177,431 World Total1 3,899,913


Dry Beans Chickpeas Lentils

India 520,965 Egypt 5,672,922 India 822,398

Brazil 150,660 Pakistan 410,083 Bangladesh 472,411
Turkey 145,240 India 371,883 Turkey 401,168
USA 139,850 Bangladesh 241,076 UAE 268,139
China 134,956 Turkey 114,770 Sri Lanka 167,810
Italy 131,527 UAE 105,076 Pakistan 123,735
Mexico 123,653 Iraq 77,083 Iraq 100,059
UK 116,543 Algeria 75,377 Colombia 86,475
Pakistan 103,871 Saudi Arabia 60,786 Canada 83,154
Viet Nam 94,559 Spain 56,979 Sudan 79,353
World Total1 3,453,050 World Total1 7,796,178 World Total1 3,770,132

Including all other countries not listed
Source: FAO (2020).

smaller basis but FAO does not report data on these pulse crops. The major exporting and
importing countries for dry beans, chickpeas, and lentils are listed in Table 1.3. Myanmar,
Russian Federation, and Canada were the top exporters of dry beans, chickpeas, and lentils
in 2019, with 23.92, 21.61, and 54.28% share of total exports, respectively. Other countries
among top-­five exporters were Argentina, USA, China, and Canada (dry beans), Australia,
Turkey, USA, and Mexico (chickpeas), and Australia, Turkey, USA, and UAE (lentils). The
top-­five importing countries were India, Brazil, Turkey, USA, and China (dry beans), Egypt,
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Turkey (chickpeas), and India, Bangladesh, Turkey, UAE,
and Sri Lanka (lentils). It is noted that UAE, which is not a major producer of chickpeas and
lentils, imports these quantities in bulk and exports them in bulk and retail size packaging.

US production and trade

The total US production of dry beans was 1.78 million MT in 2020. North Dakota,
Michigan, and Minnesota were the three leading dry beans–producing states in 2020
(Table 1.4); together, these three states represented about 76% of total US production,
with 41.62%, 17.27%, and 16.69% share, respectively. Michigan was once the leading
12 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

Table 1.4. Leading dry beans producing states in the US for selected years since 1990
(metric tons).

State1 1990 2000 2010 2020 % Change (1990–2020)

North Dakota 254,270 386,765 521,500 739,683 +190.90

Michigan 276,623 209,563 192,273 306,847 +10.93
Minnesota 89,820 121,928 139,182 296,635 +230.26
Nebraska 254,219 163,586 145,136 177,148 −30.32
Idaho 180,859 87,178 115,727 84,637 −53.20
Colorado 217,184 100,590 57,000 55,425 −74.48
Washington 46,333 32,514 62,545 52,835 +14.03
Wyoming 49,025 38,712 46,545 32,361 −33.99
California 155,356 104,604 66,455 31,701 −79.59
Other states 121,267 102,521 99,136 nr2 -­-­
Total (U.S.) 1,644,956 1,347,961 1,445,499 1,777,272 +8.04

Ranked by 2020 production data
Not reported (USDA stopped reporting data since 2019 for Montana and Texas, which comprised other states)
Source: USDA-­ERS (2011), USDA-­ERS (2020a).

dry beans–producing state; however, North Dakota has now been the leader for over
two decades. Since 1990, Minnesota and North Dakota have recorded significant
increases of 230.26% and 190.90%, respectively. Five states have shown a decrease in
dry beans production since 1990, with percent decrease shown in parenthesis: California
(79.59%), Colorado (74.48%), Idaho (53.20%), Wyoming (33.99%), and Nebraska
Lucier and Davis (2020) reported that the US imported dry beans from 69 countries and
the top-­five countries reported by the Department of Commerce include Canada, Mexico,
Nicaragua, China, and India, which together represented 72% of all US dry bean imports.
The most predominant dry bean classes imported in the 2019–2020 season were mung
beans (23%), kidney beans − dark red, light red, and other kidney beans (19%), black beans
(12%), and pinto beans (9%). Mung beans in the United States are mostly used for bean
sprouts in salads or used in soup mixes and bean flour. US dry bean exports overall are
down by 4% in 2020, which continued a downward trend in recent years.
Pinto and navy beans have been the two leading classes of dry beans produced in the
US (Figure 1.4). While pinto beans continue to lead all classes; more recently, chick-
peas, lentils, and black beans have surpassed navy beans, as per 2019 production figures.
Both pinto and navy beans have recorded significant decreases in production since 1990,
i.e., 50% and 54%, respectively. By contrast, since 1990 chickpeas have experienced a
phenomenal growth of about 230-­fold increase in production as the popularity of plant-­
based proteins and products (e.g., hummus) continues to grow among consumers.
Similarly, both lentils and black beans have recorded a 4.6-­fold increase in production.
Kidney beans production has remained fairly flat over a 30-­year period, whereas great
northern and lima (baby and large) beans have experienced a significant decrease over
the same period.
Small red, pink, and blackeye beans are other classes of commercial significance, with
28,805, 14,784, and 13,158 metric tons production, respectively, in 2019. Data on cowpeas
was not reported for 2019 by USDA, most likely, due to decreasing production; however,
65,570 metric tons of cowpeas were produced in the USA in 2010.
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 13

1990 2000 2010 2019


'000' Metric tons

































Fig. 1.4. Different classes of dry beans and pulses produced in the US for selected years since 1990.
Source: USDA-­NASS (2020).


The per capita average bean consumption was 2.58 (5.68 lbs) kg in 2017 in the world. Several
African nations were shown to be among the highest per capita consumers of bean products.
Rwanda ranked the highest in bean consumption per capita, with 34.80 kg (76.56 lbs), followed
by Uganda with 24.80 kg (54.56 lbs) and Tanzania with 15.30 kg (33.66 lbs) in 2017 (Anon. 2020).
The regions of highest bean and other pulses consumption in 2013, according to FAOSTAT,
included all of Latin America. The highest per capita consumption of 21.40 kg (47.08 lbs) was
in Nicaragua, followed by 17.32 kg (38.10 lbs) in El Salvador, 16.07 kg (35.36 lbs) in Brazil, and
10.08 to 12.12 kg (22.18 to 26.66 lbs) in Costa Rica, Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.
The per capita consumption of dry beans and other pulses in the United States, Europe
(encompassing the EU), and other industrialized economies has generally and consistently
been substantially lower than that observed in other regions of the world (Schneider 2002).
Bouchenak and Lamri-­Senhadji (2013) reported that among European countries, higher
legume consumption was observed around the Mediterranean, with per capita yearly con-
sumption between 2.92 kg (6.42 lbs) and 8.40 kg (18.48 lbs), while in Northern Europe, the
per capita consumption was significantly lower, i.e., less than 1.83 kg (4.03 lbs) per year.
Watson et al. (2017) noted that due to decreasing consumption of legumes in EU countries,
the share of cultivated area under grain legumes out of total arable area has decreased from
about 7% in 1960 to under 3% in 2013.
Since 1970, the US per capita consumption of dry beans has ranged from a high of
7.65 lbs (3.48 kg) in 2000 to 5.40 lbs (3.48 kg) in 1980 (Figure 1.5), with the most recent
figure of 6.90 lbs (3.14 kg) in 2019. Cooked bean consumption is recognized to be greatest
in the southern and western areas of the country. About 55% of black beans, one of the
fastest-­growing classes in terms of per capita use, are consumed in the southern region of the
country. People of Hispanic origin consume 33% of all cooked dry edible bean products.
14 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies



















Fig. 1.5. US per capita consumption of total dry beans since 1970.
Source: Adapted from USDA-­ERS (2020b).

Relative to their share of the population, low-­income consumers consume substantially more
navy, lima, and pinto beans than those consumed by mid or high-­income groups (Lucier
et al. 2000). A 2017 survey reported that less than 5% of US population consumed legumes
daily, and that legume consumption declined in US adults, which warrants improved com-
munication about the benefits of regular legume consumption (Perera et al. 2020).
Perera et al. (2020) further reported that although research has shown that regular con-
sumption of legumes can prevent obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, and
colorectal cancer, regular legume consumption in the US is so low that such levels of con-
sumption were unlikely to confer any nutritional and health benefits. These authors indi-
cated that a limited knowledge about ways to conveniently incorporate legumes into the diet
may constraint consumers from eating recommended amounts of legumes to fully realize
their nutritional and health benefits.
Dry beans are not a staple in the United States and per capita consumption has shown
mixed trends since 1970. Rising incomes, urbanization, single adult household structure
and numbers of women in labor force have adversely affected bean consumption. Most
consumer preferences are shifting in favor of convenience foods and commodities, which
require reduced food preparation time. Traditionally, dry bean products did not lend them-
selves to these emerging trends in consumer choices; however, advances in complex formu-
lations and complete baked beans recipes have been innovative and greatly improved the
convenience and high-­quality acceptability (Siddiq and Uebersax 2012).


The common dry bean and other pulses demonstrate global adaptability, genotypic and
phenotypic diversity, and undergo multiple means of preparation and dietary use. Dry bean
consumption patterns vary dramatically by geographic region and among cultures.
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 15

Determinants include a broad spectrum of social interactions and traditions that discrimi-
nate among bean types (color, size, and shape) and among means of preparation and end
product use. These patterns of use have significant public health impact (Uebersax 2006).
Numerous culinary quality traits of beans contribute to their acceptable use but are fre-
quently underestimated in their influence. These include: Accessibility and Storage − local
indigenous versus commercial production and open marketplace versus packaged procure-
ment (on-­site point of purchase quality assessment, frequency, and quantity of purchase).
In-­home storage and meal-­planning dynamics (stability, knowledge, water availability);
and Preparation and Quality − the extensive constraints associated with preparation and
cooking (water and fuel availability, sanitation, and time). Characteristic palatability attrib-
utes include integrity, texture (firmness and consistence), taste, and flavor (Uebersax 2006).
The use of dry beans and pulses may be considered from either a traditional or a value-­
added perspective. Traditionally, dry beans are cooked, fried, or baked to be in soups, eaten
as vegetables, or combined with other protein foods to make a main dish. Commercially,
beans have commonly been packaged in dry-­pack form intended for home preparation or
processed by canning in brine or tomato-­based sauce (Siddiq and Uebersax 2012).

