FYP Ideas For Students

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FYP Ideas for Students:

Sr. No. Title Brief Description Area Pre-requisites
A Web project to
help farmers ensure
greater profitability
through direct
A Web project to help farmers ensure greater profitability farmer to supplier
through direct farmer to supplier and farmer to farmer and farmer to farmer Good programming
1 Assistant Web
communication. This innovative site allows for good communication. and database concepts
farmer, retailer and supplier communication. This innovative site
allows for good
farmer, retailer and
User may login to different social networking sites at
Unique User
different timing, ¬¬so user may not find his friends online
when he logins to the particular social networking website. Web Development, Good programming
2 Across Multiple
To overcome this issue proposed system will bring together Social Networks and database concepts
our online friends on different social networking sites into
a single integrated environment.

Android Based
It provides customers an easy way of reserving a parking
Parking Web Development, Good programming
3 space online. It overcomes the problem of finding a parking
Booking Android Application and database concepts
space in commercial areas that unnecessary consumes time.

Online Election System would have Candidate registration,

document verification, auto-generated User ID and pass for
candidate and Voters. Admin Login which will be handled
Online Election Web Development, Good programming
4 by Election Commission .Candidate Login which will be
System Data Base and database concepts
handled By Candidate, Voters will get Unique ID and
Password, Using which they can vote for a Candidate only
once per Election

Main idea of this project is to make a hand held application

through which patient do not further need to go doctor to
Doctors on Natural Language Good programming
5 doctor to find who is expert and can treat your disease. This
Hand Processing skills.
application will find itself a most suitable/expert and
nearest doctor according to your disease.
Strong Programming
Robots always tell us for what they are programmed/ they skills with hardware
always tell us the truth. But the idea of this project is to Intelligent Machines level knowledge/
6 A Liar Robot
make an intelligent robot which can tells a lie as human do, and Robotics interested in learning,
so mimicking pure human behaviour. good in assembly
According to the latest WHO data published in 2017 Road
Traffic Accidents Deaths in Pakistan reached 27,081 or
2.22% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 15.42
per 100,000 of population ranks Pakistan #104 in the
world. People get their driving license just by knowledge of
Interactive driving. However, traffic rules are also important and Game Development,
7 Game to learn majority drivers do not know all sign and rules on roads. Data Base,
Database, Computer
Traffic rules Road traffic injuries is growing issue. Main causes which Computer Graphics
are found behind these road accidents are lack of training
institutes, unskilled drivers.This game will help them
learning driving rules in an interactive way and they will
remember them for a long time. All rules are available in
online book given by traffic police.

Distributed Systems,
8 Vehicular IOT programming,
Internet of Things
This will be an online portal to help batch advisors. With
this portal batch advisor will be able to decide if a student Database and
is capable of selecting the course he wants to opt for. This Web development, programming
9 Batch Advisory
portal will minimize the time and workload spent in Database concepts for frontend
looking students schedule, class, clashes, prerequisite, and backend
ability to pick a course.
According to the International Society for
Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR),
adherence is “the extent to which a patient acts in
accordance with the prescribed interval, and dose of a
dosing regimen.[1]”Medication nonadherence can affect
patient health adversely, negatively impact a patient’s
relationship with his/her care provider, skew results of
clinical therapy trials, and increase health resource
consumption[2,3]. Medication nonadherence remains a
common health care problem. Poor adherence causes
approximately 33% to 69% of medication-related
hospitalizations and accounts for $100 billion in annual
health care costs[4] Several application are available to
provide help in this matter. Some example are
Urdu Based PatientPartner http://mypatientpartner.com/#theapp
Medicine Medisafe http://www.medisafeproject.com/ Dosecast Android Application Good programming
Compliance http://www.montunosoftware.com/products/dosecast/about/ Development capability in Java
Application The problem is that these are English based applications
where as majority of our population does not understand
English. We need a similar application, but Urdu based. 1.
Cramer JA, Roy A, Burell A, et al. Medication compliance
and persistence: terminology and definitions. Value Health.
2008;11(1):44–47. [PubMed] 2. Ruddy K, Mayer E,
Partridge A. Patient adherence and persistence with oral
anticancer treatment. CA Cancer J Clin. 2009;59(1):56–66.
[PubMed] 3. Waterhouse DM, Calzone KA, Mele C,
Brenner DE. Adherence to oral tamoxifen: a comparison of
patient self-report, pill counts, and microelectronic
monitoring. J Clin Oncol. 1993;11(6):1189–1197.
[PubMed] 4. Osterberg L, Blaschke T. Adherence to
medication. N Engl J Med. 2005;353(5):487–497.