Traditional utilization
Utilization of dry beans and other pulses in many regions still entails long and tedious
preparations. The consumer has traditional purchase criteria that include appearance (color,
gloss, or sheen), size and shape (typical of the expected class), and overall quality (splits,
defects, and debris) of the seed. A significant concern is in purchasing “hard beans” or “old
beans,” since these beans take longer to cook and lack desired quality attributes after
cooking (Borget 1992; Sozer et al. 2017).
In many developing countries, women provide a central role focused on sustaining the
family’s food security. Traditional cooking of dry edible beans in these countries involves
excessive expenditure of time and fuel. The development of appropriate preparation
technologies for use at the household and village-­level would facilitate processing and die-
tary availability of beans and other pulses (Siddiq and Uebersax 2012).
Beans and maize in blended dishes are deeply imbedded throughout Latin American
cultures and transcends to other people groups. This is due in part to the inherent
complementation of amino acids resulting in a more complete protein food. Sub-­Saharan
Africa utilizes a wide range of dry beans and other pulses (i.e., cowpea, chickpeas, lentils,
and others). These are typically water cooked and eaten as porridge. The subcontinent of
India uses the greatest quantity and most diversity of pulse-­based foods as staples, prepared
in very specialized recipes and forms. The consumption of legumes in Southeast Asia is
somewhat moderate, where both mature seeds and immature pods are consumed. Further,
sprouted legume seeds are consumed fresh or dehulled and roasted or ground for use in
soups or side dishes (Khader and Uebersax 1989; Borchgrevink 2012).

Value-­added processing and products

Beans typically require dry cleaning and sorting, gentle handling to assure a minimum
degree of mechanical damage, and soaking and blanching prior to filling and thermal
processing. The popularity of convenience foods such as dehydrated, extruded, frozen, and
microwavable food products has provided a venue for the development of new bean prod-
ucts or bean formulations (Figure 1.6). The use of pulses was projected to expand as plant-­
16 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

Value-Added Beans Processing/Products



Dry pack Soaking/ Extrusion Hydration and cooking Pin Wet extraction
(Single class blanching (soak/blanch/cook) Milled
and mixtures)
Home or Filling Forced-air
Frozen beans Air –Acid
foodservice (with Brine dehydration
classified –Salt
cooking or Sauce)
Can isoelectric
closing Meals/
IQF* ppt
powders Protein
Block Fractions concentrate
Structured -Protein
Thermal formed -Starch Protein
processing particles -Fiber isolates

Fig. 1.6. A sampling of valued-­added dry bean products (*Individually quick frozen)
Source: Adapted from Uebersax et al. (1989, 1991).

based protein alternatives for meat. Further, in combination with cereal raw materials, they
may find new applications, meeting both sensory and nutritional needs of consumers world-
wide (Sozer et al. 2017).
Selected categories of dry bean-­based products utilized in industrialized regions include
packaged dry beans, canned beans (beans in brine or specialty sauces), precooked bean
products (precooked and dehydrated bean flakes and powders), extruded and pasta-­type
products, specialized food ingredients (meals, flours, concentrates, powders, and flakes),
quick-­cooking beans, and frozen beans. In the developed nations, canned products consist-
ently dominate bean usage (based on individual frequencies of use data and total sales
volume) compared with dry beans distributed in prepackaged retail offerings or through
direct bulk dispensing (Siddiq and Uebersax 2012). Legume derived ingredients, i.e., flours
and isolates, are being used on increasing levels for processing a variety of products, such
as baked goods, fried products, and extruded snacks (Fernando 2021; Hall 2021).


The characteristics that make beans and pulses a good food value are health and wellness.
It is noteworthy that consumers are increasingly selecting healthy and balanced diets pro-
portionally higher in plant–based foods. Dry beans and other pulses have significant nutri-
tional and health advantages for consumers since they are high in proteins and dietary fiber
and very low in fat; and are environmentally sustainable, e.g., advantages associated with
nitrogen fixation in soils by legumes (Uebersax 2006; Clemente and Olias 2017). Generally,
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 17

rural populations consume greater levels of legumes than the contrasting urban populations,
because of the dependence on locally produced foods. People of subsistent or lower-­income
levels generally consume larger quantities of beans, which furthers the stereotype that
“beans are poor man’s steak,” which often stigmatizes and denigrates bean use and reduces
expanded utilization (Siddiq and Uebersax 2012).

Nutritional profile
Legumes are a good source of protein, dietary fiber, starch, minerals, and vitamins (Kutos
et al. 2002; Hayat et al. 2014; Venkidasamy et al. 2019). Table 1.5 shows a compositional
comparison of dry beans with major cereal grain crops. In comparison to these cereal grains,
beans are relatively high in proteins and dietary fiber while low in carbohydrates and fat.
Detailed composition of selected dry beans and pulses in presented in Table 1.6.
The 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for US Americans (DGA) classify mature legumes as
a food group with a weekly recommendation of 1.5 cups (equivalent to 37.5 g cooked mature
legumes/day) for nonvegetarians and 3 cups (equivalent to 75 g cooked mature legumes/day)
for vegetarians (USDHHS and USDA 2021). The most recent DGA (2020–2025), issued in
December 2020, make similar recommendations for legume consumption; however, further
emphasize on reduction in added sugars and a greater focus on stages of life requirements
(infants, children and adolescents, adults, pregnant/lactating women, and older adults).

Health benefits
Health benefits of legumes have been researched extensively and reported in the literature
(Mudryj et al. 2014; Maphosa and Jideani 2017; Kamboj and Nanda 2018; Perera
et al. 2020). The role of legumes as therapeutic agents in the diets of persons suffering from
metabolic disorders has gained some research interest (Chugh et al 2017; Budhwar and
Chakraborty 2020; Tiwari et al. 2020). Public health officials recommend increasing the
proportion of legume-­based polymeric plant carbohydrates in the diet. For example, regular
consumption of dry beans in the USA, where obesity is on the rise, has been suggested to
significantly improve the diet quality (Mitchell et al. 2009). In recent years, heightened
consumer awareness has led to the promotion of less saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar, and
salt in the diet and the preference for complex carbohydrates such as fiber from legumes.
However, with growing urbanization even in the developing countries, ready-to-eat foods
play a major role in the food consumption pattern (Njintang et al. 2001).

Table 1.5. Comparison of nutritional profiles of dry beans, chickpea and lentil with other grains (per 100 g).

Nutritional profile Dry beans1 Chickpea Lentil Wheat Oat Corn

Energy (kcal) 341 378 352 339 389 361

Protein (g) 21.97 20.47 24.63 13.7 16.89 6.93
Carbohydrate (g) 61.74 62.95 63.35 72.57 66.27 76.85
Dietary fiber (g) 15.38 12.2 10.70 12.2 10.6 7.3
Total lipid/fat (g) 1.30 6.04 1.06 1.87 6.9 3.86
Iron (mg) 5.57 4.31 6.51 3.88 4.72 2.38
Potassium (mg) 1355 718 677 405 429 315
Folate (μg) 432 557 479 44 56 25

Average of pinto, navy, red kidney, and black beans
Source: Adapted from USDA (2021).
18 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

Table 1.6. Composition of selected dry beans and pulses (per 100 g).

Unit Pinto Navy Black Red Cowpea Chickpea Lentil

bean bean bean kidney

Water g 11.33 12.1 11.02 11.75 11.05 7.68 8.26
Energy kcal 347 337 341 337 343 378 352
Energy kJ 1452 1411 1425 1408 1435 1581 1473
Protein g 21.42 22.33 21.6 22.53 23.85 20.47 24.63
Total lipid (fat) g 1.23 1.5 1.42 1.06 2.07 6.04 1.06
Carbohydrate g 62.55 60.75 62.36 61.29 59.64 62.95 63.35
Fiber, total dietary g 15.5 15.3 15.5 15.2 10.7 12.2 10.7
Total sugars g 2.11 3.88 2.12 2.1 10.7 2.03
Calcium mg 113 147 123 83 85 57 35
Iron mg 5.07 5.49 5.02 6.69 9.95 4.31 6.51
Magnesium mg 176 175 171 138 333 79 47
Phosphorus mg 411 407 352 406 438 252 281
Potassium mg 1393 1185 1483 1359 1375 718 677
Sodium mg 12 5 5 12 58 24 6
Zinc mg 2.28 3.65 3.65 2.79 6.11 2.76 3.27
Vitamin C 1 mg 6.3 0 4.5 1.5 4 4.5
Thiamin mg 0.713 0.775 0.9 0.608 0.68 0.477 0.873
Riboflavin mg 0.212 0.164 0.193 0.215 0.17 0.212 0.211
Niacin mg 1.174 2.188 1.955 2.11 2.795 1.541 2.605
Vitamin B-­6 mg 0.474 0.428 0.286 0.397 0.361 0.535 0.54
Folate, DFE2 μg 525 364 444 394 639 557 479
Vitamin A, IU IU 0 0 17 0 67 39
Vitamin E3 mg 0.21 0.02 0.21 0.21 0.82 0.49
Vitamin K4 μg 5.6 0.17 5.6 5.6 9 0

total ascorbic acid;
dietary folate equiv.;
as α-­tocopherol;
as phylloquinone
Source: USDA (2021).

A diet high in beans can potentially reduce the risk of developing a chronic disease (Wu
et al. 2004). Chronic diseases are conditions that typically take many years (10–30 years) to
develop and include certain types of cancers, type-­2 diabetes mellitus, heart disease, and other
diseases of the blood system. These diseases are the most common causes of death in the United
States and many other parts of the world (Geil and Anderson 1994; Hangen and Bennink 2002).
Legumes elicit the lowest blood glucose response as compared to cereal grains. The inclusion of
dry beans or other pulses in the daily diet has many beneficial effects in controlling and preventing
various metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, and colon cancer
(Dilis and Trichopoulou 2009; Raju and Mehta 2009; Hayat et al. 2014; Kamboj and Nanda 2018).
Antioxidants – chemicals that destroy free radicals – are found to be very high in many
types of beans. Wu et al. (2004) investigated the oxygen radical absorbance capacity
(ORAC) of over 100 common foods consumed in the US. Their data showed that red kidney
beans had the highest total antioxidant capacity per serving size as compared to all other
foods, including many fruits and vegetables. Among all the foods analyzed in that USDA
study, dry beans (small red, red kidney, pinto, and black beans) were found to have high
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 19

levels of antioxidants. Generally, anthocyanin-­rich fruits, such as blueberries and plums, are
associated with having higher antioxidant content; however, the above three types of beans
were found to have higher antioxidant capacity than even blueberries. It is noted that the
ORAC data for dry beans is for uncooked seeds – cooking or canning can result in signifi-
cant losses of antioxidant capacity.
The potential protective effects of dry beans in disease prevention, such as against can-
cer, may not be entirely associated to dietary fiber, but to phenolics and other non-­nutritive
compounds (Oomah et al. 2006), which can act as antioxidants, thereby hindering the for-
mation of free radicals (Boateng et al. 2008). In addition, legumes belong to the food group
that elicits the lowest blood glucose response. The large amount of water-­soluble fiber is
particularly effective in lowering cholesterol in the blood, whereas the water-­insoluble fiber
provides bulk, pushing food through the digestive system at a faster rate. Common beans
are low in sodium (Buttriss and Stokes 2008), so this could be a healthy food choice for
persons on a low-­sodium diet.

Beans and pulses use in weaning foods

Malnutrition is prevalent in many regions of the world, often leading to stunting and wast-
ing. Globally, 45% of 5.9 million deaths in children 5 years and under in 2015 were directly
linked to malnutrition. Moreover, the malnutrition also significantly retards childhood
growth (UNICEF, 2015). Therefore, nutritionally balanced weaning food must provide all
the essential nutrients to meet young children’s dietary needs. Generally, plant-­based foods
(including legumes) are used to meet the protein needs of infants and preschool children
(Kumari and Sangeetha 2017; Borbi et al. 2020).
Dry beans and other pulses, due their nutrient-­dense nature, serve as an important base
for weaning foods. The use of appropriate preparation techniques (such as soaking/cooking,
dehulling, fine grinding, roasting whole beans, germination, and fermentation) has been
found to improve digestibility and reduce flatus from beans and pulses (Donangelo
et al. 1995; Twum et al. 2015). The United Nations’ WHO/FAO has detailed guidelines for
preparation and use of weaning foods. Further, numerous US public-­and private-­sector
groups (e.g., USDA, USAID, Gates Foundation) have made significant impact in develop-
ing weaning food mixes and guideline.


A number of factors limit the use of beans and other pulses, including long soaking and
cooking times necessary to adequately soften the beans, loss of valuable nutrients during
bean preparation, low levels of the sulfur amino acids, low digestibility of unheated proteins,
presence of antinutrients (e.g., lectins, trypsin inhibitors), high levels of phytic acid, various
flatulence factors, and hard-­ to-­
cook (HTC) defects (Lucier et al. 2000; Lajolo and
Genovese 2002; Uebersax et al. 1989, 1991; Maphosa and Jideani 2017). Table 1.7 presents
a summary of constraints associated with legume utilization and possible solutions to mini-
mize negative effects related to each constraint.
Numerous factors influence the quality of the final dry bean product. These include cul-
tivar, seed source, agronomic conditions, handling and storage of the dry product, and pro-
cessing procedures during cooking or canning. Quality changes in dry beans during cooking
and processing are associated with their inherent physical components and chemical
20 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

Table 1.7. Typical constraints associated with legumes utilization, their negative effects and
possible solutions.

Constraint Negative effect Solution

Trypsin and amylase Decrease protein and starch Boiling dry beans generally reduces the
inhibitors digestibility content by 80–90%
Phytate Chelates with minerals Dehulling, soaking, boiling, steaming,
resulting in poor mineral sprouting, roasting and fermentation,
bioavailability autoclaving, gamma irradiation
Lectins, saponins Reduced bioavailability of Most destroyed by cooking, soaking,
nutrients boiling, sprouting, fermenting
Oligosaccharides Flatulence and bloating Soaking, cooking, germination, and
changing boiling water
Hard-­to-­cook phenomenon Energy and time consumption Soaking legumes before cooking
Low levels of sulfur-­ Incomplete protein source Consuming in combination with cereals
containing amino acids (high in sulfur-­containing amino acids)
Low iron bioavailability Poor source of iron Consuming in combination with vitamin C
rich foods to increase iron absorption
Lack of convenient food Boredom of eating the same New and convenient product development
applications food repeatedly using whole legumes or legume ingredients
Lack of awareness and Low intake of legumes Increasing consumer awareness of the
understanding of nutritional and health benefits of legumes
nutritional benefits of
Reluctance to try a new Low intake of legumes Development of innovative, attractive
food or to change eating legume-­based products to entice
habits consumers

Source: Maphosa and Jideani (2017).

c­ onstituents (Hosfield and Uebersax 1980; Uebersax 1991). It must be noted that cooking
and processing techniques improve the palatability, digestibility, and bioavailability through
cellular separation and inactivation of antinutrional components.
A comprehensive assessment of strategies and procedures used for processing dry beans
is prerequisite to improved utilization of dry beans. Implementation of a given protocol can
be maximized through an understanding of the physical and chemical components, the
inherent constraints and diversified processing techniques available to develop economi-
cally viable alternative and innovative products (Uebersax et al. 1991). Improved utilization
of dry beans can be maximized through an understanding of how physical and chemical
components function and react under given process conditions. Further, variability in the
physico-­chemical composition of dry beans occurs, warranting research and quality control
programs directed to provide a consistent product possessing characteristics of acceptable
flavor, bright color, attractive appearance, uniform texture, and high nutritional quality.


Pulses provide environmentally sustainable source of nutrients-­rich food for humans and
animals, as summarized in Figure 1.7 (GAP.org 2016). Sustainability of agricultural sys-
tems embrace long-­term environmental consequences that transcend short-­term productiv-
ity and efficiency objectives. A truly broad-­based construct associated of sustainability
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 21


Healthy Planet Healthy People Healthy Animals

Pulses are an
Pulses are an affordable
important part of a Pulses can be grown
source of plant-based
sustainable cropping specifically for
protein and micro-
system. They fix animal fodder.
nutrients (folate, iron
nitrogen to the soil, Moreover, the crop
calcium, B-vitamins, and
reducing the need residue of pulses
antioxidants). Pulses
for water and grown for human
score low on the
improving soil consumption can
glycemic index and
health. Many pulse also provide an
increase satiety, making
species are drought- economical source of
them ideal for people
tolerant, making nutrients-rich food
struggling with diabetes
them an ideal crop for the animals.
and weight management.
for dryland regions.

Fig. 1.7. Pulses as environmentally sustainable food source for healthy people and healthy animals.
Source: Adapted from GAP.org (2016).

promotes the integration of food production practices and social needs. Thus, globally,
agriculture sustainability must be considered as a social process besides technological prac-
tices and innovations. The production of legumes (dry beans and other pulses) has a rich
and diverse history and serves as a global food resource within both industrially developed
nations and indigenous populations. Since producing plant-­based foods are by far more
environmentally conservative than the animal-­based ones (Gogoi et al. 2018), legumes will
continue to play an increasingly major role to meet human food needs. Several elements of
agricultural sustainability are clear or inherent in the production of pulses due to the consid-
erably high total calorie and protein contents derived per unit of energy input:

• Nitrogen fixing. Legume crops are distinguished by their unique ability to “fix nitro-
gen” and thus have significant impact on their need for soil-­borne nitrogen (Liu
et al. 2011). By contrast, typically, major crops such as corn, wheat, and rice require
added nitrogen to be productive and yield sufficiently to be economically viable. A
progressive crop rotation is essential to maintain vital soil health and for managing
weeds and disease pressure. Growers are generally diversified among several crops
(e.g., corn, wheat, soybeans) – they are not exclusively dry bean producers on their
farm acreage. Therefore, most fields are used for dry beans or other pulses every 3–5
years depending on the prescribed rotation. Not only do pulses directly benefit from
the root-­nodulation encapsulated symbiotic bacteria, rhizobia, that generate soil
nitrogen, but there is significant carryover nitrogen levels that benefit the subsequent
rotation crop.
• Drought tolerance. Dry beans and other pulses are much more drought tolerant (GAP.
org 2021) than many other major crops, particularly cereal crops. Dry beans require
less total water and significantly less irrigation than alternative crops since arid and
22 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

semi-­arid lands require the use of supplemental water to sustain plant growth (Ye
et al. 2018). Dry beans require differential levels of water during various stages of
growth, which is precisely determined and controlled. Moreover, dry beans and other
pulses will reproduce seed under the most drought stressed conditions where the
cereal grains will fail to reproduce.
• Field drying. Legumes are efficient at harvest because they require no or very limited
external/additional seed drying as is common with corn, wheat, rice, and other cereal
grains. Beans and other pulses are naturally dried to a moisture content of around 18%
prior to harvest. By contrast, typically, corn and cereal grains require artificial, forced
air drying, which requires huge fossil fuel (propane) energy input to reduce moisture
content suitable for stable storage without mold/bacterial development and spoilage.
• Harvesting efficiency. Dry beans are increasingly produced from plants possessing an
upright architecture that allows for more rapid drying and direct cutting with mecha-
nized combines rather than traditional pulling of the plants and windrowing for air
drying. This energy-­efficient innovation reduces overall fuel consumption compared
to traditional harvest systems and avoids multiple field passes, which compact soil
thereby requiring additional energy input for tillage.
• Biodiversity and productivity. Legumes are a world resource of biodiversity, provid-
ing significant land races of dry bean types providing genetic diversity within wide
ranges of populations (Yang et al. 2021). The cultural practices associated with dry
bean production, procurement, and preparation are very efficient. Additionally,
research continues to enhance the productivity and efficiency of dry beans and other
pulse crops that use reduced energy and agricultural inputs.


Global food security continues to be a worldwide concern. Beans and pulses contribute to
world food supplies and food intake significantly. The significance of agricultural research
for crop improvement and enhanced utilization of dry beans and pulses is evident through
the scale and diversity of programs (Siddiq and Uebersax 2012). Under CGIAR (Consultative
Group on International Agriculture Research), there are a number of research centers
focusing on dry beans and pulses; e.g., International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT,
Cali, Columbia), International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-­ Arid Tropics
(ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India); International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry
Areas (ICARDA, Alleppo, Syria); and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
(IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria). According to CGIAR (2011), “impressive gains have been made
with improved common beans, developed with farmer participation through regional
networks in East, Central and Southern Africa; e.g., 30–50% yield increase from 1995 to
2010. This improved bean production, while strengthening household food and nutrition
security, also provides women with surplus grain to sell in local markets.
In addition, numerous other countries through their international development agencies
emphasize and support similar research programs on beans and pulses improvement.
Selected such agencies include: Australian Agency for International Development
(AusAID), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), International Development
Research Centre (IDRC, Canada), German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ),
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Swedish International Development
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 23

Cooperation Agency (SIDA), and Department for International Development (DFID,

United Kingdom).
The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) endeavored to
make people more aware of the nutritional value of pulses, of their contribution to
sustainability, and more reliable food by declaring 2016 as the International Year of Pulses
(IYP 2016). This declaration intends to facilitate cooperation within food production sys-
tems to better use protein in pulses. The IYP 2016 aimed to heighten public awareness of
the nutritional benefits of pulses as part of sustainable food production aimed towards food
security and nutrition (Figure 1.8).
In the United States, the USAID (Agency for International Development) has long
played a role in the dry beans and pulses improvement programs globally. Significant
impact has been achieved through the collaborative research support program (CRSP)
efforts on dry beans, cowpeas, and pulses. Current research foci are: increasing pulse
productivity through genetic improvement, increasing pulse productivity through integrated
crop management, increasing pulse utilization for improved nutrition and health, and
strengthening pulse value chains (USAID 2012). The Pulse CRSP contributes to economic
growth and food and nutrition security through knowledge and technology generation that
strengthens pulse value chains and enhances the capacity and sustainability of agriculture
research institutions that serve pulse sectors in developing countries of Africa and Latin
America. Overall, the Pulse CRSP supports over 30 projects in about 20 countries (USAID
2012). Figure 1.9 shows the geographical distribution of these projects.
In 2018, USAID-­funded Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research,
a five-­year research capacity building development program, was established at Michigan
State University (FTF 2021). This current initiative builds on prior USAID-­funded research
and training. Past programs include the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative
Research on Grain Legumes (2013–2017), which was an extension of the USAID Dry

Pulses are highly nutritious.