Social media applications extremely reflect upon people

sentiments. An understanding of this trend will potentially • Skilled in
Sentiment assist to identify the harmful factors that need to be Java/Android and
Analysis of eliminated as well as suggestion system can be proposed. Databases. • Willing
Facebook Our emphasis will be to build an application for fetching Android Application to learn new API (e.g.
Users: A data of Facebook by using Graph API, analyze the trend of Development Graph API). • Willing
Software data, and later offer a complete system that will be built to explore research
System based on the theory of Statistics, AI and Human-Computer literature. • Excellent
Interaction. Contact: Faculty Block Room 184 or email AT English writing skills.
[email protected]
• Skilled in Java/C#
and Databases. •
It is now established that the assessment, as well as
Willing to learn
rehabilitation of human cognition, is possible through brain
Unity3D along with
games. A huge number of population is suffering from
other new
autism around the globe. Few games have already been
frameworks. • Willing
Autism made in this regard, however, the findings are not
Unity Game to explore research
12 Rehabilitation conclusive. Our emphasis will be to analyze the existing
Development literature. • Excellent
System research literature to understand where this domain
English writing skills.
currently stands, and offer a complete system that will be
• Have vast
built based on the theory of psychology and Human-
experience/sense of
Computer Interaction. Contact: Faculty Block Room 184 or
gaming (i.e. necessary
email AT [email protected]
to design game

With the increase of features in smartphone devices its

usability is getting complex. An efficient designing of
widgets already addressed the issue to a certain extent, • Skilled in
Intelligent however, in the presence of mobile sensors it can be further Java/Android and
Gestures- improved. Using important features of smartphones Databases. • Willing
oriented Smart through gestures recently got attention, however, seeking Android Application to learn new
Devices out natural gestures for the corresponding features as well Development frameworks. • Willing
Operability as their recognition is still a challenge. Our emphasis will to explore research
System be to analyze the existing research literature to understand literature. • Excellent
where this domain currently stands, and offer a complete English writing skills.
system that will be built based on the theory of AI and
Human-Computer Interaction.

There already exist several elderly care systems, however,

• Skilled in
they offer assistance with certain limitations in terms of
Java/Android and
features as well as operability that eventually effects the
Databases. • Willing
Elderly Care adaptability of the target audience. Our emphasis will be to
Android Application to learn new
14 and Monitoring analyze the existing research literature to understand where
Development frameworks. • Willing
System this domain currently stands, and offer a complete system
to explore research
that will be built based on the theory of AI and Human-
literature. • Excellent
Computer Interaction. Contact: Faculty Block Room 184 or
English writing skills.
email AT [email protected]

Online Web
Online portal will be mainly capable of • Taking
Portal to
submissions of article submitted by authors according to a
submit, review
specific format. • Sending Article for blind peer review to
reviews • Sending article to proof readers for proof reading
composition of Web development, Good programming
15 • Getting response from reviews and proofreader • Serving
CJIF Database, HCI and database concepts
all the roles in the submission process i.e. author, reviews,
proof reader and editor. • Auto generating emails and
Journal of
timelines for each role • Auto generating of final version of
Purpose of this app is to create links between properties
agents inter or intra offices. Through this app they will be
able to organize their list of properties they are working on
for selling, buying or rent out. Boss of the office will create
an admin account for one office and rest of dealer in that
Database and Android
office will use that application as users created by admin.
Mobile App development
Property uploaded by single user can be seen by other
16 PROLINK development, programming
dealers of that office as well. For example if a dealer want
Database concepts, CGPA
to sell a house and he uploads data of that house. Another
Above 3.3
dealer who has a client who wants to buy a house, he will
search if a house is available via app and will contact the
dealer who is selling house. This will save the effort the
spent on making phone calls to all and searching in long
queued messages in WhatsApp groups etc.

This is an online web portal which will deal in property and

all type of businesses involved in house building e.g. brick
makers, cement sellers, electric and sanitary merchandisers.
Property agents will be able to contact with each other Database and
directly by sending or receiving notifications of recent programming
Web development,
17 BANADO properties they want to sell, buy or rent out in any concepts for frontend
particular area. Individuals will be able to see who is and backend, CGPA
selling material in low cost or giving less expensive and Above 3.0
trusted services and from where they need to buy bricks,
cement and other material during house building depending
upon cost and extra services they provide.

Web based
System which mainly helps to improve communication Good programming
18 E bridge Application/Android
between Teacher and Student. and database concepts
Lost and Found Web based Lost and Found management system. Designed Web based
Good programming
19 Management to help the university to manage and restore their student's Application/Android
and database concepts
System lost items. Application

The problem is to design and implement a web based

application to create a semester course time table by
Time Table assigning time slots and rooms to a given set of courses Web based Good programming
Management under given constraints like avoiding clashes of timeslots Application and database concepts
and rooms assigning proper rooms and appropriate slots
and contact hours etc
The explosive increase in data demand coupled with the
rapid deployment of various wireless access technologies
have led to the increase of number of multi-homed or
multi-interface enabled devices. Simultaneously leveraging
these interfaces by potentially aggregating their bandwidths
Bandwidth can lead to higher throughput, improved end-user
Good programming
21 aggregated experience, and efficient resource utilization. Recently the Desktop Application
and database concepts
Web browser software designed for the bandwidth aggregation, work
both on the server as well as client side i.e. they don’t work
unless the software is installed on the server side. Our aim
is to design a bandwidth aggregated web browser which is
independent of server side segmentation i.e. no work is
required to be completed on server side.