Pulses are economically accessible and contribute

to food security at all levels.

Pulses have important health benefits.

Pulses foster sustainable agriculture and contribute

to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Pulses promote biodiversity.

Fig. 1.8. Nutritious pulses for sustainable future – key messages.

Source: IYP (2016)
24 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies


Mali Niger

Nicaragua Nigeria Uganda

Burkina faso
Benin Kenya

Ecuador Tanzania


South africa Mozambique

Fig. 1.9. Countries with USAID’s Pulse CRSP supported projects.

Source: USAID (2012).

Grain Pulses Collaborative Research Support Program (Pulse CRSP) (2007–2012) and
various earlier awards under Bean/Cowpea CRSP (1980–2007). This sustained federal sup-
port of research programs on grain legumes is due, in part, to important role legumes play
in improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers through income and farm productivity.
The overall goals of the program project management are to increase sustainable and inclu-
sive agricultural growth, strengthen the resilience of communities and agricultural and eco-
nomic systems, and enhance the diets of individuals living in West and southern Africa
(Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mozambique, Malawi, and
Zambia) and the United States (FTF 2021).
The Legume Systems Innovation Lab focuses on collaborative projects associated with two
primary crops, common bean, and cowpea. These crops provide exceptional levels of nutrient
dense staple foods. Further, it is fully recognized that legumes are especially important for
women in many regions of the world, as they are often the producers, traders, and consumers of
the crop. Collaborating international legume scientists and partner institutions enhance the
global mission of improving livelihoods and nutritional impacts throughout legume value chains.
Support of graduate student research training is critical to improving the research capacity of
scientists in developing countries and is an important goal of this program (FTF 2021).

Dry beans in food aid programs

Dry beans are an important component of US foreign food aid programs. The USAID list
the following beans and pulses as eligible for food aid programs in selected developing
countries: black, blackeye, great northern, kidney (dark and light), navy, pink, pinto, small
Global Production, Trade, Processing and Nutritional Profile of Dry Beans and Other Pulses 25

red, garbanzo, (chickpeas), lentils, and peas (USAID 2018). The targeted use of food aid
programs and assistance with procurement and distribution of dry beans and/or partially
prepared ingredients (flours, powders, meals, or extrudates) or fully prepared products
(canned, precooked-­dehydrated, and extruded) will directly expand use in the most urgently
needed populations. Utilization of prepared dry edible beans has consistently been advo-
cated by both governmental and nongovernmental organizations (NGO). These nutrition
programs are particularly important to infants and children. Dry edible beans are also fre-
quently considered for applications in regions experiencing sustained crop failure (Siddiq
and Uebersax 2012).
Several organizations within other nations provide significant levels of food aid to area of
need, and most convey direct shipments of pulses because of the high nutrient density. These
organizations/nations include Canadian International Development Platform (CIDP), UK
Department for International Development (DFID), German Corporation for International
Cooperation (GIZ); French Development Agency (AFD), Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA), and Swedish International Development Cooperation (SIDA), to name a few.


The trends in the production and consumption of legume-­based products are dynamic and are
influenced by the challenges of global production. Increased use can be readily influenced by
public policy, educational strategies, and industrial innovation. The evidence for health pro-
moting aspects of legume-­based foods is strong and should receive more attention by consum-
ers. In developed countries of Europe and North America, beans are generally prepared by
commercial food processing operations and consumed as canned beans in brine or sauce. The
market and overall consumption of beans and formulated bean products are expected to
increase and to further segment as they are positioned as nutritionally rich and healthy foods.
However, the development of high-­quality bean products in convenience foods categories
such as dehydrated, frozen, and extruded formats appear to be an open opportunity.
The food industry, in cooperation with public research programs (universities and
research centers) and other professional organizations, should focus efforts to incorporate
dry beans and other pulses into innovative products that are economically viable, readily
accessible to consumers, convenient to use, and of high culinary quality. The clearly
recognized healthy attributes of beans deliverable in both subsistent and developed diets
should be exploited for long-­term improvement in positive health outcomes. The factors
limiting the consumption of dry beans in industrial economics may, in part, be attributable
to an inadequate level of innovation for developing value-­added products adapted to modern
consumer needs for convenience while specifically linked to high-­quality eating experiences.
Opportunities to improve the use of dry beans and pulses require integration and expansion
of public and private sector interventions that are socially and culturally appropriate.


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2 Dry Bean Breeding and Production
Phillip N. Miklas, James D. Kelly, and Karen A. Cichy

Introduction Abiotic stress tolerance

Production practices and trends Breeding for direct harvest systems
Production practice Symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF)
Production trends Processing quality
Bean genetics Micronutrient content
Bean species Niche markets
Gene pools Organic dry beans
Wild bean germplasm Slow darkening (SD) pinto beans
Breeding procedures and practices Heirloom beans
Breeding procedures − hybridization Genomic research and transgenic
Breeding methods beans
Seed multiplication Genomic research
Breeding for specific traits Transgenic beans
Breeding for yield Future directions
Disease resistance References


Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) includes a wide array of edible dry bean seed types that
differ in size, shape, and color and are known collectively as dry beans; and the many horticul-
tural pod types that also vary in color, size, shape, and flavor known collectively as snap, or
garden, or green beans. The major focus of this chapter will be on dry bean breeding, but many
of the characteristics discussed are common to both horticultural types. Common bean is a self-­
pollinated diploid crop (2n = 2x = 22) with a small genome size of approximately 587 million
base pairs distributed along 11 chromosomes (Schmutz et al. 2014). The breeding systems used

Dry Beans and Pulses: Production, Processing, and Nutrition, Second Edition.
Edited by Muhammad Siddiq and Mark A. Uebersax.
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2022 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

30 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

to improve the crop and the genetic structure of the varieties released to farmers is dependent
on the pollination system and flower structure. Varieties are highly inbred homozygous pure
lines that maintain their genetic integrity and stability for generations. Bean varieties do not
‘run out’ or change due to genetic drift, but perceived changes due to inadvertent seed
mixtures that go undetected, low levels of outcrossing in the field, and the accumulation of
seed borne bacterial, fungal and/or viral pathogens can occur. More subtle changes may
result in differential performance from changes in climate or from the emergence of new
pathogen strains to which the variety is not adapted or lacks resistance. Since beans are an
inbreeding species, with no effective mechanism to transfer pollen, hybrid bean varieties
are not a viable option at this time.
The first dry bean breeding program in the US was established at Michigan State
University (formerly Michigan State College) in the early 1900s (MSU 2009). This was
followed by the establishment of a breeding program at the University of Idaho in 1925
(Singh et al. 2007). The most recent bean-­breeding program was established at North
Dakota State University in the early 1980s. Currently, there are four public bean-­
breeding programs at major land grant Universities, four USDA-­ARS programs that
focus on bean genetics and pathology and four private companies actively working on
bean breeding. The reader is referred to a few reviews where different aspects of bean
breeding are summarized (Kelly 2004, 2018; Miklas et al. 2006; Singh et al. 2007;
Beaver and Osorno 2009; Singh and Schwartz 2010; Kelly and Bornowski 2018; Beaver
et al. 2020).


Production practice
Dry beans are a short season crop that matures in 85–100 days. Consequently, beans are
produced largely in northern states or at higher elevations in the intermountain and western
states. Approximately 70% acreage planted to beans in the US is grown under rainfed con-
ditions in the East, Midwest, and Upper Midwest, whereas essentially all western produc-
tion in semiarid states is grown under irrigation. Yields reflect the availability of water
resources and the highest yields are produced in irrigated regions. The major production
areas and seed types grown in these states are shown in Figure 2.1. Beans are grown as a
row crop in all states, and row widths vary by location, irrigation systems, and harvest
methods. In recent years, growers in the Midwest have moved from wider 70–75 cm to nar-
rower 35–55 cm row spacings as newer varieties are more upright, thus better suited for
direct harvest. To optimize productivity and better utilize water in western states, growers
tend to plant higher plant population densities in 55 cm row spacing. Few producers drill
beans (18–25 cm rows), because it often results in shorter, more difficult-­to-­harvest plants
and inconsistent yield advantages.
US planting time depends on the speed of warm up in the spring and the length of grow-
ing season. Beans require soil temperatures of 13 °C at 5 cm depths to ensure favorable
germination and growth. Dates can vary from mid-­May in the Pacific Northwest and Upper
Midwest to mid-­June in the East and Midwest to early July in California, which has a longer
growing season. Seeding rates vary by seed types; small-­seeded navy and black beans at
Dry Bean Breeding and Production Technologies 31


4% of US acreage. 51% of US acreage. 12% of US acreage. 14% of US acreage.
Pinto, small red, pink, Pinto and navy Navy, dark red kidney, Black, navy, small
and seed beans. beans. pinto, and black beans. red, cranberry beans.

2% of US acreage.
Pinto, small red
and seed beans.

2% of US acreage.
Misc dry bean
lima beans and
seed beans.

3% of US acreage.
Pinto beans.

9% of US acreage.
Great Northern
and kidney beans.

Fig. 2.1. Bean production states comparison based on harvested acreage in 2020 and most
common seed types grown.
Source: USDA-­NASS (2020a).