Home/Office Distributed Systems, Hardware knowledge
22 Electricity Android of mobile phone and
Monitoring Programming electricity boards,
Arduino/Raspberry pi
programming, ability
Soil moisture Distributed Systems,
to integrate
23 monitoring Android
System Programming
board with senors and
Android phone
Distributed Systems,
Hardware knowledge
Car Automation programming,
24 of mobile phone and
and Control computer
car ignition,
Arduino/Raspberry pi
computer science

Homeopathy is very popular medicine as it has very few or

side effects. The medicine is suggested or advised based on
identification of certain symptoms. Idea is to build an
Homeopathy Web / Mobile
25 expert system for homeopathy doctors that could suggest
Expert System Application
medicine after careful analysis of the symptoms entered by
the physician. After suggestion system would learn and
keep the record of patients for future consultation.

Virtual reality is and will be at its boom in coming years.

The proposal is to build a proof of concept that could
virtualize a class room environment. Utilizing capabilities
Virtual Class Web / Mobile
26 of Kinect and HTC VIVE or any other VR platform.
Room Application
Student from any location could connect to the class and
feel like in a class room environment and view teacher
delivering a lecture in front of them.
Aim of this web and mobile platform is to provide
companies to register and utilize the system to manage
their bus routes and registrations. System will suggest the
fastest yet optimal routes to allow maximum
Smart Bus passengers(employees/students in case universities) to be Web / Mobile
Management accommodated in the buses. it would suggest number of Application
buses required on each route designed by the administrator.
The system will also updated and share the current location
and status of the bus with relative stake holders
Basic idea of the web and mobile platform would be to
create and allow people to maintain a healthy life style. It
will include specialized features to generate a healthy
Health and Diet Web / Mobile
28 activity plan for the week and based on input from
Portal Application
nutritionists system will be self capable to generate a
healthy customized diet chart for each person registered
with the website.
This online Bakery shop will allow users to check and
purchase various bakery products available online. The
project will consist of list of bakery products displayed in
Web Application/
Online Bakery various categories and the user will browse through the Good programming
29 android Application
Shop items and will do online shopping. He will do online and database concepts
payment. Thus, the online Bakery shopping project will
bring an entire bakery shop online, making it easy for both
buyer and seller.
This project will help the users in curing his disease by
giving the list of fruits and herbs that the user should
consume in order to get rid of his disease. This system will
help the user to reduce his searching time to a great extent Web Application/
Online Herbs Good programming
30 by allowing the user to enter his health problem and search android Application
Shopping and database concepts
accordingly. This system will also allow the user to online Development
place the order and make online payment for the same.
Thus this system will help to cure the user’s disease to a
great extent.
The aim of this project is to provide an online submission
management system, that streamlines and eases out the
E Conference
collection, tracking and management of electronic Good programming
31 Management Web Application
submissions. Information can be received, authenticated, and database concepts
tracked, stored, and distributed electronically for
The aim of HelpOnline is to provide the daily basis
services to users at home. Using application users can
request for different services. He can view the charges he ll
Web Application/
have to pay for the services and pay online.he can also give Good programming
32 Help-Online android Application
feedback on the services he receives from a particular and database concepts
service provider. our customer can also request for the
services of a particular service provider based on his/her
trust built from previous experience .
We propose a Mobile Discount Directory with the use of
Global Positioning System to find discount, coupons and
Mobile promotion information, which surround user’s current
Android application Programming,
33 Discount location. Using this application, mobile device users can
development Database
Directory present the digital coupons at the point of purchase or
meals. It brings convenient to users and helps them
consume intelligently.
* Strong coding skills
are required in JAVA,
* Software Wed Technologies
Service of
34 development * and Database Systems
Cloud Computing *Students with CGPA
higher than 2.8 will be

This is an Android based application to facilitate people

traveling by road over long distances who are careful about
their Salaat (prayers). The idea can be explained with an
example. Suppose you are going to travel to Islamabad
from Lahore via GT Road. You want to plan ahead your
stops based upon Salaat time. For this you need to know
where will be the closest mosque on your route when it is
On Road Salaat Android Application
35 time for each Salaat. This apparently simple idea needs lot Java Programing
Planner Development
of thought and integration. You have to consider the fact
that Salaat times change throughout the year, it needs to
integrate with Google-maps to find out which route the
user wants to take etc. It is not that critical on GT Road.
But imagine a Muslim family in U.S.A traveling from New
York to Florida who is very careful about their Salaat, they
will greatly appreciate this application.

* Software
Intention * Coding skill in Java
development. *
36 Prediction and database * NLP
Natural Language
through Social basics
Programming (NLP)

* Software
development. * * Coding skill in Java
37 Natural Language and database * NLP
through Social
Programming (NLP) basics
* Psycology

EHMS is an events management automation system for a

Pakistani banquet hall that helps the banquet hall in the
Event Hall automation of its daily business operations. It facilitates the
Web Application/
Management banquet hall managers to run their operations smoothly and Good programming
38 android Application
System also facilitate customers by providing them the required and database concepts
(EHMS) information about booking schedules at their homes. There
are multiple systems available but none of them gives the
client a full package covering their business requirements.
Tour hunting is a website that is very helpful in the
selection of the most appropriate tour for the entertainment
of the people. It registers different tourism companies
Web Application/
which can add their tours details on the website. The Good programming
39 Tour Hunting android Application
visitors of the website can compare different tour packages and database concepts
added by different companies and select a tour. The
selection is made on the basis of predefined factors of
which the user can select any combination of factors.