40–60kg/ha; medium-­seeded pintos, red beans at 50–65 kg/ha; and larger-­seeded kidney
and cranberry beans at 75–90 kg/ha.
Most growers use a starter fertilizer (50 kg N/ha) based on soil type and analysis. Pre-­and
post-­emergence applied herbicides are widely used to control weeds as fewer farmers cultivate
the crop so as not to disturb the soil surface for purposes of furrow irrigation in the western
states or for direct harvest in the Midwest. In recent years, growers in Michigan have taken
to rolling fields after planting to ensure a flat surface suitable for direct harvest and to bury
stones to reduce damage to harvest equipment. Depending on production region, insecticides
are applied at recommended rates to control an array of insect pests, including potato leaf
hoppers, spider mites, thrips, bean beetles, western bean cutworms, and tarnished plant bugs
that may appear in that region. Seed treatments with a mix of insecticide and fungicides, and
often a bactericide, are used to control early season insect pests and diseases. Foliar fungicides
are applied largely to control Sclerotinia white mold in more humid regions of the Midwest
and Upper Midwest. For direct harvested beans, harvest-­aid chemicals are often used to
ensure uniform dry-­down and desiccate weeds (Gaultier and Gulden 2016).
Two contrasting methods are used to harvest beans, depending on plant type and seed
size, location, local weather conditions, and irrigation systems. The traditional harvest
method widely used throughout the US is to mechanically undercut (pull) beans into wind-
rows of 6–12 rows and then thresh windrows when plants are dry using a pickup header on
commercial combines. In the western states, to avoid large seed losses from pod shattering
due to low humidity conditions, beans are pulled at physiological maturity when they are
32 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

still green and left to ripen in the windrow for 7–10 days before being threshed. In the
Midwest, where erratic rains are problematic, growers cut/pull and windrow mature plants
early in the morning (4:00–11:00 a.m.) when dew adheres to the plant, thus preventing pod
shattering, and the windrowed plants are threshed the same afternoon. Prostrate vine-­type
varieties or those severely lodged are particularly suited to the traditional pulling system, as
they would suffer major seed loss if direct harvested. In those areas where furrow irrigation
is used and the soil surface is uneven, the ridged rows facilitate knife-­pulling, as do hilled
rows for weed control. Conversely, rod-­pullers have the action of grabbing and pulling the
plants out of the ground rather than cutting them. Bean roots are still attached to the plant
following both pulling operations and enter the combine at threshing. This extra plant mass
has a cushioning effect during threshing, which is particularly advantageous for larger-­
seeded kidney beans, which are easily damaged at harvest.
With the development of upright lodging-­resistant varieties, an increasing number of
growers are direct harvesting the bean crop, which saves time, fuel, labor, and equipment.
In Michigan approximately 90% of the dry bean crop is direct harvested. But only small-­
seeded and a few medium-­seeded varieties can be direct harvested as larger-­seeded types
are better suited to traditional harvest methods. Following harvest, beans are transported in
bulk to local elevators where the crop is cleaned, stored, graded, sold, and shipped into
national and international markets. Since bean varieties from the same commercial class are
often comingled at the elevator, all commercial varieties need to meet similar quality stand-
ards for seed size, shape, color, and canning quality. Although the largest production areas
are located east of the continental divide, the majority of bean seed for planting is produced
in the semiarid states of Idaho, Washington, and California. The occurrence of endemic
seed-­borne diseases such as common bacterial blight and anthracnose limits seed produc-
tion in the Midwest as plants may become infected, preventing their sale as seed. The
absence of these pathogens and strict quarantine in states such as Idaho ensures that disease-­
free seed can be produced. Higher yields in these irrigated production areas help offset
transportation and irrigation costs of western-­produced seed. Commercial growers in the
Midwest generally prefer western-­grown seed, as it has the assurance of being disease free.
Some growers are willing to pay the higher price for western seed by spreading the cost
over more than one growing season as they will plant bin-­run seed the second season,
assuming no disease problems arise.

Production trends
Dry bean yields from the onset of early breeding efforts in the early 1900s to now have seen
just less than 1% yield gain per year, a value commonly reported for soybean (Figure 2.2).
In most crops, yield gains are attributed equally to changes in genetics and management and
a similar combination of management and genetic factors contributed to bean yields.
Periods of increasing yield gains and lulls have occurred along the way. A plateau with
1500 kg/ha average yields occurred from 1960–1979, followed by a modest upward trend
to 1900 kg/ha in 2000. Since 2000, yields have oscillated around 1900 kg/ha even though
higher yielding varieties have been released (Vandemark et al. 2014). The movement of
production from highly productive hectares grown under irrigation in the western US (a
50% decline) to less productive regions in North Dakota the last 20 years, has likely con-
tributed to the recent lull in yields and a perceived lack of genetic yield gains.
A major wake-­up call for bean breeders in the US came in the 1972 report on genetic
vulnerability of crops published by the National Academy of Sciences (NRC 1972) that
Dry Bean Breeding and Production Technologies 33

y = 12.983x + 634.37
R2 = 0.9249

Yield (kg/ha)






Fig. 2.2. Dry Bean yields (kg/ha) in the US over 110 years since 1909.
Source: Updated from Vandemark et al. (2014) using USDA-­NASS (2020b) data.

Table 2.1. Major bean breeding programs in the US, location and seed type focus prior to 1980.

Institution State Seed types Breeders

Cornell NY Light red kidney, black D. Wallace

MSU MI Navy, dark, light red kidney M.W. Adams
UNL NE Great northern D.P. Coyne
CSU CO Pinto D. Woods
UI ID Pinto, pink J. Kolar, M. LeBaron
USDA-­ARS WA Small red, pink D. Burke
UCD CA Kidney, pink, cranberry C. Tucker

emphasized the need for greater genetic diversity to combat genetic vulnerability. Prior to
the 1980s, the seven bean-­breeding programs across the US were small, isolated efforts
(Table 2.1). These programs focused largely on local needs in a range of diverse seed
types that resulted in limited exchange and use of bean germplasm from other programs.
Many programs expanded breeding and testing programs in that era, as the need to change
the status quo was obvious. The positive genetic changes resulted from the use of wider
crosses that exploited greater genetic diversity and improved germplasm from other pro-
grams. The International Center – CIAT, established in the late 1960s in Cali Colombia
was an important new source of wider genetic diversity of improved germplasm during
this time. In 1973, CIAT sponsored a conference on ways to enhance the “Potential of field
beans and other legumes in Latin America.” The approach of using “Plant architecture and
physiological efficiency in the field bean” (Adams 1973) to enhance yields opened the
door to new breeding approaches, and the development of new architectural types with
broader adaptation and higher yield potential (Adams 1982; Kelly 2000). The liberal use
and exchange of materials between CIAT and US breeding programs revitalized many of
these programs. In addition, funding from Rockefeller Foundation in the mid-­1970s also
encouraged the utilization of new germplasm, which led eventually to the establishment of
34 Overview, Production and Postharvest Technologies

USAID funding of the Bean/Cowpea Collaborative Research Support Program (B/C

CRSP) project in 1980 (Adams 2003). The B/C CRSP and recent iterations, the Feed the
Future (FtF) Pulse CRSP; Legume Systems Innovation Lab (FtF 2021a); and USDA-­ARS
Bean Research Team (FtF 2021b) projects have not only encouraged better longstanding
integration among breeding programs in the US, but among many institutions in the
Caribbean, Latin America, and Eastern and Southern Africa, where the common currency
was germplasm exchange and utilization. For example, landrace bean germplasm from
Malawi was introduced for testing in Michigan (Martin and Adams 1987) and added to the
National Plant Germplasm collection. A summary of the new varieties developed through
these different CRSP programs in a number of countries including the US was published
by Beaver et al. (2003, 2020).


Bean species
The genus Phaseolus is New World in origin in contrast to Old World Vigna species, which
includes related grain legumes such as cowpea, adzuki, and mung beans. Bean breeders are
limited in their improvement efforts to working within the genus Phaseolus due to specia-
tion barriers that prevent successful hybridization. Phaseolus includes five cultivated spe-
cies separated into four gene pools (Figure 2.3) and over 70 wild species (Freytag and



P. vulgaris
(Common bean)
P. lunatus (Lima bean)
P. coccineus (Scarlet runner bean)
P. dumosus (Year bean)

P. acutifolius (Tepary bean)

Fig. 2.3. Genus Phaseolus includes five cultivated species that reside in four separate gene pools
based on genetic distance. There is no restriction to intercrossing between members of the primary gene
pool; crossing between primary and secondary gene pool requires that P. vulgaris is used as the pollen
parent; crossing between primary and tertiary gene pool requires special techniques to rescue hybrid
embryo; crossing is not possible between the primary and quaternary gene pools. In addition to the five
cultivated species, there are over 50 wild Phaseolus species (Freytag and Debouck 2002). Figure
adapted from Gepts (2000).
Dry Bean Breeding and Production Technologies 35

Debouck 2002). Within the five species of cultivated Phaseolus, common bean is the most
widely adapted and economically important member compared to other species that include
lima and tepary beans. Breeders have successfully transferred traits from the scarlet runner
bean (P. coccineus) and P. costaricensis in the secondary gene pool (Schwartz and
Singh 2013) and from members of tepary bean (P. acutifolius) in the tertiary gene pool
(Singh and Miklas 2015; Kusolwa et al. 2016), but no successful introgression with lima
bean (P. lunatus) in the quaternary gene pool has occurred.

Gene pools
Common bean originated from central Mexico (Bitocchi et al. 2012). From that region,
wild P. vulgaris moved north and south and can be found today from northern Argentina to
Chihuahua in northern Mexico (Ariani et al. 2018). There were more domestication events
in the Mesoamerican than Andean gene region, which may explain the narrower genetic
variation within the Andean gene pool observed in many genetic studies. The two gene
pools of common beans have been clearly defined based on morphological, biochemical,
and molecular characterization (Gepts 1988). One of the most noticeable differences is the
larger seed sizes found in Andean gene pool in contrast to members of the Middle American
gene pool. Interestingly, similar seed size differences are observed between the Andean
(large-­seeded) and Middle American (smaller-­seeded) gene pools for lima bean. A further
classification of gene pools of common bean into six races based on agronomic and adap-
tive characteristics was proposed by Singh et al. (1991). A fourth race, named Guatemala,
was added as the climbing beans from Chiapas, Mexico, are unique from the three other
MA races (Beebe et al. 2000). Beans also differ in plant growth habit, ranging from deter-
minate types to climbing pole beans that require support.
Singh (1982) classified beans into four types that differ in growth habit (Table 2.2). The
typical type-­I determinate bush bean does not produce a vine and vegetative growth ceases
at flowering. Most large-­seeded kidney and green beans are determinate. The other three
types have an indeterminate growth habit and differ in vine extension. Type-­II is an upright
short vine habit similar to soybean that is best suited to direct harvest. Type III is a decum-
bent long vine habit best suited to semiarid production areas where harvest loss due to wet
weather is rare. Type-­IV is the climbing bean that is not grown commercially in the US

Table 2.2. Gene pools, races, and growth habits of US dry bean market classes.

Gene pool Race Growth habit US market class

Andean: Nueva Granada Determinate Type I Kidney

Bush cranberry
Chile Indeterminate Type III Vine cranberry
Peru Determinate Type I Yellow, Mayacoba

Middle Mesoamerican Indeterminate Type II Black

American: Indeterminate Type II & Determinate Navy
Type I
Durango Indeterminate Type II & III Pinto
Great northern
Jalisco Indeterminate Type II & III Small red
Guatemala Climbers Type IV Red and blacks – Mexico,
Central American only
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Passing out through the hotel office with one thought effacing all
others, namely, that companionship of any sort was not to be
endured, Philip, a prey to the instinctive urge that drives the
wounded animal to seek a hiding place, pulled his hat over his eyes,
signalled to a passing cab and got in, telling the driver to take him to
the Alamo Building.
Reaching his rooms, he scribbled a note for Bromley, merely saying
that he was going out of town, filled a travelling-bag, jamming things
into it with little regard for long-established habits of care and
orderliness, and was presently on his way to the Union Depot, urging
the cab driver to haste and still more haste. By a margin of seconds
he caught the South Park train for Leadville; and as the short string
of top-heavy, narrow-gauge cars went swaying and lurching out over
the switches in the West Denver yard, he was choosing an isolated
seat in the chair-car where he could settle himself to look the
catastrophic revelation of the night fairly in the face.
With the scene of the revelation actually withdrawing into the
distance, a vast incredulity seized him. Could it be possible that he
had grown up in daily association with his father without so much as
suspecting the existence of the iron-hard, desperate underman
biding its time beneath an exterior so like that of other men in his
walk of life as to be wholly unremarkable? It seemed fantastically
unbelievable. Yet, in looking back upon the conventional New
England home life he saw how it might be so.
The atmosphere of the home, as he had always known it, had been
one of silent restraint, and there had been nothing like man-to-man
comradeship between his father and himself. Not that this was at all
singular. He had known many other households in the homeland in
which the same spirit of reticence and aloofness, the same
repression of all the emotions, were the natural order of things. The
attitude was ingrained in the bone and blood; a heritage which, as he
now realized, was his and his forebears’; the bequeathing of the
stern stock which had fled from tyranny in England only to set up a
repressive tyranny of its own in the new land beyond the sea.
But such reflections as these did not serve to lessen the
completeness, the crushing completeness, of the blow that had
fallen. Where was now that righteous pride of race he had paraded
before Jean Dabney, the boast of honest and upright ancestors he
had so confidently made?—he, the son of a thief, a gambler, a
hardened breaker of the laws of God and man. Of what use to him
now was the growing hoard of gold in the Denver bank, since it could
never buy back that which was irretrievably lost? How could he go
on living from day to day with the knowledge that the accident of any
day might give some sensation-mongering newspaper reporter the
chance to write up Lucky-strike Trask of the “Little Jean” as the son
of a well-known local faro-dealer and sporting man? In his mind’s
eye he could visualize the mocking headlines, and a wave of
impotent rage, the agony of a tortured ego, swept over him.
He had no desire to eat when the train halted at the midday dinner
station and did not leave his place in the chair-car. Later, through the
long afternoon, he looked out, with eyes that saw without perceiving,
upon the passing panorama of canyon cliffs and forested mountain
slopes, of undulating distances in the South Park and the uplifted
peaks of the Mosquito Range, deep in the misery of his wounding;
aghast at the prospect of the future. It was with an added degree of
wretchedness that he realized that his love for Jean Dabney,
restrained and calmly calculated hitherto, seemed to have been set
free in the chaotic crash of things, blazing up in passionate intensity
now that its object was, as he told himself bitterly, snatched out of
reach. That he could never go to her with the story of his humiliating
discovery was the first sickening conclusion that had burned itself
into his consciousness; and now this was followed by the appalling
after-conclusion that he could not go to her at all; that the discovery
in the gambling hell had cut him off at once and irrevocably from all
association with her.
It was only natural that the thought of his own lapse, the fact that he
had taken his first drink and in the drunkenness of it had spent the
night in a brothel, seemed of small account in the general wreck.
With the family honor already dragged so deeply in the mire of
disgrace and criminality, what he might or might not do made little
difference one way or the other. Not that he cherished as yet any
desperate or boyish determination to take a fool’s revenge by
plunging into dissipation. There was only a dull indifference. Pride
was dead and the barriers of self-control had been broken down, but
life still had to be lived, in some fashion.
Upon arriving in Leadville he had himself driven to the hotel where
he and Bromley had put up after they had come out of the mountains
with Drew in the spring. Still having no desire to eat, he tried to
smoke; and when the pipe, on an empty stomach, nauseated him,
he went to the bar and called for a drink. As in the morning, the
swallow or two of whiskey wrought a miracle and he sought the
dining-room and ate a hearty meal. Afterward, with a mild cigar that
had none of the dizzying effects of the empty-stomach pipe, he sat in
the lobby, and it was there that Drew ran across him.
“Back with us again, are you?” was the genial promoter’s greeting as
he drew up a chair and planted himself in it for his own after-dinner
smoke. “When did you reach?”
“Just an hour or so ago,” Philip answered, surprised to find himself
able to tolerate and even to welcome the companionship of the older
man. “I came up on the South Park day train.”
“And how is Henry Wigglesworth? Still making a quiet joke of the
world at large?”
“Harry is all right. Good luck hasn’t spoiled him, as I was afraid it
“Inclined to be a little wild, was he?” Drew remarked.
“When I first met him, yes. And I was foolish enough to think that I
had to brother him. Queer what notions a man gets into his head,
Though he did not look aside, he knew that Drew was regarding him
“You come of brothering stock, don’t you, Trask?”
“At one time I was ass enough to think so. That was another of the
queer notions. How is the ‘Little Jean’ coming along?”
“Splendidly. The vein values are increasing as we drive in on the
lode. We are making another clean-up from the plates this week, and
you’ll get a dividend that will warm the cockles of your heart.”
“Money,” said Philip half contemptuously. “When you don’t have it,
it’s the most desirable thing in the world. And when you get it——”
he broke off, leaving the sentence unfinished.
The promoter smiled. “Money is only a means to an end, of course. If
it is not too personal a question, what are you doing with yours?”
“Nothing, as yet. Bromley is investing his share here and there,
setting me a good example. But I haven’t followed it.”
From that the talk went back to the gulch on the western slope, and
Drew told how the shut-in valley had been overrun by prospectors as
soon as the snow was off. A few small leads had been discovered
higher up the gulch, but nothing at all comparable with the “Little
Jean.” Reference to the hard winter the discoverers of the “Little
Jean” had put in led Drew to ask about Garth; and the mention of the
big miner’s name stabbingly reminded Philip of the chance incident
in which Garth had figured, and which had led up to the blotting out
of all recollection of him.
“Garth is in Denver; or he was yesterday,” he replied.
“Pity about Jim,” said the promoter. “At bottom he’s a man, right; but
he can’t let liquor and the paste-boards alone. He has been
moderately well-fixed at least three times, to my certain knowledge,
and each time he has blown it all; gambled it and given it away—or
so much of it as he didn’t pass across the bar.”
Philip was conscious of a curious little shock when he realized that
this cataloguing of Garth’s weaknesses now stirred no resentful or
condemnatory emotion in him.
“Perhaps that is the way in which he gets the most out of life,” he
offered colorlessly. “There is no accounting for the difference in
“No; but Big Jim is really worth saving, if somebody would take the
trouble,” Drew put in, adding: “I don’t suppose anybody has ever
cared enough for him to try to brace him up—at least, nobody since
his wife died.”
“He was married?” Philip queried. “I worked beside him all winter and
never knew that.”
“It was one of those cases you read about—and seldom see in real
life,” Drew went on reminiscently. “It happened in one of the intervals
when Jim was on top, financially. A gambler, whose name I have
forgotten, brought a girl here from the East—a ‘chippy,’ I suppose
you’d call her—abused her shamefully, made her support him for a
time and then abandoned her. Jim heard about it, and after marrying
the girl off-hand, hunted up the gambler and shot him within an inch
of his life. The girl turned out to be a jewel as Jim’s wife; stuck to him
through thick and thin, and actually got him to stop drinking and
gambling. Then the altitude, and the hard life she had lived before
she met Jim, grabbed her and she died. Naturally, poor old Jim went
all to pieces again.”
“Naturally,” Philip agreed. His eyes were narrowed and he was
conscious of a curious deadening of the heart. The story of Garth’s
tragedy did not move him as it would have moved him no longer ago
than yesterday. Instead, he was asking himself why Garth shouldn’t
take to drink and dissipation to drown his grief? For that matter, why
shouldn’t any man, if he happened to lean that way?
Drew looked at his watch and rose.
“I have an appointment that I was about to forget,” he said.
“Intending to stop over with us for a while?”
“Perhaps. I haven’t made any plans.”
“All right; we’ll get together again. While you are here, my office is at
your disposal, of course. Come around and make it your loafing
After Drew had left him, Philip lighted another of the mild cigars and
took to the streets, walking until he was sodden with weariness.
Again and again the meager details of Garth’s tragedy passed
themselves in review. So the big miner had once made his little
gesture of righteousness by marrying a woman of the class for which
the world has no place of repentance, had he? That was fine! How
crassly he had misjudged Garth. Bromley’s insight had been better.
Was the play-boy’s assumption that there was no hard-and-fast line
to be drawn between the sheep and the goats—that there was good
in the worst and bad in the best—the right one, after all?
Philip’s thoughts went back to the scene of the early morning when
he had awakened to find a girl with pencilled eyebrows and painted
lips sitting on the edge of his bed in the strange room. “Scum of the
earth,” he had been calling her and her kind; and yet she, and her
still more degraded house mistress, had taken him in and cared for
him, and had not robbed him and turned him helpless into the street,
as they might have done. He had a vivid picture of the girl sitting
there and laughing at him as he opened his eyes. She was pretty, in
a way, and her talk and manner had given him the impression of
recklessness and misguiding rather than hardness. Was she one of
these who are more sinned against than sinning? He wondered.
Tired out finally, he returned to the hotel and went to bed. In the life
which was already withdrawing into a far-away past he had always
been able to fall asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow; but
now, though it was past midnight and he was weary to utter
exhaustion, sleep would not come. Over and over the harrowing
details of the discovery of his father and the scene in the upper room
over the gambling den rehearsed themselves as he tossed and
tumbled and tried to banish them; and at last, in sheer desperation,
he got up and dressed and went down to the lobby floor. The bar-
room was closed, and he appealed to the night clerk, money in hand.