* Coding skill in Java

Software * Software and database *
40 Defined development. * Network concepts of
Networking Networking TCP/IP stack and
Network security

BMIS is general purpose business management application.

Business It has Sales, Purchases and Accounts modules developed
Management using Spring MVC and AngularJS. BMIS V3 objective is Java, RESTful
Web Application
41 Information to add new and improve existing features. Working on Services, AngularJS,
System - BMIS BMIS requires exceptional knowledge of Java, OOP, DB, Logic Building
V3 Web MVC and motivation/skill to learn new technologies
fast. 2 group members must be good programmers.

Basic programming
skills, database, web
42 Profile Social Networks
Machine learning

Selection of
cloud based on The project will be developed in order to suggest a suitable
43 customer’s cloud to the customer based on his/her security Cloud Computing Java/C# programming
security requirements.

The project will use DM to categorize data based on the

organization in the cloud. This project will be considered a
new sub-service of storage service. The cloud will receive Knowledge of data
based data Data Mining, Cloud
44 the data and will process the data (using DM as the main mining and Java
categorization computing
engine) based on the predefined attributes and will allocate programming
in Cloud
a specific label to the data. Finally, that data will be stored
on the proper inner-cloud.

Knowledge for
Big Data based General
BigData, Cloud
45 Prediction Programming, Web
Service Programming,
Artificial Intelligence
Water Pollutant programming, ability
Distributed Systems,
Monitoring to integrate
46 Android
through Remote arduino/raspberry-pi
Sensing board with senors and
Android phone

Kinect configuration,
Aerobics &
Kinect data extraction and
47 Physio-therapy
Programming analysis, general
programming skills
mobile programming,
Access to microphone
Software and feature extraction
development, Cloud from audio
48 Accent Trainer
Computing, Android multimedia are must.
Development Database System
implementation for
audio files and
Java/C# programming
mobile programming
and access to WiFi
Tracking as a Distributed Systems, and location service
Service Cloud Computing Web Service
Database knowledge
mobile programming
Access to Camera,
Bluetooth, WiFi,
Providing video
Mobile data and
surveillance Mobile computing,
50 location service is a
using mobile Distributed Systems
must. Mobile phone
capable database
programming such as
for MySQL will be an
added advantage.
Internet censorship is a way in which an authority has its
control over the user’s surfing over the web. It includes the
control of what can be seen viewed, accessed or published
over the web. Internet censorship is applied over the web
traffic due to some religious, business or moral reasons.
Today internet surfing is becoming an issue which requires
software engineering,
great attention of ISPs in almost every part of the world
Smart Internet Software algorithms, good
51 and they are trying to solve these issues by different ways.
censorship Engineering programming and
Some websites are not required in the community and the
analytical skills
presence of such websites/blogs etc. is harmful for the
users due to some cultural and/or political reasons. This
final year project considers the very problem and proposes
a smart internet blocking system based on the contents
present on a website. For further details please visit Dr.
Adnan Ahmad in Faculty Block Room 37

Over the past few decades, software design architectures

have become increasingly complex because of the
increasingly complex IT needs of various systems for
organizations. Until recently, most of the software design
architectures were monolithic. Monolithic architectures of
increasingly complex software design usually impose
strong restrictions. These restrictions cause many issues;
for instance, difficult integration with other software tools, software engineering,
less interoperability and less reusability of various software algorithms, distributed
Oriented Software
52 components. By providing “loose coupling”, “location systems, good
Architecture Engineering
transparency”, and “protocol independence”, service- programming and
oriented architecture (SOA) is a promising architecture to analytical skills
solve these problems (Endrei et al., 2004). Today, most of
the major software vendors such as Microsoft, IBM,
Google, are using SOA. In this project, students are
expected to develop a system using SOA. The software
design, implementation and integration give them a head
start to join the software industry. For further details please
visit Dr. Adnan Ahmad in Faculty Block Room 37
Sandboxing refers to the security mechanism which is used
to separate various running programs in the same system. It
is normally used to execute untrusted code, so that if there
is any harm in its execution, it remains limited to an
isolated environment only. Let us consider the classic
dilemma, where a person has received a file and eager to
see what is inside, but at the same time afraid of infecting software engineering,
his system through a virus. One possible solution is to open algorithms, operating
53 Sandboxing the file in a controlled environment (sandbox), so even if it systems, good
is infected, the effect can be localized. Without a proper programming and
sandbox mechanism a system always faces threats of analytical skills
viruses and Trojans every time a code executes. This final
year project deals with the development of a sandboxing
environment and helps students to deeply understand
programming fundamentals, operating systems and access
rights. For further details please visit Dr. Adnan Ahmad in
Faculty Block Room 37.

This final year project explores the dimensions of software

testing, and the development of such automated tool. The
students will be dealing with the generation and execution
of test data to evaluate the correctness of a program. There
are some quite famous techniques present in the literature
and the students will be developing some of them. Mainly software engineering,
the project explores black box and white box testing and Software algorithms, good
54 Quality
highlights the errors that can go unnoticed by the Engineering programming and
programmers. Some common errors/warnings include: analytical skills
“memory leaks”, “dangling references”, “infinite loops”,
“fall through cases in switches”, “out of bound”,
“unreachable code”, “ignored return values”, and “unused
variables and functions”.For further details please visit Dr.
Adnan Ahmad in Faculty Block Room 37.

E-learning is the use of information and communication

technology (ICT) in education. The process spans over
various component including collaboration between
teachers and students, which turns out to be a critical
success factor. In online courses, it is even more desirable
that teachers may collaborate with students effectively to
enhance the latter’s capabilities. However, it is also quite
Secure software engineering,
important to secure that collaboration so that no
collaboration Software algorithms, good
55 unauthorized action may take place. Secure collaboration is
for e-learning Engineering programming and
important in ensuring that every resource or information
system analytical skills
may remain restricted to its authorized users. This final
year project focuses on the development of a novel
collaborative module for e-learning systems and provides
the opportunity to the students to improve systems
concepts, programming and critical thinking that will help
them in industry. For further details please visit Dr. Adnan
Ahmad in Faculty Block Room 37.
Spam and anti-spam techniques are part of email since its
birth. Spam is electronic garbage with no anticipating
recipient and almost always deleted. In 2010, around 89%
of all emails were spam, resulting in an estimated 260
COAT- billion spam emails sent every single day. Most of the
software engineering,
Collaborative current anti-spamming systems focus on incoming spam Artificial
algorithms, good
56 Outgoing Anti- but these messages still travel the internet world and waste Intelligence,
programming and
spamming bandwidth, storage and processing resources. This final Machine Learning
analytical skills
Technique year project proposes a collaborative outgoing anti-spam
technique to reduce the spread of spam on the internet. The
technique targets outgoing emails and its use would free
the internet from 260 billion spam a day. For further details
please visit Dr. Adnan Ahmad in Faculty Block Room 37.

This is a HEC funded project. Basically the visualization

tool developed in this project will help analysts to evaluate
the performance of individuals, organizations, nations, and
A visualization groups working in the field of computer science. This in
tool for turn can be used to know the impact of decisions and
analyzing policies made for allocating resources and funds, and Good programming
57 trends in the proposing the future directions for the field.The Higher skills in Java,
field of Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan can take a lot of computer graphics
computer benefits from the product developed through this project.
science The developed product through this project will help the
students, scholars, and teachers to find collaborators,
experts, and supervisors in their field of study either locally
or at global level.

Cool test of UAV through simulator is very important

Simulator for
before you fly your real UAV. A perfect simulator can save
Unmanned Intelligent Machines
58 a lot of money. Simulator can be developed in any
Aerial Vehicle and Robotics
symbolic simulator like MatLab. Finally, developed
simulator can also be converted into interesting games.

In paraphrased plagiarism, the most common editing

operation is synonym replacement. The idea here is to to
explore linguistically motivated modifications of sentences.
Motivated Natural Language Python, Java or Perl
59 So, making sure that the modified sentences (or n-grams)
modified Processing programming skill
come from sensible sentences, to build on the work which I
did in my PhD (see Chapter 5 of my PhD thesis for more

Wikipedia is a multilingual resource. It can be used in
parallel samples
extracting parallel fragments from its comparable articles Natural Language Python, Java or Perl
60 from
in different language pairs. The outcome will be a valuable Processing programming skill
resource for machine translation.
Whereas work on source code re-use detection started
nearly forty years ago (Ottenstein, 1976), Internet has made
available huge amounts of code. As for texts, “much
plagiarism and adaptation is now of computer programs”
(Wilks, 2004). Finding cases of re-use across programming
languages seems to be an interesting problem. When
dealing with this problem, it is possible to take advantage
of the certain similarity between the reserved words across
programming languages. Flores, Barr´on-Cede˜no, Rosso,
and Moreno (2011, 2012) have made some preliminary
efforts on detecting re-use among codes in C++, Java, and
Python, using the cross-language character n-grams model.
Authors suggested that cross-language alignment-based
analysis model may be valuable as well for two reasons: (i) Natural Language Python, Java or Perl
61 re-use in source
building a statistical dictionary for reserved words is Processing programming skill
feasible and (ii) even the length model could be worth
considering to determine, for instance, how short a code in
Python should be respect to its source in Java. Flores, E.,
Barr´on-Cede˜no, A., Rosso, P., and Moreno, L. (2011).
Towards the Detection of Cross-Language Source Code
Reuse. International Conference on Applications of Natural
Language to Information Systems, LNCS (6716), 250–253.
Springer-Verlag. Flores, E., Barr´on-Cede˜no, A., Rosso,
P., and Moreno, L. (2012). DeSoCoRe: Detecting Source
Code Re-Use across Programming Languages. In
Proceedings of Conference of the North American Chapter
of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human
Language Technologies, Montreal, Canada. ACL.
Text re-use detection implies no looking for topical
similarity, but for co-derivation of texts. Therefore, text re-
use detection models cannot be considered when designing
a “traditional” topic-based search engine. However, models
for text re-use detection are still worth considering in
modern search engines. For instance, in a monolingual
setting, models for text re-use detection could be used to
improve the search diversity: avoiding to present near-
duplicate documents on top of the returned ranking. In a
cross-language setting, these models could be used to assist
Text re-use and Natural Language Python, Java or Perl
62 the user for cross language searches. Imagine the following
search engines Processing programming skill
scenario: (i) a person queries a search engine in a language
different to her native one (e.g. Spanish is her native
language and English the language of the query); (ii) the
search engine returns a relevant document written in
English; on the basis of algorithms for cross-language text
re-use detection, a translation in Spanish is found. (iii)
instead of offering the possibility for translating the
relevant document “on the fly”, the search engine offers the
available translation, with a high likelihood of representing
a better translation.