“I’m sick and can’t sleep,” he said. “Couldn’t you break in back there
and get me a drink? I don’t want to take to the streets at this time of
The clerk smiled knowingly. “Got a hang-over, have you? I guess I
can fix you.” He disappeared, to return presently with a pint bottle of
whiskey. “Think that will do the business for you?” he asked.
“Yes; thanks. Don’t bother about the change.”
Once more in his room, he slipped out of his clothes, took a stiff
drink, and stretched himself upon the bed. In a little time the curious
and altogether pleasant feeling of levitation came and he floated off
through a spacious region of dreams which grew vaguer and vaguer
until they vanished in an abyss of forgetfulness.
Bromley had been occupying the spare bed-room in the Dabney
cottage for nearly a fortnight on the Saturday when, calling at the
Windsor Hotel to tell the Follansbees about a bargain in furnished
houses he had happened to hear of, he saw Stephen Drew
registering in at the room clerk’s desk and crossed the lobby to
shake hands with him.
“This is a piece of luck,” said the lessee of the “Little Jean,” after the
greetings were passed. “I didn’t know your address and was
expecting to have to dig you up through the bank or the post-office. I
came down on business, but also I was anxious to get hold of you. If
you have a few minutes to spare——?”
“All the time there is,” returned the play-boy cheerfully, leading the
way to a couple of the lobby chairs. Then, with a laugh: “I hope you
are not going to tell me the ‘Little Jean’ is petering out.”
“Nothing like that. The mine is all right. The values are increasing, as
your next dividend will show. I wanted to talk to you about Trask. Do
you know where he is?”
“I haven’t the remotest idea. He dropped out between two minutes
one morning early last week, leaving a note which merely said that
he was vanishing. It’s all right, though. He has been making a good
many swings around the circle in the past month or so, on a sort of
still hunt for his—for a man he is trying to find.”
“Did you see him before he left Denver this last time?”
“Why, yes; I was with him the evening before he left; and I saw him,
for just a minute or two, the next morning.”
“Anything wrong with him then?”
Bromley took time to think back. Previous to that brittle meeting in
the breakfast-room at Charpiot’s, Philip had been out, somewhere,
all night. Now that he recalled it, he remembered that the meeting
had been only momentary; that Philip had looked rather the worse
for wear; that his refusal to take the spare room in the Dabney
cottage had been almost brutal in its abruptness.
“I can’t say there was anything definitely wrong,” he replied. “I
remember he looked a bit gloomy and wrought up, but that is nothing
new for him. He has pretty bad attacks of the New England
conscience at times—if you know what that means.”
Drew nodded. “I understand. But that isn’t to the point just now. Your
partner is in Leadville, and he is badly in need of a friend; somebody
near enough and intimate enough to take him by the neck.”
Bromley laughed easily.
“There must be some mistake about that. Philip, himself, is the one
who rushes around taking people by the neck.”
“You are off wrong, this time,” the promoter cut in shortly. “I don’t
believe he has been entirely sober at any one time during the past
two weeks, and he seems to be permeated with an idea that he can
use up all the red paint there is and break all the gambling banks in
the camp if he only sticks at it long enough.”
“Good heavens!” Bromley gasped; “not Philip!”
“Yes, Philip. Of course, I understand that it’s none of my business,
but I hate to see such a fine, upstanding fellow as he is go to the
devil in a hand-basket. Has he had trouble of any sort?”
Bromley took a moment to consider whether or not he had a right to
breach Philip’s confidence in the matter of the search for his father,
and decided quickly that the present crisis warranted it. Very briefly
he told Drew the little he knew about the Trask family tragedy, and of
the futile search Philip had been making.
“Ah,” said the shrewd-witted developer of mines, “that may be the
clue. You say Philip believed in his father’s innocence?”
“Absolutely and utterly. But from what he has told me, I gathered that
he was pretty much alone in that belief; that, as a matter of fact, not
even the other members of the family shared it.”
“I see. Then that may be the key to the present situation. Trask is
pretty sensitive on the family honor question, and all that, isn’t he?”
“Exceedingly so. It, and his conscience, are his little tin gods.”
“There you are, then. You say his search for his father has been
futile. You don’t know positively that it was, do you?”
“It was, up to the night before he went to Leadville.”
“Well, many a man has had his world turned upside down for him
between dark and daylight in a single night. Whatever the cause may
have been, the effects are as I have indicated. Philip is setting a
pace that not even a half-share in a gold mine can stand indefinitely.
If you think you can do anything with him, you’d better go after him.
As I say, he is needing a friend mighty badly.”
“Sure I’ll go,” agreed the play-boy promptly. “I owe Philip a lot more
than I’ll ever be able to pay. And you mustn’t judge him by this one
fall-down, Mr. Drew. There are some people who suffer most from an
excess of their virtues—if you know what I mean—and Philip is one
of those. He has stood up stiff and straight all his life, and when a
fellow who lives that way gets bowled over——”
“I know,” assented the man of large experience. “The greatest
danger in a case of that kind lies in that ‘excess of the virtues’ you
speak of. When the barriers are once thrown down, the job of
rebuilding them is apt to seem hopeless.”
“That is where it will hit Phil the hardest, I’m sure. But we won’t hope
for the worst. Are you stopping over for a few days?”
“Until Monday or Tuesday. Are your quarters here in the Windsor?”
“Oh, no; I have a boarding place in West Denver—with friends. I’m
here just now to call upon some other friends—people from
Philadelphia. And that reminds me: you said you used to live in
Philadelphia; perhaps you know these friends of mine—the
“Not Judge John?”
“You have called the turn; Judge John and Mrs. Judge John and Tom
and Eugenia and Lucy Ann.”
“You don’t tell me! I know the judge and his wife very well, indeed;
and the children, too, though they were only children in my time. You
say they are here, in the hotel?”
“Yes. Wait a minute and I’ll carry the word to them.”
He was gone only a short time, and when he returned to the lobby,
the judge and Mrs. Follansbee came with him. He stood aside while
the three were happily bridging the gap of the years, and at the first
lull he broke in smoothly to say to Drew: “Mrs. Follansbee has been
good enough to include me in a dinner party for this evening, and I
have just told her that I am unexpectedly obliged to leave town, but I
was quite sure you would be willing to substitute for me.”
“Of course you will, Stephen,” put in the lady patroness, surveying
the stocky figure of the promoter through her lorgnette; then, with a
sigh for the vanished years: “My, my; what a man you’ve grown to
be! I should never have known you, with that clipped beard and the
eyeglasses. Can’t you spare a few minutes to come up to our suite
and see Eugenia and Lucy Ann? They both remember you.”
Bromley glanced at his watch and slipped away. He had promised to
take Jean Dabney to luncheon, and there was barely time to reach
Madame Marchande’s place in Sixteenth Street by the appointed
noon hour. When he did reach the millinery shop he found Jean
waiting on the sidewalk for him, and he took her to a new chop
house lately opened in the block next to the St. James, steering clear
of the subject that was uppermost in his mind until after they were
seated in one of the box-like private stalls and their order had been
given and served. Then he began without preface.
“I want to ask you something about Philip, Jean. He walked home
with you a week ago last Monday evening, didn’t he?”
“Let me think,” she answered reflectively. “To-day is Saturday; yes, it
was a week ago Monday.”
“Did he—did he act as though he was especially troubled about
“Why, no; not that I saw. I remember he scolded me a little because
he seemed to think I wasn’t quite as savagely righteous as I ought to
be. But he has done that lots of times. He walks so straight himself
that he can’t bear to see anybody lean over, ever so little.”
Bromley winced. If Drew’s story were true—and there was no reason
to doubt it—Philip was not walking straight now; he was grovelling.
What would Jean say if she knew? He had not meant to tell her what
he had just heard; did not yet mean to tell her. Still, she would have
to know, some time. If he could only be sure that the knowledge
wouldn’t smash her.... He would have to feel his way carefully.
“I am wondering if Philip ever told you anything about his father,” he
said; and he tried to say it casually.
“Oh, yes; he has told me all there was to tell, I think: how his father
went away under a—under a cloud, and how he has been searching
for him out here. Was that what you meant?”
Bromley nodded. There was nothing in her tone or manner to lead
him to believe that she had anything more than a friendly interest in
Philip’s problem, and he went on.
“He has been away for two weeks, or nearly two weeks. He left town
the next morning after he walked home with you that Monday
evening. He didn’t tell me where he was going. Did he tell you?”
“He said he might go to the camps down in the San Juan next. But
he didn’t say anything about going so soon. Haven’t you heard from
him since that time?”
“No; he hasn’t written me,” Bromley hastened to say, telling a half-
truth which was little short of a lie direct.
“But you are not anxious about him, are you?”
“Anxious? Why should I be?”
“But I think you are,” she said, looking him fairly in the eyes.
As upon certain other occasions, he tried hard to plumb the depths
of the dark eyes that were lifted to his, striving to read the answer to
a question that had been tormenting him ever since his first meeting
with her. How much did she care for Philip? Was she as much in love
with him as he was with her? If she were, this was neither the time
nor the place for the repeating of Drew’s story. But if she were not ...
he made up his mind suddenly and took the plunge.
“Jean, you know you can trust me to the limit, don’t you? Tell me
honestly what there is between you and Philip.”
“What there is between us?” The steady gaze of the dark eyes did
not waver. “We are friends, of course; good friends, I hope.”
“Nothing more?”
“What more could there be?”
“Then I may talk to you just as I might to any other friend of his?”
“I don’t know why you shouldn’t.” Tone and manner both gave him
the assurance that he might go on; that there was nothing more vital
to be wounded than the friendship she had admitted.
“Something has happened to Philip. I lied to you a minute ago—said
I hadn’t heard from Phil. I haven’t, not directly; but Mr. Drew is down
from Leadville, and he tells me that Philip is up in the big camp,
ripping things wide open. I couldn’t believe it—can hardly believe it
The deep-welled eyes were downcast now, and Bromley held his
breath. If there were a little quiver of the sensitive lips when she
spoke, the play-boy missed it—missed everything but the steady
tone of her reply.
“I have been afraid of something like that, haven’t you? Of course,
you know what has happened?”
“I don’t—I can’t imagine!”
“It is perfectly plain. He has found his father.”
“You think that is it?”
“I am sure of it.”
“But, even so—” he began.
“Don’t you see? He hasn’t—he didn’t find things as he hoped to find
them. Don’t you know him well enough to know what that would do
to him?”
It was said coolly enough, almost coldly; and Bromley marvelled. He
had never imagined she could be so dispassionate. Before he could
pull himself around to some half-way adequate matching of her
mood, she went on:
“Philip has always walked in a very narrow and straight path for
himself, and he is very proud, in his own way. If something has
happened to break his pride.... I know that is what has happened; I
am sure of it.”
The play-boy drew a deep breath. The worst was over, and it wasn’t
nearly as bad as he had feared it would be. Either she didn’t care,
any more than a friendly soul should care, or she had more
adamantine self-control than had fallen to the share of any other
woman he had ever known.