Probably one of the most interesting topics for future

research on plagiarism detection is the automatic analysis
of citations and references, a problem that, although
mentioned already by Maurer et al. (2006), still remains
unsolved. When a text fragment is properly re-used, i.e.,
Identification of including its corresponding citation or reference, it does not
Natural Language Python, Java or Perl
63 Proper compose a case of plagiarism, and it would not be
Processing programming skill
Citations considered as suspicion. The development of techniques for
discriminating between plagiarism and properly cited re-
use requires, firstly, obtaining (or generating) diverse cases
of quotations and, more general, proper and wrong
citations. Afterwards, models that recognise proper citation
patterns could be designed.
Restaurant automation is the next evolutionary step for
restaurants that are looking to increase customer awareness
and loyalty, and offer their valued guests a modern and
interactive way to order food as well as receive
personalized and interactive service. We develop sleek and
easy-to-use Android tablets and mobile application that you
can use to replace your outdated paper menus of yesteryear
and provide guests with attractive electronic menu board
instead. Restaurant Automation is designed to support all Mobile App
64 kinds of android based devices. Android tablets and mobile (Android, iPhone,
are one of the coolest ways to display ideas. Android based etc.)
mobile applications are sleek, stylish and very handy,
convenient and easy to use. They are interactive touch
screen display which makes viewing a pleasure. We are
going to facilitate the customers that they can easily order
the desired food. There will be complete digital menu of
restaurant with prices and availability shows on your
mobile. Expected delivery time of order will be notified
and your order details will be sent to the counter.

Currently used biometric system is not sufficiently efficient

Efficient Digital Image
& user friendly. Further it is not 100% accurate. We are Vision, Image &
65 biometric Processing or
developing a professional biometric system with better Graphics (VIG)
system for CIIT Computer Vision
efficiency and accuracy.
Social networks on net are very useful and becoming more
& more popular among young generation. However these
Facts finding are now the main cause of Cibber crimes. We are going to
and monitoring develop an application which can guess actual info. of
66 Web Development
of persons on newly added unknown person based on keywords used
social networks during messaging. All conversation will silently transfer to
guardian through email and will immediate alert in case of
any threat.
Currently FYPs are being managed through Dropbox &
Final Year
Google site with some limitations. We are shifting the Databases and
Projects (FYP)
67 whole process of FYP management on our local server Operational
with more features, flexibility and convenience. Intelligence
Deployment of this project is also the part of our job.
The mobile devices are becoming more and more popular
and powerful and are providing a new notion of
communication that we could once only imagine. A truly
wireless mobile is new to the vast majority of computer
users. We know wireless mobile phones, but the idea of
being able to connect to the Internet in a similar fashion is
something with ramifications we've yet to fully realize. The
vast majority of us are still accustomed to plugging a
Remote modem into a phone back to connect to the Internet Mobile App
68 Administration remotely. The enhancements in the technologies help us to (Android, iPhone,
using Mobile have the Internet accessing facilities even on the mobiles. etc.)
Our project is related to accessing a remote PC using a
mobile. The system gives the user the user the ability to
access remote computer via mobile phone from everywhere
in the world. The user is connected to the Internet server by
a service provider according to the IP address specified by
him. If a connection is established the user can access the
remote system. The user can read, write and can execute
specific files on the remote PC.

Current tourism system, whenever a tourist visits famous

spots, to know more about the place he hires a guide. The
hired guide then narrates history of the place. The proposed
system doesn’t require a physical guide. The Mobile
application installed on the mobile of tourist can act as a
guide. The application “Mobile Travel Guide” solves all Mobile App
Mobi Travel
69 these problems. It offers below services, 1. Retrieves the (Android, iPhone,
user’s current geological coordinates. 2. Converts the etc.)
Latitude/longitude to street address. 3. Does video search
for that place and displays those to user. 4. User watches
the video of his choice. Mobile Application has,
Location finder Video Search Video player Provide
other assistance Settings

There is a great need for original characters, scenes and
scenes and
other graphics related items for the above game. This effort
other graphics Use of graphics
70 does not need “programming” as such but requires a lot Game Development
for the Islamic related tools
imagination and extensive use of many graphics related