“I’m going up after him to-night,” he said. “When I get him back here
you’ll have to help me.”
“Of course—if I can,” she agreed. “But if it is as I think it is, I’m afraid
neither of us will be able to help him very much.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Just because he is what he is. Some people have to be helped; they
can’t get up unless they are helped. But there are others—and Philip
is one of them—who have to fight their way back the best they can,
alone. It’s hard to think of it that way, for a—for a friend. But it is
Bromley forced himself to smile.
“You are a very wise little woman, much wiser than your years call
for. But see here—you’re not eating enough to keep a kitten alive.
How do you expect to be able to work if you don’t eat?”
“I’m not as hungry as I thought I was. It’s the hot weather, maybe.”
“Couldn’t you eat another cream puff if I should order it?”
“No, thank you. Besides, my time is up. I know it isn’t nice to eat and
run, but if you will invite a working girl out to luncheon, you’ll have to
take the consequences.”
He walked back to the door of the millinery shop with her and at the
moment of parting she said, “You’ll be gentle with Philip when you
find him, won’t you? It won’t do any good to be the other way.”
“I shall take him by the neck,” he threatened good-naturedly, adding:
“He’s old enough and man enough to have better sense.” Then: “I’m
going to be fearfully busy this afternoon. Do you suppose Mysie
could pack my grip for me if I should send a messenger after it with a
“Mysie would be dreadfully humbled if she could hear you ask such a
thing as that,” she smiled. “She isn’t the child you seem to persist in
believing her to be. She will be sixteen in a few days. How long do
you think you will be away?”
“Heaven knows; no longer than I can help, you may be sure. Good-
by; take care of yourself, and don’t work too hard. If you want to do
anything for me while I’m gone, just say a little prayer or two. It runs
in my mind that I may need all the help I can get. Good-by.”
Having become, in a desultory way, a working capitalist, or at least
an investing one, Bromley had a number of business matters to be
despatched before he could leave town for an indefinite stay. None
the less, out of a well-filled afternoon he clipped time enough to go
around to the Colorado National Bank where Philip kept his account.
Since he was known in the bank as Philip’s partner, he had no
difficulty in finding out what he wished to learn. Philip had been
drawing heavily on his checking account during the two weeks, and
the drafts had all come through Leadville banks. Bromley asked for
the approximate figure and gasped when he was told that the recent
withdrawals totalled something over twenty thousand dollars.
Quartered in the sleeper for the night run to Leadville, Bromley,
generously distressed, was still groping for some reasonable solution
to the problem presented by Philip’s wild splash into the sea of
dissipation—a plunge so wholly out of keeping with his character.
Was Jean’s guess that he had found his father, and that the
discovery had proved to be a calamity instead of a cause for
rejoicing, the right one? If not, what other upsetting thing could have
happened between half-past seven in the Monday evening, when he
had left Philip in their common sitting-room in the Alamo Building,
and the next morning when he had met him leaving the breakfast-
table in Charpiot’s? Where had Philip spent the night? And what had
occurred during those few unaccounted-for hours to put a look of
morbid gloom in his eyes and to make him refuse, almost savagely,
to become an inmate of the West Denver cottage?
“He’d had a knock-down fight of some sort with that strait-laced
conscience of his, I suppose, and it must have been a bloody one to
make him let go all holds like this,” the play-boy told himself,
balancing on the edge of the made-down berth to take off his shoes
as the train began its swaying, wheel-shrilling climb in the snake-like
sinuosities of Platte Canyon. Then, as he drew the curtains and
essayed the irritating task of undressing in the dark, cramped berth,
with the car careening to right and left like a ship at sea: “He’ll find it
bad medicine and bitter; but if it will only end by making a normal
human man of him....”
It was deep in the night, and the train was halted at a mountain-side
station, when Bromley awoke, shivering in the chill of the high
altitude, and sat up to reach for the extra blanket at the foot of the
berth. As he did so, a thunderous murmur in the air announced the
approach of the Denver-bound train for which his own was side-
tracked, and he ran a window shade up to look out just as the
eastbound train, with its miniature locomotive and short string of
cars, coasted down, with brake-shoes grinding, to the meeting-point
Reflecting upon it afterward, he thought it a most curious
coincidence that the night chill should have awakened him just at this
time, and that the momentary stop of the opposing train should place
the one pair of lighted windows in its single Pullman opposite his
own darkened one. While one might have counted ten he sat staring,
wide-eyed, across the little space separating the two standing trains.
The lighted windows opposite were those in the smoking
compartment of the eastbound sleeper. Around the little table
bracketed between the seats sat three men with cards in their hands
and stacks of red, white and blue counters before them. Though two
of the men were unknown to the play-boy, he was able instantly to
label them as birds of prey. The third man was Philip; a Philip so
changed and wasted by two weeks of unrestraint as to be scarcely
As Bromley looked he saw one of the birds of prey pass a flat pocket
bottle across the table; and his final glimpse through the lighted
window as the down train slid away showed him Philip with his head
thrown back and the tilted bottle at his lips.
“Good Lord!” groaned the play-boy, falling back upon his pillows,
“Drew didn’t stretch it an inch! Those two blacklegs will strip Phil to
the skin before they let go of him and before they will let him get
sober enough to realize what they’re doing to him! And I’ve got to go
through to Leadville and come all the way back before I can get a
chance to stick my oar in!” At the word the westbound train began to
move, and he pulled the blankets up to his ears, muttering again:
“There’s only one ray of comfort in the whole desperate business,
and that is that Jean isn’t going to break her heart over this diabolic
blow-up of Philip’s. I’m glad I took the trouble to make sure of that,
But if, at this precise moment of midnight, he could have looked into
the bed-room next to his own in the West Denver cottage, the room
occupied by Jean and her sister Mysie, the comforting reflection
might have lost something of its force. The younger sister was
sleeping peacefully, but the elder had slipped quietly out of bed to
kneel at the open, westward-fronting window with her shoulders
shaking and her face buried in the crook of a bare white arm.
Though Bromley, swiftly changing from the up to the down train on
the Sunday morning arrival in Leadville, should have won back to
Denver at six o’clock Sunday evening, a freight wreck on the
Kenosha Mountain grade held him up, and it was between nine and
ten when, tired as he was by more than twenty-four hours of
mountain railroad travel, he set out in search of Philip, making the
rooms of the Alamo Building his starting point.
To his relief, the lighted transom assured him that the sitting-room
was occupied; and when there was no answer to his knock, he
opened the door noiselessly and entered. At first he thought the
hunched figure in the hollowed-out easy chair beside the reading
table was in a drunken stupor; but when he drew nearer he saw that
the fancied stupor was merely a deep sleep of exhaustion. Silently
placing a chair for himself on the other side of the table, he lighted
his pipe and waited. After a time the sleeper in the hollowed chair
stirred, stretched his arms over his head, and, at the smell of live
tobacco smoke, opened his eyes and sat up with a jerk.
“You?” he muttered, blinking across the table at the play-boy.
“It’s nobody else. Had a good nap?”
Philip’s wordless response was to get up and reach for a half-
emptied bottle standing on a bookcase; but Bromley stopped him.
“Let that alone, Phil—for the moment, anyway; long enough to tell
me what has hit you. You owe me that much, at least.”
Philip sank back into the sleepy-hollow chair. “How much do you
know?” he demanded sullenly.
“What Stephen Drew could tell me, added to what I happened to see
at midnight last night when your train on the South Park met mine at
the passing point in the mountains.”
“You were going to Leadville to hunt me up?”
“Yes. Drew told me you needed to be knocked down and dragged
Philip’s dull eyes glowed suddenly. “I ought to have had a gun last
night!” he broke out savagely. “Those two tinhorns robbed me blind!”
“Of course they did. That is what they were out for. No, wait; I’m not
going to preach. I grant you it’s every man’s privilege to go to the
devil in his own fashion. Still, I’m a trifle curious.”
Silence for the space of a long minute. Then: “You wouldn’t
understand, Harry; I couldn’t make you understand if I should try.
Say that the cursed atmosphere of this God-forsaken country got
hold of me at last and that I stubbed my toe and fell down. That will
cover it as well as anything.”
“A good many of us fall down, but we get up again. Have you got to
stay down?”
“It looks that way. I haven’t anything to get up for.”
“Why haven’t you?”
“That question runs you up against a shut door, Harry; a door that I’ll
never open for anybody so long as I can keep it shut. Let that be
understood, once for all.”
“All right; we’ll let it go at that, if you say so. Just the same——”
“Oh, confound it—you know what I want to say, and can’t Phil!
You’ve been more than a brother to me, ever since you picked me
up out of the gutter a year ago and stood me on my two feet. Can’t
you see where this thing hits me?”
Philip leaned forward, elbows on knees, face propped in his hands,
lead-heavy eyes fixed upon the blank wall opposite. When he
replied, the harshness had gone out of his voice.
“I can see a great many things now that I have never been able to
see in the past, Harry ... one of them is that I’ve been a self-blinded
Pharisee all my life. All I needed was a hard enough kick to show me
that at bottom I’m no better than other men; not half as good or as
strong as some other men who make no profession of their
goodness or strength. I got the kick, finally—no matter how, but I got
it—and ... well, I guess I have found my level. I’ve been in hell for the
last fourteen days and nights, and if I am just beginning to struggle
out, it is at the bottom and not at the top.”
Bromley was silent for a little time; then he said huskily: “You’re not
going to break with me, Phil? I couldn’t stand for that, you know. You
will have to go your own way, I suppose; but wherever you go, or
whatever you do, I’m still your partner. Just remember that when the
pull comes the hardest, won’t you?”
“I’ll try to. But you can’t do anything for me, Harry; nobody can. I’ve
walked deliberately into the devil’s wood and got lost. If there is any
way out—as there doesn’t seem to be now—I’ve got to find it for
myself. Can you understand that?”
“Perhaps I can.” Another silence, and then Bromley went on: “What
shall I say to Jean?—or will you say it to her yourself?”
“You know very well I won’t say it myself. If you tell her anything you
must tell her the plain truth: that the man she has known as Philip
Trask was a sorry hypocrite; a whited sepulchre, with the cleanliness
all on the outside and full of dead men’s bones within.”
“It isn’t that bad, Philip.”
“Yes it is; just that bad. I got my kick, as I have said, and it was hard
enough, God knows. Instead of taking it like a man, I went under. In
a single fortnight I have measured all the depths—broken all the
moorings. I have shut myself out of the world of decent people, and
I’ve only decency enough left in me to know that I shall never be able
to look a pure woman in the face again. I have only one comfort now,
Harry, and that is that I have never given Jean any reason to believe
that I was in love with her.”
“You are sure of that, are you?”
“Yes; quite sure. After the fatuous fashion of the complete Pharisee I
have been holding off, telling myself that there was plenty of time,

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