Web Based It is the same idea as described above (Andorid or iPhone

Game to Based Game to Simulation of Islamic Economic System),
Simulate except that instead of working on Android based platform Programming, DB,
71 Game Development
Islamic it will be web based and can be even a Facebook OS
Economic application with same look and feel as the mobile based
System one.
Almost every semester I hold a discussion on economic
system of Islam and almost every time people ask me,
where is it implemented? Obviously the answer is,
currently nowhere. This got me thinking, what about if we
can implement it virtually. What I mean is how about if we
develop a large multi-player computer game based on
Islamic Economic principles. This game will have multiple
benefits the immediate two are: 1) It will introduce people,
especially our young people, to economic principles of
Islam. Many of our youngsters play useless games like
Simcity, Civilization etc. My aim is to engage young
people in exploring concepts of Islamic economic system.
These people most likely will not read economics books
Android or
but they might play computer game. This way we can get
iPhone Based
them to discuss what is actually happening in our society as
Game to
compared to what should be happening. It will hopefully Java programming,
72 Simulate Game Development
demonstrate to them that if we all play according to Islamic DB, OS
rules we will all ( except the current ruling elite ) be better
off. This might bring about the much needed change
without the bloodshed that political pundits are talking
about. 2) It can generate data ( albeit simulated/game data)
about how an economic system based on principals of
Islam will work, what will be the distribution of wealth,
how will businesses operate in such a system etc. This will
depend on how the game is designed and played. A basic
version of the game with two modules was developed last
semester by students of CIIT and one group from NU-
FAST is working on a web-based version. But as anyone
who has ever played Simcity or any such game can
appreciate that it is huge undertaking. It is a very large
project and as such will require many people and a few
years to fully develop.

The path of any non-holonomic (car like) mobile robot

travelling from one point to another needs to be smooth
(fair) so as to avoid sharp jerks that can otherwise create
Designing fair
premature wear and tear of the robot. Since most of such
route for non- Intelligent Machines
73 robots are battery operated therefore not only less Numerical Methods
holonomic and Robotics
oscillations in their path is required but also we need to
mobile robots
keep these shortest (time & energy efficient).Any path
avoiding obstacles (if any) might be an additional
The introduction of imaging technology to assist the
identification process of firearms has enhanced the ability
of forensic ballisticians to conduct analysis of these
specimens for perfect identification. Firearm identification
Ballistics Image Digital Image
is an intensive and time-consuming process that requires Vision, Image &
74 Processing Processing or
physical interpretation and matching of fire pins with Graphics (VIG)
(BIP) Computer Vision
firearms. Image matching algorithms in a database of
cartridge cases of firearms will be developed to automate
the whole process of firearms identification in Punjab
Forensic Science Agency, Lahore.

The project is to develop Android and Web Application for

Outdoor Navigation System at Organizational level. Admin
can perform following functionalities.Add map of any
organization into Web Application Provide some details,
such as, basic longitude and latitude, paths (such as roads,
walking tracks etc), details of different locations.Whereas
End user can Perform following functionalities: 1.) Search Android SDK,
Navigation Software
75 locations, 2.)Get directions from one place to another, 3.) HTML, XML, PHP,
System for Engineering
Navigate through street view, 4.) Add favorite places, 5.) JavaScript, mySQL
Create own map which will be synced with Android
Application. 6.) Android Application will provide map and
navigation system (using GPS) of the organization where
user can search places, get directions (voice prompt
navigation). User account will be synced on both, Android
and Web Application.

Comparison of
probabilistic Wireless adhoc networks with mobile devices are highly • Computer Networks
routing protocol dynamic and complex in nature. For such networks routing • Strong programming
with proactive strategies are different from traditional networks as these Communication concepts • Excellent
routing networks are time variant. For such networks, we can find Networks command of C/C++ •
protocols in an efficient routing protocol under time-variant property of Eager to learn new
wireless adhoc network. material by self-study

• Strong programming
Online social networks (OSN) have grown a largest
concepts • Excellent
platform for interaction and entertainment such as games.
command of Java /
Detection of A lot of applications are developed for the OSN; however,
Artificial Python • Good
Malicious the real intentions of the application may vary from
77 Intelligence, concepts of statistics
Applications on developer to developer. Some application may have
Machine Learning and linear algebra
OSN malicious intentions for which user may not be aware.
(Optional) • Eager to
Machine learning can algorithms can be used to detect
learn new material by
malicious applications offered to OSN users.
Leading to a mega project SLATE, we are developing a
state-of-the-art and very interesting learning tools for the
children of nation. Main objective is to bridge the huge gap
among our different education standards. Our graphical and
animated learning tools will not only accommodate all
levels of students in a class but also very helpful for
teachers and parents. We envisage the use of intuitive
animations for teaching as per the intellectual requirements
Smart Learning of individual students. The thematic composition of the
Advanced learning environment is based on concepts adapted from
Vision, Image &
78 Tools for famous and interesting games. Our application is child
Graphics (VIG)
Education friendly, bilingual (English and Urdu), available both for
(SLATE) windows and android, handy (tablet & mobile versions),
and helpful in clearing concepts using personalized
examples from our own culture. It has flexible adaptation
of teaching methods in the light of child performance
catering the need of each individual student through
evaluation after every lesson. Teaching, learning, and
evaluation modules of our project are being surveyed
during the development phases for the feedback of
children, teachers, and parents.

Like many other professionals in U.S.A radiologists are

very expensive. On average a mid ranged radiologists costs
around $400,000 per year for a hospital. In the current
depressed U.S economy everyone is trying to cut costs, so
are hospitals. Insurance companies don’t pay a penny more
than what is the market rate for any medical procedure. As
a result of all these pressures there a great demand for
offshore radiological help. Like off shore call centers,
hospitals in U.S are sending their radiological work to areas
where they can find English speaking, competent
Offshore Software Programming, DB,
79 radiologists at cheaper rates. India is one such location and
Radiological Engineering OS
Indian doctors are making good use of their IT
infrastructure to promote their services. Dr. TanveerZubairi
of Punjab Radiology is trying to develop such a center in
Pakistan. He needs a complete solution where by
radiological images ( mostly CT and MRI scans ) are
downloaded from USA, interpreted and reported by
competent radiologists here in Lahore and sent back to
USA. All of this has to be done in the constraints of time,
US medical related laws ( which are quite extensive ),
client satisfaction etc.
Children who are born with serious hearing disorders don’t
develop speech abilities, even though their speech related
physiological aspects are healthy. As a result they face a
big challenge in the long run as far as their communication
skills are concerned. Many opportunities available for
ordinary members of society become out of reach for them.
When such children are given hearing aids they face a very
interesting problem. Since they had not heard and
processed speech so they don’t know how to speak. They
need specialized training to learn to speak. It is a very
frustrating process; each word has be repeated thousands of
Speech Therapy time. This training is imparted by trained speech therapists.
for Speech The job of a speech therapist is very challenging and as
80 Challenged such there is a high rate of turnover in this field. Moreover Programming
Children of in Pakistan the number of properly trained speech
Pakistan therapists is far less than what is needed. As a result a large
number of children are unable to receive the professional
training that they need to be able to speak properly. With
the decline in cost of computing hardware it is now
possible for the less fortunate ones to afford basic
hardware, the problem is software. Almost all of speech
therapy related software is proprietary and quite expensive,
especially for those living in underdeveloped countries.
Moreover language is also a problem. Majority of the
proprietary speech therapy software is meant to teach
English, which is not our mother tongue. This project is
intended to fill this gap.

Morphological This project will automate the pathological tests of human Digital Image
Vision, Image &
81 Analysis of sperms by using video clips captured by digital microscope Processing or
Graphics (VIG)
Human Sperms through morphological analysis. Computer Vision

3D Obstacle In this project, we will develop a 3D smooth and obstacle

Computer Graphics,
Avoiding avoiding path planning algorithm for an unmanned aerial
Intelligent Machines Embedded systems,
82 Smooth Path vehicle (UAV) operating in natural environment. This
and Robotics Micro processing
Planning for a algorithm will be tested either through simulator or on
UAV small size helicopter.

Auto crowd management system by counting moving

people using surveillance cameras is very useful,
Swarm convenient and effective. Developed system will very Digital Image
Vision, Image &
83 Management intelligently manage the crowd of people on places having Processing or
Graphics (VIG)
System (SMS) multiple entry/exit points and will keep the balance of Computer Vision
people at every point. This project can further be extended
for the security and many more applications.
This project is on visual enhancement of MRI (Magnetic
Mammography Resonance Imaging) for the convenience and accurate
Visual understanding of doctor. Enhanced image is also used to Digital Image
Vision, Image &
84 Enhancement in automate the diagnose process and grading of disease level. Processing or
Graphics (VIG)
Cancer Results are also used as the second opinion. This project is Computer Vision
Diagnosis addressing a very serious and rapidly spreading breast
cancer not only in our society but all over the world.

NFC (Near Field Communication) or Mobile RFID is

integrated in most of the upcoming Smartphone, such as
Samsung Google Nexus S. NFC feature works from a
distance of around 20cm with passive RFID/NFC Tags
having capacity of storing small amount of information.
This information can be read by the NFC equipped
Smartphone and further programmed to react (according to
Java, Android SDK,
Remote Control information available on RFID/NFC tag). Focus of this
Software Eclipse, C# or Java
85 NFC Enabled project will be on: Automatically launching Android
Engineering (for desktop
Smartphone Application by touching the NFC Tag, enabling Bluetooth
and start communication with the Desktop Computer.
Viewing Contents of Android Smartphone from the
Desktop Computer via Bluetooth Controlling Android
Smartphone from the Desktop Computer At least two
applications would be required to develop, one for Android
phone and the other for the desktop computer with whom it
will communicate.

Diabetic retinopathy is a condition where the retina is

damaged due to fluid leaking from the blood vessels into
and Grading of Vision, Image &
86 the retina and patient may lead to blindness if untreated. As DIP or CV
Retinal Images Graphics (VIG)
the part of a mega project at local hospital, students need to
enhance and grade retinal images for diabetes retinopathy.

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